#Ayumu Van Halen
rhaaclaws · 11 months
do you have any voiceclaims for your ocs?
TOOK ME A WHILE TO GET TO THIS BC FINDING CERTAIN VOICECLAIMS IS HARDDDDD like I can hear them in my mind but I cant just Project that. Anyways, this got real long so its under the cut
✨ Akemi Masuwaka
I always imagined her with a higher and cuter voice and what I imagine is Yoko Oginome's voice.
🌌 Andros Stellar*
His voiceclaim is Courtney Love but specifically in the Hole song Teenage Whore. I chose Love's voice because of the raspiness and just Raw emotion in it. I do prefer to use examples from her songs though bc of the vocal fry + it's more accurate to my vision
☢ Ayumu Van Halen
He's my cool guy and of courseeee i had to give him Spider One's voice from Powerman 5000. They've got a pretty deep voice and Spider One's is perfecttt for it
🧤 Chimera Reznor
While on the higher pitch spectrum, their actual voice [not augmented by its stand] is still very broken and often cracks. Her voiceclaim is Jessicka of Jack Off Jill
🔂 Dani Navarro
im. in love with her but listen he is THE most californian person ever man it's almost too much. he's a surfer and a bassist and also born and raised in Los Angeles. literally the closest I can get to is this vid and even then, she always says “dude”, “bro”, or “man” at the end of a sentence with a vocal fry. love and joy
🗡 Darling Nikki
Literally, the hardest one to pin down because their entire character is based on the fact that she is a mirror to people to get them to trust her easier. So the voice is more of a Ranged thing than a set one. I once had them appear in my dream though and I'm so mad i can't exactly send that as an example. But her voice ranges from Damiano David of Måneskin to Meryl Streep's performance as Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada. They usually speak with a very breathy tone, almost whispering in your ear, but with some rasp. For screams though she sounds like the song Nakedness Of Need by Pharmakon. Aaaaand if you're about to get eaten [or are lucky enough to be part of her polycule] they sound like Machine Screw by Type O Negative [which does not have a definitive credit]
🌹 Beatrice Franco
While a very minor character, she's Nikki's mother and I cannot leave her out of this. She sounds like Myss Keta <3
👻 Jing Kalachuchi
They have a small but permanent echo to their voice. It's a voice that is very light and airy, as if a ghost was trying to talk to you. For this, as much as I dislike this person, I think she'd sound like Grimes in the song Oblivion. She doesn't speak much though and often forgets she can't communicate with living people the same way they do with spirits.
🕶 Mariqueen Westwood
My loveeee <3 Her voice often cracks and sounds like its about to give out but she loves to be loud soooo it doesn't matter much to her. For this the best example would be Patti Smith's voice in the live version of My Generation
⌨ NikitA Nakamoto
I can't exactly say what they sound like because 99% of the time they are using a voice augmentor. The closest I can really get to is Viktor from League Of Legends, but you can just imagine a 90s techno DJ and it'd fit ngl
💄 Sayoko Kawakubo
She sounds like Sade 100%. She has a very very smooth voice that is so perfect for her more quiet personality in contrast to her past job as a supermodel
🦠 Sheri Moon Teese
I already had her voice picked out from the beginning and it's Jennifer Tilly's performance as Violet in Bound (1996). It has a very sultry voice that is a joy to listen to [especially to her wife <3]
⛓ Steele [Jäger Wolfgang Heinekein]
This is such an Obvious choice but 💔Peter Steele's voice with a rasp and a heavy ” German “ accent [she's from 1700s Prussia, kinda hard to put that in modern accents]. I can't really get an accurate voice esp since thon's voice is more androgynous in a complicated way to explain but bear with me man
Thierry Itō [can't get the emoji to work on my PC so ill edit this on my phone later]
Probably one of my favorite voiceclaims: Patricia Morrison of The Gun Club, Sisters Of Mercy, and The Damned. They have this smooth and comforting voice and it's really helpful considering they are a therapist. You could listen to anything they say and you just want to hear it until you fall asleep because of how soothing it is.
🍸 Valentino Schiaparelli
Also a favorite of mine, his voice sounds like Prince's. From everything about the pitch, the mannerisms, the dramatics, it just fits him perfectly and most importantly: oh my god he needs to have some slay going for him
👑 Phthonus “The Prince” Morrissey
They've got one of the most recognizable voices imo, and it's that of Jinx from League Of Legends/Arcane. I think it really matches their appearance and the mask they put around others
📐 Guccio Piranesi
He has the voice and wavering of Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil, specifically in the song Beds Are Burning. But he's got a really fun way of talking that I can't just leave out when speaking. He constantly repeats his sentences in different ways to get one point across, so much to the point where he ends up overexplaining and overcomplicating the message so it's hard to understand what he's saying.
While this isn't everyone, the rest I either do not have enough confidence to set down a specific voice, or I haven't developed their character enough yet.
