#And sorry for rambling ahah I can't help it
kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Chapter 88 vibes 😭💔 Akutagawa is cannonically in love with Atsushi and that's it I don't care if asagiri himself comes and says otherwise HE IS IN LOVE AND THAT'S IT
Oooooooowwww aaaaaaawwwwwww you're so sweet thank you so much 😭😭😭 Is this the post you're talking about? It's a nice one, thank you for giving it your time!!!!!
I really like the ship because honestly,,,,, they make so much sense together despite being written to hate each other!! I'll do you a better one for funzies: their relationship is so beautiful exactly because they were written to hate each
It's like they were perfect together in ways that became independent and got out of the author's control; it's like their love was strongest than the narrative that wanted to keep them apart and it's just. SO BEAUTIFUL. Shipping them feels like recognizing they were written like it was their destiny to hate each other yet they defeated their destiny! Their love defeated their destiny, their love was strongest than a narrative that trapped them in a world of hate where they were fated to suffer for eternity. And I think that's beautiful, they make me happy 💕💕
Idk, in a world where they were meticulously created to hate each other, raised with opposite modalities, given real reasons of resentment and loathing towards each other etc., for them to love each other has the beauty of miracles in it. Like, isn't it beautiful? To be able to say “wow, love is real” even if it's just within a little fic where they get to kiss. They make me happy!!!
Also c'mon them being in love adds so many layers to both Atsushi and Akutagawa's personalities and honestly makes the characters so much more interesting. The fight against Fukuchi is much more beautiful when you interpret them as sskk being in love. It's literally the post that goes:
the love was there. it didnt change anything. it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it. but it still matters that the love was there.
(via starpeace)
I wasn't kidding about the sskk / Hadestown parallels although honestly,, Hadestown is a masterpiece bsd has nothing to do with; it's literally about rereading chapter 84 and thinking look at them there! They're there standing, breathing, alive. Ready to fight for their lives and ideals. Bust most importantly, they're together. They're together, and that makes them stronger than they could ever be. Because their bond, their love, is the strongest force, and it's able to defeat anything! And you've read those chapters a few times already, you know how it ends, but you see them stand together and you're really like. Maybe they'll do it this time! Maybe this time they'll defeat their own story. And they don't in the end, and everything plays out as for the script, but love was still there!!! I knowww it's not how the story is meant to be interpreted, but c'mon, doesn't it make way more beautiful? I wouldn't want to read it any other way. They make me happy :)
#Honestly if I make even one person turn to appreciate sskk then my time in the bsd fandom won't have gone to waste#Still holding the unofficial title of sskk-manifesto lol#Anon who are you let me hug you 💕💕 This ask made my day!!#And sorry for rambling ahah I can't help it#Like idk bsd may be trash for the most part but seriously having a reader root for the protagonists–#despite already knowing it's going to end in tragedy is perhaps the greatest thing narrative can achieve#Anyways watch / listen to Hadestown 🥰🥰 (New York Theater Workshop)#Rereading the analysis now and laughing my head off#not only because it's fairly badly written and far too euphemistic (but I was having fun lmao)#but mostly because I JUST KEPT ADDING STUFF LIKE ACTUALLY LOOK THEY ALSO COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER IN THIS. AND IN THIS. AND IN#THIS. AND I MAY GO ON FOREVER BUT JU- HOLD ON THIS TOO.#It's not like. bad-bad.#Or at least not bad-bad-bad.#It's just that it's a struggle to write short sentences when ideas just keep overflowing your brain#but sometimes that makes sentences really hard to follow and that's annoying#That and my unhealthy love for repetitions lol#“I love how it looks like Akutagawa is going the closest as he's physically able to complimenting Atsushi” I love this sentence lol#//Physically//‚ like Akutagawa biologically can't compliment Atsushi he's not built for that akxbdkabdkajxhoans#Love it when she goes [This parallel definitely hasn't got any basis but we'll act like it does because I'm having fun lol]#AAAAAHHH TAGS#No actually one more thing#I was being hopelessly romantic when writing this and I was going to make pancakes so I drew them pink while writing this lol#But although I ship them and like to think they're in love in fics#In the Fukuchi fight... Akutagawa was the only one in love AND HE HELL WAS but it wasn't requited#Like even in the unlikely scenario Atsushi is ever going to requite Akutagawa's feelings–#in my personal headcanon he'll only do so after the Fukuchi fight#sskk#bsd#bungou stray dogs#tag later
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yew-yew · 7 months
More Stardew valley au? 👉👈 (Could be art or rambles but I am INSANE about this concept and would love to hear/see more)
sure! here's a little bit, and both art and my verbal nonsense ahahah
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little sorry for the anatomical mistakes, but it was drawn like... in summer and i'm just too lazy to change something now
speaking of art, law collects stones. that says it all. (this is a bit of a self-projection, but i have my whole house in stardew in chests full of beautiful stones-)
now let's move on to the rest, and i hope you don't mind that it would be just a pile of thoughts
• ahem, from what i have is that instead of an archaeologist (i don't remember the names of characters very well, especially from stardew), we have Robin. it's logical, isn't it ahaha? Law, helps in the hospital, because this is the only way and nothing else! the saloon keeps a Makino, and wow, it's probably a place where you can really eat, so i think Sanji works here in the kitchen. and forgive me, i can't help but add stupid foster parents to au, so Zeff is here too. i really liked someone's fan idea that the Penguin is the cook of heart crew, so he probably does something like moonlighting there?
• Franky and Ikkaku (omg this gorgeous woman) both are something like a carpenter and a blacksmith, although i think Franky is more of a blacksmith?? anyway!!! had idea that Shachi was moonlighting for them??? Maybe???
• Usopp works in Pierre's store, and i think this is not only a store mainly garden, but literally a place where you can buy almost everything? it sounded funny, so why not. Usopp sells some of his little things too!! stupid little fireworks i think are also among them? shop literally everything, wonderful
• i removed the fisherman and his shop (i sorry??), as a result, Nami lives somewhere on the beach, she is their personal meteorologist and the most accurate weather guide, no TV forecast will be as accurate as she is!!!
• ASL trio is a personal periodic spontaneous catastrophe of the whole town. in short, Ace is an eternal visitor to the mine (although many of them are like that ... but he is especially ...) who brings stone mining things. And monster stuff? Luffy for some reason became an absolute fisherman, idk why, but I liked it, huh. Sabo helps Robin i think? Also Luffy and Sabo guys who basically bring Robin different collecting things (Ace does not understand they collecting thing : (( ) all three of them bring Robin some artifacts or minerals. Sabo really interested in discussing all this with Robin, as well as books and the history of all sorts of artifacts and so on?? i had idea about Law in this "nerd" club. Ace... is not interested in these "nerd" clubs and just brings them everything he finds in the mine. Luffy brings Robin something that sometimes comes across on a fishing trip (i like the thing with chests in the stardew itself so much)
• there are also Mihawk, Zoro and Perona who live in a winery/vineyards outside the city. Gothic family is my undisputed love
• something about Bepo: i remember that somewhere at the beginning of the game at some point an animal comes to our farm, which we are offered to keep for ourselves. ahah, i can't choose between being a polar bear(lmao, it’s fun) or a samoyed dog, but in any case, i think he's just like in stardew....came and its just....adopted too
separate huge thanks for the help with the ideas of my beautiful lady @liquidsao
and for the help with the organization of my thoughts to this wonderful person @cal-cium-the-nerd
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Goodbyes - bonus chapter of ‘Home’
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Pairing: 13!Doctor x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Essentially the events of ‘Power of the Doctor’ but with y/n aka the Doctor’s daughter. You don't really need to have read ‘Home’ to read this part, all you need to know is Y/N is ‘Jenny’, but when she regenerated she changed her name “new face, new name”
Word Count: 5.8k (I don't think I've ever written a pic this long ahah sorry)
Warning: spoilers for 13th’s regeneration. angst (I can't help it, im sad to see Jodie go)
A/N: ooh she's back. So the latest episode sparked my imagination and this is the result. I have fully loved writing this, ahh! As always spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Home Masterlist
- - - - -
Saying goodbye is never easy. 
In fact you would say it was one of the hardest parts of life with the Doctor. You never get to stay in one place for long so you're constantly meeting new people only to have to say goodbye a few days later. Unless they decide to join you in the TARDIS, but even companions don't stay forever. 
It wasn’t that long ago that Graham and Ryan decided to stay on earth, and now here you are saying goodbye to Dan. Although you can’t blame him for wanting to leave, he did just almost die on your last adventure together. But still, goodbyes suck! 
