#Ava Raine
sydsaint · 2 months
A little taste of what's to come with our fav GM Reader and her boys. <3
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Summary: GM reader flexes her hard-earned experience and the benefits that come with it to Ava at a draft meeting. But offering Ava some wisdom isn't the only thing that she's got on the agenda.
"Your boys lost the match fair and square, Pearce." You smile across the table at your fellow general manager. "Which means that Smackdown gets first dibs at the NXT roster, courtesy of Ava, of course." You turn in your chair to face Ava sitting a few seats away from you.
Ava flashes a friendly smile at you. This is her first WWE draft meeting, so she's still in the feeling-out process of everything. "I'm just happy to be here." She admits.
"And we're happy to have you here." Pearce nods. "But back to business. YN, do you have a pick from the NXT roster to kick the night off?" He turns back to you.
"I do, yes." You grin and twirl your pen in your hand before pulling open the vanilla folder in front of you. "Smackdown will be taking Carmelo Hayes as our first pick from NXT." You inform the room.
A knowing scoff escapes Pearce's lips. He taps his pen against his palm and nods at you. "Excellent choice, YN." He compliments you. "Your eye for talent never ceases to amaze me." He adds knowingly.
"What can I say, Adam? I can't help but have good taste." You laugh and wink at him playfully.
The meeting drags on for a few more hours while you and Pearce go back and forth on draft picks. Ava chimes in when one of you has a question about the NXT roster, but otherwise stays silent and soaks in all the information she can get. Ava especially keeps a keen eye on you. She aspires to be like you one day. A strong woman that commands authority and understands the inner-workings of the company like the back of your hand.
After the meeting finally comes to an end, both you and Pearce are feeling satisfied with your respective picks. The two of you shake hands and part ways until the next executive meeting or PLE show. You are just about shoot the boys a text that you're finished up with your meeting when Ava approaches.
"YN! Hey, again." Ava cracks a friendly and eager smile as she walks over to you.
"Hmm?" You glance up from your phone. "Oh, Ava! What's up, girl?" You greet her.
Ava bounces on her heels nervously and smiles at you. "Sorry to bother you." She bites the inside of her cheek. "But I was hoping that we could talk for a minute?"
"Yeah, sure." You nod and pocket your phone. "I've got some time before my date gets here."
Ava nods and the two of you move to a more comfortable spot to chat for a bit. You both take a seat out in the outdoor lounge and take advantage of the warm sun still hanging in the sky.
"You were great earlier." Ava starts the conversation. "I mean. It's so cool how you manage to control the narative when you're negotiating with Pearce." She gushes. "That's what I want."
"Thanks, Ava." You giggle at her awe of you. "You did good for your first draft meeting too." You offer her an encouraging smile. "I know you haven't been in charge of the NXT roster for long. But you seem to have a good handle on it. Your knoledge of everyone really helped Pearce and I out with our picks." You assure her.
The smile on Ava's face grows wider at your encouraging words. "Thanks, YN. That really means a lot." She blushes.
"Of course!" You nod. "You've got a bright future kid." You knock into her shoulder playfully.
You and Ava chat for a while about work. You offer her some tips about things that you had to learn the hard way in order to move up in the business. Ava soaks up the information and doesn't hesitate to ask questions, which you like.
"Hey, I actually have another question for you." Ava prepares to drop another ask on you. Not that you mind. "If you don't mind, that is." She adds.
"Ask away." You smile at her.
Ava picks at her nails for a second before nervously meeting your gaze. "Are the rumors true about you, LA Knight, Grayson Waller, and Austin Theory?" She asks you sheepishly.
A laugh falls from your lips upon hearing Ava's question. "Well it's no secret that Knight and I have a special relationship." You half-answer her. "But when it comes to Theory and Waller? Well, some things are better left to the imagination, don't you think, Ava?" You tease her and your phone buzzes in your pocket.
You take out your phone and quickly read the new message. Ava watches you curiously as you rise to your feet and pocket your phone before pulling down your sunglasses.
"You're doing great as the GM of NXT." You praise Ava one last time. "But don't ever forget that being the GM comes with it's own special perks." You grin at her as a fast-sounding car whips into the parking lot.
Ava watches you gesture for her to follow you as the luxury car sounds closer and closer. She follows you out to the front of the building where she spots the luxury car she heard now sitting still. LA Knight leans against the drivers-side door and nods to Ava when he sees her.
