#Ben Ridgway
sandmandaddy69 · 2 years
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Ben Ridgway
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lewisossokoh · 1 year
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No Comment 84 : Continuum Infinitum
"Continuum Infinitum" unfolds before your eyes by revealing finer and finer details emanating from a single point. It is a meditation on the mechanics of time and space as infinite and seamless processes. The film is designed to loop so it essentially has no beginning and no end.
As you watch the movie for a minute or so and then look away, you will experience a mild optical illusion that feels as if everything you look at is shrinking away from you. This is caused by the motion after-effect (MAE). It is a visual illusion experienced after viewing a moving visual stimulus for a time (tens of milliseconds to minutes) with stationary eyes, and then fixating on a stationary stimulus. The stationary stimulus appears to move in the opposite direction to the original (physically moving) stimulus. The motion aftereffect is believed to be the result of motion adaptation.
Explanation: Neurons coding a particular movement reduce their responses with time of exposure to a constantly moving stimulus; this is neural adaptation. Neural adaptation also reduces the spontaneous, baseline activity of these same neurons when responding to a stationary stimulus. One theory is that perception of stationary objects, for example rocks beside a waterfall, is coded as the balance among the baseline responses of neurons coding all possible directions of motion. Neural adaptation of neurons stimulated by downwards movement reduces their baseline activity, tilting the balance in favor of upwards movement.
Continuum Infinitum (c) 2012 by Ben Ridgway
Watch No Comment 83 : HERE
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tudorblogger · 8 months
Monthly Reading Summary – August 2023
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everythingstarstuff · 9 months
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Ben Ridgway
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psychedelic-candy · 7 months
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Ben Ridgway
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osmarjun · 28 days
505th PIR - DIVISÃO PARAQUEDISTA AMERICANA - Unidade da 82ª Brigada Paraquedista - Parte Final
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Ativado em julho de 1942 durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o 505º Regimento de Infantaria Paraquedista participou da invasão aliada da Sicília, desembarcando posteriormente em Salerno, da Batalha da Normandia, da Holanda e da Batalha do Bulge, mais tarde o regimento foi enviado para a República do Vietnã em 1968 durante a Guerra do Vietnã. Após a Guerra do Vietnã, o 505º participou de diversas operações militares. Entre elas estavam a Operação Fúria Urgente, a Operação Justa Causa, a Operação Escudo do Deserto, a Operação Tempestade no Deserto, a Operação Restaurar a Esperança, a Operação Liberdade Duradoura (OEF) e a Operação Liberdade do Iraque. O envolvimento mais recente do regimento foi no Afeganistão. A Brigada foi destacada para o Afeganistão de julho de 2019 a março de 2020. Atualmente seu 1º e 2º batalhões estão ativos. Ambos os batalhões estão designados para a 3ª Brigada de Combate, 82ª Divisão Aerotransportada em Fort Bragg, Carolina do Norte.
Sob o comando do Coronel James M. Gavin, 
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James M. Gavin (mostrado aqui como major-general) tornou-se o primeiro comandante do 505º Regimento de Infantaria Paraquedista (PIR) quando o regimento foi ativado em 1942. Gavin mais tarde assumiu o comando da 82ª Divisão Aerotransportada em agosto de 1944 e liderou-a pelo restante. da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O 505º Regimento de Infantaria Paraquedista (PIR) foi ativado em Fort Benning, Geórgia, em 6 de julho de 1942, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, como parte do Comando Aerotransportado dos EUA. Gavin, então com apenas 35 anos, foi um dos primeiros pioneiros aerotransportados, que liderou os homens do 505º em um treinamento extremamente cansativo. No início de 1943, por exemplo, ele anotou em seu diário: "Em 36 horas, o regimento marchou bem mais de 50 milhas, manobrou e apreendeu uma cabeça de vento e a defendeu de contra-ataques enquanto carregava cargas completas de combate e vivia de rações de reserva". Em fevereiro de 1943, o 505º foi designado para a 82ª Divisão Aerotransportada, comandada pelo Major General Matthew Ridgway, então estacionado em Fort Bragg, Carolina do Norte. 
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Maj. Gen. Ridgway Os outros dois regimentos servindo ao lado do 505º foram o 504º PIR e o 325º Regimento de Infantaria de Planadores, e outras unidades de apoio. Em abril, em preparação para a invasão aliada da Sicília (codinome Operação Husky), o regimento foi transferido para a Tunísia, no Norte da África, onde completou seis semanas de treinamento. O 505º (organizado em uma equipe de combate regimental com a adição do 3º Batalhão do 504º, junto com o 376º Batalhão de Artilharia de Campo Paraquedista e a Companhia 'C' do 307º Batalhão de Engenheiros Aerotransportados temporariamente anexados) fez seu primeiro salto de combate atrás das linhas inimigas em Gela nas primeiras horas de 10 de julho de 1943, que foi o primeiro salto de combate de tamanho regimental na história do Exército dos Estados Unidos. Os ventos fortes na zona de lançamento do 505º fizeram com que um grande número do regimento se espalhasse por toda a ilha, com até 100 homens desembarcando no setor do Oitavo Exército Britânico. O 505º sofreu pesadas perdas durante a campanha relativamente breve, incluindo o tenente-coronel Arthur F. Gorham, comandante do 1º Batalhão, que foi morto. O regimento retornou então ao Norte da África em agosto para se reformar e absorver os substitutos antes de participar do ataque a Salerno, na noite de 14 de setembro, onde deu seu segundo salto de combate.
