#All because the school we went to did illegal shit with the tuition
snorlaxlovesme · 11 months
wait wait no you definitely have to explain how you ended up sending hate mail to a priest, I need to know how that went down
OH lmao
I went to a k-8 Catholic school that was getting smaller and smaller every year. tuition for private schools is expensive, not everyone wants to sent their kids to a religious school just to get them a good education etc etc. so by 7th grade we only had about 130 kids left in the entire school and like NO money.
so the archdiocese told us they were going to shut down our school. BUT, if we were able to raise enough money, our school would be saved. they told us this devastating news sometime after the new year, and we had until the end of the school year, so we only had a few months. but through donations and fundraising and a ton of heart we managed to raise $100k for our school, which we were told was enough to keep it open.
but apparently only about 100 kids had enrolled for the following year. we were so focused on getting the money that we weren't focusing on the student enrollment side of things. but we were told multiple times by our priest that if we raised the money, our school would be saved.
so all of us were celebrating like crazy when we heard that we had raised enough money! for weeks we all thought we were in the clear!
so for our priest to have to tell us that no, our school would be closing regardless of the money we'd raised, was crushing. he'd known that the money wasn't enough for a long time, but didn't know how to tell us, so he kept quiet.
now our priest was a younger (like 40-something), relatable, fun guy. he was amazing to have as a leader for a Catholic school because he was so kind to the students and easy to get along with. he was really great at getting his homilies across to kids so we could all understand their message. my family in particular really loved him and had a great relationship with him. my younger sister totally loved him and would make my mom buy sugar-free candy bars to give to him after church (he was diabetic). he used to roller skate in the park by our house with his black lab and we'd be so happy to see him and pet his dog.
so to find out that he LIED to us was D E V A S T A T I N G. our school was closing after all that work the kids and their families put in. we were going to lose our best friends, our favorite teachers, it felt like losing home, especially at such a young age when you've been surrounded by these people almost all your life.
me and my little sister were stuck in the Anger stage in the five steps of grief for a LONG time. and we were aiming it all at him. for getting our hopes up. for encouraging us. for telling us it was going to be alright. for not telling us immediately when he knew our efforts were in vain. so my little sister (4th grade) and I (7th grade) decided to write what we would consider "strongly worded letters" and what any sane person would see as "hate mail" to our priest.
each were about two pages long. calling him a coward. calling him a liar. saying how disappointed we were in him for how he'd let us down. absolutely scathing things to hear children say to you, mind you. we knew he'd know it was from 2 students, but we wanted to remain anonymous. we signed them like you would a Dear Abby letter, like "signed, A Student You Let Down" or some shit like that. i don't remember what we chose, but they were harsh.
here's the thing though.
when addressing the letters to the church's rectory (where our priest lived), we added return addresses to our letters.
i don't know what i was thinking. maybe that it was illegal to send a letter without a return address and the post office wouldn't send it? that he wouldn't go through the trouble of looking up the address in the school's system?
what i do know is a few days later my mom received a call from the school saying that our priest wanted to have a meeting with her and her two daughters at our earliest convenience, and she did not know why.
my poor mother had to sit in our church's cry room with us and be informed that her precocious kids had written hate mail to their priest and were also dumb enough to get caught. to our priest's credit, he didn't even really scold us for shitty things we said and spent most of the time apologizing to us while we sat quietly in our seats stewing with rage. i don't think we spoke the entire time.
after the school closed he "was reassigned" (quit) and we got a new priest for our church. he moved to a new parish somewhere north of here. i hear he's doing fine, just celebrated some sort of priestly anniversary. he doesn't come back to visit out parish ever.
it's been 16 YEARS since that incident, but my mom literally brought it up tonight while we were out to dinner as a family. i guess you don't forget shit like that lol
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vin-taege · 4 years
low expectations | 3
summary: after disappearing for six years to pursue law, you come back to Seoul, only to be hired by Jeon Jungkook, tattoo artist on the rise, and your high school ex
genre: angst, eventual smut, l2e2l (lovers to enemies [kinda?] to lovers)
pairing: tattoo artist!jungkook x lawyer!reader
words: 3k+
note: i am back
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"Mmm holy shit, I missed bread," You stared at Taehyung, who was shamelessly stuffing croissant after croissant in his face. Jimin sipped his latte awkwardly. Jungkook was back in his usual reserved state, silent, though visibly disturbed by Taehyung's lack of table etiquette. The whole table was captivated by the tattoo artist's seemingly never ending appetite, and at this point, Jungkook began to regret letting him borrow his credit card. Namjoon was first to break the silence. 
"So," he cleared his throat. "We came up with a list of possible suspects. The cocaine packet we found was already sent to a facility for DNA testing.”
"It's not exactly a list. More like one person," you got the case file out your bag. What back then was a thin folder filled with a singular page was now filled with paperclips and slightly dishevelled pages - the fruit of your research with Namjoon. You took the picture you printed out of the Gwangju rapper and put it beside a recent picture of Jung. "Don't these two conveniently look alike?" 
Jungkook leaned in to get a closer look, eyes straining to grasp any familiar features he could pick up from the low quality print. Suddenly, Yoongi jolted up, snatching the picture from the table. "How did you get this?"
"You know him?"
"Yeah, it's Hoseok. He went under the name 'J-Hope' back then until he just disappeared."
Taehyung hacked back a cough, a huge chunk of bread lodging itself in his throat. Jimin thumped him worriedly on the back, waving the rest of you off to ignore them. You continued questioning Yoongi." Joon, write this down. Can you elaborate on that?"
"I went against him back then Gyeongsangnam."
"He sucked ass."
"No, I mean, what happened after? Did you notice anything interesting about him? Something out of place?"
"Oh, well... From what I recall, he does look awfully a lot like Minho. Almost the same person. It's weird because they have the same last name too."
Namjoon shared a wary look with you. "Changing identities is very common for people in the illegal drugs industry. I'll get someone from the firm to run a background check on him."
You nodded. "Anything else?"
"I remember the police coming to raid the place. You know how there are some underground rapping contests? Ours was really underground. No ads, only word of mouth. You have to know someone there to get in. So we knew someone must've fucked up real bad for the police to get involved."
That's why you couldn't find any musical records or history on him. Namjoon was typing away at his laptop, seemingly getting the same idea.
"To be fair, nothing we did was illegal. The competition, the prize money, all legal. But that wasn't the problem. The problem was they caught Hoseok possessing marijuana. They shut everything down and took him with them. Never seen him ever since."
Everyone went silent again - even Taehyung ceased his coughing. Namjoon finished typing, readjusting his glasses." What year did that happen?"
"Somewhere in 2013. I think it was in April?"
"You mean to say,"  Jimin spoke up. "This Hoseok guy coincidentally disappeared six months before Soliloqy opened?”
Your jaw dropped, Namjoon mirroring your shocked expression. The tattoo artists looked at you in confusion, not getting what the big fuss was about. You lightly backhanded Namjoon on the chest, “Our theory’s plausible.”
“What theory?” Jungkook cut in. He wasn’t too worried about the case at first, but now that there were mentions of underground drug deals, he felt a bigger threat lurking around in the shadows. He just wants to be left alone - doesn’t want to lose the shop he risked everything for. 
“Hoseok and Minho are the same guy. We don’t have enough evidence to prove this, but we’ll continue to dig into it. The drugs, the blurry photos, Minho rarely seen outside and when he is, he’s always wearing a mask - these all scream fishy to me,” you paused to slide the pictures back into the folder, returning it into your bag. 
Taehyung slurped noisily on his iced tea. “This is some Scoobydoo shit.” He tapped his fork on his plate, confused to be met with the clinking of silverware. Bread crumbs and smears of strawberry jam greeted him, making him pout. Tugging Jungkook’s sleeve, he pointed his fork at his empty plate. “I’m all out.”
“Jesus Christ,” Jungkook rolled his eyes. He dug his credit card out his wallet for the nth time and placed it on Taehyung’s side. The older boy looked expectantly at him. “Well?”
“Can’t you buy it for me?”
“Oh my god-”
“I’ll buy it for you,” you smiled endearingly at Taehyung. He grinned back at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Jungkook stilled, an unreadable expression on his face. Without waiting for him to respond, you stood up, leaving the table and stood in line at the counter. 
To your surprise, Jungkook followed after you, taking his place behind you in line. “You don’t have to. He’s already spent over 30 000 won on pastries, and it’s only been two hours.”
“Oh come on, you’re acting as if we weren’t close back in high school,” you froze, realizing how wrong your words might have sounded. Back then, you could read him like an open book. Knew exactly what would set him up, where his boundaries were. But now, it was like walking on eggshells around him. 
“Yeah,” he mumbled, cheeks pink. “Maybe I should cut you some slack,” he said more to himself than to you.
"Yeah," you mimicked him. "Maybe you should."
"Seriously. I appreciate it. I appreciate you taking the case even after what happened between us back then," But the thing is, you didn't know it was him in the first place. It was unfair for him to think so highly of you. You knew you didn't deserve his kind words. Jungkook didn't change a bit - he was still shit at holding grudges. 
6 years ago
"Where are you?" Jungkook sobbed into the phone. Taehyung peered at him worriedly from the living room. The walls of his small dorm were thin, and Jungkook's side of the conversation was enough for him to piece together what you two were arguing about. "You promised."
"Tell her I'll come with you," he said, after a minute of silence. "I'll even work for her. I'll take the job offer she gave me. Please don't leave me."
