#BLueshipping hints
dreamstormdragon · 1 year
Our Game Now Chapter 13: Corrupted
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The dragon roared, its wings opening wide as it flew by moonlight into focus. The enemies before it trembled in terror as its eyes gleamed.
"Go! Burst Stream of Destruction!"
The dragon roared, rearing its head back as a bright beam of light shot out.
His life points dwindled to 0 in a matter of seconds. Everything was a faulty defense against this creature… this deck.
"You are not playing like yourself tonight." The chat pinged, as he checked his notifications.
The icon to the right depicted a young girl with white hair and bright blue eyes, grinning at the camera.
"What's wrong?"
Online dueling, at least meant no such thing as a "limited" card, if you were willing to play the long con with the gacha technique… and for Seto, he thought he did pretty well.
"Today was a bad day, Kisa."
At least one person was willing to talk to him tonight. He played the online ranks mostly for practice for his tournament builds, before buying any new cards or going through his collection.
He was grateful, he at least had one friend via this game.
MaidenwithAzureEyes is typing…
He pinched the bridge of his nose. He was not looking forward to explaining this one.
"What happened?"
"I don't wanna talk. Just wanna duel."
"You sure? I don't wanna force ya but… when you play like this, you make mistakes you'd never make. You could've swept my entire deck and locked it down but you didn't."
BlueEyedSage is typing…
Seto sighed, thinking back to earlier that night…
"How do I even explain that disaster?"
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texasdreamer01 · 4 years
hey, sorry to come to you at such a random time, but do you happen to have some ygo fanfic recs or know where I could find them? I see you reblog ygo stuff from time to time and I've been away from the fandom for so long I don't know my way around anymore lol thanks anyway, stay safe 💜
No problem nonny! ❤️ I haven’t been incredibly active in the fandom for a while, either (though now I’m in a couple of zines! Hocus Pocus and P.O.S.S.E.S.S.E.D.). 
I don’t know what you prefer to read, so I’m just going to… dump everything I have off hand, so this will be put under a cut. A lot of this will be Puzzleshipping/Blindshipping, unfortunately, so if you’d prefer a different ship (or genfic!), please let me know!
Aside from everything I’ve recced, FanFiction.net is still hugely popular for posting YGO fics, though as I’ve linked, AO3 has some traffic as well. If you’re looking for other series outside Duel Monsters, please let me know! I’ll try to find people in those fandoms to direct you to. ❤️
All my YGO bookmarks on AO3 because I can’t decide what to rec first
All the fics I’ve recently recced out to others:
The Newly Revised Book of the Dead by Nenya8533 chapters, complete, M, Prideshipping
Paper Roses by Kisara Strife53 chapters, incomplete, M, Blueshipping, Pleashipping/Aweshipping
Mistaken Assumptions by tavia45426 chapters, complete, M, Puzzleshipping/BlindshippingAO3 mirror
Written in the Stars by TechnicolorNina23 chapters, complete, M, Puzzleshipping/Blindshipping
Dream Eater by LeonawriterOneshot, Gen, Ryou Bakura & Yami Bakura
Legacy of Darkness by BanjodogSummary: “Second Place Winner for Chibizoo’s Fanfiction Contest!!! Yami confronts the Millennium Puzzle and challenges its authority. Some hints of Y/Y”Horror, 4.7k, Puzzleshipping, Complete
Don’t Fear the Reaper by spirithorseSummary: “Yugi is a reaper, one who separates the souls from the body at the moment of death. Yami is a man who can see and talk to ghosts. Yugi is sent to the town of Fairwater to investigate a recent increase in deaths and find out more than he ever wanted to.”Horror/Mystery, 85.7k, Puzzleshipping, CompleteAO3 Mirror
Silent Sacrifice by BayleefSummary: “The first creature chuckled and nuzzled the Pharaoh’s arm, making excited, hungry noises that turned Atem’s stomach.’ Atem had lied about the Ceremonial Battle. Beyond the door was not the Spirit World, but a pact with darkness.Oneshot.Rated for violence”Angst/Horror, 3.6k, Gen, Complete
Time After the Tone - A Reboot by SmallInsectSummary: “It began the way the apocalypse always seemed to these days: with strange phone calls in the dead of night. Phone calls which prove Yugi’s friends really will go around the world and back for each other, as Shadow Realm monsters gather in the streets of Europe. [A reboot and partial rewrite of “Time After the Tone” - first posted here in 2007 and still available to read.]“Supernatural/Friendship, 114k, Gen, Complete
Dream Eater by LeonawriterSummary: ”“You’d better be careful.” Those were the words the spirit of the Millennium Ring would hear - either from the half-asleep voice, or simply as a shiver up his spine as he worked. He was possessing a dream eater in human form, after all. “Or one day I’ll mistake you for a bad dream.”“Oneshot, Gen, Ryou Bakura & Yami Bakura
Paradise Is by geefishgeraldSummary: Fate moves us.Archived version, geefishgerald’s other works
Double Vision by Hitokiri-san Summary: Post series, solid Yami. Weeks after the Ceremonial Battle, Kaiba is plagued with dreams of his past life. Against his better judgment, he visits Yugi with the intent of confirming his suspicions about Pharaoh Atem.
