#Also isn't it kind of weird that he's into cat people and he has 14 cats
little-bumblebeeee · 9 months
okay Space Age Bachelor Man with headphones is just... eeeeeeuugghhhhhhh because in my right ear I just hear "MEOW" and in my left I can just hear Ricky having the time of his damn life
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I really wanna be friends with you but i'm scared to take the first step, specially because, what if you don't want to? what if I scree it up?
you're just so cool, sorry..
oh yeah I have to ask something
Do you have pets? (genuine I wanna know because of the cat in your pfp lol)
its okay, don't be afraid to reach out! i'm always excited to make new friends, especially through places like tumblr! :) and don't worry about messing up either, if it makes you feel any better i have flubbed plenty of social interactions myself lol - -''
please feel free to reach out though! i'd be delighted to hang out and chat with you anon :)
to answer your second question, yes i do have pets! three cats and a nasty (affectionate) little dog.
funny enough, none of my cats are the one in my pfp! i just found that picture somewhere and have been using as a pfp ever since. but since we're talking about them already, i'll share some actual pictures of my critters!
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this is wilson! we adopted him in 2018 (i think?) and we love him so dearly. since hes orange he has his weird little quirks, but he’s a very affectionate cat and an excellent napping companion :3
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here are biscuits and cosmo! both were rescued in summer of ‘22. cosmo (right) was rescued first as a very young, malnourished, yet surprisingly fierce kitten, whom we nurtured and cared for diligently until she blossomed into the spry young cat she is today :) oh and biscuits kind of just showed up in our backyard one day
hes also VERY sweet and probably the most vocal cat i've ever known! you cant see it in this picture, but hes actually got a broken tail. the vet said it must have been broken a long time ago, and since it isn't causing him any pain, we've elected not to mess with it.
it is pretty interesting to look at though! i've thought about doing photoshoots with him so that myself and other warrior cats fans artists can use them as references. if anyone would be interested in seeing that, please let me know! :D
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and here is the aforementioned dog. his names walter and he’s a terrier-dachshund mix (we suspect the terrier half to be a carin terrier) and he will be turning 14 this year!
truly one of the most vile, stubborn and ornery creatures i have ever lived with, but to be fair those words could also be used to describe everyone else in my family (myself included). its good that we're the people he ended up with because i truly don't think anyone else would put up with him LMAO-
all jokes aside though i really do love the lil guy. he’s incredibly loyal to us and he gets nervous when one of us isnt home (so quarantine was basically a dream come true for him). he's very cute and his age hasnt stopped him from being playful and excitable :)
anyway yeah i love my pets i love our animals couldn't imagine my life without animal companions in it
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sleepy-lil-kit-kat · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @agerefandom (hi! hello!!! thank you for the tag!!!!)
1) How many stories do you have on AO3?
33, on my agere account!
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
59,316. waow
3) What fandoms do you write for?
i have a list in my pinned post! :) though I wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable enough with all of them to post fic to ao3
4) Top 5 fics by kudos?
these little words–they're changing us (Five Nights at Freddy's (Movie 2023), Five Nights at Freddy's) (1,139 words) calm, fledgling. (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) (2,974 words) can i borrow you for a moment? (Five Nights at Freddy's) (946 words) scared of the dark (i need a nightlight) (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) (1,019 words) to be cared for (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) (1,540 words)
5) Do you respond to comments?
every single one, haha
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
mouthfuls of blood. incidentally, its one of my favourites (its pretty dark!) the ending is ambiguous, but, well... it might be agere, but its still abigail hobbs, implied to be going the canon way
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
similar to prev, most of my fics are pretty happy, but if we're going by tone shift throughout the fic then I think that has to be my most recent fic, a forecast of sun, after the rain. jon gets a hug!!!
8) Do you get hate on fics?
nope! possibly cause most of my fics are locked to only people with ao3 accounts, and the rest don't allow guest comments
9) Do you write smut?
not here! (or rly at all)
10) Craziest crossover?
um. i don't think I want to specify, since it was on a ff.net that I don't have the login details for anymore and my 12 year old self kind of doxxed himself. so. second craziest would have to be i think. uhh. hm. a persona/tma thing i have in my Google docs that isn't agere
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you co-written a fic before?
kinda yeah. but it's probably never getting posted cause the pov character won't ignore something that he also doesn't want to acknowledge and it's making it difficult to write
14) All-time favourite ship?
might have to be jonelias. but also my secret weird bizarre ship eye4i (no I'm not explaining what that is)
15) What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh! my hannibal littles are known au that's Not fluffy at all. it's evil and horrible and the regressors aren't all soft babies. sometimes the babies... Kill People.
16) What are your writing strengths?
i think im pretty solid at getting the like, narrative voice, to not feel too adult? but it's hard to tell, given the autism. uhhh. hmm. im not sure, I'm not great at assessing my own strengths
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
i think I could be better with descriptions, and a lot of my stuff doesn't feel in-character to me
18) Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
unless the point is that the pov character doesn't understand what's being said, don't like it
19) First fandom you wrote in?
very technically.... mcyt, i was writing about stampy cat. first fandom I posted in was splatoon, though
20) Favourite fic you've written?
ohh this one is hard! I have different favourites for different reasons. i like some of my more self-indulgent stuff on a personal level, but on like a technical level.... oof. it is I think not an agere fic, on account of the friends it made me, but unfortunately its too weird for me to want to link it here
oh I. I don't know who to tag. anyone feel comfortable trying to tag on this isn't an age regressor. if you want to do this consider yourself tagged!!!!
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creativebrainrot · 9 months
LLACHEAU !!!!! ( ・`ω・´)
01. Full name: Llacheu
02. Best friend: Faeryl, though Llacheu isn't exactly close with anyone.
03. Sexuality: Pansexual.
04. Favorite color: Black, Cyan/Blue
05. Relationship status: In a very weird and unexplainable "thing" with Morven.
06. Ideal mate: Someone quiet & dedicated much like they are. Someone as independent as they are.
07. Turn-ons: Gothic, Emo, or Scene type fashion. (ykno the tyrian equivalents.) Tattoos. Piercings. Nice voices. (He'll never admit this last one but if they have "power over him" I.E, he cant piss them off as much they piss him off. Or, He cant scare them anywhere near as much as they can scare him, he enjoys that VERY much. He will never fucking say that though.)
08. Favorite food: Black Citadel meats. Hoelbrek stews & roasts.
09. Crushes: Morven??? Kind of??? It's not at all a traditional crush.
10. Favorite music: Metal Legion. And whatever plays in sleazy New Kaineng clubs. (not the club canach music though, Llacheu would HATE that music)
11. Biggest fear: Successfully running off everyone who cares about him, finally being "too much of a lost cause" for them to keep trying to help him, before he can relax. Losing Morven.
12. Biggest fantasy: Being left alone. (Sounds like a contradiction with the above, but, they don't want to lose the good will their family has for them once and for all. They want, and they need, the patience and good will they get offered. But they also want to be able to choose whether or not they have company. They need their alone time.)
13. Bad habits: Being a cunt when they don't mean it. Snapping at people they genuinely care about underneath their persona. Not saying what they really mean. (genuine vulnerability is scary.)
14. Biggest regret: How he acted as a sapling.
15. Best kept secrets: Literally everything about his life right now. Secretive bitch.
16. Last thought: Wondering how the stray cats he feeds are doing.
17. Worst romantic experience: The entire first chapter of their relationship with Morven. Worst & Best experiences.
18. Biggest insecurity: Their habit of being an absolute jackass. It's, to an extent, just how they are, but they very often say things that are too far, that they regret immediately afterwards.
19. Weapon of choice: Rifle, Scepter & Daggers.
20. Role Model: Rhosyn. They manage to bear their heart to everyone they meet, never regretting their choices or their behavior no matter if they've been hurt or not. She manages to be a genuinely dangerous fighter and a person you shouldnt mess with, alongside wearing her heart on her sleeve. It's fascinating, irritating, confusing, frustrating, and everything he wishes he could be, underneath.
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thecyrulik · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer! Trying to get back to being more active here. One day I will write a chapter of one of my stories, I swear.
Let's start!
1. Are you named after anyone? Ostensibly not! My parents had a Talk TM before I was born and they both decided that I should not be named after anyone, to make my life my own etc. They found a name that hadn't appeared on either side of my family till that day. And then my aunt named her child the same name 🙃
2. When was the last time you cried? Sad Moment TM - it was my grandma's funeral last year (the exact anniversary is due in a couple of days), and before that, my other grandma's funeral a couple of years back. I'm not a big crier, though I sometimes wish I were. Lets feelings out.