He was so close to tearing his hair out. It's been a week since he last talked to you - you've been ignoring his calls and texts, Taehyung didn't know where you were, or if he did, he wasn't telling, and even your father hadn't been responding to him. And now you finally emerge from wherever the hell you've hidden in, telling him you were set to go to college in the States. 
"The job offer's gone, Kook. You're too late. My mom already booked the ticket, paid for my tuition. I can't turn back now," You were packing your bags back in Daegu. Taehyung's family was nice enough to let you stay for a few days until you were ready to go. Taehyung, along with your father, had explained your situation to them, and they were more than willing to help - though hesitant at first since they were also close to Jungkook. 
"Why are you hiding from me? Just tell me where you are. At least talk to me properly, please  ___," He kept walking in circles around the room, thinking of anything he could do. He felt so utterly helpless, sick to his stomach. "Please."
"At least tell me where you are!" He shouted into the phone. His mind was in a frenzy. Taking his wallet, he paid Taehyung no attention and ran out of the apartment, wearing only a t-shirt and jeans to protect him from the cold.
Taehyung ran after him, stopping him just before he could get into the subway. His phone was still in his hands, though you had already stopped talking on the other line. You brought the phone speaker away from your mouth, trying your best to muffle your sobs. He was still on the other and, yelling, pleading, begging to know where you were. At the back of your mind, your mother's words still echoed.
"You have no future with him, ___. He has nothing. No proper ambitions, no practicality, no sense of reality. He is weighing you down. If he wants to waste his potential, then that's on him. But he is not going to do the same to my daughter."
Taehyung was holding him back, trying to convince him to go back to his dorm. In the end, he dragged Jungkook back into the warmth of his room. The call was still ongoing, both ends of the line going silent until you finally ended it - along with your two-year relationship.
"So we're friends again?" you gave him a lopsided grin, offering your hand out to him. Guilt squeezed your heart. 
"Yeah," he looked away for a moment, pretending to be interested in the menu. He brought his hands together, twiddling his thumbs, before murmuring. "I missed you, ___."
When you came back, Taehyung kept staring at you, a suggestive smile on his face. You brushed him off, praying Jungkook didn't notice it too. The older boy traded - rather, forced to trade - seats with Namjoon, in favor of sitting next to you. A fresh plate of pastries sat in front of him, though his interest was on you alone. 
"I see you and Jungkookie are finally getting along," he whispered the moment Jungkook was distracted by Namjoon's relentless questioning. 
You rolled your eyes, elbowing him. "We're back to being friends. I'm just glad things aren't that awkward anymore."
"Took you a while to get off your high horse," he muttered, though his tone was playful. You still didn't get how he seemingly manages to brush everything under the rug. 
6 years ago
"___, you're hurting him," Taehyung hissed, keeping his voice low to not wake Jungkook up. He took a cautious glance around the place, sensing the younger boy was still asleep. "I didn't sign up for this. You told me you were only going away for four years. Why the fuck aren't you coming back?"
"I will come back," It was midnight. You were supposed to be sleeping. Instead, you were standing in the middle of the Kims' strawberry farm. Everything reminded you of Jungkook - his love for strawberries, his fascination with nature. Above you, the moon gazed upon the earth, accompanied by millions of blinking stars. And somewhere under that same moon, was the boyfriend you neglected.
"I just need a few years. Law school is not that easy, Tae. And I just can't go straight back there after I graduate. I need to work, I need to at least make a name for myself."
"I understand you don't want to disappoint your parents. I really do. What did you think I felt knowing my brother and my sister were aiming to be an engineer and a doctor, while I was going to take on a fucking arts course?" he took a deep breathe, forcing himself to calm down. "I know Jungkook doesn't have the most conventional dream out there, but at least explain everything to him. I can't see him hurting anymore."
"I did explain everything. "
"Telling him you were going abroad after ignoring him for one whole week isn't explaining, ___!"
"He won't understand! I'm only going to hurt him more," you ran a hand through your hair, the knotted mess getting pushed back. "I'll call him again by the time I'm in America."
"You better. I know I helped you because you were my friend, but he's my friend too. He's my best friend. And let me tell you, he is feeling depressed, ___. Your boyfriend is hurting because of you. At least be aware of that," Without another word, Taehyung ended the call.
You stared at the endless fields of strawberries and trees in front of you. Some of the leaves were already starting to brown in preparation for autumn. Not that you'll still be in Korea by the time it comes.
"So, what made you change your mind about her?” Taehyung was hunched over the arcade game, eyes stuck on whichever character he was beating to a pulp. The three of them were closing up shop. Jimin was still tidying up the customer lounge, while Jungkook and Taehyung waited for him in the employee room. Jungkook was on the other side, concentrating on designing a tattoo commission. 
“What do you mean?” he didn’t spare the older boy a glance. He was getting frustrated with this particular design. He had already gone through half a stack of paper just trying to get it right, and none of the sketches he has done so far looked right. 
“I mean-” he paused, letting out a grunt when he lost a round. “The first time you saw her again, you wouldn’t even talk to her. And before that, you wouldn’t even talk about her.”
“She’s our lawyer now. Of course I have to talk to her.”
“No, what I’m saying is- ah shit!” he slammed his hand onto the side of the machine. “Why the fuck won’t I jump? What the fuck?!”
“As I was saying,” he continued after putting in another token. “Yeah, she’s our lawyer and we have to be cooperative for obvious reasons. But I don’t know, you were different at the cafe. First of all, you bought me some food - which you never do.”
“Rarely do,” Jungkook corrected, pencil continuing to scrape on the paper. 
“Same thing. And you were giving her all these soft looks. Like a puppy or something.”
“I was?” Jungkook’s eyes widened, abruptly halting his sketching process. Taehyung had his full attention now. “Was I really, Tae? Honestly? If I was, do you think she noticed?”
“Maybe. I dunno. She looked really focused on the evidence folder and shit. But yeah, anyone could tell you missed her just by seeing the way you look at her. It’s kinda like the way you used to look at her back when you two were...” Taehyung never finished the sentence. Instead, the sound effects from the arcade game filled the room. Taehyung knew just how far he could touch that area, and not once did he cross the line; he still didn’t know if it was safe or not.
“You can’t keep hating her forever.”
“I don’t hate her.”
“Well then, you can’t keep holding a grudge against her. I know what she did to you was utterly hurtful. I was there to witness shit hitting the fan. But you know, you’re bad at holding grudges. Especially against someone who was a big part of your life. I’m not saying you still love her. I’m just saying, you can’t...” After what felt like an eternity, Taehyng pulled out a chair and sat beside him. “You can’t pretend like you’re not getting affected by any of this. You get me?”
The older boy sighed, grabbing Jungkook by the wrist to stop him from sketching. “If you stopped living in total denial, you would realize that you’ve stopped designing the tattoo, and instead, have been sketching her for the past 15 minutes.”
Jungkook straightened up in his chair, getting a better look at the paper. There, in fact, was a messy, but distinguishable sketch of your face. Before he could react, a brown paper bag was plopped onto the papers. 
“I re-heated some grilled cheese and double-locked the back door. We’re good to go,” Jimin leaned one of the chairs next to Jungkook. He bunched up the papers and shoved them into his bag before Jimin could see. 
“We’re good to go,” he repeated.
The night was cold. There were only a few people in the streets, illuminated by the scattered lamp lights. The streets were damp - they didn’t even notice it rained. They walked in silence, both boys sensing the younger one’s dread. Not because he hated you, but because he didn’t know what to feel anymore. 
“It’s gonna be okay kid,” Jimin wrapped an inked arm around him. “You just need some closure, that’s all. Talk to her and see how it goes. If it turns out good, then it’s good. If it turns out bad, I have a friend over at the Naughty Bunny who can get us inside without having to wait in line.”
Jungkook chuckled, thinking about all the times Jimin came to work with a pounding headache and love bites all over his neck. He shook his head, “Thanks for the offer hyung, but I have to pass. ___ might call for an emergency meeting and-”
He stopped abruptly, making the boys halt. Taehyung made a move to speak, but Jungkook waved him off, signalling for him to keep quiet. The older boys looked at each other in confusion. In the distance, just beneath the shadows of an alley next to Soliloquy, a tall figure hunched in front of the brick wall, fumbling with something in his hands. It was too dark to see, but Jungkook was sure it was him.
Without warning, he bolted towards the man, Jimin and Taehyung running after him. The figure took a second before noticing him, but by the time he went to run, he was already cornered. Jungkook grabbed him by the collar, slamming him against the wall. 
“Yah! Don’t run off like that you brat!” Jimin started scolding him. He didn’t even notice Taehyung tugging on his sleeve, muttering his name.
“Hyung. Hyung. Jimin. Jimin hyung. Jiminie.”
“What?” he asked, annoyed. Taehyung pointed at the boy in Jungkook’s hands, his eyes terrified, pupils blown out in such a way he knew he wasn’t sober. His hand hung limply, sluggishly trying to get Jungkook off him. There was the man himself - their greatest rival. “Son of a bitch-”
“Yah, Jung Minho, ” Jungkook said. “We have to talk.”
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Okay, I love a little angst, and I could see Faust visiting Faith at work and some prick keeps flirting with her and she’s very oblivious and doesn’t realize it. Or she has a tutor for college, and Faust walks in on him teaching her something, but the guys clearly flirting with her. Or lastly, her father setting her up with a family friends son who’s picture perfect and Stan making Faith go out with him for the night. But all these scenarios lead to a good banging lol.
