#Ask Jack
proxylynn · 7 months
Sunny Day Jack is a silly clown. he so silly. the silly
Jack: Boy, it's certainly been a bit since I saw an ask with my name on it. For a moment, I thought you all forgot about me...That would be bad. But you didn't! Hooray! And yep, that's me to a big letter T. A silly guy. Nothing worrisome here. Just sunshine and love.
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jackkatzz · 17 days
Woah! Coffee anon here again! Congratulations to you and your now husband!!
Thank youuuuuu!!! Technically speaking, we're just engaged now ^^;; but we have been referring to eachother as husbands for a lil bit now ^^ as @solunest and I are just very gay and soft and mushy
I am very excited to spend my life with this dork. He is sweet, kind, funny, handsome as all get out, and we genuinely just sink into eachother and are cozy together in a way I've not experienced with anyone else before. Like I'm usually EXTREMELY touch repulsed, but we are glued to eachother when possible and I am constantly thinking about holding his hands and giving them kisses.
We're both just obsessed with eachother and constantly encouraging eachother and caring and teaching eachother. Never have I met a more patient man who doesn't just listen to me ramble because it's what he's "supposed to do" but because he's genuinely interested in what I'm rambling about. Never have I met a more compassionate man who is gentle and kind around old mental wounds and my traumatic past.
He's the Sun and the Moon and the Stars. He's the gentle hands of the gardener tending the wild thorns that ensnare the garden of my soul. He's the bright expanding force of the cosmos above that holds the secrets of gentle love and tender kisses. He's the soft warmth of a sunset sinking below a valley full of flowers. He's the warm cinnamon and caramelized honey of his eyes, gazing at me as if I'm the only thing in the room that matters. He's every iota and every gargantuan feeling of inspiration and tenderness that burns in my heart and head. He is tenderness, after having not known much of it in my life. He is brave and kind and strong and sweet.
I carry his love next to my heart, as if to hold his very own heart in my chest, keeping it safe and shielded from all that may maim or harm it.
Apologies.. I gushed a bit there..
But yes, thank you! I am very excited to eventually marry this dork of mine and be dumb and gay together for as long as we are granted life on this earth.
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jackthelassx · 2 years
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Smile! It’s wipe your dog’s mouth Wednesday!!
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darsycho · 1 year
Say what's the music that plays on Improvisation's title screen
All the tracks are tracker songs I found on modarchive, by a composer named "rogue male"
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scorpionyx9621 · 2 years
Idk seems like a shallow take with lots of provable arguments against it. For example, beyond who they kill and why Joker has years of canon domestic abuse, and multiple instances of sexual assault. Their relationships and histories are completely different. You could also make the joke that only one of them actually killed a Robin. They just aren't the same, at least no more than Midnighter and Joker are the same.
So I don't know if you're being full-on serious with this or just trying to start an argument. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and try to explain my side.
I'm fully aware that Jason and Joker have a lot of differences. Yet at the same time they have a lot of similarities as well. There's a reason why Judd Winnick emphasized their similarities in Under the Hood by giving Jason Joker's old villain identity before he became Joker. It wasn't just to get Joker's attention as Jason said, but also to show that Jason was stooping down to the Joker's level.
Is Jason a rapist? No, he kills rapists. But I'm going to say that again. Jason kills rapists. This being a Batman comic and Jason Todd and Joker being Batman characters they are lumped together in Bruce's eyes because of his idiotic Kantian philosophy of never kill no matter what. Batman is that black and white. I can go on all day about the differences between apples and oranges, you can call Jason an apple and Joker an orange, yes they are two completely different flavor profiles and colors and textures, but under the philosophy that Batman uses, they're both still fruit.
You realize how stupid that sounds right? Any sane, logical person would have killed the Joker decades ago, but because there's to be no killing under Batman's watch ever, that's not going to happen. Bruce would bring the Joker back to life just the same way that he would for Jason. Is it fair? Absolutely not, Jason has saved people's lives for Pete's sake. The Joker just sows chaos and brings misery wherever he goes. Yet at the end of the day both Joker and Jason have crossed the red line multiple times and with 0 regret. And to Batman, whom is the central figure of these comics, that is his dividing line you shall not cross.