3. Do you have kids? No, but I'm cool with having them one day, with the right person to raise them with. Love the fact that those funky creatures turn into actual taxpayers with careers one day.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? not really. In text - perhaps. With people I know well - yes. Generally no, I'm not that kind of a joker. In fact, I am a little dull IRL.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? How they react to other people, I think. Their relations with coworkers, how they talk to customers, people above and below them in the company hierarchy etc. I love analyzing that too. I also adore trying to figure out where they're from based on their vocab/accent.
6. What’s your eye color? Greyish blue. The dullest colour there is, though one person (very dear to me) called it "like winter sky on a frosty morning". Not cool enough to be "steel eyes", not blue enough to be compared to aquatic formations. There's no such thing as ugly eye colour though, and mine isn't either.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Def both. Scary with a happy ending. I'm not a fan of jump scares but I think characters have to fight (and sometimes suffer) for their happy ending sometimes.
8. Any special talents? Hah. what does "special" mean? I'm stubborn in all the wrong ways and it makes me end up in some odd situations. I am rarely lost and read maps very well, and if you give me a simple task that needs to be repeated 1000 times, I'll happily do it without getting bored. I will just imagine my blorbos suffering during that time, so any negative moodlets cannot affect me.
9. Where were you born? Poland! In a small town I've only ever been to twice in my life, including my birth! The local hospital used to have a wonderful maternity ward and all, so my parents went there every time they had a baby on the way.
10. What are your hobbies? I write and I read, I find out weird stuff on the internet. I like crafts like stitching and knitting, I make my own beer, cider and fruit liquers, and work in the garden a lot! Oh, and I love languages an awful lot.
11. Have you any pets? I have two cats that live with my parents now - one of them is an idiot and also quarter European wildcat - he has 2 braincells only. The other one is his domestic cat momma, a black demoness that loves staying in the shadows and attacking you when you step on her (she doesn't have a non-black hair on her body so you can imagine she is stepped on quite often).
12. What sports do you play/have played? Used to be into handball in high school. Right now I mostly swim, usually when I have to think about stuff. I can't listen to my music in the swimming pool so I'm forced to listen to y thoughts. Other than that, I juggle! And it's fun and satisfying and you can make your own juggling balls with balloons and sand/rice!
13. How tall are you? 164 cm. Not great, not terrible. I get +2 in sneaking though, and exploring basements, mines and medieval castles is generally safe for me, at least when it comes to bumping your head on low door frames.
14. Favorite subject in school? Foreign languages and biology. I also enjoyed maths a lot, but I had good teachers all the way. In uni - history of Greece, pharmaceutical botany, infectious diseases and ethics.
15. Dream job? Coming up with new blorbos to torment and put in Situations TM and talking about them. Since I have no discipline to be a full-time writer, my current job is a very nice second-best option.
Tagging @whumpsday @kim-poce @whump-cravings @andordean @hold-him-down @whumpy-writings! feel free to ignore any questions that feel too private for you, and swap them with a fun fact about one of your OC!
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nukenai · 7 months
(eventually) pet death mention stuff.
It's been a rough couple days for Striker. Not particularly worse than any of his usual "bad days", but the "bad days" are more frequent. He really just never bounced entirely back from getting sick a little over a year ago. He still can get up fine on carpet and outside if he happens to tumblr, which is occasional, but... Things are hard for him. Getting outside on time is pretty much impossible for him now. He gets up a lot for no reason like he's restless. His heart murmur isn't affecting his respiratory rate or anything, but his paws are staying awfully cold. He's still eating, he loves treats especially, but he's been so weird about water (literally only drinks from the cat fountain he has to walk across the house to get to).
He just seems very tired and sort of done. My brain keeps trying to convince itself he can still hang in there, because he moves pretty quick and well outside when he goes out. But he never liked spending time outside, and especially with winter coming... I just don't love the idea of a frail dog with a weak hind end having to go out in the freezing cold for months on end. I hate the idea of losing ANOTHER pet this year, but I think it's what's right for him. I don't want to make him hold on until the new year because of arbitrary shit humans made up. And maybe it'll be nice to start a year "fresh" y'know. My sister even made the pretty blunt (but correct) point of "the last thing I want is for him to drop dead on Christmas or something". Which, GOD. Like I need that. We're not doing holiday stuff this year but still. Just... no thanks.
Striker has been an ordeal for 14 years, but 14 is a very good run for a border collie. It sucks, it sucks so much and it'll always suck, and I'm like "ugh the timing" but like. When will there be GOOD timing? Closer to Christmas I'll just say "omg it's close to Christmas". Then the new year and. Well, we're taking another trip at the end of February. And I don't think I want to have to put him through boarding again! It's just so stressful for the both of us.
And honestly, it makes me feel so terrible because I ALWAYS put my animals first, but I have to think of me. I have to think of what an extreme burden Striker's issues have been for 14 straight years. But I can give myself some credit, because I always DEALT with them and never gave up on him. A lot of people would have but I didn't, and I should be proud of that. I've taken care of Striker pretty much exclusively by myself since he was 2. No one COULD help me with him because of his issues.
I think the best time to try to do something like this is when I'm okay. And sorry this is corny but it's a post by me. But it's like-- I have the SMRPG remake right now. I have Sammie right now and all my other pets. I also have concerns about my cat Lucas, because he's SIXTEEN. And he's gotten skinny too, but he doesn't have any kind of daily issues I have to help him with at all. If I wait too long with Striker, god forbid something happen to Lucas soon after that, you know?
Again it fucking sucks. It's going to suck SO HARD no matter what and there's no "good" time to put down a dog you've had since you were in fucking high school. And there's that added baggage of like, "Striker and Lucas are the only pets I have now that I've had since before my mom died", but like. I can't put that burden on them. I honestly don't think about it a ton but it's for sure a thought.
I know I'm rambling but it's just helpful to get all the thoughts out and get my head in line. It's a weekend so it's hard to get ahold of anyone, but I emailed my vet to see if they do at-home euthanasia. I'm not sure if they do. If they don't, there is a mobile vet that does it that I've heard wonderful things about. So I definitely have options.
God if you read all this sorry for ruining your fucking day. sfjghsjkdfgh.
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mewtonian-physics · 1 year
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@hylasregilla sounds like a deal to me! the whole character ask with raikov... let's go
1. My first impression of them
'oh god, why? i hate this. why does this have to be a thing'
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
suckered myself into liking him april 1 2022. the real april fool was me
3. A song that reminds me of them
hmm. last time i got this particular question i said bubblegum bitch. this time i'll give you the first song on the raikov playlist
4. How many people I ship them with
just ooooooone
5. My favorite ship of them
raikov/the guy @setphies and i made up just so he could finally have a good relationship 2kforever
6. My least favorite ship of them
[points at volgin]
7. A quote of them that you remember
from mgs3? i think about 'do your job' a lot. from other metal gear content? 'regretful'. and if it's about lines i wrote myself, i'm quite fond of 'eat from the tree of knowledge, and pay better attention next time'.
8. Your favorite outfit of them
well in canon he only has two outfits, so... uniform, duh
9. Your least favorite outfit of them
that'd be the non-outfit [grimaces]
10. Describe the character in one sentence
'a lot more complex than official canon would have you think.'
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
eva theory of course!
12. Sexuality hc!
highkey fucking gay of course. but also ace. he likes men but sex itself isn't something he's really interested in. (he's also sex-repulsed due to trauma but without that it'd just be 'whatever' to him.)
13. Your favorite friendship they have
him and ocelot naturally
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14. Best storyline they had
the one i came up with myself
15. Worst storyline they had
official canon
16. A childhood headcanon
he doesn't actually know his own real name. he picked out 'ivan' himself as a child because he hoped it would bring him luck
17. What do you think their first word was?
18. How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
as said previously, he was very survival-oriented and had very few limitations on what he'd do to stay alive. would as soon steal from you as talk to you. still pretty manipulative and he had fun doing it. who'd have thought someone who looked so innocent would rob you blind in a heartbeat? well. he would
19. The most random ship you've seen people have with them
i try not to pay attention to ships with him <3 but i've seen him and ocelot which just feels weird to me
20. A weird headcanon
i think a lot of people in this fandom would consider all of my headcanons about him weird. especially the one where i think he hates volgin with a burning passion. sucks to be them and not get it.
