#Aph oc
ms-lirio · 3 days
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"You hurted yourself. Again."
"I guess I should say: I am deeply sorry."
"Do not act so reckless, Alfred."
"—Promise. And you should take a rest, you look tired."
"I am fine. Do not worry about me."
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I have MANY pending books to read, whether diaries, reports, story books, Brazilian Pracinhas and Nurses and much more.  But to save time, I decided to just read a few quick articles to prepare this post.
All pointed here is in a historical view.
Brazil was officially the only South American country to send troops to the conflict under its flag.
Historically, Brazil's actions prevailed in Italy.  It was where Brazil sent its troops, and its participation in the war was delayed as Brazil wanted to maintain its relations with both sides and remain neutral throughout the conflict.  After German and Italian attacks suffered by Brazilian ships, Brazil gave up its neutrality, siding with the Allies.
American military bases were built in the Northeast region of Brazil and Brazilian troops received American training.
"In 1939, with the beginning of the Second World War, Brazil remained neutral, in continuation of President Getúlio Vargas' policy of not defining itself by any of the great powers, only trying to take advantage of the advantages offered by them. Such "pragmatism " was interrupted at the beginning of 1942, when the United States and the Brazilian government agreed to transfer air bases on the island of Fernando de Noronha and along the north-northeast Brazilian coast to receive American military bases (if negotiations had not result, with Vargas and the military insisting on maintaining neutrality, the US had plans to invade the Brazilian northeast, codenamed Plan Rubber).”  (WIKIPEDIA)
"Natal, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in northeastern Brazil, has a very important strategic global geographic position. This fact made the city host the two main American military bases during the Second World War: the Naval Base and Parnamirim Field – at the time it was the largest US Air Force base on foreign territory.”  (WIKIPEDIA)
// Getúlio Vargas flirted with the Fascist ideology even tho, he went to ALLIES' side. 💀
HCs: (don't take them too seriously)
⚠️ Remembering the following content: we are still talking about Hetalia, so my HCs and lore are not absolute truth, but my perception of my oc's participation during the conflict.  Even though it has a historical basis behind it.  And also, this is historical fiction (ofc, it's hetalia).  WWII is an extremely sensitive topic to many. I ask for caution, I will be careful with what I have to say.
— Alfred used his charm and charisma to make Mayara fight alongside him (Good Neighbor Policy). What worked and they formed an alliance based on a mutual exchange of interests.
— Mayara had developed a strange feeling that intensified for Alfred (something between admiration and wanting to be like him, a complex feeling, which perhaps was confused with platonic love and which sought certain privileges in that alliance), even if she was reluctant to give end her neutral stance towards the conflict (something similar to what happened in WWI).  She would later do this after torpedoing of vessels by German and Italian submarines, retaliation due to Brazil's accession to the Atlantic Charter;  thus, she broke ties with the AXIS and declared war on Italy and Germany.
— In my universe, Mayara also served as a nurse, and spent most of her time with Alfred, often tending to his wounds.  Sometimes just chitchatting together or learning about militarism and things like that. He trained her. He was the one who supported her.
— I changed my conception of another topic, which was May's direct participation on the battlefield.  I think that Mayara, in addition to serving as a nurse, also fought on the front line when necessary (due to the fact that she was the representative of Brazil) and needed to be on the front line.  In my former HC she didn't go to the front. (I disagree with the 2021 me xd).
—  I don't believe that Alfred reciprocated any kind of feelings for May. She was an important piece for him, and so he courted her, to secure a new ally.  It was a benefits relationship.
— Besides Alfred.  There were FEW times where dialogues with England took place, this was due to the participation of Anglo-Brazilians on the English side (if I'm not wrong, in the area of ​​aviation, but I need to delve deeper into the topic).  An almost tiny interaction compared to the prevalence of Alfred's actions, which was immensely greater and also generated impacts.