At least you’ll always have Yaz. You can’t imagine her ever leaving, especially now she’s admitted to you and Dan that she has feelings for the Doctor. 
“I don't know what to do. I’ve never told anyone, not even myself.” 
“Just tell her” Dan replied
“It’s not that easy”
“Look, I took way too long to tell somebody that I liked them and then the universe ended and everything got messy.” He paused “I wouldn’t want that to happen to you Sheffield” 
You saw a small smile flash on Yaz’s tear streaked face at the nickname Dan had given her.
“Dan’s right, you should totally tell her how you feel.” You agreed.
“But, what if she’s doesn’t like me back. What if I just make things awkward?”
“Oh she hundred percent likes you back. Trust me, I’ve been in her head. My mother is just awkward and doesn’t know how to handle these things.” You draped your arm over Yaz’s shoulder “So take the reins, be brave, and tell her! Who knows, maybe soon I’ll be calling you my stepmother” 
The three of you had burst into laughter until a Dalek approached and reminded you of the danger you were facing at the time. 
Since then you and Dan had tried to give Yaz and the Doctor opportunities to be alone but after the whole thing with the sea devils, Yaz had informed you and Dan of the conversation she’d had with the Doctor. Though you were disappointed that your mom had pretty much rejected the idea of a relationship with Yaz, you understood why. She’d loved and lost so many people already, and each time hurt just as badly as the last. Still you could tell Yaz had no plans to leave the TARDIS fam anytime soon and would be travelling with you until she physically couldn’t anymore. 
After saying goodbye and leaving Dan to restart his life on earth, the three of you were thrust back into another adventure. A message from a rogue Dalek, a metal ‘cyberplanet’ in the year 1916 and regenerating Cybermen. Oh, and to top it all off The Master is back after somehow surviving the destruction of Gallifrey. 
You had just managed to narrowly escape an attack from the Cybermen when Kate, the head of UNIT, called to the Doctor for help. After arriving at UNIT HQ, and an awkward meeting with Ace and Tegan, Kate explained why she had summoned you. Multiple paintings forced to be removed from public view due to being defaced with images of ‘Rasputin’. This literally had the Master’s name, or should that be face, all over it. 
The meeting was interrupted when The Master sent a video broadcast, basically luring the Doctor to meet him. Even though you were 99.9% certain this was some sort of trap, the three of you jumped back in the TARDIS and headed to Naples. 
Walking into the lecture hall you could hear the Master rambling about seismology and earthquakes, but you weren’t listening. All you could focus on were the people being forced to listen to him. 
“Doctor look” Yaz whispered as she too noticed the miniaturised students left around on the benches. 
The Master stopped talking when he noticed the three of you stood at the top of the stairs, raising his hand to wave at you.  
“Do you like my seismologist collection? Think I’ve got the whole set now” he says casually as if he hasn’t just killed a room of innocent people. 
“All right, I’ve followed your breadcrumb trail” The Doctor says as she starts down the stairs “Some people think your Rasputin, you’ve got a TARDIS on a metal planet with a stolen Qurunx, guarded by your cybermasters in 1916. Now, do I win a prize if I guess how this all fits together or are you just going to tell me why you're grandstanding?” 
“Be patient. We’ll get there” The Master replies
“How did you even escape from Gallifrey?”
“Magnificent attention to detail” The Master laughs as he shoulder barges past the Doctor, ignoring her question “I’m a seismologist now”
“You killed all these people!” Yaz interrupts "For what?” 
“To give you a simple, fair, warning.” The Master saunters right up to the Doctor, causing you to take a small protective step forward. “Leave earth now Doctor, or it will be the death of you. Because really, honestly, truly… this is the day you die. No, not just die. This is the day you are erased from existence…” he glances at you, then back to the Doctor “forever.”
To your surprise the Doctor doesn’t respond, she doesn’t say anything at all. She just stands there, staring at the Master. He laughs, glancing over at Yaz. 
“I know, bit of a conversation stopper. Awkward right?” He bounces over to Yaz “Do you see what I’ve done? I was so clever because I can give her this warning, but we both know she won’t leave. She can’t, not now that I’ve said that to her and yet she knows she should, because she also knows I don't make empty threats.” He turns suddenly moving so he’s face to face with you, staring intensely in your eyes “I can absolutely, categorically, pinkey-promisey confirm this is no empty threat.”
Before any of you have a chance to respond, UNIT crash through the doors. 
“Ooh, OH! You brought soldiers” The Master moves excitedly to the centre of the room “Are these for me? Oh you shouldn’t have.” The Master continues to ramble as two soldiers restrain and handcuff him, but you aren’t listening to him anymore. Instead you're watching your mother, trying to work out what she’s thinking. The Master was right, she won’t leave earth undefended but he was also right in saying he doesn’t make empty threats. And he seems way too excited about the UNIT soldiers. A horrible thought crosses your mind that this is all part of the Master’s plan. This is exactly what he wants.
“Give her a gun” The Doctor’s words bring you out of your thoughts.
“What?!” Yaz looks as surprised as you as she goes close the Doctor.
“Mom?!” You join them.
“Her too” The Doctor gestures to you and a soldier offers you a small hand gun. “Cover him. We’re going to take him in the TARDIS.” She sees your reluctance to accept and takes the gun for you, holding it out to you “Take the gun Y/N”
“Ooh she must be worried” The Master taunts from behind you “Thought she didn’t like guns”
“Fine” Yaz takes the gun from the other soldier, immediately pointing it at the Master.
“Do you even know how to use that love?” he mocks her.
“Don't you worry, I’ve had weapons training” Yaz replies confidently “Now move” 
“Great chat, good meeting. Thank you all!” The Master calls out as the soldiers lead him away, Yaz following close behind.
“Y/N” the Doctor says quiet but firm, still holding the gun for you to take. You look her in the eye. 
“Guns? Really Mom? This isn’t you.”
“Just take it.” She snaps, before looking apologetically “please”
“Please tell me you have a plan?” You say as you put the gun in your pocket “Because the Master certainly does and I think we’ve just played right into it”
She looks genuinely worried for a moment before putting on her best Doctor smile. “Of course I do” she places a hand on your shoulder and a shock shoots through your body. “Sorry, very staticky today for some reason. Come on.” 
— — — — 
Even as you watched the Master get locked away in UNIT HQ, you still can’t shake the uneasy feeling that it was all going to go wrong. And boy were you right. 
While the Doctor and Yaz went off in the TARDIS to meet with the Dalek informant, you stayed behind to keep guard over The Master. 
“Y/N” he dragged your name out in a sort of song like way, taunting you through the bars of his cell. “What’s wrong, cat got your tongue?” He chuckled to himself as he crouched in the corner “Oh come on, talk to me! It’s no fun if you don't talk to me! Aren’t you going to ask me about my plan? I know you want to, cause you're smart you see. You're not arrogant enough to believe that me being behind these bars means you’ve won. You think I’ve got something up my sleeve.” He pauses “Am I right? Oh I’m right aren’t I? Because we’re not so different you and I-” 
“I am NOTHING like you!” You snap, moving closer to the bars.
“Finally! She talks!” He jumps up from his crouched position and comes closer to you “I was starting to think you’d forgotten how”
“So you got me to talk, now what? What do you want me to say, oh Master?” You say sarcastically
“Ooh say that again, I like it” he smiles and you look at him in disgust before turning away. “No? Ah never mind. Our time here is nearly up anyway.” 
You freeze, turning back to look at him. “What do you mean?” 
He just smirks, and you feel a shiver run up your spine. Something is wrong. 
From outside the door you hear gunshots and shouting, followed by Kate’s voice over the tannoy. 
“All units. Full combat protocols. UNIT is under attack. I repeat, UNIT is under attack from Cybermen.”
You rush toward the cell, reaching through the bars to grab the Master by his jacket.
“What did you do?!” You shout desperately in his face, but he just laughs. You let go of him, reaching into your pocket to grab the gun. “What did you do?!” 
He continues to laugh, despite the gun pointed at him. Suddenly the door behind you explodes open and Ashad the Cyberman enters. You turn to point the gun at him, blocking his path to the Master but he pushes you aside sending you crashing to the floor and the gun flies from your hand. He prepares to shoot you but the Master stops him.
“Not her!” He yells “I want her alive”
Ashad blasts the cell bars open and the Master steps out triumphantly. 
