#Alexia Putellas imagines
ellatoone7 · 3 months
❄︎ Night off ❄︎
Alexia's favourite girls series
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Tía Mapí and Ingrid to the rescue
When Mapí and Ingrid suggested a sleepover, you thought that it meant you and Alexia would be staying over too but they insisted that you and Alexia get some much-needed alone time. Alexia didn’t even hesitate to accept as she thought of all the things, she could finally do to you in an empty house. The walls haven’t heard her name being screamed in a while and she doesn’t want them to get used to that.
Alexia had gotten a few new things recently as a gift for herself that she has desperately wanted to use on you, but she didn’t just miss making love to you, she missed spending quality time with just you. A phone call was made, and she now had a reservation at your favourite restaurant. Emilia had been bouncing off the walls as soon as she found out she got to spend some time with her friends Sofia and Carlos. 
“You have your toothbrush?” Valentina nodded as she swung of her Mami’s arm. “I go to sleepover with Carl!” Alexia chuckled as she swung her up and caught her with ease tickling her belly as she squirmed in her arms. Emilia shuffled out of her room with her Barcelona backpack wrapped around her back. “Vamos!” She shouted as she legged it for the door, she was yanked back by her bag as Alexia turned her around. “Todavía tenemos tres horas hasta que tengamos que irnos Emilia.” The little blonde groaned loudly as she slumped on the ground, “I will wait.” Alexia stared down in amusement as she ruffled her hair.
Isabella was excited too, she loved Ingrid and because she was the oldest, she got to stay up later than the rest and watch a movie with her Tia’s. “Mama where is my charger for my iPad.” You held it over your shoulder as you were cooking, “Gracias.” Isabella left a kiss to your cheek before running off to do God know what. 
“Mm, smells good mi amor.” Alexia sigh as she walks in. Val is hanging onto her back as her little arms slightly choke her mother. Strong arms encircled your waist as she pressed her sturdy body against yours. Val giggled as she watched her mamí kiss your cheek, you giggled too before turning in your wife’s embrace to be greeted with two near identical smiles. 
Val was the absolute perfect mix of the two of you, she had your blonde hair and Alexia’s hazel eyes and smile. As she grew into her personality it was clear that she picked up aspects of both you and your wife which only further delighted the both of you. Whereas Emilia was a carbon copy of you and Isabella was the carbon copy of Alexia.
“How are the two cutest girls standing in my kitchen right now?” You cooed as you pinched both of their cheeks and like mother and daughter a bright blush graced both of their tanned freckly faces. “Don’t let Meels and Bella here you bebita.” Alexia whispered as she playfully bounced the little girl on her back, “Debemos ser los favoritos de mamá. ¿No crees princesa?” Val placed her finger over her Mami’s lips as she giggled loudly. You couldn’t resist to leave a kiss to her chubby cheek as she patted her Mami’s shoulder in sympathy. Alexia was pouting from the lack of affection before you too took pity on her a pressed a kiss to her cheek. 
Val frowned, “Kiss?” You cocked your head in curiosity, chancing a glance at your wife who mirrored your expression. “Why Mami didn’t get her special kiss?” The little girl babbled as she stared at her two parents, “Special kiss?” Alexia asked as she tried to figure out what her little girl was trying to tell her. “Sí, Emilia says Mami gets special kisses on the lips otherwise she will die.” Val’s eyes widened as she came to her own realisation, “No! Mami die? Quick Mama!” 
You were absolutely blindsided at the number of emotions that your daughter just expressed but she was on the verge of a meltdown and your wife was trying to hide her laugh. Before it got out of hand you quickly partook in your favourite activity and left a sweet kiss against your wife’s familiar lips. Alexia, as always, looked happily dazed as she chased your lips. You hold her in place by her chin as you turn to smile at your now very smiley daughter, ‘Bien?” Val nodded as she rested her chin against her shoulder. “Mami won’t die if she doesn’t get her special kiss, she’ll just get upset.” Val nods in understanding but you can tell it went through one ear and straight out the other. 
True to your words, Alexia was pouting heavily as she tried to push her lips towards you. You give in and kiss her until she’s satisfied, Val still has a happy smile stretching her little face once again identical to her mothers who is still sporting her cheeky grin. “Vale, stop distracting me and go get into trouble somewhere else.’ You laugh gently as they send each other sneaky smirks and with one last kiss for both of them which were happily reciprocated, and they scampered off. 
After you had rounded your family for lunch and watched each of them inhale their pasta, another thing they got from their hound of a mother and ask for seconds immediately you were finally in the car. Alexia was trying to wipe some sauce of Emilia’s face much to her disgruntlement, “Vamos, just one more wipe prometto.” Emilia huffs but let’s her quickly clean her face as she pushes her hand off. You on the other hand struggled with getting a squirmy Valentina into her seat so you can fasten her seatbelt. 
Finally, after a swift kick to the jaw and a wrestle to tie her seatbelt, you were on the road. Alexia’s hand was waiting for you as you quickly interlock your fingers, like clockwork she raised it to leave the softest of kisses to the back of your hand. There was a mixed reaction in the back of the car as Isabella groaned playfully, Emilia shielded her eyes and Val giggled. You bit your lip to stifle your laugh and you didn’t even need to look over to know your wife was the exact same.
Mapí and Ingrid were only delighted to welcome their extra guests as were the children as Valentina and Carlos both screamed excitedly at the sight of each other. “You two are insane, you know that?” Ingrid laughed loudly as she hugged you tightly, “I believe the words you are looking for are ‘thank you’” You glanced over at your wife who was holding Sofia like a little baby and placing kisses all over her face. An hour passed as you helped your girls settle in for the night before you decided to make your move. “Girls, we’re leaving!” You shouted and instantly there was herd of footsteps before they came into sight. Isabella hugged you tightly and promised to look after her sisters before making her Mami promise to play football with her when they got home tomorrow. 
Alexia picked Val up and placed kisses all over her face, “Do you have Senor Fluffy?” Val gasped in horror as she shook her head at your question, you were just about to resign to the fact you would have to drove home and get him when Alexia being the greatest mother she is pulled your daughters beloved stuffed rabbit from her back pocket. “Mr. Fluffy!” She reached out and snatched her stuffy to cuddle it close to her face. “Did you think he would let me leave without him? He’s been just as excited to come.” You smiled softly as her eyes lit up, forever infatuated with how her mother could communicate with her stuffy. “Gracias mucho Mamí. I love you.” 
You watch you wife melt as she tucks her daughters face into her neck. Deciding to give them their moment you step away to say goodbye to Emilia. “Mama, I promise I won’t have too much fun without you.” The blonde whispered as if she just confessed to a murder. “Darling, promise me you’ll have all the fun tonight.” Emilia hesitated always wanting to make sure you were okay. Emilia had imprinted on you and was like your partner in crime. Just like your wife she was extremely protective over you. 
Alexia walked over to say her goodbye while also catching the tail end of the adorable conversation. “Who will you have fun with?” She asked with her famous puppy eyes that neither you nor Alexia were immune too. “I will be with Mami all night, she’ll make sure I have fun.” Emilia lit up as if remembering that you were going to be with Alexia, “You love Mami!” You laughed as she held her hand out for your wife who was positively beaming at her little family. “Mami, promise me you’ll make sure Mama has fun.” Alexia took her request very seriously as she placed her hand on her heart and got down on one knee. “Te juro que me aseguraré de que mamá se divierta al máximo sin ti. Será difícil, pero me esforzaré.” Emilia seemed pleased with her commitment and the stern face quickly softened as she placed her forehead against Alexia’s. ‘Te amo Mami.” Alexia kissed her nose gently, ‘Te amo mucho mi princesa.” 
After the goodbyes were said and thanks given you and Alexia were back in her cupra. You already missed their little faces, but you knew they were going to have the time of their lives with your best friend’s. It also helped to have your wife who you got very little alone time with next to you. That was also obviously on the forefront of Alexia’s mind as she wasted no time connecting your lips frantically. Gone was the sweet and gentle Ale as she immediately tugged at your hair and slipping her tongue in your mouth. You moaned into her, longing to be closer to her now that you were free from any interruptions. 
Large hands hoisted your body over the middle console as she settled you in her lap, legs either side of hers. The kiss only grew more heated until whines were falling from your lips, and you were two seconds away from grinding pathetically in her lap. Alexia didn’t let up an inch as the minute you pulled away her lips were attached to your neck wanting to mark you as fast as she possibly could. It took everything in you to gently coax her away from her trance as she she stared up breathlessly at you. Pupils dilated and lips swollen, you wondered how you could go so long with just quickies and really quiet fits of passion in the middle of the night.
Her cold fingers were a stark contrast to your hot skin as she drew patterns up and down your bare back. “I’ll miss the girls, but god do I need this.” Your words were practically moaned out as you kissed her soundly again, slightly nipping at her lips to convey your need for her. Alexia could barely breath let alone respond as she leans her head back against the head rest. You laugh gently at her dishevelled form before deciding that it was now a good time to put an unfortunate stop to these activities until you were in a more respectable place. “Do you think it’s too late to ask them to keep the girls for the weekend?’ You slap her chest playfully as she chuckles at her own joke, pulling you closer so your body is flush against hers. 
Before you knew it, you were throwing on your best dress as it neared seven. When you made it home after many detours and impromptu make out sessions and one very close call where Alexia nearly had you in her backseat, you and Alexia relished in the very rare silence. As much as Alexia wanted to have you properly naked in bed so she could have her way with you, she also just missed being in your presence, so she quickly grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses, and had you cuddled up against her on the couch while watching whatever shitty reality show she pretended to hate.
Alexia threw on her best casual suit that matched your dress and was now watching you add the finishing touches to your makeup. She loved just watching you doing mundane things, absolutely mesmerised at anything you did. You reached for her wanting her to be as close to you as possible, her hand fit in yours perfectly like they always did. She brushed her lip across your shoulder blade as her arms winded around your waist, pulling you back into her. 
Alexia swayed you both softly, a smile that was firmly reserved for you laying contently on her face. “Eres tan bella mi Vida.” Another kiss to the crook of your neck this time was delicately placed to confirm her words. It always baffled you that the woman behind you could still make you fall in love with her more and more every single day even though you had been together for you whole life. 
You pressed a kiss of your own to her jaw as you craned your neck to meet her pretty eyes. “I love you. More than anything in this whole world.” Alexia held you tighter meeting you halfway and placing the most loving of kisses against your awaiting lips. “Vamos mi amor, taxi is outside.” You sighed happily, grabbing your bag and then your wife’s hand as she led you towards the car. 
You had decided not to drive based on the fact that you were both a little bit wine drunk and had plans on having a few more glasses at dinner. Alexia was only delighted to not be driving as it allowed her to wrap an arm around your shoulder and whisper the most mind-numbing sweet things into your ear along with controlled and tamed kisses here and there. The usual booth in the corner of the restaurant was waiting the two of you as she helped you into your seat. Alexia’s arms wrapped around your shoulder again as you leaned into her firm shoulder, giggling at how you still couldn’t properly read the menu. 
Nevertheless, you didn’t even need to look at the menu as Alexia ordered for you, a kind smile on her face, something that always made your heart flutter was how kind your wife was even though it was just basic manner you knew you were extremely lucky. You fell into your own little bubble as you drunkenly giggled at every little comment both of you were making.
“So, we are free for the night. What do you want to do?” Her freckles were extremely prominent in the light as she placed her chin on her hand, leaning against the table. “There is a lot of things I want you to do tonight.” You whisper softly, gently biting at her earlobe as she inhaled deeply. “No te preocupes cariño, tengo muchas cosas planeadas para cuando te lleve a la cama.” Her words rolled off her tongue as they always did when she spoke in her native tongue, and it made you want her impossibly more. 
“Other than that, do you have anything else in mind?” Ever the pleaser Alexia wanted to do something fun with you, making sure she truly doesn’t waste a second. “Let’s go to the beach.” You quip making her smile brightly, so many of your dates had ended up on the beach always leading to great memories. In fact, the first time you ever talked about having kids was at the beach. You had just moved in together, finally being able to permanently move to Spain and start your life with your soulmate. You were both twenty-one, once again slightly tipsy as you lay on her chest. 
“Have you ever thought about having kids?” You slowly asked, not for even one second fearing her answer as you cuddle closer to her. You could practically hear her thoughts, perks of being best friends since you could even talk. “Four maybe five.” She replied so casually as if she hadn’t been thinking about it since she first kissed you. “All girls not that it would matter but knowing the Putellas it will be girls.” You laugh softly as she nods at her long line of women in her family. “You obviously haven’t thought about it at all,” You teased as she quietly groaned, pushing you onto your back as she props herself up on one arm, “Next you’ll be telling me you have their names picked out too.” It was a joke until you saw her cheeky grin and realised that she did in fact have names ready. 
Every time you go the beach you think of that moment yet now you have those girls, already secretly planning on having a fourth after each birthday passes. Your food arriving did little to break your bubble as Alexia held out her fork immediately feeding you the first bite. Like you always did in their restaurant you both hounded down your food until you nearly felt sick from how much you ate. You finished off your glass of wine while also declining the offer of desert as Alexia claimed to go to the bathroom like she did every time she wanted to secretly pay the bill. You had stopped trying to fight her on it as it genuinely ruins her night. Alexia adored spoiling you and she had plenty of money to do so not that you didn’t, you were doing quite well for yourself. 
You both stumbled out of the restaurant laughing as Alexia trips over herself. As always, the gravitating pull that has always surrounded you and Alexia worked it’s magic as Alexia wrapped her strong arm around your waist and hugged you into her chest as you walked to the beach. “Can we facetime our girls tonight before they go to bed?” You asked as you stared up at her with your signature puppy eyes and Alexia couldn’t believe how alike you and Emilia were as if she wasn’t the image of Isabella. “I already gave Mapi a time mi amor.” Alexia playfully scoffed as it she couldn’t believe you would’ve thought anything else. 
Your hand traced over her built chest as you make the last turn for the beach. You find a nice spot as Alexia quickly takes off her jacket and lays it out for you to sit on. For as long as you’ve known her, she has always been the most chivalrous person in the whole word. She would be the first to hold the door open, pull out you chair and offer her hand, give you her jacket or jumper whenever so much as a chill ran up your spine. She was so atuned to your emotions you hardly had to communicate at all. 
Just like always Alexia lay down on her back, inviting you to cuddle up to her as you eagerly do so. A kiss pressed to your temple had you closing your eyes as your hand found her heartbeat. “I have a crazy idea.” Alexia sat up still holding you close, you shot her a curious look as she softly unzips your dress. You rolled your eyes amusedly, “Having sex on the beach? Yeah, like we’ve never done that before.” You husk as you make no move to stop her, all you get in response is her charming smile. You figured you’d make yourself useful as your fingers nimbly undo the buttons of her shirt.
Normally by know Alexia would have you at the brink of an orgasm but she hasn’t even made a move to kiss you. You put it down to the fascination she had with undressing you, as her eyes roamed over every inch of new skin revealed. Finally, she places a soft kiss on your neck before she’s suddenly standing, ridding herself of her the rest of her clothes until she’s standing in front of you fully bare. 
Getting the hint, you think she’s trying to send you, you get on your knees and let your nails sink into the back of her thighs as she laughs softly, “Vamos, idiota.” She pulls you up and helps you take your panties off before you too are fully naked and suddenly, she’s pulling you towards the ocean. You didn’t even hesitate to follow her, laughing like a teenager as she doesn’t even think before diving straight in. You were a little more apprehensive in your approach but as your wife resurfaced with a mischievous smile you knew you’d be under water in the matter of seconds. Her arms wrapped around you, and you were underwater immediately, laughing loudly as you resurfaced and wiped the salt from your eyes so you could softly slap her strong shoulder. 
Alexia didn’t think you could get more beautiful, but she was always proven wrong especially with how the moon reflects in your gorgeous eyes and your breath-taking smile as you threw your head back with laughter. Alexia waded over to where you were floating, “Hola.” She teased as she placed her hand on your bare hip and effortlessly hoisted you up as you instinctively wrapped your legs around her. You knocked your forehead against hers, your face was sore from smiling as you kiss her nose. Alexia’s hands trailed down your lower back until she left a teasing squeeze to your ass and left them there.
“This night was perfect. Thank you.” You whisper as you kiss her lazily, arms slithering around her neck as you card your fingers through your wet hair. “Eres perfecto, Te quiero mucho.” Alexia just had her magic ways of making you feel eternally young. Maybe because the two of you had always been in love and it just grew the more you did but you felt safe and so incredibly loved by the mother of your children and your wife. 
Her hazel eyes bared into your soul and the air was knocked out of your lungs until all you could do was convey the bleeding, life altering, urgent need for the former athlete. Nothing else was on your mind, you could barely think but you finally were able to mutter the one thing you wanted most in the world at that moment. “Take me home baby.” Alexia’s smile could in fact get wider as she started out of the water, holding you up the whole way as she kissed you feverishly. 
Only breaking away to whisper, “Cualquier cosa por ti mi alma.”
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delfiore · 2 months
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pairing: alexia putellas x reader
synopsis: aside from endless hatred and devastating love, you don’t know anything else when it comes to alexia.
word count: 2k
tw: aNGST, spicy stuff, enemies to lovers to ……….?
a/n: wow has it really been a month since i last posted that's insane (i'm not being sarcastic i'm actually so shook at how fast time passes).
now playing:
Her eyebrows narrowed. Her jaw clenched. Her eyes lasered in like a hawk.
Even from across the club, several of your teammates knew to get the hell out of her way when she made a beeline towards you.
Alexia was scary when she was angry. There was an untouchable force to her that made one cower under her steely gaze. You used to feel the effect of it, once upon a time, but recently it was almost a weekly occurrence that she would direct her hardened gaze at you.
And now, as she fixed that deathly glare onto you, you felt your arm being yanked just as you were about to kiss the beautiful stranger you met mere minutes ago.
“What the fuck, Alexia!” Admittedly, you were buzzed, and any obstruction to your enjoyment would irritate you.
“Come with me,” she gritted her teeth.
“No! Let me go!”
She tugged on your arm and dragged you away despite your protests. The bathroom at the back of this club was filthy, and the door barely did anything to block out the thumping music outside, but Alexia pushed you into one of the stalls anyway, caging you in between her arms on either side of your head.
You had half a heart to slap her across the face when she shoved you against the divider and kissed you like a barbarian, lips and teeth clashing against one another in a heated mess. She had no right to do this, but her entitlement made it so you were trapped in her grasp again.
The worst part was that you enjoyed it, very much, especially when she went on her knees to do what she always did best.
It happened not too dissimilar to how it started. Your frustration mixed with her only ensured you both collided in the most spectacular way. You remembered arguing with her after a horrible game, both of you throwing blame at each other. It happened so quickly, that before you knew it, your hatred had turned to lust. Hatefucking, as one might call it. Suddenly, all you could think about each day was how much you hated Alexia and couldn't wait to fall into bed with her.
“You can’t just do that and pretend like nothing happened.”
Your words came out rushed as you were still trying to catch your breath. Alexia exited the stall and went to wash her hands, doing so with a frustrating nonchalance.
She met your gaze in the mirror. “Can’t I?”
You scoffed. “Why do I bother? La Reina never gets off her high horse, does she? You’ve never respected me, ever.”