PS: I don't ship BrAme/AmeBra, they are just friends.  However, Mayara, as I said, had strange feelings for him at some moments in history (I was reading an article about diplomacy 🇧🇷-🇺🇸, I realized that Brazil had a greater interest in getting closer to the USA for economic and regional power, that is, an admiration that aimed for benefits/just as the US aimed for strategic support/Mayara would support Alfred in anything, as she thought she would get support in return).
I used the word "courtship" as it was stated in this old History book (which I no longer have).  Alfred... used his charm against May. Lol.
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Evidence of a strange obsession with Alfred:
Meet the United States of Brazil:
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(I showed this damn flag to my dad he got disgusted lmfao)
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dolceminerva97 · 2 months
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I wondered how I could update Arthur's style to current trends so he isn't wearing that godforsaken green sweater with a red tie that he's had since fucking 1930 lmao. A looser fit for his clothes esp his trousers and white sneakers for a casual look will do the job without losing his essence. Then I got carried away and gave him two more fits
Together they're the Rowdyruff boys 🫶 daft cunts, all of them
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lou-art · 3 months
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Tucumán con una bebé Argentina (Tina de DolceMinerva) ✨🥺💓
Un poquitín de lore abajo sobre como veo la relación de Argentina con sus provincias ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Las provincias son preexistentes a la nación (de hecho, se dice que ellas crearon al estado nacional), por lo que, a mi parecer, describirlas como "hijos" de Argentina no es adecuado. Su relación es mucho más compleja que eso y varía de un caso a otro.
Algunas de las provincias más antiguas cuidaron de la futura Argentina en su más tierna niñez y muchas de ellas aún mantienen un fuerte sentimiento de afecto hacia su Patria. Por ejemplo, Tucumán le tiene verdadero cariño fraternal a Tina: La cuidó de bebé y desde entonces desarrolló su sentimiento de protección y en función a eso ha decidido apoyarla en todos sus proyectos.
Durante las guerras civiles, cuando algunas provincias se oponían a los planes del gobierno nacional, Miguel (Tucumán) acató las órdenes de Agustina sin chistar, participando incluso en campañas militares para someter a Rocío (La Rioja) durante el proceso de pacificación. También fue a batallar en la guerra del Paraguay, a diferencia de otras provincias que se opusieron al conflicto (y hasta se rebelaron).
Lo mismo ocurre con Jesús (Santiago del Estero), a él NO LE IMPORTA vivir en la más grande pobreza si eso significa que Agustina pueda vivir bien, aun cuando ella se olvide de él y lo deje de lado por ser una provincia que no entraba en su modelo económico. Él en especial se peleó con Rocío en el siglo XIX y cortaron su amistad porque no le gustó para nada que la riojana se oponga a los proyectos de Argentina, la vio como una traidora y se ofreció a pacificarla él mismo, pero le dieron ese trabajo a San Juan (igual invadió La Rioja, pero Franco lo corrió apenas lo vio en el área ajsjd no iba a dejar que toque a su neña)
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Por el contrario, hubo provincias como La Rioja que no desarrollaron ese sentimiento de protección y afecto hacia Agustina, al contrario, hasta se sintieron defraudadas por ella y llegaron a sentir algo de rencor en cierto momento.
Si bien actualmente Rocío y Agustina se llevan bien porque obviamente son provincia y nación, hubo un momento en el que su relación tuvo un quiebre y se vieron como una AMENAZA. Rocío quería quererla (?) pero Agustina la veía como una amenaza que había que aplastar.
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fertaine · 8 days
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hello guys :3 *drops these mfs*
but uh should i create a whole blog for them
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mmishz · 3 months
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dahliamorena · 6 months
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20 De Noviembre
¡Viva la revolución!
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one0p1nk · 5 months
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// Ah- Don’t mind me, I’m at my Hetalia phase and I still need to sedate my Latam spirit and OC hyper fixations /ih.
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twrambling · 4 months
Puerto Rico x Ireland
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very quick doodle.
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Version where Ireland has no freckles and a fun fact (excuses as to why I ship them)
Did you know that a Puerto Rican man,
Pedro Albizu Campos
(this man)
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helped with the Irish constitution?