"You out here picking up strays now, darlin?" Knight peers at you over the rim of his aviators.
"Just giving a newbie some tips from a pro." You grin back at him. "You ready to go? The boys are starting the party without us from the text I just got from the pretty boy." You add.
Knight chuckles and walks around the car to get the door for you. "The party don't really start until you get there, sweetheart. You know that."
"Take care Ava!" You offer Ava one last wave. "Shoot me a message if you ever need anything, alright, girl?" You add.
"Yeah! Okay!" Ava nods, her eyes sparkling with awe as you dissapear into the car.
Knight walks back around the car and pulls his glasses down to get a good look at Ava. "You have a nice rest of your day, sweetheart." He shoots a wink at her before pushing his glasses back up and disapearing into the car as well.
Ava watches the car speed out of the parking lot and shakes her head. Oh yeah. She's definetly got a new role model to look up to.
In the car you laugh with Knight regarding your little display. "Oh her face was so cute." You giggle.
"She did looked pretty shocked, yeah." Knight agrees. "How'd the meeting go with Pearce?" He asks you.
You smile to yourself and look at Knight knowingly. "It went great. Smackdown is about to become the A-show again. Trust me on that, babe." You laugh to yourself. "Because I've got Carmelo Hayes in my office on Friday night. And he's all mine to work with."
"Hayes, huh?" Knight glances over at you for a brief second. "You ain't looking to add another boytoy to the roster, are you?" He asks you.
"We'll see." You shrug, plans for new rivalries and storylines already forming in your head.
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foreverlyjay · 4 days
For Jey to post “Give my family our flowers while we still in the game. Not when we leave it” just show Jey see and read everything online.
Some already missing Roman and negative comments towards the bloodline which doing the same shit when Roman was champion. It a damn shame!
Anoài & Fatu Samoan dynasty family been holding it down in wrestling for YEARS. The Bloodline carry WWE four years and they deserve all their followers 💐
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mrawkweird · 5 days
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Ava really hoping Trick don't fumble on Sunday.
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r-truth · 4 months
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braywashed · 4 months
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miayimofficial: Cool Kids on the Block.
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rheasbrvtality · 4 months
the national treasure that is r truth
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blkgirlwrestling · 4 months
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Black History Month icons pt.1!! ✊🏾Feel free to use.
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wrestlingdivas2k23 · 7 months
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mith-gifs-wrestling · 5 months
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Arianna Grace's face is always worth watching.
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acknowledge-reigns · 4 months
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dalekofchaos · 26 days
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She's just a silly little guy
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sydsaint · 1 month
Things are a-changing in everyone's favorite polycule!!!
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Summary: The WWE draft rolls around and GM!Reader invites Ava to observe. But that's not the only thing on her agenda for the first night of the draft.
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It's late Thursday night as you finish up packing your bags for your flight to Cincinnati. Smackdown is hosting the first night of the draft in the city tomorrow, and it's bound to be an interesting show.
Off to the side of the room, the door creaks open. You glance at the door as Knight leans against the door frame. "You almost ready to go, gorgeous?" He asks you.
"Yeah." You nod and turn back to your bag. "Is everything in the apartment off? And did you set the feeder on the fish tank for the weekend?" You ask him.
Knight pushes off the door and walks over to you. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you. "Everything is taken care of, darlin'. Like always." He assures you. "Your boy toys are already on their flight. We're just waiting on you now, boss lady." He teases you.
"God, reliability is so sexy on you." You zip up your suitcase before turning around in Knight's arm. You wrap your arms around his neck and lean up for a kiss. "Can you take my bags down? I need to make a quick phone call before we get to the airport."
"Of course, darlin." Knight nods and lets you go from his arms. "Anything for you, sweetheart." He winks at you before grabbing your bags and hauling them off out to the car.
You fish your phone from your back pocket and begin switching off lights as you move through the apartment. You dial the number you need and the line rings a few times before someone finally picks up.
"Yeah? This is, Ava." A sweet female voice answers the call.
"Ava!" You smile to yourself and switch the last light in the apartment off. "Hey, it's YN. The GM for Smackdown?" You introduce yourself.
You hear rustling on the other side of the phone before Ava finally answers you. "Yeah! Of course! Hi." She answers with enthusiasm. "What can I do for you?" She asks you.
"I actually had a sort of business proposition for you." You explain. "I'm going to assume you know that Smackdown is hosting the first night of the draft, right?" You ask Ava.
