#Aircraft Drill
defensenow · 26 days
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planeyboys · 7 months
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Inktober 28 Cordless Dewalt Airplane
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skinpinsuk · 3 months
Precision Drilling and Cutting Tools
William Lees & Sons Ltd is a company that specialises in manufacturing high-quality precision drilling and cutting tools. With their expertise and advanced technology, they offer a wide range of products including drills, reamers, milling cutters, and taps. These tools are designed to meet the precise needs of various industries and deliver exceptional performance. They prioritise precision, innovation, and reliability to ensure customer satisfaction. Their commitment to quality and continuous improvement has earned them a reputation as a trusted provider of cutting-edge tools.
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so in an attempt to actually use positive thinking, anytime i fuck up and my brain reacts as if ive cause a minor apocalyptic event, i compare my fuck up to the 4 minute fuck up committed by the crew of the uss william d porter.
and only today, as i was having to explain what happened to my mom when i was explaining the whole comparison thing, did i realise that most people dont know about it and ive decided that needs to change because its objectively hilarious.
...which is a weird thing to say about an event that occured on a warship in 1943, specifically november 14th.
see the uss william d porter was a fletcher-class destroyer but you dont need to know what that means, just that she had guns that went bang bang and that she was escorting another ship, the uss iowa, to cairo.
while they were on their way there, they performed some gun trials like testing the anti-aircraft guns or the torpedos. and while they were running a torpedo drill, the crew of the porter managed to fire a live torpedo straight at the iowa which you know, in terms of a list of things to do while escorting a ship, shooting a torpedo at them is not on that list.
especially if the president of the united states is on board.
yeah so fdr was on board and the gun trials were actually his idea, and part of the trials was that they were conducted under radio silence.
and that means the crew of the porter couldnt just call the iowa to be like "move out the way, we accidentally shot a torpedo at you."
but they did have signal lamps and you know, the signalman on board was trained to signal this exact kind of message.
...and uh never mind, the signalman did manage to successfully tell the iowa that a torpedo was coming toward them but wasnt as successful when it came to the direction the torpedo was coming from.
not all hope is lost though because the signalman could still use the signal lamp to correct his previous mistake and-, never mind, he announced that the porter was reversing, which she wasnt.
yeah so at catastrophic mistake number 3, they broke radio silence to warn the iowa and she managed to turn out of the way just in time which meant no one got hurt. and even though the inquiry into the incident led to chief torpedoman (fantastic job title btw) lawton dawson being sentences to hard labour, fdr intervened and waved away his sentence, saying it was all an accident.
but yeah, so thats my new measure for "how much did i really fuck up?" and when i compared accidentally picking up a pencil case without a tag on it in wilko, turns out it was a very minor fuck-up. yes, the cashier had to ask another worker to grab a duplicate so they could scan the barcode, but i didnt nearly kill the president during wartime via accidental friendly fire
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niveditaabaidya · 1 year
Chinese Aircraft, Ships Remain Around Taiwan After Drills End. #taiwan #...
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Jealous Alejandro kidnaps Valeria's girlfriend (1.6k words part 4)
Summary: Valeria breaks into the headquarters of the Mexican Army in search of her wife.
TW: implied sexual violence, violence more generally (and Google Translated Mexican Spanish)
Note: I'm back from my home country y'all and free to write gay fanfiction once again. I'm working on the next part ASAP but I wanted to post this because you guys have been waiting forever. Thank you for all the lovely comments and the interactions!! means a lot to me that you guys enjoy reading this :>
Link to A03 Link to part 1, part 2, part 3. Next part: part 5
'Army soldier' was more than a type of occupation, more than any other job title; it was a lifestyle. It is truly a different way of life, a way of life that most people are simply not built for. A soldier's form - their straight back, their way of taking in the world around them within a second, their way of assessing everything as either hostile or neutral, their battlefield instinct - it all became an inseparable part of who they are. There is a certain instinct that gets drilled into soldiers, the instinct to act immediately and fast. The instinct to not think twice about running into danger. It is triggered immediately and triggered intensely. So when the emergency siren at the Mexican Army Headquarters wailed, the whole place came alive. No time was wasted before troops placed themselves in position. Snipers grabbed their rifles and headed for the rooftops, Captains and sergeants tuned into their mics, barking orders to their subordinates, assembling their troops as quickly as possible. Guards ran to their posts and pilots rushed to where their aircraft were getting readied by flying personnel, prepared to take off to gain an advantage in the airfield and a much-needed vantage point of what was happening. The armoury opened as many hands reached within for ammo and other equipment.
From the outside, it was a perfect scene of military efficiency and readiness. But from the inside, anxiety bubbled, threatening to cut loose.
"Why did this have to happen today of all days?" A soldier grumbled as he tightened his weapon belt.
"Someone planned this. It's the most popular day for annual leave," another responded as he grabbed his shoes.
"Dia de los Muertos," the first one said, his voice low and grim.
The Day of the Dead. Celebrated annually around November 1st but spanning over the course of multiple days. A day of celebration for life and death, a day to pay respects to those who have passed on. A time of parades on squares and community gatherings, with crowds of people in traditional costumes and painted faces taking to the streets to rejoice with others. A time when many troops were stationed outside the headquarters for public safety. A time, therefore, of relatively little staff being left behind to man the fort.
It was so perfect, Valeria almost giggled as she withdrew her knife from someone's body and let them drop to the floor.
She had infiltrated the headquarters from the underground tunnels that connected to some fields further out, which were created to be used in emergencies but had been long forgotten over the years. These were the same tunnels she took many years back when she wanted to see you on a day that she hadn't booked off. She would wait until most of the barracks were asleep before slipping away in the shadows, passing the guards and quietly unscrewing the lid that separated the tunnels from the world above ground. It was even more exciting once she taught you when and where to wait for her, at the end of the tunnel, among greenery and orange trees. Among the fields that you would lay on for the rest of the night underneath your blanket, touching each other's bodies and talking to the stars. Whispering how badly you'd missed each other, hearing the hum of insects in between short gasps and warm moans. Now, she had unscrewed these same lids and stabbed the person in front of her, dragging them out and passing the body along to the staff that followed her. They dumped the body back in the fields. Part of her found it annoying that these tunnels were always standing between her and her wife. And yet there was some charm, too. Travelling the bowels of the Earth for her love.
Having officially stepped on ground owned by the Mexican Army, El Sin Nombre and her people spread like a virus, taking down certain key spots and hiding bodies. Not enough damage to create immediate alarm, but good enough progress to feel confident about the next step. Her heart sped up in excitement as she thought of her wife, who was only one building and a lock away from her. And right in front of that building, was him.
Valeria looked out from one of the windows and saw Alejandro standing with his back straight, his face possessing a deep scowl as he conversed with Rudolpho. It had been many years since she last saw him, which was nothing memorable. There was no goodbye, no farewell. She had simply gotten up in the middle of the night and gazed at his face one final time; he glistened beneath the moonlight. He was younger then, his face smoother, his voice gentler; not yet hardened. A mass of muscle on a standard issue Army bed, he was unaware that the woman he loved was slipping right through his fingers. Unaware that by the time he woke up, she'd be gone.
There'd be nothing left behind to prove that she even existed. All of her things just went missing alone with her. She didn't even leave a picture behind to immortalise their love, to have something to look at during those nights when his heart almost gave out, when he realised that he was starting to forget what she looked like. That he could no longer remember her voice. Now, as she looked at him, she wondered why they even started a relationship in the first place. He was attractive, sure, but nothing special. Not like the woman in the box.
He was older now, his face more wrinkled. Valeria was raised with the idea that in women, this quality had the same visual effect as decaying fruit. When Valeria looked in the mirror and saw her signs of age - the smile lines that wouldn't smooth out when her smile fell, the lines around her mouth that could not be covered by cosmetics, the wrinkles around her eyes - it reminded her of something that was starting to fade. But in men, the quality was different, more merciful. More like maturing. It enraged her to see him getting older. To see him in the exact same place that she left him. The memories attached to this place were too much to handle. Memories of her younger years kept materialising at the edge of her vision, like a trick of the light; a shadow figure that kept pursuing. It used to be her, out there in the yard. Talking with Alejandro and Rudy, passing along jokes during a long day. But right now it was just the two of them, talking with ease like she had never been there at all. And right at that moment, as she gazed down at them, the alarm went off. What a glorious opportunity to have a front-row seat to witness Alejandro's reaction once she pulled the rug from underneath his feet. There was no more time to waste. She forced herself to stop gloating at these shadows of the past and to move forward. With each step, she got closer to her wife, her sweetheart. Valeria felt weightless, she felt herself glide through the space between herself and Y/N. She would pause here and there to ensure she did not reveal herself to her enemies. At times, she stealthily murdered someone who could have easily been her roommate back when she was a cadet. But that was another lifetime, a lifetime of making the wrong friendships and choosing the wrong lovers. She wasted no time on these obstacles. At last, her hand encircled the handle of the container. She pushed her weight into it and entered, ready for anything. Be it to murder a guard, or to embrace her love; her instincts were on the front seat. She could kill a hundred men if it came to it.
