#Appendix Probi
suborbitaltrash · 1 year
I hardly understand the Book of the New Sun and I'm enjoying it a lot
If you're familiar with this series, this post will probably echo a lot of what you've already thought or read about Book of the New Sun. If you've never heard of it and/or are looking to read it, this post might contain a couple of minor spoilers - beware, if you're the type of person who likes to dive in without any prior knowledge. It mostly serves for me to get my unstructured thoughts about this book series in order, and because this is my blog and I want to write my little book report.
I finished reading Shadow & Claw, comprising the first two volumes of Gene Wolfe's science fantasy epic, Book of the New Sun, a couple of days ago. When I first picked it up earlier this year, aside from loads of enthusiastic praise from a certain kind of sci-fi fan, the biggest draw for me was how dense and puzzling it allegedly was on your first read. "Not me", I thought, "I'm different". lol, I say in retrospect, lmao.
The first read-through of Shadow of the Torturer took me a good month or two to get through - the first and biggest hurdle for me was the narrative voice. The book is narrated by its protagonist, Severian, a resident of Urth and a disgraced torturer's apprentice. The most obvious obstacle I encountered at the start was the book's obscure terminology - something I personally am a huge fan of when it comes to sci-fi. Severian lives in a very, very old world and makes many, many assumptions about how much of it the reader is supposed to already understand. The result is a delightfully confusing lingo that uses a lot of (I assume) classical and medieval terms to describe fantastical concepts made mundane to the inhabitants of Urth (I am still not sure if it's pronounced "Earth" or "Oorth"). In the appendix to the first novel, Wolfe credits himself as but a humble translator who has done his best to adapt and estimate concepts unknown to the reader. He's being a little cheeky, and I like that about him. Book of the New Sun lacks a glossary - at least, the edition I've read - but a fan-made one exists online. Personally, I think it's more fun to peek at it minimally and try to guess at the meanings of the verbiage yourself.
Aside from the language, Severian's narration is noticeably all over the place - he jumps between events on the drop of a hat, omits and glosses over crucial details (partially, again, due to the difference in perspective between himself and the reader), and skips very important bits of the fiction, leaving holes for devoted fans to speculate about. All the while, the torturer swears up and down about his supposedly perfect memory. He establishes this early in the book for credibility, and does not neglect to mention it in pretty much every single interlude. My biggest early mistake was taking him at his word - the book gets noticeably easier to read once you understand the crucial detail that Severian is a little shithead liar. The first-person narration made me unconsciously sympathize with him throughout his tale, and it took me longer than I should have to realize that he's not a reliable narrator - or even a decent human being (he's kind of an asshole). Through trial and error, the book teaches you not to trust it, to question every turn of phrase or unexpected action - and comprehend it better for it. Understanding that, the rest of Shadow of the Torturer and the entirety of Claw of the Conciliator were much smoother reads, comparatively. The series is still peppered with unexplained events, hidden connections between the pages, and references to things I may or may not be supposed to understand. I don't catch onto these things that quickly, anyhow. Book of the New Sun is one of those books-as-puzzles that refuses to reveal its whole until you have understood the sum of its parts - that is, read the whole thing multiple times. My first engagement with the Gene Wolfe fandom was the in-joke about rereading his books.
To me, reading Book of the New Sun for the first time is a balancing act between probing the book for answers and accepting that you might not have the tools for it. As much as I wanted to read every page several times to really get what's happening, I had to take things at face value with the faith that I will get that other piece of the puzzle I'm looking for, eventually, in a throwaway line somewhere. The book makes it easy to slip into that pattern of thought, employing the same kind of deadpan presentation as magic realist fiction. Wolfe's writing reminded me the most of Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavić - both present extraordinary events with a blank expression, play extensively with structure and language, and require you to find their meaning beyond the actual telling of events. I can see it being a frustrating experience to many, and I was left feeling a little stupid myself, having to put down the book for a while before returning to get a fresh outlook. Nevertheless, I think it's a wonderful read if you like books that reward you for being inquisitive and reading a little too much into things - which I am not convinced is possible when it comes to Wolfe. What I like so far: the insanely imaginative worldbuilding, the sense of mystery, the language, the mind games, the corkboard theorizing. What I dislike so far: Severian as a person, some of the authorial decisions regarding female characters and the use of sexual assault as a tool of characterization - there is a scene in Claw that is left up to interpretation, but in my opinion, you'd have to be going out of your way not to see it. It's a minor part of the story, but it was enough to slightly sour my reading. I'm excited to finish the series and post my thoughts upon getting the whole picture, which might take a while.
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Uno sguardo alle prime scriptae salentine
di Giammarco Simone
Per introdurre il tema del presente articolo, vorrei partire dalla definizione di ‘linguaggio’ del vocabolario Treccani, secondo cui esso è “la capacità e la facoltà, peculiare degli esseri umani, di comunicare pensieri, esprimere sentimenti, e in genere di informare altri esseri sulla propria realtà interiore o sulla realtà esterna, per mezzo di un sistema di segni vocali o grafici”.
Tra i segni grafici utilizzati dall’essere umano, la scrittura alfabetica diventa espressione culturale di un popolo che utilizza un sistema di lettere per comporre, comunicare e conservare per iscritto pensieri, racconti, leggende, canzoni e poesie.
La scrittura diventa testimonianza linguistica di una civiltà ed è affascinante conoscerne e studiarne le origini, in quanto custodisce le chiavi di accesso per comprendere l’attuale panorama linguistico. Il fine di questo viaggio attraverso i secoli è quello di riscoprire alcuni testi antichi che hanno fatto la storia del salentino e che si conservano nelle prestigiose biblioteche d’Italia (Padova, Milano, Firenze, Perugia e Roma, per citarne alcune) ma anche in quelle inglesi, francesi e austriache. Ho deciso di attingere le notizie dalle ricerche fatte negli anni dagli studiosi interessati all’argomento e, consapevole della quantità degli studi effettuati e dei ritrovamenti, per motivi di spazio ne ripropongo solo alcuni sotto forma di breve raccolta.
edizione degli Epigrammi del 1490 custodita nell’Archivio del governo di Aragona, in Spagna (immagine tratta da http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Marcial._Epigrammata._1490.jpg?uselang=it)
  Le prime scriptae salentine
Ancora prima dell’inizio del Medioevo, l’odierno Salento era abitato dapprima da tribù autoctone, come gli Iapigi, ed in seguito da popolazioni straniere provenienti dalla Grecia, ovvero i Messapi[1]. Posteriormente al dominio messapico, i Romani arrivarono da conquistatori nel I a.C. e vi rimasero fino alla caduta dell’Impero Romano d’Occidente nel 476 d.C., anno convenzionale per l’inizio del Medioevo.
  Dopo i Romani, la Terra d’Otranto fu desiderio di conquista da parte dell’Impero Romano d’Oriente, con i Bizantini che imposero la loro egemonia per molti secoli, soprattutto per l’importanza che ricopriva il Salento nelle rotte commerciali con l’Oriente. Di lì a poco, si susseguirono varie popolazioni e domini stranieri (Saraceni, Longobardi, Angioini, Aragonesi, Francesi) lasciando notevoli tracce del loro passaggio. In questo via vai di popoli, tradizioni, culture e lingue, il nostro idioma è andato formandosi assorbendo tratti e caratteristiche che nel corso dei secoli si sono modellate, fino a consolidarsi e a dar vita al salentino attuale.
Tuttavia, per conoscere le prime testimonianze scritte dobbiamo percorrere un viaggio a ritroso nei secoli quando ancora in Salento si parlava il volgare salentino, un parente non troppo lontano dell’attuale dialetto salentino, ma che con parole più tecniche si potrebbe definire un discendente strettissimo del latino volgare[2].
La documentazione dei testi in latino volgare è abbastanza esigua. Negli studi di storia della lingua italiana, l’esempio più conosciuto di testo dove compaiono forme in latino volgare è l’Appendix Probi (L’appendice di Probo) risalente al VI-V secolo a.C., contenente una lista di ben 227 parole scritte dal grammatico Probo, il quale riporta il corretto nome in latino classico affiancato dalla sua corrispettiva voce in volgare ritenuta ‘scorretta’. Una storia completamente diversa si ha per quanto riguarda le prime attestazioni in volgare italiano, con la maggior parte degli studiosi che concordano sul fatto che le sentenze giuridiche dei Placiti Campani, databili X secolo d.C., sono tra prime testimonianze sul territorio nazionale. Scritte in latino classico, contengono però stralci di italiano antico, in quanto le deposizioni dei testimoni (di madrelingua volgare) venivano riportate nella loro lingua parlata:
Sao ko kelle terre, per kelle fini que ki contene, trenta anni le possette parte sancti Benedicti.[3]
Sao cco kelle terre per kelle fini que tebe monstrai, Pergoaldi foro que ki contene et trenta anni le possette[4].
Kella terra per kelle fini que bobe mostrai Sancte Marie e et trenta anni la posset parte sancte Marie[5].
Sao cco kelle terre per kelle fini que tebe monstrai trenta anni le possette parte Sancte Marie[6].