"Yeah." Ava replies.
You linger at the front door of the apartment and check the security system one last time before locking the door and stepping outside. "Well, I'd like to formally invite you to Smackdown to be a guest on the show." You inform Ava. "If, of course, you're willing to fly out to Cincinnati by tomorrow night."
"Really?" Ava sounds surprised by your proposal. "Umm, yeah! That sounds great! I think that I can make it in time for Smackdown tomorrow." She adds, and you can hear more rustling on the other end of the line.
"Sounds great!" You smile to yourself. "Listen, I have to head out and catch my flight. But you have my number, so text me when you get your travel plans figured out. We can talk more later, okay?"
"Yeah, okay." Ava agrees and hangs up the call.
You put your phone back into your pocket and make your way out to the car. Knight has just finished packing up your bags by the time you get out there and greets you.
"You have a productive phone call?" Knight asks you.
"It was, yes." You nod and walk around to the passenger side of the car.
Knight comes around with you and gets the door. "Glad to hear it, sweetie. You ready to go?" He asks you.
You nod and the two of you head out to the airport.
The next afternoon you pull into the arena in Cincinnati alone, Knight, Waller, and Theory haven already arrived and been engrossed in some meet-and-greets for a few hours now. You head through the security gate and make your way down to your office. When you step into the hallway leading to said office, Waller and Theory are mingling outside the door.
"Gray? Austin?" You catch their attention as you make your way toward them. "What are you two doing back here? Don't you have a meet-and-greet before the show?" You glance down at your watch, briefly.
"Event ended a little bit ago." Austin explains and pushes off the wall he's been leaning against.
Grayson does the same and springs up to help you with the bag slung over your shoulder. "Thank you, sweetie." You thank Grayson and make it to your office door.
You head inside the office with Grayson and Austin following behind you. Grayson sets your bag down onto the desk in the room and you walk around it to sit down in the provided chair.
"How'd the event go? Lots of screaming girls thirsting over the two of you?" You muse and begin unloading your bag.
"Well, we are WWE's sexiest tag team." Austin chuckles and leans against the front of your desk.
Grayson laughs with him and they high-five before Grayson turns back to you. "Not that you ever have to worry about any of those simps, YN." He assures you.
"Good to know." You giggle and boot up your laptop. "Did either of you see Knight at the event center?" You ask them, attention on your laptop.
"We went by his booth on the way out of the center." Austin answers you. "He looked like he was wrapping things up."
You nod and enter your password on your laptop to boot things up. "Good, I have something for him to do for me tonight." You glance up at Austin and Grayson. "As for you two. No match tonight, sorry. But! I do have you two scheduled against Tez and Dawkins next week." You inform them.
"Not a problem." Grayson replies confidently. "That mean you're kicking us out for the night?" He jokes with you.
"Fraid so, pretty boy." You nod with a playful smile. "After one of you gets me a coffee from catering." You add.
Austin and Grayson both chuckle and Austin nods at you. "I got you, babe."
Gray and Austin head out and you try and get some work done before everyone from the Smackdown and Raw draft teams begin to show up. Knight eventually shows up to check in on you after he's done with his meet-and-greet.
"Working hard in here, sweetheart?" Knight saunters into the room with his usual confident swagger.
"Extremely." You laugh. "Thanks for stopping in, sweetie. I've got a job for you to handle real quick, then you're off for the night with the boys." You explain.
Knight nods and leans on your desk. He waits patiently and watches you answer a text on your phone before you turn your attention back to him.
"I've got a special guest joining me on Smackdown tonight." You set your phone down and glance up at him. "Ava Raine from NXT. She should be arriving soon. So, can you meet her and bring her down her for me, please?" You ask him.
"Sure." Knight nods. "No problem. Ava Raine, huh? She's that bright-eyed girl you were talking with last week at the PC, right?" He asks you.
You nod and get another text on your phone. You read it briefly and rise out of your chair. "Thank you, sweetie. You can just bring her back here. But I've got to go meet with Pearce and Hunter really fast before the show." You explain.
Knight nods and gets the door for you. The two of you part ways for the time being, and Knight heads on down to the loading docks to wait for Ava to show up.
It isn't long before Ava's uber pulls into the loading bay. She thanks the driver with a grateful smile and checks her phone one last time. There's a text waiting for her when she unlocks it.