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Warning: 18+ anti-religious/anti-Christian themes/angst etc. **jealousy, angst and possessiveness in this part**
Faust x Faith Masterpost [x]
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Faith awoke with a sharp intake of air. She glanced at the digital clock on Faust’s desk through misty eyes and paled when the late morning hour came into focus. She was due to meet her father in twenty-five minutes, and he expected her at the campus—not a half-hour bus ride from her dorm in an area of town known for its street crime. Even if Faust borrowed his roommate’s car to drive her, she wouldn’t have time to shower and dress before her father arrived.
A text from her dad warned of his impending arrival. She should have known better than to spend an entire Saturday evening humping her boyfriend, or at least set an alarm to wake up with ample time to get back to her dorm. In her panic, Faust woke up, looking ruefully unconcerned while she rushed to get dressed.
“What’s your deal?” Faust grumbled as Faith slipped on her black tights and lilac blouse, a worried expression on her face.
“We slept too late! My dad’s supposed to pick me up at school in like twenty minutes!”
Faust rolled onto his side, propping his head on his elbow as a dreamy smirk snagged his lips. Faith clicked her tongue. When it came to disappointing her father, Faust had nothing but encouragement to give, but his playful stare could not snuff her genuine panic.
“You won’t make it to school on time. Why don’t you just ask him to pick you up here?” Faust suggested.
“Hell no!” Faith exclaimed. “You don’t realize the amount of shit I’ll be in if he finds out I spent the night with you. Premarital sex is... No, I just can’t.”
Faust rolled his eyes. “It’s not like he’ll kill his own daughter.”
She rolled on one sock, then the other, grimacing when she noticed one was on inside-out. “You still don’t realize that he can and will pack up everything and move us away. Or he’ll make me go to a different school next semester. Trust me. You don’t get how strict my parents are. They’ve already made me read several pamphlets from church about the sin of fornication.”
“Well, clearly, you’ve learned nothing. We fornicated all night, babe. I fornicated all over that shirt, too,” he snickered.
“Faust! I’m serious. Now is not a time to joke. Wait... What?” Faith stopped in the middle of the room and stared down at her top, gasping. “Oh my god! There’s cum all over me! I’m so screwed.”
He got out of bed and went to the low-boy, pulling open the third drawer while Faith panicked.
“I am literally covered in your jizz! Why did you have to blow on my shirt?” Faith groaned.
Faust stifled a laugh as he pulled out a black t-shirt from the drawer. “Babe, you’re the one who wanted to suck my dick first thing after you got here. I can’t be responsible for where my unborn children go to die. Maybe you need to catch my loads a little better.”
She scoffed then scoffed again when he held up a faded t-shirt with a macabre design on the front and an illegible logo cresting the imagery. 
“Wear this,” Faust offered.
“I can’t wear that in front of my dad. What does that even say?” Faith asked.
Faith shook her head. Faust shrugged and stuffed the shirt back into the drawer before grabbing a different one. “How about this? No pictures on it or anything.”
She grimaced again. “It just says Death. I’m going to church, Faust.”
“All right, all right. Give me a minute,” Faust said, rifling through another drawer.
The phone buzzed in Faith’s hand, warning her that time was running out for her to make herself presentable and come up with an excuse as to why she was nowhere near campus grounds. Faust pulled out a plain black t-shirt, offering it to her with round, sympathetic eyes.
“Will this work?”
She took the shirt and gulped. “It will have to do. It’s still all black, and my parents won’t be happy.”
Faust nodded, seeming to understand her predicament. “Why don’t you say you’re sick?”
“The only time I ever got away with missing church was when I had Chicken Pox,” Faith said.
“Say you have too much work.”
She frowned. “There’s never an excuse large enough to appease them. I appreciate the suggestions, but I’d rather you just help me with a plan.”
The man towering over her nodded, turning to select his outfit for the day. “I’ll take you to the diner down the block. You can say I picked you up for breakfast.”
“I’d rather not tell them I was with you at all,” Faith said as she gathered her purse and stuffed her soiled blouse inside.
“Ouch,” Faust flinched.
“I’m sorry... That was rude,” Faith replied, covering her mouth for a moment, eyes wide. “You’re right. We should do that just to make it look like I didn’t spend the night.”
Faust ducked into a dark long-sleeve shirt, pulling his black hair out to fall over his shoulders. “Might want to wipe the dried cum off your chin then.”
When Faith slid her fingers through Faust’s as they walked down the street, his grip fell limp. He stared ahead and didn’t take any casual glances at her. In fact, Faust had been silent since they left. Worry piled on top of anxiety over what she would tell her dad, and she dropped her gaze to the sidewalk, counting the cracks as they walked. She doubled her steps to keep up with Faust’s until they reached the front doors of the quaint diner he and his buddies went to after nights of partying and hungover mornings. He let go of her hand and stepped away from her.
“See you later,” he said, spinning on the heel of his boot.
She reached out and grabbed his arm. “Wait! You’re not even going to kiss me goodbye?”
Faust shrugged, his leather jacket bemoaning the gesture. “Wouldn’t want your dad to catch you kissing your boyfriend.”
“Faust... Please. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
He snorted, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and his lighter. “If that’s what you think.”
His pointed response stung, but Faith wouldn’t let him walk away without addressing the tension. “Seriously... I’m sorry. I wish you understood how hard it is for me to navigate this. You think I’m exaggerating when I say my father will stop paying my tuition and make me go to a different school, but I’m not.”
“No one can make you do anything you don’t want to do,” said Faust, inhaling a cloud of cigarette smoke. “You just let them run your life.”
Heat built up behind her eyes. She took in a deep breath and sighed hopelessly. “I don’t have the income to be independent. It’s not as easy as you think. Not for me.”
Stan’s car pulled up at the curb, and Faith’s heart dropped. Faust glanced at the vehicle, then back at Faith fidgeting with the hem of the black t-shirt he gave her. He nodded toward the street.
“I should go before your dad gets the wrong idea about us.”
“Faust—” she whimpered.
“We’ll talk later.”
Faith hurried to get into the backseat of her father’s car, staring out the window as they drove off and passed Faust on the street. Her mother sighed and shook her head.
“Smoking is a disgusting habit,” she muttered.
Faith’s sisters stared at her from their seats, then looked away when she met their eyes.
“What?” Faith asked.
“You’re in trouble,” one of them sang.
Stan glared at his oldest daughter in the rear-view mirror. He didn’t keep his indignation quiet for long. “Since when is it okay to wear all black in the house of Christ? We’re not attending a funeral, Faith. We’re going for worship.”
“I know,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It was the only clean outfit I had. I haven’t done laundry because I’ve had too much schoolwork.”
“Maybe if you didn’t spend so much time with that man, you’d have a proper outfit to wear on Sunday.”
“That man is my boyfriend. Am I not allowed to ever fall in love? It’s not like you and mom didn’t date before you got married.”
Reneta continued shaking her head. “Your father was a respectable man. He didn’t smoke and listen to evil music.”
Faith scoffed as her sisters listened with wide eyes and mischievous smirks. “What are you talking about, mom? You had nothing but nice things to say about him when he came over for dinner!”
“He was our guest, and a lady is always a kind host.”
“So, you don’t like him either?” Faith asked.
“Sweetheart, that’s not what I said. I just wish you would find yourself a nice boy. One who knows the importance of God—”
“If I smell smoke on you or catch you making a mockery of His word, I promise on His good name, I will make sure you never see that boy again,” Stan vowed.
Faith clammed up. Though she had plenty to say, she knew better than to push her luck. Her sisters whispered next to her, but Faith ignored them too. She fished her phone out of her purse and sent a text message to Faust.
You’re right. These people are fucked. I have to get away.
The service dragged for what seemed like hours, and when it ended, Faith was eager to leave. But instead of piling into the car to go home after the last prayer, Faith waited as her family mingled with others. As a revered minister of the church, Stan often welcomed conversation from those who sought his guidance and blessings. She sat in an empty pew, sighing with impatience as the churchgoers waited their turn for a private conversation with her father. 
Faith peeked at her phone to see if Faust had replied, but the message remained unopened.
Though he hadn’t said much that morning, she feared her err had caused Faust to reevaluate his interest in her. A troublesome mass weighed in her stomach. Texting him again might result in him dubbing her “clingy,” Faith decided, so she turned off her phone until it was time to leave. 
They piled into the family car and turned down the road in the opposite direction of the school campus. When Faith noticed, she perked up in her seat. 
“Where are we going?” She asked. 
“We’re having the Esders family over for dinner this evening,” said Stan. 
Faith tried not to voice her displeasure, but nothing prevented the furrowing of her brow. “Well, that’s very nice, but I have to go home to work on my paper.” 
Stan glanced back at his oldest daughter. “Your home is under our roof. And you can spare a few hours for your family.” 
“Dad, I can’t spend the entire day doing nothing. It’s due tomorrow!” Faith whined. 
“I won’t hear anymore, Faith. Bobby is your age, and you’ll be kind and cordial.” 
“Oh, so that’s what this is about? You want me to spend time with another boy?” 
“Faith, you’re helping host the Esders’, and you will be on your best behaviour.”
Faith kept to herself during dinner, helping set and clear the table, answering questions with curt replies, and after dessert, she stepped onto the veranda to call Faust. The line rang and rang until it cut off. Faust didn’t have voicemail, and he still hadn’t replied to her message from earlier. Dejected, Faith sighed as she looked out over the suburban street, the stained glass crosses hanging in bay windows and wind chimes tinkling in the cool breeze. The sound of footsteps rounded the corner, and she turned to find Bobby Esders approaching. 