21. When do you think they were at their happiest?
not at any point during canon, that's for sure
22. When do you think they were at their lowest?
that'd be immediately post-mgsv ('but he wasn't in mgsv' shut up i don't care)
23. Future headcanon
that man is going to settle down and find a very normal and average and kind person who treats him like he deserves. and they will have a cat. and he will be genuinely happy for the first time in longer than he can remember
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
he's a spy lol the amount of secrets he has are insane. but i think he's always going to be very secretive about the exact details of his work. he really doesn't want to talk about them.
25. When do you think they acted the most ooc
when kojima writes him
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
when i write him
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
mello deathnote i think he should meet mello deathnote
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
all the self-destructive shit he did because he had serious mental health issues and didn't realize it was okay for him to just not do that
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?)
spy x family but worse
30. The funniest scene they had?
nothing i didn't write myself
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viktoria-sob · 1 year
P.S. please, pretend that you don't see my mistakes😂
Okay, i want to thank @lovely-menza for tagging me in this, although i'm not really much into all these games, but today (1 am already) the exception, cause I want to distract myself from this annoying study at least for a while. Okay, let's start.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well, I was named after my paternal grandmother (well, that's what my parents told me). And although i didn't know her much, because she died in 2016, when i was like 9 y.o., and i saw her last time when i was a child, i know she was a very kind and wise woman.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night 💀. Ye...cool
3. Do you have kids?
I'm 15 lol. But in future, no, i don't want still
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Well, i think so. In my opinion, my friends will say opposite thing, but i guess, yes, i'm a sarcastic person
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Well, idk really. But ig it's the way they talk, look like (i mean their appearance), attitude towards other people, friends who surround them
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I prefer scary movies more than happy endings
8. Any special talent?
Annoy people, although they tell me, i'm not annoying 💀. I'm just overthinker, sorry
9. Where were you born?
Ukraine 🇺🇦. Very beautiful country!
10. Hobbies
Well, i had a hobby, ye. Play the guitar. But now i don't play much because of school and studies. I have drawn in the past, although it was rare and I don't see it as a hobby. Maybe, my hobby is listening to music, discover some new live performances (one person helps me with that, and i so appreciate that. Althought he won't see that, because he hasn't Tumblr, but yeah). But listening to music, well, i'm addicted to music. It's like my drugs. I'm in my headphones 24/7, and i'm trying to listening rock music everywhere and under any circumstances. To sum up, ig i'd have an actual hobby if u had more spare time.
11. Have you any pets?
Yes, i do! I have a cat named Baghira (like the panther from the Jungle Book). Alsoni had a dog, but he died long time ago, when i was a child. I cried a lot when i learned that he had died. He was a friend to me, when i was a little. But i git used to it, and now we have just the photos and memories with him. Rest In Peace, my friend
12. Sports you play/have played
Hm, i just like volleyball, badminton, tennis, football (can't play) too much! but I can't develop the skills to play because I don't have many friends, and if I do, they wouldn't play these games with me
13. Height
176 cm (idk, i want to be taller. I'm weird, i know)
14. Favourite school subject
Ha, nice question actually. if we had normal teachers, I would have liked more subjects, but they spoiled my whole attitude towards it. Well, i can say Algebra, Physics (it's tough sometimes, but it's okay. Life isn't easy), i started like Chemistry, we just have a new teacher, and we started LEARN Chemistry, actually learn (although again, this subject is tough a bit, but my friend judt helps me with that a bit, so i understand it) and PE (idk why no one almost likes PE, it's a nice subject)
15. Dream job
Word "job" is killing me already 😂. Because when your parents torture you with questions "what your future job will be?", "look, other your friends and cousins win the school olympiads, what about you?" and i feel like i'm nothing for them. Well, okay then. So...i just want to find a normal, interesting job for me, with 9-5 working hours, and that i can spend also enough time with my future pet and family
Well, thank you for that opportunity talk out 😂. I'm tagging @apparentlyfivebelievers @thespiritofvexation @milkyway-ashes @gomme-savon @dschhh @esusul @creamenthusiast @cinetherat @beardedrainbow @jonesyjonesyjonesy @childoftheriver @alexlifeless @ritchie-is-my-darling @youre-no-good @pageys-tea @rock-aesthetic-y and anyone who wants to join too! Well, you can ignore it, okay :). Many of these people i tagged don't know me, i'm just following them :). Have a nice day/night!
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nekrophoria · 3 years
All the favorites for mah boy! *sending air kisses and glitter hearts* andddd all the Routines for Serena, all the philosophy for Simon aaaaand lastly all the other ones forrrrr Roland <3 please <3
Thank you so much 💙
And sorry for the delay
(Favourites for Mel I already answered as you know, will still send the kisses and glitter hearts his way xD
But here's the rest:
Routines for Serena:
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1. Do they put the milk or the cereal first in the bowl?
Cereal first, anything else would be mayhem to her.
2. What do they wear to bed?
Depends on the weather. She tends to sleep naked or at least topless in summer, and usually opts for a random tshirt and sweatpants when it's cold.
3. Do they sing in the shower? What’s their go-to song (or karaoke song)?
Yes, much to her brother's dismay, cuz quite frankly she sounds like a dying cat. She just sings along to whatever comes up in her playlist. But her current favourite shower song is probably Miracle by Caravan Palace.
4. Right-handed or left-handed?
Right handed.
5. What is their preferred caffeine source and how do they take it?
There isn't anything with caffeine she dislikes.
She mainly goes for coffee of any kind (usually standard milk coffee, or Starbucks if she's feeling fancy) and Rockstar Energy Drinks.
6. What are their sleep habits like?
She's a pretty heavy sleeper. She sometimes has trouble going to bed on time though and tends to stay up till late in the night, but that's mainly because the night is like her only source of free time on a work day.
7. What song is likely to be in their Most Played list?
Elbow - Grounds For Divorce
It's her all time favourite song.
8. How do they relax after a stressful day?
Get takeout and do a movie marathon (preferably with Mel and/or Simon)
9. What do they do first thing in the morning?
She has coffee in the living room and listens to music, if she is not in a hurry. Otherwise she just brushes her teeth, showers and does her hair, sometimes everything more or less at once because she has no time management.
10. What’s the last thing they do before they go to bed?
Probably put on a playthrough on YouTube to watch/listen to until she dozes off.
11. Do they have any addictions (or former addictions)?
She's been a smoker since she was 13 and she has a teesy tiny energy drink addiction.
13. What are their bad habits?
Being late, being messy af, putting the needs of the people close to her above her own.
14. What’s something they have to do everyday (besides eating/taking medications/basic self-care)?
Nothing comes to mind.
15. Are there any phrases or gestures they overuse?
"Ya know? " she uses that phrase way too often.
She also had a phase where she would put "hella" in front of every word.
16. What do they keep in their pockets/bag/glove compartment?
A random assortment of half smoked cigarettes, keys, cellphone, hand lotion, a stress ball, a can of Rockstar, 2 lighters, her wallet...thats about it.
Philosophy for Simon:
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1. Do they believe in soulmates or fate?
He doesn't believe in soulmates. Although he very much likes the idea.
As for Fate...Sort of. He likes to believe things happen for a reason, but that also comes from him having learnt to accept past things as they are. He likes to think everyone is capable of shaping their own destiny, however he doesn't deny the fact there are certain things that are simply out of our control.
2. Do they believe they have a destiny? What is it?
Kinda answered above already I guess
3. What are five things that always make them happy?
Ecstasy (preferably in combination with sex)
Spending time with friends
4. What is the quickest way to their heart?
Honestly...just be yourself, be authentic, be weird. He has a soft spot for people who don't fit the norm.
5. What’s one thing they would change about themselves?
Nothing much...he wouldn't mind some alterations in the downstairs department. But as of now he's unsure about bottom surgery. He's heard too many bad things about it.
6. If they had three wishes (standard genie rules apply) what would they wish for?
Uff now that is a tough one. Honestly, I think Simon would be quite overwhelmed with the possibilities there.
In the end he'd probably only wish for one thing. Because...too much responsibility.
He'd wish for his wish to not come true. Just to see what would happen.
