unhonestlymirror · 3 months
Today is the day of deportations of Baltic people to Siberia.
However, today is also The Freedom Day!
106 years ago, Belaruthians declared their independence.
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
Since 2022, after russia's attack on Ukraine, Belaruthians began to be persecuted even for anti-war statements or sympathy for Ukraine.
According to the Prosecutor General Andriej Švied, more than 16,000 criminal cases of such "extremist orientation", i.e., political nature, have been opened.
(c) Naša Niva
Well, it doesn't stop Belaruthians from hanging Ukrainian flags anywhere because they are that sick of russia.
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
"How to distinguish Ukrainians from russians from Belaruthians if they all look the same??" - by behaviour:
If a person laughs a lot, jokes, sings (and is good at singing), quarrels, or altogether, they cause you sensory overload - they're most likely Ukrainian. We love jokes even when we are depressed af, and we are very loud. If Pinkie Pie had anger issues and genocide trauma. "Party Rockers in the House Tonight". Ask them whether they like Lasha Tumbai by Serduchka.
If a person behaves arrogantly, makes faces, and it is clear that everything is unpleasant and disgusting for them, they eradiate some kind of internal pride. They complain a lot. They love to humiliate staff and show how much better they are than others. "Karen". They are most likely russian.
If a person sits very quietly, and with all their appearance, they tries to blend in with the area. If waves of fear and tension and mistrust emanate from this person, like they are preparing for a battle or interrogation by NKVD. (Although, in this case, they can also be Ukrainian from occupied territories). If one look at this person is enough for you to understand that they do not know how to say “no”. They are very polite with staff, probably speaks English very well, doesn't use profanity a lot - most likely this person is Belaruthian. Collosus from Deadpool Ultra-Vibes. Ask them what is their favourite Grand Dutchy of Lithuania Duke.
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unhonestlymirror · 2 months
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In Germany, at the age of 43, a well-known boxer born in Belarus, Alesia Graf, has died, the "Belarus and the World" website reports with reference to the German media.
According to the GBU and WBF publications, the causes and circumstances of the tragic and early death of the former world champion are not mentioned.
Alesia Graf, nee Klimovič, was born in 1980 in Homel. She moved to Germany in 1999, where she got married, and in 2008, she received citizenship.
She started boxing in 2001 — first as an amateur, then as a professional. She performed in the lightest and lightest weight. Got the nickname Tigress.
She fought her last fight as a professional boxer on January 19, 2019, against Dane Dina Thorslund, who lost.
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unhonestlymirror · 2 months
Uneducated people: Belarus loves russia!
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
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Менск, 1934 год. На той час Беларусь займала першае месца ў свеце па колькасці выданняў на яўрэйскай мове (ідыш). Яўрэйская мова была побач з беларускай адной з 4 дзяржаўных моваў краіны. На ей выдаваліся законы, працавалі школы і тэатры. Значная частка менскіх выданняў на яўрэйскай мове 1920-1930-х гг. была знішчана нацыстамі.
Mensk, 1934. At that time, Belarus ranked first in the world in terms of the number of publications in the Hebrew language (Yiddish). Along with Belaruthian, the Hebrew was one of the 4 official languages ​​of the country. Laws were issued on it, schools and theaters worked. A significant part of the Mensk publications in the Hebrew in the 1920s and 1930s was destroyed by the nazis.
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
What a beautiful day to find out Belaruthians call the battle on the Vorskla river "catastrophic fiasco". XDD
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
A Belaruthian man in a bush costume pranks people in Mensk
Most people just don't react at all and keep walking😆 Balto-Slavic nation.
Хмызнякі нападаюць на людзей! ШОК!!!
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
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A resident of Mahilioŭ was detained. They say: for participating in rallies abroad.
In the summer of 2023, the girl returned to Belarus from Poland.
In the GUBAZIKA video, Valerija says that she worked in a salon in Warsaw, which was "managed by a bechebeshivka (white-red-white supporter), which forced her to participate in diaspora actions and express solidarity with Ukraine, to post photos on social networks under the threat of being fired."
It should be noted that Lukashenko's police officers systematically force arrested persons to read the texts required by the authorities through blackmail or torture. This is how 59-year-old teacher Alena Ćimbalist recently described it
You would say it's because someone made her photo, but in fact, the prorussian regime in Belarus often finances such rallies abroad to find out who is against russia. Most likely, someone in the Polish government or someone, who "covers" such rallies financially, works with kremlin and betrays people.
If I were Polish, I would conduct a journalistic investigation or hire a detective, to find out who wants russia to destabilise Poland, come and "liberate" it. This is not the first time I have heard about such detainees, and for some reason, I never heard such stuff happen in Lithuania. 🤔
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
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⚡️A Gomel schoolboy became ill during a Belaruthian language lesson. His jaw couldn't stand it. Now, russian ambassadors are fighting for his health.