“Hey, Faith. What’re you doing out here all by yourself?” The flaxen-haired boy asked. 
She forced a brief grin and leaned against the handrail. “Being by myself.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have interrupted. I was getting sick of all the church-talk in there.”
Faith nodded. “Same.”
Bobby tucked his hands into the pockets of his beige chinos. “I noticed you haven’t been to group in a while.” 
“I have a lot of schoolwork. It’s a little more important than making arts and crafts and babysitting kids while they cry over which Veggie Tales movie to watch.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Bobby snorted with amusement, stepping up to the handrail beside her. “So... What did you do all Summer?” 
The only voice Faith wanted to hear was Faust’s whispering in her ear, gently poking fun at her, calling her babe and stating interesting yet useless facts about his favourite bands and horror movies. Though she was polite, she turned to Bobby with a tight smile and sighed impatiently. 
“I don’t know... Stuff? What everyone else does during the Summer.”
The boy accepted her response with a solemn nod. Bobby Esders was not oblivious. He sensed her discomfort and unspoken need for solitude the moment dinner began. With a nod, he backed away. 
“Well, I hope you have a good night, and good luck with your schoolwork.”
Faith frowned. “I’m sorry, Bobby. I shouldn’t be so short with you. My parents have been treating me like a child lately, and it’s getting on my nerves. I should be studying, but instead, I’m here—” 
“Pretending like you give a shit about church?” Bobby said with a secretive smirk. 
“Um... Well, yeah,” she replied, blushing. 
Bobby chuckled, maintaining his distance but relaxing his shoulders. He was tall like Faust, with zero body fat, bony arms, and a mop of blond curls. Faith hadn’t spoken more than a few sentences to Bobby since joining the church, but she always smiled at him when they passed in the corridors. He was pleasant and had one of the best singing voices in the congregation. His parents were wealthy business owners who donated large sums to the church and took a liking to Stan the moment he commanded the podium for his first service. Since then, Faith’s parents cultivated a friendship with the Esders family. Faith even heard them discussing how perfect it was that the two respective families had a daughter and a son of the same age, as though it was some kind of miracle. She dreaded the day Stan might suggest she try spending time with Bobby. And perhaps if she had never met Faust, she might entertain the idea of Bobby courting her, but that chance was long gone. 
“Don’t worry, Faith. I might look like a goody-two-shoes, but it’s just the clothes my parents make me wear for church. I don’t really buy into any of this bullshit either.”
Stunned by his admission, Faith tilted her head as Bobby’s expression turned sly. 
He continued. "And I know what our parents are trying to do with us. They’re trying to play matchmaker like it’s the eighteenth century or something. Trust me; I wouldn’t be out here bothering you if your dad hadn’t encouraged me. I can tell you want to be somewhere else, and I don’t blame you."
Faith looked up at him with a growing appreciation for his honesty. His bluntness still took her back, but she smiled with relief. 
“Well, I appreciate your observation. My dad doesn’t seem to realize that I’m a person capable of making my own decisions.”
“I’m in the same boat. Do you think I want to spend all my free time doing church stuff? Right now, my friends are at home playing Call of Duty together, and I’m here, pretending like I give a shit about this stupid religion and all its oppressive rules.”
“Wow. I never pictured you as anything but...” Faith trailed off, flushing pink.
“But a Bible-toting nerd? Yeah, I get that a lot.”
Reneta called for Faith from the side door. She sighed, smiled at Bobby again, and smoothed her hands over the black T-shirt that still smelled like Faust’s bedroom. Bobby stepped aside, motioning for Faith to go first before he followed.
Faith turned on her phone after she collapsed in her bed in the corner of her dorm room. To her shock, Faust still hadn’t answered her message from earlier. She called him, but the line rang until the call dropped. Fighting back an onslaught of burning tears, she rolled over, stuffing her face under her pillow to absorb the sounds of her whimpers.
She worked an evening shift at the bookstore the next day. It was the last thing she wanted to do, but she decided that morning if Faust didn’t want to answer her, she wouldn’t press. If he couldn’t accept her apology and saw silence as an acceptable form of punishment, then she would return the favour. 
However, by the time Faith made it halfway through her shift, her heart had grown twice as heavy, and she longed to hear Faust’s gravelly voice more than ever. She ducked away for a minute here and there to stifle her tears, returning to the floor with watery eyes and a sagging expression. Even her boss noticed her sunny disposition trampled upon by something she refused to disclose.
The only relief she found was when Bobby Esders strolled into the bookstore, surprised to see her working behind the counter, sorting discarded books to return to their proper shelves.
“Faith! I didn’t know you worked here,” Bobby said with a broad smile.
“Yeah, I started here in the Summer,” she replied, returning the grin.
“This is my favourite bookstore. I’m surprised we haven’t run into each other before.”
Faith forgot her melancholy for a time. With twenty minutes until close, she focused her time on helping him locate a copy of a novel he’d had no luck in tracking down. He purchased the book and offered to wait until Faith punched out to walk her to the bus stop. Her first impulse was to decline, but Bobby was too kind to allow her refusal, claiming he was going to the same stop, and he might as well accompany her there.
The last thing Faith expected to see was Faust parked outside of the mall’s entrance, leaning against the side door of his friend’s car, waiting. She flashed a concerned look at Bobby, who stared at the leather-clad man with a touch of disdain.
“Oh, that’s um... That’s my boyfriend,” Faith pointed out as Faust glared ahead.
“That’s your boyfriend? That mean, scary-looking dude with the hair?” Bobby scoffed.
By the time Bobby took another breath, Faust had launched forth with long strides, clearing the cobblestones in a second. His glare burned hotter as he approached them.
“Who are you?” Faust asked Bobby with an air of mocking disinterest.
“This is my friend from church,” Faith stepped in. “His name’s Bobby.”
Faust narrowed his eyes on the man who was only an inch shorter than himself. “Your friend, huh?” He asked.
“Faust, don’t start. He was just walking me to the bus stop.”
Bobby took a step back, relinquishing the closeness with Faith he had enjoyed for the last half an hour. He’d heard stories of Faust and his buddies, as they had beaten up and antagonized his friends throughout high school. Anyone associated with the church was subject to the circle’s cruelty, and despite Bobby’s size, he was no exception.
“I don’t want to see you sniffing around my girl ever again, you got it, bible-beater?”
Faith frowned as Bobby cowered from Faust’s smouldering contempt. She pushed on his leathered arm and stepped between the two men, glaring up at Faust with her own scorn lighting her features.
“Stop it, Faust! He didn’t do anything. We were going to the same stop, anyway. Stop being such an asshole!”
Faust pushed his jaw forward, swiping his tongue over his teeth as she challenged him. He’d never seen Faith look so angry, and though she was laughably small in comparison, her scowl was enough to make him take a step back.
“Let’s go, Faith,” he muttered.
“No. I’m not going with you. I’m going home,” Faith refused.
“Fine, I’ll drive you,” he insisted.
“No! I’m taking the bus. You can’t return my messages or answer your phone when I call? Then I don’t need your help getting home.”
The city bus pulled around the corner, rumbling to a stop at the depot to pick up the people leaving the mall. Bobby watched, frowning, then looked back at Faith.
“Sorry, Faith. I have to go,” Bobby said.
Faust sneered. “Yeah, get lost. She’s fine.”
“I’m leaving too,” Faith said, turning, shouldering the strap on her purse before stepping away.
Before she crossed the road, Faust stepped in front of her. His expression softened when he noticed hers hadn’t. Faith was angrier than he thought. When he showed up to intercept her, Faust assumed she would drop everything and run into his arms, happy to see him despite the tension he’d allowed to rise. But her disgust was potent. She wasn’t about to be pushed over by his feeble attempt at soothing the situation.
“Don’t,” Faust punctured his firm stance as Bobby crossed without her. “Please.”
“Why would I go with you? You’re not even nice to me. I tried texting and calling you, but I guess you were too busy doing your own thing to care.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you pissed me off!” Faust hammered. “That whole ‘I don’t want my dad to see us together’ was a real dick thing to say.”
Before Faith launched another complaint, she closed her mouth and looked to the ground, then back up, glaring harder. “I said I was sorry. It’s not like you haven’t said awful things before. The only difference is you never apologize for them. I’m just expected to accept your unsolicited opinions about my life and my family.”
Faust offered no rebuttal. The couple stood staring at each other until Faust relented, scooping his hand into her hair to kiss her firmly. He hated that she was right, and he refused to admit it out loud, but the kiss acted as his justification. 
It wasn’t good enough for Faith. She pushed him away.
“You can’t just act like a total asshole, then kiss me and expect it all to be okay.”
Faust rolled his eyes to the darkening sky. “What do you expect me to do?”
“Oh, I don’t know. An apology might be a good start.”
“Why would I apologize for you pissing me off?”
“Apologize for making a scene in front of my friend. Apologize for not answering me. Not accepting my apology when I had the maturity to realize I was wrong.”
“All right, well, I’m sorry. Happy? Now, let’s go.”
“No, Faust. I don’t think we should hang out tonight.”
Her refusal hit him hard. Faith always jumped at the chance to spend time together, so her steadfastness came as a shock. His shoulders slumped as he sighed.
“Please,” Faust said.
“Why? You seemed happy ignoring me yesterday.”
“I wasn’t happy. I was upset. What you said really fucked with me. Now, I’m over it, and I want you to spend the night.”