“Valeria. Bienvenida.”
The metal door crashed into the threshold behind her, the echoes reverberating, she felt, for eternity. There was nothing beyond these metal walls anymore, the whole world went silent. The wrath that burned in her eyes met the hatred that dripped out of his. Darkness met darkness; loathing encircled within their dark glares like an ouroboros, its dark scales flashing where the light hit it. Valeria and Alejandro were a perfect mirror, they were tuned into the same frequency, a frequency of violence. They were built of the same clay; two destroyers meeting at last.
He was right in front of her, waiting. Standing tall and armed to the teeth, Colonel Alejandro Vargas. Her jealous ex-lover, the kidnapper of her wife, the annihilator of peace, the snake that infiltrated the garden. The evil eye incarnate. And here was she, the abandoner, the backstabber; the woman lover.
“Y/N.” Valeria spoke with steel in her voice.
“Is no longer with us, I’m afraid.” The lines of his mouth fell into a pout, feigning sadness. Mocking her. “She’s not a fighter, like you or me. You know what happens to the weak here,” he scoffed. “What was it that you used to say? That the weak exist to serve the strong and die? Yeah,” he said diabolically, a grin etching itself on his face. “That’s what happened.”
She knew he was lying; Y/N walked this earth still. She and her wife’s souls were so intertwined, Valeria would have felt it if her wife was gone. Y/N could never leave without her heart knowing. Valeria would put her hand through fire to prove her conviction.
“If I thought she was dead, I would have shot you on sight,” she said. Her hand gripped a blade tightly, willing herself to stop shaking.
Alejandro laughed. “Oh, I didn’t mean she was dead.” His gloved hands held onto his vest as he looked down at her. “I meant that your wife served me.”
Unable to contain her wrath any longer, Valeria lunged at him with a scream.
tag list: @justmare @silas-222 @m0rganit3 @blarba-girl @sleepiemain @caffeineliker @ashy-kit @00ops1e @lesvii @therapyneeds @lez-zuha @starre-eyes @7smexy7diva @hello-kitty-festival @konigmeu @cassiecasluciluce @gay-ass-country-boy @starwars-theclonewhore @bi-witch-bxtch @somnoslvt @ashthepillow @b3ns0ne  @idiotwrites @danart501 @deakyspuff @mistresssiri @angethehimbosimp
thanks for supporting me!!
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austinbutlerslovers · 6 months
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Major Gale Fantasy Part II
Label Mature 18+
It’s Here! 🏆
I’m Going to Miss You Every Second
(*See Major Gale Fantasy Part 1 )
Summary With Gale training for battle as a war pilot on a military base far away from you in Iowa, his dreams of having you pregnant with his child before he deploys are dwindling. Letter after letter he receives from you revealing there are no signs of pregnancy from your last encounters together. With his hopes dashed and the stress of leaving to war imminent, you both cling to the hope that everything will turn out alright.
*Established relationship married
Descriptions withheld for suspense of the story
Inspo: The incredibly handsome and skilled Major Gale obsessed with impregnating you before he deploys.
Extreme historical inaccuracies, the military workings melted my brain …
Spelling errors repeat words grammatical mistakes but it’s a good plot 🤌🏼enjoy!
Special thanks to @jessica987 ✨ for recommending a follow up 💝
I’m Going to Miss you Every Second
It was a gloomy day on the air force training base in Iowa. Gale was the last returning from a ‘station scramble’ where the men worked to see how fast they could get up in the air and back down to the ground in an emergency attack. As Gale was an expert pilot he went last after all his men had cleared their flights.
As he was landing a giant streak of lighting cracked across the expanse of sky above him “holy hell” he said his voice modulated by the oxygen mask. It vanished followed by a booming thunder clap that rattled the windows violently rocking the cockpit. The wheels touched down as he pulled the levers decreasing the acceleration of the aircraft bounding down the runway until it slowed to a manageable speed. Sheets of rain began streaking down the windows as he navigated the large craft to store near the hanger.
His heart was still racing as he emerged from the cock pit heavily pelted with cold rain. The sound of the it almost deafening as he was greeted by the crewmen to check and refuel the craft and move it to lodging. One crewman stops to yell over the downpour “We thought you were a goner with that lightning strike!” Gale yells back “Not today! I’ve got too much to live for.” They flash smiles reveling in the camaraderie.
Gale is almost soaked head to toe as he heads the short distance for cover in the gigantic hanger. Some men are waiting at the entrance watching the rain some are sitting at tables playing cards and others are tossing a football back and forth through the giant space.
He shakes himself off as soon as he is saftley shielded under the awning. An officer is standing near the hanger door smoking a cigarette as Gale walks in “Sure is raining cats and dogs today” he says absentmindedly before taking a drag “You know what they say, when it rains it pours” Gale shoots back as he walks to the rear of the hanger. He heads to his locker there and removes his pilot jacket and cap hanging them inside.
Several officers are sitting at a table nearby reading news papers and listening to the radio. All the news papers have catastrophic titles about the war plastered in capitol letters across their front pages, more alarming is the radio loudly blaring information about all the recent bombing raids and attacks occurring.
Gale had been moved from his home base to this training station for 12 weeks now. It was imminent that he and his men were going to war, flying directly to Germany in the coming weeks.
A drill sergeant enters the opposite end of the hanger with a messenger bag he begins yelling the names of several officers until shouting:
When Gale hears his name he heads over and collects his stack of letters. Each time he receives mail he hunts through the stack for your letter first, each time his heart drops dismayed not to hear the news that you are pregnant but happy you are doing well.
He walks back over to an empty table near the officers reading the news papers. He shuffles the letters in his hand one by one until he stops on the one with your handwriting his heart skips and he hurriedly sits down dropping his stack of mail infront of him on the table.
He flips your letter over and breaks the seal with his finger ripping it open sliding out and unfolding the piece of paper to read:
-Dearest husband,
Here I am darling, I cooked one of your favorite meals tonight, sundried tomato sauce with spaghetti pasta just the way you like it with lots of parmesan on all the meatballs. I can’t wait to cook for you again. I hope you are eating well you must keep your strength.
I miss the sound of your voice and wonder when you’ll return home to me. With just myself here I often think of what you do in your down time. I believe the only thing that compares to the happiness of holding you in my arms again is holding a little bundle of joy. I am writing this time to tell you that you’ll be a father. I am 18 weeks pregnant. Today is the first day the doctor heard the tiny heartbeat and I’m finally beginning to show, I know this means the world to you.
Sending all my lov - - - -
Gale doesn’t finish the letter he stands straight up and yells “IM GOING TO BE A FATHER BOYS !” The hanger erupts with loud cheers of all the men whooping and clapping for him. The men in his unit come running and jump on him hugging him slapping his back and congratulating him.
They all begin chanting “FURLOUGH FURLOUGH FURLOUGH ” he yells back “IM CHECKING OUT BOYS!” And starts running to his superiors office to request his furlough to come and see his woman pregnant with his child before he leaves to war.
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Constant Cravings
It’s been two days since you wrote the news to Gale that you were expecting. It was already late in the evening, the mailman didn’t have any letters from the military base but you did receive letters from your friends and congratulatory flowers from your parents.
You stare out the window thinking of him wondering if he’s alright, wondering if he even knows. You place your hand on your belly feeling the now firmer underside swelling where the little baby is nestled, you rest your hand there lovingly.
You turn and head to the kitchen still feeling so famished after dinner the only thing you craved were spaghetti and meatballs you were cooking them constantly especially the meatballs with parmesan all over them you couldn’t get enough. You decide that’s what you wanted to eat again.
You bring the skillet out and place it on the counter next to the stove. You strike a match and place it to the igniter, a ring of fire flicks to life under the burner and you place the skillet on top. You pull the container of meat balls you’ve prepared for tomorrow out of the refrigerator and pour olive oil on the skillet before placing them on the hot oiled surface to cook .
You bring out the cutting board, the big wheel of parmesan cheese, and grater. You take a knife and cut a large slice of the Parmesan off returning the rest of the wheel back in the refrigerator and quickly check the meatballs turning them over with a spatula to cook evenly.
You then cut off a few thin pieces of parmesan cheese from the large slice to eat for yourself. You irresistibly pick one up and place it in your mouth on your tongue. It melts deliciously and you savor it before taking another piece and then just one more you crave the saltiness and the texture so much. You turn to check the meat balls they are golden brown you click off the fire.
You finely grate the remaining Parmesan into powder. You rinse off the cheese grater and cutting board setting them in the drying rack.