“I am so glad I cloned you” he says, before turning his attention to you just in time to see you still laying on the floor reaching for the gun. He walks over, putting his foot on your hand making you cry out. “I wouldn’t, if I were you.” He removes his foot, swiftly kicking the gun completely out of reach and looking back down at you. “Up.” He commands, but you don't move. “Don't make me repeat myself.”
Reluctantly you do as you're told, groaning quietly at the pain in your body as you get to your feet.
“Good girl.” 
He spins on his heels, grabs one of the broken cell bars and smashes something on the wall. He reaches inside and pulls out a small device “such a good plan!” He praises himself. 
Keeping his eyes fixed on the device, he holds his hand out to you. When again you don't move he growls your name, turning to face you as he slowly walks toward you “disobeying me isn’t going to stop anything, it just delays the inevitable and makes me angry in the process. And when I'm angry…” he grabs your face harshly, pressing his fingers painfully into your cheeks and pulling your closer “…I can make life even more painful for you, your little human friend” he pauses and smiles sinisterly “and your mother”
He releases your face and takes a step back, holding his hand out once again. You sigh, before reaching out to him. The second your hand touches his, he activates the device and transports you both out of UNIT. 
As you land he releases your hand and you slump down onto the ground. 
“Welcome to St Petersburg” he says, and as you look up at him you realise he’s changed his appearance to look like Rasputin. 
Your head feels weird, and you close your eyes as you try to shake it off. After a moment the fog in your head clears and you look up to realise you’re in a large, circular room. It looks posh. Like, palace level posh. Around the edge of the room are Daleks and Cybermen, all stood facing the centre of the room where you see the shell of a Dalek. Your eyes focus and you realise the Doctor is restrained and unconscious. 
“Mom!” You scramble to get to your feet, but two Cybermasters step forward and place their metal hands on your shoulders, keeping you knelt on the ground. “What have you done to her?” 
“Oh nothing yet my dear, the best it yet to come.” He crouches down to eye level with you “and you get a front row seat, you lucky thing you”
A small groan comes from the Doctor, signalling she’s waking up and the Master jumps up and bounds over to her. 
“Hello Doctor. Welcome to the end of your existence.” He smiles, taking a few steps back and gesturing around the room “Say hello to my friends”
She sleepily glances around, her eyes landing on you. 
“Oh and your precious little offspring is here too!”
“If you’ve harmed her-” the Doctor begins but the Master laughs
“What Doctor? You’ll kill me? Because I think I’ve proved by now that’s not possible.” He spins around to show off his outfit “Do you like the garb? I love the garb. Got to dress for the occasion.” 
He continues to ramble for a while, but you and the Doctor remain looking at each other. A silent conversation happening between the two of you. 
“…the day I killed the Doctor.” You tune back into the Master’s speech “With a little help from my friends”
“Your friends?” The Doctor scoffs “You hate each other!”
“And the one thing stronger than their hatred for each other… is their hatred for you” he reaches his hand up to touch the Doctor’s face, causing you to struggle against the Cybermaster’s hold on you. “ooh she’s a feisty one isn’t she Doc” he laughs, sauntering over to you. “You know, it really is beautiful how much you two care for each other. Want to protect each other.” He reaches down, placing a finger under your chin to tilt your head up. Forcing you to look at him. “I hope you’ll feel the same way about me when I’m your mother… or father? Daddy? We can decide on the name later-”
“What are you talking about?” You ask him with disgust.
“The next phase of my brilliant plan!” He removes his hand from your face, allowing your head to drop back down to a comfortable position as he turns away from you. “I’m going old school Doctor. Do you remember the ultimate sanction for breaking our laws?”
There’s a heavy silence as the Doctor and the Master stare at each other. 
“Forced regeneration. They even did it to you once didn’t they? Well maybe more than once, who knows? Not you”
“You don't have the technology” you can hear the panic in your mother’s voice.
“I do… I do. I DO!” He laughs excitedly “when I ransacked Gallifrey, I took everything. But where would he get the power? If only I had a planet built for this purpose. No, wait wait! I do!!” 
“The cyberplanet?” You say, thinking out loud.
“Bingo! Gold star for Y/N, I see why you keep her around Doc.” He winks at you “A conversion planet, except it doesn’t only convert organic to cyber… I brought it here to help another conversion altogether.” 
He reaches his arm up in the air, presses a button on the device in his hand and the room descends into bizarre chaos. Music fills the room as the chandelier hanging in the centre of the room transforms into the same cube like thing you’d seen on the other TARDIS on the cyberplanet. Meanwhile the Master dances happily to himself, as Daleks and Cybermen watch on from the sidelines. You and the Doctor exchange confused glances, which the Masters notices. He dances over to you, orders the Cybermen to move and pulls you up to dance with him. When you just stand there unmoving he comes behind you, grabs your arms and waves them about like a puppet master controlling a doll. 
It doesn’t take long before he’s bored at your lack of enthusiasm. He throws you back into the arms of the Cybermasters and marches over to the Doctor as two large glass boxes are transported into the room. 
“Lets get you out of there” He removes the Doctor’s restraints and steps aside for her to stand. “Get in the box”
The Doctor hesitates, glancing over at you as she’s clearly trying to figure a way out of this. The Master clicks his fingers and suddenly every Dalek in the room turns to face you, their gunsticks primed and ready to fire.
“I don't think I need to explain what happens to her if you disobey me, do I Doctor?” 
— — — — 
Once she’s in the glass box, the Master sends a message to Yaz in the TARDIS, Cleary luring her to him, then climbs inside the other box. 
“Forced regeneration, Doctor…” The doors of the boxes shut, locking your mother inside. “..to force you to regenerate into me!” 
“No!” You shout, struggling against the grip of the Cybermasters but their metal hands just squeeze tighter. 
“You wouldn’t?” The Doctor shakes her head in disbelief, her eyes almost begging the Master to stop. 
He activates the device and red lightning crashes through the roof into the boxes. The Master and Doctor start glowing orange, a sign regeneration has begun. Your mother locks eyes with you as tears slips down both your faces. 
“Y/N!” She calls to you over the sound of the Master screaming “Look after Yaz!” 
You nod your head “I love you!” 
“I lo-” she begins but it cut off as suddenly in her place stands the Master in the Doctor’s clothes. He maintains eye contact and though you want to look away, you can’t. “It worked” he steps out of the box, falling to his knees and groaning. He composes himself, slowly standing as he declares “I… am… the Doctor!” 
You close your eyes, trying to stop anymore tears for spilling but open them again when you hear the familiar sound of the TARDIS landing. For a brief second your heart jumps as you think your mother has arrived to save the day, but then you remember… she’s gone. You look over to see Yaz cautiously poke her head out the door. 
“Oh hello, Yasmin Khan” the Master/Doctor steps towards her triumphantly.
Yaz glances between you and him “Where’s the Doctor?” The Master laughs, making Yaz angry “MY Doctor!” 
“Gone” he replies simply, and you see Yaz’s heart sink. “Really gone, forever gone.” He steps closer to her “Don't worry, you’ll get used to me. You both will.” He looks over to you, holding his hand out “come here, daughter of mine”
You feel instant pain relief as the Cybermasters finally release you, pushing you forward slightly and making you stumble into his hold. He cups your face in his hands, wiping tears from your cheek. 
“Come, come now. Don't cry dear. Smile for Daddy, hm?”
He stares into your face, waiting for you to obey. In your mind you hear his earlier warning about not doing what you're told and you use all the energy you can muster to flash him a small false smile. “Better.” He lets go of your face, returning his attention to Yaz. 
“I still need a companion to ask and bask in my brilliance.” He smiles but Yaz looks disgusted “oh come on Yaz! Let's go on an adventure!” He pushes past her, running into the TARDIS. He looks back out through the door, his face suddenly deadly serious again. “Don't make me ask twice. I’d hate to have to bring you down to size.” 
— — — —  
Inside the TARDIS the Master bounces around the control panel like an excited child. You and Yaz stand to the side watching in shock after what’s just happened. 
“She’ll come back right?” Yaz whispers to you but before you can respond the Master spins to face the two of you. 
“Ah ah ah, no plotting behind my back girls. That’s not very nice” he pulls a fake, hurt face before pointing to you. “Go to your room.”
“What?” you almost laugh at how ridiculous this is.
“You heard me.”
“You can’t be serious”
You look at Yaz who looks back at you just as confused. “Will you be okay?” You ask her. 
“She’ll be fine, as long as she cooperates” the Master answers for her “I just need some alone time with my companion.” 
