beharahospital · 10 days
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Bladder Cancer Awareness Month is observed annually in May to raise awareness about bladder cancer, its symptoms, risk factors, and prevention methods. Throughout the month, various organizations, healthcare professionals, patients, and advocates come together to educate the public about this often overlooked form of cancer. The awareness month aims to highlight the importance of early detection and treatment options, as bladder cancer can be more effectively managed when diagnosed in its early stages. Events such as fundraisers, educational seminars, and social media campaigns are organized to spread information and encourage individuals to take proactive steps towards their health. Additionally, Bladder Cancer Awareness Month serves as a platform to support those affected by the disease, including patients, survivors, caregivers, and their families. It fosters a sense of community and solidarity, providing resources and support networks to help individuals navigate their journey with bladder cancer. Overall, Bladder Cancer Awareness Month plays a crucial role in shedding light on this disease, promoting prevention strategies, and advocating for better research, treatment, and support for those impacted by bladder cancer.
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richardsontimhk · 5 years
Director: Simon Yin Production Company: yentertainment Cinematographer: Derrick Fong My Position: B Camera Operator
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cheezhayama · 3 months
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ereri-week · 7 months
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drugcarts · 7 months
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Together, we can make a difference. Share information about breast health and early detection. Knowledge is power. Let's celebrate the strength and resilience of breast cancer warriors. Share stories of hope and triumph. Spread the word, spread the love!
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prathimahospitals · 7 months
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Beyond Awareness, It's Time for Action.
Consult Our Doctors for Check up: 📅:: https://prathimahospitals.com/book-appointment/ 📞:: 733 733 6600 | 040 4345 4345
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shoeography · 3 years
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nohalfmeasuresamj · 2 years
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Fluids again today! Thankful my blood work from Monday (after TPA to get my port working) is showing some positive movement. Still feeling yucky but marginally less yucky. #bcsm #bcam #thisismbc #mbc #metastaticbreastcancer #mbcgrief (at Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center-ER) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj79PE1Lrui/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Highlighting Fierce with Joy Blogger Susan Hartman during BCAM 2022
Highlighting Fierce with Joy Blogger Susan Hartman during BCAM 2022
In honor of this year’s Blood Cancer Awareness Month, I spoke with Susan Hartman about her cancer journey and how she has embraced her circumstances with the goal of helping others. Susan’s story not so different than any of us. She was going along normally, and then all of a sudden her body started malfunctioning. Susan’s life was shaken and stirred and flipped upside down in May of 2020 when…
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dndsmthx · 6 months
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hlupdate · 2 years
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bradleyandpablo: @harrystyles #LateNightTalking 
🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌 Creative director @mollyjane_x Production Co @prettybirdpic (USA) EP @candeeedragon Rep @larkcreative Commissioner @bryanyounce DP @pablo_berron Production design @fran_mottola Editor @nickrondeau Harry styling @harry_lambert Pyjamas @gucci Service Co @mrmrfilms @prettybirdpic (UK) Producer @marthamcguirk @k_lamb_ PM @georgia_stamp Cast Styling @reubenesser MUA @doritanissenmakeup Casting @lanecasting B CAM @lloyddddddddddddddddd BCAM + Stills @viclentaigne Locations manager @thomas_gale_art VFX @mathematic.tv EP @hadiwd VFX Sup @bekobarber Grade @Emilianoserantoni Film print @fotokem_la
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stylesnews · 2 years
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bradleyandpablo: @harrystyles #LateNightTalking 🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌🛌
Creative director @mollyjane_x Production Co @prettybirdpic (USA) EP @candeeedragon Rep @larkcreative Commissioner @bryanyounce DP @pablo_berron Production design @fran_mottola Editor @nickrondeau Harry styling @harry_lambert Pyjamas @gucci Service Co @mrmrfilms @prettybirdpic (UK) Producer @marthamcguirk @k_lamb_ PM @georgia_stamp Prettybird UK EP @juliette_larthe #tedthronton Prettybird UK head of production @fsbamford Prettybird UK head of music videos @chrisraymurdoch Cast Styling @reubenesser MUA @doritanissenmakeup Casting @lanecasting B CAM @lloyddddddddddddddddd BCAM + Stills @viclentaigne Locations manager @thomas_gale_art VFX @mathematic.tv EP @hadiwd VFX Sup @bekobarber Grade @Emilianoserantoni Film print @fotokem_la
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bayircommunity · 30 days
160 cm Çekmeceli Ada Mutfak BCAM 4
160 cm Çekmeceli Ada Mutfak BCAM 4
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wkndul · 1 month
am fost ieri prin parc și a fost super . temperaturi ridicate , verdeață , copaci , cât și aerul mai curat în apropierea acestora , ce mi-au dat un moment foarte bun petrecut (bcam) .
