'Can you kill god?' With the Dragons of Warcraft+Friends
Thinks they can kill God, can: Malygos, Nozdormu
Thinks they can kill God, can't: Alexstrasza, Sabellion, Nefarion, Neltharion, Arygos, Stellagosa (No hate to my queen)
Thinks they can't kill God, can: Kalecgos
Thinks they can't kill God, can't: Anduin,
Accidentally killed God in a Wendy's parking lot in 2018: Chromie, Wrathion
Will kill God if he doesn't shut up: Kleia
Is God: Pelagos
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kelzygosa · 2 years
Heralding the Roar of the Fallen
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Along the night sky, an aurora of light danced and weaved over the expanse of the Borean Tundra. Not many blue dragons had visited Coldarra since Kalecgos made the decree that the Dragonflight was no more. But before this announcement had ever reached the ears of Kelzygosa, she had since sought her own means to carry out the former Spellweaver's will. Whether it be through the reacquisition of relics or maintaining upkeep on the Nexus, she made herself available to ensure the functions of the past lived on.
Her flight had brought her over the snow-blessed crater of Coldarra as she descended at the base of the Nexus. The rounded platforms that hovered high overhead still kept the power of the leylines within check at its center. Though the recent attacks circulated through the Ethereal and Demons had tested the architecture's foundation and wards. Some runes were active upon her re-entry, which she passed through without hindrance. Claws scraped along the frozen floor into the Axis of Alignment. The scent of Keristrasza's death had since left the empty halls and her soul did not tarry in the wake of her instigated demise.
In the places where wards did not glow with power, she would give pause as she moved to press her claw on the rune's surface. Mana quickly transferred from her being into the rune as the light began to radiate beneath spread crystalline digits. When she withdrew her arm back beneath her, there was a look to the center of the Axis. No longer was there a dragon here to provide security over the relics in the Nexus. Jarecgos and Azuregos had departed like the rest of the blue dragons in search of purpose. Perhaps they would find it alongside Senagos or Kalecgos in the vast open world of Azeroth.
Much like Arygos in the sense of stubborn beliefs, she was resilient to any change or adaption in her lifestyle. The many mortals she interacted with knew of this devotion and found themselves hard-pressed to sway her from her oath to Malygos. And any that stood in her way quickly remembered the danger that came from the company of dragons. Gritting her fangs together, she inhaled heavily through her nostrils and made to depart from the Axis when a nearby scrying orb began to glow.
The bellowing cry of a dragon's roar filled the Nexus as the voice of Lapisagos spoke.
And just as the message came, it left as silence fell over Kelzygosa once more. Golden eyes flickered with amusement as she turned towards the entryway to the Nexus.
"And I thought the Dragon Isles were lost to time... Seems the past does not stay dead for long." Eager steps took the dragoness outside as she cast out both wings to take flight. Sweeping claws pushed down hard against the ground as she propelled herself toward the sky and flew to the East. While the blue dragon had not ventured to the Dragon Isles personally, it seemed instinct would direct her course. No longer would there be neglect by the blue Dragonflight as she would enforce the law of arcane and magic to those that defied its authority.
@daily-writing-challenge - thanks again for the daily writing challenges <3
Artwork by @chumiiart
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katieskarlette · 2 years
Last night, there was a human rogue female from the Arygos realm named Skarlette. I said to myself that there was an imposter.
Seems sus.
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avalior · 2 years
“‘Life-Binder,’ came a voice, young and masculine and as calm as Arygos’ was agitated. Another blue stepped forward, inclining his head respectfully but not subserviently. ‘Arygos did only what he believed was right at the time, as did many members of the blue flight. I am certain he is as eager as anyone else to move forward in rebuilding his own flight and accepting the responsibilities we all must,’ said Kalecgos.”
Kalecgos’ voice is not as it sounds in-game. He truthfully sounds as young as he is, although once he is made Aspect, this is forcefully edged out of his tone to better appear suited for the role. Rather than the elderly sounding voice speaking with received pronunciation, Kalecgos speaks with an Irish accent.
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stancharacters · 3 months
Characters - Alice Bloodlust
The ancient demon of lust and beauty, now the lazy freeloader living with Mark, she's had thousands of years to reflect and still hasn't done it.