Sent one of my boys down to meet you. See you in my office! :)
Ava reads the text before locking her phone again and stepping out of the back of her Uber. She scans the loading bay for signs of anyone waiting for her and it doesn't take her long to notice lingering around.
"Umm...hi." Ava walks over to Knight, unsure if he's who she should be lookingg for. "LA Knight, right?" She asks nervously.
"You know it, sweetheart." Knight flashes a grin at Ava and nods. "Boss sent me down to pick you up." He explains. "Come on. She wants you in her office before Smackdown starts."
Ava nods and follows behinnd Knight as he takes off further into the building. She rushes to Knight's side and falls into step with him.
"It's nice to meet you, by the way." Ava offers Knight a friendly smile. "Officialy I mean. I obviously know who are and all." She adds with a laugh.
"Pleasures all mine, sweetheart." Knight replies smoothly.
The rest of the journey back to your office is mostly silent. The pair reach the door and Knight knocks twice before pulling open the door.
"I went ahead and picked up that special package for you, darlin." Knight announces as he comes through the door with Ava.
"Perfect! Thank you, Shaun, sweetie. That's all I need for tonight." You look up from your phone, sitting beind your desk and looking all professional. "Ava!" You stand up and greet her with a wide smile. "It's good to see you again. I am so glad that you could make it."
You come around the desk and pull Ava into a hug. Knight gives you a nod and heads off back to the locker rooms for the night.
"I'm super honored that you offered to have me on the show!" Ava replies as you release her from your embrace.
"Of course!" You nod and gesture for Ava to take a seat while the two of you still have time to chat. "I like you, Ava. Honestly? You remind me alot of myself 20 years ago." You admit.
Ava nods and you can read the surprise on her face at your claim. "Really? Wow." She gushes. "I don't really know what to say." Ava rubs the back of her neck.
"Don't sweat it, Ava." You laugh casually. "You've got all the making of a future powerhouse in this business, kid. You're smart, talented, and passsioniate. Not to mention who your father is." You add. "All you need is a little guidance. And I'm here to provide that for you."
"You are?" Ava replies. "But why me?" She asks you.
You smile to yourself and glance down at your watch. Hunter and Pearce will be by to grab you any minute now.
"Like I said earlier. I like you, Ava." You answer her. "And, we need more women in posistions of power in this business, don't you think?" You add.
Ava nods and your smile widens. "Atta girl, Ava. Now come on!" You rise out of your chair and pick up a few papers off your desk. "Smackdown is airing in about ten minutes so we should be heading down to the conference rooms." You gesture for her to follow you.
Ava nods again and pops quickly to her feet. The two of you mingle all the way down to the conference rooms. Hunter and Pearce are both waiting when you arrive.
"YN." Hunter greets you with a friendly smile and handshake before noticing Ava standing behind you. "And, Ava?" He glances at her.
"Ava's here on my request, Hunter." You explain. "I felt like since some of her NXT stars are eligable to be called up tonight that she should be involved, right?"
Hunter nods in agreement and you take it as a good sign. Hunter and Ava step away to chat for a minute and you turn toward Pearce idling nearbye.
"Got a new pupil, YN?" Pearce teases you casually. "I gotta say. I never pegged you for the sympathetic type." He adds.
"Ava's an investment into the future of this company, Adam." You reply. "And you'd be smart to become friendly with her. Or I might end up aquiring all of NXT's best stars." You grin at him.
Pearce snorts and the two of you shake hands. Hunter lets Ava go and she returns to your side. Smackdown kicks off live on the air so Hunter heads off to appear on camera. You and Pearce step up to your respective conference rooms and head inside them. Ava follows silently behind you as you step inside the room.
"Good evening everyone." You adress the room. "I'm sure some of you regonize Ava Raine, the GM of NXT. Ava is here as a guest of mine, here to observe and learn." You explain. "Now! Let's all get to work in making sure that Smackdown stays the A-show, shall we? Starting with making sure that we draft Carmelo Hayes before Raw has a chance to take him."
You make your way across the room and sit down at the head of the table. You nod to the empty seat to your right and Ave sits doww silently.
Now it's time to get to work.
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foreverlyjay · 2 months
More Bloodline Wrestlemania XL 40 behind scenes photos 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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mrawkweird · 2 months
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Game changer.