“That’s not true.” Her eyes flickered, and you thought you could see unspoken words behind them.
“Then what was that earlier?” You asked, irritated.
“I should ask you the same question,” she said firmly. “I thought we were fine. And now I see you grinding on some girl at the club? I mean—what is this, Y/N?”
It was always like that with Alexia, and if she didn’t say what she wanted to say, then you couldn’t help her.
“It’s not like you care,” you gritted your teeth. “I hope you had fun with Olga, by the way.”
Now it was her turn to scoff. “She’s my friend.”
“She was also your ex.”
“Can’t I be friends with my ex? And who are you to tell me who I should and shouldn’t hang out with?”
She was right. You had no place in her life to be telling her that. It was purely your desire, or a lack thereof, to hold a special place in her heart, but maybe you were foolish to wish for it when there has been so much history between you.
You chewed on your bottom lip, a habit you had since you were young. You suddenly felt the bathroom walls closing in on you—you needed to get out of there quickly.
Wordlessly, you shoved past her and returned to the club, the music once again deafening and pumping in your chest. You expelled a breath; the cute stranger was nowhere to be seen, and neither were Patri and Pina, with whom you came. That’s fine, there was an entire nightclub’s worth of people. You would find at least one person who would make you forget how much you despised Alexia and—maybe for the night—how much you loved her.
The story could have gone so differently. You two were similar in age, grew within the ranks of the Spanish youth teams together, then played at Barcelona together. You both played in midfield and younger players looked to you for guidance and leadership. Yet, it was known among your teammates that the two of you couldn’t stand to be in the same room. Ever since you were young, your similar play styles and clashing personalities ensured that you always butt heads on the field, and eventually, off it too. You grew up with this hatred of Alexia, as she did of you, but you could barely remember why. You were brazen and Alexia was cold, and that never worked for either of you.
It seemed she had had enough of your attitude one day, and shoved you so hard in training you thought you might have sprained an ankle. Some of the other girls noticed her distaste for you and started to distance themselves to gain favor with her. Then, Alexia became the best player in Spain, and you were always in her shadow. The media called you her ‘healthy rivalry’, even when you played for the same club. If you didn’t hate her as much as you did, they all ensured that you would never be able to get along ever again.
There was a memory that you buried deep inside, but it would easily surface again on nights like this. It made you question everything you’ve felt for Alexia, this thorn in your side that has never let you know peace
It was the summer of 2012 at a Spain U-19 camp. You had barely gotten any sleep the night before you came because it was your first call-up to represent your country. Alexia, of course, had become a familiar face in the team by the time you arrived. She wasn’t seen at breakfast one morning, and a coach said that she was dealing with personal matters. What you didn’t anticipate was finding her sitting alone by the steps of an entrance bawling her eyes out. You had tried to retreat, but Alexia had looked up before you could go.
“S-Sorry, I’ll just—”
“Mi papá . . .” Her voice was quiet like she didn’t want you to hear. Then, she burst into tears again. You had never seen Alexia like this, so distraught and vulnerable. The friends she liked to keep around were nowhere to be seen either. She never liked to appear weak in front of others.
Against your better judgment, you approached and sat next to her. “What happened?”
Exhaling shakily, she answered. “He was very sick. I just got the call from my mom.”
Your mouth hung open, unable to form words. As Alexia smeared her tears away with the back of her sleeve, she suddenly appeared younger and unlike the captain that you’ve come to know her. She was just a girl, who’d had something terrible happen to her, and you would be the biggest jerk not to push whatever you had between you aside.
“I’m sorry,” you only managed to say.
She said nothing and rested her face on the inside of her elbows.
“I’m sure he was very proud of you.”
“Please don’t say anything,” she breathed out, making you wince.
Alexia sniffled. “I just don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Okay,” you nodded slightly. You didn’t like talking about your feelings either. It was the first thing you found Alexia and you had in common.
You started to feel sick. Your head spun like you had just stepped out of a washing machine, but still, you reached for the passing bartender who looked at you with patronizing eyes.
“Y/N, that’s enough.”
You pushed her hand away, mentally cursing at her interruption.
“Fuck off.”
“I’m gonna have to explain to Jona why you’re still shitfaced at training tomorrow.”
“Fuck. Off. I don’t fucking care.”
Then, you heard her say something she had never said to you before. “Please. Let’s go home.”
The truth was, you never wanted to protest her. Maybe the years have softened you, but you didn’t want to admit how much you craved her affection. There were times when you despised her and thought her the lowest form of a human being.
“Please don’t do this,” you pleaded. You felt your heart hammering in your chest, as you watched her frantically spring out of bed.
“I—uh, have to go. I’m meeting someone for lunch.” She replied, reaching for her pants strewn across the floor.
“Ale, I’m sorry . . .” You managed a pathetic whimper, tears threatening to fall. “Can we just pretend I never said anything?”
How is it that she had made you feel so euphoric merely moments later, and now you felt like you had hit rock bottom? Only because those stupid words slipped out of your mouth.
. . . But was it such a crime to tell her that you loved her, when it was your truth?
You learned the hard way that Alexia didn’t want what you wanted. Maybe it was just her, or maybe it was you, and she didn’t want anything to do with you. If that were true, you were foolish to think for even a second that she would. You never gave her much to like anyway.
But still, you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t have any feelings for her. But aside from endless hatred and devastating love, you don’t know anything else when it comes to Alexia.
She had brought you back to your apartment, supporting you by holding you close and guiding you inside gradually.
The moment you hit the mattress, you groaned at the snugness of your own bed. Your eyes were barely open, but you saw the way she pulled your shoes off your feet and coaxed you to sit up so she could shed your outer coat.
But that was it. She was afraid to help you further, as it would resurface emotions Alexia thought should be buried, emotions that reminded her of sleepless nights and passion.
“Why are you so quick to get away from me?” You mumbled into your pillow.
You heard her sigh. “I brought you home, didn’t I?”
“Am I really that detestable that you wouldn’t even look at me?”
Her eyes met yours, but unlike earlier in the night, they now held a softness. “You know I don’t hate you. I never did.”
“Then stay.” You whispered, your head still spinning, but all you could focus on was her. “Stay with me. Please, we won’t do anything. I just don’t want to be alone.”
You didn’t care that you were begging her. You were tired of being pulled from end to end, and it was so much easier to love than to hate her.
You thought she would laugh in your face, pack her things and leave. Yet, when you opened your eyes again, she was lying in bed next to you, under the cover and all. She had changed into your clothes, so much more time had passed than you had thought.
“Go to sleep. We have training tomorrow,” Alexia whispered, her lips brushing your forehead softly.
You obliged, nuzzling your head into her chest as you let the comfort of her embrace lull you to sleep. You were too tired to fight it, to tell her no, that you would talk to her seriously about the two of you, even if you were drunk. It wasn’t the first time you had fallen for Alexia’s lies; all the other times, she left you in the dirt after giving you her everything for you to pick up the pieces yourself.
You hated her because you loved her. But maybe this is enough, you thought before sleep took over, just for tonight.
Maybe tomorrow will be different.
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lw6-woso · 7 months
shush you (Alexia putellas X ADHD!reader)
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prompt "shut up and go to sleep"
it had been a long day, a long day. the Barca girls had a full day of intense training both on the pitch and in the gym, and then almost straight after they all had to attend an award type dinner which all the Barcelona teams and the staff had to attend. it included a lot of socialising and way to many people. you were sat on the table in the corner, social battery completely drained, watching all the girls talk and socialising and just looking at them all made you want to cry.
you and Alexia where finally on your way home form the event after a long time in trying to find her and then talk to her, you were driving since you never or well rarely drink and Alexia was fast asleep in the passengers seat.
considering the day you had you were the only one that wasn't tired at all like you could run a marathon, considering the fact you weren't tired at all confused alexia, still after 3 years of dating and 3 months being engaged she couldn't understand why your brain is the way it is.
you both arrived home and Alexia slowly made her way up to bed for some well deserved sleep whilst you put all the training stuff into the wash and clean the apartment. since you were wide a wake you might as well put that to good use.
since you were wide awake you got a little distracted and you ended up cleaning the whole house and wound up in your room at half one in the morning.
and you didn't go to bed no you went on you pc and played call of duty with friends that were also awake but we wont question that. this caused some issues with Alexia since she already struggles to being able to sleep without you so having you in the room but not cuddling up to her caused her to become sleepless.
she had turned around and watched as you played.
"baby" she whispered, you dint hear her so Alexia said it again getting your attention.
you swirled around in your chair and looked shocked as the fact that Alexia wasn't asleep just like you thought she had been.
"what you doing awake" you asked.
"come" she said not answering your question but raised raising her arms so you could slip into her arms.
this caused you to follow what she wanted and to her surprise you turned your pc off put everything away before you walked over to the bed and crawled in next to Alexia causing her to have a small smile on her face and snuggled into you.
over the next ten minutes you watch Alexia slowly but surely fall asleep on your chest, you noticed how her chest slowly rose with each breathe.
however there was no sign for you to be falling asleep anytime soon like alexia, you got your phone and you were watching some stupid video on your phone knowing that alexia wasn't going to wake up or you hoped she wouldn't.
"shut up and go to bed" Alexia said taking you by surprised and talking your phone off of you and putting it somewhere.
"okay" you said in complete shock turning over and excepting my defeat.
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onlyhereforthestories · 6 months
No Hay Distancia (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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A fic for you all finally. I'm sorry it's taken so long! It is slightly different to how I normally write so I hope it is okay!
The sun had dipped low on the horizon as a warm, golden glow bathed the city of Barcelona from your place on the balcony. It was a beautiful evening, and for you, it marked the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You had just moved to this vibrant Spanish city from Seattle, leaving behind your time at OL Reign and starting your new one with FC Barcelona Femení. The change had been exhilarating and intimidating, but the one thing that made all the change worthwhile was the anticipation of finally being with the love of your life, Alexia Putellas.
You and Alexia had met three years ago; your connection was ignited by your shared passion for football. Alexia's mesmerizing skills on the field had drawn you to her instantly and had you almost tripping over your own feet mid-match at the beauty she held. Despite living miles apart, you had managed to build a strong and steady bond. It had been a long-distance relationship full of late-night calls, text messages, and fleeting visits whenever either of your busy schedules allowed. You were another world away, playing as part of the OL Reign team, while she was at her home club of Barcelona, and the time difference often felt like a cruel challenge. Not anymore, though.
The evening was drawing to a close, and you had yet to even start to unpack the many suitcases you had with you, not sure where your belongings belonged in your now shared home. Not only did you have what you had brought on the plane with you, but you also had some storage things coming via courier soon. Something you might not have told Alexia about just yet. Your excitement was building as you started on the first case, although unpacking a case was hard to do when a small dog kept jumping in it. You knew the drawing in of the evening meant that Alexia would be finished with training soon and therefore should be coming home for the first official time to your shared home. You kept glancing at your phone, waiting for Alexia to finish her training session, a session you would be joining soon enough. The anticipation was almost unbearable.
Finally, your phone buzzed with a message from Alexia: "Buenas tardes, mi amor. I'm on my way home now. I really can't wait to see you!" You couldn't help the smile and massive bubble of excitement that surged through you at reading that simple message. You had to read the "on my way home" part a couple of times to believe this was your reality.
When you heard the distinct sound of a key scratching into a lock, you practically sprinted to meet her at the door, Nala hot on your heels almost as excited as you were for the woman’s arrival. There she was, Alexia, with her signature smile that could melt anyone's heart but especially yours. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she pulled you into a tight hug. It felt like more than a dream; it felt like a moment you had been waiting for years for was finally happening.
"¡Te extrañé tanto, mi amor!" Alexia whispered, her voice laced with genuine emotion, and you could feel the slight lump in her throat that she swallowed down as she spoke.
"I missed you too, Lex," you replied, tears welling up in your eyes from the memories of saying that countless times over FaceTime or the phone rather than in person. Not only were those tears for that, but they were also for the fact that you wouldn't have to say it that way or as often anymore.
You cherished every second you had right then, soaking her in. This moment felt like your life was finally getting started after being on hold for the few years you had been apart. Your heart ached thinking about the lonely nights you had endured, the longing you had felt when Alexia was on the other side of the world. But now, it was all worth it. The physical proximity made your love feel stronger than ever, making the time spent apart worthwhile.
Over the next few weeks, you explored your new home with Alexia by your side as your very excitable tour guide. You visited famous landmarks, indulged in delicious Spanish cuisine, and shared countless tender moments that you had been waiting to share consistently together for ages. The days of counting the time difference to see what hour of the day your other half was in seemed like a distant memory something you were beyond grateful for.
One evening, after a particularly gruelling training session, Alexia collapses onto the couch completely exhausted. You can't help but smile as you watch her, her passion and dedication to her sport unwavering even on training days.
"Rough day at the office?" You tease knowing full well what her day has been like, yours equally as hard. Although due to you being a defender and her being an attacker, the days of training had been slightly different for each of you.
Alexia chuckles, her voice tinged with fatigue. "You have no idea.” The statement was accompanied by a smirk and a wink one that had you stifling a giggle at her antics. “But it's all worth it when I get to come home with you." The statement has a blush taking over your whole face.
You join her on the couch, snuggling up to her. "I'm proud of you, Lex. You're amazing."
Alexia leans in for a sweet, tender kiss, her lips soft and warm against yours. "And I'm proud of you too. You've adapted to this new life so well."
You smile, feeling a surge of happiness. "It's easy when I have you by my side."
The two of you sat there for a while before you pushed up off her and got to your feet. When you looked back at the woman on the sofa you chuckled at the pout, she was sending your way. “Stop that, someone needs to make dinner and seeing as you almost fell asleep two seconds ago, I think it's going to have to be me.” You sent her a wink before heading to the kitchen.
About 30 minutes later you had plated up the simple chicken and pasta dish into two bowls and wandered back into the living space to give Alexia her bowl. When you walked around the couch you couldn’t help the smile that instantly spread across your face at the sight of the woman sleeping with Nala curled up in the space in front of her chest.
You placed the bowls on the coffee table and gently ran your fingers through the older woman’s hair trying to stir her slowly and gently from her slumber. When that didn’t work and she just sighed contently, you leaned forward and pressed your lips to her hairline brushing a few soft kisses there as you spoke gently but not too quietly. “Come on mi amor time to wake up, you need to eat before we can go to bed properly.”
Alexia's eyes blinked up at you a few times as she slowly came back to the land of the awake. Her legs stretched out as her body shouted at her to get out of the cramped position, this action woke up the sleeping dog who shouted her distaste for being woken up with a sharp bark before leaping off the couch and trotting to her food bowl which you had placed her dinner in before serving your own.
By the time Alexia had sat up, you had both bowls back in your hands and ready to go, your stomach letting Alexia know how ready you were to eat with a rather loud rumble. As she grabbed her plate from you, she teased you the whole evening was very domestic and was one of the first evenings you thought about how far you had come to be here doing just this with the woman.
As the months continue to pass by, your connection with Alexia deepens. You share countless moments that strengthen your bond, from the simple pleasures of waking up together and preparing meals to playing alongside each other on the football pitch. Your love is evolving and growing stronger with each challenge you face and each triumph you achieve together.
Barcelona becomes more than just a city; it becomes your home. Its streets, its people, and its culture all contribute to the love that starts to bloom in your chest when thinking about the city. You explore hidden gems with the people around you, you savour the delicious Spanish cuisine both home-cooked and in restaurants, and you revel in the rich history that surrounds you. You were exploring one of these small gems when Alexia turned to you, her eyes filled with love. "I can't believe you're finally here with me," she said, her voice soft and full of emotion you never thought you would see from the normally strong, stoic woman, not outside of the home anyway.
You smile and take Alexia's hand in yours. "I couldn't be happier here. Being with you is all I ever wanted and I’m so glad we made it work and get to be here in the same place together."
Your lips meet in a sweet, lingering kiss, sealing your love in the city where your dreams have come true. No longer does distance stand between you, for now, you're together, and your love will only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
As the weeks turned into months, you and Alexia settled more into your life together in Barcelona. You found your footing as a new star for the FC Barcelona women’s football team alongside your partner, making connections with your teammates and fitting in perfectly. The routines you and Alexia had created slowly made life in the sunny city run smoothly. If one cooked, the other washed up; if one hoovered, the other did the laundry, and so on. This solidified the decision you made to move thousands of miles away from your original home, making the wonderful connection between you even stronger.
Yet, like any relationship, challenges arose. The demands of your and Alexia's football careers and your joint busy schedules tested your commitment and your time together. The time difference between Barcelona and Seattle had once been a source of frustration, but new challenges required just as much resilience and understanding.
One evening, after a particularly tough practice, Alexia sank into the couch, her face etched with exhaustion. "I can't believe the season is already halfway over. I feel like I have been playing for a year straight already."
You sat down beside her, offering a comforting touch by bringing her into you and letting her rest against your body. "You are doing amazing, Lex. But it is okay to feel overwhelmed sometimes with all the added captain's stress you have going on. I am always here for you."
Alexia leaned into your embrace, her body relaxing against the support. "I know, but it is just so hard. Balancing everything—training, matches, the media, and us. I feel like I have been neglecting our time together because I have a promo deal to complete or do an interview for someone. I know we still get evenings, but I am just so exhausted when it comes to them, and I don’t feel like I’m giving you enough."
Understanding the weight of the responsibilities that came with Alexia's position, you reassured her, "You give me all you can at the time and that will always be okay with me. Any time I get with you is perfect and even when that time is limited or maybe even just snuggling up in bed together, it is still time with you. Not too long ago I was only getting to see your face on a screen and now I get to see it in person all the time. I get to fall asleep at the same time as you and wake up to you. So please don’t worry about us, okay? We have got this and will get through it together. I promise."
A few weeks after Alexias confessed to how she was struggling a bit with commitments and time together another hurdle was thrown your way. Your evening was meant to be spent together having a date night at a restaurant you have both been wanting to try but here you were sat with Alexia on the couch in comfy clothes instead, both of you mentally and physically drained from your respective commitments. "I know it's tough, Lex," you began, "but look at how far we've come. We've tackled challenges together before, and we'll do it again. Your dedication is incredible, and I'm so proud of everything you've achieved."
Alexia's tired eyes met yours, filled with gratitude, care and love. "And I'm proud of you, too. You've always been there for me, no matter what. I couldn't ask for a better partner in this journey."
In those moments, the challenges that once seemed insurmountable become stepping stones on your shared path. Your love remains a constant, a light that guides you through the most challenging times. You both know that no matter what the future holds, you have each other's backs, ready to face any obstacles together. The challenges may be different, but your love remains as strong as ever, a bond that continues to grow with every test it faces.
The season has come to a close and you aren’t far off completing your first year in Barcelona when you find yourself and Alexia on the rooftop of your apartment building, the city's lights stretching out before you like a sea of stars. You lean against the railing, taking in the breathtaking view, and Alexia joins you, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder so she can look out too but keep you close.
"This city is incredible," you say, your voice filled with wonder.
"It is, but it's even better with you here," Alexia replies, turning her head slightly to press a small chaste kiss against the side of your neck. This prompts you to want more so you turn to face her, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. The warm night air and the city's enchanting lights create the perfect backdrop for your love to soar. As the kiss deepens, you can't help but marvel at how far you've come since your first meeting, how much you have both overcome to be here and together nonetheless.