You set out a plate on the counter and transfer the meatballs over to it from the skillet placing the heavy cast iron into the sink to wash later.
You cover the meatballs in a large mountain of powdered Parmesan snow. When all is complete you stare at them proud of yourself and excited to eat what you crave the most.
You hear the sound of a car pulling up at this late hour the lights from the head beams flashing through the living room. Your brows furrow wondering who it could be you head to the living room looking at the front door when the sudden sound of a key sliding in the lock surprises you.
Your heart stops you stand frozen as the door opens and you blink in disbelief as Gale steps in. He is in uniform wearing his heavy leather brown and black fur lapel jacket. His thick blonde hair slicked with product but still strands fall perfectly against his forehead. He looks stunningly handsome you haven’t laid eyes on him in so long it takes your breath away. His flushed red cheeks and luscious pink lips form into a grin as his striking blue eyes light up with joy upon seeing you.
“C’mere baby” he says with his deep drawl arms open as you come wrapping you tightly in his embrace. He pets your head and kisses the top lovingly, your soft feminine scent driving him wild after being away from you for 3 months.
He’s holding you firm against his chest as you inhale him, he smells like rain and leather and birch bark soap relaxing you instantly making you feel safe in his arms. “I missed you so much Gale” your words softly muffle against his chest. “I missed you too doll “ he says tipping your chin up with his thumb and forefinger to look up at him. You gaze deeply into those big beautiful blue eyes staring right back into yours with all the love and tenderness in the world.
“Kiss me Ga...” you start to say his name as he’s already pressing his soft pink lips against yours. As your eyes flutter closed you feel the sexual charge in him as he’s pushing his lips more passionately against yours. You part your lips wider onto his licking at his tongue coaxing it out, he makes a small moan as he slides it in to taste your sweet mouth.
The sensations of your tongues twirling tantalizes his cock, his length already hardening as he knits his brows wanting to kiss you more but also knowing he needs to come up for air and tell you his news.
He releases you from his kiss and you stare at each other a little out of breath “I got your letter“ he says forming a grin from ear to ear across his handsome face. “They granted me furlough I’ll be here with you all week” you shriek in excitement “I’m so happy you’ll be home with me Gale!” You say cupping his handsome face in your hands.
“ Now…” he says stepping back “let me see my little bun” his eyes are dancing wildly as he peeks down at your stomach unable to contain his excitement any longer. You giggle at the nick-name “here’s your little bun” you say presenting your small round forming pregnancy to him.
A proud smile forms on his face and he immediately kneels down before you, finally reaching his large hand and placing it on your small baby bump. It warms his hand to the touch and melts his heart completely. He carefully places his ear against your womb and closes his eyes.
You look down at him and smile warmly, he’s crouched into you as he kneels because he’s so tall. You place your hand on his head lovingly and stroke your fingers through his gorgeous golden locks. He’s in bliss caressing your womb and whispering to the baby to grow strong for him. He kisses your naval and finally stands up tall gently pulling you to him by your waist.
“I’m so proud of you” he says planting a kiss on your lips “and I love you so much ” he says squeezing your waist on his last word, he stares into your eyes with complete devotion. “I love you too Gale” you say sincerely and place your hand on his chest over his heart as you gaze into each others eye.
Suddenly you remember the task you were performing before he surprised you “Come Gale, I made a little something we can eat, I was so hungry after dinner..I am always hungry now…” you trail off slightly shy to admit. Hes just pinches your cheek adoringly knowing your eating for two. He removes his jacket placing it on the rack near the door and takes your hand as you walk him to the kitchen.
The meatballs are sitting on the countertop in perfect display looking like a photo straight out of ‘The Housewife Magazine’. “I miss this so much” he says wrapping his arms around you from behind pressing his chest to your back and kissing the top of your head. You hold the front of his forearms wrapped around you as an idea forms in your mind.
“What if we eat the in the living room? No silverware, no plates just with our fingers “ you say giddily just wanting devour the meatballs as fast as humanly possible. “Sure thing sweetheart, why don’t you go sit and I’ll bring them over to you ” he says. You agree with a nod and he goes to wash his hands in the sink taking the plate on his way back bringing the meatballs to the living room coffee table.
You sit comfortably on the couch but instead of sitting next to you he kneels in front of you on the living room rug. With the coffee table on his right he turns to pick up a meatball from the pile on the plate and brings it to your mouth. You eat it from his fingers “Mmm” you say enjoying it. He brings you another as you finish chewing the first and then another.
You gently roll your eyes into your head the seasonings the cheesiness the saltiness satisfying the yearning from your stomach completely. He stares at you lovingly knowing that as he’s feeding you it’s for his baby too.
Hes always hungry for your food the meatballs smell delicious he tilts his head up and tosses one in his mouth. The ground meat you used is so succulent he eats several more. You lean forward opening your mouth and he feeds you the last one, the plate now completely empty.
You sit back with a smile on your face and pat your hand on your stomach “Thank you for feeding me Gale that was so unexpectedly sweet“ you say grinning cutely. It reminds him of his present. “I have a surprise for you!” He says squeezing your thigh lovingly as he stands. He takes the dish to the sink and grabs his keys from his jacket heading out to the car to retrieve it.
He returns a moment later carrying a giant teddy bear and a bouquet of roses. Your eyes light up it’s such a beautiful sight to see and he’s so romantic. He shuts the front door with his elbow and smiles as he walks over and kneels infront of you. “For my special girl” he says handing you the large bouquet, “Thank you Gale” your voice high and sweet as you place your hand on your heart to show appreciation.
You accept them and lift the flowers up to your nose instantly getting lost in the powerful scent of fresh red roses. “And for my little bun” he says placing the large teddy bear next to you on the couch. You giggle at the nickname again. He just stares at you now seeing how completely happy you are in this moment.
He places his hand briefly on your knee “I’ll put them in a vase for you ” he says gesturing as you hand over the roses. He heads to the kitchen unwrapping them, finding and filling a clear blue bubbled glass vase.
Placing the roses inside he sits back admiring his work. “Where would you like them” he asks. “There on the table is perfectly fine…” you say absentmindedly staring at the brown crushed velvet teddy bear with a big red silk ribbon on its neck. The first toy you’ve received for your ‘little bun’ is making you emotional.
“Honey how would you like to turn in with me for the night? I’ll shower and we’ll lay together in bed I need to hold you I’ve been missing sleeping with you so much”
“Oh Gale of course” you say realizing he’s been out all day on such a journey to get here and he’s probably so tired.
He comes over and offers you his arm helping you to stand you smile appreciatively. He wraps his arm around yours placing his hand on top walking down the hall to the master bedroom.
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Lucky Lightening
He enters with you and gently releases your arm to begin unbutttoning the tight collar of his military shirt, you see him struggling with it as usual and tip toe up against him helping him pry it open. As it unbuttons he breathes a sigh of relief “What would I do without you?” he says flashing a flirtatious grin.
You trail your fingers seductively up his firm chest “You would handle it like the strong capable Major I know you that you are, but Im happy I can be here to assist you” you peek up at him through your lashes and he quickly captures his lips with yours thoroughly enjoying the compliment you gave him.
He pulls back to look you in the eyes “My favorite girl in the whole world” he says and quickly unbuttons down the length of his shirt, he smiles at you appreciatively before heading to the shower. You hear the water turn on through the closed door as you make your way to the vanity table across the room.
You slide your dress off with your brassiere and panties tossing them in the hamper. You grab your soft silk robe from its hook near the vanity placing your arms in leaving the front open loosly tied.
You look at all your creams neatly organized and pick the one labeled vitamin E opening the lid and collecting the cream on your fingers slowly lathering your abdomen. As you are massaging the cream on you stare at your reflection, the glow of the low lighting makes you look radiant you turn to the side wondering how big your belly will get.
You hear the shower turn off and Gale brushing his teeth you smile enjoying the sounds of having him back home. You finish rubbing in the cream sealing the lid as he emerges into the bedroom clicking off the light. The scent of his fresh pine birch soap fills the bedroom he smells wonderful.
You peek over at him, blonde hair slicked back dark and damp, shirtless with strong chiseled arms and perfect pecs twiddling down to that tiny waist of his with his tight abs, he’s wearing only his woven boxer shorts.
He notices you admiring him and comes closer approaching you from behind in the reflection of the vanity mirror. He immediately unties your silk robe and slides his hands down around your tiny baby bump. He kisses your ear as he stands behind you inhaling your scent, you smell much sweeter than he remembers and he’s enthralled by it.
He continues his kisses down your neck and onto your shoulder enjoying every touch of his lips to your delicate skin, silently obsessing knowing you are carrying his child.
He stares up at the reflection of you together his hands never leaving your womb. His voice rich and deep breaking the silent moment as he locks eyes with you.
