hoerbahnblog · 20 days
SF & more: "Der Tag an dem der Fahrstuhl steckenblieb" von Franziska Rarey
SF & more: “Der Tag an dem der Fahrstuhl steckenblieb” von Franziska Rarey (Hördauer 43 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/SF-u-more-Der-Tag-an-dem-der-Fahrstuhl-stehen-blieb-Rarey-upload.mp3 © Jackie Niam/stock.adobe.com Die Arbeit von übermorgen – 15 Kurzgeschichten aus der Zukunft Herausgegeben von Lars Schmeink und Ralf H. Schneider Wie werden wir am Ende…
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waxydoll · 4 months
I feel like updateing bmbf shouldnt take 2 people and 4 hours to do but god damn if it didnt get done
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abfindunginfo · 5 months
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389 · 8 months
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The Changing Natures: Ecocene game is a collaboration of Trust (Calum Bowden @calsbot & Son La Pham @thinnertheair) and the project “Changing Natures” at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministère de l‘Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (MESR).
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cleebration · 11 months
Liked on YouTube: Der Urknall • Zurück zum Anfang • Wissenschaftsjahr 2023 LMU / BMBF • Jochen Weller https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6rSEj-J9SI
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nintendont2502 · 1 year
I spent like 20 minutes trying to update beat saber before realising it wasn't working because I had a modded APK installed </3 normally I wouldve just left it but the new dlc packs are really good and I just spend like 15 bucks on songs that I'd like to be able to actually play at some point
Still sucks tho :/ usually i don't check out the newest dlc pack because I *know* bmbf won't be updated to that version for a while, and I'd be choosing between custom songs + whatever the new dlc pack is (also the bmbf installation process takes. So long)
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yesgermany-manish · 23 days
Leveraging Study in Germany Consultants for Scholarships and Funding
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Studying in Germany is a dream for many international students due to its high-quality education system, diverse academic offerings, and vibrant culture. However, the cost of studying abroad can be a significant barrier for some students. Fortunately, there are numerous scholarships and funding opportunities available to support international students in pursuing their education in Germany. In this guide, we'll explore how leveraging study in Germany consultants can help you navigate these opportunities effectively.
Also Read: Overseas Education Consultants
Understanding the Role of Study in Germany Consultants: Study in Germany consultants are professionals who specialize in assisting international students with various aspects of the application process, including university selection, visa procedures, accommodation, and importantly, scholarship and funding opportunities. These consultants possess in-depth knowledge about the German education system, universities, and available scholarships, making them invaluable resources for prospective students.
Also Read: German Study Abroad Consultants
Identifying Scholarships and Funding Options: One of the primary roles of study in Germany consultants is to help students identify suitable scholarships and funding options based on their academic background, financial situation, and career aspirations. These consultants have access to comprehensive databases and resources containing information about scholarships offered by universities, government bodies, private organizations, and foundations.
Also Read: Higher Education Consultants
Some of the common types of scholarships available for international students in Germany include:
DAAD Scholarships: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a wide range of scholarships to international students, covering various academic fields and degree levels.
Institutional Scholarships: Many German universities offer their own scholarships to attract talented international students. These scholarships may be merit-based, need-based, or specific to certain fields of study.
Government Scholarships: The German government, through organizations such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), offers scholarships to international students based on academic excellence and research potential.
Private Scholarships: Several private organizations and foundations in Germany provide scholarships to international students, often targeting specific nationalities, fields of study, or areas of research.
Research Grants: For students pursuing doctoral or postdoctoral research in Germany, there are various research grants available to support their studies and projects.
Navigating the Application Process: Once suitable scholarships and funding options have been identified, study in Germany consultants assist students in navigating the application process. This includes helping students prepare their application materials, such as CVs, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and research proposals. Consultants also provide guidance on writing compelling scholarship essays and personal statements that highlight the applicant's academic achievements, career goals, and reasons for choosing Germany as their study destination.
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Moreover, consultants advise students on meeting application deadlines, submitting required documents, and fulfilling any additional requirements specified by scholarship providers. They may also offer valuable insights into the selection criteria used by scholarship committees and how students can enhance their chances of success.
Also Read: German admission consultants
Providing Financial Planning and Support: In addition to assisting with scholarship applications, study in Germany consultants provide financial planning and support to help students manage the cost of studying abroad. They offer guidance on budgeting, living expenses, part-time employment opportunities, and other financial considerations. Consultants may also advise students on alternative sources of funding, such as student loans, sponsorships, or crowdfunding campaigns.