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
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Ok everyone look at my best friend Ayumu. most radioactive guy around
One thing I missed putting in the info was that he fronts as a man to everyone, and the only ones who know he's just a lesbian are their wives and friends. Really only tells this to people when the occasion is funny so someone can go Years without knowing bc its like an inside joke to him
Transcript under the cut
Ayumu Van Halen
he/they | 27 | transmasc lesbian | 6'1 [185cm]
Stand: Judas Priest -> Big fucking radiation BEAM -> Because of this, immune to radiation
Professional boxer [stage name: Atomic Punk]
Left eye is a glass eye -> Glow in the dark
Wives: Achlys [user of Megadeth] & Stradlin ["user" of Pretty Tied Up/Paddy]
Fav bands: Van Halen, Judas Priest, KISS, Mötley Crüe, Powerman 5000, Billy Idol
There is an arrow that points at his glass eye on the bottom right bust that says "radiation symbol"
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
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I luvvvv these sillies so much. 2/4 of Love At First Sting i gotta draw the rest of them
[Paddy/Pretty Tied Up by @outpost-31 ]
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rhaaclaws · 2 years
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Drew some of my sillies in class
Left is Atomic Punk/Ayumu Van Halen, right is Andros Stellar*
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
thinking abt my silly Ayumu again and. here are some details
He has prosopagnosia, aka face blindness. this has led from interesting situations to funny ones to Actual trouble when talking to people
Really bad at telling tone and facial expressions. this is unrelated to the face blindness thing, as he also struggles with using the correct tone/facial expression. one part of this is that they're not good at subtleties At All. This has led to accidentally upsetting Sadako, a friend of Ayumu's [@outpost-31 's oc haiii], with a joke he had no idea hit an insecurity of hers until she began crying
Is also quite bad at confrontation. not in an "oh ill avoid confronting someone" since they are very direct and if they have a problem they'll instantly go to someone. but because not too long ago, if someone was mad at Ayumu it meant that they were going to get their ass kicked
Because of said ass-kicking, whenever someone confronts him or Ayumu sees that he made someone upset, he'll instantly just act like the person is going to attack him. It's really not personal, like that mentioned friend, but more out of habit. He ended up talking with Sadako because well. they're both fucking adults and also friends who care about each other.
Whenever he gets nervous, he bounces his leg to try to get some energy out
Also really really hates asking for help, because it means that they'll have to pay that back and that usually got them into some nasty traps with not-great people
Thought will still accept help. hes not going to deny it
This kinda going into same thing with borrowing things. he'd usually forget it bc of bad object permanence and then would get people upset and this has also sparked some fights. this is the one thing he'll refuse to ask for or accept unless its for a really quick thing and the person is still in sight
Another thing about being confronted, when younger they'd go non-verbal and this would usually piss off whoever was already mad at them 👍
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
i love love at first sting. butch4butch4butch4femme polycule
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
How I go about making [Original] character playlists
someone in a server asked for some help on making OC playlists and I made a think piece basically on how I do it and realized this could help people outside the server so 👍
This is a long post, 1.6k words so it's under a read more.
for character playlists, I make a Venn diagram of like
“Would this character listen to this song vs does this character Actually listen to this genre vs what story is this song telling”
If a song is important to a character/influenced a lot in their making absolutely add it in
that's very obvious but ummm let me use an example song
ok this one. I'm gonna be relating it to Nikki's playlist since it's on there
Would this character listen to this song? Nikki has a darker aesthetic with a lot of gothic influences, both in how they act, dress, and decorate their own house. in this case, Nikki Would listen to this song because it has that general 'dark' theme 
Does this character actually listen to this genre? while Nikki has been around for 500ish years, they do listen to modern music and also prefer longer pieces. Nikki does listen to gothic music as they frequent lots of clubs that would play stuff like this. Also, she's canonically a type o negative fan
What story is this song telling? obvs this depends on your interpretation of the song and how this could relate to the character since lalala whole analysis thing I'm not gonna get into. but its generally about a (vampire) woman on Halloween/eve and just how she is. also the whole "loving you was like loving the dead'' thing that relates to another character I'm not gonna mention
The last part that I forgot to talk about but kinda goes into the last one: could you relate this song to that character and have it make sense? both in how it sounds and in lyrics. bc I've found songs that lyrically fit someone Perfectly but then it sounds like shit or it just doesn't fit the character
like ex: Disturbia by Rhianna with Chimera
sound wise it's not like the rest of its playlist but I do have my reason for putting it on there: lyrics that they relate to and because her best friend listens to pop music and would show her this sort of stuff.