“Can't wait till everyone sees how pretty you're gonna look all big and round” he says running his hands over the front of you. His lips fanning your ear “Everyone knowing you're my girl, the love of my life and that you're carrying my child inside of you …" he trails off unable to contain his arousal for you any longer.
His lips part against your skin as he licks and sucks his kisses onto your neck his large hands reaching and cupping your breasts gently squeezing them. They are so sensitive you part your lips and let out a soft moan.
He leans in again whispering softly against your ear “I can't believe I knocked up a pretty little thing like you.” Your eyes flutter shut as you are wet with arousal remembering how much you truly enjoy the feel of his cock inside you.
He turns you around pulling you to him pressing his hard length into your thigh kissing you slowly as he walks you backwards to the bed. He helps you disrobe and lays you down softly in the center. He places his hands on the soft inner flesh of your thighs and spreads them apart.
He pulls his boxer shorts off and locks eyes with you, holding the base of his cock in his right hand he presses the head on to your clitoris earning a beautiful moan out of you. He slides his cock head down your slick wet folds to your entrance and shoves himself home. His plump mouth opens and his cheeks flush red as he fills you up to the hilt.
His breaths are short and shallow as his swollen cock sinks in and slides out of you. His desperate loud moans begin filling the room unable to contain himself not having you for so long. He breathes out as he buries his full length into you pulling halfway out before plunging all the way back in, his hips smacking in a rhythm with yours. You moan in time with each thrust feeling like you will come apart at any second.
He quickens his pace pulling himself deeper into you with momentum. His hip movements strong and deliberate clapping against you as his cock head hits your cervix deep inside each time. His eyes dark and full of unbridled passion as they look into yours.
It’s all powerfully overwhelming: the way he stares, the way he thrusts into you hitting that perfect place, and the way that you just miss him so much, your body tenses and then trembles as you orgasm for him, waves of pleasure washing over you as your walls flutter tightly around him and you moan out his name, you can see in his eyes he felt you come undone, his release immediately following yours.
His hips jolt forward snapping into you as his body tenses and his cock throbs inside of you releasing all of his semen. You gasp and moan together from the feeling as he pumps his final thrusts into you.
He stills himself breathing heavily over you as you both come down from your highs. After a moment he gently slides himself out and falls back to the bed his chest rising and falling. You both stare up at the ceiling together panting slowly your faces displaying a mix of awe and satisfaction. Your minds both high swirling with serotonin thinking about what just happened. Your breaths finally calm as you lay next to each other. Gale already deep in thought.
“It’s kind of beautiful how I realized you were pregnant.” He says feeling a sudden clarity in his mind. “It was a real stormy night on the base, winds were whipping wildy. I was laying there and It was pitch black in the bunker after lights out. So I reached in my rucksack near my cot in the secret pocket and pulled out your panties.
“GALE YOU DID NOT !” You say in shock sitting up to stare at him “Yes I did” he says chuckling.
“Major Gale Cleven you are *such* a naughty boy!” You say grinning and lightly spanking him on his firm muscled shoulder. He quickly grabs your wrist pulling it over to settle you “cmon you gotta let me finish it gets really good” he says with a grin placing your hand on his solid chest.
“Alright tell me how you knew” you ask, scooting into place resting your head on his firm bicep. He places his hand down on your hip giving it a light squeeze pulling you against him.
“Well If the boys ever find your panties in my things I’ll never hear the end of that ” he cracks up.
“But as I was saying it was a real stormy night, everything on the base was jumping and creaking I couldn’t sleep a lick. So I lay there with your panties hidden under my hand flat against my chest just grounding me, cause I’m missing you every second im out there. I empty my head of all thoughts I was having except for being home with you and I guess it worked because I drifted to sleep and started dreaming.
I was back here at the house and you were just over there across the hall in our guest room. It was turned into a nursery just like we plan. I was resting with my elbow against the the doorframe peeking in you were infront of the nursery cot the baby was laying inside. You kneeled down to pick something up that fell and I saw that tiny little hand just reaching up for you over the rim of that cot and my eyes went wide it just knocked the wind out of me, you stood up blocking my view and trust me I was trying real hard to see that baby.
Thats when the loud hurricane alarms started blaring all over the base waking me and all the men up we prepared the base hunkering down and that wind ripped through so hard that night but the hurricane passed us right by. As it all died down we headed back to our cots everyone else cranky and tired but not me I had the biggest smile on my face, because all the times I dreamt of you that was the first time that you had the baby.
You take a moment to absorb all that he said.
“ Gale…that’s such a beautiful dream” you say overwhelmed with sentiment your heart swelling. You love this man so much you can’t even form the words to appreciate him.
“ I love you a Gale” is all you can think to say
“ I love you too ” he says tucking his chin down to peek over at you smiling. He reaches his long arm over and clicks off the light. You two shrouded in darkness hearing the soft patters of rain starting outside. “Mmm look at that the storm followed me home “ he says jokingly. “Oh I forgot to tell you the best part, that day I got your letter my craft was almost struck by lighting as I landed” he says casually.
Your eyes grow wide “ Gale that’s terrifying!” you say “ No no not for me that’ll always be a good luck sign because it was a surprise, just like finding out I’m going to be a father from your letter.”
He pulls you up higher on his bicep and plants several loving kisses on your forehead before caressing your jaw. He rubs his thumb playfully over your lips to make smile and you do. “Good night sweet heart” he says eyes heavy “Good night Gale” you say snuggling up on him. He places his large hand on your tiny baby bump “good night little bun” he smiles to himself closing his eyes. You stay awake a moment longer listening to his breathing change as he falls soundly asleep, you feel his calming heartbeat under your hand placed on his chest. You move it to place on top of his hand holding your baby bump. Feeling perfectly complete, you close your eyes and drift of to sleep.
Tags: @jessica987
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There’s been a terror attack almost every day this week
A few minutes ago there was just another one
This week alone, there were approximately 550 rocket alerts and 5 foreign aircraft invasion…
Add that to having to constantly check in on your loved ones . Having rocket sirens drills since elementary school. Having strangers across the globe say you don’t deserve to exist .
Imagine this was your daily reality ,and you get an Israeli’s daily reality.
Until you don’t understand what it’s like to have to face that and so much more daily, I will not be called “privileged” by you, for being Israeli.
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hotgirlmav · 2 years
Fatal Attraction — Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky x Reader
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Pairing: Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x Female!Reader (18+)
Description: Much like every other person that came across Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky, you had developed quite the crush on him. What made you different, though, was that you were the niece of his direct superior. He knew it was wrong, and he knew he shouldn’t entertain the idea in the slightest, but a little teasing never killed anyone, right?
Warnings: Explicit language, insane dirty talk, semi-possessive Iceman, sexual thoughts and tension, allusions to smut, so much pining, degradation kink, Iceman not wanting to pull a Maverick, Iceman doing just that. You know the drill.
Word Count: 4,279.
A/N: Not only was this much longer than I expected, but it ended up being much dirtier. I’M SORRY, Iceman just does something to me. He does something to all of us. Val Kilmer, you will PAY FOR THIS.
Requests are still open!
Another Friday morning. How lovely.
You were currently making your way to Commander Mike Metcalf’s office, commonly known around those grounds as Viper. The skylight beaming throughout the windows of the naval building illuminated the hallway before you, further reminding you of just how tired you were.
Every single day for the entire month that you were in San Diego, your uncle would forget his lunch. In several ways, his unintentional forgetfulness reminded you very deeply of your father, further proving just why those two were best friends. Had it not been for you, the containers so articulately and thoughtfully prepared by your aunt would have remained right where she left them on the granite countertop.
The first time it happened, you figured that you would just take it to the base on your way out, seeing as you had a few light errands to run. That was all it took for that very action to become a key part of your daily routine for the entire duration of your visit. You would never complain, though. Not when you were happily occupying the guest bedroom in his very, very beautiful house.
To be quite fair, not all of it was so bad. It thrilled you to see the stunning aircrafts taking off on the runways as you stole glances out of the windows, and it was always fun to hang out in your uncle’s office. The best parts, however, were the pilots.
God, the pilots.
The naval aviators studying at Top Gun were nothing short of cocky, but it wasn’t as if they had no reason to be. They were young, they were the best at what they did, they were hot shit— they were the future of the Navy. The very world was at their fingertips, and they were well aware of that fact.
Your uncle had warned you about these men. Some of them got a bit too cocky, resulting in them crashing and burning. Sometimes metaphorically, sometimes literally, as brutal as that was. For the most part, you heeded his warnings with ease, taking the warmest comfort in knowing that his expertise on the subject had been perfected over the course of your entire lifetime. You had been flirted with by quite a few of the men, but it never seemed to have any impact on you. None of them really captured your interest, nor did they properly catch your eye.
Well— none of them except Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky, of course.