General Information:
Full Name: Alice Bloodlust (previously Alize Arygos) Age: ??? Gender: Female (sort of) Date of Birth: Sometime around 400 BCE Species/Race: Succubus (previously human)
Height: 5'0" (154 cm) Weight: 120 lbs (55 kg) Skin Color: Peachy tan Hair Color: Inferno Red Hair Style: Short wolf cut (to align with modern standards) Eye Color: Bright Red Clothing: Nothing if she can help it, if she can't then one of Mark's shirts. Features: Small, petite features as they're easier to lounge in, can be changed at any time.
Weapons: N/A Skills: Completely immortal Abilities: Fire magic, standard demonic magic Strengths: Offensive fighting Weaknesses: Cold environments, math
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witchywriter18 · 10 months
Them: It's just a song
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mazthoril · 2 years
H - Hero - What makes someone a hero in their eyes? Who is their biggest hero in life? Why? Do they consider themselves to be heroic?
To Nenniah, a hero is someone who makes a great sacrifice for the betterment of others. They put others needs above their own, sometimes to their own detriment. They accomplish things worthy of respect, and do not boast about their accomplishments. They speak for themselves.
A few prominent figures in her family are people she thinks of as heroes, though it was not a simple matter to determine them as such. Despite their heroic deeds, some of her kin were still prone to selfish and conspiratorial acts- namely Arygos, the progeny of Malygos.
During the Nexus War, as well as the following aftermath, Nenniah's notion of a hero was challenged on a daily basis. She witnessed people she once respected suddenly throw away their ideals just to side with the maddened aspect. She herself knew that what he was doing was dangerous and wrong, so how could older, wiser dragons not see the same thing?
It was these events that lead her to isolate herself. Nowadays, Nenniah is careful not to put much faith in other people, and trusts only herself. She doesn't dare think of herself as a hero, as she has never done anything brave or noteworthy. She hardly respects herself, so going so far as to think she's a hero is a bit of a stretch for her.
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ezraye · 7 years
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So I recently revived my old world of Warcraft account. I played from 2007 (burning crusade) thru 2013 (pandaria). My questing-main is Gretadelle the dwarf hunter. She used to be Survival but the new expansion made survival melee so I'll be switching back to Beast Mastery. So far I haven't had the time/concentration/courage to look at all her stuff and set her up. My group-main used to be Elizaveta the Druid tree healer. (Noelle used to tank so we were a great team.) again I haven't had courage to set her up. I don't want to be healing until I have all my bearings back. So right now I'm playing Mayadelle the grey haired dwarf, level 36 demonology warlock. I like the way the specs are simplified now. Stats are too. Demonology seems slow in dungeons due to lack of instants. Things are dead before my casts go off. Also I'm always running behind because skinning plus herbalism. When I get the Legion Expansion upgrade (probably next month, if I am I to playing), it comes with a level 100 boost and I think I'm going to do a hordeside Hunter so that I can play some new content with Andrea who mostly has horde. Plus I *can't* skip levels with Gretadelle. I've had her too long and she's too important to just pass by ten whole levels of zones and dungeons. Gretadelle is my good solo quester. My turtle tank is fantastic. So I'll probably level another alliance toon with Noelle. Possibly Elizaveta if I like Boomkin at all. They always change that one a lot with each update so I have no idea. Anyone else playing?
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lunyrd-blog · 5 years
Kalecgos speaks with an Irish accent.
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snak3-3y3s · 7 years
If any of my followers play WoW and are down to play together sometime message me on here and I’ll add you, I usually just play solo but I’ve been wanting a good group of people to play with lately, I’m on like 5 different servers and have characters at nearly every level range from 1-110, down to start new toons and level together or join up with higher level characters and gear up, whatever anyone else is down for tbh, some of my current servers will be in the tags
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Transmog for my Druid is finally coming together 😍😍😍
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I want the spirit of Malygos to parent Wrathion please and thank you. It's child swap with Neltharion.
Doing his spiderly duty and absolutely fuckin' destroying Arygos is a close second (Yeah I know Arygos is dead but if Mal every sees that fucker it is ON SIGHT)
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kukka-roo · 3 years
Who knew dressing spiffy could look so gOOD?