Se già a partire dal X secolo d.C. nel territorio nazionale si attestano in testi scritti espressioni e vocaboli in volgare italiano, si può dire lo stesso per il volgare salentino? La risposta è sì, seppur meritevole di qualche precisazione.
In passato, l’elaborazione e la stesura di libri e testi era compito solo di alcune persone erudite (gli amanuensi) che grazie alle loro conoscenze grafiche e linguistiche potevano scrivere e persino tradurre testi antichi di altri idiomi e volgarizzarli nella nuova lingua. Dalle attestazioni in volgare italiano si evince che la grafia utilizzata dagli eruditi fu quella latina, mentre per quanto riguarda le parlate regionali e locali (nel nostro caso il volgare salentino) assistiamo ad una lunga tradizione di testi redatti in alfabeti diversi dal latino, e cioè in ebraico e greco. La spiegazione di tale comportamento è da ricondurre alla situazione socio-linguistica del nostro territorio in quei secoli. Come affermato da Maggiore (2015)[7]:
Il primo elemento di specificità è legato alla presenza, in un arco di tempo che supera i confini cronologici del Medio Evo, di scritture redatte in alfabeti diversi da quello latino, segnatamente i caratteri israelitici e greci. La presenza dei primi è legata alle vicende storiche della comunità ebraica salentina, mentre la ricchezza dei secondi chiama direttamente in causa la durevole vitalità dell’esperienza culturale italo-greca di Terra d’Otranto, che pervenne anche a esprimere personalità letterarie di primissimo piano come quella di Nettario di Casole, poeta bizantino vissuto a Otranto tra il XII e il XIII secolo.
Casole presos Otranto
  La comunità ebraica si stabilì nel Salento già dai primissimi secoli successivi alla Diaspora Ebraica iniziata con la conquista dei Romani della Terra d’Israele intorno al VIII-VI secolo a.C. E’ proprio uno scritto in alfabeto ebraico, datato intorno al X secolo d.C., ad essere stato redatto in Terra d’Otranto. Si tratta di un importante trattato di farmacologia risalente al 965 d.C. scritto dall’astronomo, filosofo e medico ebreo (nato ad Oria nel 913 d.C.) Shabbetai Donnolo.
L’importanza di questo testo risiede nel fatto che, secondo Cuscito[8](2018), è “ritenuto il più antico testo farmacologico ebraico, se non il più antico testo medico scritto in questa lingua dalla caduta dell’Impero Romano d’Occidente”. Il Sèfer ha­–yaqar (Libro prezioso), così si intitola l’opera, nonostante sia un testo innovatore nel panorama medico e scientifico di quell’epoca, dal punto di vista linguistico fornisce esempi di salentino, in quanto ricco di toponimi meridionali e termini botanici greci, latini e volgari che sono arrivati fino ai giorni nostri. Un esempio è il cocomero asinino (scritto QWQWMRYNA secondo la traslitterazione di Treves)[9], che ritroviamo a Lecce con il nome di cucummaru sputacchiaru o riestu[10].
Sempre in alfabeto ebraico e con rilevanza linguistica ancora più notevole sono le 154 glosse ritrovate all’interno di un antico codice ebraico, il Mišnah, datato 1072 e studiato attentamente da Cuomo[11](1977), dove compaiono parole salentine pervenuteci fino ad oggi: lentikla nigra, meluni rutundi, iskarole salβateke, kukuzza longa, sciroccu, kornula, làuru e voci verbali come pulìgane, sepàrane, assuptìgliane.
Con la caduta dell’Impero Romano d’Occidente nel 476 d.C, e con l’arrivo dei Bizantini provenienti da Oriente, la tradizione scritta salentina si sviluppa anche in alfabeto greco. Infatti, si registra una attività greca molto forte tra il XIII e il XVI, che porta la lingua greca ad essere parlata e scritta nelle scuole e nelle case. Tale fu l’impatto greco-bizantino sul nostro territorio che ne conserviamo l’eredità linguistica (mi riferisco alla Grecia Salentina e al griko, un dialetto della lingua greca parlato nel Salento). Esempi in alfabeto greco sono due brevi liriche amorose databili tra un arco temporale che va dal 1200 al 1300. Di seguito, ripropongo la traslitterazione in grafia latina fatta da De Angelis[12](2010), a cui si deve anche l’importante studio linguistico che ne conferma la salentinità, nonostante a prima impressione il testo possa essere definito di tipo siciliano:
Amuri amuri
1. Αμουρι αμουρι δ’αμουρι λα μια [μ]ουρτί σε αλτρου ομου τε κουλ-
2. κόου λα ρουφιάνα κουτραρα β[4]σζαϊ λου βανου κόρε:-
3. πρέγαρὲ βόλλου λί μεϊ ουργανατούρι κούιστέ παρόλε δεϊσζα-
4. νου <μ>βεζαρε σζ’αννου<ν>ζου ε δαδρι όττα περ μιου αμόρε· ρουσζίερ
5. κου[35]β…
6. τα δέισζαλα καντάρε δε[ισ]ζα μανδάρε περ τόττα λα κου[ν]-
7. τράτα κούεϊστα βαλλάτὰ σζι ε φάττα νυβέλλα δα σζοι
8. σε αππέλλα νικολα δεττορε:-
9. λου δεττορε
1. amuri amuri d’amuri la mia murti se altru omu te
  2. cóu la rufiana quatrara b[vacat] ci hai lu vanu còre
3. pregare vogliu li mei urganaturi quiste parole diggia-
4. nu mbezzàre c’annunciu e dadri otta per miu amore;
  5. [†]
6. cierta (?) diggiala cantare diggia mandare per totta la cun-
7. trata quista ballata ci è fatta nuvella da ci
8. se appella Nicola Dettore
9. lu dettore
  In questo breve componimento, l’autore, un tale Nicola Dettore dice che, nel caso in cui la sua amata (v.2 la rufiana quatrara) lo tradisca (v.1 se altru omu te culcòu), egli morirà a causa del mal d’amuri. Per questo, si augura che i cantori (v.3 urganaturi) possano imparare queste sue parole (vv.3-4 quiste parole diggia-nu <m>bezzàre c’annu<n>ciu ) e che si diffondano per tutta la contrada (v.6 diggiala cantare diggiala mandare totta la cuntrata), affermando che la ballata è una novella (v.7 quista ballata ci è fatta nuvella) scritta proprio da colui che si chiama Nicola Dettore (vv.8-9 se appella Nicole Dettore).
 Bellu missere
01. ββέλλου μισσέρε ασσάι δουρμιστι
02. κουμμίκου νον γγαυδίστι ζζο
03. μι [ν]κρίσζι κα λ’αλβουρι αππα-
04. ρεισζε πάρτ<ε>τε αμουρι πρε[σ]του
05. α κουρτεσία ελλάλβουρι αππα-
06. ρεισζε ε κουι νο [σ]τάρε οννει
07. ββρίγα ε δουλενζια τι κου<μ>βένε
08. νον σίτι αμαντε δε δοννα ακουι-
09. σταρε νι ννα [δ]’αζζιρε ε νι δ’άβιρ[ε]
10. [δ]εποι κα νσζι βουλι[σ]τι α[δ]ουρμενταρε
11. σζε μι σζε[ρ]κάστι α μ[ε]ντ[ι]ρε π[ε]ρ
12. ομου σζι τενε ουνα ταλε σζο-
13. για σζε λλι αννογια.
01. bbellu missere assai durmisti
02. cummicu non gaudisti ciò
03. m’incrisci ca l’alburi appa-
04. risce partete amuri prestu
05. a curtesia e ll’alburi appa-
06. risce e qui no stare onni
07. bbriga e dulenzìa ti cunvene
08. non siti amante de donna acqui-
09. stare ni nn’a d’aggire e ni d’avire
10. depoi ca nci vulisti adurmentare
11. ce mi cercasti a mentire per
12. omu ci tene una tale gio-
13. ia ce gli annoia
  Il testo è considerato da Distilo (2007)[13] appartenente al genere di canzone di malamata, ovvero quei componimenti nei quali le donne raccontavano la loro insoddisfazione coniugale. Nel testo, la donna dice al suo uomo (v.1 bellu missere) che a causa del suo troppo dormire (v.1 assai durmisti) non si dilettò con lei (v.2 cummicu no gaudisti). Per questo, la donna si dispiace che sia già giorno (v.4 m’ncrisci ca l’alburi apparisce) e lo esorta ad andarsene (vv.4-5 partete amuri prestu, a curtesia) e a non rimandare le fatiche e le preoccupazioni del nuovo giorno che gli spetta (vv.6-7 e qui no stare onni bbriga e dulenzia ti cunvene). Poi accusa l’uomo di non saperla conquistare, né di saper agire né tantomeno tenerla a sé (vv.8-9 non siti amante de donna acquistare, ni nn’a d’aggire e ni d’avire) visto che preferisce addormentarsi (v.10 depoi ca nci vulisti adurmentare). La donna chiude il suo componimento quasi con una domanda dal sapore amaro, in quanto non capisce il comportamento dell’uomo che preferisce addormentarsi invece di godere dei piaceri da lei offerti (vv-12-13 per omu ci tene una tale gioia ce gli annoia).
