fujii-draws · 1 year
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Me and @cyber-streak-2 thinking of a new au together >:3
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rainbow-squirrels-7 · 6 years
DND tonight on The Kleos Guild
-We began with scenes to set the tone of what was going on. Like scenes that the audience saw but the characters didn’t. 
-We had a suspicion throw on Peregrine, who was shown to be crossing out places where the Song Thief struck
-We had a scene of Murphy (whose town just got trapped by losing its Song Crystal) have a sad moment but be comforted by Peregrine
-There were a few scenes in Roots showing the trapped citizens including my breakfast lizards and my raven man Huitzilopotchli and my annoyed retail employee/artist, Frida 
-We saw some rich folks annoyed because their rich people cactus juice wasn’t able to be delivered, and also a meeting in Ferryrock that explained all the Guild knew about the rash of Song Crystal thefts, as this couldn’t be kept under wraps for any longer
-and we saw a scene of the Song Thief in a savanna environment knocking out some guards and heading into a jungle
-Also our Monk left the group because she was too busy, but for my plot to work out, I had to make it like she was never there, not like she just left
-anyway, my players were summoned by Peregrine who said Sam the Tiefling Guildmaster of the Emerald Division was at the Guild and said there was an emergency
-they were given some ‘morph suits’ as I described them, which had a button on the collar that caused a fishbowl air bubble to pop out when pressed. 
-My Druid kept her bubble up the whole time even before they went to the jungle
-They the warped to the jungle islands and found an African-style village, but no one was there until Sam put down the illusion and it was revealed to be a very large group of guildmembers with instruments
-the whole Divisions concept (but specifically the Emerald Division) is based on the PMD fanfiction, The Silver Resistance where there are different Divisions of Pokemon instead of Guilds, and anyway, the Emerald Division in that story is kind of stoic and uncaring, which is the inspiration for Sam’s personality. And in the story, there’s a fallen Rayquaza statue in the Emerald Division, which inspired my fallen Tree of Life statue at my own Emerald Division 
-Sam had her Division play a song: link and projected an illusion that told the story of the islands and the Emerald Division
-the Emerald Division had been on the island for generations and their ancestors found the Tree of Life deep in the jungle, and they also found a vein of pure magic within the earth, and they built a temple complex and treated the tree as sacred. then, scientists came to the island, hearing about the magic, and they forced the Emerald Division ancestors out, building the city of Noble Springs and their nucleo-magic plant on top of the temples. then there was a Chernobyl-style nuclear meltdown and the city was destroyed and abandoned and the entire jungle was made radioactive
-the players were then lead to the jungle and told that the Song Thief took one of the longer routes, but they will be taking the shortest route, trying to reach the temple before him
-my Bard has also had a Hat of Disguise this whole time, which he changes to match my environments. He had a stetson hat in Roots and he had a pith helmet in this jungle.
-they then trekked through the jungle (which had glowing green plants and irradiated animals like monkeys with two heads and birds with four wings and centipedes like eight feet long) and came across a sign they couldn’t read with an elephant on it. I was expecting someone to use a comprehend languages spell, but no one could, so they were left to wonder what it said. It said “test of faith”, though... anyway, they went forward and found a patch of quicksand.
-my Druid Tarzan-swung across, my Paladin (and Peregrine) shimmied along the edge on the trees, and my Bard froze the surface and walked across
-then they stopped to rest for the night and Peregrine requested of them all for them to let her talk to the Song Thief before they attacked. My players reluctantly agreed (they very much want to kill the Song Thief)
-the next morning, they found another sign, this time with more unreadable words (it said “test of wits”) and a picture of a panther. The test was a raging river to cross. My Druid did another vine swing. My Paladin threw a javelin across the river with a rope tied to it, and then my Bard tightrope-walked across (though it was shaky with my Druid trying to hold it while failing strength saves). My Paladin and Peregrine just hand over hand crawled across under the rope.
-then they came to the ruined city, which I described as ‘looking like Chernobyl because that’s what it’s based on”
-my Bard went to investigate a creaky rusty noise and left the party to wait for him. He came to an ‘old abandoned old abandoned amusement park’ and found a ferris wheel. he poked a ferris wheel cart and angered a gorilla that was taking a nap. the gorilla also had four arms. My Bard then thought quickly and cast an illusion of a ‘really pretty gorilla’ and my buff gorilla failed his save and went chasing after it and my Bard ‘ruined my entire giant gorilla fight’
-so he went back to the others and went up to the temple, where my Paladin saw movement around earlier. they found the door closed with this riddle on it:
-I bring back light in the darkest of times. I give hope to the hopeless in a verse that rhymes. I may give out glory, I may give out none. I am left to remember when the story is done. What am I?
-they immediately said ‘song’ but the actual answer was to play a song, so they waffled around a bit guessing things like poem, ballad, ect. until my Paladin suggested they actually play a song, and my Bard chose to play the Campfire Song Song from Spongebob. Which opened the door.
-inside, they found a hallway, and after convincing the Bard that he didn’t need to keep watch, he was left inside anyway when the door shut behind him. Then the walls started getting all Inception-y and things started getting weird. They were in an illusion of Roots, then in the battlefield where they played the Tree of Life to stop the monsters, and then in Bard City, then the arena at Gods’ Doorstep, and then in the shipyard in Ferryrock, and then on the hill in the Town of Heroes where the journey started. And then they saw stuff they didn’t recognize, which was a deep, dark, misty, quiet forest (which I had my Druid recognize vaguely, like deja-vu), and then a ruined temple that none of them recognized. 