A flicker of sympathy sparked in Faith’s chest. She noticed his green eyes reflecting something she had never seen in him before: sadness. Faust reached out for her hand, and she stared at his outstretched palm, heart aching. Maybe what she said had hurt him more than she realized. She always figured Faust was above such emotions, that the only passion that lived inside of him was menacing anger that only came out when somebody threatened him or his territory. The regret tugging at his mouth proved her theory wrong. 
She took his hand and he pulled her close. Streetlights illuminated as the parking lot emptied. Stars poked through the violet sky in clusters. They stood wrapped in each other’s arms for a minute before he held her out before him, staring into her eyes beseechingly.
“If you really don’t want to come over, I’ll take you back to your dorm.”
Faith shivered. When Faust noticed the goosebumps on her arms, he let her go and shrugged out of his jacket. Underneath, he wore a black t-shirt with a severed head spewing forth a waterfall of blood and entrails. The carnage spelled out the name of a band whose logo was utterly unintelligible. She smiled as he swung the heavy leather jacket around her so she could push her arms through the sleeves. The hem ended at her thighs, and only the tips of her middle fingers poked out from the armholes, but it was comfortable despite being several sizes too large for her body.
“Fine. I’ll come over. But I wanna have sex, and I don’t want you to hold back.”
“Those are my terms. I don’t want you to treat me like a little flower. I want to fuck... hard.”
Faust snorted, biting his bottom lip as he rolled his eyes again. He placed his hand on the leather at her back, guiding her toward the car. “You might regret that request, you know.”
Faith smirked. “We’ll worry about that in the morning.”
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shashawww · 3 years
2010 vs. 2020
The year 2020 for me was very reminiscent of 2010. Back in 2010, I used to live in a boarding school and didn’t quite like it there. The ambient was very strict and a bit conservative. I used to rebel a lot while I was there (skipping classes, went out from the school illegally during midnight, did some very ridiculous and childish stuffs). I ended up being kicked out from the school cuz yeah, the pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last. While my friends and I were out in the mall at night instead of attending our tuition class, we were caught red-handed by the school warden. After hours of discussing (read: forcing us to talk by multiple times of caning), we have no choice but to tell them the truth bout all the things that we’ve done before and they decided to kick us out from the school. So, I left the school with a joyous feeling. But, the disappointment comes later right after I get myself into a new school. Well obviously, upon hearing the news my parents was devastated knowing that their kid is behaving like an absolutely wild child (since I’m a girl then I am supposed not to do that kind of rebellious actions). My mom decided to transfer me to a school that is the nearest one to our house so that everytime the school ends I could straight go back home without wandering anywhere. My mom keeps her eye on me 24/7 and actually grounded me until I finishes my high school. I was actually quite obedient during that whole period, if I must say. That’s when I keep on thinking was it really because of the boarding school was that bad or the friends that I met who influenced me to do bad things? But after all, it’s really just me who wants to try new and adventurous things.
Last year was the exact occurence as 2010 (except that I’m actually an adult now and I’m in my uni). It was during my final year project and the stress was no joke so I decided to try new things that could make me feel less stressful but at the same time can help me with focusing on my assignments and thesis. So, I decided to involve myself with weeds. Getting high almost every night was really the escapism that helps me to create this false reality in my head. I was so heavily influenced by the friends around me. I treat the people who care and love me (family and my closest ones) like shit and leave them hanging for quite a long time without telling them anything. My mom was super worried if there was something wrong happening to me bcs I also have panic attack/anxiety attack, but just a mild one. I didn’t called them for almost one month and leave them worried and relentless. When I finishes my degree and went back home, my mom was crying like a newborn baby upon seeing my face. I think that was the first time I saw her crying like that... it breaks my heart into a million pieces and my dad doesn’t talk to me for at least 1 week. That’s when I realised that I’ve hurt both my parents so badly without knowing that I hurt them. I told my mom I need to go back uni cuz I’m planning to pursue a Master and she actually called my supervisor to arrange a topic that I can do based in my hometown. She doesn’t want me to go far from her and leave anywhere (basically she wants to keep her eye on me, just like 2010). I keep on thinking and reminiscing all the bad things that I’ve done that eventually has caused pain towards the people that I love. I don’t know who to blame??? Whether the friends who influenced me to join them or to blame mysef for having such a low imaan and do things recklessly without thinking twice.
Now, I’m safe with my family and under my parents’ supervision. Just thinking about last year give me goosebumps and also some bittersweet memories with 2010. After all, maybe I’m still just a kid that needs to be handle with care and supervise regularly. I’m still fragile nowadays whenever I think about all those moments. Sometimes I feel my chest is about to burst and pop, it beats so fast I almost forgot how to breathe. I tried to remove all the bad memories but it still lingers like a bad perfume. Everyday I pray to Allah to give my heart peace and ease, to give me the strength to forgive myself and people who have forced me, to keep on apologising towards people who I have wronged and also to consistently take care of me wherever I go and in whatever I do. I still have bad nightmares sometimes, and when I woke up I feel glad that it was just a dream. I used to have someone dear to me whom I’ve always share my thoughts with, but he decided that he doesn’t want to be with me anymore since I have ignored him during that period of time, so I actually have no one to pour my thoughts out. Writing like this actually really helps me to let the pain out. I just wish I could heal the pain that I’ve caused in all the hearts of people who I love. Never actually wanted anyone to get hurt but I was so foolish to not think straight. In 2021, my hope is to get more closer to my Creator and ask forgiveness from Him. Sometimes I wish I’d rather die, but I know Allah S.W.T have better plan and future for me. Hanya kepadamu aku berserah ya Allah.....
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Do you think that Kai might be turned narcissist at this point? Like he is also a narcissistic person, just hiding it better than The Narc Onion?
He was very narcissistic in high school, I think he just never stopped. There were stories about how a girl who he knew was very upset at losing a competition and he was upset that the other girls in his gymnastics/cheer squad were comforting the girl instead of fawning over him for having won something. Like, you can be congratulated at any time? This girl clearly was super upset if literally everyone had to help comfort her. He would also routinely steal his sister's clothes are not return them or leave them unwashed in his room for ages to the point that his sister required locks on her door. There are other alleged stories like this from his highschool days, apparently he was quite the mean girl
This was with Greg's influence but Eli was also willing to just let his parents waste money on his "tuition" when he wasn't even in university. American tuition is expensive, that's a lot of money he didn't care about letting his parents just throw away (I'm going to guess around 10k minimum)
Years ago when joysparkles was a thing, Joy once did a livestream with Greg and Eli. When it was just Joy and Eli, Joy basically assured Eli that they were fine and complimented how pretty they were quite a bit. Eli acted like they were cool with Joy too and gladly accepted every compliment. Right afterwards Eli went off and did a livestream on their own and did nothing but shitalk Joy. I'd say behind Joy's back but it was a public livestream, Joy saw it and was quite upset because Eli made no indication of not being ok with Joy. What struck me about it was how natural it came to Eli. He didn't even hesitate to immediately jump onto Younow right after talking with Joy (basically just accepting compliments from Joy) to talk badly of her to his Patreons.
Old text messages with people pretty much solidify that Eli will talk pretty much exclusively about themselves unless they are being given something. And this is nothing compared to how he treats his Patreons when he wants something of them. Once a Patreon of Eli maxed out their credit card after having given OVER 1000$ to Eli and you know what Eli said to this child? Berated them and was upset that they didn't give even more money. Even brought it up to laugh at them the next livestream they did. Also in the Vix messages included a conversation where Eli ranted that the parent of one of his Patreons no longer let said Patreon interact with Eli. Why? Because that Patreon had a birthday gift made for Eli and he was upset about not getting it. Patreons also routinely give Eli Starbucks money and they all know to do it too. That doesn't happen as a coincidence. Also very exploitative because these are kids who are already paying Eli money every month on Patreon and are giving an adult with a job Starbucks money to make them feel better. The whole feeling better thing is also suspicious because Eli will say something against Greg and garner sympathy from his Patreons who mostly hate Greg and then if those Patreons express anything negative against Greg they're usually berated or are basically sold out to Greg over what they've said. Also if anyone brings up his supposed grievances with Greg later he'll deny them entirely and act as if those things actually didn't happen or affect him. Makes a person wonder if he's taking advantage of the sympathy of his Patreons and is spinning lies to just get gifts
The whole Greg hates Billie because she's an illegal drug user? Eli was the one who put that in his head supposedly (take this with a grain of salt though, I don't remember where the proof is) and lead to his rampage of wanting her to tattoo her with "liar" and the basement shit. Apparently Greg was more than willing to make exceptions to Billie but Eli convinced him otherwise then later hid behind people pittying him and by saying the usual "I don't control Greg".
And of course we can't forget the legendary "but what about my sympathy???" During the Billie saga as well
So yeah, Eli has been pretty much always about themselves and a two-faced narcissist but everytime many people forgot when compared to Greg or made the excuse that they've been stunted emotionally since high school, including myself. But really, not everyone is shitty in high school and after a point you just can't excuse these behaviours at all because they take a life of their own. The thousand dollar credit card max out to me is one of the worst that nothing can excuse. Eli is perfectly happy with people basically destroying themselves if it means he gets something out of it and has been for quite a while
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Mom plays Keeper of the Sun and Moon
Chapter 1
“Snake woman lunges--OH FUCK NO! I guess I’ll distract this bitch.”
“‘Are you awake?’ Bitch, do I look awake?!”
“I distracted some fucking snake with light or something.”
“Uhhhh, what the fuck is my name? OK, the cat wants me to be named Clara, we’ll go with that.”