Yaz flashes you a small reassuring smile, letting you know she can handle this. You start walking, stopping as you reach the Master. 
“You hurt her, I absolutely, categorically, pinkey-promisey will kill you.” You use his early words to warn him and he pulls a mocking face like he’s just looked at an adorable puppy. 
— — — — 
You can’t relax. Not knowing what the Master is up to, if Yaz is okay, if your mother can ever return. It’s too much. You pace and pace around your room until your legs ache and finally you flop down onto your bed with your head in your hands. 
A sudden familiar voice in your room makes you jump up and see your mom standing in front of you. You blink away the left over tears and realise she’s a hologram. 
“If you're seeing this, then I’m dead.” She states, making you gasp. “Is that a bad way to start? Bit overdramatic?” 
She goes on to explain how she’s created an AI hologram version of herself and implanted it using static electricity, but that it should only activate under grave circumstances. 
“Are you really dead? Is there any way you could come back?” You ask hopefully. 
“If this hologram has presented to you, then yes I am dead.” Your heart sinks, a wave of emotion floods through you. “Woah, my emotional receptors are a bit over sensitive. Apparently you're experiencing extreme sadness right now.”
“I wish you were really here” you sniffle.
“Me too. I’d give you a hug and maybe some ice cream? Sad people need ice cream right?” She questions and you laugh “Ah I’m sensing a slight mood boost, that’s good. Keep that up.”
Suddenly Yaz bursts into the room.
“You see her too!” She acknowledges the holo-doctor before looking at you.
“Where’s the Master?” You ask her, half expecting him to come barging in after her.
“I threw him out”
“You did what?” You laugh in amazement. 
“Come on, I’ve got a plan” 
— — — — 
With her post it notes to guide her, Yaz flew the TARDIS to collect Vinder from the cyberplanet and save Ace she parachuted off the UNIT building. She then explained her plan and dropped you and Ace off under the volcano to stop the Daleks while she and Vinder went off to complete their part of the plan. 
You and Ace agreed to split off to distribute her nitro bombs around the volcano, and meet back up in time to escape together. However when you did meet up you were surprised and happy to see a familiar face with her. 
“Graham?!” You exclaim, running into his arms and hugging him tightly. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ll explain later, run!” He grabs your hand, pulling you with him as the three of you run from the sound of explosions and angry Daleks and towards to sound of the TARDIS landing. You watch it materialise as you get closer and when the door opens you freeze. Graham and Ace run straight in, leaving you stood staring at your mother who waits at the door for you. She holds her hand out, a look of confusion on her face as to why you’ve stopped.
“Y/N? Come on!”
“Is it really you? Not a hologram, not the Master playing a trick. You're really here?” 
She runs out to you, placing her hands gently on your face so she can look at you. 
“I’m here”
As you look in her eyes you can tell it’s her. You don't know how you know, you just do. You squeeze her tightly, happy tears springing to your eyes. 
“As lovely as this moment is, we really do need to go” she says and you nod, the sound of Daleks behind you reminding what is was you were running from. 
She holds your hand as you both run to the safety of the TARDIS. Yaz explains how they brought back the Doctor, while you mother gets to work at the console, flying you and the team away just as the volcano explodes. When the TARDIS next comes to a stop Kate and Tegan come onboard and the Doctor positions everyone around the TARDIS console, giving each person a specific button to press or lever to pull. Nobody fully understand what they’re doing but they do it anyway. When the Doctor has a plan, it’s best not to ask too many questions.
“Vinder, is that your ship on the surface of this cyberplanet?” She asks, still rushing around the TARDIS. She doesn’t give him time to answer, continuing to talk without taking a breath. “Don't speak, no time. Come with me. Another problem to solve. When I say now, activate everything. Chop chop Vinder. Y/N, with me!” She leads Vinder out through the doors and you look at the others, letting out a small laugh. 
“She’s still not explaining anything then?” Graham jokes. 
“How is it bigger on the inside?” Kate ask you, completely in awe on her surroundings. In all the madness you hadn’t realised this was her first time on the TARDIS. You're about to respond when you hear your mother call your name from outside.
“I’ll let Yaz explain that one” you laugh, patting Yaz on the shoulder as you jog past her and out the door. 
— — — — 
Outside the Doctor gets on with fixing Vinder’s ship, still happily chatting away mostly to herself while you and Vinder stand watch. He fills you in on life since you last saw him and hugs you goodbye before you have to follow the Doctor as she runs to the Master’s TARDIS. When inside she brings up the video link to her TARDIS and finally explains the plan to you and the others. She gives the word and everyone springs into action. You pull your designated lever, watching as the TARDIS flashes and groans into life. 
“Yes!” She cheers “Temporal hop, 106 years, done! Now… for conversion.” She looks up at you “I really hope this works”
She pulls another lever and watches on the screen as the erupting volcanoes transform into something else. 
“Did she just freeze volcanoes into steel?” You hear Tegan ask through the video link. 
“Yes I did!” The Doctor celebrates “Turning multiple planet-threatening situations into public art! You're welcome” 
“Ok, don’t get cocky” Yaz jokes 
“Now, one last thing and we’re done” 
You both exit the Master’s TARDIS and head for the Qurunx. 
“I’m sorry for what was done to you” she speaks to it “I’ll see you released, but I need one more thing from you. Channel your energy down into this planet. Disintegrate everything, and then you’ll be free!”
The Qurunx flashes and begins doing what the Doctor said. A red beam of light bursting down to the surface of the planet and you and your mother stand in awe. As you begin walking back to your TARDIS together, you hear the Master shout from behind you. 
You both turn to face him with a sigh. 
“You lost” The Doctor says “You gambled and you lost. And now your body is failing because of what you put it through.” 
“Maybe” he replies “But if I can’t be the Doctor… neither can you” 
He raises his hand, clicking the device in it and suddenly the beam from the Qurunx changes direction. Heading straight for you. You freeze, unable to make your body move. The Doctor pushes you out of the way, sending you crashing to the ground a safe distance away as she takes the full force of the beam. She grunts as it knocks her flying and she lands in an unmoving heap. 
“MOM!” You shout, scrambling to get up and run to her but your head starts spinning. You touch your hand on your scalp where you realise you hit your head and it comes away red with blood. “Mom?” You call again as you collapse on the ground next to her. You lay there begging your body to move, to help your mother, but everything feels heavy. You hear the sound of footsteps and turn your head to the side. You notice the Master also laying lifeless not to far away. Turning your head the other side you just catch a glimpse of Graham and Yaz running to you as your eyes grow heavy and everything turns black. 
— — — — 
When you come around, you find yourself back in your bed in the TARDIS and for a moment you wonder if it had all been a dream. You climb out of bed feeling surprisingly okay and rush to the TARDIS console room to see Yaz and the Doctor stood together, talking quietly. Yaz notices you first, wiping her cheek and putting on a smile you can tell is fake. Your mother keeps turned away as Yaz makes her way over to you. As she moves you notice her bags by the door. 
“You’re leaving?” You ask in horror and she sighs. “Why? Why now? There’s still so much to see.” 
She just looks at you, like she doesn’t know how to explain and eventually says “I’m sorry, I’ve just got to go” before pulling you into a tight hug. 
“But-” you think about arguing but decide against it “how are you ever going to be my stepmom if you're not here” you say jokingly, making her laugh. She pulls away to look at you again. 
“Keep in touch yeah?” She says and you nod “and look after her” 
You both look over at the Doctor who is mindlessly fiddling with buttons on the console. 
“I will” 
And just like that she left. She refused to say the word ‘goodbye’ to either of you, she just smiled and waved a small wave before grabbing her bags and leaving. You turn to your mom. 
“Are you mad?” You ask, a tear spilling down your eye. 
“What?” She looks at you, confused by your sudden outburst. 
“How can you just let her leave?” 
“She’s made up her mind” 
“Then change it!” You almost shout “go after her and convince to stay with us! With you!” 
“Y/N-” she starts but stops when she sees you’ve noticed her hand is glowing. 
“You’re regenerating?” You say quietly “Why?” 
“The Qurunx blast, my body took too much damage” 
“But- but you're fine!”
“I’ve been holding it off for as long as I could, but its already starting” she starts slowly walking to you.
“How long do you have?” 
“About an hour, maybe” 
“An hour?! No, that’s not enough time, I need more time!” You start to panic and she places her hands on your arms to ground you. You look up in her eyes “Why didn’t you wake me up?” 
“You were healing Y/N, you hit your head really hard. You body needed to heal you properly.” She explains but you're only half listening, your mind racing at the realisation that you're losing her. 