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r-truth · 4 months
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 2 months
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Beautiful People 👑
🌙☯️yin & yang👯‍♀️☀️
today’s details:
📍monday night raw
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tortured by @melzy917
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INTERVIEW. spring 2024 cover.
Photography by @nadialeecohen Interview and styling by @melzy917 Entertainment Director: @laurentabach Hair: @yusefhairnyc assisted by @naphiisbeautifulhair
Makeup: @yad1m
Nails: @kimkimnails
Set Design: @thebritttt
Tailor: @lynnlea Production: @themorrisongroup
Photo Production: @dmb_represents
Location: @duststudiosla
Special Thanks: @lermitagebh @jennnrosales @jenohill @carolyngirondo
Video Editor: @g_scruton
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You’ll be smiling as bright as she is.
@charlienchargie 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Miss @kellyrowland for @galore.
Story by @taylorwinter.
Editor In Chief: princechenoastudio
Hair: @jstayready_
#blackmagcovers #kellyrowland
Incredibly grateful for this special moment, can’t believe it’s actually happened. And thank you @serenawilliams for chatting with me, I appreciate you so much. @challengersmovie
Damson Idris: Brick by Brick The inaugural ESSENCE Sexiest Men of the Moment list has arrived, and our first May/ June cover star is Damson Idris! The Foundation of a man. He stands 6’1, with deep auburn skin and a 4K pearly smile that glistens like ultraviolet rays off charcoal mines in the deepest sands off the coast of Nigeria. Yes, it’s that deep. His charm is tangible. His infectiousness is palatable. His future is limitless. We let the veil and Snowfall, as the curtain has called Franklin Saint to his highest heights. His recent NAACP Image Award win has cemented the bricks and built the house of a career that, like portraits, is developing in real-time. Make no error that this new era of Damson Idris has a Formula — One that follows the path of Hollywood greats and has us anticipating his upcoming feature film debut. But before we switch gears, let’s get to know the man beyond the heartthrob. The notoriously private actor dishes on his rom-com hopes, staying in line while remaining offline, and why he thinks he’s one of ESSENCE Sexiest Men of the Moment. Read the full May /June cover story on now and on newsstands on 4/23. Roll the Credits: Talent: Writer: Photographer: Stylist: Barber/Grooming: Nails: Set Design: Location: Production: Special Thanks: ESSENCE, SVP, Creative: ESSENCE, Senior Content Director: ESSENCE, Visual Director: ESSENCE, Design Director:
Eventually the dream scenario for @Zendaya is to “make things and pop out when I need to pop out, and then have a safe and protected life with my family, not worried if I’m not delivering something,” shares the star.
This May, Zendaya stars on the cover of both @VogueMagazine and @BritishVogue (posing for shoots by Annie Leibovitz and Carlijn Jacobs, respectively), and talks about what’s next: more adult roles, a turn in the director’s chair, and hopefully starting a family one day. Tap the link in our bio to read the full profile. Photographed by @annieleibovitz, Written by Marley Marius, Styled by @luxurylaw, Vogue, May 2024.
Take an exclusive look behind the scenes of @Zendaya’s latest Vogue cover shoot. This May, she stars on the cover of both @VogueMagazine and @BritishVogue (posing for shoots by Annie Leibovitz and Carlijn Jacobs, respectively), and talks about what’s next: more adult roles, a turn in the director’s chair, and hopefully starting a family one day. Tap the link in our bio to read the full profile.
@cynthiaerivo for @theglassmagazine.
Styling: @jasonbolden #blackmagcovers #cynthiaerivo
“You can’t end an era; you make an era. There are no rules in music. You do whatever feels right in your gut” @Kellyrowland is our latest cover star! We talk with her on all things music, film and motherhood!
Read Kelly’s full interview now live on www.Galoremag.com
Editor In Chief: Prince Chenoa (@princechenoastudio)
Feature Editor: Taylor Winter Wilson (@taylorwinter)
Photographer: Steven Gomillion (@stevengomillion)
Cover Art Design: Carlos Graciano (@sadpapi666)
Production: Devon Speckman (@devon_speckman)
Lighting Tech: Tyler Chick (@itstylerchick)
Digital Capture: Marvin Cortez (@marvincortes1)
Hair Stylist: Jared Henderson (@jstayready_) 
Makeup Artist: Ernesto Casillas (@ernestocasillas)
Stylist: Wilford Lenov (@tunnelmediagroup)
Assistant Stylist: Gethsemani Sanchez
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