- Tap them for better quality 💜
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I threw in the WIPS in there too ,’3
She honestly looks too good in this, what the heck??
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iolrachs · 4 years
“‘Life-Binder,’ came a voice, young and masculine and as calm as Arygos’ was agitated. Another blue stepped forward, inclining his head respectfully but not subserviently. ‘Arygos did only what he believed was right at the time, as did many members of the blue flight. I am certain he is as eager as anyone else to move forward in rebuilding his own flight and accepting the responsibilities we all must,’ said Kalecgos.”
Kalecgos’ voice is not as it sounds in-game. He truthfully sounds as young as he is, although once he is made Aspect, this is forcefully edged out of his tone to better appear suited for the role. Rather than the elderly sounding voice speaking with received pronunciation, Kalecgos speaks with an Irish accent.
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xenophonrising · 5 years
There Is A Heavy Blue || Closed
He walked slowly among the headstones, staring at his feet as he went. Vision through golden eyes became blurry with tears, because even when he blinked them away, they came flooding back. It shouldn’t be this hard. He should have been able to push away the pain. But all he felt was lost. Lost with a sharpened dagger entrenched deeply in his chest. He swallowed, nostrils flaring as he breathed in despite the lack of need, exhaling despite the want to scream.
How dare he! How could he be so frigid, to bring up his wife and daughter like that, as tools to be used against him? To call them weaknesses, burdens? Leeches that had sapped him of his strength and made his heart too soft? Damn him! Arygos drove his fist into a headstone, glad after the fact that the rock was sturdy enough to withstand the blow. What if it had broken? Then it would match the fragile organ in his chest. Right? Wasn’t that what he would say?
His legs finally buckled beneath him, and he collapsed, sobbing, onto the grass. The man’s hands rose to cover his face as his shoulders shook. Arygos didn’t spare a single thought as to who might see or hear him, or even that anyone would. He wouldn’t follow him here. That was all that mattered as he let his weakness flow down his face and speckle the grass below with sorrowful dewdrops.
Perhaps, he thought, the dampened earth would cry with him.
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queenraikichi94 · 5 years
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Illidarya the Dreamer, aka Illigosa from the Blue Dragonflight. Daughter of Eneyra, High Priestess of Elune and Naragaos, Great General of Malygos the Spellweaver Here is her story.
More than 10000 years ago, a high priestess of Elune started to suspect that their ruler, Queen Azshara, was plotting against her own people. She shared her worries with Naragos. He was a dragon from the Blue Dragonflight, the flight that watched over the magic and promoved the correct use of it. Naragos was also worried cause he noticed that the Highborn were using the magic of the Well of Eternity in excess. After sharing their worries, both decided to speak with their superiors. Then, the War of the Ancestors started. Eneyra, together with Illidan, Malfurion and Tyrande, lead the resistance against Azshara and the Burning Legion. Naragos, for his side, fought together with his own flight and the others, but when Malygos ordered them to retire after Neltharion’s betrayal and the death of many blue dragons, Naragos decided to stay at the resistance’s side. He made a promise to his secret lover, Eneyra, and he wasn’t going to break it. Malygos was furious. How could his first general be in love with a simple mortal? A mortal whose kind gave a bad use to magic, but Naragos was decided. The blue dragon stayed at his mate’s side and together, they fought and defeated the Burning Legion, but when the Great Sundering was coming to destroy everything, they had to separated; Enerya needed to help her people to escape to a safe place, and Naragos had to do the same with his kind, and then, survive to Malygos’s wrath.
Malygos was furious, and he didn’t doubt when he had to punish Naragos. The punishment was cruel, and Malygos didn’t stop until he saw that the life of his general was in danger. It was when a young Kalecgos and a young Arygos found Naragos at the edge of death, blind, starving...Malygos ordered the young dragons to bring the general to him. The Spellweaver decided to forgive him, but with the punishment of not coming back to the Blue Dragonflight home never again. He was going to watch over the mortals and the correct use of magic...He was going to keep his title...But he would be exiled from the Nexus. He didn’t mind. For Naragos, the Azurewing Repose was his true home. He accepted his fate and he was left in the cold landscape of Northrend. With effort, he adopted his true form and flew back to his homeland, but due his condition, his strenght failed him and he landed badly in Val’sharah. There he was found by the Elune Sisterhood who brought him to Lorlathil. There, Eneyra hurried to help her lover. She couldn’t help him to heal his blind eyes, but thanks to her, he survived. After his recovering, they decided to marry, becoming mates for all their lives.