Un altro importante ritrovamento, sempre in alfabeto greco, ma questa volta di lunghezza più estesa e di carattere religioso, è la Predica salentina risalente alla seconda metà del 1300. Si tratta di un commento alla Divina Liturgia di S.Giovanni Crisostomo, il testo liturgico utilizzato in quel tempo dai Cristiani d’Oriente. Il testo fu studiato da Parlangeli (1958)[14], il quale lo trascrisse in alfabeto latino. Ne presento uno stralcio[15]:
“Veniti addunca cun pagura de ddeu e cun fide e cun pace a rrecìpere lu corpiu de ristu secundu ammonisce e séumanda a Santu bbasiliu e sse alcun omu non ave cun se quiste tre cause chi avimu ditte, zzoè pagura de Ddeu, fede e ppitate, non dive venire sé ancostare a rrecìpere quistu prezziosu corpu, ca dice Santu Paulu: quillu chi mangia e bbive lu corpu e sangue de Gesu Cristu indignamente, si llu mangia e bbive a ggiudizziu ed a ccondannazione soa. Venimi addunca cun pagura, fede e ppitate e ppuramente recipimu da li spirduali patri nostri lu dittu corpu e ssangue de lu nostru signore Ggesu Cristu, azzò séchi sse fazza e ssia a nostra salvazione spirduale….”
Da quanto visto finora, le prime scriptae medievali in lingua salentina furono redatte in alfabeti diversi da quello latino, ed infatti, secondo Bernardini (2010) “dalle fine del IX secolo fino alla fine del XVI secolo, troviamo 400 codici greci contro i 30 latini risalenti allo stesso periodo”[16]. Lo studio dei documenti in caratteri ebraici e greci costituisce una fonte importante per studiare l’oralità di quell’antico salentino, in quanto, come afferma Maggiore (2013) “offrono spesso testimonianze linguisticamente più aderenti alla realtà del parlato rispetto a quanto avviene normalmente nella scripta in caratteri latini, maggiormente soggetta a fenomeni di conguaglio dei tratti diatopicamente marcati”[17].
Tuttavia, dobbiamo sottolineare che anche l’alfabeto latino veniva utilizzato nella scrittura ma ciò in epoca più tardiva, ovvero a partire dal XV secolo, quando, secondo gli studiosi, il volgare salentino aumentò il suo status di lingua locale diventando una vera e propria koinè (κοινὴ διάλεκτος “lingua comune”), cioè una lingua a carattere regionale (da non confondersi con l’intera Puglia, ma solo riferito alla regione Salento) che riuniva i tratti tipici dialettali, quelli della lingua letteraria toscana ed altri comuni a tutto il Meridione. La lingua comune salentina nel suo nuovo status di lingua regionale si utilizzava non solo per redigere lettere mercantili e trattati notarili ma divenne lingua di corte ed impiegata in campo letterario nelle illustrissime corti di Maria D’Enghien a Lecce, di Giovanni Antonio del Balzo Orsini a Taranto e di Angilberto del Balzo Orsini a Nardò.
  Esempi di koinè sono le cinque lettere commerciali, studiate da Stussi[18](1982), scritte tra il 1392 ed il XV secolo tra un mercante ebreo tale Sabatino Russo e suo socio d’affari il veneziano Biagio Dolfin, con il quale fondò una società per il commercio in Oriente. In una di queste lettere, Sabatino avverte il suo socio che una nave fu depredata dai pirati “intru lu portu de Nyrdò”. Tale evento, però, fu smentito da una sesta lettera scritta da un altro commerciante ebreo, tale Mosè de Meli, il quale informò Biagio Doffin di essere stato truffato da Sabatino che finse il furto per appropriarsi egli stesso del bottino:
Sery Byasi Dalfyn hio Mosè de Meli vi fazo assavery chy my sa mullto mali de la gabba che ve à ffatto Sabatyno judeo de Cobertyno chy sta mò in Leze de li besanti C”‘ de oro che pellao delu vostro et addusseli in Leze et guadannò dela ditta moneta vostra ducaty CL chy contao in vostra party de lu guadanno…
Nella corte di Lecce, il cappellano della contessa Maria D’Enghien, tale frate Nicolao de Aymo scrisse la grammatica latina Interrogatorium constructionum gramaticalium (1444) dove si avvalse proprio del volgare salentino come lingua di traduzione per fornire esempi delle regole grammaticali. Di quest’opera ci rimangono due manoscritti che son utili dal punto di vista linguistico, in quanto sono presenti parole tipicamente dialettali come suggerisce Maggiore (2015): nusterça (nusterza), groffolare (cruffulare), insetare (nsitare), scardare pissi (squamare pesci)
 Nel Principato di Taranto di Giovanni Antonio del Balzo Orsini troviamo il Librecto de pestilencia (1448) scritto dal “cavaliero et medico” galatinese Nicolò di Ingegne, il quale conversa con altri due medici di corte, tali Aloysi Tafuro de Licio e Symone de Musinellis de Butonto, e con lo stesso Giovanni Antonio riguardo la peste e sui possibili rimedi e cure. Inoltre, nell’opera si menzionano alcuni nomi di vini, tra cui uno tipico tarantino, il Gaglioppo, come si legge in Maggiore[19] (2013): “ma più in lo tempo de la peste, sincome sonno malvasie, greco, guarnaze, [..] et da nuy tarentini ‘galioppo’ chyamato, lo quale in questa città più che in parte del mundo perfecto se fa”.
La corte di Angilberto del Balzo Orsini, conte di Ugento e duca di Nardò, annoverava nella sua una ricca libreria copie di libri in latino e volgarizzamenti delle opere di Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio. Ad essa appartiene lo Scripto sopra Theseu re, un ricco commento al Teseida di Boccaccio redatto da un anonimo salentino, probabilmente nella seconda metà del Quattrocento nella scuola di Nardò, una scuola di amanuensi domenicani molto attiva in quel periodo.
Il commento al Teseida, oltre che fornire prove sulla circolazione delle opere toscane nel Salento, dimostra la varietà linguistica della koinè salentina che abbraccia sia i toscanismi letterari, sia i termini più vernacolari e i meridionalismi generalizzati, come riporta Maggiore (2015): amochare ‘coprire’, annicchare ‘nitrire’, ganghe ‘guance’, lucculare ‘urlare’, magiara ‘strega’, nachiro ‘nocchiero’, sghectata ‘spettinata’, rugiare ‘borbottare’, ursolo ‘piccolo recipiente per liquidi’.
Inoltre, appartenente alla libreria di Angilberto, il Libro de Sidrac che merita una considerazione speciale. Si tratta di un trattato filosofico in stile “domanda e risposta” tra il re Buctus e il filosofo Sidrac. Quest’opera, scritta originariamente in lingua francese d’oil tra il 1270 e il 1300, potrebbe essere considerata un best seller di quell’epoca, in quanto nei secoli successivi fu tradotta in ben sessanta versioni romanze tra cui anche in volgare salentino. Si tratta, indubbiamente, di un testo che ci fornisce esempi di koiné salentina, come nell’incipit del testo “Ore Sidrac incomenza a respondere a lo re Botus ad tucte le sue addimande, et a chascaduna responde di per sé. La prima ademanda si è si deu pòy essere veduto. Deu si è visibile et non visibile, cà illu vede tuctu et non pote essere veduto”[4r 32-35]. Secondo gli studi linguistici fatti da Sgrilli[20](1983), il Sidrac salentino fu scritto per mano di un autore brindisino, mentre quelli fatti in precedenza da Parlangeli (1958)[21] dicono che “il nostro testo sia scritto in un dialetto del tipo salentino settentrionale, quale, a un dipresso, doveva essere parlato nella zona di Nardò”.
Le attestazioni del salentino volgare non provengono solo da testi e manoscritti ma anche nelle epigrafi come quella nella Cattedrale di Nardò all’interno di un affresco risalente alla metà del XV secolo e raffigurante San Nicola, la Madonna col Bambino e Santa Maria Maddalena orante (nella navata sinistra). La riscoperta dell’attestazione è da attribuire al dott. Gaballo e al prof. Polito e recita:
O tu chi ligi, fa’ el partisani:
chi ley fey fare, Cola è ’l sua nome,
filliolu de Luisi de Pephani.
Secondo Castrignanò[22] (2016), la parafrasi reciterebbe: Oh tu che leggi, prendi la mia parte/ chi la fece fare [la pittura], Nicola è il suo nome/ figlio di Luigi di Epifanio. Se a prima impressione l’epigrafe sembrerebbe una captatio benevolentiae, in quanto l’autore chiede ai chiunque guardi il suo affresco di parlarne bene (fa’ el partisani) in realtà sembra rievocare il verso dantesco If IX 61-63: O voi ch’avete li ’ntelletti sani, / mirate la dottrina che s’asconde / sotto ’l velame de li versi strani.
