#Best IVF Centre In Delhi NCR
prideivfsblog · 1 year
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
Every parent’s dream is to have a kid. If you can’t conceive naturally, especially after trying for years, it can be distressing. Reasons include low egg or sperm quality, hereditary illness, fibroids, and endometriosis. In such instances, numerous couples have turned to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), an assisted reproduction procedure that can boost the odds of producing a child. Check out the nutrition tips to begin IVF journey.
You’re about to embark on your in vitro fertilization (IVF) adventure, or you may already be there. But you’re not alone: roughly 1 in every 8 women needs this extra aid to conceive.
IVF is frequently the best approach to conceive a biological kid if you’re ready to start or expand your family and have exhausted all other reproductive options.
IVF is a medical treatment that involves fertilizing an egg with sperm to produce an embryo — a baby seedling! This takes place outside of your body.
The embryo is then either frozen or transplanted to your uterus (womb), with the goal of becoming pregnant.
As you prepare for, begin, and complete an IVF cycle, you may experience a range of emotions. Anxiety, melancholy, and insecurity are all prevalent emotions.
After all, IVF may be time-consuming, physically taxing, and expensive, all for the sake of a chance at pregnancy.
Not to mention the hormonal imbalance. After around two weeks of frequent doses, your emotions will be heightened and your body will feel utterly out of whack.
It’s only natural that the 30 days preceding up to your IVF cycle are critical for ensuring that your body is healthy, robust, and ready for this pretty intensive medical procedure.
This is your guide to ensuring that you and your spouse have the highest chance of becoming parents through IVF. You will not only survive but flourish during your IVF cycle if you follow this advice.
Cycles of IVF-
When it comes to IVF, there are numerous steps to go through. It’s not uncommon to require more than one IVF round before things become permanent.
The phases are listed below, along with how long each one takes:
The preparation period begins two to four weeks before your IVF cycle begins. Making tiny lifestyle modifications to ensure you’re at your healthiest is part of it.
Your doctor may prescribe medicine to help you get your menstrual cycle back on track. This makes the rest of the IVF phases go more smoothly.
Stage 1- takes only one day to complete. The first day of your IVF cycle is the first day of your menstruation closest to the IVF treatment date. Yes, getting your period is a positive thing in this situation.
Stage 2- might take anywhere from 3 to 12 days to complete. You’ll start taking fertility medicines to wake up or stimulate your ovaries. This stimulates them to produce more eggs than usual.
Stage 3- Here you’ll receive an injection of “pregnancy hormone,” or human chorionic gonadotropin as it’s commonly called (HCG). This hormone facilitates the release of eggs from your ovaries. You’ll be to the fertility clinic 36 hours after the injection, when your doctor will harvest or remove the eggs.
Stage 4- is divided into two sections and occupies one day. Your spouse (or a donor) will have previously contributed sperm or will do so while your eggs are being extracted. The new eggs will be fertilized within hours in any case. This is the time when you’ll start taking progesterone. This hormone promotes a healthy pregnancy and lowers the risk of miscarriage in your womb.
Stage 5– Your healthy embryo will be implanted into your womb less than a week after your eggs have been extracted. You won’t feel anything because this is a non-invasive process.
Stage 6– You’ll be back in your doctor’s office in 9 to 12 days. The doctor will do a scan to assess how well your seedling has settled into your womb. A blood test will be performed to determine your pregnancy hormone levels.
IVF lifestyle suggestions-
We’ll go over the lifestyle adjustments that will best support your body during your IVF cycle, pregnancy, and overall health. Here are some nutrition tips to begin IVF journey.
What to Eat During IVF Treatment?
Focus on eating nutritious, balanced meals during your IVF cycle. During this period, avoid making any substantial or significant changes, such as going gluten-free if you aren’t already. It doesn’t harm to eat a healthy diet in the weeks leading up to the cycle.
Encourage your partner to follow a healthy diet with you because nutrition has an impact on sperm health.