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Paraquedistas na Sicília durante a Operação Husky
As duas primeiras operações na Sicília foram em 9 de julho e em Salerno em 13 de setembro de 1943. O ataque inicial à Sicília, pela 505ª Equipe de Combate Regimental de Paraquedas, sob o comando do Coronel Gavin, foi o primeiro ataque de paraquedas de combate de tamanho regimental conduzido por o Exército dos Estados Unidos. O regimento continuou a lutar na campanha italiana, onde o 505º, auxiliado por tanques da 23ª Brigada Blindada britânica, capturou a cidade de Nápoles no início de outubro, ajudando mais tarde os Aliados a romper a Linha Volturno antes de retornar a Nápoles para tarefas de ocupação. Em janeiro de 1944, o 504º, comandado pelo Coronel Reuben Tucker, foi temporariamente destacado para lutar em Anzio. O 504º foi substituído na divisão pelo inexperiente 507º Regimento de Infantaria Paraquedista, sob o comando do Coronel George V. Millet, Jr.
Em preparação para a operação, a divisão foi significativamente reorganizada. Para facilitar a integração das tropas de substituição, o descanso e o reequipamento após os combates na Itália, o 504º PIR não voltou à divisão para a invasão. Dois novos regimentos de infantaria de paraquedas, o 507º e o 508º, forneceram-lhe, junto com o veterano 505º, um regimento de infantaria. Em outubro, Gavin foi promovido a general de brigada e tornou-se comandante assistente de divisão (ADC) da 82ª Divisão Aerotransportada. Gavin foi substituído pelo tenente-coronel Herbert F. Batcheller, ex-oficial executivo do regimento (XO). Logo depois, o 505º foi retirado para o Reino Unido, juntamente com o resto da 82ª Divisão Aerotransportada (menos o 504º PIR), onde começaram a treinar para a Operação Overlord, a invasão aliada da Normandia. Originalmente enviado para a Irlanda do Norte, o 505º foi para Leicestershire, região de Nottinghamshire, na Inglaterra, em fevereiro de 1944 e começou um treinamento extenuante em preparação para a invasão. 
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Paraquedistas da 505 preparando o embarque para o Dia D
Em 6 de junho de 1944, às 3 da manhã, o 505º Paraquedista estava pousando na Península da Normandia para o terceiro salto de combate do regimento. Foi uma das primeiras unidades aerotransportadas a atingir o solo e libertou a primeira cidade da França, St. Mere-Eglise. Os pára-quedistas saltaram antes do início da invasão - "Hora H". Por causa dessa tradição, de ser o primeiro a entrar na luta, o lema do 505º é “H-Menos”. A unidade recebeu a Menção de Unidade Presidencial. Em setembro de 1944, a unidade participou então da Operação Market Garden, na qual o regimento recebeu uma segunda Menção de Unidade Presidencial. O 505º mais tarde, em dezembro de 1944, lutou na Batalha do Bulge, a maior batalha travada na Frente Ocidental durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. No final da guerra, o 505º recebeu três menções de unidades estrangeiras distintas: o fourragère Francês, a Ordem Militar Holandesa de Guilherme e o Fourragère Belga. Após a rendição alemã em maio de 1945, o regimento serviu como parte da força de ocupação aliada em Berlim. Três dos cinco membros da 82ª Divisão Aerotransportada que receberam a Cruz de Serviço Distinto duas vezes durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial eram membros do regimento. Eles foram o primeiro comandante do regimento, o então coronel James M. Gavin, o comandante do 1º Batalhão, tenente-coronel Arthur F. Gorham e o comandante do 2º Batalhão, tenente-coronel Benjamin H. Vandervoort.
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Paraquedistas na Bélgica
No próximo post a apresentação de um novo trabalho
Forte Abraço!