“I can’t- I can’t lose you” you sob
“Hey!” She make you look at her so she knows you're listening “you are not losing me, okay? I’ll still be here.” 
“But you’ll be different, a completely new person.” You take a breath “There’s been so much change recently. With Graham and Ryan leaving, then Dan joining and leaving again. And now Yaz… You’ve been the only constant thought it all. This face…” you put your hands on her cheeks “…has been a reassuring presence through it all.”
“Listen, change can be difficult and scary. But it can also be really exciting! I’ll always be the Doctor. I’ll always be your mother” she pauses “or father? It’s complicated” you both laugh “it doesn’t matter what face I have, I will always love you…” she takes your hand and places it on her chest “…with both my hearts.”
“I love you” You hug tightly for a few minutes.
“At least we’re even now” she says, and you pull away to look at her confused “you took a bullet for me, I took a Qurunx blast for you”
“Yeah I guess you're right. We really should stop jumping in front of each other”
“I can’t make any promises” 
“Me neither” you both laugh “so, what do we do now?” 
“Hmm.. ice cream?”
The Doctor landed the TARDIS in a beautiful location overlooking the sea. The two of you sat for a while, eating ice cream and laughing as you watched the sun begin to set. You rest your head on her shoulder for a while until eventually she told you it was time. 
“I think I need to do this next bit alone” she says, and you nod silently. You can’t help the tears that start to form at the thought of this being the last time you see her like this. “Remember, both hearts” she places her hand on her chest and you place yours on your own.
“Both hearts” you reply before turning and going back in the TARDIS. 
You lean against the centre console, allowing yourself to cry and the TARDIS makes a noise, almost like she's trying to comfort you. You smile. 
“We’ll be okay” 
You can see the bright orange flash through the small windows in the door, signalling the full regeneration is happening. You close your eyes, taking breaths to calm yourself. You know the Doctor will be coming back in soon and the thought of meeting the new face suddenly makes you nervous. You hear the doors open and look up to see a face you recognise well. A face you’ve seen before. One of the very first faces you ever saw… 
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Okay im literally so bored soooo
@pastelclovds ' isekai AU for Wren again bc i LOVE WRITING!!!
Wrens Isekai life!! Pt. 2!
When they get to the apartment luckily it seemed furnitured but bland enough to still decorate
Wren began to sign to CAM
"Which room would you like, oldest gets to pick first"
RAM a bit offended sighs and takes the L on this one
CAM picked the middle room, not too big, not too small
"RAM would you like the bigger room, I don't wanna be selfish and take it if you want it instead!"
RAM would take it normally, but with the size of the big room it would be better for Wren to take it, since they need the wheelchair in there...
Or maybe they can share this room?
"We can share, the smallest room will be CAM and I office"
"Fair, and sorry if Im being annoying but can you place me on the couch? I'll fidgure out something i can do, don't want to be a mooch ahah!"
Wren felt bad that their useless this time around
Normally they'd be dancing, helping move anything, preparing dinner or even going to their job
But in this world they really can't move with any support
For now they'll just be doing laundry and unpacking boxes for RAM and CAM
Speaking of the two
"Hey RAM, get CAM I need to talk to the two of you!"
They both sit next to Wren as they look at the two
"Okay now that were in a world were I'm familiar with we need to get you better names, I think CAM will be Cameron or Cam for short, its obvious, but RAM...Why don't I call you...Ramon? Just for now! I'll still call the you Ram and Cam but more as nicknames...luckily my name is a normal name so unless the two of you want to share a last name then we need some type of household name"
RAM was barely following along while CAM took notes\
After Wren's rambles they finally got RAM's attention
"Now Ram, Cam if anyone ask you two are born from the same mom different dads, also we should find out if AM is here as well..II know you all don't get along but it'll be nice to see if he has a new identity here as well"
"He won't live here right?"
"Of course not, if he has a house or whatever we'll visit him"
Ram nodded and Cam seemed a bit off with that idea but Wren knows how to lie better than the two of them
"If we can...I kinda wanna see if we can live here as long as we can.."
Wren spoke with a bit of sadness, Ram and Cam knew somewhat why they would wanna stay here but not for what they think
"So, lets fine jobs and I'll lie my candy ass off to make sure no one knows of who we we're before"
They both nod
Night falls and Wren is sitting on the couch knitting a blanket for winter, Cam usually gets cold often so this would be a nice surpise for Christmas
"Whats up Ram..."
Ram sighs as he sits next to Wren trying to keep them as close as possible
"What is bothering you..I know something is wrong...I may be apathetic to others but for you it's different..I've been in you're mind but I know you kept secrets from me..You're in despair...i know it..."
"I..its..its a long story....And I know I've known you for a while I just...I don't know if you'd hate me for it"
Wren confested as they pinned the chain they were on and packed it into a bag for safe keeping
"When I think you're ready I'll tell you the truth"
Ram seemed a bit upset but he knows its for the best
"I'll put faith you'll tell me"
Ram spoke so softly
Even with his accent he still manages to sound so soft
"heh...I love your scars by the way...they look really cool, can...can I touch them? If you want you can touch mine as well!"
Wren smiled as Ram shook his head
"You may...but you don't have to if you don't want to"
Wren smiled wider as they removed their jacket for him to see the tank top they wore
Their scars ran up their spine and into their hair, they had some on their shoulders and knees but most where on their head
"Oh but I do Ram~"
Adding spicy moments soon~
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anas-tasiaa · 2 years
UNKNOWN - Saeran
I like how in every route, no matter in casual/deep/another route, where we can meet unknown, the first impression of unknown when he first met Saeyoung face to face was expressing how disappointed he is because Saeyoung had long "forgotten" him and leaving a severe wound in his heart.
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Unlike Ray, Unknown seems to be somewhat concerned that Saeyoung didn't acknowledged him. He feel the need to slap the "truth" of the abandonment on Saeyoung's face. Saeran promised himself that he would destroy Saeyoung, he told himself that he would never listen to Saeyoung again but he had already memorized every word that fell past his lips. Unknown refused to believe, but he wants to believe.
Unknown personality somewhat get into me, that perhaps the real future, with constant pain and agony of this universe of what-Saeran-would-be, is unknown. Unknown is a result coming out from betrayal in their childhood. He promised himself that after getting a trace of Saeyoung, he would get rid him off completely, but he could never bring himself to. He could never see the death of Saeyoung infront of his eyes.
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Perhaps his inner child, the one that longed to meet his brother, still exist within himself, wishing and praying, that he could see him one day. That everything is a lie and the betrayal is a mistake. He told himself that he would never fall prey to another one of Saeyoung's disguises, that he would free himself from stitches that his brother threaded with lies, the boy who changed his name and forgot all about the life he should have been living.
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But he couldn't shaking his faith away from Saeyoung, that now he realized it. He could not seeing Saeyoung die. His inner thought contradicting with what he voiced out. He must not believe him, but he did. Unknown release his pain, his agony, his hatred, his waiting, HIS MISERY, so Saeyoung would acknowledged how upset he is, and into what state he had been in for a long time, and Saeyoung wasn't there to see, be there for him.
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Well that's all for my rambling, ahah. 🤣
I'm deeply sorry for unknown, he had been going through so much, but I can't help but feel a bit amusing that "unknown", of all the persona of Saeran, he's always the one that said something like "he forgot me..." . Ray isn't like that. So it's kind of funny to me. It's understandable since Saeyoung has a huge impact in his life but still the first thing he would say is "you abandoned me".