Here are some simple ways to include healthy food into your diet:
Eat plenty of fruits and veggies.
Include whole grains in your diet, such as quinoa, farro, and whole grain pasta.
Stir in the legumes, such as beans, chickpeas, and lentils.
Make the switch to low-fat dairy.
Include avocado, extra-virgin olive oil, nuts, and seeds in your diet.
Eliminate red meat, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and other highly processed items from your diet.
Remove the salt. Instead, use herbs and spices to season your cuisine.
How should I exercise during IVF?
Many women avoid or quit exercising throughout their IVF cycle out of fear that it may harm their chances of getting pregnant. Don’t be concerned. The majority of women can continue to exercise. Select lean proteins such as fish and chicken.
If you’re a runner, you may comfortably substitute long runs with:
a light jog
elliptical curve
From discussing about the foods to eat before going for IVF, foods to eat before embryo transfer, IVF success diet tips, to diet tips for IVF success, Pride IVF Centre is here to help you with how to make IVF successful by providing nutrition tips to begin IVF journey.
Pride IVF Centre has the best IVF specialist in Delhi to provide you with all the support and assistance that you need through your IVF journey.
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nurtureivfcentre · 22 days
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best ivf centre in delhi ncr
"Discover unparalleled fertility care at the best IVF centre in Delhi NCR. Renowned for cutting-edge technologies and personalized treatment plans, this center stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to build their families. With a commitment to excellence and compassionate care, the best IVF centre in Delhi NCR is your partner on the journey to parenthood."
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Best IVF Clinic in Delhi NCR- Mediworld Fertility
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Mediworld Fertility is the Best IVF Clinic in Delhi NCR that offers a range of fertility treatments and has experienced doctors and staff. Patients can consult with them to determine if their services meet their needs. The center have specialized doctors, embryologists, and support staff who use various techniques such as IVF, ICSI, and IUI to help patients achieve a successful pregnancy. They may also offer counseling, diagnostic testing, and other fertility treatments to help patients overcome infertility.
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ivfpride21 · 1 year
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
If you are experiencing something unusual with your reproductive organs, be it periodic issues, sexual problems, or any other concerns, it’s time to see a gynecologist. Gynecological problems can be serious. Most of the time, the problems generally arise unannounced. So, even if you are fit and healthy, you should do regular check-ups. Even if not for now; you should choose a good gynecologist whom you can trust for future requirements.
However, choosing the best Gynae is not easy. You have to keep few points in mind while looking for a doctor.
Get Recommendations
Getting recommendations from your trusted people can help you to find the best gynecologist. Not only that you will get reviews on skills, behavior, and experiences of the doctor from them along with the pre and post-childbirth care services.
Gynae problems, especially the issues of infertility, are always very sensitive. Not only the issues are difficult, but the proper diagnosis is also critical. Therefore, it is always ideal to find the most experienced and the best gynecologist for infertility.
Examine Behavior
Make sure you are comfortable with your gynecologist. The doctor may ask intimate questions such as — your sexual lifestyles, monthly cycles, birth control pills. If the doctor acts hostile around you; you would not be able to say your concerns comfortably. Sometimes, you may not share the same values with your doctor. So it is easier to find out beforehand to communicate freely.
Read Reviews
Once you get the recommendations; check the reviews online such as the behavior around the patients, experience in the field, charges for the service. Ask your friends, relatives, and known people about their experiences from the gynecologist. Doing all these will help you to find the best gynecologist doctor quite efficiently.
Easy Availability
Not only the doctor you choose has to be the best but also has to be available at any time. The appointment must be easily available or whenever an emergency arises you can call.
If you want the service of the best gynecologist doctor in Delhi, you have to spend money generously. So, do your research beforehand on how to manage your treatment and the aftercare.
You have to keep in mind that you still can visit the doctor when needed. The doctor must be near you so that you can get in touch with your doctor easily when needed. The doctor should be close to your stay. During your third trimester of pregnancy; it will be easier to go on labor easily.