Also Read: German Visa Study Consultant
Furthermore, consultants help students understand the terms and conditions of scholarships, including any obligations or restrictions associated with receiving funding. They ensure that students are fully informed about their financial commitments and responsibilities throughout their academic journey in Germany.
Conclusion: Leveraging study in Germany consultants for scholarships and funding can significantly enhance the chances of international students pursuing their academic goals in Germany. These consultants play a crucial role in identifying suitable scholarships, navigating the application process, and providing financial planning and support. By partnering with experienced consultants, students can maximize their opportunities for academic success and cultural enrichment in one of Europe's leading study destinations. If you're considering studying in Germany and seeking financial assistance, consulting with a study in Germany consultant may be the first step towards realizing your educational aspirations.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
The PFClean project is finding solutions to “forever chemicals” - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-pfclean-project-is-finding-solutions-to-forever-chemicals-technology-org/
The PFClean project is finding solutions to “forever chemicals” - Technology Org
PFAS (per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a global environmental and health issue. There is extensive soil contamination near Hügelsheim in the district of Rastatt. In this area, compost mixed with paper sludge containing PFAS was spread on agricultural land in the past. Within the framework of the BMBF PFClean project, researchers from the University of Stuttgart are testing how activated carbon in the soil could bind harmful substances and thus protect the groundwater.
Researchers and project partners are introducing activated carbon into the soil of a Hügelsheim field contaminated with PFAS. The aim is for the harmful chemicals to adhere to the activated carbon, so that the further transport of these substances into the groundwater will be stopped. Image credit: Universität Stuttgart
Stopping the transport of harmful substances into the groundwater
In the project “PFClean – An Innovative Modular System for the Sustainable Reduction of PFAS Contaminants from Soil and Groundwater”, a team from the University of Stuttgart headed by Haslauer is currently testing a method in a field trial of reducing the contamination of groundwater by the pollutants. In January, the researchers introduced activated carbon into the soil of a contaminated field in Hügelsheim with the support of project partners. The PFAS substances are intended to adhere to the homogeneously incorporated activated carbon. The aim is a higher absorption capacity in the soil, which will stop the further transport of harmful substances into the groundwater.
The PFClean team investigates whether this method will be successful with the aid of a detailed monitoring system. This includes regularly taking groundwater samples from 13 monitoring sites and pore water analyses. “In this way, we hope to find a viable way of sustainably managing the pollutant load in the groundwater,” says Haslauer.
After trials in the laboratory, PFClean is testing approaches on site
Successful laboratory experiments preceded the pilot project on site in Hügelsheim. The project, which started in March 2023, investigates not only the increase in the absorption capacity of soils, but also further approaches for PFAS remediation technologies such as the removal of PFAS using so-called funnel-and-gate systems. In this method, impermeable walls built into the subsoil control the direction of groundwater flow in order to retain the PFAS at a single point. Other tests are concerned with the degradation of harmful substances by microorganisms and at different temperatures.
“To date, there are hardly any in-situ remediation technologies, meaning the removal on site, at the source of the contamination,” says Haslauer. This is due to the wide range of possible properties of PFAS: Some are mobile and can be easily transported in the subsoil and carried into the groundwater. Others bind strongly to soil materials. All of them are very stable due to carbon-fluorine bonds. For this reason, they are also called “forever chemicals”. Until now, PFAS have been removed from contaminated water using various treatment techniques, for example in waterworks, but not at the source of the contamination, i.e. directly from soil and groundwater.
The goals of PFClean are to test on site and, if necessary, refine the approaches developed in the laboratory and in large-scale trials for the remediation and removal of PFAS from soil and groundwater, and to achieve a rapid and effective transfer from science to real-life application. In addition to the location in Hügelsheim, trials in Reilingen, south of Heidelberg, are planned. There, at individual points, PFAS found their way into the ground from fire-extinguishing foams.
Background: PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances)
The substance group of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances comprises about 5000 individual substances. PFAS are dirt-, water-, and grease-repellent and can be found in countless products: in outdoor jackets, frying pans, paper and cardboard, in shampoo, varnishes, and fire-extinguishing foam. Some of the chemicals are harmful to health. High concentrations in the blood may damage organs or cause cancer. For decades, PFAS have been finding their way into the environment, for example, in wastewater and exhaust gas. They accumulate in soils and groundwater and decompose only very slowly.