The city's lights continue to twinkle below you, a testament to the vibrant life of Barcelona. As you stand there with Alexia, you can't help but think about how much your lives have changed since that first match, the one where you couldn't take your eyes off her mesmerizing skills and beauty. It's been an incredible journey, one filled with love, passion, challenges and unwavering support for each other.
You turn your attention back to the woman who had you wrapped up in her arms, a radiant smile on your face. "You know, I used to watch Barcelona's games on TV back in Seattle, dreaming about being here and playing with you. Now, it's all come true."
Alexia grins, her eyes shining with pride. "Dreams do come true, mi amor. I'm so glad you're living yours and that it matches perfectly with mine."
The night is still young, and the possibilities seem endless. With your hands entwined and resting on your stomach, you both look out at the city knowing that your life together was just beginning. You can’t help but feel grateful for the journey that has brought you to this moment here, for the love you get to experience and for Barcelona that has become the backdrop to the next chapter in your life. A life you know will be filled with love, football, and the promise of a future with the woman you have loved for a long time from afar.
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httplilyyy · 8 months
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pairing: alexia putellas x reader
summary: you knew alexia still loved you but you were naive enough to think that she loved you the most.
warnings: swearing & angst
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i’m not the most proud of this but it is what it is
woso masterlist
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You should’ve known that she had fallen out of love with you. But you were stupid. Naive. Holding on to some hope. Praying that she was still yours.
You didn't want to believe that your relationship was falling past your fingertips. You desperately tried to cling on but there was no hope. She was already gone.
The change happened in a split second, one major tournament solidifying your fate. The world cup is supposed to bring you happiness and joy where it only brought you heartbreak and despair.
Noticing the first little signs felt like a stab to your heart. You desperately tried to ignore them but it was no use, the one you used to call yours was somebody else's.
It started when she would ignore the small intimate moments with you, seemingly forgetting to give you a goodbye kiss or even ask you a ‘how was your day?’
A password on her phone came next, hiding certain things from you followed soon after. It was silly, you felt like a stranger in your own relationship and what made matters worse, you didn’t even know if you could save it.
Whenever you tried to bring something up, she would always dismiss you. Blaming it on how you’d overthink the littlest of things.
You should’ve listened to that gut feeling that something was up. You should’ve listened to that nagging in the back of your mind that something was wrong. You should've listened to your teammates. You should’ve listened to the warning signs. You should’ve listened.
But why would you? You were in love. Nothing else mattered.
You certainly didn’t. Especially to Alexia.
Coming home late after training one day, you placed everything by the front door, sighing as it closed.
Finally allowed to let yourself breathe, you leaned back against the door, shutting your eyes for a brief second until you felt a pair of lips against your neck.
“Hey, baby.” Alexia husked, dragging her teeth along the base of your neck, nipping ever so slightly.
“Ale- what-” You mumbled, trying to push her off.
“Shh, just enjoy this.” She replied, slowly trailing her kisses down until she was on her knees.
“No, Ale. Stop.” You said sternly, moving away from the door and into the living room.
The Catalonian chased after you, a fury set deep in her eyes. Sitting on the sofa, you placed your head in your hands.
“What's going on? You don’t want to have sex with me anymore?” Alexia questioned, raising her arms up as she looked around the room in disbelief.
“I’m sorry, are you seriously asking me that?” You replied, a sarcastic undertone making its way through your voice.
You stood up, looking at the midfielder dead in the eyes before you scoffed, making your way into the kitchen.
“No, no, no. You don’t get to walk away from me.” Alexia said, hot on your heels.
“Oh really? Why's that?” You snapped, turning to face her once again. “Because all I've been doing these past months is chase after you.”
“I didn't ask you to do that.” Alexia shrugged.
“I’m done with this conversation.” You muttered, shaking your head.
“No, we’re talking this out.”
“Oh, you want to talk it out?” You responded, raising your eyebrows. “Really? Okay, talk to me about this. In what world did you think I wasn't going to find out you cheated on me?”
“What?” Alexia said, taken back as she stared at you in shock.
“I know, of course I know. You didn’t make it very hard for me not to figure it out. Coming back home late at night, stumbling through the door. Passwords on everything, secrets, no communication. Oh and you mustn't forget about the hickies that I didn't even give you since you won't be intimate with me!”
You stared at Alexia, chest heaving up and down but you still weren't done.
“You won't even look at me anymore, and if you do there isn’t even any guilt. You won't kiss me-”
“I kissed you literally a second ago-” Alexia cut in.
“On the lips, Alexia. Let me finish. You don't ask me how my day has been, you don’t even hold my hand for god sake!”
“Are you seriously getting worked up about this?” Alexia asked, running a hand through her hair.
“We used to do everything together, watch movies, cuddle, go on dates, where did it all go wrong? Was it something I did? Did I say something? Not do anything?”
“We’re out of the honeymoon phase.”
“We sure as shit are not in that phase anymore.” You said, shaking your head at her.
“I don’t know what your point is.” Alexia huffed, clearly getting bored of the conversation.
“I want you to start being honest with me.” You said, releasing a shaky breath as you tried not to let the tears fall.
“Sure, ask me anything.” Alexia replied, unbothered as she shrugged her shoulders.
“How long?”
“How long have you been cheating on me?” You asked, a long silence hanging in the air.
“I’m not doing this.” Alexia scoffed, walking away.
Following behind her, you stop in the hallway as she reaches for the front door.
“You walk out that door and we are done.” You said, heart practically beating out of your chest.
“That doesn’t matter, does it?” Alexia questioned sarcastically. “I mean, look, I walk out this door and we’re done. I answer your question and we’re done. What’s the point?”
“You’re not my Alexia.” You whispered, voice cracking as you finally felt the tears roll down your cheeks.
“Oh get over yourself.”
“I’m going to ask you one last time. How long?”
“Three months.” Alexia said, looking down at the floor.
A small gasp left your lips, you didn’t know what to do or even how to feel. Everything was just numb. How could she do that to you? Three months? How could you not have known sooner.
“Was it me?” You questioned, wrapping your arms around your waist.
“No.” Alexia sighed, finally meeting your eyes.
“Then what was it?”
“Me, I got scared because for the first time in a relationship I had actually felt something.”
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” You asked, voice breaking as tears welled up in your throat.
“Didn’t think you’d understand.” Alexia said, furiously wiping her eyes. “It doesn’t matter now anyway, I messed it up. I messed us up.”
“I fucking hate you Alexia.” You sniffled, slowly walking over to her. “And I fucking hate that I don’t actually hate you.”
“Because I love you. I always will.”
“You’re still breaking up with me though, aren’t you?” Alexia wondered, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
“Yes because you were an asshole but maybe consider it as a break.” You said, taking her hands in yours. “Work on yourself and maybe sometime in the future our paths will cross again.”
“I’m sorry.” Alexia mumbled, tears finally escaping her eyes as her head found its way into the crook of your neck.
“I know.” You smiled sadly, feeling her arms snake around your waist.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, basking in each other's comfort. Something you haven’t done in a while and although it felt foreign at first, you both soon melted into one another's embrace.
You knew Alexia still loved you but you were naive enough to think that she loved you the most.
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women-are-hot · 11 months
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request: “I can ask that the reader and Alex do a live together and Alexia looks at the reader with loving eyes and answers questions together all with cuteness.”
pairings: alexia putellas x fem!reader.
genre: pure fluff.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: just alexia and you being so in love that it makes fans sick lol.
note: this was in my drafts, so decided to edit it and post it for y’all. hope you like the small surprise fic <3
you were just casually laying with your head on alexia’s lap while she ran her fingers through your hair. it was your favorite thing to do when you had time. laying with your girlfriend and her running her fingers through your hair.
just when you had fallen asleep, alexia decided to wake you up by caressing your cheek. “mi amor” she whispered, but enough for you to hear. you hummed a ‘yes’ into her stomach, wanting her to continue running her fingers through your hair.
“should we go live on my instagram?” alexia asked you, making you rub your eyes and sit up on the couch beside alexia with your head still on her shoulder. “do you even know what you’re talking about la reina?” you teased her which earned you a light flick by her finger on your forehead.
you fake gasped, but the gasp was quickly wiped away when alexia kissed your forehead, then your nose and lastly, a passionate kiss on your lips. “you’re forgiven” you said with a smile.
“yeah, i know” alexia responded with a cheeky smile, making you roll your eyes at her.
“anyway, should we go live on instagram?” alexia asked, repeating her question. “si. it would be fun, but i won’t help you with anything. you have to figure it out yourself” you answered, trying not to laugh as you knew alexia wasn’t the best at instagram yet even if she tried a lot, especially after getting so many followers. 
“mi amor-” alexia started complaining, but you responded with a simple ‘no’. after more complaints from your girlfriend, you two agreed that if she made everything a very big disaster, you would eventually help her.  
alexia also decided that she should do a quick story before going live, so her fans would be ready to watch the two of you and send questions. “i want you to be in it too” alexia said and literally took her arm around your waist, dragging you into her without any warning, but you couldn’t complain as she started the video. 
“hola everyone. y/n and i are going live here on instagram in a few minutes, so we hope y’all will come and ask us questions and hang out. adios, see you soon!” alexia announced while you just stared at her with a big smile. what did you do to deserve her?
“you’re so cute!” you mumbled into her shoulder, still with a big smile on your face. “qué? why?” alexia asked, worried that she said something wrong as english isn’t her first language. 
“calm down babe. you didn’t say anything wrong. you just sounded so cute while talking english in your hot spanish accent” you answered as you tried to cheer up your worried girlfriend. she always get so worried about saying something wrong in english. 
“my hot spanish accent?” alexia mumbled confused at you. you just gave her your usually cute little smile with a simple nod. “you really think my accent is hot?” alexia asked as if she was surprised.
“ale, everything about you is hot” you answered in a low voice, failing to keep a shy smile off your face. alexia’s confused look was now replaced with a smirk, looking you right in the eyes, almost making you weak.
“is that so?” alexia asked while you just nodded as you looked down at your feet, feeling alexia’s eyes burn through you. alexia then took her finger under your chin, making you look back up at her. 
she then smashed her lips into your in a slow and passionate kiss. just as you had started kissing her back, she stopped kissing you and walked away. “what the- ale, where are you going?” you yelled at her. 
“i’m just going to make us some iced coffees before we go live. that is okay right miss y/l?” alexia asked in a teasing tone while you just huffed at her with an annoyed face, sitting down on the couch with your phone, posting alexia’s story on your profile. 
after eight minutes, alexia was back with two iced coffees and ready to go live. she opened her phone and started the live with 35,000 people already watching. alexia just somehow didn’t know that. 
“do i have something in my teeth?” alexia asked, putting her face close to the camera, finally making you crack a big laugh. “why’re you laughing?” she asked and after wiping your tears from your laughs, you answered her. “do you know that 35.000 people just heard and saw that?” 
“huh? are we already live?” alexia asked. you just slightly nodded, before going into another laughing attack full of tears. “why didn’t you tell me, idiota?” she mumbled with a frown.
“i told you that you had to figure all of this out yourself” you said with a big smile. “you’re annoying” she said. “but you love me” you responded with an even bigger smile that even alexia couldn’t resist as she started to smile herself a bit.
“i really don’t know anymore to be honest” alexia mumbled, but you could still hear it, making you hit her shoulder. “woahhh. that hurt so much” alexia said in sarcasm while you just rolled your eyes at her.
“save that for later mi amor” alexia whispered into your ear, making you blush a bit, but enough for the fans to see it.
@ alexia4ever - what did alexia just say to make y/n blush like that?
@ putellasluv11 - you guys are really making me feel so single
@ aleandynschild - cutest couple ever! literally my parents!
“alright, we thought we could answer some questions, so ask a few things and we’ll try to answer as best as we can” alexia explained with a tomato colored head beside her. then questions started flowing in.
“what’s the best thing about living and playing in barca?” alexia readed out loud. “you should answer that, amor” alexia said, putting her arm around your shoulder, pulling you even closer.
“well, there’s quite a few things, but first of all, the sunny weather is amazing, especially when you come from Sweden or the nordic countries in general” you started while alexia chuckled a bit at you and looked at you with what the fans called ‘heart eyes’.
“of course there’s more than amazing weather! barcelona has always been my dream club to play for as my parents always cheered for them, making me a fan automatically. so when i got the offer to play for barca, i was so excited and of course couldn’t say no to such a big offer. the club just means so much to me and i’m so grateful for all of my teammates that i get to call my friends. and of course, there’s la reina de barca, alexia putellas. my best friend and other half” you rambled, leaning into alexia during the last sentence. 
“so yeah, basically everything about living and playing in barca is the best thing” you added, looking up at your girlfriend as she always looked down at you with a big smile. “am i talking too much?” you asked her. 
“no. tu respuesta fue perfecta, mi amor” alexia answered, taking some of your hair behind your hair, giving your head a kiss, making fans feel very single again. after that little sweet moment, the two of you went back to answering questions for about an hour and a half while making fans awe over your relationship.
@ ynputellas0 - the way y/n was talking about barca and alexia was so cute, i can’t
@ alexiabiggestfan - alexia is being a romantic girlfriend ulalalala
@ lareinaaayn - i’m literally so in love with both of them
@ alelovesyn - alexia’s heart eyes for y/n are just so cute. i want what they have!
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chrlvctius · 8 months
alexia putellas x reader fic!!
> soo angsty with a fluff at the end!! keeping my promises fr ‼️‼️
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Your pov:
Your limbs went limp as one of the things you had always wanted slid through your hands as the final whistle blew, and it felt as though your heart took its final beat.
That hurt. You felt constricted and compressed due to exhaustion and emotion. You felt so little and helpless. You began to hear voices in your head, including those of your parents, siblings, and other family members. How would they react to this?
As multiple sounds erupted around the stadium, you collapsed to the ground with your head firmly buried into your lap while breathing deeply. Barcelona did win, but you fell up short. When Alexia scored the final goal, you were already defeated. You were supposed to own that. You were meant to be the one.
With tears in your eyes, you watched as Keira, Lucy, and Pina approached Alexia and embraced her. You were exhaling heavily and making an effort to stop your tears from falling to the ground by looking up at the sky. This was extremely unfortunate. Others would express their pride in you to you, but none of that would truly matter. Barcelona did win, but you came up short. It's always been you against the world.
You were the valued possession of your family. What's not to brag about when you're in Barcelona playing football with other professionals?
Before Alexia, you weren't used to coming in second in everything.
You hated her so much. She was competent and well-versed in every move, tackle, and technique, which you hated. You hated that others gave her some of the attention that was intended for you but went to her instead since she was always one step ahead of you. She was incredibly skilled, and you hated how well she played in every match. You hated the fact that she never made a mistake and was always perfect.
This was the only way you could prove your worth. You were in desperate need of this. You had to get everything just right. You needed to do better. Without this, you are nothing. Nothing worthy. The only thing that distinguishes you from the rest of your family was your love of football. It was the only thing that gave you life and made you feel seen.
Having this taken away from you entirely breaks you. You were only good at one thing that stood out.
You were never good at anything other than this. It's the only thing that has made you worthy. You truly have nothing and are nothing without this. You get deeply disappointed when you see someone doing something better than you have always done. When will the world stop taking things away from you?
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You didn't see ona approaching you as you were looking up at the sky trying to stop your tears from falling to the ground. Ona sat next to you and simply looked at you, her eyes filled with pity.
She wrapped her hand around your shoulders and murmured, "Y/n.."
I looked at her with watery eyes. I probably looked completely worn out at this moment. with unkempt hair, glossy eyes, and bags under my eyes.
I replied "No, ona" despite the feeling of shaking in my voice.
I sigh and bury my face in the crook of her neck, "I hate this, I hate her so much. Why does it always have to be like this, why does this always happen to me?"
"I'm so sorry, y/n. I know that anything I say right now won't really change anything of what's just happened and i'm really sorry," Ona says while stroking my hair and kissing the top of my head.
For a while, Ona comforts me, and only then, when things began to feel lighter, did we stand up and follow the others to the changing room, with Ona promising to stay by my side the entire time I'm in there.
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Alexia’s pov:
I was quite proud of the goals I received today. I was the happiest person alive after scoring that final goal because everyone appeared to be participating together. The girls approached and gave me many hugs and compliments.
"Congratulations, Ale! You deserve it", lucia said and stroked my shoulder, but Keira only gave me a hug and a tender whisper. Everyone was pleased, and Pina couldn't stop jumping and running around.
Not until I noticed y/n sitting down and ona seated next to her. I became aware that something was wrong at that point. Ona kept looking at me, and all I could see was pity.
I arched my eyebrows at her as if to indicate or inquire about what was wrong, but all Ona did was shake her head and keep rubbing Y/N's back. I began to feel strange and uneasy. All of a sudden, everything felt incredibly slow, and I was unable to make out any of the words that my teammates or the crowd were chanting. Right now, y/n was all that mattered to me.
I had never before seen her in such a state. She looked extremely weak and defeated. It made me feel weak as well. I felt weak after seeing her weak, and that wasn't nice.
"I think you have something to talk out with y/n," said Lucy and Mapi as they drew nearer to me and also glanced at Ona and Y/N.
I simply nodded, but it was so clear that I appeared absolutely off and weak as I immediately headed for the changing rooms.
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As soon as Ona and I entered the changing room, everyone turned to stare at me, and it was evident that everyone felt sorry for me. As I was making my way to the showers, everyone started patting me on the back. At this time, I didn't really give a shit. I felt so worthless and numb.
What had been seconds changed to minutes, and those to hours. I didn't even notice or hear Ona tapping on the glass door and telling me she'll be gone because she needs to tend to things.
I was just staring at the wall, tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't know what to say to my family. I can already hear my father telling me how much of a disgrace I am to our family.
I almost had it. I had it in my grasp but couldn't keep it. I hate the fact that there is always an "almost" in everything I do. "Almost had it" , "Almost perfect" , "Almost" . It frustrates me because no matter how hard I try, nothing ever works out. I tried my hardest at everything, yet I always ended up being average. I hate the fact that every time I was ultimately seen by everyone, there were only fleeting moments of recognition.
I hate how Alexia doesn't even have to try that hard, whereas I have to try my hardest.
I gave everything I had just to be seen. I've always been second, third, or last in line to my siblings. Every time I'm second to Alexia, my stomach drops. Everything I do is never enough, and all of my efforts are never reciprocated. I hate how I'm always giving but never getting anything in return. I hate how I'm always the second option, the background person, the ignored side character. No matter what I do, I can never really be enough for anyone, and I hate how invisible I become when I lose "something."
Having to go through this again literally kills me. I wish I had never felt this way because I hate it. I hate feeling this way. I hate how depressed I am and how the universe is against me. How it weakens me to the point where I am unable to do anything. I poured my heart and soul into that match. I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for nothing in the end.
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After what seemed like hours, I stepped from the shower, still wearing my robe, and was taken aback to see alexia seated on the bench near my locker. She looked up at me with concern in her eyes, and she stood up and approached me, and I just stood there, not knowing what to do since I didn't want to see her or talk to her after what happened.
"y/n," she said as she approached me. Even after hours of showering, I probably looked like crap. I knew this wasn't going to go well with my eyes red and puffy, and possibly still tearing up.