Hospital Quality
Before your treatment, you should also check the hospital where you are getting your service. A good doctor along with a good hospital environment is also needed to get the best result. Find out about the latest technology and instruments the hospital uses.
So, these are the basic parameters you have to keep in check while choosing your gynecologist. You must go to a doctor whom you trust completely. After all, you are handing your body to someone. A good doctor, along with good hospitality and your faith in your doctor, gives you the most effective result.
Pride IVF Centre one of the best IVF centre in Delhi, India where patients can avail of end-to-end infertility solutions at low EMI cost. The clinic has a team of infertility experts and qualified embryologists to ensure the highest IVF success rate.
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prideivf8 · 1 year
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a prominent infertility treatment where a man’s sperm and a woman’s eggs are merged outside the body in a laboratory dish. This process helps in embryo development, fertilization, and implantation so that you could feel your dream parenthood.
In-vitro Fertilization is a perfect blend of surgical procedures and medicines which assist sperm fertilize an egg, and help the fertilized egg to implant in your uterus.
In-vitro Fertilization is considered best for genetic disorder, unexplained infertility, impaired sperm production or function, past tubal sterilization or removal, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovulation disorders, and fallopian tube damage or blockage.
However, there are 5 stages of IVF you should know. Let us know what the Best IVF Centre in Delhi says about different stages of In-vitro Fertilization.
What are the 5 stages of IVF?
In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) is considered the most powerful form of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure is completely safe and actually helps you to conceive. However, you should collect every possible information about IVF procedure and IVF cost in Delhi/NCR in prior of getting the treatment. Let’s explore the 5 stages of IVF below:
Stage 1: Ovarian stimulation
No matter you are using an egg donor or your own eggs, IVF doctor will prescribe medications or injectable hormones for stimulating the ovaries to develop more number of eggs instead of one egg that usually develop every month. This ultimately increases the chances of having the one feasible embryo to use during the IVF procedure.
Ovarian stimulation usually occurs over 10 days before your eggs are suitable for collection. A vaginal ultrasound may be executed for monitoring your ovarian follicles and further blood tests are conducted to understand your estrogen levels.
However, you don’t need to worry when you are under the supervision of best IVF Centre in Delhi.
Stage 2: Egg retrieval
Egg retrieval process is executed at your Centre for IVF after 34 to 36 hours from the final injection and before ovulation. You are sedated and offered pain medication during the egg retrieval process.
During the egg retrieval process, an ultrasound probe is inserted into your vagina to recognize follicles. Further, a thin needle is used to retrieve the eggs.
When transvaginal ultrasound is not sufficient to access your ovaries, an abdominal ultrasound is conducted to guide the needle. It is also possible to remove multiple eggs within 20 minutes. You may feel cramping upon the execution of egg retrieval process for which medicines are given by your IVF doctor. Healthy and mature eggs are further mixed with sperm for creating embryos.
Stage 3: Sperm retrieval
Your partner is required to submit his semen sample to your IVF Centre. Your semen will be then analyzed by expert IVF doctors and they will decide whether the semen is suitable for fertilization or not.
Semen sample is usually collected via masturbation. However, in some cases, testicular aspiration procedure is also used where a needle is used to extract sperm from the testicle directly. In few cases, donor sperm is also used.
Stage 4: Fertilization
Fertilization process is concluded using two commonly used methods and it includes Conventional insemination and Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
In Conventional insemination, healthy sperm and mature eggs are first mixed and then incubated overnight.
During Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a healthy sperm is directly injected to each mature egg. However, ICSI method is preferred when semen quality is not adequate or fertilization failed in the past.
Based on the situation, your IVF Centre in Delhi may also suggest other procedures in prior to the embryo transfer and it includes Assisted hatching and Preimplantation genetic testing.
Stage 5: Embryo transfers
Embryo transfer is usually done at your IVF Centre and conducted 2 to 5 days after the egg retrieval. You may be given a meek sedative as the method is generally painless. However, you may face mild cramping.