I try to have a general Sound for a playlist but obvs there are some outliers 👍
Unfortunately, some songs fit a character really well but they wouldn't exactly listen to it/does nottt fit the general theme of their playlist
example: ayumu's playlist. it has a lot of just Glam music and it features mostly van halen, judas priest, kiss, etc just stuff like that 
there's one song, somewhat damaged by Nine Inch Nails, that fits him exceptionally well in terms of lyrics that relate to his backstory and how it's a slow progression with a climax at the very end. but I don’t have it on there because sound wise it would stick out like a sore thumb
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Of course, not everyone is gonna have One Set Genre and Sound
and some characters I focus more on different categories
Ex1: Dani's playlist is fully made up of what he listens to and I did that on purpose because she's a character who is veryyyy focused on music [specifically metal] and also one who Makes music in canon. so I focused more on the sound aspect and what he actually listens to but still tried to vaguely match the lyrics to her backstory [and unsurprisingly, a lot of them are about anger in one way or another. while Dani isn't an angry person anymore, she still goes back to it since its an outlet] 
Ex2: going back to Nikki's playlist, it's made up of 3 parts. 
In the first part, the thing I focused on the most was How people perceive her/how she wants to be perceived. so I tried to go for more 'seductive' songs and also tried to keep a general darker sound. 
The second part is stuff that relates to her past/highly personal aspects, which is why its more hidden within, and probably wouldn't notice it if you quickly scrolled; in this one, I stuck to lyrics [and it mostly lined up to what Nikki listens to since their top modern band is Depeche Mode all the way through and for good reason]. 
The third part is made up of instrumentals, mostly classical music bc well this is what Nikki listened to for most of her life, so I wanted to reflect on it a bit. so here my biggest focus was Sound and trying to fit her theme
Ex3: Andros' playlist
while I of course tried to have a general sound, I purely focused on lore. the order of each song on here is purposeful because it's meant to tell his entire life story within a playlist. kinda hard to talk about it minimally because the only other way is literally sending that director's cut document I have explaining each song and why it's on there in that placement
this was the hardest route imo for a character playlist since its Hard to find stuff that relates to specific experiences, but it's very worth it if you have a character you have a full-on story for 👍
now for actually finding music
One of the first things I figure out when making a character is "If they had a character theme what would it sound like" and/or what bands/genre do they listen to
When I have a theme I usually go off on what I already know and try to see "ok what artist comes up the most for this" and then go to their discography or similar bands [ill send my fav resource for it in a sec]
if you already have a stand name/namesake though, try to stick to that [you don’t have to but its a base you can use]
Here’s my thought process using all that to make a playlist, with our playlist of choice being Jing’s.
Their stand is called I Talk To The Wind, which is a song made by king crimson. so my first thoughts were "ok I’m gonna go through their songs and see what's similar/what I could put on this" and I really only felt like putting Moonchild up next. 
next, I was like “ok what's the theme of this character”. The first thing I came up about them was being able to see ghosts so "ok I’m gonna find songs that relate to death, ghosts, and just that general theme" So now I got came back haunted, ghosting, La Mer, I'm looking forward to joining you finally, Bela Lugosi's dead, Otherside, and (don't fear) the reaper. for sounds, I also went on this Halloween ambient noise playlist and added Laila pt1, black venom, and scary spirits
ok, what would they listen to? well, I know that their fav bands are King Crimson, but i also want to add in New Order and someee Bauhaus. so I put in ceremony, procession, burn, etc
and now lore stuff. how do these lyrics relate to their character/what would it mean to them? this usually requires some general lore in hand but you can just listen to songs and be like. hm. it'd be interesting to make this relate to a character so then you go off that. on this category I added: new feeling, macro, introspectre, i get wild/ wild gravity, and who is she ?
obvs your thought process depends on your character and the music you already know
I am insane because I am constantly playing music or otherwise I’d die so I have a lottttttt of music in my mind catalog basically so I usually go off on that
if you want to know more songs and such or know a character would listen to this genre that you're nottt super familiar with here's what i do
try searching for general terms so you pull up playlists on spotify
if you have a song already you can put that bad boy in something like spotalike or any alternative you like
thissss beautiful website https://everynoise.com/
every noise at once lets you scroll through basically every single genre ever and if you click on it you get bands that are part of that genre
something you can also do is use the find artist search engine and see what genres they belong to so you can find similar stuff
obvs theyre not exact butttttt
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say i wanna look in the industrial rock genre. if i double-click on it i get to this page
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you can use the scan button at the top to get a general sense of the artist [since you egt a sample] and you can go in deep into an artist's discography
i used that website a lotttttttt for tyhis one playlist that is purely sound based/what this character would listen to 100%
but yeah this is my general process on making a character playlist 👍 I’m veryyyy thorough with it and you can literally ask me about any song on any character playlist and i can tell you exactly why i put it on there
is it a little excessive? sure but this is my way of doing it
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rhaaclaws · 1 year
im reaching a state in oc making where im forgetting little guys I have so here's a list. i Hope
Andros Stellar*
Darling Nikki
Akemi Masuwaka
Chamber of Reflection
Dani Navarro
Ayumu Van Halen
[need to get a first name] Piranesi
Sayoko Kawakubo
NikitA Nakamoto
Rest For the Wicked's user
Black Hole Sun's user
[edit: added their full names bc why not]
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