*sad sniffles*
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sainztander · 2 years
Hello there! I’m a returning fan of f1 (I first watched races back in the early ‘00s n loved schumi) and I recently found your blog. I really enjoy your posts and as I started watching races again -and as an unfortunate Ferrari fan- I was wondering what your favorite Ferrari races are? Or your fave races from sainz and leclerc?
oh hello!! welcome back to the sport then ! i hope you're having fun, both with the races and the fans. and thank you so much for the kind words ! i'm happy you are enjoying my ramblings ahah
ohhhh well it's difficult to live up to the schumi era but we still had our moments <3
i've been actually watching since 2017, so i feel like starting from there? so you can check out what you're interested in (even tho i'll probably list more from 2019 onwards since my memory is not the best)
i'll begin saying that most of the races i'll mention are gonna be great for one ferrari driver and heartbreaking for another but aren't we used to that 😔💔
(ferrari 🔴, leclerc ⚪, sainz 🟡, vettel ⚫, raikkonen 🔵)
anyway! i'm recommending
🔴⚫ malaysia 2015 (seb's first win for ferrari)
🔴⚫🔵 monaco 2017 (ferrari 1-2 but kinda painful for kimi)
🔴⚫🔵 hungary 2017 (ferrari 1-2 and sweet teamwork)
🔴⚫ bahrein 2018
🔴⚫ silverstone 2018 (a casa loroooo ❤️)
🔴⚫ belgium 2018
🔴🔵 usa 2018 (kimi's last win)
🔴⚪ bahrein 2019 (charles' first pole, first podium and almost a first win)
🔴⚫ canada 2019 (idc about the penalty seb won that one)
🔴⚫ germany 2019
🔴⚪ belgium 2019 (charles' first win)
🔴⚪ monza 2019 (ferrari win in monza :') )
🔴⚫⚪ singapore 2019 (seb's last win, ferrari 1-2)
🟡 brazil 2019 (pretty amazing race for him + carlos' first podium)
🟡 monza 2020
🔴🟡 monaco 2021 (carlos' first podium for ferrari)
🔴🟡 brazil 2021 (particularly the sprint for carlos)
🔴🟡 abu dhabi 2021
🔴⚪🟡 bahrein 2022 (their first 1-2)
🔴⚪ australia 2022 (maybe a bit boring but! charles' first grand chelem (but very painful on carlos' side))
🔴🟡 canada 2022
🔴🟡 silverstone 2022 (carlos' first win but kinda painful for charles)
🔴⚪ austria 2022 (charles' win, painful for carlos)
🔴🟡 france 2022 (great race by carlos, painful for charles)
🔴🟡⚪ monza 2022 (no win for either but very strong race for both, esp carlos)
i wish to add more for carlos and charles' pre-ferrari days but i genuinely don't remember them 🤐 i know carlos toro rosso and mclaren days were pretty strong and charles hasn't being doing bad in sauber either (esp in the second part of 2018) but i can't confidently pick some particular races, sorry!!
i hope i helped you a little tho! bye!!
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icharchivist · 2 years
This isn't my usual GBF question but a more general one. How to be more social online please?
Like. I prefer online courses cause I can just silently do it and get an OK grade. But now I can't. I have to *talk* and regularly at that. I'm so nervous! Even now I'm on anon, and I trust you more than any of my classmates. Suggestions? Please?
Hi there nonny!
I wish i could give proper advice but i'm sorry to say i have the exact same problem, believe it or not.
Tumblr is a bit of a weird zone for me. I've been here for over 10 years, it took me years to get active, and eventually it's mostly the fact i know my posts rarely escape my comfort zone that means i can feel more comfortable rambling on there.
But it's specifically because i need to stay less in the open that you won't see me actually talk on Twitter ahah
When it came to Discord i used to be a complete mess. I would not talk unless spoken to so i've ghosted so many group chats. My crew channel ended up being very good to me because some friends constantly included me in the conversation so much i just feel comfortable there.
On online classes? i was completely panicking. I could follow fine as long as i could stay quiet, i would never put on my video no matter what was asked.... But i have vivid memories of my teacher once deciding to put us into mini groups on zoom to have us work together and i panicked and closed the zoom call before he had the time to put me into a group. Similarly there was a class where the teacher kept calling people to answer questions, i experienced one class and i never attended at the rest of his classes. Which is a shame because i know he's a good teacher, but i was completely paralyzed at the idea of being put on the spot.
In real life, before the pandemic, i used to force myself through it. I had panic attacks nearly everyday, and was trembling everytime i was put on the spot, but i would fake a smile and try to power through, and eventually, after a long time, it got better. But then the pandemic hit and we were all forced to do online classes and all this confidence vanished and i'm back at having panic attacks when surrounded with people, and of course since it's a relapse in bad habits i took it as a very violent hit and i feel like i've done hundreds of steps back.
Even on socmed i tend to panic a lot. I can grow extremely paranoid due to having been bullied in the past and if i have any reasons to think i could get targeted even on something that's factually wrong or impossible, i would freeze and disappear for a bit.
My confidence online is a lot of mix of fake it until you make it and eventually slowly but surely expend what i'm comfortable with.
When i started on tumblr, i wouldn't message anyone, even in anon, it was freaking me out! now, i tend to do it more easily. I think starting out with anon, trying to connect and see that the person respond just well, can help a bit boosting your confidence.
But it's not a one shoe fits it all process. I would love to be able to say the same for online class: to try to bear through it, take a deep breath, let yourself go with the flow, that if you can you could start with like only one interaction by classes and eventually you'll be more comfortable interreacting more and all of that... but those are all advices i already cannot really do myself for my own situation, so to me they ring hollow and i'm not sure it'll be able to help you out.
So i'm really sorry, i don't know if i can really help you there :(
Just coming back on the idea of trusting someone you barely know on tumblr more than a classmate, i think it's actually much more fair in general. Classmates are generally people you're stuck with regardless of how much you connect with them. You have similar experiences due to the classroom life, but any other type of connection is either a coincidence or the result of long conversations opening up to allow this person in hoping they'll accept you.
Contrary to class, you have no obligation to reach out to me, yet you connect with me because you know we have similar things in common. It means we're much more equipped to have similar sensibilities over what affects us or not, and an understanding of sort. Obviously i don't mean it in a way of "we like the same things so we're besties", absolutely not ahah, i just mean it as like, there's a connection (as minimal as it is) that isn't an obligation which means it feels easier. Plus you do have the opportunity to hide yourself with anon (which i totally support especially as you're getting used to talk with people) which means you can be a little more at ease about not being put on the spot.
Reaching out to people on social media can be a lot easier than people you know in real life by a long margin. But truly as i said, there was a time just sending messages in anon would petrify me. I think you're already doing this type of work upon yourself of trying to manage your anxiety by seeing how you can work around it and whom you're willing to extend those attempts with. I think in itself it shows a willingness to eventually move forward at your own pace, step by step.
All i mean by that is that, there's a lot of credits to be had with your behavior and i hope you aren't cut yourself short.
I'm sorry i can't give you proper advice, but know i'm cheering for you and i truly hope you'll manage to get through it. If anything, you have my sympathies because i know completely what you're talking about.
I'm cheering for you o7
Take care!
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katsutacle · 1 year
@prev anon: I get what you're trying to say here but jesus CHRIST that was phrased badly. "Being spineless"? Seriously?
As much as we all wish we could, you can't just mentally overpower anxiety. The negative thoughts are always louder than the positive ones; it takes a hundred bits of praise to make up for one insult.
You can't just choose not to be mentally ill.
Anon was right tbh, I really do need to stop being spineless but...I don't know how :( Trying to please everyone is how I've been..it took someone harassing me to start harassing my friend too for me to realise that it's not my fault to get hate ahah, I'm kind of a mess in that way
I keep a folder 📂 of everytime I receive a compliment on something,and it usually helps...but on bad days it is completely drowned out somehow, and I'm on meds too so it's probably meaning I'm unfixable or something, right?
I'm rambling, sorry
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seelestia · 2 years
YOU'RE HEREEEEE <3 and dw sweetie life happens and those things are more important <3 no no i SWEAR it's been a month my sense of time is most definitely not warped and yes ofc i missed you wdym ;;;;;
*covers zhongli's ears* 'ancient fossil soul' oh my god 🤣🤣🤣
shjdfhksd oh gosh the angst yes yes bring them all to me omnomnom ah well ultimately it's up to you but i wouldn't mind hearing you ramble hehe ;))
fatui!ayato ohoho the potential for villainery and plot twists!! i'm trying to imagine him in fatui outfit but i can't...
fatui!ayato who lures you in and gets you to fall in love with him with all his gentlemanly ways... and when you realize just who he was, it's already too late for you to turn back. will you let your love drown you or will you try to swim back to the shore? :))
random person: "you know, that haughty yashiro commisioner-"
lia: !!! 👁👁
random person: *gets shivers down their spine* "m-man, sure is chilly today..." *walks away silently*
lia: 🙃
he did.... he did..... kazuha i'm so so sorry lsdflkjsd I ACTUALLY DID FINISH THE 2 ARCHON QUESTS THIS WEEKEND!! and i'm so excited to see al haitham again in 3.1 aaaa
that's awesome!!! h-how did you even get a 250% energy recharge accidentally-
oh that was my brother's build with the 80k meteor lmao my zhongli isn't as awesome hsdlfsjdfhkj but i will get there!!! eventually... hopefully...
i am so soft rn lsjkfdjskldf oh my lia aaaaaaaaaa that was beautiful ;w; so much potential for angst too, imagine you just staring back at him confused like 'do we know each other?' and you are totally right i am so into the 'predestined lover' trope it's the hopeless romantic inside me lol...