During Embryo transfer, a long and thin tube which is otherwise called a catheter is inserted to your vagina, via your cervix and into your uterus.
Further, your IVF doctor will place the embryo to your uterus using a syringe.
Your IVF Centre may conduct a blood test after 12 to 14 days of egg retrieval just to check whether you are pregnant or not.
This was all about different stages of In-vitro Fertilization. Here, I would like to leave a note that IVF indeed has huge success rate and therefore, it is a globally-accepted infertility treatment.
However, you should always get treatment from a reputed IVF Centre in your city. IVF is a complex process and hence it must be handled by good doctors. You must not fall into the trap of fake advertisement; instead you should involve yourself to check whether a particular IVF Centre is actually good or not.
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prideivfblogblog · 1 year
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
 Symptoms of IVF Pregnancy
Many prospective mothers watch for certain signals to see whether they indicate a successful embryo transfer. During the two-week interval between your frozen embryo transfer and a pregnancy test, you may have menstruation-like symptoms. Some of these signs and symptoms of IVF pregnancy include:
1. Bleeding or spotting
The first symptom of pregnancy is usually light bleeding or spotting. It’s possible that spotting in your underwear or on toilet paper when you wipe indicates implantation, which signifies the embryo has implanted into the uterine wall lining. Some spotting or bleeding a week after embryo transfer, according to Mukherjee, could be a favorable sign. Unfortunately, he continues, bleeding is such a distressing symptom that it fails to reassure many individuals. Furthermore, spotting is normal when using hormone drugs like progesterone for the first two weeks following the embryo transfer. Most likely, your doctor would recommend that you continue taking progesterone to assist your body create the same quantities of hormones as it did during the first few weeks of pregnancy, which means that spotting may or may not indicate a successful embryo transfer.
2. Cramping
One of the first indicators that “Aunt Flow” is approaching is cramming. It could also indicate that an embryo transfer went well. However, before you run to the store for a pregnancy test, keep in mind that mild discomfort could be caused by the progesterone you’re taking during the 2-week wait, according to the National Infertility Association. Mild cramping might also occur shortly after any pelvic operation in some persons.
3. Sore breasts
Sore breasts are a common early indicator of pregnancy for some women. This could be an indication of a successful embryo transfer if your breasts are swollen or sore to the touch and ache when you bump them. Breast discomfort is caused by pregnant hormones, according to Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, an OB-GYN and director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals. However, aching breasts could be a side effect of the hormone medicine you’re receiving for the next two weeks. Breast soreness is also reported to be caused by injectable and oral progesterone.
4. Tiredness or fatigue
From day one through birth (and beyond! ), feeling tired and exhausted seems to be a normal component of pregnancy. When your progesterone levels rise, you may feel particularly tired at first. In general, most people will feel exhausted around the time their period is due. This could be a sign of a successful embryo transfer, but it could also be a side effect of the fertility drugs you’re taking. The most common reason of exhaustion is increased progesterone levels, which can occur as a result of pregnancy or drugs prescribed by your doctor.
5. Nausea
Morning sickness or nausea usually begins in the second month of pregnancy, so it’s not a symptom you’ll feel in the two weeks after an embryo transfer. Many women who experience this terrible symptom report feeling ill to their stomach two weeks after their period is missed. If you do experience nausea or vomiting throughout the 2-week period, keep track of it — particularly if it gets frequent — and consult your doctor.
6. Bloating
The increased bloat around your stomach can be attributed to an increase in progesterone levels. When this hormone spikes, like it happens when you’re pregnant or using fertility drugs, it might cause your digestive system to slow down and make you feel bloated. This can happen before your period, if you’re pregnant, or when you’re taking progesterone or other medicines during IVF or after an embryo transfer.