From the moment you laid your eyes on him, you were completely hooked. You had no idea whether it was because of his undeniably indescribable beauty, his electrifyingly powerful aura, his domineering and enigmatic attitude, his precision when flying, his irresistibly alluring charm, or his very evident intellect. All you knew was that whatever it was, it completely consumed you. It devoured you.
Never in your life had you hungered for another human being so deeply. The very sight of him set your heart ablaze, despite him acting as a walking example of everything your uncle warned you against.
In your most humble defense, you thought your uncle should consider himself lucky that you weren't madly in love with Maverick, but that was another story.
The very thought of Iceman put quite the smile on your face as you entered the vacant office, any remainder of sleep in your eyes disappearing into thin air. You inhaled sharply as a means to take a deep breath and sauntered over to his desk, absentmindedly leaving the door open behind you.
Your mind began to wander in just the few seconds it took for you to walk. What was Iceman doing? Would he be happy to see you, if he even did? How did flying go today? Did Maverick piss him off again? You didn’t even have to ask that one, you already knew what the answer was.
What went through that pretty head of his? After asking yourself the question, you realized just how much you truly wanted to know the answer to it. Even though you had only been in his presence for just a month and you had only slightly conversed with one another, you wanted to know everything there was to know about the enigmatic man. You wanted to know why he was the way he was, why he did the things that he did. Everything. You wanted to go back to where it all began, you wanted to know every minute detail that he probably hadn’t even noticed himself. You wanted to know if the cheeky little glances and the few devious smirks he’d flash you whenever you briefly spoke meant anything, or if that was just something he did to everyone.
After just a moment, a very particular voice rang through your ears like no other, your heart falling to your feet once you heard it. You hadn’t even reached the desk once it pierced your ears; the containers were still in your hand.
“There she is.”
You turned your head and there he was.
A subtly grinning Tom Kazansky, fully adorned in his flight suit. Because of how engulfed you were in your own thoughts, you didn’t even realize that training must have been over. Men had been roaming the halls outside the office for a few minutes now, much to your chagrin. That man in particular, however, noticed you the second he entered the building.
Immediately, your lips were curling into a wide grin, not even being able to fight your excitement as you giggled at just the sight of him. Trying to hold your composure as calmly as possible, you turned and set the containers on Viper’s desk, your back now facing him. “Good morning, Ice.”
Had you not missed making an appearance yesterday, you felt as though you would have been much more collected. It was the only day in the past month that you didn’t show up to drop off lunch, and the Iceman withdrawal was hitting you with the intensity of ten hammers. The thing that bothered you the most about it was the fact that he couldn’t have been thinking about you. No, of course not. While you were lying awake at the thought of not seeing Tom Kazansky for the first time in a month, you were sure that he was chatting up some blonde, sipping his ice water with his aviators on his stupidly beautiful face.
That asshole.
“I missed you yesterday.” He told you so casually, treating the words as if they were as simple as him asking you what the weather was. To him, the words were nothing more than a simple little fact, but to you, they were the warmest sentiment you had ever received. Your heart both stopped and sped up as your eyes widened, your back still turned to him.
You stopped dead in your tracks as you heard his words, something that did not go unnoticed by him. Your eyebrows were furrowed as your widened eyes stayed firmly on the surface of the desk. Your fingers were still lightly planted on the containers while you stood, not even looking over your shoulder as you spoke before you could think. “You noticed I was gone?”
Iceman was aware of your reaction the second you froze. He didn’t fight the smirk that was forming on his face, seeing as your back was still turned to him. Had you been looking at him, he wouldn’t have embarrassed you with the way his gaze was glued to your figure. Had you been looking at him, you would have seen the way his eyes were heavily clouded with lust as they were planted on you. Had you been looking at him, you would have seen the way his cheek was hollowed from the way he was biting the inside of it. Had you been looking at him, you would have seen the way he was eye-fucking you the same way you did to him whenever he had his back to you.
Within the next few seconds, though, the words that fell from his lips seemed to be what sent you over the edge. You could practically hear your heart pounding out of your chest as you felt your entire body heat up. Weirdly enough, even as hot as your skin felt, you felt goosebumps rising along your spine.
“I notice a lot of things about you.”
That was enough for you to finally let go of the container, making an attempt to face him very casually. Your body turned and you immediately cleared your throat at the sight of him, trying your hardest to disguise it as something very normal. Even under all of his aviation gear, you could see that his toned body was a bit tense. His sunglasses must have been in one of his pockets, seeing as you had a full view of his face.
“Like?” You further egged him on, mentally patting yourself on the back for it.
“Yeah, that’s right. Fall into the trap. Take the bait. Come on.” You thought to yourself as you gazed over at him, silently hoping he wouldn’t examine your face the way you were trying to examine his.
You silently hoped that he would be oblivious to your feelings about him, but even the furthest person in the building could identify the lust in your eyes. You were blinking almost every second as a means to suppress your excitement, but there was no use. His eyes were firmly fixated on yours, and you could feel your heart continue to race as a result. You wondered if he saw the look in your eyes for what it was; a mixture of lust, desire, and admiration.
For someone as cold as Iceman was, he was not an asshole. He could see the look in your eyes as clear as day, of course he could. He recognized that very look in nearly every woman that looked at him. The most notable difference, though, was that he wanted you to look at him.
To say that Tom Kazansky had quite an effect on people, typically women, was an extreme understatement. From his enchantingly full lips, to his quite muscularly toned frame, to his domineering aura, even to his precision, it was safe to say that he knew all eyes were on him when he entered a room. For the love of all that is holy, he’s Iceman.
He’d be a fool to think that he wasn’t the subject of most people’s desires, and a fool was the last thing he was.
Regardless of how he knew people gawked at him, dreamt of him, and even craved him, none of it seemed to truly capture his interest. For all that it was worth, the man was practically next to unattainable. He liked to have fun, yes, but all of his focus went to flying. It was very safe to say that people were able to catch his eye, but never his interest.
Everyone except you, that is.
From the moment you caught his eye on the first day you came, he was intrigued. The pure confusion in your eyes as you tried to navigate the corridors had him in quite a trance, which did not go unnoticed by his friends.
“Slider, who is that?” The words fell from his lips with what was almost an embarrassing amount of interest. His eyes fixated on you as if he was scared to look away.
Slider glanced over at you once he heard his friend ask the question, his eyebrows raising at the sight. There was no denying that you were a beautiful woman. From the way your precious sundress hugged your waist and flowed just to your mid-thigh, Iceman had to nudge Slider to prevent him from devouring your body with his eyes. In doing so, Slider figured that he was telling him to back off. He figured that he was claiming you, and due to the fact that Slider was very highly up Iceman’s ass, he would oblige.
Before he could answer, you met both of their gazes and took a sharp breath, assuming that they were silently laughing at you for how lost you were. You flashed a gentle smile once you saw Slider kindly nod at you as a greeting, making your way over.
“Excuse me.” Your heavenly voice filled Iceman’s ears, causing him to stand up straight. You were speaking to Slider when you went over, but once you caught a glimpse of the man beside him, your mind went completely blank. Your lips parted as you gazed up at him, blinking a few times before you forced the words out. “Do you know where I can find Mike Metcalf’s office?”
“Viper?” Iceman asked with furrowed eyebrows, knowing you must not have been from around there by the way you neglected Viper’s callsign. You rolled your eyes at your own mistake and let out a small giggle, nodding your head.
“Yes, I’m sorry. He’s my uncle, I was just dropping by because he forgot his lunch.” You sweetly told the two pilots, both of them clearly quite surprised at the revelation.
“No, no way. You’re too pretty to be related to Viper.” Slider casually remarked, earning one of the coldest glares that Iceman could conjure up. You let a small laugh out at the flattery, shaking your head slightly in response.
“He’s my dad’s best friend. I’ve just known him as my uncle my whole life.” You gently spoke, a cheeky little grin on your face as you decided to tease the taller man. “I’ll tell your commander that you said that.”
Slider’s life flashed before his eyes as Iceman let out a cool chuckle at your words, causing you to silently and subtly swoon. You glanced over at him with a warm grin, your breath hitching in your throat as you finally met his intense gaze.
“Two doors to the left, sweetheart. You were almost there.” Iceman told you in a tone that would’ve made anyone fold right then and there, the smirk on his face tying it all up. You immediately swallowed once you felt your mouth water and shifted in your stance, not being able to help the smile that was on your face.
“Thank you, um…” You began, now noticing that they hadn’t introduced themselves to you.
Slider opened his mouth to speak, but it was no use. Iceman was already politely extending his large hand, the size of it almost making you faint.
“Iceman.” He stated it in a way that you couldn’t properly identify. It wasn’t cocky, but it was definitely sure of himself. Yes, that was it. He was very sure of himself.