“’What am I??’ The fuck are you?!?!? That’s rude as shit. You better not be some fucking snake.”
(about Astrid) “Compel me? Oh, fuck you. Don’t turn your back, bitch.” 
“Maybe if I play dumb, they won’t scramble my brains. I ain’t cooperating, though.”
“You can’t go fuckin’ around not knowing about snake people.”
“What is this, the cool dad agent? Fuck you, too.”
“Well, no shit, I’m not from here! A snake tried to eat me, and now I’m in the middle of this magic shit, and you all suck at it! Even Agent Cool Dad.”
(about Astrid) “I don’t have time for this dramatic-ass bitch. Only got time for one dramatic-ass bitch in my life, and I’m it.”
(About Castella) “‘Leaving no room for argument,’ bitch, there is plenty room to keep you here--Oh, now you gonna charge me tuition, I don’t even fucking think so.”
“You want me to do PAPERWORK?!?! You are out of your goddamn mind, lady!”
(About Cressida) “Anyone who wants that much power doesn’t deserve it.”
“I don’t trust Astrid.”
“Cruel, 53%--YES!” *fist pump*
“What the fuck is Nephilim? I ain’t hangin’ out with no angelic-ass motherfuckers. ‘What species are you?’ This sounds like some racist-ass shit.”
(about Yakov) “Why the fuck are the two newbies here? You got the kid who just learned about this shit and the foreign kid here.”
Chapter 2
“I ain’t eating any tentacle casserole.”
“‘Astrid is indignant on your behalf...’ OK. OK, I guess I’m team Astrid. I’m not going to the meeting. We’re going to play hooky.”
(about Magi in general) “These trick-ass bitches.”
“Ha ha, told y’all bitches I was human.”
“I don’t want to know about these weird-ass bitches--wait, no, tell me about Yakov. A wraith, what the fuck? This guy has shit gossip.”
“Let’s go gothic.”
(about random man in yellow) “Aw, Jesus, it’s a moving fucking migraine.”
Her: I want the cat’s foot shit.
Me: The creepy shit.
Her: Oh, that’s the creepy shit?
“OH, here’s this bitch Cyrus again!”
*cackling* “Bitch, if I had illegal substances, I wouldn’t tell you.”
(about Leon) “Oh, who’s this dick?”
“Oh ho ho, team Astrid on this one. This guy’s a dick.”
(about Thalia) “Her teeth are sharp? Oh, fuck.”
“I guess so. Ignore shit ‘til it goes away.”
Chapter 3
Me: You straight up went from hating Astrid to pissing everyone off on her behalf.
Her: Whatev.
(about paperwork) “Ah, shit. I’m not filling this out.”
*tries to leave campus* “Ah, shit, that crazy old bat caught me?”
“I’m not interested in Yakov. Ghost boy is hella weird.” 
“Only people I like are Thalia and Astrid. And Yakov just a tiny bit.”
“Wait, wtf, did something just attack me again? Kick it in the face.”
“Now the fuckin’ police show up--spectators?? None of you motherfuckers helped a bunch of teenagers getting their asses kicked?”
(on train) “I’ll talk to Thalia. Leon’s a dick and Kol’s weird.”
(about Jaime) “That’s that mofo who showed up after the dogs attacked. Imma do some amateur sleuthing. (Me: he wears sunglasses, like, all the time) So he’s Cory Hart.”
Chapter 4
Me: Please don’t be mean to Kol. He’s an orphan.
Her: Ugh, fine, but this is the only time I let you influence my decision not to tell someone to fuck off. 
(about the professors) “Oh, god.”
(about Ebner) “Oh, this guy sounds like a dick.”
“I’m going to learn magic so I can fuck up those dogs.”
(about Cyrus) “I think he needs to take a shit and calm down.”
“Who the fuck is Altair? (”You’ve ticked him off, like, 3 times already.”) Have I?”
“Haha! I’m human, brand-new, and I have to help the supernatural with his homework!”
“Either be the ass-kicker or the kicked ass.”
Chapter 5
(about starbursts) “Magic disco balls.”
“We’re grouped by suite? Oh, we’re fucked already.”
*sadly* “I just killed a gnome? Why didn’t you tell me this could happen?”
*snorts* “Punch it. *pause* Oh, shit. I got hurt.”
(about Seraphina) “You aren’t allowed to apologize on my behalf. You are on notice to never apologize for my ass because I am not sorry.”
“Care to explain, Leon, you fuckin’ trick-ass bitch.”
(about book thief) “They killed that motherfucker for stealing their Sweet Valley High collection? Was it the vintage cover? Seems like overkill otherwise.”
Chapter 6
“Ahh, snakes!”
(about father) “’You’re late.’ Dude, that’s the first thing you say to me after I disappear mysteriously for months? Seriously? Dad, you’re a douchebag.”
(staying back from fair) “It’s sleuth time.”
“Does this keeper shit have anything to do with the name of the game?”
Chapter 8
“Prepare for the oral presentation, because even if I flunk the exam, I don’t want to look like a dumbass in front of the rest of the class.”
(about Leon) “I’m going to intervene because even if I don’t like him, I don’t want to see him get attacked by some asshole sneaking into his dreams.”
“Nothing’s secure if someone wants it...Except for me in this fucking school.”
“Good sleuthing means lying well.”
“Motherfucker. Another goddamn hellhound.”
Chapter 9
“Got a chocolate egg...fire truffles...and that’s it. LOL.”
(about Cressida) “What a trick-ass bitch.”
“Why would you give Seraphina something on fire on the anniversary of the day her family was killed by fire? How insensitive can you get?”
“Ah man, now I’m hungry.”
“Child murder is wrong. Everything else is relative.”
“Oh, good, Cressida left.”
(about ice skating) “Oh, Leon hates this so much. I’m so glad I made this choice.”
Me: You don’t want to enter the tournament?
Her: I draw pictures, Hannah.
(about Leon) “Aww, poor baby didn’t get what you wanted.”
(about Cyrus) “I think it’s him. He’s the weak link.”
“No way in hell am I going to wear an outfit from Leon.”
“Yeah, be downcast, Kol, you weirdo.”
“I’m just generally unpleasant to everyone.”
(about dragon made of shadows) “Oh, I’m definitely about to punch this in the face.”
Chapter 10
“Oh, Leon, I don’t think anyone in this group actually likes you. We literally had a group laugh at you and decided to make it a tradition.”
(about Jarrod and Thalia) “I’ve found my people.”
“Oh, good, we’re at a seedy motel.”
“My stats still say I’m not cruel. This is a personal failing.”
“Why can’t I see the door? (”It’s Ebner.”) Ah, this motherfucker.”
(about Cressida) “Why am I talking to this bitch? Oh, right, ‘cuz she has the gossip.”
(about Yakov and Seraphina) “Oh, they cut me. I will remember this shit.”
Chapter 11
“Did I get cruelty for the mouse? It was a school activity. Not like I dissected it.”
“Oh, great. Math.”
(upon seeing the name Alexa in the Constellation project) “Imma fuck them up.”
Her: Romantic pursuits?
Me: None of the guys like you anyway. 
Her: *cackling*
Chapter 12
“How does this shit not leak when I work at a media outlet? (”You’d have to leak it.”) And do you know what that would do for my career?”
(about Leon) “Don’t steal fries or pancakes, you’ll get fucked up.”
My brother: What do you teach at a magic college?
Me: Calculus.
Him: I guess you always need calculus. 
Mom: *disgusted face*
“Jaime tried to pull compulsion out on me.”
“I was adopted, what?!”
Her: If I’m half elemental, why don’t I have powers? I should have fucking powers!
Me: You chose not to have any.
Her: Oh, yeah, that’s right.
“We lost Kol. How did that happen? How did nobody notice--we’re walking through a dark scary forest, and nobody noticed this motherfucker just bounced?”
“Anti-magic cuffs? I’m human, bitches. Won’t work on me! Imma draw a picture!”
“Wait, I’m here to do a ritual? Fuck y’all.”
(Jaime dies) *shrugs* “Dude kinda deserved it.”
“Wait, is Kol dead for realsies? (”No.”) Oh, OK.”
Chapter 13
“Seraphina just has these powerful ass artifacts on her bed? Girl, I hope you invested in some good locks!”
(about more hellhounds) “Ohhh shit. Punching time.”
“What are my punching stats?”
“I’m like a test tube baby.”
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gheysnakeredacted · 7 years
All the asks :3c
Das a lot AND answers all my other ones 
(Warning, gets depressing at some points)
Sunrise or sunset?
Are you mentally ill?
I mean, I haven’t been diagnosed(yet) but I have a feeling I might have some form of depression. (I’m going to see a doctor soon for sure at some point to test this out) and possible ADHD
Are you physically ill?
Does back pain count?
What is the most expensive thing you have bought?
My entire Disney trip that I paid out of pocket
Do you have a job?
Yes! I have two!
Are you in school?
Are you a dropout?
Are you in college?
Introvert or extrovert?
Somehow, I think i’m in-between. Depends on the day.
What do you think when you look at your body?
Big, has weird ass teeth.
What have others said when they look at your body?
Soft?? idk they say im pretty but only at me eyes.
Do you have a particular song that you feel deeply?
Young and Menace by FOB and just, I have a lot but that is just what i’m hyper-fixated on now (and Fever The Ghost which is a really good animated music video)
Talk about a time in your life where you have felt most alive?
Uhhh probably the last time I went on vaca to NH. Good times.
Are you confident wearing a bikini?
Nah. I’m not even confident wearing a one-piece.