7. Changes in discharge
You may notice changes in vaginal discharge that have nothing to do with a positive pregnancy test if your doctor prescribes progesterone in a vaginal preparation (suppositories, gel, or vaginal tablets) to use during the 2-week wait. Using vaginal capsules or suppositories can cause burning, irritation, discharge, and yeast infections. Increased vaginal discharge can potentially be an indication of impending pregnancy. During the early weeks of pregnancy, you may notice a thin, white, mild-smelling discharge if the changes are the result of a successful embryo transfer (and eventually, a positive pregnancy test).
8. Increased need to pee
Trips to the restroom late at night and a greater need for pit stops could be signs of early pregnancy. Before they miss a period, some women may sense an urge to urinate more frequently. However, this is more than likely another symptom you’ll notice after missing a period.
A rise in the pregnancy hormone HCG, as well as a spike in progesterone, causes frequent trips to the bathroom. The increased desire to pee is due to the excess blood in your body if the embryo transfer was successful.
We at Pride IVF Centre are one of the best IVF Centre in Delhi. Our mission is to continually improve the quality of reproductive science provided to society, to foster the participation of infertility consultants, to recognize the value and contributions of our employees, and to provide innovative health solutions to meet individual and challenging healthcare needs. To provide total medical services and the highest quality tertiary (super-specialty) care in a healthy environment where we enjoy serving patients, where meeting today’s healthcare challenge of complex medical needs is viewed as a defining proficiency, and where quality and safety of cares are always a priority.
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babyjoyivffertility · 2 years
Start your IVF Journey at Baby Joy IVF. One of the best IVF center in Delhi with high success rates. We provide Affordable IVF Packages to our patients. Get free consultation and assessment by experts, call us today at 88-0000-1978 or book online at www.babyjoyivf.com.
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rawahealth · 6 days
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reproartfertility · 3 months
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Why Does IVF Fail in Certain Cases?
Understanding the various factors contributing to IVF failure can help individuals and couples make informed decisions and optimize their chances of success.
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selectivf · 7 months
Finding the Best Infertility Specialist in Delhi NCR for Select IVF: A Guide to Fertility Excellence
Infertility can be a challenging journey for couples aspiring to start a family. In Delhi NCR, a bustling hub of medical excellence, there are numerous options when it comes to seeking fertility treatment. Among the many clinics and specialists, Select IVF has emerged as a leading destination for individuals and couples facing fertility issues. In this article, we will explore what makes Select IVF the go-to choice for infertility treatment, the Best infertility specialists in Delhi NCR, the fertility center’s offerings, and the IVF cost in Delhi NCR.
Select IVF: A Trusted Name in Fertility Treatment
Select IVF, situated in the heart of Delhi NCR, has garnered a reputation as one of the best fertility centers in the region. The clinic’s commitment to providing world-class care, cutting-edge technology, and a patient-centric approach sets it apart from the rest.
The Best Infertility Specialists in Delhi NCR
A key factor in Select IVF’s success is its team of highly skilled and experienced infertility specialists. These doctors are dedicated to helping patients overcome their fertility challenges. Here are a few of the standout specialists at Select IVF:
Dr. Nisha Bhatnagar: With over 15 years of experience in reproductive medicine, Dr. Bhatnagar is a renowned infertility specialist known for her compassionate care and innovative treatment approaches.
Dr. Kaberi Banerjee: A leading infertility specialist with vast expertise in IVF and IUI treatments, Dr. Banerjee’s commitment to personalized care has made her a sought-after doctor for couples seeking fertility solutions.
Dr. Priti Gupta: A highly skilled reproductive endocrinologist, Dr. Gupta specializes in advanced fertility treatments like IVF, ICSI, and egg freezing. Her dedication to research ensures that patients receive the latest and most effective treatments.
Dr. Surveen Ghumman Sindhu: An experienced gynecologist and infertility specialist, Dr. Sindhu offers comprehensive fertility solutions and has helped numerous couples achieve their dream of parenthood.
These specialists, along with the entire team at Select IVF, work collaboratively to provide individualized care to each patient, tailoring treatments to their unique needs and circumstances.