Per concludere con uno sguardo sulla società medievale e sulle relazioni interpersonali tra i cittadini di quell’epoca, mi piacerebbe menzionare le deposizioni presenti ne Il registro dei reati e delle pene, una raccolta giudiziaria di 607 denunce appartenente al resoconto fiscale de la Corte del Capitanio di Nardò[23] (1491) e redatte da Giampaolo de Nestore di Nardò, nelle quali si apprezza la lingua dei protagonisti che si lasciano andare a forme ingiuriose e minacciose come:
Marco de Sidero, denunciato per Gabrielj Caballone, che li dixe: «Levatinte davanti et portame li forfichi, ca le mecto le mano alli capillj»
Charella Malicore, denunciata per Hieronimo serviente, che li dixe: «Si marituma era cqua, te haveria dato cinquanta bastonate»
Uxor Giorgii Taurini, denunciata per la molliere de Francesco de Cupertino perché li dixe: «puctana, frustata, tu teni cento innamorati»
Francesco de Follica, denunciato per Gabrieli de Montefusco, perché li dixe: «yo trovai le terre allo culo de mammata»
Questo viaggio intrapreso lungo i più remoti secoli della storia ha portato alla luce alcune delle primissime forme di scrittura nella nostra lingua in epoca medioevale. Grazie agli studi di alcuni ricercatori in merito alla tradizione scritta salentina, in questo iter abbiamo messo in risalto non solo aspetti relazionati al lessico ma anche alle antiche vicende sociali e culturali che la nostra terra ha vissuto: mi riferisco alla forte presenza della comunità ebraica alla quale si deve una importantissima produzione sia in alfabeto ebraico ma anche in quelli greco e latino, all’evoluzione linguistica del volgare salentino che da lingua locale si trasformò in lingua comune grazie soprattutto alle figure dei primi mecenati in Terra d’Otranto che ne permisero la diffusione. In altre parole, un piccolo viaggio tra lingua, storia, cultura e società alla riscoperta del nostro passato.
  [1] Per maggiori dettagli: https://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2021/02/11/messapia-era-davvero-una-terra-tra-due-mari/ e https://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2021/02/17/messapia-chi-conio-questo-termine-e-perche/
[2] Per le definizioni di latino volgare e latino classico, vedi “Vocalismo e consonantismo del dialetto salentino”, https://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2021/02/13/vocalismo-e-consonantismo-nel-dialetto-salentino/
[3] Trad. ita: “Io so che quelle terre, che qui si dice, le ha possedute trent’anni la parte di San Benedetto”.
[4] Trad. ita: “So che quelle terre secondo quei confini che ti mostrai furono di Pergoaldo come qui si dice e le ha possedute per trent’anni
[5] Trad. ita: “Quella terra secondo quei confini che vi mostrai, è di Santa Maria e l’ha posseduta trent’anni.
[6] Trad. ita: “So che quelle terre secondo quei confini qui descritti le ha possedute per trent’anni la parte di santa Maria.
[7] Maggiore, Marco (2015), Manoscritti medievali salentini, in L’Idomeneo, n.19, pp. 99-122.
[8] Cuscito, Giuseppe M (2018), Il Sefer ha-yaqar di Šabbeṯay Donnolo: traduzione italiana commentata. Sefer Yuḥasin ספר יוחסין | Review for the History of the Jews in South Italy<Br>Rivista Per La Storia Degli Ebrei Nell’Italia Meridionale, 2, 93-106. https://doi.org/10.6092/2281-6062/5568.
[9] In Maggiore (2015:102).
[10] Garrisi, Antonio (1990), Il dizionario leccese-italiano, Congedo Editore. Sotto la voce cucummaru sputacchiaru o riestu: pianta ruderale, strisciante, con steli e foglie scabri, i cui turgidi frutti peponidi maturi, se toccati, lanciano (sputano) il succo e i semi all’intorno.
[11] Cuomo, Luisa (1977), Antichissime glosse salentine nel codice ebraico di Parma, De Rossi, 138, in «Medioevo Romanzo», 4, pp. 185-271.
[12] De Angelis, Alessandro (2010), Due canti d’amore in grafia greca del Salento medievale e alcune glosse greco-romanze, in Cultura neolatina, Anno 70, Fasc 3-4, pp.371-413.
[13] Rocco Distilo, Parole al computer. Dal genere al motivo d’‘alba’ (per un’ignota ‘alba di malamata’), in Atti del V convegno internazionale e interdisciplinare su testo, metodo, elaborazione elettronica (Messina-Catania-Brolo, 16-18 novembre 2006), a cura di Antonio Cusato, Domenica Iaria e Rosa Maria Palermo, Messina, Lippolis, 2007, pp. 101-115.
[14] Oronzo, Parlangèli (1958), La «Predica salentina» in caratteri greci, in Lausberg-Weinrich, pp. 336-360 [ristampa in Parlangèli (1960), pp. 143-173].
[15] La traslitterazione è presa da: Greco, V.,C., “Rimario letterario” (e non solo) Leccese e… Salentino.
[16] Bernardini, Isabella (2010), Greek Language and Culture in South Apulia. Proposals for teaching Greek, in The teaching of modern Greek in Europe: current situation and new perspectives (p. 132), Editum, Universidad de Murcia.
Ho riportato una traduzione dell’originale: “From the end of the ninth century through to the end of the sixsteenth century we find 400 Greek codices, compared to 30 Latin ones for the same period.”
[17] Maggiore, Marco (2013), Evidenze del quarto genere grammaticale in Salento antico, in Medioevo letterario d’Italia, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa-Roma .
[18]Stussi, Alfredo (1982), Antichi testi salentini in volgare, « Studi di filologia italiana », xxiii, 1965, pp. 191-224, ristampato in Id., Studi e documenti di storia della lingua e dei dialetti italiani, Bologna, il Mulino, 1982, pp. 155-181.
[19] Maggiore, Marco (2013), Italiano letterario e lessico meridionale nel Quattrocento, in Studi Linguistici Italiani, vol. XXXIX, Salerno Editrice, Roma.
[20] Sgrilli, Paola (a cura di), Il libro di Sidrac Salentino, Pisa (1983).
[21] Oronzo, Parlangèli (1958), Postille e giunte al Vocabolario dei dialetti salentini di G. Rohlfs, in RIL, XCII, pp. 737-798.
[22] Vito, L.,Castrignanò (2016), A proposito di un’epigrafe salentina in volgare (Nardò, entro il 1456), in Revue de Linguistique Romane, n°317-318, Vol.80, pp, 195-205, Strasbourg.
[23] Perrore, Beatrice (2018), Il discorso riportato ne La Corte del Capitanio di Nardò (1491): alcuni tratti sintattico-testuali, in Linguaggi settoriali e specialistici, Atti del XV Congresso SILFI Società Internazionale di Linguistica e Filologia Italiana, (Genova, 28-30 maggio 2018). Vedi anche: Holtus, Günter; Metzeltin, Michael; Schmitt, Christian, (a cura di), Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Sprachgebiete vom Mittelalter bis zur Renaissance, De Gruyter, Berlino (1995).
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svogliata-mente · 3 years
i can’t believe one of the most important source to distinguish how and when romance languages diverged from latin is a list a nitpicking and probably annoying teacher put together to correct common errors maybe grammarnazis do have a purpose
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segretecose · 3 years
btw i learned not to fight language/spelling changes because 1) they're inevitable, and 2) i don't want to look as stupid and petulant as the author of the appendix probi in a couple of centuries
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Marjan walked into the 126, sipping coffee to chase down the four Tylenol she'd taken before locking up her Jeep. She'd woken up with a pounding headache and the telltale signs of the second day of her period. Nothing she couldn't handle. After all, she'd never live down sitting out over something like this. Especially not when she worked with men and worked her ass off to prove herself worthy of walking alongside them.
She'd just avoid overdoing it. Easy enough.
The first call of the day had come in hot, with no room for extra pain. A load-bearing beam had been demolished, leaving two construction workers and the couple who lived there trapped under the rubble. All had survived, with only 2 broken legs between the four of them, and a few broken ribs. Could have been a lot worse, but they were all in a fair amount of pain, and Marjan couldn't help but feel guilty about her own pain. She attempted to push it down further and swallowed a few more Tylenol back at the station.
3 draining calls later, her headache was back with a vengeance and her cramps hadn't died down in the slightest. In fact, they seemed to be getting worse. She'd dealt with worse, of course, so this was nothing. At least that is what she kept telling herself. Marjan could smell Paul's cooking from upstairs and without realizing it she had unintentionally not eaten anything all day. And there it was, the source of her problem: hypoglycemia.
Paul was making turkey sausage rigatoni, one of Marjan's favorites. Paul, being the absolute dork he was, was singing along to the radio and using the spoon as a microphone. Mateo was doing the same thing with the salad tongs, and Judd was filming them and laughing. TK was laughing too, but probably because of something Carlos said rather than his hilarious colleagues. Owen was looking at his crew while doing paperwork and chuckling into his pen. Marjan leaned against the doorframe, trying to hold back a reaction to a cramp. Which were only getting worse.
"How much longer until dinner? I'm starved!" Marjan yelled over the country twang, almost making Mateo and Paul drop their utensils.