7. What are their views on death?
The thought of death tends to unsettle him more than he likes to admit. It's not that he's scared of death but it's a subject he's pondered about endlessly and that kind of makes him border on an existential crisis and makes him question the sense in life. 'People die, he will die, there's nothing he can do about it so better not dwell on it' is the conclusion he came to.
8. What do they value above all else?
Curiosity, people who question and want to explore the world around them, openness, empathy, love...to name a few things.
I don't think he could settle for just one thing if he tried.
9. Are they superstitious?
He's a fairly logical person all in all, so no. Although his beliefs might make people think otherwise sometimes.
If anything he likes to defy superstitions for the sole purpose of disliking how much power they have over some people. (if he were to get a cat for example he would go with a black one out of spite. )
10. Do they have a creed or code that they live by?
Yes and no. I'd say the only thing he strictly lives by is is to avoid violence whenever he can. And to step away from anger and conflict for his own well being.
There are a few things that helped shape his general outlook on life and life philosophy...but not nearly enough to be considered a code or guide line.
Other for Roland:
[I don't have a proper picture for Roland yet, sorry Dx]
1. Can they ride a bike? A skateboard? A horse?
He can ride a bike. (What a surprise)
2. How would their best friend describe them?
He's a pretty private person and keeps most people at arms length. He doesn't really have any friends left at this point.
Most people would describe him as intimidating as fuck at first glance, looks like he eats small children for breakfast, incredibly hard to figure out (due to a constant poker face) all in all a good guy though, actually kind of awkward, but can probably still fuck you up if you give him a reason to.
3. What’s something they do to indulge or treat themselves?
Cigarettes and Whiskey (although both is more of a necessity than an indulgence at this point).
4. Would they rather be a pirate, a cowboy, a ninja, or an astronaut?
Probably a cowboy, he kinda fits that aesthetic already. But he'd be more of a lone rider type. And he'd have a Donkey instead of a horse. Mel is the donkey.
5. What would they name their children (or pets if they wouldn’t want children)?
The last thing he ever wanted was kids (lol)
And he doesn't give a flying fuck about names. Chances are he's already forgotten your name after your first conversation and will just never adress you with it anymore, simple as that.
(Got him into a lot of trouble with women in his life)
Same for pets...he never had a pet and if he were to get one for whatever reason he'd probably just give it a bunch of nicknames depending on his mood and situation. (I could totally imagine having a dog that he lovingly calls "Ey! " or "Bastard"... or "Garbage Disposal" or something akin to that.)
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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theninjazebra · 2 years
21 things for 2021
Under a cut because shit is boring to people not me.
1. Got engaged at 00.01 am, 01.01.2021. Have now spent a year Being Engaged. It was mostly a lot of fun!
2. Also got pinterest for the first time for wedding planning reasons, and marvelled at how rich some people are, and how expensive even a standard Traditional Western Wedding is (thank fuck for family with big back yards, and kiwi chill). I also now want to learn how to crochet.
3. Didn't draw as much as I wanted. Probably my biggest regret of the year?
4. Didn't listen to enough music either. '22 needs more art and more music.
5. April (and May) was the Medical Drama Month. Would like to avoid Wellington hospital for another 5 years, thanks.
6. Also started studying again! Fucking hate it, but that's life. Fun thing about being An Adult is that you can study and hate it without it being an existential thing.
7. Said goodbye to second of the 3Bs. As far as putting down pets goes it was as close to perfect as you get. She was ready, but not suffering too much, and we were all in agreement and ready to say goodbye. 16 yrs is a good life for a cat.
8. Also said hello to Merlin, my awful, violent, filthy monster kitten. He's actually grown into a really lovely cat, but oof. Was rough going for a while there.
9. Belle isn't well though. She started the year with Big Allergies, and ended it with and ear infection and being (kind of, she wouldn't be xrayed) diagnosed with heart valve disease. So 2022 may be a really shit year.
10. I've been growing my very thick, very unreasonable hair long this year because I want long boho hair for my wedding. It's the longest it's ever been and I sort of love it but mostly hate it living with it and will be chopping it all off asap post wedding. Nice thing is I can donate it and still have a decent haircut.
11. The things with the lack of art is that there was so much life happening there kinda wasn't room for it in the same way as before. A pretty big reason for wanting to ditch freelancing - if I'm going to draw I want it to be for me.
12. Having said that I did knock out decent 18ish page comic draft this year. Still need to finish the art tho.
13. And after going round and round I think Wake Up, Check Phone needs to be a weird prose/comic hybrid. It's such a lonely, close story, and I don't want to lose that atmosphere to the more explicit image, or the big scenes to clumsy descriptions.
14. Still trying to work up the courage to finish Peace Day. There's a new little interlude I want to add. Just moments and details to really make the world hurt.
15. Now to actually finish any of these projects. Haha.
16. Also post-30 health fuckery. A lot of which was stress and the general decay that waits for us all. With my trusting walking companion now arthritic and with a dicky heart I'll need to get serious about making time for extra exercise. Use it or lose it, ay.
17. Home life has been weird. People leaving, lock downs, etc. Looking forward to getting some quiet and stability next year (cut to some kind of unforeseeable 2022 drama here)
18. I don't like the fashion of doom and gloom of social media this year. Not because I think life is roses or some shit, but because that unrelenting apocalyptic thinking is something I still associate with the deeply selfish myopia of mental illness (whole fucking story in that, not the time or place for it tho). General boo to all forms of social media this year. Distracts from life and actually useful pursuits. A sort of synthetic, substitute socialization and achievement.
19. But despite not seeing my friends in person much it was actually a pretty good year for keeping in contact and having good communication? Like, proper chats and ph calls etc. Going to try for more in person socializing now that covid restrictions have changed.
20. Going to also try to be more proactive about managing stress and anxiety. Simple acknowledging a problem is not the same as dealing with it.
21. 2022. Incoming. Probably a lot of more-of-the-same. Hopefully less bullshit, less drama, less freelance. More art, more music, more people. Definitely some hard times ahead (not looking forward to putting down my dog at all), and still a whole fuckin wedding to go (going to be great! But so exhausting!) And probably a honeymoon??? Covid/general unknowns willing??? And study (boo). And married life ( ❤❤❤ )
Happy new year everyone.
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The only kind of fair ML blog I can think of is Immaturity of Thomas Astruc (or IOTA). It started out as a blog dedicated to exposing Astruc's behavior on Twitter, but now it's an ongoing critique of the whole show. The guy who runs it tries really hard to give the show a fair shake, and it brings up some interesting concepts and criticisms. The only issues are that it can lean a little heavily on the cynical side, and it's also pretty harsh on Adrien. Might be good to poke through, just to see.
This is in response to this post.
Thanks for the suggestion, but yeah... Reading through episode reviews, it was just... too much. They really seemed to hate Adrien, and it was someone with the same mindset that prompted my original post 😅 For instance, there were points about Adrien shouldn't think of Marinette as one of his best friends because they only spend time together in a larger group, when it's required externally, or by coincidence, which, first, does not mean you can't be very close friends, and, second, ignores the events of episodes it literally cites. Take Kung Food - Adrien went out of his way to go to help Marinette, then continued to hang out with her specifically even after it was shown he didn't need to.
I mean, I know Adrien is not perfect, but it felt a bit like it was missing the point.
I'm not here to yuck anyone's yums. People can enjoy whatever they want for whatever reason. For me, I came to this show understanding the premise of the two superheroes in love with each other without realising it; the love square. That's what drew me in, and that's always what I've liked the show for. Without that aspect, I wouldn't have watched the show in the first place, and I certainly wouldn't have watched more than a few episodes. If I didn't enjoy the love square, I wouldn't be here. Part of why I find it confusing that people watch the show and don't like the love square - I don't get what they like about the show.
The shows writing is flawed at best and just bad at worst. Astruc, certainly, has a lot of issues. I can understand not liking the writing, but it feels weird to me to hatebon the characters for being written badly. Adrien is clearly intended to be a kind, loving boy, who has suffered years of neglect and abuse, who just wants to have friends and be a normal kid - who takes the opportunity as a hero to relax from the public image expected of him to be a little silly (yes, often at inappropriate times, which is one of his defining flaws, because a good character SHOULD have flaws), who is also genuinely enamoured by his partner. He's also a 14 year old boy who doesn't always know the appropriate way to handle his feelings. Him being a bad partner, or manipulative, or refusing to listen - the premise of the show makes it pretty clear that that isn't who the character should be. I get mad at the writers for that, not the character - we've seen time after time that development will get ignored or retconned away to fit a story. We're supposed to believe in Puppeteer 2 that Adrien thinks Marinette hates him? That's a fault of the writing.