Can you look people in the eyes while talking?
Most of the time, but sometimes I can’t.
Has anything terrible happened to you?
Let’s just leave it at ‘yeah’. 
Has anything wonderful happened to you?
Favorite part of your personality?
idk I’d have to say how I can make people laugh really easily? 
Least favorite part of your personality?
hyper-sensitive to everyone’s emotions which sucks at points because it can really effect my mood
Favorite part of your body?
Least favorite part of your body?
Favorite quote?
“The first and simplest emotion which we discover in the human mind, is curiosity” - Edmund Burke   
Do you have friendships with all genders?
Yeah Do you have a good relationship with your father?
So and so. I love him but sometimes he needs to just, chill. 
Do you have a good relationship with your mother?
Absolutely not!
Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?
I mean, my brother hates me unless I buy him food and my sister tries to hard but I think its not on the hate or good. 
Have you ever been hurt physically or mentally by a family member?
Have you ever had a near death experience?
No?? not that I can think of at least.
Do you know anyone who has taken their own life?
Yeah but I didn’t know him well. 
Have you ever tried to take your own life?
Fortunately no. I haven’t gotten the energy to do such things which is good. 
Biggest lie you have told?
Me telling my parents I’m straight when they asked me about my relationship with another girl. 
Do you follow any conspiracies?
Do you believe in a New World Order?
sure if it makes all this shit around me just Stop.
Do you respect your government and the way your country is run?
What government?? I got no government or President at the moment. Just a monkey and his underlings of death!
Is there currently any strife in your country?
Take a wild fucking guess. 
Have you ever been displaced within your country?
All the time my dude. 
Are your friendships healthy?
Yeah I’d say they’re good! (unless i’m unintentionally being bad to my friend then idk that just egh)
Are you currently fighting with a friend?
Are you jealous of a friend? Why?
I’m jealous of my friend going to this art school I wanted to go to because I have no money to go but its not their fault. I just wanted to go with them. 
Do you believe in the Illuminati?Do you think any celebrities are associated with the Illuminati? Who?
How can people tell you are nervous?
Don’t make eye contact with me at all.
How can people tell you are sad?
Cracking of the voice. 
Do you ever express your true feelings?
Most of the time I don’t have a filter so yeah. I do a lot. 
Regrets in your life?
Not drawing more.
Achievements in your life?
Some of my art got put on display at my college’s art gallery so that was nice. And I bought a car. 
What did people say about you in school?
Gay? Gay.
What did you say about people in school?
I don’t know any of that drama. Not a fuck. 
Is there something you have never told anyone?
Yeah I guess. 
Have you committed an illegal act?
If you had two days to spend one million dollars how would you spend it?
Pay upfront my dream college tuition then pay for a small cozy house and then give the rest to my friends/family. 
What were your aspirations at age 5, 10, 15, 18?
5 I can’t remember, 10 I wanted to paint clouds for a living, 15 I wanted to die, and 18 I wanted to move out of my house AND die. 
Describe your first kiss? Was it how you imagined?
Messy and clumsy. Did not expect, after living in my heterosexuality household, for it to be a girl. 
Growing up were you in a wealthy, average, or low income household?
Average, low income, then average again. 
Are you from a broken marriage?
Have you been raised by a solo parent?
Do you know both your parents?
What colour eyes, hair and skin do you have?
My eyes are grey, my hair is dirty blonde, and my skin is pale. 
Have you abused drugs or alcohol?
What languages can you speak?
Just English. 
Do you conform to your societies standards?
To get paid? Yeah. 
Do you cry often?
Do you tell people what you think of them?
Only when its my close friends and its just sappy compliments. 
Are you comfortable accepting compliments?
I guess, sometimes I feel as though I don’t deserve them though. 
Are you comfortable giving compliments?
Is any mental illness hindering your life?
My depression sometimes makes it hard to drive without being constantly bombarded with intrusive thoughts. 
Is any physical illness hindering your life?
Do you keep up with current events?
So and so. 
What’s the latest news in the world you have heard/read?
Protests against nurses in Boston? idk what it was about though since I saw it briefly while I was at work this morning.
What have you done today?
I got up at 5 am to go to work, then got home to draw a little, and now i’m spending my time doing this. 
Do you sleep well?
Do you sleep badly?
Most of the time. 
Have you ever hurt anyone because you were hurting?
Has anyone ever hurt you because they were hurting?
Super yes. 
Have you ever had to end a friendship/relationship? Why?
Yes I had to end my relationship with my best friend when I was young, because of our parent’s disputes. 
Have you ever stopped someone from hurting themselves?
Has anyone ever stopped you from hurting yourself?
Do you like your laugh?
Are you preparing for an apocalypse? And what kind?
no not really. 
Do you have any funny family stories?
One time I found a garter snake in my old house’s yard and began to run around the adults carrying it. There was a lot of screaming. 
Are you religious?
Not really. 
Do you like to watch true crime shows or movies?
I watched a lot of CSI:Miami and Criminal Minds when I was younger :D
Are you interested in cults?
Would you like to raise a family in your country?
List some things you wanted in your childhood but never got?
Is there a large age gap between you and a sibling?
Uhh the biggest age gap I think is my brother which is 9 years. 
Are you from a blended family?
Do you believe in marriage? Why/Why not?
I only believe in marriage if there is good communication and a good understanding of each other. 
What is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?
One time, this little girl came up to the window and she said I was beautiful. I almost started to cry. (and like, my friends complimenting me that makes my day too)
Do you keep a journal?
I used to! Don’t got time for that now!
Would anyone be hurt by reading it?
I mean second hand embarassment if you read my old one. 
Do you have children?
Have you been pregnant?
List your favorite movies?
The Iron Giant, Scooby Doo and The Cyberchase/Alien Invaders, The Lego Movie, idk just a lot of movies. 
List your favorite people?
uhhh my friends, just. All of them? Too many to name but I love them all. 
Talk about the birthmarks and scars on your body?
I have a crescent shaped scar/indention on my face because I rammed myself into a coffee table when I was young. 
Do you look after yourself?
Lol no. 
Do you put yourself or others first?
Are you happy today?
Sort of. 
Are you loved?
I think so? 
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hardcandyhaz · 7 years
Temporary // H.S. (pt 2)
Harry is a lonely businessman, Rosie is a struggling graduate student, and their agreement is only temporary
Part 1 // Part 3 // Read on Wattpad
Part 2
“I’m not going to lie, that was one of the most boring lectures ever. There’s a reason I’d never go into business.” Steph said as we packed up.
“And a reason I’m broke.” I added, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.
“Do you want to grab something to eat?” Steph asked and I shook my head.
“I need to get some homework done before my shift.”
“Okay, well, see you Monday.”
“See you Monday.” I repeated. Distracted by checking my assignments on my phone, I bumped into someone on the way out of the lecture hall. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” I said, looking up to see I had bumped into Harry.
"It's alright," he said, motioning for me to go ahead of him. I gave a polite smile and continued ahead, hoping he’d avoid conversation. I had no idea how to interact with regulars outside of work, let alone one who was lecturing a class of mine.
“You staying after your shift?” My boss asked when there was a slow moment.
I nodded. “The work never ends, I may as well have a free cup of coffee with it.”
“It’ll be worth it when you have a degree.”
I nodded, noticing a person at the register in the corner of my eye. “Hi, what can I do for you?” I asked, tapping on the order screen.
“Hello, Rosie.” The person said, and the voice was awfully familiar. I looked up to see Harry at the register, smirk on his face. “Nice to see you again.”
I gave a polite nod, waiting for him to relay his order.
“A sixteen ounce earl grey, please.” He said and I grabbed a cup, jotting the order down on it. “Did you enjoy my lecture?”
“I don’t know. I’m not going into finances or business, not really my thing.”
“No one there was, darling.” He replied. I usually hated when customers gave me pet names, especially when they were older men. But I couldn’t be mad at him, the combination of how it sounded with his accent and how warm his eyes looked made it almost charming. Besides, it was Harry. The regular who’d been coming in for as long as anyone could remember and only tried coffee every blue moon to see if it tasted better. It never did, he hated it, and always went back to tea the next day. “Teaching is what they’re going into.” He continued. “So what are you going to teach?”
“English.” I said, tapping at the screen. “That’ll be $4.63, please.”
“Of course,” He said, handing over his card and again leaving the tip in cash. “Have a good night, um…” He continued after signing his receipt, giving me a look that prompted for my name.
“Rosie. You, too.” I said, grabbing the receipt off the counter to throw it with the rest of them, noticing a phone number scribbled at the bottom titled Harry Styles.
Soon after, my shift was over and I poured myself a drip coffee, sneaking a shot of vanilla into it which my boss pretended not to notice as always. I settled myself in my favorite corner for the night, cracking open my textbook and highlighters.
Late into the night, my mug was long empty when another was set beside me and I looked up from my computer screen to see Harry. “Looked like you could use another.”
“Thank you.” I said, grateful for the extra caffeine.
“I also figured since you couldn’t give me your number, I’d give you mine.” He probed.
“I saw.” I replied. “Listen, Harry, you don’t want to waste your time on a stressed out graduate student who’s always busy and also- how old are you?”
“Okay, I’ll admit that’s younger than I thought, but still, seven years younger than you. You don’t want that. You don’t want me.”
There was a pause before he grabbed a napkin and wrote down his phone number, again. “Why don’t you call me when you’re not in class or working and we can discuss it further.”
As he walked away, I stared at the napkin, the penned phone number taunting me.