"10 minutes!" Paul yelled back, still dancing to the radio with his lower half.
Marjan took this opportunity to make herself more coffee. Not only was she hypoglycemic, but she was also exhausted. Not that she usually drank coffee, but she needed the bit of energy it was sure to give her.
"Whoa, Marwani, two cups? Who are you?" TK said, after saying a quick goodbye to Carlos when his radio went off.
"I'm tired, Strand. And can you blame me?" She was referring to one of her earlier saves today where she was the one to cut a hanglider out of a tree.
"Impressive, yes. It's still not like you to drink coffee." TK just raised his eyebrows and went back to chewing on his straw and sipping water.
"Yeah, Marjan, I thought you got your adrenaline from rescues. The natural way, as I believe you said once." Paul said, setting down the skillet of food. Mateo, setting down the salad, and Judd, setting down a roll of paper towels, both sat down after Paul. The whole table dug in. And even though Marjan had thought she was hungry, smelling the pasta almost made her want to throw up. But she took a bite, slowly forcing herself to choke it down. She forced a smile when Paul met her eyes in concern over TK's head. She was fine. She had to be.
After dinner and an agonizing hour of Paul watching over her like a hawk, Marjan finally escaped to the bathroom. Nausea from earlier had sort of subsided, but she still had to force down the bile in her throat. She just hoped there would be a call before she couldn't hold it down anymore. It burned a little bit, but not as much as the shame that lit her mind on fire. She breathed a sigh of relief when the Klaxons went off.
She ran downstairs, her abdomen still stinging with pain, but adrenaline was already beginning to dull it. The next call was a fire, which was great for forcing Marjan's mind off of her own selfishness.
"Whoa." The ablaze building lit up the dark sky. Sometimes it was pretty to watch something burn, but not tonight. 14 people were still trapped on the upper floors of the apartment complex, which was skyrocketing Marjan's adrenaline levels. Honestly, she felt great.
"We're going in!" Owen yelled it over the hiss of water pressure and the 6 of them went into the blaze. Usually, in a fire, everything seemed to be overwhelming, but today, the fire seemed dead silent. There was no crackle, just compressing heat.
"Austin FD, anybody in here?" Mateo yelled it through the door, his fist rapping against the wood.
"In here!! Help us!!" was the reply from inside.
"Mateo, Paul," Owen ordered, the two of them already forcing their way inside.
The remaining four trudged on. "Help! Please!! I'm in 654!! Please!!"
"Marjan, TK,"
"Got it, Cap!" TK chirped, "I'm going to kick down the door, back away if you can!!" The door flew open with a startling amount of force.
"Over here!! Under the table!!" The frantic voices called again and the duo moved to the terrified teenager.
"What's your name?" Marjan asked, biting her tongue so hard she could taste iron.
"I'm Mckenna."
"Are you the only one in the apartment?"
"Yes!" Mckenna cried out in pain, clutching her shoulder. There was a piece of glass embedded in her shoulder, and it was no wonder neither of them had noticed the shard. It was caught underneath her shirt, but since Mckenna had moved, so had the glass. Blood soaked the front of her blouse. "TK, gauze. Please." TK pressed the roll into Marjan's palm and she quickly wrapped up the wound with perfect precision.
"Let's get out of here." TK and Marjan carried Mckenna down the stairs. All three were lucky Marjan's legs didn't buckle, no matter how much they felt like they would. They passed Mckenna off to the EMTs and her sobbing parents.
"All good?" Marjan and TK asked each other at the same time.
Both of them nodded, and at least one of them was lying. Which would only become obvious when Marjan threw up into a trashcan immediately after passing the last victim, Alex, from the 8th floor off to the EMTs.
Judd happened to be the only one who noticed, which was lucky for her. "You okay, Marwani?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just shook my stomach around too much." Marjan forced her lips into a smile, to make Judd believe her. He didn't, but he knew better than to question Marjan when she had the 'fight me' glint in her eyes.
"Just take it easy. I don't want to clean up anybody's puke."
"Who says you would have to do it? Probie would." Even in excruciating pain, her quippy mouth was not impacted.
Back at the station, Marjan turned in early after convincing herself she didn't need any more Tylenol. She covered herself with every blanket in the fire station to no avail, she was still freezing. She moaned quietly, as to not alarm any more people she probably already had. She finally fell asleep with a dull sheen over her forehead.
"Marjan! Wake up!" TK was standing over Marjan when she woke up shaking violently. Her unwavering cramps had brought friends, but she bit her tongue again until she bled. Iron tastes better than pain.
"What?" Marjan groaned.
"Are you okay?"
"What? Of course! I'm fine!" She threw the covers off of the bed and stood up, blinking away dizziness and letting her eyes focus on her crewmates. Paul and TK were in the front, and Mateo, Owen, and Judd were making up the perimeter. Paul placed his hand on her forehead and shook his head slowly.
"No, you're not. You obviously have a fever. At least 100 degrees, if I'm not mistaken."
"You can stay here and sleep, Marjan, but you're not allowed on any other calls today," Owen said, his eyebrows heavy with worry and concentration.
"You're benching me, Captain?" Marjan looked at Owen with sad eyes. Her face was paler than usual and drenched in sweat. She looked awful.
"If he won't, I will." Mateo, who usually was painfully reserved about being bossy, put steel behind his voice. He looked like he was about to cry from worry, but his voice didn't shake and he stared Marjan down. His arms were crossed, and Marjan mirrored his stance.
"You can't bench me, probie," Marjan scoffed, before swaying and about falling into TK's arms. "I'm fine!"
"No, you are definitely not. Now sit down, before I send you to the ER for fluids." Owen locked eyes with her until she reluctantly sat down on the bed, her defiance waning. It was all gone the next time a wave of pain erupted through her abs causing her to scream. She grabbed the trashcan from the bedside table and puked violently into it.
"Go get Tommy. Now." Judd's voice was steel, and everyone else sprung into action. Leave it to Judd. Marjan groaned gutturally, a sound that broke Paul's heart. Marjan was his best friend and he'd never seen her in so much pain. So much pain that she was crying and moaning. And he had a hunch. McBurney's point.
"Ow, Paul, quit."
"You have appendicitis, girl, why didn't you say anything?" was Paul's reply, just as Tommy checked her out.
3 hours later, Marjan was out of surgery, and the entire 126 was sitting in the waiting room. They had done it for TK, and they'd sure as hell do it for Marjan as well. Grace had brought the entire station donuts because, in Judd's words, it was always an appropriate time to have donuts. No one had disagreed, and they all needed a bit of pick me up. Marjan having appendicitis had been a bit of a rollercoaster for all of them. Especially when they had realized her appendix had partially burst, which had caused a bit of perontinitus. Most of the 126 had been afraid she'd die because no one noticed the pain she had been in all day. It had been touch and go for a moment there and they were all a little on edge especially after TK's coma after getting shot. The incident was still fresh in all of their minds, and no one wanted to relive it. But here they were.
TK was pacing so much that he'd probably walked a marathon since they'd got here. Judd and Paul were moving too, both jiggling their legs like the world would end if they stopped. Mateo was completely still, hugging a pillow to his chest. And Owen was talking to Marjan. Her heart rate was good, ditto on blood pressure. She was just sleeping. Which fried everyone's nerves. If only she'd just open her eyes.
"One of the female nurses redid your hijab. Her name is Lily, and she says thank you for saving her sister, Mckenna. Small world, huh?"
She twitched.
"Guys!" Owen hissed and the other four men plus Grace moved quietly into the room. "Marjan?" Paul's voice sounded brittle, but he took her hand softly and squeezed it. Marjan's fingers curled around one of Paul's and she squeezed. Paul's tears shone on his cheeks as Marjan's eyes fluttered open.
"What happened?" She croaked out.
"Your appendix ruptured. We almost didn't catch it in time." Judd said over the deafening silence reverberating around the room.
"So that's why my Tylenol didn't work." She remarked.
"You were taking Tylenol for pain all day, and you didn't think to tell us?" TK said slowly, his fingers tapping on his elbows like he was disappointed. Maybe he was.
"I am female, Tyler Kennedy," Marjan said. "Think about it."
Paul stayed the latest with her because everyone else had early mornings. He sat in the chair beside her bed and held her hand. Paul had his appendix out when he was 22, and he knew how lonely it felt to sleep in a hospital room with no one watching over him. So he stayed and held her hand while she rested.
"I'm glad you're okay. You scared me for a while there." Paul whispered to Marjan.
"Me too, Paul. Thank you for staying with me."
"Of course."
"I have one more favor to ask, though."
"Which is?"
"Ice cream? Vegan cookie dough? Please?"
"In the morning." Paul shook his head fondly. "Everything is closed, and you should get some rest."
"Fine. I expect to see you here bright and early tomorrow with ice cream."
"I won't let you down." Marjan was already asleep by the time that he replied, snoring softly in time to her heart rate.