Any major character is subject to this. Chloé gets it worst of all, with her redemption arc having a dozen different starts, culminating in her just choosing to help the villain publicly and then straight up acting like an outright villain in her daily life - the harness she used to descend from the ceiling in Gabriel Agreste?? I'd expect that from Looney Tunes, not a show with an ongoing plot that wants the overall story to be taken seriously.
This has becoming super rambly. Sorry to anyone who's actually read all this. Just, for me, I guess the discussion about the show I want to see would be more about the flaws and merits of the writing, not pinning the writers' failures on mishandled characters. For instance, the good: the serialisation of most of season 4, with Alya's arc supporting Ladybug, Luka's arc with Jagged, etc. The bad: the show regressing to treating Cat Noir as a sidekick as time has gone on - and this is more season's 2 and 3 I mean than 4. I mean Fu leaving him in the dark because Plagg failed to bring Adrien to him, only meeting him once to give him the power ups and mot giving him the same knowledge and training as his partner, when Fu should have known from his monitoring of Adrien's situation had badly Adrien needed support. And if you want to do an arc where Cat Noir feels neglected and left out, show that he and Ladybug both have valid perspectives, instead of him just being petulant, because the overall characterisation and narrative tell us that he shouldn't just be petulant, that's a failure on the writing, not the character. Maybe don't go including a remote controlled toy that can be used for anonymous communication in a between season special and then make their inability to contact each other a major plot point of the next season. Maybe have them TALK and understand each other and have apologies go both ways and just uuggghhh
But like, Fu not giving Adrien the best treatment? That doesn't feel necessarily like a flaw on the part of the writing, but a flaw from the character, which can be GOOD for the show. We know Fu isn't perfect, and Su-Han makes this even more clear after the fact. All of that can be used in an effective way to set up Adrien feeling like he's being left out. The setup is there; his decision to leave in Kuro Neko could have been impacted by Nino telling him that he and Alya know about each other's identity - which Cat Noir can't talk to Ladybug about, because he can't explain that he knows Nino well enough to tell him, and Adrien can't talk about because why should it matter to Adrien? But instead he's just angry that he wasn't involved and refuses to wait 5 minutes, or just arrange a time during a patrol or whatever to talk about it, and how they could make arrangements. Say, they could make plans so that, in future, he could handle distributing and collecting some Miraculous. Maybe even storing them separately so they're not all in the same place, liable to ALL get stolen if one is like in the season 3 finale - his petulance here doesn't feel, to me, like a character flaw, but a writing flaw.
Oh, and while we're at it, maybe stop trying to claim that the identity reveal/them dating (which could easily be two separate things, but no, let's just have two alternate timeline episodes essentially exploring the same concept instead of any real shakeup of that formula, except the second one ontributes even less to the overall plot than the first because this time nobody knows anything about it) would lead to Gabriel winning/end of the world, because 1) their relationship is the hook of the show, your unique selling point, and you've already made clear that it's endgame, and 2) it's blatantly false, in both instances it was because Gabriel found out, which had almost nothing to do with any of it - you're telling me that Gabriel catches them because he overhears Adrien say "my Lady", which could easily just be, like, him emulating Cat Noir, or SO many other things, yet he's never simply overheard Adrien talking to Plagg? The problem has NOTHING to do with the relationship, and trying to force us to think that with Cat Blanc and Ephemeral is just insulting.
More rambling. Point is: I want content that recognises both the flaws and merits of the characters in a positive way, and recognises that the failures are a product of the writing - whilst also recognising that the writing has done a LOT of cool stuff.
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astraltrickster · 2 years
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I posted 2,203 times in 2021
154 posts created (7%)
2049 posts reblogged (93%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 13.3 posts.
I added 1,940 tags in 2021
#fate - 435 posts
#funny tag - 272 posts
#persona - 194 posts
#p5 - 191 posts
#animals - 183 posts
#memes - 165 posts
#fandom - 131 posts
#cats - 129 posts
#videos - 124 posts
#what do i even tag this - 116 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#sieg: ''....hey wait a second don't cold temperatures actually not have anything to do with catching a cold??? isn't this a coincidence???''
My Top Posts in 2021
Reasons to read the Apocrypha novels #673:
Sieg has canonically been kicked out of bed by both of his teased love interests while they slept.
As in, physically, knocked out of the bed.
This is implied to be a recurring problem.
88 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 09:46:57 GMT
"Villain is largely right BUT they went way too far": bad. Stop. Get rid of it.
"Villain went way too far BUT we can't keep pretending what drove them there is wrong": GOOD SHIT
92 notes • Posted 2021-07-30 22:35:22 GMT
Before Dragonspine:
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After Dragonspine:
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92 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 03:53:28 GMT
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214 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 05:34:55 GMT
So when I made the big post about the disability themes in Fate/Apocrypha I expected a few people to be surprised by realizing that, for all its fantasy elements, Sieg's condition does parallel some that can exist in reality - but what caught me off guard is that I've seen a couple of people surprised by me calling Astolfo neurodivergent. Not objecting to it, but being like "oh I'm not the only one who thought that??"
And I just
that is not subtext
Like - I can't give you a real-world equivalent diagnosis for Evaporation of Reason, but it certainly falls under the neurodivergency umbrella and, as you see, even has a name in its own universe.
We are shown and outright told, again and again and again, in dialogue, in narration, in illustrative actions, that this means Astolfo does not think like most people on a fundamental level. He has his own internal sense of...I guess you could call it logic, though I don't think it's the best word in this case because when applied to human decision-making it kind of implies that he thinks about his actions, when a lot of the point is that he doesn't, in fact he hates doing that, but more on that later - but that sense of logic is pretty incomprehensible to most people (illustrated on a meta level by the fact that a lot of the fandom and even some of the FGO writing team still treats him as a shallow meme despite us actually getting a pretty good look at how his internal logic works throughout Apoc). He has very nearly no impulse control - which is a very common trait of a lot of forms of neurodivergency in reality, and oh, let's not forget, it's that extremely realistic trait that set the entire plot in motion! He's not book-smart, but he's absurdly people-smart, even when he's not. His memory is...weird and selective - he managed to forget the name of his own Noble Phantasm (THAT SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE) but remembered what he threw up the first time he regained his reason. His emotions are amplified and he shows them freely - and usually he is overwhelmingly happy.
Also, let's not forget that while it may be less of a trait of Evaporation of Reason in its own right and more just a result of his effectively nonexistent inhibitions (or it could be its own trait, we don't know, this one isn't really shown as being one way or the other!), he's super tactile with (nearly) anyone who doesn't show discomfort with it. Oh, and if you know how much so in the anime? That was downplayed! For just one example -
Novel, emphasis mine:
Rider tilted his head in doubt. In this situation, what should he do to express the fact that he is a friend? After puzzling over it for a while, he decided to wrap his arms around him and, while resting the boy's head on his own chest, said.
"You know what I mean, don't you? Nobody here is going to hurt you. I'm here, right now, to help you get your wish."
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"idk, that sounds kinda gay - i mean hard to animate" - the director, probably
So, yes. Astolfo is, plain text, neurodivergent. That's not a headcanon, that's just There.
So with that established let's talk about how it's presented, since I haven't before: it's...surprisingly good! Really good, in fact! Because for all it's played for laughs, the bottom line of the story is that it is unquestionably a good thing. It has its drawbacks (see: the selective memory issue), people by large do not understand it, some even look down on it, but at the end of the day it is a major part of the core of Astolfo's being - the person who is both shown and stated to be the ideal paladin, the truest hero of the story. It is what sets the entire plot in motion. His life is, undeniably, better this way than if he were neurotypical. Everyone around him knows it - and he knows it.
Remember, he had the chance to change it permanently. Some say he had a lingering moment and forgot his wits on the moon, ha ha, so silly after he went all that way to find them - but he didn't forget. He regained them; he started thinking about his adventures on a rational level - about all the danger and absurd odds he'd faced, about his own weakness, about the idea that he could be putting his loved ones at risk by rushing into danger while being so weak, he began to question everything about his life, and he was so terrorized by it that it made him physically sick, which he remembers in excruciating, disgusting detail to this day - and he said "no, I don't want this, I want to keep living the way I have been, it has worked out fine and I trust it to continue to" and threw them away. That was his conscious choice: to refuse to conform, to refuse to change, despite the drawbacks, because the benefits outweighed them - and because this was just who he was.