The State-of-the-Art Fertility Centre in Delhi NCR
Select IVF is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology to offer a wide range of fertility treatments. Some of the key services and features of their fertility center include:
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): Select IVF offers advanced IVF treatments, including ICSI, IMSI, and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), to increase the chances of successful conception.
Egg Donation and Sperm Donation: For couples facing challenges with their own gametes, Select IVF has a comprehensive egg and sperm donation program, ensuring that patients have access to quality donor options.
Surrogacy: The clinic provides support and guidance for couples who require the assistance of a gestational surrogate to carry their child to term.
Comprehensive Diagnostic Services: Select IVF has a well-equipped diagnostic laboratory, allowing for precise assessments and early diagnosis of fertility issues.
Psychological Support: Infertility can take an emotional toll, and Select IVF offers counseling and support services to help patients navigate the emotional aspects of their fertility journey.
IVF Cost in Delhi NCR
One of the common concerns for couples seeking fertility treatments is the cost. Select IVF understands the financial aspect of fertility treatments and strives to provide affordable options without compromising on quality care. The IVF cost in Delhi NCR varies depending on individual circumstances, the type of treatment required, and any additional services such as egg or sperm donation or surrogacy.
It’s essential to note that while cost is a factor, the quality of care and the expertise of the medical team should be the primary consideration when choosing a fertility clinic. Select IVF offers transparent pricing and can provide detailed cost estimates after an initial consultation.
Select IVF stands out as a beacon of hope for couples struggling with infertility in Delhi NCR. With a team of renowned infertility specialists, a state-of-the-art fertility center, and a commitment to personalized care, Select IVF offers the best possible chance for couples to achieve their dream of parenthood. While the IVF cost in Delhi NCR is a consideration, the quality of care and the expertise of the medical team make Select IVF an excellent choice for those embarking on their fertility journey. If you are looking for the best infertility specialist in Delhi NCR and a trusted fertility center, Select IVF is a name you can trust.
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prideivfsblog · 1 year
Best IVF Centre In Delhi
Symptoms of IVF Pregnancy
Many prospective mothers watch for certain signals to see whether they indicate a successful embryo transfer. During the two-week interval between your frozen embryo transfer and a pregnancy test, you may have menstruation-like symptoms. Some of these signs and symptoms of IVF pregnancy include:
1. Bleeding or spotting
The first symptom of pregnancy is usually light bleeding or spotting. It’s possible that spotting in your underwear or on toilet paper when you wipe indicates implantation, which signifies the embryo has implanted into the uterine wall lining. Some spotting or bleeding a week after embryo transfer, according to Mukherjee, could be a favorable sign. Unfortunately, he continues, bleeding is such a distressing symptom that it fails to reassure many individuals. Furthermore, spotting is normal when using hormone drugs like progesterone for the first two weeks following the embryo transfer. Most likely, your doctor would recommend that you continue taking progesterone to assist your body create the same quantities of hormones as it did during the first few weeks of pregnancy, which means that spotting may or may not indicate a successful embryo transfer.
2. Cramping
One of the first indicators that “Aunt Flow” is approaching is cramming. It could also indicate that an embryo transfer went well. However, before you run to the store for a pregnancy test, keep in mind that mild discomfort could be caused by the progesterone you’re taking during the 2-week wait, according to the National Infertility Association. Mild cramping might also occur shortly after any pelvic operation in some persons.
3. Sore breasts
Sore breasts are a common early indicator of pregnancy for some women. This could be an indication of a successful embryo transfer if your breasts are swollen or sore to the touch and ache when you bump them. Breast discomfort is caused by pregnant hormones, according to Kecia Gaither, MD, MPH, FACOG, an OB-GYN and director of perinatal services at NYC Health + Hospitals. However, aching breasts could be a side effect of the hormone medicine you’re receiving for the next two weeks. Breast soreness is also reported to be caused by injectable and oral progesterone.