And of course, the next morning, Marjan awoke to vegan cookie dough ice cream on the bedside table along with a metal spoon and a giant get well soon card signed by every member of the 126, Carlos, and Grace. Along with a letter from Mckenna, who said Marjan could visit her anytime she wanted to, in room 216. Maybe being benched wasn't so bad.
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annetta-arletta · 4 years
Appendix Probi, testo del iii secolo, autore ignoto; si tratta di una lista di 227 copie di parole per evidenziare la corretta dicitura latina in contrapposizione al latino volgare, quotidiano e parlato. Lo schema che si ripete è sulla base di speculum non speclo.
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shekhsarha4012 · 3 years
Digestive Health Food Market - Global Industry Outlook Research Report 2021-2026 Added By DecisionDatabases
DecisionDatabases has published the latest report on Digestive Health Food Market by manufacturers, regions, type, and application, forecast to 2026. The report provides in-depth data analysis which will aid with better understanding and decision making.
The key market players for the global Digestive Health Food market are listed below:
Danisco A/S, Danone S.A., Nestle S.A., Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd.., Arla Foods Inc., BioGaia AB, Chr. Hansen A/S, Clover Industries Ltd., Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd., Ganeden Biotech plc, General Mills Inc., Institut Rosell-Lallemand, Lifeway Foods Inc., Probi AB, Royal DSM N.V., Seven Seas Ireland Ltd., Attune Foods, Bifodan, BioCare Copenhagen, Daflorn, Deerland Enzymes, Lallemand, Winclove Probiotics
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The Global Digestive Health Food Market Report is equipped with market data from 2016 to 2026. The report gives a market overview covering key drivers and risk factors. The report is bifurcated by top global manufactures mentioning sales, revenue, and prices as applicable. It also evaluates the competitive scenario of the leading players. The report expands to cover regional market data along with type and application. The report forecasts sales and revenue from 2021 to 2026. The detailed sales channel is also covered in the study.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Digestive Health Food Market
The global pandemic COVID-19 has affected the Digestive Health Food market directly or indirectly. This study covers a separate section giving an explicitly clear understanding of the aftereffects of this pandemic. The detailed study highlights the probable outcomes of this global crisis on the Digestive Health Food industry. The impact study on production, supply-demand, and sales provides a holistic approach to the future.
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The market drivers, restraints, upcoming opportunities, and anticipated restraints cited in the report will assist in making an informed decision.
To better understand the market scenario, the Digestive Health Food market is segmented as below:
By Types:
General Food
Green Food
Functional Food
By Applications:
Application 1
Application 2
Application 3
By Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)
The content of the study subjects includes a total of 14 chapters:
Chapter 1: To describe Digestive Health Food product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force, and market risks. Chapter 2: To profile the top manufacturers of Digestive Health Food, with price, sales, revenue, and global market share of Digestive Health Food in 2018 and 2019. Chapter 3: The Digestive Health Food competitive situation, sales, revenue, and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4: The Digestive Health Food breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue, and growth by region, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 5 and 6: To segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11: To break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue, and market share for key countries in the world, from 2016 to 2021 and Digestive Health Food market forecast, by regions, type, and application, with sales and revenue, from 2021 to 2026. Chapter 12, 13 & 14: To describe Digestive Health Food sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix, and data source.
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dd-markets-trends · 3 years
Probiotic Strains Market - Global Industry Outlook Research Report 2021-2026 Added By DecisionDatabases
The global Probiotic Strains Market report offers a comprehensive assessment of the market for the forecast years. The report contains several segments and an analysis of the market trends and growth factors that are playing a vital role in the market. These factors encompass the drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This globe industry offers an outlook on the strategic development of the market in terms of revenue profits over the forecast period 2021-2026.
The key market players for the global Probiotic Strains market are listed below:
Chr. Hansen
Morinaga Milk Industry
Click here to get a FREE Sample Copy of the Probiotic Strains Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-13712
The Global Probiotic Strains Market Report is equipped with market data from 2016 to 2026. The report gives a market overview covering key drivers and risk factors. The report is bifurcated by top global manufactures mentioning sales, revenue, and prices as applicable. It also evaluates the competitive scenario of the leading players. The report expands to cover regional market data along with type and application. The report forecasts sales and revenue from 2021 to 2026. The detailed sales channel is also covered in the study.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Probiotic Strains Market
The global pandemic COVID-19 has affected the Probiotic Strains market directly or indirectly. This study covers a separate section giving an explicitly clear understanding of the aftereffects of this pandemic. The detailed study highlights the probable outcomes of this global crisis on the Probiotic Strains industry. The impact study on production, supply-demand, and sales provides a holistic approach to the future.
Do You Have Any Query Or Report Customization? Ask Our Market Expert @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/ask-questions-13712
Why Purchase this Report?
A robust research methodology has been followed to collect data for the report. Data, thus collected passes through multiple quality checks to ensure the best quality is served.
The report gives a holistic view of the competitive scenario of the Probiotic Strains market
The latest product launches along with technological changes and development are covered in the report.
The data analysis in the report helps in understanding the anticipated Probiotic Strains market dynamics from 2021 to 2026.
DecisionDatabases has a vast repository of data, therefore, we can accommodate customized requirements also.
The graphs, tables and pie charts, and info-graphics covered in the report will help in a better understanding of the report.
The market drivers, restraints, upcoming opportunities, and anticipated restraints cited in the report will assist in making an informed decision.
To better understand the market scenario, the Probiotic Strains market is segmented as below:
By Types:
By Applications:
Animal Feed
Dietary Supplements
Functional food and beverage
By Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of L.A.)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of Middle East)
The content of the study subjects includes a total of 14 chapters:
Chapter 1: To describe Probiotic Strains product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force, and market risks. Chapter 2: To profile the top manufacturers of Probiotic Strains, with price, sales, revenue, and global market share of Probiotic Strains in 2018 and 2019. Chapter 3: The Probiotic Strains competitive situation, sales, revenue, and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4: The Probiotic Strains breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue, and growth by region, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 5 and 6: To segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11: To break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue, and market share for key countries in the world, from 2016 to 2021 and Probiotic Strains market forecast, by regions, type, and application, with sales and revenue, from 2021 to 2026. Chapter 12, 13 & 14: To describe Probiotic Strains sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix, and data source.
Directly Purchase the Complete Global Probiotic Strains Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-13712
About Us:
DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research report provider, enriching decision-makers, and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research reports, customized research reports, company profiles, and industry databases across multiple domains.
Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise, and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 90 28 057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
Referral Source – https://www.topnewscorner.com/probiotic-strains-market-size-share-growth-emerging-trends-manufacturers-and-forecast-2021-2026/
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reportsanddata · 3 years
Acidophilus Probiotic Market ,Size, Share, Growth, Sales Revenue and Key Drivers Analysis Research Report by 2027
The global “Acidophilus Probiotic Market” research report addresses the need for an industry- and economy-wide database beneficial for the business management that could potentially offer development and profitability in the market. It provides critical information pertaining to both the current and projected growth of the market. It also draws focus on technologies, volume, materials & markets, and in-depth market analysis of the Acidophilus Probiotic sector. The study has a section dedicated to profiling the dominant companies in the market while providing their market shares.
To Buy This Report, Click Here @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/report-detail/acidophilus-probiotic-market The Acidophilus Probiotic market intelligence study includes a separate section dedicated to crucial parameters like the pricing structure of vital feedstock and value chain analysis, along with the study of major suppliers of the raw materials. It also offers other pivotal information about the Acidophilus Probiotic market as part of a wide-ranging analysis of the supply chain, along with other aspects like prominent distributors and the consumer base.
The report also evaluates other pivotal market aspects including revenue generated, demand and supply dynamics, market value, CAGR, pricing volatility, market share, import/export status, expenditure, and rates of production and consumption, among others. Numerous analytical tools have been employed in this report to predict the potential expansion of the market. The report gives market estimates derived by using both top-down and bottom-up approaches.
Click here to Get customization & check available discount for the report @ https://www.reportsanddata.com/discount-enquiry-form/3745 Additionally, the study emphasizes the market players currently leading the global market. It also enlightens the readers with other essential details like sales, product descriptions, individual market standing, pictorial representation of statistical data, and contact information of the leading companies. It includes a historical analysis performed on the data gathered from the years 2021 and 2027, projected growth of the industry, and crucial facts and figures, which makes it an all-inclusive database to help advertising professionals, advisors, readers engaged in sales and production, researchers, and other business personnel seeking reliable market information in a concise manner in an extensive document, and other essential facts and figures.
Major Players Operating in Global Acidophilus Probiotic Market
BioGaia AB
 Chr. Hansen Holding
 Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd.
 Probi AB
Lifeway Foods Inc.
 Nestle S.A.
 Ganeden, Inc.