Oh, and there is no implied strict link between this and his fashion sense. He does not change to a more masculine look on the new moon, nor does he show any sort of embarrassment at what he's wearing. If anything, maybe it's what let him understand that he was, in fact, allowed to wear whatever he found cute and wasn't obligated to be 100% a man 100% of the time - which...is something a lot of neurodivergent trans and nonbinary people feel happened to us, how about that!
In conclusion:
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284 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 10:40:59 GMT
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done-dm · 5 years
Talks Machina Summary: Episodes 76, 77, and Dalen's Closet
In lieu of the usual pre-show entertainment, we were graced with lovely imagery and music from Sounds of the Wildmother Vol. 1.
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The next episode of Between the Sheets is Monday, September 26 with Felisha Day. The VOD is available the following Wednesday.
There is NO episode of Critical Role this week. There will also be no episode of Talks Machina the following week (because no episode), but the Tavern Keeper Builder livestream will take up that timeslot.
Critrole Stats
Bread was mentioned 52 times in episode 76.
Jester's 100th message spell was cast during episode 77.
Ten days passed between Caleb's first and last conversation with the scourger.
Episode 76 and 77 tie for most dm face palms with 14 each.
Laura took the longest to come up with Jester's new character art. She drew out the outfit (somewhat poorly) and the artist took it from there. Laura wanted her to look more and more like the Traveler and dress a little more like an adult
Liam wanted Caleb to look less frazzled and more grim/determined in his new character art.
Jester is not aware that sharing your problems is not something to be ashamed of despite helping the other members of the M9 do exactly that. She doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that she has problems in the first place.
Caleb isn't sure that Essek trusts him, and he doesn't really trust Essek either. He thinks Essek has his own reasons for helping Caleb. Essek could be trying to stack up favors, get him under his thumb, acting as a mole, etc.
Jester's perspective on the Traveler has not changed despite her hearing the Traveler's following referred to as a cult.
Caleb feels like the group is clever enough to meet the needs of everyone that they're dealing with (despite the fact that they've been calling in several favors, particularly from Essek). It's a longshot, but he's trying to broker some kind of peace and needs to stay in everyone's good graces in order to do so.
Essek hurt Jester's feelings when he said he had nothing to learn from her. She tried to hide it from the others. Jester doesn't know who she is right now and that's starting to register with her for the first time.
Caleb has been thinking about the Scourgers for years. He wondered what state somebody would be in after years as a Scourger since he escaped that life early. He also wanted to know if anyone who had gone through that was a lost cause (Astrid and Eowulf in particular). There's still a lot of self-loathing, but Caleb understands that he was manipulated. The Scourger he interrogated was younger than him, so if he was any hope for himself he had to offer that to her as well. He also thinks about Yasha and would be quicker to make excuses for her than he would for himself.
Jester fully believes the Gentleman is her father. She thinks he doesn't care about her, but thinks she can convince him that he is her father eventually. She has no plans to tell the others about his refusal to acknowledge her.
Liam mimes using a shake weight. I expect the gifs to be entertaining.
Caleb has a newfound confidence in facing his past now that he has powerful friends, lots of assets, are in the pocket of a queen, etc. Liam wasn't sure where Caleb would be at this point in the campaign. The group is too persuasive as a family for him to walk away and cause Caleb to go down the other paths Liam thought were a possibility.
Jester thinks it's weird that no one else can see the Traveler, but she chalks it up to him being awesome and powerful.
Caleb made himself look like Trent to avoid looking at him and because Trent is enemy #1, so it made sense to Caleb to put that on hinself.
Jester's main example of people helping others is her mom, so she tries to emulate that: hence the motherly behavior towards her friends in the more recent episodes.
There was a question about Caleb's use of the transmuter's stone that I totally missed, whoops!
Jester expects the Traveler Con to be a really awesome celebration where she will be asked to host a few panels. Although, she obviously doesn't know all the details yet.
Liam pulled that line about the porcelain cats out of his ass. Now it's cannon that Caleb has 9 of them.
Jester finds it hard to be the messenger that everyone relies on. Scrying on Yasha was particularly difficult for her (considering the recent... incident). Laura is thankful Matt will repeat information instead of only relying solely on Jester's ability to convey it.
Caleb wants dunamancy knowledge for the sake of knowledge and also because he wants to manipulate time.
Jester feels like she's doing a pretty lousy job of getting more followers for the Traveler, especially since Fjord was actively looking for a god to follow.
Dalen's Closet Stats/Questions
Vex is the only member of vox machina to get hdywtdt on both Sylas an Delilah Briarwood.
Grog called Derrig four names other than his actual name during the course of the episode.
Liam did know that Sam intended to make Vax the wedding gift. Sam texted Matt and Liam to be sure they were okay with it first. Liam felt like he was playing Vax as an NPC at this point. Matt has told him a little bit about where Vax is at, but it was up to Liam to decide exactly what Vax was at this point.
Laura says it feels "fucking awesome" to be responsible for the deaths of both Briarwoods. Laura thinks of Vex/Percy and Delilah/Sylas as two side of the same coin since she would "pull a Delilah" if something happened to Percy.
The bone on Vax's shoulder was a physical manifestation of his tattoo of Keyleth's antlers. It was the one part of his humanity the Raven Queen couldn't control.
Liam was inspired by the short story "The Jaunt" when deciding how Vax was going to appear at the wedding. Vax has been gone for a year, but that doesn't mean he's experiencing time the same way as the rest of Vox Machina.
Laura fully thought Vax would come back exactly the same as he was when he died. Liam thought that all of Vax's decisions needed to have consequences.
Laura and Liam both feel like this one shot was the end of Vox Machina's story.
It felt good for Laura and Liam to be "twinsies" again.
Vex would have reacted differently if Vesper was at the wedding instead of alseep. She didn't bring it up to avoid giving Sylas another weakness to exploit.
Liam could accept every other member of Vox Machina dying except for Vex because "he made a deal."
Names of Derrig's family members (please note that I totally guessed on spelling): his wife is Nell; his three girls are Baroni(?), Litan, and Maeve; and his son is named Will.
Sam and Marisha both thought they were Taliesin's/Percy's best man. They told Sam he was next to Vex and he had to rewrite his speech (he had one prepared Percy). Laura didn't write down the wedding vows ahead of time, but did prepare them beforehand .
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oh-law-d-he-comin · 5 years
DECK Prompts, Day 2
September, Year 1
  Law is 11, and all morning one thought has been on his mind. Gryffindor. I'm gonna be in Gryffindor. It's there when he fumbles the barrier-crossing at King’s Cross and slams into a mere brick wall, making his first ride one in the staff car, getting his head checked for concussions. It's there when he blows his allowance on the food cart right before the Express reaches its destination, chocolates and jellybeans spilling from his arms as he hurries after the crowd. It's there when he gets scolded for the first time (but certainly not the last), chatting at a nearby student during the sorting ceremony. (It doesn't count, he assures himself. What are they gonna do, take points from a House he hasn't been placed in yet?)
  It's nothing big, he just considers himself pretty brave, or foolhardy, or both, and to be honest that's the same as half the kids there already. His mother was a Gryffindor, a Head Girl in her time no less (though if push came to shove he wouldn't mind Ravenclaw, his father's house). Besides, really he just likes the colors. If he ended up anywhere else he'd have to switch his favorite scarf, and what's he supposed to do about his eyes?
  “Law Kiyuu!” rings out the call, and he is so glad they didn't use his full name, enough that it overrides sorting excitement for a moment. Maybe coming here with the teachers was good luck? Most of them seem nice, if not exasperated, but he knows he has that effect on people, especially adults, which is weird because they should be smarter than the kids and why don't they appreciate his facts then? But the one lady was really nice about listening to his tirade on necromancy, which has been on his mind recently after Drav showed him that book and-
  He's on the stage before he knows it, and now that he is, there's no time to waste. Law looks out into the crowd, beaming, and jams the Sorting Hat on so hard it covers half his face. He doesn't have to, though. The moment it even comes close to his head, the hat’s mind is made:
  That's right, Gryffind- wait wait wait, excuse me? He pauses halfway through putting the hat down and slams it back on, flailing an arm out at the teacher trying to stop him. What, no deliberating? No, I don't know, taking my opinion into account? Ravenclaw I'd get, Hufflepuff maybe, but the snake emporium??? Was I thinking too much about Corvy? Do you have screws loose in your nonexistent head?