Source: University of Stuttgart
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lokaleblickecom · 2 months
Azubis und Schüler tauschen sich aus
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Berufsorientierung auf Augenhöhe
Gemeinsam mit der Realschule Rees veranstaltete die Niederrheinische IHK eine etwas andere Berufsmesse: Anstelle von Unternehmern und Personalchefs sprachen rund 20 IHK-Ausbildungsbotschafter mit den Schülern über ihre beruflichen Möglichkeiten. Gemeinsam mit der Realschule Rees veranstaltete die Niederrheinische IHK eine Berufsmesse mit IHK-Ausbildungsbotschaftern. Wie ein Arbeitstag in der Ausbildung abläuft und welche Fächer es in der Berufsschule gibt, das können Azubis am besten erzählen. Für junge Menschen ist neben dem Gehalt und der Arbeitszeit das Miteinander im Betrieb besonders wichtig. Auszubildende verschiedener Betriebe am Niederrhein besuchen deshalb die Schulen in der Region, berichten von ihren Erfahrungen und beantworten Fragen. Zur Vorbereitung auf ihren Einsatz als Ausbildungsbotschafter werden sie von der Niederrheinischen IHK geschult.
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Bei der Berufsmesse an der Realschule Rees im Kreis Kleve konnten sich die Schüler nun bei gleich mehreren Ausbildungsbotschaftern über ihre Berufe informieren. Zudem erhielten sie Tipps für ihre Bewerbung. Rüdiger Gockel, Berufswahlkoordinator der Realschule Rees, freut sich über diese Chance: „Da die Auszubildenden selbst noch jung sind, sprechen sie mit den Schülern locker und auf einer Ebene.“ Auszubildende verschiedener Betriebe am Niederrhein besuchten die Realschule Rees, um den Schülern von ihrer Ausbildung zu erzählen. Zur Vorbereitung auf ihren Einsatz als Ausbildungsbotschafter werden sie von der Niederrheinischen IHK geschult. Das Projekt „IHK-Ausbildungsbotschafter“ unterstützt Schulen bei der Berufsorientierung. Bereits über 180 Auszubildende haben mitgemacht. „Wir freuen uns, dass über 50 Unternehmen aus Duisburg sowie den Kreisen Wesel und Kleve ihre Azubis für die Einsätze in den Schulen freistellen. So können wir über 60 Berufe abbilden – persönlich und auf Augenhöhe,“ so Janine Peters, Teamleitung für die Bereiche Ausbildungsmarkt und Fachkräfte bei der Niederrheinischen IHK. Das Projekt wird durch Mittel des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gefördert und vor Ort von Handwerks- und Industrie- und Handelskammern koordiniert. Die Gesamtkoordination des landesweiten Projekts liegt bei der Landes-Gewerbeförderungsstelle des nordrhein-westfälischen Handwerks (LGH). Interessierte Unternehmen und Schulen können sich bei IHK-Projektkoordinatorin Meike Komatowsky melden, 0203 2821-495, [email protected]. Fotos: © Niederrheinische IHK Read the full article
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almanyalilar · 6 months
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hoerbahnblog · 4 months
SF & more: "Nach all diesen Jahren" von Malte Aurich
SF & more: “Nach all diesen Jahren” von Malte Aurich (Hördauer 43 Minuten) © Jackie Niam/stock.adobe.com Die Arbeit von übermorgen – 15 Kurzgeschichten aus der Zukunft Herausgegeben von Lars Schmeink und Ralf H. Schneider Wie werden wir am Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts arbeiten? Haben uns die globalen Konzerne in der Hand oder schaffen wir neue Formen gemeinschaftlicher Tätigkeiten? Grundeinkommen,…
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Toekomstige energieën - BMBF
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nbgblatt · 6 months
Bildungsministerium fördert Züchtungstechniken von Pflanzen
Bildungsministerium fördert Züchtungstechniken von Pflanzen | #Pflanzen #Züchtung #Bildungsministerium #Förderung
Das Bundesbildungsministerium (BMBF) will die Erforschung von neuen Züchtungstechniken von Pflanzen in den nächsten vier Jahren mit 50 Millionen Euro fördern. “Neue Züchtungstechniken sind eine riesige Chance, Pflanzen effizient, zielgerichtet und sicher zu züchten”, sagte die auch für Forschung zuständige Ministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) den Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe…
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flashlivede · 6 months
Bildungsministerium fördert Züchtungstechniken von Pflanzen
Bildungsministerium fördert Züchtungstechniken von Pflanzen | #Pflanzen #Züchtung #Bildungsministerium #Förderung
Das Bundesbildungsministerium (BMBF) will die Erforschung von neuen Züchtungstechniken von Pflanzen in den nächsten vier Jahren mit 50 Millionen Euro fördern. “Neue Züchtungstechniken sind eine riesige Chance, Pflanzen effizient, zielgerichtet und sicher zu züchten”, sagte die auch für Forschung zuständige Ministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) den Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe…
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earaercircular · 6 months
Opening of the first recycled fertilizer research facility
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from Verdauung to Verzehr: feces, collection, transport, recycling, placing on the market, fertilization and cultivation, processing and trading, digestion
Germany's first research facility for the production of recycled fertilizers from the contents of dry toilets has been opened. The research facility as part of the zirkulierBAR project[1] on the premises of the Barnim district[2] works includes a urine processing system and a humus rack, as the Barnim district works announced on Monday 16-10.