I walked past her, but she grabbed my wrist. "What do you need, alexia?" I asked back, and she glanced at me with concern.
"I just got concerned about you, i wanted to check up on you after seeing you and ona sitting on the pitch awhile ago"
"Oh, so you do see?" I joked, laughing a little.
"What do you mean? I don't understand," alexia replied, still clutching my wrist.
"You know, now isn't a good time to talk to me," I muttered, attempting to free my wrist from her clutches, but she drew me in closer.
"No, tell me what's wrong. What happened back there? What's wrong with you?" she said, and just hearing someone ask if I was okay made me want to ball my eyes out since that question will always have a major effect on me.
I pulled my wrist from her grasps and turned around, keeping calm. "You really want to know, huh?" I asked, although it was plain in my voice that I was about to burst out bawling.
"Yes, I do want to know, y/n. Tell me what's wrong," she begged pleadingly.
Still turned around, fresh tears welled up in my eyes for what seemed like the thousandth time today. "That goal was supposed to be mine; it was meant for me, but you took it away," I cried out, my voice quivering with dismay and rage. I never intended to yell or shout at her in that manner, but it just seemed right. I've never been someone who likes to yell. Whenever something bad happened, I handled it correctly and kept silent, but doing this just seemed right. I didn't care who heard me yell or anything; all I wanted to do was express my outrage.
"I know how you feel," she responded, and I screamed back, "No, you don't! You'll never know how I feel, you'll never know what this feels like because you're not in my place," I cried, tears flowing down my face. I cried as I punched her chest in an attempt to push her away, but she just stayed there, letting me punch her chest while crying.
"You'll never know how it feels like to keep on trying and trying and nothing really happening, you'll never feel the need to try harder because you're already the best, you don't even have to fucking try, alexia! You don't!" I shouted as I stared at her and breathed deeply.
She looked at me and licked her lips as she tried to figure out what to say. "Trust me, I've been there, y/n. I know how heavy and painful it is to lose and to let people down. I've been there, I promise you. I've done that a lot of times already. I may not know what you're feeling right now, I may not know what you want to do but all I want is to be here with you because I've been there. I've see all of it"
"All I want is to be here for you because no one has ever been," she added as I turned my back on her and faced the locker again.
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I was still turned around, crying, and leaning against the locker when I heard footsteps approaching and felt two arms circling my waist and squeezing me tightly. I didn't stop her because I didn't have the energy to do so anymore. I was just tired, numb, and exhausted. I was tired of others controlling me, invalidating me, telling me what to do and what not to do, and I was tired of my family's expectations of me. I just wanted to breathe and feel like the world wasn't always against me.
I relaxed into Alexia's touch, turned around to face her, held her, and cried while hiding my face in the crook of her neck.
I just kept crying while hugging her, and she just stood there stroking my hair and whispered words into my ears to calm me down. I felt like I poured all of my pain into my eyes as I cried.
I'm not normally a fan of physical interaction, but Alexia hugging me like this felt just right. It felt so right. It surprised me since everything felt right when she hugged me. Everything felt right. I felt comfortable and secure in her arms.
Being in her arms felt just right. I was the perfect fit for her, and she was the perfect fit for mine. The moment Alexia hugged me, all the voices in my head stopped yelling. It was as though a switch had been flipped. It seemed as if the world had come to a stop and nothing else mattered. Being in her arms felt like home, and I swear, I have no idea what home feels like because mine never did, but I just knew that this felt so much like home. This has to be it.
I had stopped crying after about an hour, but I was still in her arms, and I didn't want to let go. I was afraid that if I did, all the voices would return to haunt me.
Alexia took a thorough glance at me and examined my face, as if she was memorising every detail of my face, before softly smiling. "I'm sorry that you feel this way and I'd do anything to make you feel better, I really do." She went on to say, "No one should ever treat you like this, no one should ever feel like this. I may not know what problems you have with your family but you don't deserve all that treatment from them"
She caressed my face, and just by doing so, new fresh tears flowed because I'd been wanting for someone to do this for god knows how long. "You are enough, you are more than enough," she says, cupping my face.
"I've seen how hard you worked this season and I couldn't be more proud of you. If you felt like you didn't do much, I know you did. From the bottom of my heart, I know. I've been with you the whole time, y/n," she added, her eyes welling up with tears.
She hugged me, and I hugged her back with all I had, and she laughed when she realised how hard I hugged her back.
"I'm not going anywhere, y/n, I'll stay with you," she said, to which I answered, "I know you will, I'm just testing the waters here," and she and I both giggled.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you, ale," I whispered, putting my face in the crook of her neck.
I felt her smile when she heard me call her by the nickname that our friends called her, and I can assure you that I have never used that nickname on her.
"Get dressed, okay? And then I'll take you out to dinner," she added as she kissed my head. I nodded and followed her instructions.
After getting dressed, she extended her hand, which I gladly accepted. I intertwined our fingers and left.
"Is this a date?" I joked, and she grinned and drew me in closer.
"Only if you want it to be," she chuckled and kissed my cheek, and we both laughed and proceeded to walk with our hands firmly interlaced, never letting go.
I'm actually proud of this, what 😭😭 nah but fr ! I hope y'all enjoyed this coz I did HELPPP angst is defi my top 1 ! fluff my second <3 🤍 thank youuuuuu!! aaaaaaa plss give me more ideas on the comsec or just ask mee! thank you, thank youuuu aaa ilyy mwaaaa
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wonder-kid-pugh · 1 year
In the Eye of the Beholder - Alexia Putellas x reader
Hey guys! So I was recently inspired by my trip to Spain. I spent the day in Barcelona and I even went to Camp Nou so I was really excited and inspired to write for Alexia. But yeah I have an idea to turn this into a small series if you want. But this was kinda rushed so I'm sorry if it wasn't the best. Anyways hope you enjoy!
Alexia was exhausted.
Which is understandable. Ever since her return from injury it seemed like she didn't get a moment to herself. Everyone wanting to talk to her about her return from one of the most grueling injuries in women's football, especially at such a crucial point in her career. (Her absence from the Euros was still tough for her to talk about but unfortunately it came with the territory).
With all her media obligations and then her also captaining the team while also working tirelessly with the Barca medics and physios to make sure she doesn't do anything to possibly injury her knee or anything else.
It was just a bit much in that moment.
She was so overwhelmed in that moment that for a second she couldn't catch her breath. So she did the only thing she could think of. She left for a walk. To where it didn't matter she just needed to not feel trapped or weighted down right now.
She wanted to feel the air on her face and to just walk about the place she loved.
Alexia left so quickly that she didn't even think to bring Nala. Alexia wincedly lightly knowing that Nala would have loved to go for a walk right now. Deciding that she would have to apologize with a few extra treats, Alexia kept going knowing there was no point going back now.
Alexia didn't know how long she had been walking for before she realised where she was. She signed tiredly as she ran a hand through her hair as she could see the stadium a short distance in front of her.
Even when she tried not to, her mind always wondering back to work.
She turned to start heading back to her apartment but was stopped when she smacked right into someone.
She eyes widened as you let out a small shriek and dropped your things.
"Ah damn it!" You mumble under your breath as you bend down to collect your things.
Alexia shakes her head as she bends down to help you with your things which earns her a smile from you. Which if it wasn't for the fact that her brain was still trying to play catch up, would have stopped her in her place.
You swiftly and messily gather all your belongings up again, gratefully taking the notebook from Alexia when she held it out to you. "Thank you" you answer in surprising perfect Spanish for someone who was just speaking English just a moment ago.
The two of you straightened up as you make sure you have everything before giving Alexia your full attention. "I'm so sorry!" You apologized sincerely. "I wasn't really paying attention and I really didn't mean to walk into you". You rubbed your neck sheepishly as you realise your rambling to this poor stranger. "I'm looking for Camp Nou?" Your blush worsens, "I'm kinda lost"
Alexia couldn't help but chuckle. Finding your shy nature and darkening blush adorable. "Not completely" Alexia reassured as she nodded her head in the direction of the stadium. "You're close. It's just down that way".
You let out a sigh of relief as your shoulder relax the tiniest bit. One being for finally finding the stadium and two being thankful that the pretty stranger you crashed into wasn't angry with you.
"Thank god" you answered smiling at the stranger. "Honestly I didn't think it would be this hard to find a massive stadium".
Alexia laughs sharing a smile with you. Not quite ready for the conversation to end, Alexia once again nods her head towards the stadium. "Would you like me to walk with you? Just to make sure you get there?"
Your eyes light up with something Alexia couldn't quite recognise. But she liked how your eyes shone at the simple offer of kindness. It was only then she  realised how blue your eyes were. For a second she swore she could have been looking into the sparkling crystal clear water with how bright they were.
"Really? You wouldn't mind? I'm sure you have better places to be…"
Alexia cleared her throat silently wishing you hadn't catch her staring at your eyes. Alexia nodded her head with a smile, "No it's okay. Honestly I have nowhere to be. I was just wondering around to be honest".
"Well if you're sure…yeah that would be great. Thank you" you thanked her with a smile. And for Alexia that was enough for her.
Alexia gestured the way for you to begin walking. "So why are you looking for Camp Nou? Are you a fan?"
You bit your lip timidly as you looked around almost as if to check to see if anyone else was listening. "Not exactly…can I tell you a secret?"
Alexia quirked an eyebrow. She didn't know whether it was because she herself was quite secretive about her own personal life or whether it was the fact that they didn't even know each others names that she was surprised at that.
"Sure" Alexia chuckled at the simple idea of her sharing a secret with her. But she also couldn't help but feel giddy that she was willing to do so.
You bite the inside of your cheek before signing, seeing one of the many shops selling Barcelona merchandise. "I'm not a fan. Of football in general really. I just never took an interest in it" you answered honestly, your eyes not meeting Alexia's.
Alexia's eyebrows furrowed a bit. "Then why are you going to the stadium?"
You held up the book that Alexia had helped pick up for you. "Well I'm an artist. I got asked to do a mural for the team but I have no clue when it comes to football. So I thought I would take a tour of the stadium and hopefully get some inspiration for it as well as maybe learn something".
Alexia was in awe of the commitment. She imagined that most artists would just look them up and just start away. The fact that you wanted to take time to go learn more about the club. Her club in fact warmed her heart.
It showed how passionate you were as well. The fact that you didn't even know much about Football but you still wanted to make sure you did it justice.
"That's a good idea" Alexia smiled. "I can tell you love what you do".
You blush lightly as you duck your head in modesty. Wanting to get the attention off you, you turn it back to her. "What about you? Do you like football?"
Alexia pursues her lips at the question. It was obvious that you didn't know who she was. You didn't know she was Alexia Putellas. La Reina. Captain of Barcelona and Spain. She was just…a person.
Maybe it was better like that.
"Oh. I love Football" Alexia answered honestly while grinning sheepishly. "Maybe a little too much sometimes".
But you just chuckle, raising an eyebrow, "Barcelona?"
"Till I die" Alexia answered honestly. Which was the truth she couldn't ever imagine not playing for her club.
You hum as the two of you stop in front of the stadium entrance. "Have you ever taken the tour before?"
Alexia gives you a small smile. The last time she had probably taken the tour was years ago. Back when she barely understood the rules of the game. Back when her father was still trying to explain the game to her.
"A long time ago yes"
Your eyes flicker up to the massive stadium before grinning at the stranger in front of you.
Alexia couldn't stop the laugh escaping her. "What are you planning?"
Your eyes gleam playful with a hint of mischief in them. "What?" You play innocent faking hurt. "I don't know what you're talking about…"
Alexia rolled her eyes looking at her knowingly. "I know that look. My best friend always gets that look when she's up to something".
You just grin. "She sounds like fun".
Alexia rolled her eyes but she couldn't deny it as she nodded. "She is. Now what is it?"
You pursued your lips before sighing. You guess it couldn't hurt to ask. "It's just…" you start but continue when Alexia nods on encouragingly. "Just you seem to know a lot about Football and you support Barcelona and I know practically nothing so I was wondering…would you like to do the tour…with me?"
You couldn't even look Alexia in the eye. This poor random stranger which you first of all crashed into, and probably ruined her perfectly enjoyable walk, and who knows nothing about you and you just asked her to give up her day to explain Football of all things to you.
You face flows red and starts to darken but can't seem to stop yourself. "I mean! I would pay for you of course! That's if you want to. Which you probably don't. Which it perfectly fine! I'm sure you have way better things to do than just talk to me about football of all things…"
You so desperately wish you could cramp all the words back into your mouth. So much so you didn't realise how widely Alexia was smiling at you.
You only stopped when you felt soft hands grab yours.
"It's okay. I would love to" Alexia smiled reassuringly. She gave you a quick squeeze of the hand just to make sure. "And you don't need to pay for me it's okay. But I have one condition to being your Football Coach/Teacher".
You raise an eyebrow amused. You held your sketch book close to your chest with a smile. "Oh yeah and what's that?"
Alexia smirks and you swear you nearly dropped all your stuff again. It was by far the sexiest thing you've ever seen. "You have to promise to be a life long supporter of Barcelona and you can never ever become a Real Madrid fan".
Alexia smirked as she pointed at you, "Exactly". She offered her arm with a smile, "Shall we?"
The two headed inside, Alexia being conscious enough to steer you away from any direction of posters with her face on them. It was a lot easier when the two of you had gotten inside. However, when she had gone to pay, the staff had nearly blown her cover before she quickly shushed them. Thankfully you didn't notice the interaction as you had already paid and was off looking at some pictures.
Alexia had just came over and joined you when you turned to her with a bit of a sheepish smile, "I just realized that I didn't even introduce myself before asking you to spend the day with a total stranger".
Realising how bad that sounded you physically grimaced before offering a hand. "Well I'm Y/n just so you know".
Alexia instinctively shook your hand but paused briefly. "Ale" she said simply. Honestly she didn't know why she didn't tell you her name. Technically it wasn't a lie. Her friends and loved ones called her Ale. But she found herself hesitant to tell you her actual name.
It wasn't because she didn't feel comfortable with you. Cause in actual fact she had felt more comfortable with you in the 10 minutes you knew each other than with some of the people she's met for work.
But Alexia had a small feeling it was because of how normal she felt with you. As selfish as it was she didn't want to ruin it.
For one evening she didn't want the stress that came with her life. For one evening she didn't want to be the Barcelona Superstar. She didn't want to be Alexia Putellas.
So for the evening she was just Ale.
When you said you knew nothing about football, you really knew nothing about Football. Which Alexia only really realised when she had to explain basic rules of the game. L
But she really enjoyed it.
She enjoyed getting back to the basics of the game. Remembering how her father use to explain it to her.
She also loved how cute your face looked all scrunched up when you didn't understand something. Or how you lit up when you finally understood it.
But Alexia gave you an indepth insight into the club. Talking about key players they had throughout the years. The playing style they were known for. Different coaches and captains the team had and their impact on the club.
Alexia found that you found Johan Cruyff extremely interesting and his dedication to the club. "Huh I guess he bled pure blue and red then".
Alexia did her best to steer you away from anything talking about the women's team as much as it pained her not to show the teams successes. Which was surprisingly easy as you were so busy looking around while also doing quick sketches in your book and writing stuff down.
"I didn't know that one club could have so much history behind it" you said in awe as you started to leave the museum part.
Alexia just chuckles. Thankfully it was quiet enough that there were only a few people doing the tour as well so she hadn't been recognised. She was also thankful that she at least grabbed a cap before she abruptly left her apartment which she used to screen her face a bit from fans.
"Yeah I suppose" Alexia hums but freezes when she is faced with an Alexia jersey in front of her. Alexia bites her lip as she keeps her head down and moves towards the exit.
"Ale? Is everything okay?" You asked concerned carefully putting your hand tentatively on her shoulder in case the action wasn't wanted. But thankfully it had the desired effect when you see how Alexia untenses the tiniest bit.
Alexia nods a little stiffly but forces a smile. "Yeah. Yeah I'm okay just I really want to show you something".
You just nodded and if Alexia wasn't so focused on getting past the fans without noticing, she would have noticed how she took your hand unconsciously to try and move quickly and quietly past everyone.
And if she had looked back she would have noticed how your face had taken a red flue to it.
Alexia quickly moved through the stands and the away team dressing room which you were perfectly fine with not having much interest in them.
Then you felt the air knocked out of you.
"Wow…" you mumble as you and Alexia step out on to the pitchside. Alexia had to pursue her lips when she saw how you did a full 360 spin to take in the full stadium. But she ultimately failed as a smile slipped through along with a giggle.
You plopped right down on one of the sub bench seats right beside Alexia leaning back against the comfy seat.
"Could you imagine playing here? Having a sold out stadium with everyone's eyes on you? Thousands of people paying just to come watch their favourite player?" You ask hypothetically. But it just makes Alexia laugh as she smiled.
"Yeah…" Alexia smiled at you as you continued to look out at the field.
"What do you think it feels like?" You ask curiously not knowing that Alexia has already experienced playing on this very field. "To be out there on the field for a game?"
Alexia looks at you for a second thinking maybe you did actually know who she was. But shakes off the thought as she thinks for a second. "I think it's nerve racking" Alexia answers honestly.
Alexia now had your full attention. You look at her tilting your head slightly. "What do you mean?"
Alexia hums thinking back to when she played in Camp Nou. "Well I think it's nerve racking really. Having to worry about playing well. Not wanting to disappoint anyone. Your teammates, your fans, your club. Not wanting to mess up". "Having all those eyes on you from the moment you step on the field not wanting to mess up" Alexia answers honestly but then concedes. "But I do also think its amazing. Having a sold out stadium full of people who came to watch and support you. To see all these players who want to grow up and be like you".
You hum before smiling and nodding. "Yeah. I guess when you put it like that yeah it sounds stressful". You hum thoughtfully, "I kinda get it though. To a certain extent".
You sigh when you see Alexia motion for you to explain. "Well when I paint I guess. I mean don't get me wrong it's what I love to do. But when you're showing someone your work you're kinda putting a bit of themselves in front of you".
You let out a little smile but Alexia can see the hurt in your eyes. "And then you have to be ready for them to tear it apart in front of you".
Alexia bites her lip wondering if she would be overstepping. "Sounds like you're speaking from experience…"
You let out a little humorless laugh. "Well let's just say that my parents are too happy about my career choices". You had said it with a light tone but Alexia noticed how hard it was to talk about, not even able to look at her. "We would have much preferred if I got a more 'stable' job".
Knowing that this was obviously something that wasn't easy for you to talk about, Alexia knows she should tread lightly and maybe just move on.
But she couldn't leave it at that.
"I'm sorry about that" Alexia said gently before she gave her hand a small squeeze. "But as long as you're happy and you're doing what you love. Isn't that what matters?"
You didn't say anything and for a second Alexia feared that she had majorly overstepped. She was about to pull away her hand but was stopped when you held it firmly, "You're right". You flashed her a wide smile, "Thanks Ale".
Alexia felt herself shiver at the way her nickname fell from your lips. But she pushed through it and smiled back. Not trusting herself to answer back steadily.
After they left the field they went to the top of the stadium. Albeit with a few groans and moans from you asking how many more stairs there were. Alexia watched silently how you were amazed by the view. Imagining how cool it would be to see everything that was happening from the top stands.