  “If you have a stick of celery, half an onion, and one carrot, but a pile of tomatoes, what flavor is the soup going to end up?”
  The hat huffs irritably. “You have dreams, yes? Like everyone else? The difference between them and you is simply that one day, young man, you will-”
  And then the hat is ripped off his head, he gets a very stern warning, and Law has to find a new favorite scarf.
September, Year 2
  Law is 12, and he's got a cat! A black kitten, the kind that suits him in both wizard and Muggle dress, a very nice kitty who's large and fluffy and follows him around everywhere he goes (and he always has been a sucker for aesthetics). His housemates attribute the unnerving upturn in mood to the fluffball bearing some weird Muggle name, and they're right: for the first two months back, he doesn't leave the cat behind for anything, not even Transfiguration.
  Even for Hogwarts, the kid is kind of weird. There's whispers that his summer job is at the Ministry, that his fingers were lost while encountering a ghoul, that he likes Defense Against the Dark Arts so much because he can come up with ways to counter the counters. His best buddy is a purebred Slytherin, heir to a noble estate, a researcher of necromancy. Thrice he's been caught wandering into the forest, the castle ghosts avoid him lest he trap them in conversation again, he notices things too much and holds his tongue too little. Most of all, the shining silver and green scarf feels wrong on that smiling face. It's unnerving.
  So he's friends with his cat, and his “vampire” (as he so kindly calls her), and his parents, who have gotten him a record for “most Howlers sent in a year”. And he never ever stops trying to be friends with the rest of the school.
January, Year 3
  “If you put me on that broom I will die,” Law proudly asserts, digging his heels into the ground and scratching futilely at the wall in an attempt to hold on. He's 13 now, and this is shaping up to be the third year in a row he'll fail Flying—even now he's out after classes getting an unsuccessful bonus lesson. “There are sixty-one ways magical flight can go wrong and I'm not even talking about the individual kinds of injuries and sure, you'd think what's a little more to the guy who broke every limb in his body back in October then tripped down the stairs the moment he got out of the med bay but I draw the line at three things and they are brooms, bugs, and milk, which probably explains the broken bones but luckily they will not be broken today!”
  “At this rate you'll never be accepted into an Apparition class, you know.” The flying teacher sighs and rubs her temples, letting go of the boy and watching as he instantly sinks to the ground with the broom he's been given. I don't get paid enough for this.
  “Perfectly fine by me! Do you know how easily the human body can stop working? Leave an arm behind, that's one thing, but what if you splinch a lung or your cerebellum or half your blood and whoa, shazam, dead witchard on the floor! I was born with feet and they still work and I use them and I'll keep using them, all the more powder or brooms or whatever for the rest of-” He cuts off with a yelp as he’s levitated nearly ten feet in the air, making comically ineffective swimming motions in an attempt to get back down.
  “Ma'am! Teach! I am begging you to let me down, this is a once in a lifetime plea, please for the love of all that is good and holy and you know what I'll also invoke the dark and unholy for this one, please!”
  “Calm down, Mr. Kiyuu, you are perfectly safe. This is simply to get you used to being in the air, nothing more.” She's perfectly calm, but Law isn't—he drops the broom, replaces it in his hand with a wand, frantically whispers a series of words.
1) Law Kiyuu spends the next two weeks in the hospital wing recovering from no less than six fractured bones and a concussion, sustained in his fall from over five meters up.
2) A new effect of a failed Stunning Spell is recorded in the books, and flying lessons for the quarter are finished by a substitute teacher.
3) Slytherin never recovers from the points lost, and finishes the year dead last in the House Cup.
March, Year 4
  Law is 14, and he is standing in the boy’s bathroom, and his wand is shooting sparks like a particularly rambunctious firework from where it is just about snapped in two. The fountain, two shower heads, and a whole row of sinks are busy covering the floor in water, having fought a valiant battle against the wand and lost. Draven and Tsubasa are shooting a mixture of disappointed and shocked glares at him from the entrance, and as far as he can tell it looks like they're debating whether or not to leave him for the wolves.
  He needed a new wand anyways, he thinks. The old one didn't vibe with him.
  The disappointment radiates off Ollivander in waves when the boy walks in, sheepishly placing two halves of a wand on the counter. “I, um! It's broken!” he announces in an uncharacteristically short statement.
  “I can see that. What torture have you put your poor friend through?” the man asks, tracing one of the many scratches in the wood with a sigh.
  “So before I say anything, it's not my fault, which is to say it's sort of my fault, but only sort of, mind you! And if it helps the other guy got it way worse- not a real guy either, which is a relief from an I-don't-wanna-go-to-prison standpoint, but perhaps not from a place of my pride, but neither of those are the point. I understand that this is a positively unforgivable crime, simple unbelievable, totally unacceptable, and yet! I implore a new wand from thee.”
  Ollivander says nothing, simply lining a row of boxes up before Law with a look that says Next time you will be banned from the shop. Fluent in cold gazes by now, Law merely nods enthusiastically and begins going through his choices.
  “Yes? Yeah? This one?”
  “Certainly not.”
  “It's gotta be this one, it's making noises, none of the other ones did, oh hey, is that smoke?”
  “Noises of discomfort, Mr. Kiyuu. Next.”
  “This one! I am so sorry about your table, but you saw the sparks, it's my best friend already!”
  “...Black walnut… dragon heartstring… thirteen and a half inches… flexible… yes, I suppose it would work. Do that again, this time away from the flammable objects.”
  Law concentrates on the wand and does the theatrical swishy motion he's been doing, letting out a stream of bright sparks. Look at it! It's got to be his, it already knows what he's going to be using it for! He glances back up.
  “Dragon… like the last one, right? Is it still okay? Will this one blow up too, because that'd be a shame, it seems so smart and I can appreciate another brain even if it's not a physical brain brain because even without neurons I bet it's better than mine.”
  “Yes, Hebridean Black to be precise. Quite frankly I cannot imagine any other core, ah, working with you.”
  When he returns to the dorm, several coins lighter but weighed down with sweets and japery supplies galore, Draven lends him her book on wand materials as he recounts the day’s adventures. Dragon heartstrings are dramatic, suitable for flashy spells and temperamental wielders, it says. Oh.
November, Year 5
  It's Defense Against the Dark Arts time, and Law is now 15, and he is so incredibly stoked to be learning about dementors. They're dark! They wear cool hooded cloaks! They kill people! The cure is chocolate! If it were a slightly different timeline, he might dare say kin. (He still would, his Muggleborn parents have nothing against the Internet, it's just that nobody would understand.)
  The students line up to try and fire off a Patronus, and even as he throws off someone's happy thought with overexcited jumping about, Law is totally in his element. He all but pushes the student before him out of the way as they finish, pulling a memory of New Year's morning with family to the front of his mind and brandishing his wand with a shout (for good measure). A cat jumps from the tip, glowing silver like the other apparitions yet dark enough to obviously be a black one. It fizzles out partway across the room, but it's stunningly similar to Law’s own kitty, enough that for a moment he's worried Ryuk is dead and that was a ghost.
  Expecto Patronum becomes his favorite spell, practiced late at night as his dormmates throw pillows at him to shut off the glow. “What's better than one cat but two cats?” is his reply every time he fires off another unnecessary burst of joyous thoughts and watches Ryuk’s confused sniffing at a light doppelgänger. He's got a lot of joyous thoughts, so this can go all night!
  It actually goes three nights before Law gets bored. Which is good, because the dormmates were starting to pay attention during Herbology and Potions whenever poison came up.
February, Year 6
  Law is 16, and it's Valentine’s Day, and all week long he has been waiting for chocolate time to roll around. So right now he should be drowning his nonexistent sorrows in cacao and caffeine and endless amounts of sugar, clearly.
  Instead he is in the fucking Forbidden Forest, holding a fucking shovel, burying a fucking body with his best friends. What a great team bonding activity!
  To make it clear, he did not kill this body. None of them killed this body. They simply… acquired it from Drav’s father, as a… Christmas gift? or something like that, and something was said and prides were insulted and mistakes were made and they have just witnessed (read: done) a deeply traumatic attempt at raising the dead. The details are hazy around the edges, and to be honest Law couldn't care less about how they got into this, only how they'll get out of it.