You shifted the container to one of your hands and used your free one to grip his, the firmness in both of your hands as you shook causing you to suppress a literal moan. Your hand was quite small and warm, as opposed to his large, cold one. Your skin was soft; his was calloused. You didn’t want to let go, but any second longer would have resulted in you just pouncing on him.
“Iceman.” You repeated in a mutter, causing his smirk to return and his attraction to replace all hints of professionalism that still remained in his expression. You took a deep breath and retracted your hand, kindly smiling at the pair of them as you snapped out of it. “Thank you both.”
Once you began to walk away, Iceman made no attempt to hide the fact that he was gazing at you. Your figure was now an image that was burned into his memory, something that came in handy in his dirtiest and most desperate moments. You truly would never know that Iceman had taken quite an interest in you long before you had taken one in him.
“Viper’s niece. There’s your answer.” Slider chirped out as an answer to his former question, looking down at his watch.
“Not biologically.” Iceman responded in a way that sounded all too familiar, causing him to furrow his own eyebrows. He didn’t even know where that came from.
“Yeah, Ice, good luck with that. See how well Commander Viper would take you being laid up with his niece, blood or not.” Slider dryly laughed out loud, shaking his head. “Don’t shit where you eat. Don’t pull a Maverick.”
The reference to Maverick relentlessly trying to get Charlie was something they all made fun of, despite not knowing that he had been successful in doing so. Immediately, Iceman’s face dropped.
Maverick. Maverick would try you. Holy FUCK, Maverick would definitely try you.
“Shut up, Slider.” Iceman seethed through his teeth lowly at the thought, taking a sharp breath. Once he put his aviators on, he only tried to disregard the thought of you. He had worked incredibly hard to get where he was, and he refused to put his lust before his work. That was the difference between him and Maverick. He was logical, and Maverick was the most impulsive person in the world.
Iceman cleared his throat as the thought of meeting you flashed throughout his mind so briefly, now meeting your gaze. You recognized the way he cleared his throat and didn’t even try to hide your smirk, as it was the way you always did when he teased you.
You made him flustered.
“Like what, Iceman?” You asked in an even softer tone than before, your head tilting to the side. You could see the lust in his eyes for the first time since you met him, trying not to let it corrupt your position of having the upper-hand.
In true Iceman fashion, however, he refused to not be the one in control.
A cold chuckle escaped his lips as he shook his head, now standing up straight. The sound of his boots hit the floor in a way that made you feel as if you were listening to a sweet tune. He slowly inched inside of the office before he used his large hand to push the door shut behind him, doing so very quietly.
“I don’t think you can handle it.” He teased you in a light tone, his voice almost intimidating you as you tried your hardest not to shift. Now, he was standing in front of you, the smirk on his face prominent as he used his tongue to wet his lips. Unbeknownst to you, he only did so to see if you would gaze at his lips during the process. Much to his satisfaction, you did.
Your lips parted as you basked in the sight, completely submitting to him in that moment. He wanted the power, and you let him mercilessly take it. Trying your best to fight against the situation, you gulped silently and said the very first words that crossed your mind.
“Try me.”
For such small and seemingly harmless words, they truly acted as the match to the sensitive gas tank that was his self-restraint. He knew that it was incredibly unwise to jeopardize his position by involving himself with you, but he could no longer control himself. From your parted lips to your doe-like eyes, he found himself unable to resist you. The privacy of the four walls in the office intoxicated him in a way alcohol would. The mere fact that he could make a complete mess out of you with no one knowing filled his head, but what prevented him from doing so was the fear of getting caught.
Fuck, you two couldn’t get caught.
For the love of God, you were in his commander’s office. To add even more danger to the situation, you were the niece of that very commander. Not only would he be severely punished if he was caught with someone there, but if he was caught with you there, Viper would just fuck him up. None of that mattered to him in the moment, though. The way you were slightly backed up to where you were standing in front of the desk was enough for him to disregard his thoughts. Gazing at the needy little look in your eyes, he decided to use the risks to his advantage.
Still standing right in front of you, he took his time in dipping his head down, your hands practically shaking as you felt his lips not even a few centimeters away from yours. You could feel his minty breath hit your lips as he parted his own, causing you to grip the edges of the desk behind you.
“How would your uncle feel if he knew this is what you did at his job, hm?” He whispered to you, his lips slightly brushing against yours as he spoke. He was that close to you.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t a bit ashamed, even though that was not his goal at all. If you weren’t as aroused as you were, you probably would have stopped whatever was transpiring between the pair of you.
“How would he feel if he knew that while he was out serving his country, you were in his office, practically begging to be fucked by one of his colleagues?” His whisper hit your lips once more, your eyebrows furrowing in desperation as your mouth slightly fell open. You wanted him, you craved him. You needed him.
The look on your face caused his large hands to find shelter on your hips, his grip making it seem as though he was holding onto you for dear life. He effortlessly lifted you off of your feet and almost roughly set you down on the desk, wasting no time in spreading your legs for him to step in between.
You didn’t even slightly resist. You were his for the taking.
“How would he feel,” he trailed, his rough fingertips running along your bare thighs before he lifted one of his hands, gently yet firmly gripping your neck with it. “If he knew that you were on his desk, begging to be fucked like the dirty little slut you are?”
You had never been spoken to that way, both sexually and non-sexually. Your heart was racing as the words traveled from your ears to your stomach, warming your body up entirely. You couldn’t even speak. All you could do was gently grip the fabric of his flight suit, which wasn’t aiding your desire for him in the slightest bit.
“He could walk in here at any time, but you don’t care.” Iceman coldly chuckled at your needy little expression, his lips still hardly away from yours. Teasing you even further, his head tilted to the opposite side that yours was tilted to, the tip of his tongue lightly running across your parted lips. You finally let a small whine out, having had quite enough of his teasing. You swatted at his chest and properly crashed your lips onto his, silently thanking every higher power for the fact that he returned your kiss.
The kiss was foul. Both of you were desperately trying to taste one another, the sounds coming from you two being enough to kill a nun. In the process of it all, he had pulled your hips closer to his, your sundress riding up as he did so. The thin fabric of your panties and his entire flight suit separated you from his bulge, but you could still definitely feel it. Before you could even begin grinding your hips the way you wanted to, he detached his lips from yours and chuckled softly, glancing down at the beautiful sight underneath him.
“All you want is for me to fuck you stupid and leave you a pathetic, needy little mess. Used like the fucking toy you are.” He seethed through his teeth in a way that sent you in a whirlwind, causing your back to arch for the man.
With the sound of rising chatter in the hallways outside of the office, both of you were brought out of your lust-driven haze, resulting in the most sexual tension you had ever been in. He let a chuckle escape his lips at the sight of you as he took a deep breath, stepping back a few times.
“I told you that you couldn’t handle it.” He teased you in a tone that made you roll your eyes, standing up from your position on the desk. You fixed your sundress and hid the way that you were smiling from him, your head turned away from him.
“Listen, a few of the guys and I are going to play volleyball after training.” He informed you with a hint of something you couldn’t quite recognize. For a second, it almost sounded like Iceman, the Iceman, was a bit nervous. “Maybe you can come with us. Hold my shirt for me, throw rocks at Maverick and Goose. You know.”
Your lips curled into the biggest smile he had ever seen, your gaze on him telling him just how long you had been waiting for him to ask you out, even if it was to do something as small as watching him play volleyball.
“Maybe, we’ll see. I’ll throw rocks at whoever’s losing.” You teased him gently, earning an amused chuckle as he opened the door. “I’ve heard that there’s just something about that Maverick. I think he has a real shot at winning.”
The dull and playful glare made your incessant teasing worthwhile, but what he said before he left was what made you giggle and squeeze your eyes shut once you were alone.
“Try telling me that again after I make a pretty, whimpering mess out of you.”
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whatsthethinking · 10 months
Beauty and the Beast (2)
Jake Sully x Fem!Reader
All Jake wants is a chance to prove that he’s good enough.
↦ Word count: 3.5k
↦ Warning: Nothing that I caught but let me know if there is,, ooc Tsu'tey
↦ Note: Bold italics = speaking Na’vi. 
↦ Part 2 of ?
[Part 1] ⟡ [Part 3]
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The move from Hell’s Gate to Site 26 was as hectic as Jake expected. Especially with Grace watching his every move. As Norm and Trudy were loading the rotorcraft and Grace had her back turned, Jake was pulled to the side by Quaritch who asked, demanded, that Jake continue to keep giving updates on the Na’vi along with hinting that he will be watching any vlogs he records. Jake halfheartedly agreed as he felt eyes lingering on him.
“So, where we going?” Jake questioned, removing his bag.
“There’s a mobile link up at Site 26, way up in the mountains,” Grace replied, not looking up from whatever was on the desk.
“The Hallelujah Mountains?” Norm’s voice cut through the air, laced with curiosity and wonder.
“That’s right.”