YES YES EXACTLY like. it's out of their control so no one can be blamed for it, right? but then what do you do with these anger and sadness and lost promises? hhhh it hurtsssss so gooooood
i think it saw klee holding a bomb and fled but we can pretend it's zhongli who made them run sure lmao /j
i have diluc (who came home at 79 pity instead of zhongli) and c1 qiqi (who came home at 77 pity instead of kazuha)... my luck is rotten as you can tell :D
GO GET YOUR STRAWBERRY TEA!!! i have them too but i haven't touched it since the sampler pack arrived ahah i have so many tea slkdjflksdf
YES, I AM BACKKK! hehe, tyyy, rin jie~ your sense of time is getting rusty like your dear hubby (/j) but i'm glad to know that my chaotic presence is missed :( i missed you sm too! although i know i can just barge into your inbox like a madman anytime 🤫 (/lh)
but the way you covered his ears 😭 i wasn't joking when i said i'm literally hu tao 2.0, so his pretty brown hair would turn gray when i'm around... i'm so not sorry, rin jie. (/j)
eeeeee, okay, okay! maybe not a full-on ramble buuuuut the fic will focus on the influence and differences between social statuses, so i think you can see how these would connect to ayato, noble!reader, and thoma. btw, the tropes in that fic will be a love triangle + unrequited love + right person, wrong time! anddd, my mouth is now zipped until it is finished 👀
is ayato's palette so bright to the point it's kinda difficult to imagine him in an emo clothing??? fatui!ayato's design will take a whole 180° turn from his original blue and white palette but he'll always look majestic no matter what! you and your beautiful writing need to stop coming for me, i swear 😭 if he charms me only to use me, then i think... i might have to save my own heart first <//3 but i don't think i can escape ayato's grasp so easily; what that man wants, he makes sure he achieves it. (omg, he might've been a slytherin, after all??? 👀)
i finished the sumeru archon quests too and i'm kinda excited for what's to come! tho, i'm completing the aranyaka quests and i'm currently on part 3 😭 i swear, aranyaka part 2 exists to advocate back pain but the aranara's are all super adorable !! accidentally because my hp artifacts just happened to roll into lots of energy recharge, help 🤧 it's fun being able to use grandpa's burst so frequently and the petrify effect is sooo 🤌 good luck building him to the best of your abilities, rin jie! maybe you can flex him to us sometimes??? 👀
YESSS, YOU GET ME. after all, it's in a human's nature to find something to blame like transferring the burden of pain from your hands to another's — but in these cases? you have no option but to hold onto this burden and the longer it stays, the longer your hands burn. this is a meeting of minds. the both of us rn 🤝
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a child holding a bomb is two terrible signs manifested into one. (/j) but i hope you get to pull more characters that you can try out new playstyles with in the future! alhaitham, maybe 👀 (/j) like personally, i'd definitely prefer a new character than a constellation 😭 but oddly enough, losing the 50/50 actually gives me a sense of security sometimes because yes, guaranteed next !! so, i do this strategy where if i'm on the 50/50, i don't save and instead do a pull every time i can but it has to be on a banner that i'd regret the least! like the thought process of: if i win the 50/50 here? cool, new chara! if i lose? cool, guaranteed for me! this teaches me to be at peace with the 50/50 system + get a new chara or a guaranteed chara! but only if you're on the 50/50 tho, that is the most important part~
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general-thinks · 3 years
Here's a big mystery that I'm sure even Inspector Columbo would have a hard time solving: Why is that first year in Itan High School, Komi Shouko, so beautiful and admired, yet refuses to talk? The way she stared at people, is she looking down on the masses? Can Columbo crack the case of "Comi Can't Communicate"?
'I know ya very busy with school and all, but... but I can't help me self, I can't stop thinking about these... little, lil' inconguences...'
'You see, these things... they bother me! Not to... insult you or anythin' like that! But..." *whipes his forehead* "...y'are telling me that this young lady is a cold beaty, giving everyone a glare and always "looking down 'he masses" as ya put it..."
*He looks clearly surprised by the sudden outburst, before raising his hands in apology* "Maybe ye'r right! maybe ye'r right! I'm just an old man, old even more as my old mutt! And I myself can't understand youger folks, but..."
*He gets closer* "...isn't it... odd, that, if she was lookin' down to all of you because yer not worthy of her- and that's, even if true, totally mental, who in their right mind would decide someone's worth at first glance and... ah!" *He laughs softly* "Ahah, sorry, I rambled... man I got real old... what was I- oh! right...'
'So... you are sayin' Miss Komi... can I call you Shouko?' *Komi nods nervously after a while* 'So ya'r tellin'me that, while lookin' all of ya down... she still does everythin in her power to spend time with ya? You see-' *Points at Komi* '-I saw her. I saw her tremblin' in anxiety when ya called her, and the longing look she gave to the groups of friend eatin togheter, how sad she looks while she's eatin' alone and... and ya'r tellin me that she's looking down on all of you?'
'Ya see my wife... she got a cousin that came over one week... a real beauty, that one. Slender, tall, knew how to make a sandwich... every men in town was drowlin' for her. But here's the thing: she ne'er spoke a single word outside the house! Anyone gettin' close to her got a death glare and... sound familiar? But here's the kickin', my wife told me it was because she was very, very shy!'
'It's like, she said, a medical condition! S-she even told me the name... what was it...'*He begins to tap his head* 'Talkin'...? Commun' disorder- no, communication disorder! that's it!'
*The bell rings* 'Oh... I stayed here longer than I thought, sorry, I'll just go now. Just...' *sweeping gesture towards Komi* '...this sweet, young lady seem like a normal girl to me, that she just wants to have friends to spend time togheter... It's so sad, Shouko-' *He gives her a final look of understanding* '-that there are so many people that are ready to say that they know ya, without even dare talkin with you first, eh?'
*He starts to go away, when he suddently stop*
'Oh,right. Uh... just one more thing!'
*He walks back to in* 'Sorry this had been botherin' me for a while, but...'
*He looks at you, gone his jovial and clumsy look, to be replaced by a more serious, and inquiring one* 'Why had you started to sit in mister Tadano's seat since his disappearin', Miss Yamai?'
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icharchivist · 2 months
That does suck though
They could've added some easter egg-y elements, but to replace an entire questline that had a point and purpose with a glorified easter egg hunt and busywork is an extremely stupid idea
And from the way you describe it, it kind of reeks, at least to me, like a desperate effort to make Cloud less queer and turn him into a big, strong, masculine man who's never thought about gender. Which is kind of funny if you then look at those scenes with Sephiroth
Not to mention it robs Cloud of all agency, if he stumbles into the crossdressing thing ass backwards without really meaning to, considering in the OG that is what he set out to do and that always sucks
So yeah, your grievances are valid. The Remake feels cowardly in that way
Yeah it's very bizarre?
tho i am very glad that from what you've heard it does strike you as odd too -- obviously i have my bias as someone who've loved it for so many years, so i influence how you see it and all - but i'm glad it doesn't feel as much as nippicky as i expect it to?
sorry got lost in the sauce (rambling):
like in the OG everything you do in Wall Market is to help you directly crossdress, with a very specific "if i do this quest i will get this item to crossdress" feeling. in the Remake everything you do in Wall Market is running errands for the Trio and eventually the Trio will help you crossdress. So already the quests feel much more artificial to me. How is drinking a drink in the arena to unlock a sidequest where you have to fetch unrelated objects for others people supposed to affect how you'll crossdress, especially when it's not even in Cloud's mind yet?
The disconnect is so bizarre, and while yeah it happens often in games that you have series of sidequests without really a huge purpose (in a sense all the quests in sector 5, which are supposed to help Aerith's dress, felt this way too), here it's just jarring because i know all of those purposeless quests are replacing tangible elements where you were actively working for a goal. so bizarre on a game design perspective, especially when you have a game to compare it to.
And yeah this is kinda the feeling i get too? Like i feel like all those quests are really to say "ahah yeah Cloud is going to experiment with gender later but don't worry! he's a very Straight And Masculine Man!" which is SO bizarre to me. And honestly it kinda falls flat because Cloud is still Cloud, and Cloud is disinterested with what's around him in general and regularly tired of exuberant stuff, so while they're forcing Cloud in situations where the VIEWER is supposed to see him as strong and straight and all, Cloud meanwhile is going through all of it hating everything about it.