Untitled by lovely-accursed-muse* Malik-centric
Ya'aburnee by Darkspine29 Summary: Sometimes all it takes is a single word. Puzzleshipping drabble.
From Page 41 by Animom Summary: Pharaoh Set knew that Mana had meant well, but what she’d brought back for him from the River of Time was certainly NOT Kisara. ** Humor/angst with light romance and an incident of implied unpleasantness. ** Established Mizushipping (Set/Kisara), assumed Mana/Mahaado and Pegasus/Cyndia, a discussion of Toonshipping, and mild situational Heiroglyphshipping (Set/Pegasus).
daily drabble: not settling for, but settling into by @paradoxi-kayHonda/Ryou, alternate reblog link
Spell of Pain by nihao.museSummary: Malik has just arrived in Japan, planning to spend a few months away from his homeland. The Millennium Items are gone, but as Malik discovers, his dark side isn’t. If coexistence isn’t possible, is mutual destruction the only other option? Post-canon bronzeshipping.
This tumblr fic
Where Gods Fear to Tread by Slightly Sinister Sinestra Summary: Seto Kaiba is in business partnership with Bruce Wayne. These two gods find out that there is one thing they fear, and its name is Alfred Pennyworth. On hiatus.
Power and Distraction by streptomycinnSummary: On the boat to Battle City, Malik reflects, despite his efforts not to. Oneshot, Character Study.Archived version
Untitled by ishtarclanSummary: Part headcanon, part drabble.  Malik discovers how strangers view him.
Posthumous by streptomycinnSummary: Lady Ishtar does not have the Sight, but she still finds a way to see beyond. Justice will not come in her lifetime, but justice will be served.Archived version
Zenshu by Masami Mistress Of Fire Summary: Zenshu translates as complete literary works. A collection of 10 oneshots based around a single Japanese word or phrase chosen at random from a Japanese dictionary. Rating to be safe, some mature content, shonenai, cursing, Puzzleshipping!
You Can Still Be Free by Scribbler Summary: Atem. Yami. Spirit. Pharaoh. Prince. Many names but still one personality. Many incarnations but still a core of love that he spends on those most precious to him. From goodbye to hello, a story told in reverse.
Whom the King Loves: A Love Story in 50 Sentences by lucidscreamer Summary: They both know that it is madness for the two of them to fall in love; they do it anyway. Puzzleshipping. Mostly-canon, with added Yami/Yugi, and end of series “fix it”. This is the first story in my post-canon universe.
Where the Dawn Doesn’t Break by Penga Summary: Yami is trapped within a dark, crushing void, the weight of guilt and regret bearing down on him. When his deepest fear takes root in reality, the broken pharaoh is offered a permanent outlet.
What Could Have Been by citrus luver Summary: In a universe where Yuugi and Atemu are normal teenage boys. They spend the night playing video games.
The Subject by Ocean Summary: Jou stumbles upon Yuugi in the park one cold winter's afternoon, only to bear witness to a typical day in the lives of Yami and Yuugi. Poor Jou. Mention of YY {continuous}
Taur'i Gods by lavalieres Summary: When the SG1 team stumbles across two odd, young men on a standard reconnaissance mission, it becomes their duty to determine if the young men are friend or foe, and help the two get back home. [crossover with Stargate SG1, slight Yami no Yuugi x Yuugi]
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kaibagirl007 · 5 years
Father’s Day
(a stand-alone story set in my Blueshipping RP verse with @dragontamer05 )
“Happy Fathers Day, Dad,” Mokuba said softly before dropping the white chrysanthemum onto the lake’s surface. He stood there with Yugi by his side and watched as the flower floated away from them to join the rest that had been dropped before it. “Thanks for coming here with me today.”