“Seriously? Are you serious?”
Yeah,” Grace confirmed.
Jake looked at Norm, confusion on his face as he waited for an explanation.
“The legendary mountains of Pandora?” Jake continued to look blankly which seemed to upset Norm further. “Useless. Maybe you should stay here.” With that, Norm walked off with Jace close behind, rolling his eyes.
The skies of Pandora were clear, with barely any clouds. Looking down, Jake was fascinated by how the landscape changed. From the grey grounds and smoke fumes surrounding Hell’s Gate to the luscious green forests. Seeing the change, an unusual feeling settled in his chest, one that he would liken to guilt. The guilt of what he became a part of.
Suddenly, Trudy jerked the aircraft to the side slightly. Grace looked out of the side. The wind tousled her hair. She nodded her head toward a group of purple flying creatures passing by. “The Na’vi call them Fkio, it’s rare to see them flying this far from the wetlands. They must be migrating.”
Norm looked ecstatic hearing this information, Trudy did too. Jake hummed in interest as he looked out beside him.
“We’re getting close,” Grace announced.
“Yeah,” Trudy agreed, with a chuckle, “look at my instruments.”
Suddenly, it was as though all the clouds appeared at once. Trudy announced that the aircraft had to fly blind which caused the look of excitement to vanish from Norm’s face as it paled. As Trudy broke through the clouds, the sun hit Jake’s face and he was presented with a sight he doubted he would have thought of on a good day.
“Oh, my, god,” Norm managed to articulate as Trudy flew between two enormous mountains. Trudy had made a comment that went unnoticed as everyone drank in the sight.
“If you behave, I’m sure y/n will give you a tour.” Jake scoffed at Norm’s mumbling, shaking his head and continued to watch the mountains as they passed by.
As Jake got out of the aircraft and into his wheelchair. He paused to take a look around. The sheer scale of everything around him was breathtaking yet intimidating. There was no feeling like it.
Being exposed to Pandora without his avatar was a daunting experience for Jake. He felt exposed, vulnerable. As much as he was enjoying the sites, Jake was glad to be getting inside.  
“Catch up, Jake.” Trudy shouted ahead of him, “You have an important date!”. Jake’s lip quirked up at the side as he slowly rolled himself forward. The terrain proved to not be that wheelchair friendly but with a lot of upper body strength, Jake managed to get himself into the lab and was greeted to the site of Grace marching around checking all the equipment. 
“Your beds over there, put your stuff down and come eat,” Grace instructed, not giving him a second look.
Jake followed her orders and threw his bag onto an empty bed and rolled his way in between Grace and Trudy. The group sat and ate in silence, listening to nature just outside of the window. A complete change to sitting in Hell’s Gate, listening to the mines drilling away, the consistent scratching of the speakers overhead.
“So…” Jake started, dragging out the vowel, “How do I get y/n to like me?” Jake spooned what he thinks is soup into his mouth, and when he didn’t get a response, he looked up to see Grace, Norm and Trudy looking at him with unrecognisable expressions, “What?”
“Why do you wanna know that?” Norm questioned, his voice having a certain edge to it.
“I don’t wanna piss her off and get dropped again.” Jake shrugged, “I could use all the help I can get.”
“I’m not telling you how to butter her up.” Grace started, “You need to get her to like her on your own.”
“One little hint won’t hurt though, will it?”
Grace sighed and put down her spoon, her face growing serious. Jake was sure he was about to be scolded again. “Just act like you want to be there, listen to her. The rest will come naturally. Y/n’s a good girl, she’ll make sure you’ll learn something.” Grace paused to look at her watch, “Right, you’ve got 20 minutes until you need to be in your avatar. Finish eating.”
Jake nodded and focused on eating, taking in Grace’s advice.
Y/n sat patiently at the base of Home Tree waiting for Jake to wake up, she had gone to check on his avatar body not too long ago but she got no response. For the first time in a long time, y/n felt nervous. She had felt it during the night which kept her awake and the feeling had carried over into the next day.
Y/n felt as though she was suddenly under pressure to make sure Jake learnt enough so that he could be accepted by her people. She felt like not only was she doing this for Jake but for Grace too.
Y/n sighed, crouching beside the skull of Toruk, she wasn't sure how long she had been waiting but boredom was starting to set in. She watched the different clan members go about their day, some asking if she would play with them which she softly declined stating that she was busy, “You don’t look very busy.”
“Not right now, but I will be.”
“Please y/n.” The children pleaded in unison, y/n was about to agree since she wasn’t sure when Jake would turn up but she was stopped by the sound of someone stumbling down the stairs to her right.
“Hi. Sorry, I'm late.” Jake apologised, coming to y/n’s side, “it won’t happen again.”
Standing up gracefully, y/n nodded, dismissing his apology, “No need to worry. Shall we go?”
“But y/n.” One of the children voiced, standing between her and Jake. Y/n reassured them that they could all play together when she got back and with some convincing the children agreed.
As they left Home Tree, Jake caught Neytiri’s eye and looked down sheepishly, feeling the disapproval of him rolling off of her in waves. 
Y/n and Jake walked in silence, side by side. Jake noticed that wherever they were heading was becoming less and less populated. 
“Where are we heading?” Jake asked nervously, “Shouldn’t we be heading to where all the training is done?”
“We will get there,” y/n started, brushing away a large leaf that was in their path, “but we should get to know each other first, shouldn’t we?”
“Uh, yeah. We should.” Jake agreed awkwardly.
It was silent before y/n started telling Jake what she enjoyed, “there is so much to, so many people to meet. I love the forest, it is home but there is so much to explore.”, the passion was evident in y/n’s voice as she explained this to Jake. It was clear that y/n had a thirst for life, something Jake was yet to feel.
“What do you like to do?”
This stumped Jake, what did he like to do? If he really thought about it, he didn’t really like anything. He wasn’t good at anything. So in response, all Jake could do was shrug.
“What does that mean?” Y/n voice was laced with curiosity as she mimicked his action, “You must like to do something? You work with ma sa’nok, so you must like flowers?”
“Ma who?” Jake questioned but was met with a shrug from y/n, a small smile on her face. “But no. I don’t really like flowers.” Jake admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh… So why are you here? Working with people who like flowers if you don’t?”
Jake hesitated before he answered, “My brother died? And they needed someone to take his place and since we’re identical twins, I was their first option.”
“What is a idenical twin?”
“Identical,” Jake corrected, “it is when two children are born at the same time.”
“Hm, we don’t have that here. Do you have that a lot on Earth?”
“I think so. My dad was a twin and so was his dad. I guess if I ever have kids, they might be twins too.”
“Would you like that? To have children? Twins?”
“I think so, I don’t think I’d be the best dad though. What about you? Do you want kids?”
“I would like to travel more before I find my mate and have children. I would like to show my children this world…” Jake watched as a smile danced onto y/n’s face which made him smile also, but he wondered why he was discussing the idea of having children with a stranger from another planet but it felt right.
“So, what has Neytiri taught you?” Y/n questioned.
“Shooting and climbing? Both I’m bad at.” Jake admitted with a chuckle. “I also tried riding a direhorse but I landed face-first in the mud every time.”
Y/n looked to the ground and watched Jake’s feet as he spoke, she noticed that he slightly dragged his feet. So she stopped, allowing him to walk ahead slightly. Once Jake noticed, he turned around, an eyebrow raised, “are we stopping?”
“No, no. I am just watching. I think we should work on pon.”
“Pon? I don’t know what you mean?”
“This,” y/n stretched her arms out and took a few steps forward until they were an arm’s length away from one another, “like this.”
“You walk as though you’ve only just gotten your legs. I hear you before I see you.”
“You’re partially correct,” Jake mumbled. 
Jake stood awkwardly as y/n circled him. She stood behind him and put one of her hands on his shoulder and one on his lower back, “stand straighter and when you walk, do not drag your feet, it is noisy.” Jake took in the correction and the two set off again. 
For the next hour or so, the pair spent just walking directionless. Y/n would often correct his posture and point out different plants or animals they came across. It was refreshing. Jake found it comforting that they hadn’t started with anything extreme and that if he asked to take a break, y/n would stop without any questions. 
Jake became lost in thought, thinking about what he was going to tell Quaritch when he demanded an update and hadn’t noticed that y/n was no longer by his side until he reached a body of water surrounded by twisted vines and branches. Jake spun on the spot but could not see y/n anywhere. A part of him felt concerned, had something happened and he didn’t notice? Another part of him knew that if something did happen, y/n would be able to defend herself. But overall, Jake was lost. Had y/n abandoned him? Did he do something wrong?
As Jake was about to leave, and retrace his steps, he heard rustling behind him.
“Come on Jake, catch up!”
Jake watched as y/n emerged on the other side of the lake, a smile decorating her face.