Sadly for the both of you the tour was over soon after that despite both of you trying to stall. Alexia walked you back out to where you had first met. More like crashed into each other. Careful to avoid any of her jerseys or pictures in the stadium store and the posters on the stadium.
You rocked on your heels as you looked at Alexia. "To be honest I wasn't really looking forward to the tour" you gave her a bright smile. "But I actually had a lot of fun today. And I'd say I have you to thank for that".
Alexia grinned as she spotted the small blush tinting your face. "Well I'm glad I could teach you about the greatest football team in the world".
The two of you share a look before you fall into giggles. You bite your lip wanting to stay longer but you can see how late it's getting and you've already taken up Alexia's day enough.
"I better getting going" you sigh, looking at your watch. "I've taken up enough of your day".
Alexia smiled, "Actually I think I needed it. I had fun today".
You smiled brightly, "Well I'm glad I could help then". Neither of you know what to say.
Your just about to turn to start walking away when you stop yourself. As much as you didn't want to part with it, you rip out a page from your sketchbook and quickly scribble down something on the back of it and hold it out shyly to Alexia.
"I…I wouldn't normally do this but…" your face darkened red. "But I had a lot of fun today so uh here".
Alexia takes the paper and looks at it with a small smile when she realizes it's your number.
"For if you ever want to waste the day away with someone again" you shrug trying to act nonchalant about it but you both knew you were well past it. "Or not. It's completely up to you if you use it. Absolutely no obligations". You started walking backwards clutching your sketchbook to your chest biting your lip. "But I really hope you do".
You really tried not to look back but you couldn't help yourself. You waited until you were just about to turn the corner only to smile when you saw Alexia still watching you. You shot her a wink before disappearing out of her eyeline.
Alexia pursued her lips trying to stop herself from smiling like an idiot. But when she looked at the piece of paper with your messy scrawl on it, it was very hard.
She goes to fold the piece of paper to put in her pocket but stops when she sees something on the other side of the page. She flips it over and is surprised to see a small sketch of her.
It seems that the tour wasn't all you were focused on.
The sketch was of her standing on front of a Barca crest. When you had seen her looking at the frame you couldn't help yourself. The light shining down on the design was reflecting onto her giving her this glow. You captured her side profile extremely well. She swore if it wasn't for the fact she knew it was drawn in pencil, she would have thought it was a picture straight off a professional camera.
It was something she was definitely going to cherish.
She reached for her phone to save the number but groaned remembering that she forgot that she had left it at home to get away from all the stress of work. So she quickly made her way home not wanting to lose the number.
But as she's walking home she realizes how much lighter she feels. Before she had felt like this weight had been on her chest making it hard for her to breathe. But now it was gone. All that stress had seemingly disappeared.
You had done that.
Alexia smiled the whole way home. Thinking about what she would text you when you got home.
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lostinwoso · 1 year
Be Quiet! (Alexia x Reader)
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song - 1.8k words
Charlie, be quiet, don't make a sound You got to lower the noise a little bit now If she knows you're in love, she's gonna run, run away
No one's love life goes perfectly and just like everyone else, Alexia also had some experiences with unrequited feelings and other feelings and relationship problems. In fact, the last time the Spanish woman came clear to someone about her feelings went everything other than good for her, so after the embarrassment, she promised herself to take it slow and use some time to herself before going out to find someone. 
But this plan went out the window faster than she first thought it would. The day you were announced as the team's new signing, Alexia felt intrigued by you. She knew you were a great player, your statistics from the last season speaking for themselves about how much of an assist you were going to be to the team. 
As the team’s captain, Alexia got the job of making sure that you got involved in all the tactics and ways around the team. And not soon after the intrigued part turned into attraction, the time spent staying in longer after training was enough for the midfielder to understand that you might take a more special place in her life than just being her teammate. But since you just arrived, she decided that it would be better off to give you time to adjust to the new Chapter in your life before she would make any potential moves.
I'm not making the same mistake Won't be putting my heart on display I'll just water my feelings down
As the time went on, you started to fully fit into the squad and Alexia could tell, the chemistry in training between you and all the other players on the field was almost flawless. At first, she was happy about the improvement, but then realized that it means that the after training stays soon wouldn’t be needed anymore. 
The midfielder thought about finally asking you out, but every time she found the slightest amount of courage and was on her way over to you, she would always ditch at the last second. 
That was until one of those extra training sessions between you and Alexia. You two decided to play some 1vs1 today and with the way you two are absolutely competitive, it was to no surprise that you two were completely exhausted at the end of it.
“I forgot to ask you, but how do you like the city?”, Alexia asks you, still slightly out of breath as she sits down on the field next to you.
“I haven’t checked out much yet, to be honest. I was more focused on making sure I can keep up with the team.”, you reply while lying down, closing your eyes for a moment, the exhaustion from the double training session clearly catching up to you.
Alexia hums at your words, just appreciating the way the sun hits your face for a moment, and before she even has the chance to stop herself she speaks up, “Do you want to grab some dinner sometime?”
Panic fills Alexia’s chest as she notices what she just asked you. She has been here before, she knows the rejection is just a moment away, but then she realizes that you still haven’t replied yet. And to be fair, how could you? Not even a second passed since Alexia asked, but the woman her overthinking makes it feel as if it has been minutes already, and you are just trying to come up with an excuse. 
“I mean, I could show you around the city and show you a good restaurant. As friends, of course, you know. Would be useful to know the city since you are living here now, and you know.”, she trails off quickly, her heart feeling as if it’s about to jump out of her chest. 
You glance at the woman next to you, still not getting up from the actually comfortable position space on the field, before shrugging slightly, “Sure, why not.”.
Alexia nods at your words, mumbling a quiet, “Cool.”, before deciding to do the same as you and enjoy the sun some more. But in her mind that what just went down is everything other than ‘Cool’, she had the courage and then immediately got scared of making the same mistake once again.
I'm not going out looking dumb Telling all my friends how you're the one Those words never leaving my mouth
“So you and Y/N, huh?”, Mapi asks the captain as she sits down next to her in the canteen, her voice full of excitement. 
“What do you mean Y/N and I?”, the captain asks her best friend, trying to stay calm at the question.
The defender nudges the Spanish woman, ”You know what I mean. I heard you two got some dinner together the other day.”.
Alexia glances at Mapi, “I was showing her around the city, you know, like a good friend should.”.
A mischievous smile takes over Mapi’s features, “As a friend, yea?”.
“No te creo.”, Mapi insists, poking her friend in the shoulder when she starts to ignore her.
Alexia’s mind wanders off, how do they know that you two went out? She hasn’t said anything to anyone, so it must have come from you, but did you say anything specific that led to Mapi not believing her that it was just a normal evening between two friends out. Is there a chance that you actually might harbor the same feeli-
“You can talk to me about your little crush.”, Mapi bumps her shoulder into Alexia’s, breaking her out of her thoughts.
“There is no crush, now leave me alone.”.
The defender eyes the woman next to her up and down, seeing the way a light blush starts to cover her face makes her smirk, “If you say so.”, she says while getting up, “But I know you are lying.”, she whispers, sending her a wink when you make your way into the canteen before scurrying away over to where her girlfriend sits. 
Alexia’s eyes follow Mapi leaving the table before she once again gets interrupted, but this time by you sitting down in front of her, “Hey.”.
The midfielder clears her throat, “Hola.”, fixing her eyes on the food in front of her, though when she notices Mapi smirking at her from the corner of her eyes.
Charlie, be quiet, don't make a sound You've got to lower the noise a littlе bit now If she knows you're in love, shе's gonna run, run away Charlie, be quiet, don't make a sound You've got to lower the noise a little bit now If she knows you're in love, she's gonna run, run away
After the first time, more and more days followed where Alexia would show you around the city, each day ending with the two of you eating dinner together at one of the many restaurants in the Barcelona streets. 
This did nothing but strengthen the feelings the older woman developed for you, with every day where she learns more and more about you, she can’t help but feel pulled to you. But what bothers her is that she has absolutely no idea how you feel about her.
She even thought about asking you out properly this time, but then the doubts started to swirl around her head. What if this goes the same way it did the last time she showed interest in someone? What if this destroys the entire friendship between you two? 
There were some moments where she got the vibe that you might have the same interest in her as she does in you. But she decides not to risk it and rather stay quiet, having you as a friend is too valuable for that. 
I'm not gonna do more than like Won't be sleeping over every night I'll act like I don't even care, yeah
Other traditions formed between you two, the two of you grow closer and closer every day, even having Mapi pouting about being replaced as Alexia’s best friend. Alexia would always reassure her that no one could ever replace her as her best friend, because that’s not what she wants to have with you after all. 
And with the way she stays over at your place now almost weekly thanks to your new traditions of having movie nights after Alexia now pretty much showed you every corner of Barcelona, has her wishing even more that it would be a different kind of sleepover. 
There were nights where you even had a sleepover planned, which Alexia had to cancel on when it was one of those days where having the feelings for you hurt just a little too much. But during the nights where she was right there next to you in your bed she pretends that it's nothing special for her. Acting as if it doesn’t hurt her to have you so close yet so far away from the way she would love you to have. Acting as if she isn’t in love with you, because that’s now what she was. She wasn’t just attracted to you anymore, no, her feelings have gone further now. Past the point of being able to deny it anymore. It grows stronger and stronger every day.
She is in love with you.
But the feeling gets Stronger, baby What am I gonna do now When you touch me? 'Cause it's all getting too loud
It’s getting harder and harder for Alexia to keep quiet about her feelings. They feel as if a heavy weight is placed on her chest. Every moment spent together grows the urge to just say it out loud. Admitting those 5 words to you could make her life so much easier, and she knows it. But the fear of you running away from her and distancing yourself from her completely is just too big.
But she can feel herself starting to crack under the pressure of keeping it to herself for so long. The words are getting closer and closer to the tip of her tongue, waiting to be spilled out. With every ever so small interaction, may it be you two just talking or you casually throwing your arm around her after a win, her thoughts get more and more louder, screaming at her to finally spill the words out. 
And eventually it does happen, because just like the time she tried to ask you out, her mouth works faster than her mind. 
The team celebration of winning the league was in full swing. Everyone was dancing and happily chattering away, Alexia was sitting in one of the booths just having a moment for herself when you pulled her with you onto the dance floor. With every song you two danced to, Alexia's heart felt heavier and heavier, close to reaching her complete breaking point. 
So when it finally got too much for the midfielder, she just stopped dancing, instead just standing there still on the dance floor while looking at you with tears already forming in her eyes.
“Are you okay?”, you ask her when you notice the expression she has. 
“I’m in love with you.”.
If she knows you're in love, she's gonna run, run away
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femme4ngel · 1 year
Could you write something for Alexia Putellas where she’s been gone for a while and it’s just sweet/fluffy smut? I love your writing 🫶🏻💕
i love this request <3 hope u like it
you felt so tired, your body and mind exhausted from studying all day. you just wanted her, her touch, her kiss, her embrace. and just like a miracle, you hear the door open and your girlfriend enter the apartment, calling out for you;
“ hola mi amour, im heree”- her sweet voice fills your heart with joy, your cheeks blushing as you stand up from the couch practically running into her arms.
“ oh i see someone missed me”- she says, holding you tight petting your hair. you mumble into her chest, inhaling the scent of her perfume, relaxing into her touch. your heart is beating so fast, all you want is her. this whole of day of hard work made you fuzzy and weary, all your craving is alexia and her touch. your girlfriend knows, she knows your body and your moods, how you get pouty and worn out after hours and hours of studying and she knows just how to make you feel better. she keeps caressing your head, her fingers brushing through your hair.
“ do you wanna go up to the bedroom baby? you seem tired..” - she asks, whispering softly into your ear. your stomach fills with butterflies from the thoughts flowing through your mind. you lift your head kissing her lips softly as answer.
“mhm okay then beautiful”- she takes your hand in hers,locking your fingers together as she guides you through the house, up to your bedroom.
she collapses on top of you on the bed, her fingers running through your hair, holding your face and pecking small kisses on your lips and cheeks. you blush, your heart racing, the ache between your legs becoming harder and harder to ignore. you melt in her hands, her touch burns your skin. alexias kisses get deeper and sloppier, her tongue dancing with yours. her hands start roaming your body, caressing your curves, pinching softly on the flesh of your hips. you whimper into the kiss when her hands cup your tits. you can’t take it anymore, you need her touch.
“ please please lex please..” - you plead breaking the kiss looking into her eyes, begging her with your gaze.
she chuckles, she loves the affect she has on you and maybe she would tease you for much longer on another day but just not now, when you’re so pouty and sweet in her hands. she gets you out of your clothes quickly, your shirt and underwear flying in the air,falling to the floor and the bed. her hands keep touching you, caressing your body, holding you softly but tightly. she just wants to take care of you, taking your mind off everything else and just giving you pleasure. her hands keep holding into your thighs as she slips down lower on the bed, her face now in between your legs. she plants small kisses all over your thighs, sending a shiver through your body. you keep whimpering her name, in such a sweet soft way she just can’t take it anymore, she has to have you. her mouth finds you wet and warm,she starts devouring you, her tongue licking up and down between your folds. your head bows back, your face burning, your whole body feels like its on fire. your girlfriend knows your body so well, her lips sucking harshly on your clit as you arch your back from the overwhelming amount of pleasure. alexias hands sneak up on your body, her fingers playing with your nipples is what sends you over the edge, your legs shaking, your voice cracking as you call out her name.
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ellatoone7 · 26 days
❄︎ Family Barbecue ❄︎
Alexia's favourite girl's series
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Family barbecues are the girl's new favourite thing
“Emilia why don’t you have your shoes on?”  You addressed the girl in front of you who was looking at all her shoes. “I can’t find my light up shoes.” Emilia pouts up at you, eyes shining with unshed tears. Irene and her wife had invited you all to a family barbeque with all the Barca girls and their kids. The girls had not stopped talking about it for weeks and were positively bouncing at the thought of seeing everyone.  
“It’s okay we will find them, come on.” You picked her up and carried her to the kitchen. Mateo and Emilia had recently gone on shopping spree with Irene and Alexia giving the two former captains an excuse to catch up. They had bought matching pairs of light up shoes that Mateo and Emilia were absolutely obsessed with. It had been a constant battle with Emilia to take them off since she had gotten them. 
Alexia was in the kitchen when you and Emilia rounded the corner, “Ale have you seen Meels special shoes?” Val lit up from where she was sat comfortably in the ex-athletes’ arms. “Sí they are in their special box, so they don’t get lost remember pequeña?” Emilia hummed thoughtfully before running off to find them. You smiled softly at your wife as you made your way over to her. 
Alexia welcomed you eagerly as her strong arm wrapped around your waist, pressing a soft kiss against your temple as she swayed gently making the two-year-old in her arms giggle. You cupped her chubby cheek as she babbled around her dummy, “Someone’s happy now that they’ve been fed huh? Just like your Mami.” Alexia nudged your hip as you teasingly smiled back at her. 
Val’s little hands fell on both of her mother’s cheeks as she happily nuzzled her head against Alexia’s jaw. “¿Estás lista, cariño? We should go before we are late.” Alexia asks as she lets her squirming daughter down so she can roam around for a bit. “Sí, I’ll call Iz and meet you in the car.” Before you could turn around you were pulled back into the strong hold of your wife, “¿Adónde crees que vas?” You tilt your head slightly, “To get Is, should I be worried about your memory?” You teased slightly before wrapping your arms around her neck and giving her what she wanted. 
Alexia sighed into the kiss like she had done since she was young. The familiarity will never dawn on the blonde as she softly breaks away to kiss down your neck. “Ale the kids.” You warn after a particularly sloppy kiss. You could feel her smirk against your skin before she pulled your impossibly closer, “We are well overdue a night to ourselves hermosa.” You melt into the purr of her accent as she presses her lips to as much skin as she can find, “Don’t start something you can’t finish Putellas.” You guide her lips back to yours and indulge her for a few more minutes. “I think we both know how quick I can make you finish amor.” 
You push her back gently, rolling your eyes as her eyes rake down the front of your top, “You’re worse than a hormonal teenager.” Alexia shrugs, “Can you blame me when you have a wife as hot as mine?” You grant her one last kiss before ushering her to get Val into the car, you roll your eyes again when she slaps your ass as you walk away from her. 
“Iz, Meels, Vamos time to go!” There is silence before a herd of footsteps barrel down the stairs, warning of being careful falling on deaf ears as they race to see who can get to the car the fastest. Once everyone was buckled up and safe and sound you were on route to Irene’s. Emilia and Isabella were chattering amongst themselves while Val was mesmerised by everything going on around her. 
“Mami how long until we are there?”
“What kind of food will they have?”
“Is Mateo going to be wearing his light up shoes?”
“Is everyone going to be there?”
“Obviously Emilia, it’s a team barbeque!”
“I was just asking Iz, how am I s’posed to know.”
“You just are!”
“What if Tia Mapi isn’t there or Tia Patri or Tia Jana or Tia Claudia…”
A squeeze to your hand has you stifling a laugh as you glance over at your wife who is just as amused as you are. You shook your head softly as your daughters bicker lightly in the back. “¡Chicas, no creo que estéis excitadas! Do you mi corazón?” She asks you as turn to face your daughters who look appalled by their Mami’s insinuation. “Am too excited!” Emilia scoffs as she crosses her arms with a huff, “Sí you just don’t get it Mami.” Isabella agrees as she quietly whispers something to her younger sister, whatever was said sent the two into a fit of giggles. “They are too cool for you know Mami.” You tease as your wife chuckles softly, bringing your joined hands up to her lips. 
Once you finally arrived at Irene’s house you and Alexia are left to carry all the bags left behind by the two overly excited girls. “At least we still have one who wants to stay with us.” You coo as you unbuckle Val from her seat, “Mi amor she’s two, she can’t form any opinions yet.” 
The sight you’re met with once you enter the house is nothing short of perfect chaos. Emilia is hanging off Mapi’s shoulder as she climbs her like a tree. Isabella has been whisked off with her ‘older a cooler sisters’ (Jana and Claudia). The rest of the former world class team are lounged around the back garden as music flits around the area. 
“Ay Dios mio, it’s a miracle you are only a half hour late.” Ona teases as she’s brought into a hug by her former Captain. “You try having three kids and come back to me Battle.” You tell her as she greets you with a kiss to the cheek. “I’m not complaining I love seeing mi bebés pequeños.” She coos at the two-year-old in your arms, Val shies away from the contact and buries her face into your neck. 
“I remember when they were all like that, she’s so cute.” You laugh gently before greeting your hosts. “Mucho Gracias for having us Lucia, you are a saint.” The woman waves your thanks off, “You are the only one who keeps me sane chica, please never leave.” Irene scoffs playfully from her spot next to Alexia, “Don’t worry Alexia is just as bad.” Alexia just smiles cheekily as she pulls her friend into a hug. 
The two six-year-olds squeal as they run to each other, Mapi long forgotten as the two bound around to show everyone their matching shoes. “Hola Lucia.” Isabella smiles as she pulls the woman into a hug. Lucia melts into the hold of your eldest and compliments her on her perfect manners before pinching her cheek. “Iz do you want a drink?” Irene calls from where her and Alexia are now sitting, “Sí, por favor.” 