-these last two scenes are actually places in the future, but none of them remember they’re from the future, and Peregrine lied and said she didn’t recognize them either. 
-they then found a grid of tiles on the ground, and my Bard stepped past my traps again and used Mage Hand to press on each tile individually, testing each for poison darts. And then he walked by all of them, using Mage Hand to block the dart as he stepped on the tiles. 
-then they went down a floor and found  along hallway with doors that had just shut at the end. And Peregrine ran faster than the rest of them and threw the doors open to find the Song Thief inches away from taking the Song Crystal
-There was a silent face off for a moment between both sides and Peregrine said “You have to stop this. You know what will happen.”
-and the Song Thief replied, “Then you know why I can’t do that.” and he grabbed the Song Crystal and used an Escape Orb to get out. 
-and then my players used their own Escape Orb and got out of the temple to the edge of the jungle where they got in and started running away back to the village
-they were, with combined 5+ rolls on a D10 able to yell out and tell the Emerald Division to get to the warp panel, able to save about half the Division, with the rest of them trapped on the island in silence, just like Roots and Bard City
-everyone got back to the Guild, and at this point my players are VERY suspicious of Peregrine, and she says that she has some things to say, and she calls a town meeting
-Peregrine gets anxious easily (I have her constantly holding her violin and messing with it. I only realized after we ended that I never said ‘fiddled with her violin’, which I must remedy next session) and she doesn’t like public speaking, but she gave a speech about what was going on, and what just happened in Noble Springs.
-and then she said that there are some things that are hard to believe. Including that the Song Thief was never part of the Ameythyst Division. 
-but mostly that she and the Song Thief are from the future
-and my Paladin’s player (who has played PMD) gave me a look and said “you’re having fun with this, aren’t you?” and I said, “Yes, yes I am”
-and everyone was surprised, (I had them hear a “WHAT THE-” and then get cut off, which was Rowena getting censored by her wife, Lily) and stuff. But they hatched a plan to capture the Song Thief at King’s Reach in the mountains where the Sapphire Division is based. My Bard wanted to use some sort of guarding runes or something to basically set a fire trap, but Peregrine insisted that they not kill the Song Thief, she wants to capture him and take him to face justice in the future. She suggests that they use the Tree of Life song to freeze the Song Thief in place and stop him from taking the last Song Crystal
-and then the players had another meeting with only the Guildmasters, where they tried to interrogate Peregrine, who was constantly lying through her teeth. She said she doesn’t know who the Song Thief is, that she doesn’t know why he’s stealing the Song Crystals, that she doesn’t have any connection to him. None of which is true
-My players do NOT trust Peregrine
-Which I guess is okay. They shouldn’t. But going on PMD, at this point, the Hero and Partner still trusted Dusknoir. By the PMD plot, we’re at the part just before Grovyle is captured at Crystal Cave
-Anyway, after a visit to Gerald and Charlie (my players used his Swap Cauldron to get some cool items. My Paladin got a Robot Boy which takes a player’s failed Death Save [based on the creepy doll from TAZ]. My Druid got a thermos of Super Spicy Curry that allows for a cast of Fire Bolt and a spicy aftertaste. And my Bard got some Thunder Tapshoes which can cast Thunderwave [based on the Thunder Tapshoes in BombBarded.]) my players wanted to have a private meeting with the Guildmasters minus Peregrine
-they found them and tried to interrogate them as well, asking mostly if they knew anything about Peregrine. They only said that she’s kind of a new Guildmaster (she only became it two months ago, when Bard City fell) and that she was a Professional Hero before becoming the Guildmaster. The other Guildmasters also said that they didn’t want to kill the Song Thief either, they just want things to go back to normal
-my Druid and Bard, however, do want him dead. My Paladin doesn’t. They had a player-on-player altercation that was really amazing. My Bard even cast Hold Person on my Paladin to stop her from walking out of the room because he though she was going to go tell Peregrine that they were talking behind her back
-I love when drama writes itself
-anyway, the last thing that happened was that my Paladin went outside and used her Holy Megaphone (which allows the user to shout to the sky at their god [the DM] and ask them one yes or no question). My Bard and Druid players were actually arguing at this time, so it was even better that they didn’t hear the question, as their characters weren’t there. My Paladin (who serves the Moon goddess, Selune) asked if Peregrine was telling them the whole truth. And the moon answered “No.”
-It reminded me of that whole scene with Magnus and the Voidfish, with him asking whether he should trust the Director. Man, it was cool. 
-anyway, next, they’re off to King’s Reach, where the Sapphire Division is based, and Bremen Manor, where the Song Crystal is located. I’m still deciding whether I should have a murder mystery episode because frankly, I don’t know if my players’ characters would care too much if they had to solve a mystery because they’re too focused on catching the Song Thief. But oh well, I’ll work it out. Maybe I’ll just have the capture go smoothly, and then just get on to them getting dragged to the future
-they suspect that Peregrine has some personal connection to the Song Thief, which explains why she doesn’t want to kill him. I think it’s okay that they’re figuring that out. But I don’t think any of them (besides my Paladin’s player) suspect they’re from the future, too. And nobody expects that my Bard is actually Peregrine and Kes’ half-brother. 
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