  “Let's feed it to something,” he whines into his shovel, hands aching and the usually calming sounds of the forest only irritations to his ears. “Aren't there supposed to be spiders in this here woods? It's not like anyone comes in here often enough to matter, we could just leave it in a ditch and go heeeere spidey spidey and never have to touch another six foot hole ever again until we go graverobbing next time.”
  “Excellent idea,” Tsubasa deadpans back. “Let's feed it to a something that would also see us as food.”
  “C’mooooon, haven't you ever seen zombie movies? They always go for the weakest one, which is by default the literal dead guy, so we'd be home free before anything even thought about coming after us-”
  A pebble thunks against his hand, thrown from inside the hole. “Less talking, more digging, Law. While this corpse may be under my possession, you had a hand in requiring this labor, I would hope you have enough responsibility to own up to it.”
  Law groans, resumes poking at the dirt, and an hour later the deed is done. Mr. Corpse has been laid to rest, never to walk again.
  Until three seconds later, when the soil starts shifting. Correction: Mr. Zombie. (Double correction: Mr. Inferius.)
  All three manage not to scream at the sudden movement, but they do share looks conveying something along the lines of what the hell. “So, did you say, making Inferi might have a time lag or something along those lines did you say that Ms. Countess or is this a Bad Thing or is there a time lag and this is also coincidentally a bad thing…?”
  “Indeed, I would presume this is a “bad thing”, as you put it.” A hand pokes up out of the recently overturned dirt, waving almost comically in the air. The children book it.
  ...It's probably okay! They haven't heard any tales of the walking dead recently—even if the teachers are starting to suspect things from their local serial trespasser staying a stone’s throw away from the forest no matter what.
September, Year 7
  Law is 17 now, and it's his first year here, he thinks? Huh, that's weird, the doors won't open… and hey, those must be the other kids!
  A strangely unthreatening, fuzzy mascot chortles from its spot atop the stage. “I'm your new headmaster now—and we're going to play a game!”
  God FUCKING dammit.
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mugoki · 3 years
[ 5 March — 14 March, 2021 ]
1K Pages Readathon wrap-up
Here are all the books i read for #1kpagesmarch challenge! 💗
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Total pages read: 1104 / 1000 (if my math is correct)
Here are my book reviews:
The Old King in His Exile (2017) by Arno Geiger
Arno Geiger tell in great detail of his father's slow change into dementia, how his strange behavior and mannerism suddenly isn't made to fit in their everyday life, as if he'd been put in exile. But also of his father's childhood, in a way to explain the new ideas and needs the illness put in the old man's head. Beautiful story of a man struggling to chase his memories as the world around turn stranger. 180 pages 🌟 4/5 stars
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Diary (1956) by Olof Lagercrantz
Went into this book blind, don't think i've read this author's books before. Idk, i couldn't get into it. The text doesn't feel 100% genuine, feels written specifically for an audience instead of personal journal and even if the language is poetic - is like uninteresting smalltalk. Olof lives near a graveyard, and when he isn't thinking deeply about death and life, he mention cute women he has seen during the day. I dropped this book at 55 pages read (out of 159 pages), giving it 1/5 stars 🌟
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111 Ways to Save the Planet (2019) by Jonna Karvonen and Marie Schjulström
111 listed ways to save the environment as a single human being! First the book tell of the bigger picture, if each person change their old ways and educate, we are bound to make a difference. If not for everyone else, at least do it for the animals.
I haven't read much environmental books but after some severe signs of our dying earth lately, i felt i wanted to do something but had no idea what. Found myself incredibly inspired by this book! Many of the points speaks to different kind of people: like the regular joe or the broke student or the business owner or a parent. Like the book have something that everyone can do within their own restrictions and boundaries.
I used post-its to remember a few points that spoke to me. 92 pages and 5/5 stars 🌟
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Aniara (1956) by Harry Martinson
Tried reading this sci-fi novel after watching a super interesting youtube movie review, but the language of the book made me too impatient to continue. The concept sound insanely good though! The spaceship Aniara on its way to Mars suddenly end up off course and hover indefinitely waiting for an asteroid to help turn them back, but as the years go by, the passengers grow more desperate and crazier.
When reached chapter 15 (out of 200) i felt frustrated, like "i can't go on like this". Got myself through only 32 pages out 188 pages before calling it quits. 2/5 stars 🌟
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Homework (1989) by various authors*
Anthology short stories about childhood school memories from early 1910s up to 1960s. Very interesting how school looked, worked and felt like during those days - more god praising and physical punishment than i far expected. But every story had something i enjoyed reading. 223 pages, 4/5 stars 🌟
*Bengt Anderberg, Mats Arvidsson, Sun Axelsson, Jonas Gardell, Lotten Gustafsson, Staffan Göthe, Cecilia Hagen, P. C. Jersild, Nina Lekander, Bodil Malmsten, Agneta Pleijel, Margareta Strömstedt, Maarja Talgre, Karl Vennberg, Claire Wikholm, Herta Wirén and Pia Zandelin. Editor: Lena Persson.
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Desperate Characters (1970) by Paula Fox
Sophie and Otto are a married couple in their 40s. She is a bit naive or at least timid while he is cynical and bad at showing emotions.
Sophie gets bitten pretty severely by a wild cat, and for some reason she doesn't want medical attention. I think it's because the bite is the most exciting thing happening to her life since forever, or maybe she just doesn't want to be a bother? So she let it become infected spreading up her arm, but with the pain, her personality changes from being someone passive - to being able to argue, angry and be loud.
Meanwhile Otto has a problem of his own. His longtime business partner and friend Charlie has decided to start his own lawyer company. Charlie manipulate their customers to turn their back on Otto and join his new company. At first Otto is very cold about this, as if he doesn't care but as the story progresses he slowly open up how betrayed and hurt he feels about the whole ordeal.
Other stuff happen in between, memories of when Sophie had a secret romance with someone else, their house get vandalized, they go to dinner parties.
All the other characters speak in this weird similiar manner btw - they hold monologues about something that leads to another topic that leads to another, then back to the first one. It reminds me of the theater somehow. 182 pages and 3/5 stars 🌟
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It is Strange Nowadays (2009) by Karin Flygare
Birgitta cares for her mother who slowly succumbing to dementia. It's ugly and tragic and frustrating, but also beautiful. When suddenly becoming a mother for her own mother, Birgitta finds herself struggling to maintain her own identity and life to care for a woman who is rude, reluctant and downright bothersome towards her with constant need for attention. I quote "Even though i'm worried, i'm angry over the fact that she's ruining my day." and i can't help feeling frustrated with her. Every waking moment, always calling, taking care of everything and still get no recognition. But also a child's love for their parent, staying through everything despite getting hurt. I can relate so much with my own life situation.
I know this is fiction but it all sounds so realistic, and even the care-home process feel well researched. At one point, the agent of a low quality home tries to sign themselves as their legal guardian for her mother, but luckily she is quick to notice and makes herself present. Good job! Also, good book! 207 pages and 5/5 stars 🌟
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The Sea-man (2012) by Carl-John Wallgren
A big sister witness how some guys at school drench a cat in gasoline and sets it on fire, killing it. This leads to the bullies to daily harass her little brother who has slight intellectual disability. One day they get jumped, the brother is forced to eat dirt and the big sister get a branch shoved up her rear (no joke, wtf). Then another classmate shows up and bargain to leave them alone in exchange for something. The bullies want $100. The big sister and classmate start stealing clothes from shops to resell them. I only read to page 106 out of 287, when the sea creature finally gave an appearance. But by then they had already payed the bullies and gotten rid of the conflict. I felt exhausted and unmotivated to continue. 1/5 stars
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In the Grip of the Lindworm (2014) by Hans Ohlsson
One of many horror stories from his novel collection called Stranger, Intruder. The story tells of a grandfather taking his granddaughter on a three day hike through mountains and forest, as a pick-me-up after a recent accident took both her parents. She is bitten by a snake during her pee break and start getting really sick. We feel stressed with grandfather as he tries to find help before it's too late. It's based on a Swedish mythological creature called Lindworm, which could bring both luck or misfourtune. Never heard of it causing illness but wish he would have filled in some info instead of relying on the reader to automatically know. I'm definitely going to continue reading this collection though! 4/5 stars and 27 pages 🌟
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