“You’re welcome,” Yugi replied before giving another moment of silence for the man who he had recently learned had drowned there in a car accident over a decade ago and left two young boys orphaned as a result. “I’m sorry we didn’t encounter your brother like you’d hoped.”
“It’s okay. I’m sure he’s either already been or is waiting until after the time we usually come here in order to avoid seeing me.” Mokuba tried to hide his disappointment and just how much he was missing his brother since their fallout several months ago. Having been there for nearly a half hour, he turned to leave and attempted to divert the subject. “Do you miss your father? You know, with him being away from home all the time?”
There was a moment of silence as Yugi mulled over his answer with an awkward feeling inside of him. Since the other had shared something personal in regards to his father’s death, he felt it only fair to return the gesture. “People tend to have a misconception about my father. Many believe him to be absent due to work commitments, but the truth is… he was never there to begin with. He walked out on my mom before I was born.”
Mokuba was surprised to hear this, especially after the response he’d gotten from Mrs Muto herself after having asked if Yugi’s father would be home with them for the occasion; which he ‘unfortunately’ wouldn’t be. “But your Mom and Grandpa said-“
“It’s all lies. What started out as a story to protect my mother from the social stigma of being a single parent, snowballed into something much bigger as I got older.” Yugi smiled with a hint of sadness to his tone yet even managed to laugh a little as he recalled, “They’d send me fake letters and birthday cards to make him seem believable. I used to love reading all about ‘my father’s’ travels and got super excited each time one of his letters came in the mail. I never really questioned it all until a few years back when I started to notice the resemblance between his stories and Grandpa’s. I confronted them both and learnt the truth.”
“Wow… that must have been hard on you. Them too I guess.” Mokuba commented after hearing what Yugi had had to say. “Were you mad at them for lying to you?” 
“For a little while, but it soon passed,” Yugi nodded as he remembered that betrayed feeling, similar to how a child who had just discovered that Santa Claus wasn’t real felt. “As I’m sure you know, family isn’t about having a mom and/or a dad, nor how many members are apart of it. At times it’s not even about blood relations, but rather the people in your life who want you in theirs. Those who accept you for who you are, who would do anything to see you smile and will love you no matter what.”
There was a moment of silence.
“You think Seto still loves me?” Mokuba asked with teary eyes.
“I know he does.” Yugi wrapped an arm around a now crying Mokuba and pulled him close as they walked back towards the city. “He’s going through a difficult time with his break-up with Kisara. Losing a love like that hurts and you got caught in his emotional firing line. Just give him some space for a while. You and he will be back on speaking terms before you know it.”
Mokuba’s pursed lips wobbled as he nodded in response to the assurance and advice that had been given. He then took out his phone from his pocket and completed his Father’s Day traditions.
— — — 
Stood in the kitchen of his mansion, Kaiba gulped back a full glass of water before leaving the glassware beside the sink with the other mountain of dishes that awaited his maid’s attention, which wouldn’t be for another couple of days still. His phone buzzed in his pocket to indicate he’d received a text message. He rather lazily pulled it out, expecting it to be from one of his business associates, but was surprised to see his brother’s name displayed on the screen and smiled a little in disbelief.
[TEXT from Mokie] Happy Father’s Day! 
It had been so long since he’d last heard from Mokuba and the sentiment almost brought tears to his eyes. Even after their fallout, his brother still loved him enough to think of him on such a special day. He replied with an automated: Thanks.
‘What exactly IS Father’s Day?’ Seto asked as he made a ghostly appearance beside his descendant, the tearful feeling having stirred him from quietly residing inside the other’s mind.
“It’s a celebration honouring fathers and paternal bonds,” Kaiba replied as he pocketed his phone.
‘And your brother views you as such?’
What the fuck do you think?
‘Okay, no need to get snarky.’ Seto declared after having sensed the sarcastic and irritated tone used towards him via the other’s thoughts. ‘Out of curiosity, are the dead excluded from such honouring?’
“Not that I’m aware.” Deciding that he was still thirsty and unable to remember which glass he had just drunk from, Kaiba reached for a clean one and poured himself more water from the filter-jug in the refrigerator. 
‘If the dead are not excluded, then why are you not honouring your own father?’
Was he really going to have this conversation? Kaiba stared at his doppelgänger. “Which father are you referring to? The one who made my life a nightmare because I beat him in a game of chess, or the one who tried to murder me?”
As much as Kaiba regretted the fallout with Mokuba, at least this Father’s Day he was relieved to not be forced to visit the lake where they’d nearly drowned and have to pretend to mourn the piece of shit that had tried to take them with him in the suicide car sinking. Of course, he would never reveal the man’s true motive to his brother who had been too young to remember things from that time,- poor kid already suffered enough with sharing his birthday with their mother’s death,- and would see Mokuba remembered one parent fondly... Even if it was a lie.