Jason Todd is no Joker by most means, but when you think about all the shit Jason has done over the years, including the stuff that has been ret-conned, I'd argue Jason has more in common with Joker than he does with Bruce at this point. Including but not limited to.
1. Poisoned 80 prisoners to death during Dick's run as Batman.
2. Blew up a school with people inside it when Speedy wouldn't join him in his crimes in Seeing Red. It isn't explicitly said who was or wasn't inside the building but if Jason blew up a school, he's okay with killing children.
3. Has tried to kill Tim, Dick and Damian on multiple occasions (and has failed, not for a lack of him trying)
4. Goes on a mass killing spree while dressed as Batman, not caring who he kills in Battle for the Cowl (oh, this one was written by everyone's beloved Judd Winnick too btw)
5. Goes on a mass killing spree while dressed as Nightwing, not caring who he kills (this is from the same Nightwing run we get TentaTodd by the way.)
6. In an act of blind rage he kills the father of a child he just met not an hour before in Urban Legends all because low and behold, Jason has his own philosophical bullshit he follows where if you give drugs to kids bam you're dead. (I don't have the energy to argue the morals and ethics of giving your own child illegal substances on this post it's already running way too long)
7. In Final Crusade Jason actively revels in inflicting pain and suffering on villains. He kills a man by crushing his head on a car hood and hangs a person. Oh and he does all of this as Robin.
Debating the ethics and morals of Batman on Tumblr is frustrating at best and makes me want to ram my head into a brick wall at worst. I meant that post mostly as a cheap joke and a cheap meme to get cheap likes on this cheap website. I put maybe 20 minutes of effort into that meme and while I see what you're trying to prove, I'm but a silly little fool clown who says shit on a website that cost Verizon a billion dollars. I'm not going to lose sleep over constructive criticism of a character so consistently inconsistent you'll have people throwing full-blown temper tantrums anytime they depict Jason Todd any way that they don't like. I'm as shallow as a wading pool, but at the end of the day we're the ones here wearing the clown makeup arguing in our clown cars over whether apples and oranges are the more heinous comic book villains.
At the end of the day the very nature of Jason's ethics and philosophy is that some crimes are so heinous they shouldn't be forgiven. Which is objectively correct. There's no debating that. Yet because we're stuck under this Batman umbrella as because DC Comics can't decide whether they want Jason Todd to be a hero or a villain or not, we're stuck with an anti-hero with contradictory philosophies to his mentor trying to be a good guy when 80% or people who have a strong opinion about Red Hood demanding that DC comics be burned at the stake for getting his character wrong. With a sizable amount of them on their hands and knees begging for Jason to be an absolutely feral villain again who is "strong, smart, deadly, capable, fearsome." When in reality you can get all of these traits and no daddy issues right there in The Joker. If I wanted a villain who is capable and fearsome killer who strikes fear into the heart of Gotham i'd just be a Joker kinnie. Why should I even bother with Jason? Yet this is what a very vocal majority of the fandom clamors for every time we get a new Jason comic.
Again, I know you weren't trying to get a rant or a tangent and were just trying to prove a point. I have no clue who you are and I'm sorry if any of this came across as offensive. But I'm not here to try to make a bad thing worse. I made a cheap meme for cheap likes, please try not to think too hard about it. It's more fun that way.
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cryptid-jack · 2 years
Answers to Weird Questions
Answering questions sent to me from this list (feel free to send in more!)
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil? 
No joke I already do this for my novel, lol. No, I am not a wizard (I’m a cryptid), and I use pen! Generally ballpoint.
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed? 
I don’t think I really have any rituals when it comes to writing, let alone cursed ones. Unless maybe you count the extensive prep work I do re outlines, character profiles, etc? If you just mean ‘stuff you do before you write‘ I think the wildest I get is making myself a cup of coffee or tea to carry me through XD
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral? 