chiar azi fusei prin oraș , de-mi luai ceva din mall , mergând mai mult pe la umbră la de cât de cald fu azi .
o să treacă pentru că , din ce-am înțeles eu , cauza ar fi un val de căldură venit din africa ce trece pe la noi și ofc încălzirea globală .
de paște probabil va fi o vreme mohorâtă cu șanse de ploaie deși o să fie în mai .
am început să scriu mai des aici , chiar și când n-am ce să scriu , ceva interesant de citit .
azi cred că am să termin s1 din the x-files , care îmi place la fel de mult cum îmi plăcea când îl vedeam la tv pe când eram copil .
afară toți mișună cu treabă , sau relaxându-se , parcă totul a prins viață , ofc știu că e primăvară dar văd că e cu temperaturi de vară .
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yo-sostenible · 2 months
• Valoración de SEO/BirdLife y WWF tras la reunión ayer de ministros de Agricultura de los países de la UE Ayer la Comisión Europea y los Estados miembros acordaron rebajar los escasos avances ambientales que ha habido en la PAC, tras su última reforma. La norma comunitaria dejará de condicionar la recepción de ayudas públicas a prácticas que fomenten la sostenibilidad agraria. Además, la propuesta quiere limitar el número de inspecciones que comprueban el cumplimiento de las normas sociales y ambientales. Estas medidas forman parte de una amplio paquete de propuestas que aspiran no sólo a estar vigentes durante este año, sino a volverse permanentes.  “Sacrificar un Pacto Verde Europeo que ni siquiera se ha puesto en marcha por la crisis del campo es una irresponsabilidad. Los precios inadecuados o la competencia desleal no se solucionarán con acuíferos agotados, suelos desertificados y el cambio climático operando en límites imprevisibles. Seguir llamando a incrementos de la productividad, cuando un tercio de los alimentos acaban en la basura sí es la ruina del campo. Vivimos un retroceso sin precedentes en aspectos ambientales. Y, lo peor, es que todo ello será a costa de la agricultura familiar”, afirma Celsa Peiteado, responsable del programa de Alimentos de WWF España.  “Desde luego es imprescindible acompañar esta transición agroambiental con medidas que incentiven la participación y aceptación de los agricultores, como formación y asesoramiento, así como cubrir los impactos socioeconómicos a corto plazo del cambio de modelo cuando sea necesario. Pero la política pública debe buscar la generación de bienes públicos, lo que incluye la seguridad alimentaria a largo plazo, protegiendo los recursos naturales de los que depende (tal y como propone la BCAM 8 derogada, dejando espacio para la biodiversidad en las fincas agrarias para contribuir, entre otros, a la polinización o al control de plagas). Y eso requiere asegurar un mínimo de sostenibilidad ambiental en todas las explotaciones que participan de la PAC, algo que hasta ahora no se ha conseguido con las distintas medidas voluntarias puestas a disposición”, asegura Ana Carricondo, coordinadora de Programas de Conservación de SEO/BirdLife.  Fuente WWF
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ajitsuranase · 3 months
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