ZirkulierBAR is an inter- and transdisciplinary research project in Eberswalde[3] in the Barnim district. Municipalities and future-oriented companies, together with universities and research institutions, are creating a real laboratory for a sustainable regional circular economy. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the REGION.innovativ funding program[4].
In the future, two types of recycled fertilizers will be produced in the ZirkulierBAR real laboratory: the separately collected urine is used in the urine processing plant to create a liquid nitrogen fertilizer that contains other important plant nutrients in high concentrations. Its effect is comparable to synthetic mineral fertilizers. The faeces are processed in the newly built humus shelf and, due to their high content of phosphorus and organic matter, are the basic building block for recycled compost. This is particularly suitable for building humus in sandy or depleted soils and is therefore referred to as “humus fertilizer”. The quality of faecal compost has already been tested in planting trials and is comparable to other high-quality composts.
About the IGZ
The Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Production (IGZ) e.V. is a research institute of the Leibniz Association and contributes to solving current global challenges with scientifically sound findings from basic and applied research in horticulture. This includes preserving biodiversity as well as combating climate change and malnutrition, which is still widespread. The institute is jointly financed by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg (MWFK) and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The IGZ is based in Großbeeren[5].
Dpa-newskanal, Eröffnung der ersten Recyclingdünger-Forschungsanlage, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16-10-2023 https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wissen/umweltschutz-eroeffnung-der-ersten-recyclingduenger-forschungsanlage-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-231016-99-586183
[1] zirkulierBAR is building an innovative and flexibly adaptable recycling system for the contents of dry toilets, i.e. urine, feces and so-called additives such as straw or toilet paper. The end products are recycled fertilizers for agriculture and horticulture: harmless to health, rich in nutrients and low in pollutants. We offer municipalities a water-saving and resource-saving alternative to linear water-dependent sewage treatment systems. https://zirkulierbar.de/
[2] In the future, the Barnim district should become 100% independent of fossil energy supplies, be self-sufficient and be able to do without energy imports. We see ourselves as a future-oriented, municipal company that connects all those involved and is committed to all areas that have so far remained unaddressed as “blank spots”. https://www.kreiswerke-barnim.de/wir/leitbild
[3] Eberswalde is a major town and the administrative seat of the district Barnim in the German State of Brandenburg, about 50 km northeast of Berlin. Population 42,144 (census in June 2005).
[4] The REGION.innovativ program line supports regional alliances in devoting themselves to new research and innovation topics and working with new partners. Several funding rounds focus on different cross-sectional topics. https://www.innovation-strukturwandel.de/strukturwandel/de/innovation-strukturwandel/region-innovativ/region-innovativ_node.html
[5] Großbeeren is a municipality in the district of Teltow-Fläming in the German state of Brandenburg.
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energyload · 7 months
Fraunhofer: Nachhaltige Zink-Ionen-Batterien für die schnelle industrielle Umsetzung
Um die Energiewende voranzutreiben, bedarf es stationärer Energiespeicher, um das öffentliche Stromnetz bei Lastspitzen zu entlasten. Zink-Ionen-Batterien könnten nun die Antwort auf diesen Anwendungsbereich sein. Bisher gab es keinen kommerziellen Erfolg, doch das Fraunhofer-Institut forscht momentan im Rahmen des vom BMBF geförderten Forschungsprojekt „Wässrige Zink-Ionen-Batterien ZIB“ an…
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