In a good way? I do enjoy a good ‘vivacious‘. In a bad way? Restaurant. I can never remember which a gets the u X’D. Probably because I pronounce it ‘ress-trawnt’ so it SEEMS like it should go with the second???? But I know lots of people pronounce it with the emphasis on that first a so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ Also Wednesday. I don’t have a problem spelling it but only because I pronounce it ‘wed-ness-day‘ in my head when I write it X’D
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true? 
I actually don’t have any, but then I’m not a superstitious person either.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know 
I don’t even believe in the concept of the human soul, so no, lol (Ironic for a man so obsessed with the soul mate trope I know XDD). Most ghost encounters can be explained by infrasonic sound, carbon monoxide leaks, and other environmental factors.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules 
God, I’d probably wish for something that could just... take the ideas out of my head and type them up for me XD Then for the ability to always know the exact word I’m looking for without having to pull up a thesaurus because I can’t remember the one I want. And uhhh, a sweet publishing deal with lots of money for all my books :’)
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? 
Easy is love and romance for sure. I really enjoy writing people being just... disgustingly in love with each other. Difficult is... really technical stuff that I have to actually look stuff up for, I guess. I’m a pro at bullshitting but some things DO require some actual technical know-how to write convincingly about, unfortunately. Such a pain, lol.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens? 
See, the problem with this question is it was sent by my sibling who literally went to school to learn the rules of writing... but I did not X’D So I have no idea. For all I know I might have several lol. I just write what I enjoy.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us? 
I really don’t know, lol. I’m afraid I’m pretty boring and straight forward when it comes to actually doing the writing? I sit down and do the thing? Make myself a little beverage first maybe? Get distracted easily in the process? ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it. 
Roses are red Violets are blue I love Kaidan Alenko I hope you do too
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violantdesires · 1 month
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@vervainlacedveins asked: ‘ i could go into detail, but i’m not going to. ’
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"No that's fair, the way I turned..." he paused, "That was probably the most traumatic time of my life, you literally couldn't pay me to relive that shit." Jack sighed, "Wouldn't expect you to. You gotta be a level 5 friend to unlock my tragic backstory."
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valogogy · 7 months
what was the first video by a dteam member that you ever watched?
first one i watched was the first manhunt! one of my friends was trying to get me into them and she specifically told me to watch the manhunts so i watched all of those in order (did not know who any of them were like i could recognize dreams voice and that was about it i don’t even think i realized george was the british one💀) and then just started letting my youtube autoplay through other videos and vods and here i am😁
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caffichai · 4 months
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More Aurora!
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pigdemonart · 1 year
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Oops 😬
Just some thoughts after watching the movie heheh. Nothing here is a spoiler though! Its mostly just Bowser’s demeanor HAHA
Like my art? Please consider tipping!
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regonold · 8 months
I kinda want danny who's been adopted by the wanyes to be schmoozing it up at a gala (because listen nothing is funnier than the image of Gotham elites being like oh whats this one's gimmick cus all the other's have something only for danny to just be a dude) only for like the giw to raid the place to get danny ( cus he's a ghost? Cus he's a Fenton? Who knows)
Only for danny to pick up a bottle chug it smash it and vault out a window shouting you'll never catch me alive
Now this increases his reputation with most Gothamites and rouges and absolutely worries the fuck out of the batfam why is the government chasing you danny and hiw are you so good at running
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proxylynn · 2 months
Mr Sunny Day Jack, Mr cutie patootie, Mr Light of My Life...
Would you be willing to play uno with me and the other snaccpop boys?
Jack: I'd love to, sunshine!
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jackkatzz · 1 month
Right, so anon asks are once again disabled ^^;;
*TW for censored R slur
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Someone couldn't behave and not be a massive douche bag, so it's been disabled again.
Also, bold choice to specifically state you creeped on my boyfriends page and are just and all around gross person. Like, bravo on being the shittiest person from my day today.
May you grow and be a better person.
I'm gonna play minecraft with my boyfriend now and talk about kissing him.
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jackthelassx · 7 months
Trick or TROUT!
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darsycho · 4 months
Hey there, I've recently begun trying to research Exploding Lips, its creator & the engine it runs on, and given that Mayhem Mansion was inspired by & uses graphics from that game I was wondering: would you be willing to share how you (or anyone that helped you) managed to rip the assets from the GODD engine? I feel like it could give some great insight into how that thing works, plus I'm interested in seeing how much more can be found in the game's files.