Du Pont
By Type (Revenue, USD Million; 2020–2027)
Human Probiotics
Animal Probiotics
By Application (Revenue, USD Million; 2020–2027)
  Baked Goods
  Fermented Meat
  Dairy-based Foods
    Dairy-based Beverages
  Non-alcoholic Beverages
  Functional Beverages
   Food Supplements
 Nutritional Supplements
 Specialty Supplements
 Infant Formulas
 To get a sample PDF with the skeleton of the Global Acidophilus Probiotic Market Report, click here: https://www.reportsanddata.com/sample-enquiry-form/3745
There are Following Chapters to display the Global Acidophilus Probiotic market:
Chapter 1: Definition, Specifications, and Classification of Acidophilus Probiotic, Applications of Acidophilus Probiotic, Market Segment by Regions;
Chapter 2: Manufacturing Cost Structure, Feedstock Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Value Chain Structure;
Chapter 3: Technical Data and Production Plants Analysis of Acidophilus Probiotic, Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D, Technological Advancement, and Raw Materials Sources;
Chapter 4: Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment);
Chapters 5 and 6: Regional Landscape that includes the United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Acidophilus Probiotic Segment Market Analysis (by Type);
Chapters 7 and 8: The Acidophilus Probiotic Segment Market Analysis (by Application), Profiling of Major Manufacturers of Acidophilus Probiotic;
Chapter 9: Growth Trend Analysis, Regional Analysis, Market Analysis by Product Type, Market Analysis by Application;
Chapter 10: Regional Marketing Type Analysis, Global Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis;
Chapter 11:  Assessment of the consumer base of the Global Acidophilus Probiotic market;
Chapter 12: Acidophilus Probiotic sales channel, distributors, traders, suppliers;
Chapters 13, 14 and 15: Acidophilus Probiotic Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, Research Methodology, and Sources of data collection.
Acidophilus Probiotic Market, Acidophilus Probiotic Market size, Acidophilus Probiotic Market share, Acidophilus Probiotic Market trends, Acidophilus Probiotic Market forecast, Acidophilus Probiotic Market analysis, Acidophilus Probiotic Market scope, Acidophilus Probiotic Market manufacturer, Acidophilus Probiotic Market vendors, Acidophilus Probiotic Market players, Acidophilus Probiotic Market top player, Acidophilus Probiotic Market key player, Acidophilus Probiotic Market prominent player, Acidophilus Probiotic Market major manufacturers, Acidophilus Probiotic Market report .
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smithjoyblog · 4 years
Revenue from the Sales of Probiotic Powder Market to Surge Exponentially Owing To High Demand During COVID-19 Lockdown and Forecast 2026
Global Probiotic Powder Market Research Report with Opportunities and Strategies to Boost Growth- COVID-19 Impact and Recovery
The report will make detailed analysis mainly on in-depth research on the development environment, Market size, development trend, operation situation and future development trend of Probiotic Powder Market on the basis of stating current situation of the industry in 2020.
This is a latest report, covering the current COVID-19 impact on the market. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally. This has brought along several changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and initial and future assessment of the impact is covered in the report. It offers critical information pertaining to the current and future growth of the market.
Request to Sample report @ https://chronicalmarketresearch.com/request-for-sample-report/21657
Competitive Landscape and Probiotic Powder Market Share Analysis
Probiotic Powder market competitive landscape provides details and data information by players. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on revenue by the player for the period 2015-2020. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on revenue (global and regional level) by players for the period 2015-2020. Details included are company description, major business, company total revenue and the sales, revenue generated in Probiotic Powder business, the date to enter into the Probiotic Powder market, Probiotic Powder product introduction, recent developments, etc.
The major vendors covered:
DuPont (Danisco)
Chr. Hansen
Glory Biotech
Morinaga Milk Industry
Biosearch Life
UAS Laboratories
Based on the Probiotic Powder market development status, competitive landscape and development model in different regions of the world, this report is dedicated to providing niche markets, potential risks and comprehensive competitive strategy analysis in different fields. From the competitive advantages of different types of products and services, the development opportunities and consumption characteristics and structure analysis of the downstream application fields are all analyzed in detail. To Boost Growth during the epidemic era, this report analyzes in detail for the potential risks and opportunities which can be focused on.
Get Discount of This Report @ https://chronicalmarketresearch.com/discount-request-on-report/21657
The Main objectives of this report are:
To analyze global Probiotic Powder status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.
To present the Probiotic Powder development in United States, Europe and China.
To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.
To define, describe and forecast the market by product type, market and key regions.
Segment by Type, the Probiotic Powder market is segmented into
Segment by Application, the Probiotic Powder market is segmented into
Food & Beverage
Dietary Supplements
The research includes historic data from 2015 to 2020 and forecasts until 2026 which makes the report’s an invaluable resource for industry executives, Marketing, Sales and product managers, consultants, analysts, and other people looking for key industry data in readily accessible documents with clearly presented tables and graphs.
Request of customization @ https://chronicalmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/21657
Table of Contents: -
Global Probiotic Powder Market Overview
Global Probiotic Powder Market Competitions by Manufacturers
Global Probiotic Powder Capacities, Production, Revenue (Value) by Region
Global Probiotic Powder Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Region
Global Probiotic Powder Productions, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Global Probiotic Powder Market Analyses by Application
Global Probiotic Powder Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis
Probiotic Powder Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Marketing Strategy Analyses, Distributors/Traders
Market Effect Factors Analysis
Global Probiotic Powder Market Forecast
Research Findings and Conclusion
Furthermore, this study will help to solve the following issues:
Cyclical Dynamics-Report foresee dynamics of industries by using core analytical and unconventional market research approaches.
Identifying key cannibalizes– Strong substitute of a product or service is the most prominent threat. Report includes key cannibalizes of a market, by procuring market research. This helps in aligning new product development/launch strategies in advance.
Spotting emerging trends- Report helps to spot upcoming hot market trends. Report also track possible impact and disruptions which a market would witness by a particular emerging trend.
Interrelated opportunities- This report will allow to make decisions based on data, thereby increasing the chances that the strategies will perform better.
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Global Beneficial Bacteria Market 2018 - Danisco, Kerry, Lallemand, China-Biotics, Nestle, Danone, Probi, BioGaia
Tumblr media
The global “ Beneficial Bacteria” research report enlists and explains all the minute details about the Beneficial Bacteria. It also sheds light on the significant features and aspects of the market and explains it with appropriate statistics.In addition, it also highlights the dominating players in the market joined with their market share. The well-established players in the market are Danisco, Kerry, Lallemand, China-Biotics, Nestle, Danone, Probi, BioGaia, Yakult, Novozymes, Valio, Glory Biotech, Ganeden, Morinaga Milk Industry, Sabinsa, Greentech, Bioriginal, Biosearch Life, UAS Laboratories, Synbiotech You have to check this link for free PDF sample report : https://www.excellentmarketresearch.com/report/global-beneficial-bacteria-market-by-manufacturers-type-and.html#reqsample The Global Beneficial Bacteria Research Report Overview The global Beneficial Bacteria research report starts with the Beneficial Bacteria overview where the market is defined and its functionality are explained. The second part of the report brings to the light the detailed study of segmentations Glass Shower Cubicle, Metal Shower Cubicle, Plastic Shower Cubicle, Other of the Beneficial Bacteria. It explains how the market is classified with respect to the types of the product, end users, applications Household, Commercial, features, type of raw material used, and so on. These segments are further classified into the sub-segments for in-depth analysis and understanding of the particular market. Along with the segmentation, the report covers the most trending facts of the global Beneficial Bacteria, most prominent market, market that accounts the maximum revenue, manufacture analysis, market share, market size, market forecast trends, market sales, production, supply, demand, and so on. This can help to understand the position of market in detail. To explore full report detailed with TOC here : https://www.excellentmarketresearch.com/report/global-beneficial-bacteria-market-by-manufacturers-type-and.html Additional Information Provided In The Global Beneficial Bacteria Research Report The global Beneficial Bacteria research report highlights the factors that influence the Beneficial Bacteria growth and product development along with technological upgradations that can boost the Beneficial Bacteria. The report also covers the restraining factors that hinder the Beneficial Bacteria growth. The market position and its size are further studied on the basis of geographical regions. The global Beneficial Bacteria research report also brings to the lime light the leading market players Danisco, Kerry, Lallemand, China-Biotics, Nestle, Danone, Probi, BioGaia, Yakult, Novozymes, Valio, Glory Biotech, Ganeden, Morinaga Milk Industry, Sabinsa, Greentech, Bioriginal, Biosearch Life, UAS Laboratories, Synbiotech which contribute in both aspects, value and volume of sales and the regions that have moderate and slow growth. The global Beneficial Bacteria research report also discusses the competitive market players, their recent developments and advancements, their sales strategies which have helped them to achieve the prominent players position in the Beneficial Bacteria. There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Beneficial Bacteria  Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Traditional Shower Cubicle , Applications of Traditional Shower Cubicle , Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 3, Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Traditional Shower Cubicle , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 4, Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Traditional Shower Cubicle Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 7 and 8, The Traditional Shower Cubicle Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Traditional Shower Cubicle ; Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type Glass Shower Cubicle, Metal Shower Cubicle, Plastic Shower Cubicle, Other, Market Trend by Application Household, Commercial; Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis; Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global Traditional Shower Cubicle ; Chapter 12, Traditional Shower Cubicle Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Traditional Shower Cubicle sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source. Enquire here get customization this report : https://www.excellentmarketresearch.com/report/global-beneficial-bacteria-market-by-manufacturers-type-and.html#inquiry Reasons for Buying Beneficial Bacteria This report provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics It provides a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining market growth It provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow It helps in understanding the key product segments and their future It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights of market and by making in-depth analysis of market segments Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia. contact us 444 E Lake Street, Suite 1700, Chicago, IL 60606 USA. Phone : +1(312) 588-9716 Email : [email protected] Read the full article
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customxmas · 4 years
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You handle it the Nunca Subestime Uma Mulher Que Nasceu Em Maio com t-shirtthe same way you do in your language: you are familiar with the language and know what to expect. When you see a typo, you can often tell what it should be. More interestingly, spelling errors can be informative. A well-known list of Latin spelling errors, called the Probi Appendix, has many examples of mistakes that…
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Global Probiotic Dietary Supplement Market 2019 - BioGaia, Probi AB, i-Health, Winclove
Global Probiotic Dietary Supplement Market research report is an in-depth and a professional document 2019
The worldwide Probiotic Dietary Supplement market is one of the most segmented and developing markets. This Probiotic Dietary Supplement market has been growing at a considerable speed with an increasing consumer preference and the development of new methods. The Probiotic Dietary Supplement market provides various growth chances and is a broad field for competitors (BioGaia, Probi AB, i-Health, Winclove, Probiotics International Ltd (Protexin), UAS Labs).