“Hadley!” I called when I got home. “Are you still awake?”
“Yeah, coming.” She called back, bounding into the living room a few seconds later. “I was about to get ready for bed. What’s up?”
“A rich guy is hitting on me.” I said, throwing myself onto the couch and propping my feet on the table.
“Okay, I need more than that, Rosie.” Hadley replied, taking the seat on the opposite end of the couch.
I relayed the events of the last two days and she nodded when I had finished, looking thoughtful. “Does he have any friends?” She asked.
“Um, why?”
“Because I want someone rich to give me attention.”
“Hadley, oh my god, that is so not the issue right now.”
“I know. Sorry. Well, are you going to call him?”
“I don’t know!” I groaned. “He’s cute, Had. And polite, and charming. But he’s seven years my senior, he’s almost a CEO, for christ’s sake. He’s such a successful adult, I bet he knows how taxes work and how to make food other than mac and cheese and everything.”
“So?” She asked. “If you’re interested then just call him, dingus.”
I nodded thoughtfully, biting at my lip. “I’ll think about it.”
The next day, I stared at my phone in horror, Harry’s number already dialed. All that was left was to hit the green call button. “I can’t do it.”
“You can and you will.” Hadley said. “I will physically fight you if you don’t.”
I sighed, racking my brain for an excuse. “He might be busy.”
“Then call again later. Come on, you don’t have any more classes today and the day off. Today might be the only not busy day you’ll have for years.”
Before I could think about it too hard, I hit the call button and held the phone to my ear.
“Styles!” He barked upon answering, startling me. I looked up at Hadley fearfully and she only gave me a pointed look to keep going.
“Um, hi Harry. This is, uh, Rosie. From the cafe.”
“Rosie! Hi, sorry, I didn’t mean to be so short, I’m just busy and I- nevermind. Sorry.”
“Oh, it’s fine. Do you want me to call back later?” I asked. Hadley’s eyes widened and she looked ready to duct tape the phone to my ear.
“No, no, it’s okay. What time is it?” He asked.
“I’m not sure. Somewhere around one?”
“Have you eaten?”
“Good. I haven’t either. Are you busy today?” He asked.
“No, I’m done with my classes.”
“Alright. Will you join me for lunch?”
“Sure.” I said. “Where?”
“The Lark. Fifteen minutes?”
“Wonderful. See you soon.”
“Yeah,” I said and I heard a shuffle before he hung up. I looked back up at an expectant Hadley. “I need a ride to the Lark.”
“Holy shit!” She said. “Isn’t that place, like, moderately expensive?”
“I think so?”
“Go put a skirt on or something. Then I’ll drive you.” She said. I nodded and saluted her before heading to the bedroom to change.
“Remember,” Hadley said as she drove me through the city, rain pounding on the windshield. “Use the silverware on the outside first, that’s how fancy people eat.”
“Had, I’m not going to a five course cuisine meal.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Hey, you never know.” She replied, pulling over in front of the Lark. “Alright, get out of the car and woo a hot businessman.”
“Wish me luck.” I said, grabbing my purse and getting out of the car. Harry was waiting inside and the hostess showed to a table relatively secluded in the back.
“Here you are, Mr. Styles.” She said, setting the menus down.
“Thank you very much.” He replied with a polite smile as he sat.
“So,” I said, opening the menu in front of me. “What has you so interested in a poor college student you’d giver her your number not once, but twice?”
“Straight to the point, I see.” He chuckled as he scanned the menu. “You’re right. A successful businessman shouldn’t be pining after a struggling college student. They live in different worlds.”
“But here we are.” I said.
“Here we are.” He echoed. “Rosie, how many student loans do you have to pay off?”
“Why would you ask me that?”
“Answer the question, please. If that’s alright.”
“Almost $28,000.” I sighed. “Not including interest.”
“I’ll pay it.”
“Excuse me?” I asked.
“I’ll pay off your student loans, plus interest, and for the rest of your tuition until you graduate.”
“Harry, that’s an absurd amount of money.”
“For a college student working as a barista, yes. I can afford it.”
“And why would you pay for me to go to school?”
“I’m a busy man.” He said. “I don’t do much other than work, and it’s a lonely life. In exchange for your schooling, I want your companionship.”
I could not believe what I was hearing. “How often do you do this, hm? How often do you hunt down desperate young girls wanting a way out of their student loans and offer to pay their tuition for companionship?” I asked. “I can take care of myself, thanks. I’m not desperate enough to put out for anyone for money.”
“That is called prostitution, and not only is it illegal, but I don’t condone it.” Harry said.
“Then what do you want from me? If companionship isn’t a shady synonym for sex.”
“Someone to talk to.” He said. “Someone to take out and spoil and spend time with.”
“No sex?” I asked.
“No sex. Just tuition paid for and the occasional gift.” He confirmed.
I sat back in my chair, arms crossed as I thought. “Hypothetically-”
I was interrupted as our waitress came to the table with water. “Hi! I’m Mindy and I’ll be serving you today. Can I get you started with drinks? Appetizers?”
“Just a water for me.” Harry sighed, annoyed about the interruption. “Get anything you’d like, Rosie.”
“Just an iced tea for me, thanks.” I said. Mindy wrote down the order with a nod before disappearing. “Hypothetically,” I continued “If I agreed, how would my life be affected? What would I need to learn?”
“If you were to accept, hypothetically, you and I could occasionally be followed by paparazzi. You could be seeing your own face in the tabloids along with very not nice things to say.” He said. “And you would occasionally accompany me to business functions. Charities and such. You wouldn’t need to do much, polite conversation when needed, no one expects you to know anything about business.”
“Stand next to you and look pretty?”
“Stand next to me and look pretty.” He said as Mindy reappeared with my iced tea and took our order.
“I’ll think about it. But I’d have a few conditions of my own.”
“Let’s hear it.” “I keep my job at the cafe.”
“No need, but alright. Less hours, though.”
“Fine. No sex, but you already knew that was a given. If you want to see other people, I’m allowed to as well. But if you don’t want me seeing other people, you don’t either.”
“That’s fair.”
“Since you’re making me drop my hours at work, if for any reason this doesn’t work out, you still pay my loans in full and remaining fees for that semester. In that case, when a new semester starts I’ll start taking out loans again for it. And one last thing. This agreement is temporary. I don’t need you to take care of me my whole life, as soon as I’m out of college it’s done. You won’t expect me to stick around to pay you back for my tuition after college. And I want all of it in writing.”
“You’re smart, wanting it in writing. You’d do well in business. And this is assuming you agree?” He asked.
“Yes.” I confirmed.
“Alright. I’d like your answer by the end of the weekend.” He said and I nodded.
“I have a question, though.” I started. “Why me? To you, I’m just a barista trying to make her way through college. Nothing special.”
“Darling, you are special. When I saw you in that general education class I knew you’d be paying off loans the rest of your life with how expensive tuition is and how little a teacher’s salary will give you.” Harry said. “I’ve been going to the cafe longer than you’ve been in college. I’m a regular, Rosie. I know you. You’ve told me how often you don’t make rent, how many weeks you can’t eat because of it. You go to the plasma center twice a week for a little more money. Your roommate is also your best friend and her name is Hadley and she’s worse off than you are. You steal toilet paper from the bathrooms at the library and crisps from the dining hall because they’re free to students, but you can only leave with them if the bag has been opened. I know you, and I want to help.”***“Rosie! How’d it go?” Hadley asked, immediately jumping of the couch when she saw me step through the front door.
“He damn well near looked into my soul through my eyes or some shit.” I said, collapsing on the couch.
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t know. I think I overshare. He remembers everything, I guess I’ve told him how how hard it is to make rent and stuff. He even remembered that we steal toilet paper from the library. I mean, that was the first proper meal I’ve had in weeks. I’ve been living off of mac and cheese and ramen. Do you know how good chicken is? It’s so good, Had. Fuck.”
“Okay, you lost me at mac and cheese and ramen.” Hadley said. “But what exactly happened?”
“He offered to pay for all of my college.”
“Excuse me?”
“All I need to do is hang out with him and go to fancy charities sometimes.”
“Rosie Lewis, you’ve gone and gotten yourself a sugar daddy!” Hadley gasped. “That’s so scandalous. Pretty sexy, if I’m being totally honest. And how many times have we joked about needing sugar daddies anyway?”
“I was never serious! Besides, we stopped joking about that when we were eighteen!” I groaned. “I haven’t accepted.”
“What do you mean you haven’t accepted? Who wouldn’t accept free college in exchange for hanging out with a hot businessman? Did he ask for kinky sex or something?”
“No. He said ‘That is called prostitution, and not only is it illegal, but I don’t condone it.’ I just wanted to think about it.”
“I’d say yes.” Hadley shrugged.
“Also, I have some leftover chicken for you.” I said, handing her my bag of leftovers.
“You are seriously my favorite person ever. We haven’t eaten right in years.” She said, taking the food to the kitchen and coming back to the living room with it on a plate. “Want to do something tonight? I know a bunch of Sig boys are going to that one bar.”
“Seriously? You’re a senior in college and you still want to be hanging out with frat boys?” I asked.
“Yes.” She said. “Where Sig is, the party is. Come on, it’s Friday night and you’re about to not be poor! We should celebrate!”
“Haven’t accepted!” I reminded her.
“But you will. I know you.”
“Fine,” I said. “We can go out tonight.”
She whooped and I rolled my eyes with a smile as she disappeared back into the kitchen to finish her dinner and get ready. We almost never went out anymore, it would be fun.
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