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casbooks · 10 months
Books of 2023
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Book 31 of 2023
Title: A Ranger Born: A Memoir of Combat and Valor From Korea to Vietnam Authors: Robert W. Black ISBN: 9780307414434 Tags: AC-47 Spooky, AH-1 Cobra, Airborne, B-52 Stratofortress, C-119 Flying Box Car, C-82 Packet, CHN China, CHN Mao Tse Tung, CHN PLA People's Liberation Army, CHN PLAGF People's Liberation Army Ground Force, CHN PVA People's Volunteer Army, CHN Yalu River, Cold War (1946-1991), French and Indian Wars, From LAPL, GBR BA British Army, GBR BA King's Shropshire Light Infantry, GBR Capt. John Smith (Explorer), GBR LCol Robert Rogers (Ranger), GBR United Kingdom, GER Berlin, GER Brandenburg Gate, GER East Berlin, GER Germany, GER West Berlin, Gliders, KOR Battle of Hill 299 Turkey Shoot (Korean War), KOR Battle of Hill 628 (Korean War), KOR Battle of Inchon (Korean War), KOR Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River (1950) (Korean War), KOR Chinese Spring Offensive / 5th Phase (1951) (Korean War), KOR DMZ Demilitarized Zone - 38th Parallel (Korean War), KOR GBR BA British Brigade (Korean War), KOR Hill 1010 (Korean War), KOR Hill 299 (Korean War), KOR Hill 628 (Korean War), KOR Korea, KOR Korean War (1950-1953), KOR Kunu-ri-Sunchon Road, KOR Line Idaho (Korean War), KOR Line Kansas (Korean War), KOR Line No Name (Korean War), KOR Operation Ripper (1951) (Korean War), KOR Pusan, KOR Pusan Perimeter (Korean War), KOR ROK 6th ID, KOR ROK Republic of Korea Army, KOR Sangczon, KOR Seoul, Kuomintang, O-1 Bird Dog, Office of Strategic Services (OSS), PRK North Korea, PRK Yalu River, Rangers, SGP Singapore, SGP Singapore - Newton Towers Hotel, SpecOps, Stalin, UN United Nations, US CIA Central Intelligence Agency, US FL Florida, US FL Florida - Miami, US FL University of Miami, US FL University of Miami - ROTC, US FL University of Miami - ROTC Princess Corps, US MSTS Military Sea Transportation Service, US MSTS USNS General W. F. Hase (T-AP-146), US President Harry S. Truman, US SDS Students for a Democratic Society, US Secretary of State Dean Acheson, US USA 10th Mountain Division, US USA 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, US USA 19th Infantry Regiment, US USA 19th Infantry Regiment - I&R Platoon, US USA 21st Infantry Regiment, US USA 24th ID, US USA 2nd ID, US USA 2nd Ranger Infantry Co (Airborne) - Buffalo Rangers (Segregated), US USA 313th Infantry Regiment, US USA 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, US USA 35th Quartermaster (Pack) Co, US USA 39th Infantry Regiment, US USA 39th Infantry Regiment - G Co, US USA 39th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized), US USA 39th Infantry Regiment (Mechanized) - 1/39, US USA 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, US USA 50th Infantry Regiment, US USA 50th Infantry Regiment - E Co (LRP), US USA 5th Regimental Combat Team, US USA 6th Medium Tank Bn, US USA 6th Medium Tank Bn - C Co, US USA 79th ID, US USA 7th Army, US USA 7th ID, US USA 82nd Airborne Division - All American, US USA 8th Army Ranger Company (Airborne) / 8213th Army Unit, US USA 8th ID, US USA 8th ID - 3rd Brigade, US USA 8th Ranger Infantry Co (Airborne), US USA 9th ID, US USA 9th ID - 2nd Brigade, US USA 9th ID - 3rd Brigade, US USA Camp Carson CO, US USA Camp Hale CO, US USA Col Arthur "Bull" Simons, US USA Fort Benning GA, US USA Fort Benning GA - Harmony Church, US USA Fort Benning GA - Ranger Training Center, US USA Fort Dix NJ, US USA Fort Gordon GA, US USA Fort Gordon GA - Civil Affairs School, US USA Forth Benning GA - Victory Pond, US USA Forth Bragg NC, US USA General Douglas MacArthur, US USA General J. Lawton Collins, US USA General James Van Fleet, US USA General John K. Singlaub, US USA General Matthew Ridgway, US USA General Walton Walker, US USA LRRP Team (Vietnam War), US USA United States Army, US USMC 1st MarDiv, US USMC United States Marine Corps, US USN SEALS, US USN United States Navy, US USN USS General W. F. Hase (AP-146), US USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USAID, USAID John Paul Vann, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954) (French Indochina War), VNM Ben Luc, VNM Can Duoc, VNM Can Giouc, VNM Cao Dai Religion, VNM CIA Air America (1950-1976) (Vietnam War), VNM Dien Bien Phu, VNM DRV Ho Chi Minh, VNM DRV NVA General Vo Nguyen Giap, VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM DRV VC 265th Bn, VNM DRV VC 2nd Independent Bn, VNM DRV VC 506th Bn, VNM DRV VC COSVN Central Office for South Vietnam, VNM DRV VC K-3 Bn, VNM DRV VC Phu Loi Bn, VNM DRV VC Viet Cong, VNM DRV VM Viet Minh, VNM French Indochina War (1946-1954), VNM Gia Dinh, VNM Highway 4, VNM Ho Chi Minh Trail (Vietnam War), VNM Hoa Hao Religion, VNM IV Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Long An Province, VNM Me Ly, VNM Mekong Delta, VNM Operation Arc Light (1965-1973) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Ranch Hand (1962-1971) (Vietnam War), VNM Rach Kien, VNM RVN ARVN 25th ID, VNM RVN ARVN 47th Infantry Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 7th ID, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN RF/PF 627 RF Co (Vietnam War), VNM RVN ARVN RF/PF Regional Forces/Popular Forces (Vietnam War), VNM RVN ARVN Vietnamese Rangers - Biet Dong Quan, VNM RVN Chieu Hoi Program/Force 66 - Luc Luong 66 (Vietnam War), VNM RVN Kit Carson Scouts (Vietnam War), VNM RVN RVNP Can Sat National Police, VNM RVN RVNP CSDB PRU Provincial Reconnaissance Units (Vietnam War), VNM RVN USA