To get a exclusive piece sample @ https://www.marketdeeper.com/request-for-sample-report-28846.html
The Probiotic Dietary Supplement market is the foundation of the global growth aspects and prospects, since the development of specific concept requires various tech-supported methodologies, ideas, and theories. The global market report has common restrictions, competent parameters, and detailed clarification of the extraordinary data along with the examined current and future trends that may impact the growth. The Probiotic Dietary Supplement market report shows the deep summary of specifications, current innovations, inventions, and parameter. The Probiotic Dietary Supplement market report provides a complete summary of the financial ups & downs in terms of demand rate and fulfillment ratios.
Why should you buy Probiotic Dietary Supplement Market Report?
Build business strategy by identifying the high growth and attractive Probiotic Dietary Supplement market categories
Develop competitive strategy based on competitive landscape
Design capital investment strategies based on forecasted high potential segments
Identify potential business partners, acquisition targets and business buyers
Plan for a new product launch and inventory in advance
Prepare management and strategic presentations using the market data
Recent Events and Developments
Inquiry For Buying @ https://www.marketdeeper.com/inquiry-for-buying-report-28846.html
About Probiotic Dietary Supplement Industry
The overviews, SWOT analysis and strategies of each vendor in the Probiotic Dietary Supplement market provide understanding about the market forces and how those can be exploited to create future opportunities
The Probiotic Dietary Supplement market comprises series of reputed vendors, organizations, manufacturer, and firms. The global market report gives a scrupulous summary of the common competitors who hold major places in terms of demand, revenue, and sales through their post-sale procedures, reliable services, and products. The Probiotic Dietary Supplement market report provides a systematic examination of the primary boosters that are identified based on restraining elements, end user demands, regulatory compliance, and variable market changes.
The Probiotic Dietary Supplement market report also offers thorough predictions based on current business fashions and analytical techniques. The segments (Powder Stick Pack, Capsule, Tablet, Probiotic Drops, ) in the global Probiotic Dietary Supplement market are widely categorized based on constant modifications in the reliability parameters, growth parameters, applications, quality parameters, and end user applications (Pharmacy, Supermarkets, Online Stores, Hospitals and Clinics, Direct Sales) requirements. The slight alterations in the product profile lead to huge changes in the development platforms, product prototype, and production techniques. In addition to this, the Probiotic Dietary Supplement market report also comprises geographical categorization (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa) on the basis of analogous factors.
Table of Content:
Chapter 1: Definition, Specifications and Classification of Probiotic Dietary Supplement , Applications of Probiotic Dietary Supplement Market Segment by Regions, Market Overview
Chapter 2: Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure
Chapter 3: Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Probiotic Dietary Supplement , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis
Chapter 4: Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment);
Chapter 5 and 6: Regional Market Analysis that includes North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia and India, Probiotic Dietary Supplement Segment Market Analysis (by Type)
Chapter7 and 8: The Probiotic Dietary Supplement Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Probiotic Dietary Supplement.
Chapter9: Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type (Powder Stick Pack, Capsule, Tablet, Probiotic Drops, ) Others, Market Trend by Application (%%%), Others
Chapter10: Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis
Chapter11: The Consumers Analysis of Global Probiotic Dietary Supplement Business
Chapter12: Probiotic Dietary Supplement Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source
Chapter13, 14 and 15: Probiotic Dietary Supplement sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings, SWOT analysis and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
Read Full Indexed with TOC @ https://www.marketdeeper.com/global-probiotic-dietary-supplement-market-intelligence-report-for-28846-28846.html
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pamkkaiff · 4 years
Global Probiotics Market 2019 | Manufacturers In-Depth Analysis Report to 2024
The latest trending report Global Probiotics Market 2019-2024 added by DecisionDatabases.com.
The worldwide market for Probiotics is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 4.8% over the next five years, will reach 737.8 million US$ in 2024, from 612.4 million US$ in 2019.
This report focuses on the Probiotics in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/17281-probiotics-market-analysis-report
Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers
    Chr. Hansen
    Glory Biotech
    Biosearch Life
    UAS Laboratories
    Morinaga Milk Industry
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers
    North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
    Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
    Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
    South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)
    Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Market Segment by Type, covers
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
    Food & Beverage
    Dietary Supplements
Download Free Sample Report of Global Probiotics Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-17281
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Probiotics product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Probiotics, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Probiotics in 2017 and 2018. Chapter 3, the Probiotics competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Probiotics breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 12, Probiotics market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Probiotics sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.
Purchase the complete Global Probiotics Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-17281
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
Global Feed Probiotics Market 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024
Global Antibiotics Market 2018 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023
Global Prebiotics Market 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024
About-Us: DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research reports provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research report, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
Our expert research analysts have been trained to map client’s research requirements to the correct research resource leading to a distinctive edge over its competitors. We provide intellectual, precise and meaningful data at a lightning speed.
For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 9028057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
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getmarketresearch · 6 years
Probiotics are live micro-organisms which, when administrated in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. While the traditional delivery vehicle for probiotics was fresh dairy products, they are now found in many varieties of food, beverages, dietary supplements and healthcare products. Scope of the Report: This report focuses on the Probiotics in Asia-Pacific market, especially in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, India and Australia. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, countries/Regions, type and application. Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers DuPont (Danisco) Chr. Hansen Lallemand China-Biotics Nestle Danone Probi BioGaia Yakult Novozymes Glory Biotech Ganeden Morinaga Milk Industry Sabinsa Greentech Biosearch Life UAS Laboratories Synbiotech Market Segment by Countries, covering China Japan Korea Taiwan Southeast Asia India Australia Market Segment by Type, covers Bifidobacterium Lactobacillus Other Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into Food & Beverage Drugs Dietary Supplements Others There are 19 Chapters to deeply display the Asia-Pacific Probiotics market. Chapter 1, to describe Probiotics Introduction, product type and application, market overview, market analysis by countries, market opportunities, market risk, market driving force; Chapter 2, to analyze the manufacturers of Probiotics, with profile, main business, news, sales, price, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 3, to display the competitive situation among the top manufacturers, with sales, revenue and market share in 2016 and 2017; Chapter 4, to show the Asia-Pacific market by countries, covering China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, India and Australia, with sales, price, revenue and market share of Probiotics, for each country, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 5 and 6, to show the market by type and application, with sales, price, revenue, market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2012 to 2017; Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 to analyze the key countries by manufacturers, Type and Application,covering China,Japan,Korea,Southeast Asia, Taiwan, India and Australia,with sales,revenue and market share by manufacturers,types and application; Chapter 14, Probiotics market forecast, by countries, type and application, with sales, price, revenue and growth rate forecast, from 2017 to 2022; Chapter 15, to analyze the manufacturing cost, key raw materials and manufacturing process etc. Chapter 16, to analyze the industrial chain, sourcing strategy and downstream end users (buyers); Chapter 17, to describe sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers etc. Chapter 18 and 19, to describe the research findings and conclusion, appendix, methodology and data source
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loleggodopo · 7 years
Se il controllo sociale si attenua, o il contatto linguistico costringe a misurarsi con altre varietà o altre lingue, può accadere che il rapporto tra errore e regola si inverta e che ciò che stava al margine, l’errore, diventi nuova regola. Lo si intravede sull’Appendix Probi, la lista di errori degli allievi con relative correzioni, redatta da un maestro attorno al 300 d.C.: calida, si scrive, non calda, columna non colomna, auctor non autor. Gli errori degli studenti sono però più simili a quelle che diventeranno le corrispettive forme nelle lingue neolatine. Sono storie di errori segnati e trascritti, che ci suggeriscono un’idea diversa di errore, come frontiera della lingua, là dove la lingua è messa in tensione e dove a volte muta, là dove più lingue o più varietà di una lingua entrano in contatto.
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