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
Those russians, who still pretend that Belarus is their brotherly sisterly nation. I need to tell you something. We hate you all, all of us. You, average russians, pretend to be victims while completely ignoring that we are being thrown in prisons and killed for speaking Belaruthian or wearing ⚪️🔴⚪️ flag. You killed Raman Bandarenko and many, many others. You have been destroying our culture for centuries. Ask anyone abroad, which Belaruthian artists, musicians do they know - ans they won't be able to answer! UKRAINIANS won't be able to answer! Because there are no more Belaruthian artists and musicians! All because of russia! Belaruthians now say most of them can't speak Belaruthian because it feels like a foreign language to them!
In the cultural and scientific plane, there is no more Belarus! "Who cares what language to speak" - you are destroying those crumbs of Belaruthian language, which are still alive somehow. Even to Ukrainians, Belarus exists like a russian province!
But most importantly, you got us into war with Ukraine. It was not enough for you to invade and partially occupy Ukraine, who never did anything bad to you. You got Belarus too into the motherfucking "never again" war, the same cruelty war as WW2, deporting Ukrainian children to Siberia, letting russian tanks driving around, raping people - and we will never NEVER FORGIVE YOU for this. You rascally played on the feelings of Ukrainians who lost their loved ones, their homes because of your tanks and missilies from OUR territory. If you think Belaruthians are gonna love russians more just because Ukrainians hate us now, you are very, VERY wrong.
Just so you know, we may not say it outloud, but we pray for your death every time you come to our land and complain about Belarus being not russia.
I wish you, average russians, to never feel safe in Belarus, just like my mom doesn't feel safe because of you.
More than Belarus, only Ichkeria hates you.
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
Emilia Plater was a huge fan of Belarus, Belaruthian language, and Belaruthian culture. How many posts on this website mention this? Zero.
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unhonestlymirror · 24 days
Not so long after my posts about the linguistic signs of Kriwe Kriwaito in Belarus, RUSSIAN PROPAGANDISTS STARTED CALLING BELARUTHIANS "BALTIC PRIESTS" AAAAA XDDD
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Thank you for recognising me on the international stage, thank you, thank you🙏🙏
адродзім балцкае паганства💪💪💪ЖЫВЕ БЕЛАРУСЬ!!!!🤍❤️🤍
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unhonestlymirror · 5 months
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The first authentic work of Vilnius Baroque.
The construction of this church is traditionally dated widely, within the initial period of the reign of Ŭsiasłaŭ "The Wizard" Bračysłavyč - in 1044-1066.
There is a hypothesis that the Cathedral was built on the site of an earlier shrine dedicated to Perun or Veles.
During 1494-1501, the building became an important point of defence of Polack. It housed local treasures, books, and held meetings of local residents.
At the beginning of the war between the Muscovy and Rzeczpospolita in 1654, Polack was occupied by the muscovite troops of Aleksei Mikhailovich, who visited the church. According to the moscow inventory, "In that church... five chests with printed and written books, with all kinds of letters <...> five chests with Ruthenian and Lithuanian and Latin books <...>". Until 1667, the building was forcibly taken from the Vatican into the possession of the moscow Church
During the Great Northern War, on July 11, 1705, the moscow tsar Peter the Great killed 6 Union priests and monks in the church. The Vićebsk Chronicle reports on this event.
According to the Ukrainian-Polish historian of the 19th century, Franciszek Duchiński (Францішко Дучинський), the drunk Peter the Great broke into the Cathedral, which belonged to the Uniates, where the relics of Iasafat Kuncevič were kept. Peter demanded the keys to the royal gates, and when the Basilians refused to give them, he personally killed the abbot and four Basilian monks and ordered the bodies to be drowned in Dvina.
After the murder of the monks, Peter the Great, with the help of russian troops, forcibly closed the Cathedral and ordered to place a powder magazine in it. On May 1, 1710, on the eve of leaving the place, the russians blew up the powder stocks and thus almost completely destroyed the monument. Only the ruins of altar apses with a height of up to 9 meters have been preserved.
In 1738, the restoration of the destroyed church began on the initiative and with the own funds of Archbishop Fłaryjan Hrabnicki (Фларыян Грабніцкі). By 1750, with the use of the preserved fragments, architect Johann Glaubitz ressurected a basilica in the Vilnius Baroque style. At the same time, the monumental building of the Basilian monastery was built next to the church.
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
Whoever uses this flag 🇧🇾 unironically is a fucking lukashist
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
Hi, quick question, why are you writing belaruthian and not Belarusian? Genuinely curious
I want Belarus to be decolonized from russia. Changes in writing is a good start.
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