Seto sensed the other’s bitterness. ‘He was your father who LOVED you, and you’ve chosen to hate him based on a single mistake during his most desperate time?’
Since when did attempting to kill two innocent boys qualify as a mistake?! But if you want to play devil’s advocate, game on! Kaiba calmly placed his glass down on the countertop, proving just how much restraint he had on himself at that moment as the anger currently felt for his birth father would have caused the glass to shatter if slammed like he wanted to. “I could say the very same about your father. Does he not deserve to be honoured on this day?”
‘How dare you even suggest Aknadin be honoured! What he did was EVIL!’
As expected, a nerve had been touched. “Abandoning you in order to massacre an entire village aside, did he not mentor, nurture and guide you down the path that led you to become the honourable man you became? Isn’t THAT the true purpose of a father? To help his child be and attain the best in life? You can’t deny he failed you in that respect.”
‘You seem to be forgetting that he tried to manipulate me into killing the woman I loved before killing her himself!’ Seto countered back, well aware that the other was trying,- and succeeding,- to infuriate him. 
As if riling the other about his father hadn’t been enough, dismissing all knowledge of past Kisara was the icing on the cake. “As I recall, you ran him straight through afterwards, so that evens that score between you both.”
‘WHY YOU!!!’ Seto’s fist clenched tightly and he swung at the smug face staring back at him only for his fist to have no effect as it passed right through Kaiba’s head. He growled in frustration, ’I WISH I had a physical form to be able to pummel some sense and compassion into you!’
“I was thinking the exact same thing so I could strike you.”
‘You were…? Then how come I failed to hear that thought?’ Seto’s rhetorical question was asked aloud before he remembered that Kaiba had just taken some ‘medication’ before he’d appeared on the scene and that was the reason why he was now blocked from the other’s mind. ’Oh no, what did you take this time?’
Kaiba raised his brows high as he shrugged. “The pills weren’t marked. I was just instructed to not take more than one.”
‘And how many DID you take?’
‘Are you trying to kill yourself with all these narcotics?!’
“Live or die, I really don’t care anymore.” Kaiba drawled before raising his glass to his lips and drained the entire thing in several gulps.
‘What about Mokuba and Kisara? Do you not care about them?’
The now empty glass was added beside his first glass amongst the mountain of dishes as Kaiba’s aching dispirited mind cried; Of course care, that’s WHY I want this feeling to STOP!
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reikitai · 4 years
Top YGO ships and why. Yeah boys let's go.
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1. Mizu/blueshipping
This is very self explanatory BUT their love is a love that spanned over 3,000 years and yet.. So little had changed since then. I like to think that Kisara still sees bits and pieces of Seth in Kaiba and it pleasantly surprises her. It's fascinating. They are fascinating. A true love story.
2. Puzzleshipping
Oh 4kids, how much you butchered out for these two. They are inseparable and the whole relationship is founded on respect and care. This is pure and ideal. 
3. Roseshipping 
Because I too would do anything for the one I love. He is NOT a villain and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise. I feel this one personally; more than I'd like to admit and their love is just so powerful. Cecilia was literally Pegasus's MUSE, guys. To lose a huge part of yourself and someone so important like that.. So suddenly.. As an artist myself? Truly devastating. I understand and felt his inner turmoil completely. That's why Roseshipping gets 3rd.
4. Polarshipping
It was pretty obvious how they liked each other and all he had to do was kiss her before she drove off. Official art hints that they are still together thankfully. He's a real one.
5. Wishshipping
Best. Friends. This is adorable and while I love the concept of it, Puzzleshipping does come first.
Honorable mentions!
Honestly, this one is more of an inside joke and sentimental to me for reasons more than anything else. Their "chemistry" isn't typically considered healthy but hey, again.. Inside jokes and sentiments. 
Similar to Joey he also made his emotions clear for Mai. I would almost say he's better for Mai except.. He isn't. Joey balances her out while Valon is overpowering and in overdrive with his emotions if that makes sense. Overwhelming, Mai does like her space after all. Joey could understand that right away. Sidenote: It was interesting how Valon was the one that ended up with her card and not Joey..
Kaiba's ego and him going out of his way for one person is not only admirable but understandable even when the odds are against him.
Less loved for me than Prideshipping but you can't have Prideshipping without a smidge of Rivalshipping somewhere first. 
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