4. Tiredness or fatigue
From day one through birth (and beyond! ), feeling tired and exhausted seems to be a normal component of pregnancy. When your progesterone levels rise, you may feel particularly tired at first. In general, most people will feel exhausted around the time their period is due. This could be a sign of a successful embryo transfer, but it could also be a side effect of the fertility drugs you’re taking. The most common reason of exhaustion is increased progesterone levels, which can occur as a result of pregnancy or drugs prescribed by your doctor.
5. Nausea
Morning sickness or nausea usually begins in the second month of pregnancy, so it’s not a symptom you’ll feel in the two weeks after an embryo transfer. Many women who experience this terrible symptom report feeling ill to their stomach two weeks after their period is missed. If you do experience nausea or vomiting throughout the 2-week period, keep track of it — particularly if it gets frequent — and consult your doctor.
6. Bloating
The increased bloat around your stomach can be attributed to an increase in progesterone levels. When this hormone spikes, like it happens when you’re pregnant or using fertility drugs, it might cause your digestive system to slow down and make you feel bloated. This can happen before your period, if you’re pregnant, or when you’re taking progesterone or other medicines during IVF or after an embryo transfer.
7. Changes in discharge
You may notice changes in vaginal discharge that have nothing to do with a positive pregnancy test if your doctor prescribes progesterone in a vaginal preparation (suppositories, gel, or vaginal tablets) to use during the 2-week wait. Using vaginal capsules or suppositories can cause burning, irritation, discharge, and yeast infections. Increased vaginal discharge can potentially be an indication of impending pregnancy. During the early weeks of pregnancy, you may notice a thin, white, mild-smelling discharge if the changes are the result of a successful embryo transfer (and eventually, a positive pregnancy test).
8. Increased need to pee
Trips to the restroom late at night and a greater need for pit stops could be signs of early pregnancy. Before they miss a period, some women may sense an urge to urinate more frequently. However, this is more than likely another symptom you’ll notice after missing a period.
A rise in the pregnancy hormone HCG, as well as a spike in progesterone, causes frequent trips to the bathroom. The increased desire to pee is due to the excess blood in your body if the embryo transfer was successful.
We at Pride IVF Centre are one of the best IVF Centre in Delhi. Our mission is to continually improve the quality of reproductive science provided to society, to foster the participation of infertility consultants, to recognise the value and contributions of our employees, and to provide innovative health solutions to meet individual and challenging healthcare needs. To provide total medical services and the highest quality tertiary (super-specialty) care in a healthy environment where we enjoy serving patients, where meeting today’s healthcare challenge of complex medical needs is viewed as a defining proficiency, and where quality and safety of cares are always a priority.
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angelshope · 1 year
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Despite attempting various infertility treatments, are you still having trouble getting pregnant? To improve your chances of having a healthy baby and relishing parenthood, make an appointment with Dr. Suyesha, one of the best IVF specialists in Delhi. Having immense experience, she has helped multiple patients counter the problem of infertility.
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best ivf centre in delhi ncr
In the bustling heart of Delhi NCR, the quest for parenthood finds a nurturing ally in the best IVF center. This article delves into the nuances of fertility care, spotlighting the key features that distinguish the best IVF center in Delhi NCR as a beacon of hope for aspiring parents.
1. Pinnacle of Expertise and Experience: The best IVF center in Delhi NCR stands tall with a cadre of fertility specialists boasting unparalleled expertise and extensive experience. These professionals navigate the intricate landscape of assisted reproductive technologies, offering personalized care that addresses the diverse fertility challenges encountered by individuals and couples.
2. Cutting-Edge Technologies for Optimal Outcomes: At the forefront of the fertility revolution, the best IVF center in Delhi NCR integrates cutting-edge technologies into its core. From state-of-the-art laboratories to advanced reproductive procedures, the center ensures that individuals receive the most advanced and effective treatments available, maximizing the chances of successful outcomes.