CRIP Combined Reconnaissance and Intelligence Platoon (Vietnam War), VNM RVN USA CRIP Long An Province (Vietnam War), VNM RVNP CSDB Can Sat Dac Biet Special Branch Police, VNM Saigon, VNM Song Vam Co Dong, VNM Tam An, VNM Tan Tru, VNM Trach An, VNM US Agent Orange (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Advisory Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM USA MRF Mobile Riverine Force (Vietnam War), VNM USN MRF Mobile Riverine Force (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), Waco Glider, WW2 1st Special Service Force (1942-1944) Rating: ★★★★ (4 Stars) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Korean War.US.Rangers, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.ARVN, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Advisor, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.SpecOps.US.Rangers
Description: Even as a boy growing up amid the green hills of rural Pennsylvania, Robert W. Black knew he was destined to become a Ranger. With their three-hundred-year history of peerless courage and independence of spirit, Rangers are a uniquely American brand of soldier, one foot in the military, one in the wilderness—and that is what fired Black’s imagination. In this searing, inspiring memoir, Black recounts how he devoted himself, body and soul, to his proud service as an elite U. S. Army Ranger in Korea and Vietnam—and what those years have taught him about himself, his country, and our future.Born at the start of the Great Depression, Black grew up on a farm at a time of great hardship but also tremendous national determination. He was a kid who toughened up fast, who learned the hard way to rely on his strength and his wits, who saw the country go to war with Germany and Japan and wept because he was too young to serve. As soon as the army would take him, Black enlisted. And as soon as he could muscle his way in, he became a Ranger.As a private first class in the 82d Airborne Division headquarters, Black withstood the humiliations of enlisted service in the peacetime brown-shoe army. When the Korean War began, he volunteered and trained to be an Airborne Ranger. In Korea, this young warrior, his mind and body bursting with the lusts of adolescence, grew up fast, literally in the line of fire. In clean, vivid prose, Black describes the hell of giving his all for a country that lacked the political resolve to give its all to a war against the North Koreans and the Chinese.If Korea was frustrating, Vietnam was maddening. The heart of this book is devoted to the years of action that Black saw in Long An Province starting in 1967. Black writes of the perplexity of collaborating with South Vietnamese officers whose culture and motives he never fully understood; he conjures up the sudden shock of the Tet Offensive and the daily horror of seeing fellow soldiers and innocent civilians slaughtered—sometimes by stray bullets, often by carelessness or treachery. Vietnam challenged everything Black had come to believe in and left him totally unprepared for the hostility he would face when he returned to a war-weary America. Written with extraordinary candor and passion, A Ranger Born is the memoir of a man who dedicated the best of his life to everything that is great and enduring about America. At once intimate in its revelations and universal in its themes, it is a book with profound relevance to our own troubled time in history. From the Hardcover edition
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kcpstarscream · 1 year
Issue #2
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[The UK actually separated issue 1 & 2, so in America this issue and the previous were sold as one.]
Why is that girl so into that doll?
Ridgway, who did this cover, actually says that this was his first color work and that he didn't know much about the Transformers at the time, "I knew that they were alien robot-creatures. I understood that they had come to Earth thousands of years ago and had remained buried until the present day. I don't recall being given any information on what to draw, but I think someone must have suggested the kids in the foreground."
The scans for #2 and #3 are so bad btw, that I'm grabbing from IDW's Classics which is infamously bad. Mostly cause I couldn't find other reprints. Anyways, the reason why IDW's reprints are so bad is due to deep breath smudged/damaged US pages, inconsistent/muddy colors, fixes some errors but leaves others, creates new errors, improperly fix errors, removal of art work cause Ben-Day shading that was confused with the regular Bed-Day technique. The classics do have a nice Forward by IDW's Transformers writer James Roberts and contain a history of the comics in the introduction, plus articles for some(?) of the stories
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mediadiscord · 2 years
New Comic Book Releases - 9/07/22