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Here's the wiki article that talks about him:
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beebunss · 8 months
This was a sketch i colored so its not fully rendered but drew my hws philippines oc in canon hws philippines outfit..
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 5 days
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“….It is not fit that such great warriers should fight anymore, but that they should remain like women who were not warriers…. treaty is held sacred all this time and they say it will until the party that put the coat onto them shall take it off, or break the treaty.” - Thayendanegea to Holmes 1801 regarding the Haudenosaunee-Lenape Peace of 1669.
This is just a quick little drawing of “Sara”/Min-asin-ink/ Munsee Lenape & her sister Wënami/ Unami Lenape around the time of this peace treaty.
Indigenous histories is something I’m trying to understand more as its own separate history of US & Canadian canon. And as my main focus has always been New York City, and given that “Sara” is Lynn/NYC’s biological mother, I was curious as to what happens to her following the theft of her lands with the founding of New Netherlands. Lynn is also a lot like her mother. Sara is a bit of busy body, a bit nosy, but very charming and she has a way with words- historically allows her to make good deals and treaties what have you. Lynn is also like this except Lynn is probably the poster child of girlboss capitalism 😔 Lynn is like monopoly woman. Also “Sara”’s sister Wënami is Luke/Philadelphia’s mom.
The tl:dr on Lynn’s relationship to her mother is: it’s rocky. I think they both love each other. But Lynn has spent much of her time as a settler personification and has adopted very different values than her mother’s values. So sometimes they, but more so Lynn, get on each other’s bad side. Also both are quite stubborn
I plan on expanding further and making proper designs and lore for other nations, but my main focus is settler-colonial history. I want to eventually discuss the events of Tecumseh’s War against the United States because it’s a pivotal moment in settler and indigenous histories but we never fully discuss the Indigenous sides of it. So I’m trying to learn more about each nation outside of their relationship to settler-colonial powers hence why I also focused on the great peace of 1669.
Info dump below the cut
Also I want to quickly note that the Lenape were made of several different groups prior to colonization, and could be broken culturally into Munsee and Unami, but this changes with colonization. I assume “Sara” & her sister are the youngest the Lenape personifications given that they represent the broader groups.
Historically, it was like highkey the Haudenosaunee Confederacy versus everyone and their mother. But in 1669 the Lenape along with the Mohicans brokered a peace deal with the Haudenosaunee. This treaty in effect by calling the lenape women gave them a nation status of being peace makers and also gave them neutrality within international conflict.
This status explains a lot about how “Sara” and her sister were able to survive but also why they later align themselves with the Haudenosaunee, or the Cherokee or why they were involved in Tecumseh’s war.
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ask-pakistan · 1 year
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Would you like to see him on your Dash more often? ;D
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ms-lirio · 2 months
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🇧🇷 and 🇦🇷
I saw two images on Pinterest and got inspired by them. ☝️🤓 this is one of my most detailed art pieces aaaaa 😭 breaking the hiatus with style 😎
I have to re-do an exam I went bad, so, yeah. Idk when more art skdbskkajaj, I hope you guys still remember me!!!
Also, this lovely Argentina OC is of @byokinu (thanks for letting me draw your cute Arg oc ☺), I really like him, so I used him for this drawing. 🌻
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dolceminerva97 · 3 months
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I just *clenches fist* love drawing my oc through time and see her change and evolve
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lou-art · 5 days
Desde que escuché este audio supe que era perfecto para Rocío 🥺 En 1863 estaba completamente sola contra el resto de las provincias (e incluso su Patria la resentía)
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vehwill · 12 days
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Sketch of Russia and Bologna ❤️ Rusogna? Rusbol? I don't care I love this new little ship ç_ç
For Bologna I chose a style mixed between mechanic/artisan and academic/artist and wavy hair. I wanted to put something in the hand that Russia is hiding behind his back, but I really don't know what… Maybe a medal, considered that Bologna is the gold medal of the Resistance, mmh… Suggestions are welcome!
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mmishz · 2 months
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Please don't judge the writing, writing academic papers makes me lost the skill.
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