Isabella waltzes over to where her Mami and Tia are standing, “Mami ¿puedo tomar un refresco?” Alexia kisses her cheek with a nod “Tell Irene about your match hija.” Isabella’s eyes light up as she jumps into how she scored a hattrick and got two assists. Alexia smugly watching as the some of the other girls gather around to listen. 
You take the wine offered to you gratefully before finding Frido and Ingrid who eagerly urge you over. Valentina seems to perk up a bit at the sight of her favourite Swede who showers her with affection. 
Emilia found herself sat on Lucy’s lap, “Did you see my shoes Luce?” She points to her brand-new light up shoes as Lucy sets her down so she can show her how they light up in different colours. “That is so cool Meels my friend from England would love a pair of them!” Emilia’s head tilts slightly as she peers down at her feet again, “Your friend sound super cool!” Lucy laughs at the thought of her blonde captain, “I want to meet her!” Kiera picks the blonde up after overhearing their conversation, “You already have silly, your Tia Leah!” 
Emilia giggles as Kiera tickles her softly, “I love Tia Leah! Can we show her my new shoes por favor!” Kiera and Lucy share a glance before melting at the sight of the girl’s puppy eyes. Kiera pulls out her phone a quickly facetimes her best friend who picks up straight away. Emilia tries to stand on her tippy toes to see as they briefly chat. “Someone wants to show you something, mate.” Kiera chuckles as Leah’s eyebrows raise with intrigue. Emilia is bouncing up and down with anticipation as Kiera finally turns the phone around so she could see her Tia Leah. 
“Meelsie!” The Londoner squeals as she coos at the girl who blushes slightly, “Tia! Tia! I miss you so much!” Kiera gives the girl her phone who rambles on and on, catching the other blonde on what she has missed since Emilia has last seen her. After their accidental meeting when Emilia got lost at the Emirates, she has had a strong bond with the Gunner especially since Leah would come to some of the Barcelona games to ‘see Kiera’ when it was really to see her favourite Putellas. 
Leah had gotten Emilia and Arsenal jersey for her sixth birthday and Emilia had been obsessed with it since then much to the pure chagrin of her Mami who had a heart attack at the sight of it. Alexia had ‘ban’ her from wearing it around the house, but you had insisted that Emilia wore it as often as possible being the secret Gunner you were. 
“Tia look at my new shoes!” Leah’s’ eyes light up, “I want a pair!” Emilia giggled, “I promise the next time you visit I will get you a matching pair so you can match with me and Mateo!” Emilia quickly ran over to where her Mami was sitting with Jenni, “Mami! Mami we need to get another pair of these shoes!” Alexia glances down thinking Emilia’s were damaged, “Not for me Mami! For Tia Leah!” Leah laughed loudly as she was passed to Alexia, the Spaniard playfully rolling her eyes at her ‘enemy’. Jenni was cackling at the interaction as Alexia once again lectured Leah about the Arsenal jersey sitting in her house. 
“Once a gunner, always a gunner Putellas!” Alexia huffed as Jenni greeted the English woman, Emilia was getting impatient as she made grabby hands for the phone so she could say bye to her Tia. “Williamson don’t you even think about it.” Alexia hissed as Isabella popped her head to see who was on the phone.
“Ay hola Leah!” 
“Is, I have the perfect jersey for yo-,”
“Ay no!” Alexia pulled the phone away from her eldest as Leah’s laugh travelled back into Emilia’s hand. “Vamos Tia, I’ll bring you back to Kei.” 
Alexia watched as Emilia happily skipped off towards the two Brits as she pulled Isabella down onto her lap. “Mami It’s okay I bleed Blaugrana nothing will change that.” The brunette promised as tapped over where the badge would be on her top. “At least I did something right.” She mumbled as she kissed the top of her eldest’s head land let her go before Isabella could leave Jenni ushered her over, “I could get you a tigres jersey with your name on it.” 
After the food had been served and everyone was happily full Valentina seemed to get a bit restless, reverting into the safety of your neck as her little hand softly hits your chest. “You okay baby?” You question as she avoids her dummy, “Mami.” It was whispered so softly that you barely heard it, but Val repeated it a few times until it was absolutely clear that she was squirming in you grip. Head searching for her Mami’s. 
“Vale, let’s go find Mami.” It didn’t take long for you to spot her with Mapi the two laughing loudly as you approached. Val who had finally accepted her dodo reached her arms out for Alexia as she babbled her name around the dummy. Alexia’s smile brightened as she spotted the both of you and she could feel the butterflies in her stomach as her little girl reached out for her. 
“Hola bebita, qué le pasa a mi vida?” You easily passed her over as you gave Alexia a grateful smile, “She wanted her Mami didn’t you Val.” Your youngest nodded as she clutched Alexia’s top tightly in her hand and relaxed at the familiar and safe smell of her Mami. “Creo que alguien tiene hambre, ¿eh?” Alexia asked with a smile as she bounces the girl on her knee. “I have a bottle in my bag amor you go get another glass of wine, I’ve got her.” You press a kiss to her awaiting lips before giving your daughter one too. “Where’s my kiss?” Mapi teases as you coo mockingly at her and press kisses to her cheek. Mapi laughs loudly as she embraces the affection before her attention is captured by the little girl in her best friend’s lap. 
“She really is the cutest thing in the world, all your kids are dios!” Alexia smiles brightly and Mapi can feel the pride radiating of her best friend. “You really are the best mother Ale, you’re pequena’s adore you.” Alexia glances away from Val to send Mapi a soft smile, ¿Quieres saber mi secreto?” Mapi cocks her head, lips quirking in anticipation. “I have the greatest woman in my life, she taught me what love really is and what happiness feels like, and she brought me the most perfect little girls I could have ever asked for.” Alexia kissed her youngest’s cheek as she held the bottle for her.
“I would say you’ve gone soft, but you’ve always been this way.” Alexia laughed softly before nudging her best friend, “Gracias amigo.” 
“Mapi! Mapi! Will you and Ingy push me and Mateo on the swings por favor.” Mateo nods eagerly as he clutches Emilia’s hand in his. “Ay, Godmother duties call, adios Vally!” Alexia watches fondly as Mapi picks both Mateo and Emilia up and their giggles light up the atmosphere even more than possible. 
Alexia’s eyes flicker over to where Isabella is passing a ball around with Jana, someone who Isabella absolutely idolises, eyes lighting up when she sees her lead Barcelona out to a full Camp Nou, armband proudly displayed just like how Alexia used to be before she retired. 
Finally, her eyes land on you in deep discussion with Kiera and Aitana. Alexia is overcome with the amount of love she constantly feels whenever she looks at you, it’s the same feeling she got when you were just kids and you had given her your favourite crayon to draw with. The same love she felt when she got down on one knee and proposed and when you walked down the aisle in the most breath-taking dress. 
Val squirms a little and Alexia realises that she had moved the bottle slightly away from her daughter. With a soft apology and kiss to her head she pulls her closer as her eyes flicker around again. 
“Promise me you will never grow up Val.”
Val slightly grunts around the bottle in her mouth and that’s a good enough answer for Alexia. 
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delfiore · 6 months
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pairing: alexia putellas x reader
synopsis: you remember how it used to be whilst dealing with how it is now.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: alexia baby come home the kids miss you 🥲 this was the clairo - bags fic i promised months ago but now the premise feels completely different and i've changed the title also lol. a lot happens to one's state of mind in 3 months.
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Under normal circumstances—as much as normal was nowadays—the silence in the apartment would feel like a blanket of comfort. It meant you were having a rest from your hectic days training and playing matches, it meant you could finally relax with the love of your life; it meant peace.
Now, the silence was deadly. It was sucking up the life in every room in this apartment, and it was draining the life out of you too.
The door clicked, and you shifted in your spot on the couch, quickly shutting off your phone on which you had bullet points typed out in the Notes app—bullet points of things you wanted—needed—to say, to lessen this inevitable pain. You cracked a smile when you heard tiny feet pattering on the floor, just as the little Pomeranian came to greet you with loving licks.
Nala was oblivious to the cracks that had been forming in her home, that have been left unamended for too long with the thinking that they would go away with time. You dreaded thinking of the day when the little pup came home from a walk and you weren’t there anymore. Would she miss you? How long until she starts to forget you?
“I got us dinner.”
“Cool,” you said, breathing in deeply. “You wanna eat now, or . . . ?”
You helped her unpack the food without another word, the only sound heard was the clanking of plates as you pulled them out of the cupboard and set them on the kitchen island.
Alexia didn’t say anything either, just gingerly put the food on the plates. You felt her stiffen slightly as you walked towards her and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder.
She offered you a small smile—a forced smile—and brought the food to the table.
You cursed yourself and wished you hadn’t done it.
“And that concludes the tour of our facilities. Any questions?”
“No, I’m good.” You were way too excited to think about anything else other than the Barcelona crest on your chest.
“Great. Then, how about we go meet your future teammates? Some of them should be in the weight room.”
Patri greeted you initially, first in Spanish, then in English once she realized you weren’t catching on. Jana and Salma followed suit with friendly handshakes and quick hugs. It left the captain to be the last. And there she was; la Reina herself.
You were surprised to find that she was rubbing her hands together, waiting for her turn, almost like she was nervous. As you came to know her, you understood that she was in fact nervous when meeting new people, a polar opposite to the confident leader she was on the pitch.
But you saw the way her hazel eyes fixed on you, and as you approached her, a lingering smile played on her lips. Your heart suddenly leaped in your chest, and your cheeks felt embarrassingly warm, which you hoped she didn’t see.
You had admired her from afar, looking up to her as a role model in the game, but now that you were seeing her up close, something stirred inside you. There was something so endearing about Alexia’s shyness where you had expected assertiveness. It made her feel more down-to-earth, more like your teammate rather than a mythical figure up on a pedestal. One look at her and you understood why people had talked so highly of her—how could they not?
Extending a hand towards her, you had made your greeting, but she pulled you in for a firm and generous hug.
And that’s how they started—the butterflies, the attraction, the yearning—and they never went away.
You decided that you were going to do it after dinner. Doing it during dinner is just tacky and downright disrespectful. You’d hate to be crying into your takeout after telling your girlfriend you wanted to break up.
When you snapped out of your train of thought, you realized that it was way too quiet. Alexia was eating on the other side of the table, scrolling through her phone as she did.
“Did you see Claudia’s banger of a free kick today?” You asked, smiling slightly.
Alexia looked up briefly from her phone. “Si. Really good.”
A curt answer. You nodded, and silence ensued again.
You didn’t talk to Alexia much these days. You used to be able to talk to her about anything, even in the beginning when the both of you were still testing the waters to see where you stood. When did it become like this?
Practice was going swimmingly. You found yourself catching on quickly with the rest of your teammates. Alexia has made it her mission as captain to make you feel welcome. “Anything you need, ask me,” she would say in English. You wanted to, but every time you thought about talking to her, your hands would sweat and you needed to practice what you were going to say to her. You weren’t scared that she wasn’t going to understand you, but because you knew you’d make a fool out of yourself tripping over your words.
“Hey, Alexia,” you said after practice, “I don’t know the city that well, and—well—since you do, would you be willing to show me around?”
“Si, claro.” She answered and looked around the field. “Maybe I can ask some of the girls to come with? They might know things to do that I don’t.”
Later she would explain to you that she panicked and that she knew she would be weird about it, thinking it was a date when it really was just a little outing between teammates. You wished she had treated it like a date, though, and was slightly disappointed when she mentioned bringing your teammates. Still, you had a great time watching Mapi banter with Lucy and Mariona while Alexia played the role of the disappointing mom trying to restrain her children.
You were grinning thinking back on the day when you came home. Her bashful smile after she offered to drive you home was so unlike anything you had pictured in your head before coming to Barcelona. You loved her calm nature, something that made her such a reliable captain, but also an endearing human being.
You stayed seated by the dinner table and you watched her load the dishes in the washer. The scene was void of music that she would sway her hips to or a hearty conversation about a random fact she learned from one of your teammates. Now it was just robotic, lifeless movements, and your heart squeezed at the thought of what it used to be.
The end is near.
Somewhere, somehow, you gathered the courage to speak up. “Wanna watch a movie?”
And to your surprise, she turned around and said, “Sure.”
For a second, you let yourself hope that there was still something salvageable from this ruin. Then you realized that you had been here many times before, and everything accumulated and led you here to this moment.
“Really?! You’ve never seen Mean Girls?”
Alexia shook her head and chuckled. “I didn’t watch a lot of movies, Y/N. Growing up, all I had time for was football.”
“Yeah, but . . . I mean, it’s Mean Girls. That’s just a crime,” you clicked your tongue. “We’ll have to catch you up on all the classics.”
The discussion had been prompted by the imminent movie night at one of your teammates’ places. The movie of choice was Mamma Mia!, and you had been most excited to rewatch it. You and Alexia arrived together after an outing in town, and since you did so late, you both were in charge of stocking up the snacks.
“And by that, I hope you mean . . . you and me,” Alexia stuttered, leaning against the kitchen counter, waiting for you to fill your bowl with popcorn.
Your lips curved up. “Yes, I mean me and you. Just me and you.”
Your captain grinned too, like a devious little kid. “Good. Just making sure.”
“¿Qué diablos está tardando tanto? (What the hell is taking so long?)” Patri called from the living room. “¡Más te vale no estar besándote en mi cocina! (You better not be making out in my kitchen!)”
You let out a surprised laugh, as Alexia cursed under her breath, wishing silently that the girls in the living room would just shut up and stop snickering. Once the bowls in your hands were filled to the brim, you turned to her with a knowing look.
“I wouldn’t have minded, you know.”
“Mind what?”
“If we were making out,” you said before leaving Alexia in the kitchen to soak in your words.
She found a seat next to you after taking a minute to calm her racing heart so that you wouldn’t notice how crazy you drove her. She felt like a teenage girl having a silly crush, but there was nothing silly about the way you looked at her. And when you put your head on her shoulder midway through the movie, she knew she was gone. Patri saw it too across the couch apparently, and her knowing grin made Alexia want to bury herself inside a hole. While she wasn’t particularly into romcoms, she was already looking forward to watching Mean Girls with you, her fleeting heart hammering in its cage at the thought of getting you alone again.
The silence was deafening. You didn’t dare to look over to Alexia to gauge her reaction. The screen continued to play the movie, blissfully unaware of an earthquake that had suddenly roared to life in the space on the couch between you and Alexia.
You swallowed. She hasn’t spoken for hours.
Then, she turned to you and said, “Okay.”
You drew a sharp breath and nodded with finality. “Okay.”
The movie was still playing, though. It was one of your favorites, but it made you cry every time you watched it because you were so touched by the story and its main characters. It was about a man—grief-stricken with the loss of his relationship—who decides to get his memories of his girlfriend wiped, but during the process, he relives everything he shared with her and slowly rues his decision. You used to enjoy it because their story was fictional, but now it all felt like one big joke, like you were one of the characters in the movie, inching towards a certain endgame that you couldn’t escape.
You wondered if there were a different script written out for you and Alexia.
“Let’s finish the movie though, yeah?” She said, finally looking over to you.
You hadn’t expected that look on her face when you looked back at her—it was something almost like desperation.
Like it meant something to her.
You nodded. It was the least you could do after dumping her. What kindness, after the neglect she had shown you, what kindness.
Alexia was shaking when she brought the two glasses of wine out to her living room, where you sat. Nala, the ever-excited little puppy that she was, followed her like a personal little cloud.
“I heard it was going to be a sad movie, so wine it is.” She said, handing you your glasses.
“It’s a cult classic, trust me. It’s one of my favorite movies ever.”
“Well, I liked Mean Girls, so I trust you.” The truth was, she would have watched any movie with you, as long as it was with you.
You were right, it was quite sad. When she looked over midway through the movie, she could see a glossy streak running down your face. You laughed it off and wiped your tears away, embarrassed that you had cried in front of her, but Alexia thought you were the prettiest.
With feather-light touches, she reached over and brushed the tip of her fingers over your cheekbone. She knew there was no going back if she went ahead with this. She wondered if there was a script written out for you and her already, and she was just following it on its path.
Her lips brushed against yours softly, and only once she felt that you started to kiss her back was she brave enough to put her hand around your waist and pull you closer.
You were grinning so wide when she pulled away, that she thought it might have been a prank and you were somehow in on it. But you put your arms around her neck and pecked her lips again.
Whatever script it was, Alexia was sure it would be one of fairy tale endings and happily ever after, because that is what you believe when you’re in love.
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a/n: the movie is eternal sunshine of the spotless mind btw. made me ugly cry.
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lw6-woso · 6 months
uncomfortable (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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summary- Alexia's knee gives her a problem
it was after the match and Alexia had been taken off at half time since her knee was given her irritation, and was sat in the medics since then. after the match and you went straight where she was, you slowly opened the door and saw her laid on the bed with ice on her knee.
"hey love" you said sitting next to her on the bed.
"hey" she said quietly.
"have they said anything" you asked concerned.
"yeh just need to take it easy a little bit wont be playing much" she said.
"okay come on lets get you home" you said and she nodded.
we grabbed our stuff and left, planning on showering at home, the car ride the whole way home was silent you knew that she was gutted about having a bump in the road but she also knew it wasn't going to be a perfect ride and getting back to where she was before her injury.
once we were home Alexia went straight to go shower and get into more comfy clothes and you sorted all the bags out putting clothes in the wash and cleaning up around the house that wasn't able to be done thins morning. you had finished finished all the cleaning and had fed Nala before realising the Ale wasn't back yet from her shower.
you put the tea towel on the counter and walked towards our room, you opened the door and didn't expect to see what you saw, Alexia was laid on the bed fast asleep still in her towel.
"oh love" you whispered to yourself.
you walked towards her and put your hand on her bare back and whispered her name, Alexia stirred and opened her eyes.
"come on you need to get changed before you get sick" you said and she groaned, but got up to get changed.
"you want food" you asked and she nodded.
"can we order out" she said and you were shocked.
"Alexia Putellas wants junk food never been so shocked" you said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes at me.
"what take out would you like" you asked.
"ooo Indian" she said.
"perfecto" you said and jumped into bed next to her. you ordered the food and Alexia put a Disney movie, which you were showering, and you walked out of the bathroom and Alexia was asleep again, you got into comfy clothes and sat next to her on the bed, she cuddled up to you in her sleep.
after about 45 minutes of waiting for the food it finally came, you waited a little bit to wake Alexia up and plate up all the food. you walked in the bedroom with all the food, you put Alexia's plate on her tables and the same with yours.
"Alexia food" i said sitting down and she woke up pretty much instantly.
"hello again" you said and dug into the food continuing to watch the movie.
for the rest of the night Alexia was sleeping and waking up randomly, whilst you stayed by her side watching tv.
"i love you baby" you said to her kissing her head, and you turned to TV off going to sleep yourself.
A/N - hope you are enjoying these fics, recommendations in what to write and what you are wanting to see and hoping i can provide
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onlyhereforthestories · 3 months
Comeback Queen - Part 2 (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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What a comeback she has had! I hope everyone enjoyed the game today, I know I certainly did. Here is the second part of the fic for our fave no 11.
You had managed to get ready on time, Alexia however was still in the bathroom, but this wasn’t uncommon. You were always the first ready out the two of you, you weren’t really a make-up person and normally opted for an easy put-up hair style so it just meant you had less to do to get ready.