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If you're not familiar with where to go to find comics you can use this locator. Let's go ahead and take a look at what's out this week. A WAVE BLUE WORLDMezo Battle At Coban Rock #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Val Rodrigues), $3.99Mezo Battle At Coban Rock #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Terry Blas), $3.99Mezo Battle At Coban Rock #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Val Rodrigues Virgin Variant), AR ABLAZEBoogyman #1 (Cover A Djet), $3.99Boogyman #1 (Cover B Gabriel Gomez), $3.99Boogyman #1 (Cover C Rubine), $3.99Boogyman #1 (Cover D Carlos Nieto Ghost Rider #1 Homage Variant), $3.99Boogyman #1 (Cover F Djet Virgin Variant), ARBoogyman #1 (Cover G Gabriel Gomez Virgin Variant), ARBoogyman #1 (Cover H Rubine Virgin Variant), AR AFTERSHOCK COMICSLast Line #1 (Cover A Andy Clarke & Jose Villarrubia), $4.99Last Line #1 (Cover B Das Pastoras), ARVineyard #2, $4.99 AHOY COMICSHighball #1 (Cover A Fred Harper), $4.99Highball #1 (Cover B David Rubin), AR ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONSArchie Jumbo Comics Digest #333, $8.99Sabrina The Teenage Witch 60 Magical Stories TP, $14.99Sabrina The Teenage Witch Anniversary Spectacular #1, $2.99 ARTIST ELITE PUBLISHINGArtists Elite Presents #2 (Cover A Tyler Kirkham & Ceci De La Cruz)(per Lunar Distribution), $4.99Artists Elite Presents #2 (Cover B Ben Templesmith)(per Lunar Distribution), $4.99Artists Elite Presents #2 (Cover C Freddie E. Williams II)(per Lunar Distribution), $4.99Artists Elite Presents #2 (Cover D Ryan Kincaid)(per Lunar Distribution), $4.99Artists Elite Presents #2 (Cover E Tyler Kirkham & Ceci De La Cruz Virgin Variant)(per Lunar Distribution), AR ASYLUM PRESSFearless Dawn Shorts #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Steve Mannion), $3.99Fearless Dawn Shorts #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Steve Mannion), $3.99Fearless Dawn Shorts #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Blank Variant), $3.99 AWA STUDIOSE-Ratic Recharged #1 (Cover A Kaare Andrews), $3.99E-Ratic Recharged #1 (Cover B Mike Deodato Jr.), $3.99 BANTAM / SPECTRAGeorge R.R. Martin’s A Clash Of Kings Volume 3 GN, $28.00 BAOBAB PRESSPickle Tails Volume 2 The Hijinks Of Muffin And Roscoe 2008-2020 TP, $29.95 BATTLE QUEST COMICSNo’madd The Unconqurable The City Of Empty Towers #3 (Of 6), $4.99 BLACK CARAVANBlade In The Dark #1 (Cover A Rich Woodall), $4.99Blade In The Dark #1 (Cover B Adam Kmiolek), ARPhantasmagoria #1 (Cover A Joe Bocardo), $4.99Phantasmagoria #1 (Cover B David Rubin), ARVanity #2 (Cover A Joseph Schmalke), $4.99Vanity #2 (Cover B Vilma), AR BLACK MASK COMICSGodkiller Spiderland #1 (3rd Printing Cover A Jasmin Darnell), $4.99 BLOOD MOON COMICS9 Circles #3 (Cover A Kool as Heck), $3.999 Circles #3 (Cover B Kool as Heck), AREndangered #3, $3.99 BOOK PALACEIllustrators #38 The Art Of John Watkiss, $27.99 BOOM! STUDIOSBasilisk #11 (Cover A Jonas Scharf), $3.99Basilisk #11 (Cover B Ryan Sook), $3.99Basilisk #11 (Cover C Ryan Sook Virgin Variant), ARBuckhead TP, $14.99Grim #2 (3rd Printing Cover A Flaviano), $3.99Magic #18 (Cover A Miguel Mercado), $4.99Magic #18 (Cover B Frany Secret Planeswalker Variant), $5.99Magic #18 (Cover C Junggeun Yoon Virgin Variant), AROnce And Future #29 (Cover A Dan Mora Connecting Variant), $3.99Once And Future #29 (Cover B Dan Mora Connecting Black & White Virgin Variant), AROnce And Future #29 (Cover C Nick Robles Virgin Variant), ARSomething Is Killing The Children #25 (2nd Printing Cover A Werther Dell’Edera), $4.99 BROADSWORD COMICSAlternate Path Raven Hex The Swordmaiden Deluxe Edition GN, $31.99Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #127 (Deluxe Studio Edition), $19.99 CINEBOOKRaj Volume 1 The Missing Nabobs Of The City Of Gold GN, $11.95Texas Jack Volume 1 GN, $15.95Texas Jack Volume 2 GN, $15.95 COMIC SHOP NEWSComic Shop News #1829, AR COMICS EXPERIENCE PUBLISHINGHell Nebraska HC (Cover A Anna Wieszczyk), $24.99Silencers The Definitive Edition HC, $29.99 CUTAWAY COMICSOmega #4 (Of 4)(Cover A John Ridgway), $4.99Omega #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Robert Hack), $4.99Omega #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Alex Guenther), $4.99 DAIKAIJUG-Fan #136, $8.95 DARK HORSE COMICSAlways Never HC, $24.99Apache Delivery Service TP, $19.99Art Of Battletoads HC, $39.99Astonishing Times TP, $22.99Avatar Adapt Or Die #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Mark Molchan), $3.99B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth Omnibus Volume 5 TP, $29.99Cyberpunk 2077 Blackout #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Roberto Ricci), $3.99Cyberpunk 2077 Blackout #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Max Fiumara), $3.99EC Archives Crime Patrol Volume 1 HC, $49.99Hellboy The Bones Of Giants HC, $24.99Hellboy The Silver Lantern Club HC, $24.99Immortals Fenyx Rising A Traveler’s Guide To The Golden Isle HC, $14.99Joy Operations TP, $24.99Kali HC, $29.99Mind MGMT Bootleg #3 (Of 4)(Cover A David Rubin), $3.99Mind MGMT Bootleg #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Daniel Brereton), $3.99Mind MGMT Bootleg #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Laura Perez), $7.99Shock Shop #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Danny Luckert & Leila Leiz), $3.99Shock Shop #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla & Fabio Moon), $3.99Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy Omnibus Volume 3 TP, $19.99Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy Volume 13 TP, $10.99Survival Street #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Abylay Kussainov), $3.99Survival Street #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Malachi Ward), $3.99Twelve Percent Dread TP, $29.99Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 5 TP (2nd Edition), $29.99Ward #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Andres Ponce), $3.99We Have Demons TP, $19.99 DC COMICSBatman #127 (Cover A Jorge Jimenez), $4.99Batman #127 (Cover B Gabriele Dell’Otto Wraparound Card Stock Variant), $5.99Batman #127 (Cover C Alex Garner Card Stock Variant), $5.99Batman #127 (Cover D Stephen