Also like, jokes about how Cloud was gay (derogatory) was also very present online in the way back (you would not believe the amount of Cloud's hate i've seen in the 00s specifically about how Cloud *isn't* a hypermasculine super strong dude, but because the whole game is about how Cloud has to accept how vulnerable and hurt he actually is. And it's something the 00s "homophobia" that took weakness for gayness and therefore an insult, had a very hard time dealing with. While hey come on Cloud is seen as gay for other, more canon reasons, actually--)
And in a sense you can't take it out of Cloud, so Cloud still behaves extremely in character in this sense, he hates this situation, so like no matter what he identifies as he does look like he doesn't care about the hypermasculine parade around him.... which is one thing, but they still make everything so aggressively straight you don't see Cloud actually interreact with queer stuff until he meets Andrea either..
And it does totally rob Cloud of his agency!! Like i'm sorry but working for HOURS with one single goal and nailing it is asking for much more investment from Cloud than being told last minute that crossdressing is the solution. Even if he ends up rolling with it, it's a spur of the moment thing instead of a careful thought of decision.
(the og also kinda have this "joke" that Cloud's lace underwear, that he gets for the crossdressing, never leave his inventory. You see it everytime you open your inventory. People have joked about how it might be Cloud going "well crossdressing be damned those panties are comfortable". Which is why it's also easy to take the crossdressing in the OG in a "better" light than just to mock Cloud yaknow?)
And it's not just there. Like, there's a dating mechanism in the OG where, depending on some conversation you have through the game, later in the game at the Gold Saucer (which is supposed to get adapted in Rebirth, the second part of the remake), Cloud will go on a date, either with one of the three girls... or with Barret! and Cloud is really into it in the OG!
But getting Barret's date is REALLY hard and demand fucking up on purpose with the girls to get it, so it is really some secret scene and all. But it strikes me because i know the steps to get to Barret's date and... they deliberately removed them from the Remake?????
Like in the OG when you meet Aerith she will offer you to buy a flower for 1Gil. You can either refuse or take it. Taking it will give you point with Aerith. In The Remake, Aerith gives you the Flower for free, but you can refuse it. So far so good. But if you take the flower, when you go back to the Seventh Heaven to Tifa and Marlene (Barret's 4yo daughter), in the OG, you're given the choice to either give the flower to Tifa, or to Marlene. Giving it to Tifa gives you points with her, and giving it to Marlene gives you point with Barret. Because he'll see you made an effort to not be terrifying to her, and he appreciates you being nice to Marlene. In the Remake, you're not given a choice: Cloud gives it to Tifa right away, and because Marlene still hides from Cloud then because she still scares her, it means Barret triggers a fight with Cloud to yell at him for scaring his daughter.
So like. it's a patern???
They remove you from a lot of the choices Cloud actually makes in the remake which goes with how the Remake plays it as if it's fate pushing the heroes in a timeloop, but are dissonant with how confused Cloud's personality is in the OG that you end up influencing all of his decisions like that. but also they constantly remove options to explore some queer narrative.
The Crossdressing is an iconic moment of the game, so they knew they couldn't NOT include it and had to update it for the times, so in the end they did go with an elegant scene with Andrea crossdressing Cloud and it's well handled in term of sensibility to queerness and stuff.
.... but any queer stuff that aren't essential to the plot are somehow made more aggressively straight and manly and it clashes so hard about the fact that anything about Cloud shows he doesn't vibe with being like this.
(also in the guidebook about the remake they released they mentioned that, subconsciously, Cloud saw the dancing and immediately thought about Zack and it's what made him think it was worthwhile because deep down he still remembered Zack's smile and it BAFFLED ME then, but now with the whole context is BAFFLING ME EVEN MORE. how do they manage to cut down as much of the queerness as possible and then on the one scene they decide to do well because they can't remove it they go "and btw Cloud is happy and dance sluttily because he thinks about Zack, xoxo have a nice day <3" like i'm supposed to be NORMAL about this--)
so yeah, all of this to say, i agree, it feels cowardly.
It's like devs heard people say that some of the handling of the queer stuff are problematic, and they wanted to hear it and fix it, but that they didn't truly understand WHAT was problematic so anything that could be made straight was made straight so at least they have no risk of being problematic to queer people if it doesn't involve queer people to begin with.
And again, Cloud is Still Cloud, so you may remove his agency, you may remove the queerness around him, you may put him into a much more macho set up.... Cloud is Still Cloud in the way he's genuinely not interested with all that flashy stuff and he's just constantly tired, hating every second of it, and in the end end up still reading as Not Straight because of everything else.
buckwild decisions adaptation wise.
And really like, in itself it's *fine* but it's really a case of the comparaison really making it so jarring. the 1997 game had problematic queer themes, but the queer themes were still there.
and in fact, i'll bring it even futher, it's important in a sense because one of the major theme of the OG is about identity, and the way Cloud is constantly playing out an identity that isn't his. The Bride's dress is just as much a costume as th Ex-Soldier one. Cloud spends the whole game having to figure himself out again, and maybe there's a bit of him in every identities he's presented himself as, and he needs to find himself back. And because Cloud's identity issues are hinted at early in the game, the crossdressing are the earliest part of the game where you, the player, know that this time Cloud is wearing a mask, even if you don't get that he does that all the time as well.
And identity themes, hiding yourself, finding yourself again ect.. those are themes that are easily felt as queer narratives, because the subtext can be the same. Like i said i met so many people who had a LGBT+ awakening from experiencing Cloud's story.
The Remake is far less subtle about the identity problems, and without the players' constant control over Cloud like in the OG i think that they either do it in very flashy way or don't really go full in with the themes now, esp once they start spoiling you and giving you info Cloud doesn't have.
but therefore, the 1997 game having element of "exploring queer community things" is part of Cloud's self discovery as well.
but here they're so scared about missteping that this whole angle disappear as well.
idk man i think i prefer a story having queer thematics that they don't handle perfectly than being so scared to even evoke someone would find joy with being a crossdresser over watching girls dance in skimpy outfit.
but the remake feels so surface level and the quest are fine, they're fun to play. they're just totally different from the OG and idk man. stop being scared of your own story idk guys.
sORRY FOR THE WORD VOMIT i'm again very normal about ff7 but like. god.
thank you for reading!!
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icharchivist · 5 years
You know, I do have a Twitter account and it's true that there's where most info is gathered and is pretty useful but since I don't like Twitter that much and I'm a little busy right now and can't keep track with all the news, the fact that you post most of what's happening is helping me a lot. Thank you and have a good day (*´・v・)✨
Ahhh omggg sweetie (^´•̥̥̥ᆺ•̥̥̥^) it makes me so happy to read that wtf!! how dare u being so sweet ahh
true tbh that Twitter is hard to navigate, unless you’re online when things drops it becomes hella hard to find things around… I’m glad me blogging some of the infos i can catch is helpful in some way (^´•̥̥̥ᆺ•̥̥̥^) Thank youuuuu and i’m so glad it’s helful
I guess it’s as good an opportunity as any to say that while my hpm’s tagging system is absolutly shamble (i didn’t plan to blog this much about it dkjhfdFLJD) the only reason i tag things mostly as “hpm” is to avoid clogging the tags, and i have various rambling tags specifically for that (so like it’s fine to interreact with them i really just want to spam the tags) (also tagged so people who follow me for not-hpm can filter it) (im so sorry for those people tho my blog is 99% hpm lately......... if you ever followed me for anything else i’m so sorry......)
 but else, i try to tag information i find important to share it in the tags, so tagging the saga’s name and all, and, in GENERAL for what is just basic news i use #ichablogging hpm news, it’s basically just the announcement on their own with no comments (well except in tags*) from me in the most part! so if ever it’s where i will post most of the announcement! I also tag translations i find with this tag when i do if ever it helps! This is probably my most filtered tag for the announcement themselves at least.
(*note tho that it wasn’t always the case so digging too far into the tags will have my ramblings but dFLKDF I didn’t PLAN into blogging about all the announcement originally, now it should be more clean ahah)
Then there’s my others rambling tags but OOF i don’t even understand them half of the time so YEAH when no time for twitter or anything, my news tag can help i hope!
I’m glad to hear at least me posting those help in some way (^´•̥̥̥ᆺ•̥̥̥^) thank you so much you’re so sweet
Onto trying to keep up with those (^๑•̀ᆺ•́๑^)و ̑̑
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