Many years later, during the Second War, they decided to try to have children. It would be impossible due the fact that she was a night elf and he was a dragon, but thanks to the own magic of Naragos, the power of the Blue Dragonflight and the power of Elune, they concived a child. The leaders of the other Dragonflights gave them their bleesing in order to give them more chances to have a child. The Dragon Aspects were very interested in that child, half kaldorei and hald dragon, and then, in the middle of the Second War, the child was born. In honor of their good friend Illidan, they named their daughter Illigosa, and Senegos gave her the title of Azure Princess. Stellagosa, Illigosa’s grandmother, presented the baby to the Azurewing and the news of that birth were listened but all the flights...And by people who didn’st see with good eyes that one of their priestess had mated a dragon of the flight that was againts mortals who used magic.
When Illigosa was a child, she was attacked but night elves who seeked her death, calling her an abomination, but the quick actions of her parents saved her live. They decided to move to Azsuna, cause in Val’sharah their daughter wasn’t safe, but when Illigosa was a young teenager, her parents decided to move to Kalimdor. They heard about Nordrassil and maybe that could be a good place for them, specially for their daughter, who had started to ehar the Call of the Nature, the sign that indicates that someone is ready to became a druid.
But not the things are good, cause a terrible storm made their ship end in Northrend. There they were attacked by the Scourge and the demons of the Burning Legion. Eneyra died first trying to protect Illigosa, and Naragos got terrible wounded when he tried to avoid his daughter’s kidnap. The servants of the Legion decided to corrupt Illigosa after knowing about her mixbreed in order to get a fel dragon, but her father, with his last strenght, took his daughter away, landing far away of the cultists. In that moment, Illidan, who was checking the land and investigating about the actions of the Legion and the Scourge, arrived and killed the cultists. Before dying, Naragos told Illidan that his daughter lost all of her memories due the ritual, and when he said that they made her forget her own name, he told him to put her a new name and giving her true one when she was ready. Naragos died when Illidan decided to burn Illigosa’s eyes to stop the visions that were going to drive her madness and after taking her on his arms, he brought his friends’ bodies to Azsuna for their burial before taking their daughter with him, calling her Illidarya. 
Years of training made Illidarya be one of the best demon hunters of the Illidari. Together with Wisperdeath, the felsaber given to her by Akama, lead the Illidari in multiple fights againts the demons until Illidan decided to give her the leadership of the Illidari in one last task: recovering the Sargerite Keystone while he confront the fools of the Alliance and Horde who thought that the attacks of the Burning Legion were made by Illidan. They recover the stone, but they got trapped but Maiev Shadowsong when they knew that their master had fallen.
More than 10 years they passed trapped on those crystals until the Burning Legion attacked a third time. Taking the leadership of the Illidari, Illidarya lead her people against the Burning Legion, meeting the leaders of the Alliance and befriended the only one who trated them as equals and not as monsters at they first meeting, KIng Varian Wrynn. She cried his death in the first assault to the Broken Shore and she wouldn’t forget his good friend and his sacrifice. 
During the campaing against the Burning Legion, Illidarya met Folken Stormwrath, a former pirate that was now fighting for the Alliance. They became friends and then, they became mates. Some people would said that an Illidari can’t bring life to the world, but that wasn’t the case of Illidarya, because she got pregnant thanks to the arcane magic inherited from the Blue Dragonflight and Elune’s grace. The child was concived near the end of the campaing, and after the defeat of the Burning Legion and the recovering of her true name thanks to Illidan, they moved to Mount Hyjal in order to do a ritual that would avoid the child to be born with fel. In that same place, with Elune showing her birghtest face, Illidarya gave birth to a baby boy, who was part kaldorei, part human and part dragon. In honor of the former High King of the Alliance, she named him Varian, and gave him also his dragon name, Varegos. But weeks after the birth, servants of the Legion that got trapped in Azeroth attacked Hyjal. Folken, seeing that they were after his mate and child, told Illidarya to take their son and run to a safe place. She didn’t want to leave him, but after sharing a kiss, he promised her that they would be reunited again. With her heart aching with fear, Illidarya took her child and left the place mounted on Whisperdeath. 