Segovia Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Card Stock Variant), $5.99Batman #127 (Cover E InHyuk Lee Card Stock Variant), ARBatman #127 (Cover F Jock Foil Card Stock Variant), ARBatman Beyond Neo-Year #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Max Dunbar), $3.99Batman Beyond Neo-Year #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batman Beyond Neo-Year #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Max Dunbar Design Card Stock Variant), $4.99Batman Dear Detective #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Lee Bermejo), $7.99Batman Dear Detective #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Lee Bermejo), ARBatman Dear Detective #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Lee Bermejo Foil Variant), ARBatman Knightwatch #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Marcelo Di Chiara), $2.99Batman Urban Legends Volume 3 TP, $29.99Black Adam The Justice Society Files Atom Smasher #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Kaare Andrews), $5.99Black Adam The Justice Society Files Atom Smasher #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Photo Card Stock Variant), $6.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #4 (Of 7)(Cover A Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez), $4.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #4 (Of 7)(Cover B Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson Card Stock Variant), $5.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #4 (Of 7)(Cover C Brett Booth & Jonathan Glapion Zero Hour Homage Card Stock Variant), $5.99Dark Crisis On Infinite Earths #4 (Of 7)(Cover D Dan Jurgens & Norm Rapmund Card Stock Variant), ARDark Crisis On Infinite Earths #4 (Of 7)(Cover E Nathan Szerdy Card Stock Variant), ARDark Crisis On Infinite Earths #4 (Of 7)(Cover F Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sanchez Foil Card Stock Variant), ARDark Crisis On Infinite Earths #4 (Of 7)(Cover G Viktor Bogdanovic Card Stock Variant), $5.99Dark Knights Of Steel Tales From The Three Kingdoms #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Neil Googe), $5.99Dark Knights Of Steel Tales From The Three Kingdoms #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Dan Mora Card Stock Variant), $6.99Dark Knights Of Steel Tales From The Three Kingdoms #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Ejikure Card Stock Variant), ARDark Knights Of Steel Tales From The Three Kingdoms #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Jay Anacleto Card Stock Variant), ARDetective Comics #1062 (2nd Printing Cover A Julian Totino Tedesco), $4.99Detective Comics #1062 (2nd Printing Cover B Julian Totino Tedesco Foil Card Stock Variant), ARFlashpoint Beyond #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Mitch Gerads), $3.99Flashpoint Beyond #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Xermanico Card Stock Variant), $4.99Flashpoint Beyond #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Scott Kolins Card Stock Variant), ARFlashpoint Beyond #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Howard Porter Card Stock Variant), ARMultiversity Teen Justice #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Robbi Rodriguez), $3.99Multiversity Teen Justice #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Stephanie Hans Card Stock Variant), $4.99Multiversity Teen Justice #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Vanesa Del Rey Hispanic Heritage Month Card Stock Variant), $4.99My Buddy Killer Croc TP, $9.99New Champion Of Shazam #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Evan Doc Shaner), $3.99New Champion Of Shazam #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Dan Hipp Card Stock Variant), $4.99New Champion Of Shazam #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Marguerite Sauvage Card Stock Variant), ARNubia And The Amazons HC, $24.99Nubia Queen Of The Amazons #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Khary Randolph), $3.99Nubia Queen Of The Amazons #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Joelle Jones Card Stock Variant), $4.99Poison Ivy #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Jessica Fong), $3.99Poison Ivy #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Jenny Frison Card Stock Variant), $4.99Poison Ivy #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Sozomaika Card Stock Variant), $4.99Poison Ivy #4 (Of 6)(Cover D Amy Reeder Harley Quinn 30th Anniversary Card Stock Variant), $4.99Poison Ivy #4 (Of 6)(Cover E Matias Bergara Card Stock Variant), ARPunchline The Trial Of Alexis Kaye HC, $29.99Robins Being Robin TP, $16.99Superman Action Comics Volume 2 The Arena TP, $19.99Sword Of Azrael #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Nikola Cizmesija), $3.99Sword Of Azrael #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Joshua Middleton Card Stock Variant), $4.99Sword Of Azrael #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Mateus Manhanini Card Stock Variant), ARSword Of Azrael #2 (Of 6)(Cover D Gleb Melnikov Card Stock Variant), AR DEL REYLuda A Novel HC, $28.00 DEVIL’S DUETrailer Park Boys In The Gutters #1 (Cover A Trailer Park Boys Inc), $5.99Trailer Park Boys In The Gutters #1 (Cover B Travis Hymel), $5.99Trailer Park Boys In The Gutters #1 (Cover C Jose Garibaldi), $5.99 DK CHILDRENDisney Pixar Character Encyclopedia Updated And Expanded HC, $19.99 DK PUBLISHINGBlack Panther Wakanda Atlas HC, $30.00 DOWNTOWN BOOKWORKSDC Super Heroes Little Library, $49.99 DRAWN AND QUARTERLYIt’s So Magic HC, $21.95 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT007 #1 (Cover L Tommy Lee Edwards Premium Metal Variant), AR007 #2 (Cover A Tommy Lee Edwards), $3.99007 #2 (Cover B Marc Aspinall), $3.99007 #2 (Cover C Soo Lee), $3.99007 #2 (Cover D Rus Wooton), $3.99007 #2 (Cover E Tommy Lee Edwards Black & White Variant), AR007 #2 (Cover F Rus Wooton Virgin Variant), AR007 #2 (Cover G Soo Lee Virgin Variant), AR007 #2 (Cover H Marc Aspinall Virgin Variant), AR007 #2 (Cover J Marco Finnegan), AR007 #2 (Cover K Soo Lee Black & White Variant), AR007 #2 (Cover L Rus Wooton Black & White Variant), AR007 #2 (Cover M Marc Aspinall Black & White Variant), AR007 #2 (Cover N Marc Aspinall Virgin Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover A Amanda Conner), $3.99Invincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99Invincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover C Celina), $3.99Invincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover D Frank Cho Outrage Variant), $3.99Invincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover E Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99Invincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover F Carla Cohen Trade Dress Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover G Amanda Conner Black & White Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover H Rachel Hollon Cosplay Virgin Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover I Joseph Michael Linsner Black & White Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover J Carla Cohen Virgin Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover N Moritat), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover O Carla Cohen Ultraviolet Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover P Moritat Virgin Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover Q Frank Cho Virgin Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover R Carla Cohen Black & White Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover S Celina Black & White Variant), ARInvincible Red Sonja #10 (Cover T Carla Cohen Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARKarma HC, $34.99Miss Fury Joy Division HC (Signed Bookplate Edition), $50.00Ninjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Lesley Leirix Li), $3.99Ninjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Jonathan Lau), $3.99Ninjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Dave Acosta), $3.99Ninjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Sebastian Piriz), $3.99Ninjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Blank Authentix Variant), $3.99Ninjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Dave Acosta Black & White Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Jonathan Lau Black & White Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Lesley Leirix Li Black & White Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover I Sebastian Piriz Virgin Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover J Dave Acosta Virgin Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover K Jonathan Lau Virgin Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover O Lesley Leirix Li Ultraviolet Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover P Blood Red Blank Authentix Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover Q Death Black Blank Authentix Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover R Lesley Leirix Li Ultraviolet Virgin Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover S Sebastian Piriz Black & White Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover T Jonathan Lau Black & White Virgin Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover U Dave Acosta Black & White Virgin Variant), ARNinjettes #1 (Of 5)(Cover V Lesley Leirix Li Black & White Virgin Variant), ARNyx #9 (Cover I Giuseppe Matteoni Virgin Variant), ARPantha Volume 2 #4 (Cover K Al Barrionuevo Virgin Variant), ARSheena Queen Of The Jungle #2 (Cover R Jamie Biggs Todd McFarlane’s Amazing Spider-Man #300 Homage Metal 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PUTNAM’S SONS BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERSCoven GN, $17.99Coven HC, $24.99 GOLDEN BOOKSDC SHAZAM Featuring Black Adam Heroes Help Little Golden Book HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $5.99Disney Pixar Lightyear Big Golden Book HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $10.99Disney Pixar Lightyear HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $12.99E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Funko POP Little Golden Book HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $5.99 GRAPHIC HISTORY PUBLISHINGSurvivor Aron’s Story HC, $25.00 GRAPHIXBaby-Sitters Club Color Edition Volume 12 Jessi’s Secret Languange HC, $24.99 HENRY HOLTSurviving The Wild Sunny The Shark HC (not verified by Diamond Distribution), $13.99 HORRORHOUNDHorrorHound #94, $8.99 HUMANOIDSYoung Agatha Christie HC, $14.99 IDW PUBLISHINGStar Trek #400 (Cover A Louie De Martinis), $7.99Star Trek #400 (Cover B JK Woodward), $7.99Star Trek #400 (Cover C Megan Levens), $7.99Star Trek #400 (Cover D Angel Hernandez), $7.99Star Trek #400 (Cover E Chris Fenoglio), ARStar Trek The Mirror War Troi #1 (Cover A Megan Levens), $3.99Star Trek The Mirror War Troi #1 (Cover B Ejiwa Edge Ebenebe), $3.99Star Trek The Mirror War Troi #1 (Cover C Tom Ralston), ARTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #132 (Cover A Pablo Tunica), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #132 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #132 (Cover C Abel), ARTransformers