3. Patient-Centric Approach: What sets the best IVF center apart is its unwavering commitment to a patient-centric approach. Tailoring treatment plans to individual needs, the center prioritizes open communication and emotional support, fostering an environment where aspiring parents feel heard, supported, and well-informed throughout their fertility journey.
4. Comprehensive Diagnostic and Treatment Services: The best IVF center in Delhi NCR offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic and treatment services under one roof. From fertility assessments to advanced reproductive interventions, the center streamlines the fertility journey, eliminating the need for multiple referrals and ensuring a seamless and integrated experience for its patients.
5. Transparent Processes and Ethical Practices: Transparency is a hallmark of the best IVF center’s operations. From outlining treatment options to elucidating financial considerations, the center adheres to ethical practices, ensuring that individuals and couples can make informed decisions with clarity and confidence. This commitment to transparency builds trust and fosters a positive patient experience.
6. Success Stories and Testimonials: The best IVF center in Delhi NCR is adorned with a tapestry of success stories and heartfelt testimonials. The center’s consistent delivery of positive outcomes and satisfied patients serves as a testament to its excellence in fertility care. These success stories not only celebrate the joy of parenthood but also instill hope in those embarking on their fertility journey.
In conclusion, the best IVF center in Delhi NCR emerges not merely as a medical facility but as a lifeline for those yearning to embrace parenthood. With a harmonious blend of expertise, technology, patient-centricity, and ethical practices, this center paves the way for aspiring parents to navigate the intricate path of fertility with confidence, optimism, and the promise of a brighter family future.
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shivamivfcenter · 1 year
Best IVF Centre in Shahdara | Best IVF Centre in India
The Best IVF Centre in Shahdara is a renowned provider of top-notch infertility treatment, utilizing world-class facilities and highly qualified medical personnel. Contact us today!
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Website - https://shivamivfcentredelhi.com
Name - Dr. Bhavana Mittal
Phone - 9810740459
Address - 30, Shanti Vihar, Karkardooma, Delhi-110092
Info - Shivam IVF Centre (A Unit of Shivam Surgical & Maternity Centre) is a well-established IVF Centre in Delhi. Established in 1996.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/shivamivfcentredelhi
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shivamivfcentre.delhi/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/IvfShivam
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/shivam-ivf-centre-in-delhi
Pinterest - https://in.pinterest.com/shivamivfcentredelhi/
Google Listing - https://goo.gl/maps/v32ufuhJswbNoAY7A
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ivfpride21 · 1 year
Best IVF Centre In Delhi NCR
Best IVF Centre In Delhi NCR
Over the past 1 year Covid-19 has been the hot topic of discussion around the Globe. It’s sad how COVID -19 has taken a serious toll on our physical and mental health. Everybody around the world is tackling it in their own ways. Amid COVID -19 people are scared to visit general hospitals, which seems to be a wise decision given the current covid-19 scenario.
For people who have been thinking to undergo special treatments like INFERTILITY or have already started the treatment need not to worry. As Infertility clinics are specialized clinics, just make sure before choosing the IVF clinic, if all the precautionary measures are being taken to keep the premises COVID free, to keep their patients safe and sound.
Infertility in itself is quite stressful, don’t let the COVID 19 situation add to that stress.
Visit your IVF clinic by following these easy steps that we’ve got for you, during your visit.
Book yourself an appointment, stick to your time and make sure that you arrive at your booked time.
Wear a face mask properly, maintain the basics of good hygiene, and carry your own sanitizer.
If you have symptoms like cough, cold or fever, you must stay at home, and get an online consultation from the Infertility Expert.
Get your temperature checked before entering the clinic.
It’s only wise if the person with the appointment enters the IVF clinic.
Maintain social distancing, sit at a distance from others because risk is higher if you spend a long time in close proximity.
All the payments should be done digitally.
If you have already started the treatment then don’t let the COVID 19 chaos affect it, because so far pregnant women do not seem to be at any higher risk than other non-pregnant females for a severe form of COVID 19.
To know more about your motherhood journey visit us at www.prideivf.com !
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