Yo! Apologies for the late response, was busy and actually had to refresh my memory on how the resources were extracted, it's been years lol.
The sprite ripping was done by Tristan885, using a program called TiledGGD (PE), back then when I first released Mayhem Mansion I had zero idea of how to use it and we didn't even have a proper color palette for it so some things came out ugly.
Few years ago though Tristan got a proper palette file, and I managed to mostly figure out how the program worked. It's pretty weird but it is what it is.
So yeah basically I use TiledGGD to open up the file lips00.xPG, apply the palette file and the settings shown below.
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Use arrow keys to resize panel, the width of the panel needs to be the same as each graphic to be properly visible. (So you gotta resize width a LOT, use "1 pixels" on "Width Skip Size" for best precision)
Page up and down to scroll up and down (How much it goes up and down depends on "Height skip size"), but I don't think there's a way to scroll left to right though except for using go to offset (Ctrl+G), which is a bit odd.
And yeah! that's bout what I've got. I'll update this post if I missed something.
And also, did a little video of me messing around with TiledGGD here:
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 8 months
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Jack had been worried for the day you'd have to experience his rut. He'd gone through it before while he was dating you, but he made the proxies take you far away. Your smell would drive him absolutely crazy. He'd told you it was for the best, but heavens forbid you believed him.
When the week was over, he let you come back home. He needed you to take care of him after such a tiring experience. You pretty much babied him the whole next week and he was so thankful. Of course you were filled to the brim with questions which he groggily answered. But the one that stuck the most was one he wasn't expecting.
"You'll let me help you next time right...?"
He was surprised. You'd want to help him, a demon, through his rut? What were you? Crazy?
It took up until the week before his next rut of you convincing him for him to finally say yes. He'd try his best to be nice, but he made you quite aware that his self control is very minimal during that week.
The week was finally upon you. Jack had locked himself in his room, only letting you in on the third day. The first and second day was usually the worst, so he wanted to save you from that, especially for the first time you'd experience his rut. Maybe next time around he'd let you have the full week together.
He was curled up in his bed, desperately humping his pillow that had your shirt on it. He was hot and sweaty, completely naked trying to get any sort of relief, any sort of chill on top of that.
You didn't know what you expected but it certainly wasn't your demon boyfriend all curled up and small. As soon as he heard the door close his eyes were focused on your form, your sent was overwhelming and his control was already beginning to dwindle.
He held out a clawed hand for you, pulling you to him when you placed your small hand in his. He let out a deep growl as he inhaled your sweet scent.
"Please help me..." He whispered, pressing his head into the pillow as his hips continued to grind.
All you could do was stand in shock, you'd never seen him like this...
"Y/N... Please..." His whispers turned into whines the longer you refused to touch him.
Finally when you began stroking his cock was when he let his head come out from the pillow. His mouth hung open as you worked his massive cock over in your tiny hands. Incoherent whines and groans fell from his lips as you continued. Eventually when you added your mouth to the equation he felt something inside of him snap. A guttural growl was all you heard as he pushed your head down on his hard cock.
It took all the self control he had to not choke you to death on his dick. Pulling you up harshly by your hair he moved you on top of him, slamming you down on him, not giving you any prep at all. You felt as if your demon was splitting you in half. You'd felt pain before but nothing quite of this magnitude.
His massive hands gripped your waist as he continued to slam you down over and over and over again.
All he could do was mumble through the unexplainable pleasure you were giving him without even trying.
"Mine... Mine... All mine... I'm gonna fill you up... All full of my babies... You're gonna make such a good mother... Fuuuuck..."
He was so close... So damn close... He fucked up into you, meeting your hips as he chased after his raging orgasm.
"Oh fuck- Fuck please- I need this so bad-" He moaned out, practically begging himself to cum.
It was only seconds later that he did, letting his seed fill you right up to the brim. Of course that didn't stop him. He wouldn't stop until you were cock drunk, used and abused, and he finally got the relief he needed.
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