Best Of Bumblebee #1 (One Shot)(Cover A James Biggie), $6.99 IMAGE COMICSA Town Called Terror #6 (Cover A Szymon Kudranski), $3.99A Town Called Terror #6 (Cover B Szymon Kudranski), $3.99Antioch #1 (Cover A Marco Ferrari), $3.99Antioch #1 (Cover B Jeff Stokely), $3.99Dead Lucky #2 (Cover A French Carlomagno), $3.99Dead Lucky #2 (Cover B Luke Grey), AREight Billion Genies #1 (Of 8)(3rd Printing Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99Eight Billion Genies #2 (Of 8)(3rd Printing Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99Eight Billion Genies #3 (Of 8)(3rd Printing Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99Eight Billion Genies #4 (Of 8)(2nd Printing Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99Everyday Hero Machine Boy GN, $12.99Golden Rage #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Lauren Knight), $3.99Golden Rage #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Alison Sampson), $3.99Image 30th Anniversary Anthology #5 (Of 12), $5.99LEGO Ninjago Garmadon #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Tri Vuong & Annalisa Leoni), $3.99LEGO Ninjago Garmadon #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Attack Peter), $3.99LEGO Ninjago Garmadon #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Tom Whalen), ARMetal Society #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Guilherme Balbi & Marco Lesko), $3.99Metal Society #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Stjepan Sejic), $3.99Mirka Andolfo’s Sweet Paprika #12 (Of 12)(Cover A Mirko Andolfo), $3.99Mirka Andolfo’s Sweet Paprika #12 (Of 12)(Cover B Mirko Andolfo), $3.99Mirka Andolfo’s Sweet Paprika #12 (Of 12)(Cover C Mirko Andolfo), $3.99Mirka Andolfo’s Sweet Paprika #12 (Of 12)(Cover D Mirko Andolfo), $3.99Mirka Andolfo’s Sweet Paprika #12 (Of 12)(Cover E Mirko Andolfo NSFW Variant)(adult), $4.99Mirka Andolfo’s Sweet Paprika #12 (Of 12)(Cover F Blank Variant), $4.99Monstress Volume 7 Devourer TP, $16.99Prodigy Icarus Society #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Matteo Buffagni), $3.99Prodigy Icarus Society #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Matteo Buffagni Black & White Variant), $3.99Spawn #333 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $2.99Spawn #333 (Cover B Carlo Barberi), $2.99Spawn Origins Volume 22 TP, $16.99Starhenge Book One The Dragon And The Boar #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Liam Sharp), $3.99Starhenge Book One The Dragon And The Boar #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Liam Sharp), $3.99That Texas Blood #17 (Cover A Jacob Phillips), $3.99That Texas Blood #17 (Cover B Zi Xu), $3.99Time Before Time #16 (Cover A Declan Shalvey), $3.99Time Before Time #16 (Cover B Sumeyye Kesgin), $3.99Twig #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Kyle Strahm), $3.99Twig #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Skottie Young), $3.99Twig #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Peach Momoko), $3.99Twig #5 (Of 5)(Cover D Kyle Strahm Virgin Variant), ARTwig #5 (Of 5)(Cover E Peach Momoko Virgin Variant), ARTwig #5 (Of 5)(Cover F Skottie Young Virgin Variant), ARTwig #5 (Of 5)(Cover G Skottie Young Black & White Variant), ARWalking Dead Deluxe #46 (Cover A David Finch & Dave McCaig), $3.99Walking Dead Deluxe #46 (Cover B Charlie Adlard & Dave McCaig), $3.99Walking Dead Deluxe #46 (Cover C Paolo Rivera), $3.99Walking Dead Deluxe #46 (Cover D Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99 INSIGHT EDITIONSBatman Returns One Dark Christmas Eve The Illustrated Holiday Classic HC, $18.99Harry Potter The Blueprints HC, $85.00 IT’S ALIVEA Girl And Her Dog #1 (One Shot), $5.99Holler #5 (Cover A Jeremy Massie), $5.99Holler #5 (Cover B Jeremy Massie), $5.99 J-NOVEL CLUBAscendance Of A Bookworm Light Novel Part 4 Volume 2 SC, $14.99Marginal Operation Volume 11 GN, $14.99Unwanted Undead Adventurer Volume 7 GN, $14.99 J-NOVEL HEARTMy Next Life As A Villainess All Routes Lead To Doom Light Novel Volume 11 SC, $14.99 KODANSHA COMICSHero Life Of A Self-Proclaimed Mediocre Demon Volume 6 GN, $12.99Shangri-La Frontier Volume 1 GN, $12.99When Will Ayumu Make His Move Volume 7 GN, $12.99 MARVEL COMICSA.X.E. Death To The Mutants #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Esad Ribic), $3.99A.X.E. Death To The Mutants #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Humberto Ramos), ARAlien #1 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99Alien #1 (Cover B Travis Charest), ARAlien #1 (Cover C Carlos Magno), ARAlien #1 (Cover D Ryan Brown), ARAlien #1 (Cover E Travis Charest DCD 40th Anniversary Virgin Variant), ARAll-Out Avengers #1 (Cover A Greg Land), $3.99All-Out Avengers #1 (Cover B Salvador Larroca), ARAll-Out Avengers #1 (Cover C Dave Cockrum Hidden Gem Variant), ARAll-Out Avengers #1 (Cover D Skottie Young), ARAll-Out Avengers #1 (Cover E J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Variant), ARAll-Out Avengers #1 (Cover F J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Virgin Variant), ARAll-Out Avengers #1 (Cover G J. Scott Campbell Anniversary Retro Variant), ARAnt-Man #1 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Cover A Tom Reilly), $3. Read the full article
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ulkunun · 2 years
"Benden çok genç değildi yanılmıyorsam. Ama özelliksizdi. İnsanın aklında kalacak bir yönü yoktu. İki kasaba arasındaki yavan bir yol gibi. Tabii bana gelecek olursak, ben baştan sona manzaralı bir gezi yoluyum." 🚬🥃
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