You decided to put a little bit of tinted lip balm on, so you were just in the mirror applying that when Ale came out of the bathroom in a pair of trousers that hugged her waist just right, a white shirt with the top couple buttons undone which you knew was for you and a blazer hung over her arm.
You stopped what you were doing mid lip, you just stared at the woman through the mirror in awe. She never failed to take your breath away with any of the outfits she wore, comfy or formal. she glanced at you as she was putting her earrings in and noticed your stare through the mirror. “Like what you see mi amor?” The smirk on her face was also audible in her voice.
“You know I more than like babe. I swear you got hotter though, did you change your gym poutine? Get more muscle?” Your eyes roamed the Spanish star as you said this, the smirk on her face dropped a little and her cheeks flushed. Your ogling was obviously more than just appreciating, and Alexia knew what was running round your mind as much as you were imagining it.
“Okay amor wherever this libido came from save it for later.” Your cheeks burned red immediately and you averted your eyes away from your wife in favour of busing yourself sorting your bag you would be taking. Alexia chuckled at your reaction, it had been a recurring theme recently you and your increase want for sex. Not that Alexia was complaining at all, shed happily worship you every minute if she could but it was different for you.
She made her way over to you and wrapped her arms around you from behind, her large hands coming up to cover your stomach something that spread warmth through you. You leant into the contact and relished in the feeling being in her arms brought you, the moment was short lived as Alexia’s phone blared from where it was on charge next to your bed. Mapi’s face on the screen staring back at you. Alexia groaned a little in your ear before pressing a kiss to your cheek and letting you go to answer her best friends call.
Whilst she spoke in rushed Spanish you left the room to get your shoes and coat on, you knew that call meant the couple was ready to go and if Mapi was calling they really were ready to go.
The journey to pick them up was uneventful and before you knew it the four of you were walking into the function room hired out for the team dinner today. The girls cheered as Alexia walked into the room, chants of her name rang round, and you could see the joy this brought the Spaniard. She really did love this team and you could tell they loved her.
The night was amazing, you all ate great food and celebrated the return of your favourite person to the sport that she loves so very much. As the evening went on and everyone was sat chatting after the food you could feel yourself getting tired, you were trying to hide yawns behind your hand and shifting every so often as you kept getting uncomfortable.
Your hiding hadn’t gone as well as you thought, you were talking to Ingrid who was sat next to you and shifted once again. Only this time as you shifted you felt the palm of your love on your thigh, you turned to look at her and found her giving you a concerned look. “You okay bebe?”
You gentle grabbed her hand off your thigh and laced your fingers with hers, giving her hand a squeeze before you replied. “Si, don’t worry just a little uncomfortable sat in once place for a long period it’s okay though.” The woman gave you a small frown and went to stand up but before she could you gave her a tug on the hand you were still holding.
“We can go home bebe, I don’t want you to be too uncomfortable.” You were flattered by the gesture, but you knew that it wasn’t what you actually wanted. Although you were tired and a little uncomfortable you would happily be that to chat with your friends and celebrate your girl.
“Thank you, my love, but I’m okay promise. The food is finished we won’t be here a great deal longer I’ll be okay until then.” You could tell by the look she was giving you that she was making sure, so you squeezed the hand in your three times and that was enough for the woman to smile back at you knowing you meant it.
Just before she could turn back to her conversation with Irene you caught her attention once more, “But as I am making this big sacrifice to celebrate you, you can give me a foot rub when we get home.” You sent her a wink to accompany your words, both to show you were joking mostly but also wouldn’t mind it happening.
“Oh, bebe I think I can stretch to a little more than a foot rub.” Your cheeks flushed a little as you laughed at where the woman’s mind went. With a light shove to her shoulder and a kiss to her lips you let her go back to her conversation. You didn’t miss the way her eyes roamed your upper body before she turned away, you would never get used the too butterflies she brought to your stomach each and every time she looked at you like that.
This morning had been a struggle to get going, Alexia had definitely followed up on what she said at dinner which meant that you were fairly tired this morning. Luckily for you, you were still part of the injury list, so you had less work to do than your wife. Not that Alexia was fussed she wasn’t as physically tired, and it was only a recovery day after yesterday’s game anyway.
You had just finished breakfast in the canteen and were heading to the film room with the rest of the team to go over some of the plays for the game the day before when you were it with a wave of sickness. You were quick to excuse yourself from your chat with Lucy and Kiera and made a beeline for the toilets. You got there just intime to bring up the breakfast you had just eaten.
Your stomach settled right away after that, and you were quick to rinse your mouth and wash your hands before rushing to get to the film room intime and without suspicion. As you sat down in your seat next to Ale, she gave you a puzzled look which you brushed off with a smile and a squeeze to her thigh.
You sat and listened as the coaching stuff went over a few things and pointed out a few parts of the game they wanted to work on over the next few training sessions. Just before you finished, they showed Ales goal again just to get the cheer from the girls and the slight dip of embarrassment from the goal scorer.
Recovery day started with a light gym session which meant that the injured players and fit players would be together, everyone with their own things to do for the session. You were currently working with Mapi who has been stepping up her training over the last couple weeks.
You on the other hand have been staying at a fairly low level, something that hadn’t slipped past Mapi. “So amiga when are you getting back to the proper work?” You looked a little confused towards the dyed blonde who was currently in between sets.
“I’m just doing what I’m told.” Your answer was brief and vague causing the woman to frow a little, but she let it go thinking maybe you were upset that you could not progress further.
Mapi wasn’t the only one to ask you about your recovery, Aitana had too when you went to get some water and she was by the bottle too, even Irene had asked about your return date. You kept you answers as short as possible, but you knew someone soon was going to really ask what your injury was.
You were trying to get to speak to Alexia alone quickly before everyone headed out onto the pitch, but you just couldn’t catch her eye or get away from the players with you. You knew it wasn’t going to be long before you would have to tell everyone, but you needed to talk to the brunette first, make sure she is okay with telling people.
You finally caught the woman’s eye when you were all stood in a circle around Jona listening to his pretraining talk. Alexia came and stood next to you as he started speaking her hand resting on the small of your back. You were listening to what Jona said until Alexia spoke quietly in your ear.
“You okay amor? The girls have been questioning you a lot I hear.” You nodded slightly before you spoke.
“I think we need to tell them; it won’t be long until they will see anyway.” Alexias’s hand slid round to your hip to pull you into her a little more.
“Si I agree, time to tell them.” This ended the conversation, and you tuned back into the team talk just before it was concluded, and the players full training went off for warmups. You followed Mapi over the sidelines where you would be doing some light work.
After the warm-ups and the first set of drills you joined back up with the rest of the girls for a drinks break. You slotted in next to Ale and joined in the conversation there. They were obviously talking about your wife and Frido’s return to the pitch and when you were noticed Aitana directed her talk to you.
“Next up is your big return y/n.” You glanced at Ale who stepped closer to you and nodded.
Taking this as your go ahead you spoke, “You’ll have to wait for at least a year for that.” The girls around you looked at you in shock.
“What why? You didn’t do your knee; in fact we have no idea what injury you picked up.” Patri was the one to speak up first, you let her speak and looked around at the girls in your little circle right now. You saw the moment Keira understood what it meant, what you meant.
The grin on her face grew the moment you nodded. She was on you in a second, giving you a big hug and whispering congratulations in your ear. When the other girls continued to look confused you saw your wife roll her eyes.
“You are all idiotas, y/ns pregnant. We are having a baby.” It was safe to say everyone was shocked for a moment before you were in the middle of a Barca team hug, congratulations being shouted out.
“I’m going to be the favourite aunt!” You laughed at Ingrids shout which immediately brought on bickering throughout the group.
You stood in the arms of the woman you loved, watching as your football family argued about who was going be your baby’s favourite. You truly were the luckiest woman alive, and you knew your baby would be so loved.
“We did good aye.” You smiled up at Alexia as she spoke.
“We did really good, Te amo.” Alexia leaned down to press her lips to yours and brought her hands to cover your stomach.
“I love you both.”
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httplilyyy · 9 months
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pairing: alexia putellas x reader
summary: you were always second best but maybe this one time you’d be first.
warnings: like one swear word, angst, fluff & slight smut
word count: 3.6k
a/n: i was watching friends whilst making this, hence your ‘best friend’ being called rachel.
woso masterlist request
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You were used to being second best in everything. The league, the ballon d'or and now the world cup. But you had just transferred to Barcelona so you hoped that would all change.
Another English prospect joining Barcelona caused a lot of media to be focused on you throughout the world cup. Especially during the last game where you’d be playing against your future teammates.
But what the media didn’t know was that you were quite close with their star player. Alexia Putellas. Although you used to play in the WSL, you had met one night in Ibiza and immediately hit it off.
There was a slight problem, however, you had fallen for her and so had your best friend.
Your best friend, Rachel, had met Alexia one day by coming over to yours unexpectedly.
You knew of her crush on Alexia and you did everything in your power to stop yourself from falling too, but it was pointless. You were already in too deep and you feared there was no way out.
What you also knew was how Alexia would never feel the same way about you. So you let your feelings be buried deep inside whilst you tried to put on your best brave face and be a wingwoman for your best friend.
It was currently the first training back from the world cup and you had just pulled your car into park. Rachel sat beside you, sporting the Barcelona gear, fiddling with the hem of her top.
“You’re going to be fine, I promise.” You smiled, giving her hand a squeeze before getting out of the car.
“But what if I make a fool of myself, I hardly know any Spanish.” They replied, getting out themselves.
“Use google translate.” You shrugged with a teasing grin, getting your kit back out of the boot before making your way into the building.
“You’re an ass.” Rachel muttered, jogging to catch up with you.
“I know, you love it though.” You chuckled, nudging her with your elbow.
“I like someone else's.” Rachel whispered, watching as Alexia walked a few paces ahead.
“Uh huh.” You murmured, feeling jealousy begin to bubble in your stomach. “So I'll see you after training?”
“Wait what?” Rachel questioned, seeing as you skipped off in front and joined up with Alexia. “Y/n!”
She could hear your laugh bouncing off the walls as you turned a corner and left to the pitch with Alexia.
Although it was the first session back since the world cup, it was not an easy one. With the blistering heat beaming down on you it made the drills just a little bit more harder.
You caught yourself staring at Alexia throughout the day, going from little glances when she wasn't looking to blown out stares. You cursed yourself every time for looking at her that way but you just couldn't help it.
It had gotten to the end of the session when a mini game was formed, unfortunately, Alexia wasn’t on your team. After half an hour of an intense game, your team came up short.
A lucky goal scored by Patri secured the win for the other team and although it was only a game for fun. You couldn't help but feel a little down, but this was what you were used to, being second best.
You took your bib off and made your way to get a drink. Sitting alone, you finally let yourself calm down. But that didn't last very long when a shadow appeared in front of you.
“There’s my runner up.” Alexia teased, squirting some water in her mouth as she looked down at you.
“Ha ha, very funny Ale.” You huffed, a smile escaping your lips.
“I was hoping we would be paired up together today.” Alexia sighed, sitting beside you, her leg bumping yours causing goosebumps to erupt all over your body.
“Oh really? You like me that much, do you?” You chuckled, leaning back on your arms and looking up at the sky.
“You have no idea.” Alexia whispered but it fell deaf on your ears.
Someone else walked up to the two of you, causing you to look away from the sky. Rachel appeared in front of you both, an apologetic smile on her face.
“Oh, hey Rach.” You smiled, standing up from your position.
“Hey, you two.” Rachel replied, but she didn’t look at you, so focused on Alexia, watching how the muscles in her arms tensed as she pushed herself up and off the floor - not that you noticed.
“How’s the first day as a physio been?” You asked, hoping to gain her attention but it was futile.
“It’s been great.” Rachel grinned, still not looking at you.
“So what brings you over here?” You questioned, using the bottom of your top to wipe away the sweat on your face.
“I’m here for Alexia, actually.” Rachel said, looking at the midfielder with a certain glint in her eye.
Whilst you wiped your face, you didn’t notice how Alexia wasn't focused on Rachel at all but she was looking at you and more specifically, your abs that glistened in the sunlight.
“Huh, I'll leave you two to it then.” You smiled, sending a wink to your best friend and walking away, trying to ignore how your heart panged with each step.
After you left the two there wasn't much else for you to do. So you headed for the showers to change out of your sweaty gear.
Some of the other girls were already in there but they soon left, leaving the showers to yourself. You didn’t want to spend too long, not wanting to keep Rachel waiting after she had finished with Alexia.
Stepping out of the showers, your body wrapped in a towel, you quickly walked to your kit bag to get changed.
You were about to unravel your towel when you heard someone cough from behind you. Turning around in one quick motion, you nearly gave yourself whiplash at the speed, you were met by a certain midfielder.
“Jesus, Ale.” You sighed, hand placed over your heart. “I thought you were with Rachel?”
“She just wanted to do a quick check up on my knee.” Alexia shrugged, taking a step towards you.
“Right,” you mumbled with a slow nod before turning back around to your bag. “We’re uh, actually going out for some coffee, or something, tomorrow and you should come.”
“For coffee or something?” Alexia teased, moving so she sat next to your bag.
“I mean, you don't have to come.” You replied, raising an eyebrow.
“No, no, I didn’t say that.” Alexia rushed out, her hands finding your waist.
You didn’t say anything, looking down at the midfielder, waiting to see if she realised what she had done. It took a few moments but she got there and removed her hands from your waist in record time.
“Lo siento. I didn’t-”
“It’s fine, Ale.” You chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “But I do need you to leave so I can get changed.”
“Oh! Right, well, I'll see you tomorrow?” Alexia said, the tips of her ears burning.
“I’ll send you the details. Now go you perv!” You smiled, chuckling as Alexia’s eyes widened before she ran out.
You shook your head, a smile forming on your lips at the woman but it quickly disappeared, remembering that you shouldn't be feeling that way about her.
Scolding yourself, you quickly got changed, packed your bags and made your way back to your car where Rachel was waiting for you. She sent a smile your way but you ignored it, rushing to put your bags in the car.
“You okay?” Rachel asked, raising an eyebrow at your actions.
“What? Yeah, yeah I'm fine.” You replied, getting into the driver's seat.
“You sure?” She questioned, getting into the car herself.
“Mhm.” You hummed, starting the car and reversing out of your spot. “Oh, before I forget, I invited Alexia to our little coffee thing tomorrow.”
“You what?!” Rachel exclaimed, making you turn your head to her for a split second before focusing back on driving.
“What? You like her, no?” You wondered, grip tightening a little on the steering wheel.
“Of course I do, I think the only person who doesnt is Alexia.” Rachel huffed, playing with her fingers.
“See, I'm helping you out.” You shrugged with a grin.
“And how are you helping me out exactly?”
“By being a wingwoman.”
“Brilliant.” Rachel muttered sarcastically causing you to lightly punch her arm.
“You’ll thank me when you’re married.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
The rest of the drive back to Rachel’s apartment was in silence, a comfortable silence, but you could feel a little tension though you weren’t sure what why. Pulling up in front of her place, she thanked you before walking into her building.
Sighing to yourself, you drove back to your house. Parking your car, you sat in your driveway, occasionally looking towards your phone before you decided to pick it up and message Alexia the address of the coffee shop.
Ah, so that’s where I'm meeting you tomorrow. I thought you’d forgotten about me
Why’s that? You know I could never
Took you an hour to message me the address
I had to take Rach home
Mhm, not second guessing inviting me were you?
Why would I do that?
No idea
Okay, good night Ale
Wait, what time do I have to be there for?
Okay, I’ll see you then
Buenas noches, ale
Sleep well, Y/n
Turning your phone off, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and resting your head on the headrest, staring out in front of you.
Finally deciding to move, you grabbed your bag from the backseat and made your way into your house. You left your kit bag by the front door and slumped your way upstairs and into your room.
Quickly changing into your pyjamas, you did your nightly routine and went straight to sleep, not bothering to charge your phone and as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light.
You woke up to the morning light beaming onto your face, mentally cursing yourself for not shutting the blinds the night before. You rolled over, checking your phone for the time only to realise it was dead.
Groaning you plugged your phone in and got ready for the day. Finally getting dressed, you checked your phone once again, nearly screaming into the air as you realised the time was 10:58am.
Running around your house to find your shoes, you slipped them on before tumbling through the front door and into your car.
Driving a little over the speed limit, you managed to get to the coffee shop in record time. Finding somewhere to park, however, was another story. By the time you made it into the shop it was 11:24.
“Look who's finally decided to show up.” You heard from the side of you.
“I forgot to charge my phone.” You muttered, rubbing the back of your neck as you turned to see Rachel and Alexia sitting at a table together.
“Of course you did.” Alexia said, smiling behind her cup as she brought it to her lips to take a sip.
“Let me go order and I'll be right back.” You said sheepishly, before walking off.
You could hear a chuckle from behind you but you paid no attention to it. Ordering your favourite, you were back at the table in record time, thankful that the line wasn’t too long.
The three of you talked about anything and everything, you occasionally slipping out of the conversation to let Rachel talk to Alexia by herself.
Scrolling on your phone, you only looked up when a hand waved in front of your face. Seeing it was only you and Alexia at the table, you tilted your head confused.
“She went to the toilet.” Alexia said, knowing what you were wondering.
“Ah,” you said, nodding in understanding, “you okay?”
“I’m fine, you?” Alexia smiled.
“Are you doing anything later?” Alexia asked, her fingers tapping on the table.
“No, nothing really.” You replied, straightening your posture.
“Do you want to do something together?”
“Like what?” You wondered, resting your head on your hand.
“Not sure, maybe a movie?”
“Yeah, okay. Do you want to come round mine, or we could go out?”
“I’ll come to yours, if that’s okay. Then it could be just the two of us.”
“That’s fine.” You smiled, internally beaming. “It’s a date.”
Unbeknownst to you, your words caused butterflies to erupt in Alexia's stomach. Although you meant nothing by what you said, Alexia couldn’t help but feel a little hope.
“Hey, what have I missed?” Rachel questioned as she sat back down in her seat.
“Nothing, just talking about football.” Alexia replied, sending a small yet discrete smile in your direction.
“Boring.” Rachel huffed, leaning back on her chair. “I was hoping you’d be talking about me.”
Before you could stop yourself, a cough made its way up your throat, quickly covering it up with a smile.
“What’s so funny, y/n?” Rachel asked, tilting her head towards you.
“Wha- nothing. I promise.”
“Mhm, I better get going anyway.” Rachel smiled, standing up from her seat.
“Same here.” Alexia said, standing up as well.
“I guess that means me too.” You joked, getting up yourself.
“I’ll see you both soon.” Rachel said, giving the two of you hugs, Alexia’s lasting a little longer than yours.
“See you.” You smiled, fishing your car keys from your pocket.
After Rachel walked off to her car, you were left with Alexia. You stood beside the midfielder not knowing what to say, rocking backwards and forwards on your feet.
“What time do you want me to come over?” Alexia questioned, turning to face you.
“Any time, I don’t mind. I've just got to clean up a few bits.”
“Okay, how does six sound?”
“Good, yeah, I'll see you then.”
“See you later.” Alexia said, giving you a quick hug and a small kiss on your cheek before walking off.