She went to the south, meeting Baine Bloodhoof when she arrived to Mulgore. Afraid of being attacked, she showed very protective with her son, ready to give her life in order to protect him, but Baine, seeing that she was starving, decided not to attack her and keeping her under his protection in Thunder Bluff until her recover. The Tauren didn’t show aggresive with her; they were kind and friendly, something that Illidarya wouldn’t forget and would use to teach her son that not all people are like the ones that lead them.
After recovering, she went to the north, avoiding Durotar and the lands controlled by the Horde. She finally arrived to the Darkshore and after taking a ship in Lor’danel, she ended in Darnassus, where she found her relatives from her maternal family. There, Malfurion and Tyrande greeted her, and Malfurion became interested on little Varian. Illidarya wanted to make Darnassus the perfect home for her son, but she couldn’t feel comfortable. Strange gazes and multiple rumors made her to take the choice to travel to the east, maybe Stormwind was the home that she was searching.
After a long trip, she finally arrived to the city and she was guided to the castle to have an audience with King Anduin Wrynn, who allowed her to stay in the big house near the Stormwing Embassy. 
The War of Thorns started and Illidarya took part after leaving her son in Stormwind. When Sylvanas order the Horde to burn Teldrassil, Illidarya couldn’t allow that and she adopted her alternative form, the dragon one (the humanoid form is her true form due her mother was a night elf and not a dragon) and flew to Teldrassil in order to help with the evacuation, but she had to return to her humanoid form cause it was hard for her to keep in the dragon form due her mixbreed and the fel that was inside her.
After the destruction of Teldrassil, she decided not to stay neutral. She ordered her commanders Kayn and Korvas to keep the neutrality in the Illidari ranks, but she would be sided with the Alliance. 
During the war campaing and after many adventures in both Kul Tiras and Zandalar, she finally reunited with her mate. Folken was a prisoner of the Horde and seeing him at the edge of death made her to fly using her demon wings and transforming into a dragon in the air. She destroyed some Horde airships before taking Folken and putting him on the healer’s hands. But the happiness was short, cause he was put on jail. Lady Ashvane had put a bounty on him due his past as a pirate (she was angry because he was always confronting her due her greedy actions) but then, he was released and the bounty was retired when lady katherine Proudmoore saw that there weren’t any reasons to keep that bounty. After one year separated, Illidarya and Folken were reunited. One year that was like an eternity for both of them, and the joy was bigger when Varian called him “daddy”. Illidarya told him stories of his father all the nights in order to make him to remember his father, and for the child, Folken was like a hero.
Now, two years after the defeat of the Burning Legion, Illidarya has to face another danger: Azshara and her horrible nagas, and the Azure Princess will do everything to keep her family safe.
OK, here there are some things that we can call “extra”, I guess xD:
-Whisperdeath is under the care of the SI:7 due the wounds that she got when Illidarya and her felsaber were in the middle of the implosion of many azerite bombs. Due her long recovery, Illidarya tamed the rare Lucid Nightmare in order to have a terrenal mount.
-She uses an azure drake as flying mount 
-In Nazjatar, Hunter Akana rewarded her with a female Deepcoral Snapdragon that she names Tideseeker after befriended the snapdragon
-Her son, Varian/varegos, has a snapdragon pet name Kayla. He found her lost on the shores of Stormsong Valley and she couldn’t survive in the wild cause she had one eye blind and she was very little for her age, sho thanks to a friendly Tortolian, he became friend of that little snapdragon
-Naragos was one of Stellagosa’s children; that makes Illidarya be the great-great granddaughter of Senegos. And remember, the Azurewing can still have children, with less results, but they can.
I know, I know that it’s impossible the origins of Illidarya but hey A MAGE DID IT. Remember that Garona is the daughter of a draenei and an orc, two different species from different planets who had her thanks to the fel magic that Gul’dan used, so it could be very little possible that two species from the same planet could have a child. Thing with that.
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