Blushing profusely, you got to your car, quickly driving home. You went from cleaning the living room to cleaning the whole house, scared that even a miniscule thing could put Alexia off.
Going all out with the snacks, opting to place a variety on the coffee table as well as drinks, you felt that everything was okay, or at least, you hoped it was. Opening netflix on your tv you waited for Alexia.
You didn’t have to wait long and before you knew it, the doorbell rang, indicating that Alexia was here. You felt your heart rate increase knowing that you’d finally be spending some time with her alone.
In a friendly way, of course. Right?
Shaking your head, you scrambled yourself off the sofa, remembering that Alexia was waiting outside your door.
Opening the door to the catalonian, you smiled, noticing that she had changed her outfit from earlier on, opting for something more comfortable.
You opened the door wider, ushering her in and closing it behind her. The midfielder waited for you in the hallway, letting you guide her into your living room.
The two of you sat down on your sofa, a small gap between you as you played a random movie that was recommended to you by one of the girls from barca.
“You really went all out with the snacks.” Alexia chuckled, making herself comfortable, resting an arm over the back of the sofa.
“I couldn’t choose.” You mumbled with a shrug, leaning forward to pick up some crisps. “Want some?”
“These are my favourite, how’d you know?” Alexia questioned, taking a couple from the bowl.
“I had a hunch.”
“Oh really? Okay then.” Alexia said teasingly, moving a little closer to you, your thighs only mere inches apart from each other.
“Just watch the movie.” You said, huffing out a laugh and taking one of the crisps from her hand before popping it into your mouth.
“Hey! You have a whole bowl.” Alexia complained, slapping your arm and shaking her head at your antics.
“Sorry.” You replied with a grin, turning your attention back to the movie playing.
Alexia, however, kept her gaze on you. Long forgetting the movie, she watched every little thing you did, the way your eyes would widen at something one of the actors said or how you’d smile at the jokes.
You hadn’t noticed her gaze on you, completely focused on the movie and you were really enjoying it, until a sex scene came up. Shifting in your spot, Alexia noticed your discomfort.
She turned towards the tv and saw what was playing, lewd moans came from the speakers and it was as if the two of you were watching soft porn.
“You alright, y/n?” Alexia questioned, a small smirk displayed on her features.
“Mhm,” you hummed, eyes widening at the screen, “they’re really going at it, jesus.”
“Jealous?” She teased.
“What? No!” You exclaimed, turning your body towards the midfielder.
Only then did you realise the close proximity of the two of you. You could feel Alexia’s breath on your lips, her eyes staring into yours and your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest.
“You sure you’re okay?” Alexia asked again, this time a little quieter.
“Yeah, I’m just-”
“Turned on?”
You paused, contemplating your next words.
“Yeah.” You whispered, looking down at Alexia’s lips before trailing them back up to her eyes.
“Lean back.” Alexia ordered softly, pushing you gently against the sofa.
Your back hit the cushions, your head resting against the armrest. Alexia smiled, moving to hover over you. Her hair created curtains, blocking out the rest of the world as she looked deeply into your eyes.
“Is this okay?” She asked quietly, her lips hovering over yours. You nodded, not trusting your voice. “I need words, cariño.”
“Yes,” you whispered, “this is very much okay.”
“Then can I kiss you?”
You barely got to finish the word before her lips were on yours. Desperate and hungry. A silent understanding of how long the two of you had been wanting this.
As much as you were loving every second, your mind couldn't help but wander back to Rachel. Kissing Alexia didn't feel wrong, it was perfect, but you had a deep nagging feeling that you were betraying your best friend.
“Ale, I- I can’t-” You mumbled between kisses, but still pulled her in for more.
“Why not.” Alexia questioned, swiping her tongue against your bottom lip.
“What about Rachel?”
“What about Rachel? I don’t want her, I want you.” Alexia said, pushing her knee between your thighs causing you to involuntary roll your body.
“Shit, I-”
“Y/n?” A voice called out and you immediately stopped what you were doing. “What- Wow, unbelievable.”
“Wait no. Rach!” You said, pushing Alexia off your body.
“How’d she get in?” Alexia questioned, creating a little space between the two of you.
“I gave her a key, not important right now.” You said, waving Alexia off.
“I can’t believe you.” Rachel muttered, throwing her hands up in the air.
“I-” You started but Aleia cut in.
“Why are you acting like this? It’s not like you liked me?” Alexia questioned, confused at your best friend and ignoring you slap her arm in an attempt to get her to stop talking.
“You know what, you both deserve each other.” Rachel shouted, scoffing before storming out of your house.
“Rachel!” You said, chasing after her, leaving Alexia alone and confused on the sofa.
“Save it, y/l/n, I don't want to hear what excuse you come up with!”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to see that.”
“Real classy, Y/n.” Rachel scoffed, shaking her head as she came to a stop on your driveway, finally turning to face you.
“No I didn’t mean it like that-”
“How did you mean it then, huh? You knew how much I liked her! You knew, and you go behind my back and do that, what a friend you are.”
“No, Rach. C’mon, please.” You pleaded, desperately trying to get her to listen to you
“No! You know what, we’re done. Don’t talk to me again.” Rachel said, pointing a finger at you.
You watched as she shook with anger and sadness, before she let out a sob and turned to run away again. This time you didn’t follow her, lowering your head in sorrow.
Walking back to your house, you stumbled into the living room, seeing Alexia still sitting on the sofa, looking down in her lap, fiddling with her hands.
“Hey! Y/n, what just happened?” Alexia questioned, standing up as she heard your footsteps get closer.
“I uh- I can’t do this Alexia.” You mumbled, tears brimming your eyes as you looked to the floor, folding your arms in front of your chest.
“Do what? Us? What do you mean?” Alexia wondered, walking closer to you, your bodies just inches away from each other.
She took your hands in hers, her fingers tracing delicate patterns. You felt yourself grow weak at the knees but suddenly pulled away from her hold.
“I just can’t, I'm sorry.” You said, ferociously wiping away a tear that fell before walking away.
“Y/n!” Alexia said, her voice breaking as she followed you through the house. Watching as you got in your car, seeing it pull off the driveway and disappear around the corner.
You were finally first, the girl shared the same feelings, yet you still managed to throw that away. Maybe you should stick to what you know. Being second best.
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women-are-hot · 11 months
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summary: a new start with your childhood best friend is just what you need.
pairings: alexia putellas x fem!reader, guro reiten x ex!reader.
genre: quite a lot of angst, but don’t worry, there’s also lots of fluff.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: idiots in love as always, them being so obvious, guro reiten is the (nice) ex, crying, reader being sad, some dumb teammates and just a dumb world general.
note: there will be a part 2 to this one! enjoy my first fic in a long time <3
you had finally landed in barcelona after a 2 hour long flight from london, so you were a bit tired, but you were also excited, because you got to see alexia. your best friend since childhood. 
right now, you were standing in the airport like a lost child, trying to find alexia as it was her house that you were going to stay at. when you finally had found her, you speeded up your walk a bit and almost jumped into your best friend’s arms. 
“te extrañé mucho!” (i missed you a lot) alexia said, giving your head a kiss. 
“i’ve also missed you, ale! it’s been too long since we last saw each other!” you responded as you let go of each other, still with big smiles on your faces. 
“yes! way too long!” alexia mumbled, pulling you in for another hug, which you, of course, returned as always. 
after another hugging section, you happily took your arm around hers as you walked towards her car. 
as soon as you got inside alexia’s house, you threw yourself on her couch, your back and head hurting from sitting on the plane. 
alexia softly smiled at you and also sat down on the couch beside you. she put your head on her lap as she started to run her fingers through your hair. you didn’t complain at all. alexia knew exactly what to do to make you feel better after many years of friendship. 
“the flight was long, yeah?” she asked. you hummed into her stomach, loving the head massage you were getting. alexia never failed to make you feel like a princess. 
“you can sleep for an hour. i still have a few emails to answer, but after that, i have a surprise for you!” alexia mentioned, making you look up at her. her hand left your hair, but you quickly took a hold of it, putting it back on your head again. 
alexia quietly chuckled at you. “what have you planned?” you asked. “i won’t tell you. otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise, idiota!”  alexia answered while shaking her head at you. 
“i hate surprises and you know it.” you mumbled, laying your head in her lap again. “you’re going to love it. i promise!” alexia told you as you just hummed as yes. alexia then took her computer and started to answer some emails, not forgetting to massage your head sometimes. 
after an hour and 10 minutes, alexia put her computer down on the coffee table, deciding it was time to wake you up. “y/n, wake up!” she said, shaking you a bit. 
“no” she heard you mumble, making her throw her head back in a small chuckle. "i'm serious y/n! wake up, we got somewhere to be actually.” alexia explained, but right now, you really didn’t care, so you keep on sleeping. 
then alexia did something, you will never forgive her for. she tickled you. you yelled at her to stop and after a whole minute, she finally did. “i’m never forgiving you for that!” you said. 
“you will after this surprise, trust me!” she replied with a mysterious smile. you couldn’t help, but hit her arm. “you did the illegal thing. i will never forgive-” you sentence was interrupted, when alexia hit your shoulder, making you gasp. 
“you just hit me” you said in a dramatic tone. “you hit me first” alexia responded with a smile. “but you’re a powerhouse with actual muscles, so it actually hurts, putellas! that’s not fair” you rambled, trying to hold your laugh back as you wanted to look serious. 
“i’m not a powerhouse, but i do look like one standing next to you!” alexia teased you, her smile growing bigger. “idiota!” you whispered to yourself, but loud enough for alexia to hear it. 
“what did you say?” she asked me, sitting a bit more up. “nothing” you quickly answered with a small smile. “i heard you say something. what did you say y/n?” alexia asked once again, but in a whisper in your ear, giving you goosebumps. 
“why are you shivering? do i make you nervous y/n?” she asked with a smirk in your ear again, but to avoid the question, you pushed her away and in a hurry, got up from the couch, running away. 
the plan didn’t go well though. because alexia was right behind you and had quickly pulled you into her arms, tickling you once again. you began laughing like crazy and begged her to stop. 
“then what did you say about me?” she asked for the third time. “i said you were an idiota.” you answered and let out a sigh when she had finally stopped tickling you, still holding you in her arms though. 
“see, that wasn’t so hard to admit, wasn’t it?” alexia teased. “yeah yeah, whatever. now let’s go. you have a surprise for me, right?” you said in a childish tone, excited for what she has planned for you.  
“just wait here. i’ll come in a minute with something” alexia told you. “alright. be quick, i’m excited!” you responded, getting a shake from your best friend’s head, to which you just laughed at. 
after a minute or two, alexia came back into the living room with a blindfold in one of her hands. “do you trust me?” she asked me with a cheeky smile. “with my life” you answered, making alexia chuckle lightly. 
then alexia turned you around and put the blindfold in front of your eyes. “why do you even need to blindfold me?” you asked, being even more excited now.  “what a great question” was the answer you got. you groaned at the answer you got, if you even could call it that. 
“just trust me with your life and everything is going to be just fine, princesa” alexia explained to you as she took your hand and dragged you into what you guessed was a car. 
when you had been driving in the car for about 20 minutes, the car stopped and alexia helped you out of the car, making sure you didn’t fall. such a gentlewoman she is. 
“are you ready for the surprise?” she asked you, excitement in her voice. “i’ve been ready for 20 minutes, but yeah, woohoo, i’m so ready,” you answered as alexia pushed your shoulder slightly in a friendly way. 
alexia then finally took the blindfold of your eyes and you saw the cutest place with delicious food, right in front of a beautiful sea view. 
“this is so sweet, ale!” you said, turning around and hugging her tightly as alexia lifted you a bit up from the ground, giving your head a kiss.
“i hope you like it,” alexia mumbled.  
“like it? i love it, ale! it really reminds me of our teenage years” you said as the two of you sat down on the little bench in front of the delicious food alexia had prepared. 
“that’s why i chose this place” alexia told you, making you look at her. “because it’s ours” alexia added with a shy smile, making you look at her in awe. 
“that’s so cute,” you said in a low tone. comfortable silence filled the air with sounds of the sea.  
“it’s been too long since i’ve been here. i almost forgot the feeling” you said, breaking the silence. alexia then gave you a confused look. “the feeling? which feeling?” she asked. 
“the feeling of so much, you know” you started. alexia letting you speak. “the feeling of comfort. the feeling of freedom. the feeling of the past, and of course the feeling of our childhood together.” you explained. 
alexia looked at your face and noticed a tear slipping down your cheek, to which she wiped away, making you look at her again. “i’m sorry. i shouldn't be crying. i just have so much on my mind at the moment.” you mumbled, quickly wiping your eyes as more tears were threatening to fall down your cheeks. 
alexia took you into your arms as you tried to calm yourself down. “i’m sorry-” “don’t say that y/n! never be sorry for such a thing. it’s okay to feel down sometimes. i just wished you would have told me that you were feeling this way, amor” she interrupted you. 
after you had calmed down, you lifted your head from alexia’s shoulder, taking a deep sigh. alexia looked at you with worry in her eyes. “will you tell me what’s wrong? por favor.” she asked and took your hand in hers, caressing it softly. 
“of course. you deserve to know everything!” you answered. “firstly, i’m still a bit sad about the way my relationship with guro ended. we were not right for each other, but still, it’s quite difficult when fans knew we were together and then every question is about our break up and not actual football. i’m so tired of people also asking why, how and other stupid questions, when i just wanna do my job. then some people start making rumors, saying that i cheated on her with you and even some of my teammates start to believe it. and before i know it, probably the whole football world will think i cheated on her and i really did not! we were just not right for each other.” you explained, tears starting to fall down your cheeks again, but you weren’t done rambling.
“i shouldn’t really be telling you this, but i’ve already signed a contract with another club. i can’t stand being looked at with those looks from my teammates.” you told alexia, even if you weren’t allowed to. 
alexia immediately took her arms around you in a big hug once again, trying to calm you down. “shh, everything is going to be okay. i won’t let anyone hurt you.” she whispered in your ear. alexia began caressing your back, knowing it always helped you calm down. 
“let’s just eat some food and look at the sea, yeah?” alexia said. you hummed a yes and looked at the delicious food, alexia had prepared. 
you two ate in a comfortable silence, but after 10 minutes alexia decided to break it. “so, which team have you signed for?” she asked. you gave her a small smile. 
“it’s a team that i’ve wanted to play for, for quite some time.” you answered. alexia gave you a little smile. “is it barca?” she asked, her smile growing bigger at the thought of you two playing together everyday. your big smile pretty much gave it away. 
“really? you’re going to play for barca?” she asked once again, not believing her ears at the moment. “yes-” before you could finish your sentence, alexia had attacked you with a big bear hug. 
“that’s the best news i’ve heard for a long time!” she mumbled into your hair. “i’ve been so excited to tell you!” 
“now you should be prepared for head massages every night” alexia said. you wouldn’t ever complain about that. you gave her a soft smile and laid your head on her shoulder, enjoying this moment with her. 
“thanks for always being with me, ale! i really appreciate it!” you told her, locking your hand with hers. “of course y/n! the same goes for you. thanks for always being you!” alexia replied, laying her head on yours. 
the next month went by fast as it was now known to everyone, including the fans, that you were leaving the club that you had played in for 5 years. you had sat bye to everyone of your teammates with respect, even if they haven’t all shown you that for the last couple of months. guro had invited you out for a cup of coffee to just say a proper goodbye and you accepted it and actually had a nice time with your ex. 
the two of you never had hate towards each other. it was just not in this lifetime you were meant for each other. maybe in another. who knows? 
when you had finally arrived at your new home in barcelona. you once again tried to find your best friend in the big crowd at the airport. your eyes then meet the hazel eyed woman and a smile automatic found it’s way to your face. 
after about 25 minutes, you landed at your new house. it didn’t feel very new to you though. it was alexia’s house. she was so nice to offer you to live with her and nala. 
“thank you for letting me stay at your house, ale.” you told your best friend as you walked into the guest room, that now was yours. “of course. i thought you would like to come to a familiar place since it’s been so long since you lived in spain.” alexia replied with a smile as she helped you taking the last luggage inside your room. 
“still, thank you for being there for me when i’m not at my best. i really appreciate it!” you said and gave alexia a big hug. she really was your safe place. alexia gave your head a kiss as always, but it felt different this time. the reason why, you don’t know. not yet.
the next day at 9am, it was your first training with your new team, but still, when you stepped onto the field in the sunny barcelona, it felt like you had found the right place. you really missed playing for your hometown. it’s been years since you took the red and blue colored shirt on and to be honest, you couldn't wait to do it again for many years. 
all of the girls welcomed you with open arms. you really missed this. being a part of a team. some of the girls were your old teammates, but there were also new teammates that you couldn’t wait to become close with too. 
“it seemed like you enjoyed being back home?” alexia asked as you two got inside her car, ready to drive home and make some delicious dinner. “i really enjoyed it, yeah. it just feels right to be back.” you replied with a smile towards her.
days like these passed and before you knew it, you had been in barcelona for 2 months. you felt like everyday was a dream that you hoped never ended. living with alexia had also been a blast. even if you two had known each other since you were kids, you still learned new things about each other and laughed as much as you did in your childhood. you were so happy and the reason why you were so happy was clear.
alexia putellas segura. la reina de barcelona.
she was simply your reason for your happiness. of course she’s always made you happy, but this time it just felt so much differently than all the other times. you really don’t want to admit it, but you’re pretty sure that you’ve fallen for your best friend. not just a simple crush. no. you actually fell very hard, it almost hurt. 
you hoped so much that these new feelings towards her would go away as soon as possible! you just couldn’t fall in love with your childhood best friend! like no no no!
“are you alright, y/n?” the voice from the person you just were having a mental crisis asked you. you gave her the most real smile you could find and answered her. “yeah yeah, just a bit tired.”
alexia chuckled a bit at you, before parking the car at your usual spot at the training center. “we did go to bed late last night. the last episodes of squid game had to be watched” alexia said.
“i never would have guessed that you would watch something like squid game” you responded as you got out of the car. alexia put her hand over her heart, pretending to be hurt. “you should know everything about me. you’re my best friend, remember?” she teased you. you just had to make the fakest laugh and afterwards cough for 10 seconds, because all you do is embarrass yourself. 
“woah, are you sure you’re alright? i could say to jonatan that you’re not feeling well and are taking a day off?” alexia rambled you as she was worried about you. putting a hand on her shoulder after your coughing session, you replied with a simple, “i’m fine.”
“you shouldn’t overwork yourself!” alexia told you, making you stretch your back. “you should not say anything. you always overwork yourself. i was just having a normal coughing session, you know. sometimes you get something stuck in your throat and if you didn’t know, coughing helps, so-” before you could continue your important speech, alexia interrupted you. 
“-i get okay! let’s get going. the girls are probably wondering where we are.” alexia said and took her hand around your arm, basically dragging you into the training center. she shouldn’t have done that though. your heart couldn’t bear to become more in love with this human. how could you stop becoming more in love with her? that is a very good question that you’re not sure you could answer. 
you could ignore her, but would that help or hurt? it would also be impossible as you literally live together. maybe you should just ignore her at the training and try to find a new partner for the drills. ugh, but that would just make you look so rude! let’s just try to talk more with the other girls, then maybe it will help? just a little bit.
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