“Across this?” Jake pointed to the narrow tree trunk beside him, it stretched the whole way across but did not look like it would be strong enough to support his weight.
“Yes, come on!”
Jake hesitated, but stepped up to it, walking across. He held his arms out to the sides for balance but kept his eyes down, making sure he didn't fall off the edge.
“Eyes up!”
Jake followed the instruction but as soon as he did, he lost his footing and toppled off of the side, straight into the water. As he resurfaced, wiping his eyes, he could hear the sound of laughter. He looked up to see y/n covering her mouth. Jake chuckled standing to his full height, the water settling just below his waist. Jake slowly waded through the water to the shore where y/n was still laughing quietly.
“Where did you go?” He questioned, brushing away the wet hair falling into his face. “How did you get over here so fast?”
“I’m sorry, Jake.” y/n began with a giggle, “You were doing so well with your walking, I didn't want to interrupt. And I walked. Up there.” Y/n pointed above their heads where a large winding tree trunk stretched across. “I was watching you, I won’t let anything eat you before your lessons are over.” 
“How lovely of you,” Jake responded sarcastically, y/n nodded along, ignoring his comment. Jake wondered if she even knew what sarcasm was.
“Shall we try again?” Y/n asked enthusiastically, reaching forward to brush wet leaves and grass off Jake’s arm. “I won’t leave you this time.”
“What happened to just walking?” Jake’s hand followed the path that y/n’s had taken, “that was more than walking.”
“We can do more walking later, I want to see more of your, uh, balance. You will need it later.” 
So Jake tried again, he walked along the tree, hands out to his side, and once again as soon as he looked ahead and not down at his feet. He landed in the water with y/n laughing above him.
Norm shuffled around at his new desk, trying to push down the ever-growing feeling of envy that would bubble to the surface every time he thought about Jake being taught the ways of the Omatikaya. To him, it wasn’t fair. Norm had spent years upon years studying and learning about the Na’vi and put everything on hold to come all the way to Pandora but it was Jake who was given the experience. Norm knew that Jake didn’t come to Pandora for research and science and yet he is the one getting the best benefits.
Lost in his jealous thoughts, Norm had knocked a stack of Grace’s notebooks to the floor. He quickly dropped down and began to gather them before Grace came back inside to see the mess he had caused. As he reached for the final spiral notebook, a handmade envelope fell out. Norm stared at it before picking it up cautiously. He turned it over to read ‘y/n’s Iknimaya, first try ✓, June 13th, 2144’. Now he was curious.
Standing to his full height and quickly looking over his shoulder to check if anyone was approaching when he spotted Grace speaking animatedly with Trudy, he took his chance and opened the envelope. Sitting neatly inside was a card that held 4 photographs, all showcasing y/n different other Na’vi from the clan. 
The first and second photos showed y/n standing with who Norm assumed was Tsu’tey and another girl he did not recognise. He turned it over and saw Grace’s writing in the middle, ‘y/n, Tsu’tey, Sylwanin :)”
The third photograph was of y/n and an older Na’vi man, comparing the faces, Norm assumes that this was y/n’s father. The proud look on his face helped him conclude this. 
The last photograph showed y/n and Grace in her avatar. Y/n was on Grace’s back with a large smile on her face, Grace had one to match. There was a certain look on Grace’s face, it matched the man in the previous photo. 
“What are you doing?” Norm was started by the voice behind him and almost dropped the envelope again.
“Nothing, nothing.” Norm cleared his throat, placing the envelope on the desk, “it fell and uh.”
Grace nodded, walking forward and putting the gifted shell in the corner. She then picked up the envelope, took out the card and opened it for Norm to see. 
“Thank for beliving in my.” Written somewhat messily in pencil. 
“Y/n made me this card the day after she passed her iknimaya, she was so happy when she tamed her ikran, she couldn't wait to take to the sky and explore. She was so young, one of the youngest.”
“Wow, did you watch?”
“I did, she begged me to be there. But I would've gone regardless.”
“What was it like? To watch?”
“It was,” Grace paused as she thought back to the rite of passage, “I was worried for her, scared even. She had worked so hard towards it, preparing almost every waking moment but she was so young. Just about to turn 12. But watching her complete it, tame her ikran and fly for the first time without her father, it was breathtaking to see.” The fondness in Grace’s voice was easily detected. “I’m so proud of her.”
Norm couldn’t hold his tongue, looking over in the direction of Jake’s linkpod, “will Jake get to do his iknimaya?”
“With y/n as his teacher, I’m sure she will consider preparing him for it.”
“Oh.” Norm’s shoulders deflated at the thought of Jake gaining another experience from his time on Pandora, Grace must’ve seen his face fall because she placed a gentle arm, “Don’t feel too discouraged at this, Jake’s a fool and somehow got lucky. I’m sure your time will come.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I don’t see why not. Y/n will most likely come here soon, you can ask her to show you around.”
“Really?” Norm’s face seemed to brighten.
“Y/n is a sweet girl and she loves to make friends so I’m sure she would be happy to.”
Norm opened his mouth to ask a question about Grace’s relationship with the Na’vi but he didn't think it would be appropriate just yet since they did not know each other very well. Instead, he nodded with a smile before going back to organising his desk. 
After a long afternoon of walking and falling into the water, Jake and y/n had moved to y/n testing his balance while running, well jogging. Jake had found this much harder, tripping over his feet any time the terrain changed which y/n may’ve tried to hide her laugher at.
Overall, Jake would say that this had been the best day he’s had in the Pandora forest this far but of course, good things must come to an end.
“We can meet tomorrow? Get you running higher off of the ground?” 
“Ugh. So much fitness.” Jake joked, bringing  a smile to y/n’s face, “My feet hurt.”
“Stop whining, you sound like a baby.” Y/n poked Jake’s arm as they went their separate ways.
“See you tomorrow, y/n.”
“Bye bye, Jake.” And with that, y/n was gone, disappearing into the crowd. Jake manoeuvred his way around the edges, being stopped by a clan elder as they placed a wrapped leaf package into his hand, assuming its food.
Jake made his way back to his hammock, sitting on the branch overhead and ate the food in the leaf, not questioning what it was.
“Jake Sully,” Neytiri appeared almost out of nowhere, “y/n came back in a good mood, you did not disappoint her.”
“I’m glad, y/n’s great,” Jake commented.
Neytiri did not say anything in reply, she just nodded and walked away. Shrugging his shoulders, Jake finished his food and settled into the hammock and closed his eyes.
“How was your day with Jake Sully?” Tsu’tey asked as he sat beside y/n, facing the fire.
“It was good, I like him. He is good company.”
“You like him?” Tsu’tey scoffed, “Of course you would.”
“Do not be this way, Tsu’tey. It is not a good look for you.” Y/n joked, elbowing him softly, “He has shown me today that he has some willingness to learn, he deserves a chance.”
“Hmm, if you say so.”
“I do say so.”
Tsu’tey huffed, taking some food off of y/n’s food but y/n returned the favour, taking the whole leaf from Tsu’tey and walking off.
“Y/n!” Tsu’tey jogged after her, “Come back! Skxawng!”
“No! You’re a thief!”
“Me?! You stole my food!”
“You stole mine first!”
The pair continued to argue until they got to y/n’s family tent. Y/n walked in and Tsu’tey stormed in behind her.
“Sit down, dear cousin of mine.”
Tsu’tey sat down opposite y/n, snatching his food back. 
“Be nicer to him, for me.”
Tsu’tey stopped chewing and looked at y/n who was staring at him.
Jake sighed as he settled into his bed, getting himself comfortable.
“How was it today?” 
Jake opened his eyes slightly to see Norm standing in the doorway.
“Good.” Jake closed his eyes again but didn’t hear Norm leave so he opened his eyes again, “Did you want something?”
“Don’t mess this up, for Grace.”
Jake looked at Norm blankly before rolling onto his side, “Don’t worry, I’m not planning on it.”
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Pon - balance
Iknimaya -  treacherous but fundamental rite of passage in which a young Na'vi hunter must select, capture, and successfully bond with one of the ikran who nest in the Hallelujah Mountains.
Taglist: @dorck26 @tangles711
189 notes · View notes
ivyangels-blog · 2 years
I'm Not Risking My Life For You (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Seresin!Reader)
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Summary: When you and Rooster learn you have to complete a mission together, neither of you are pleased.
Word count: 6.8k
Warnings: my terrible understanding of the military, injury, violence, swearing, older brother!Hangman, some fighting, cheesfluff
I make my way down the halls, knocking on the door to the admiral's office.
I straighten my posture immediately when the door starts to swing open.
"Lieutenant Seresin." Admiral Cain nods his head. "Right on time, please take a seat." He opens the door the rest of the way, stepping aside so I can walk in.
I give him a polite nod and make my way inside. My gaze goes to the chairs in front of his desk, one of which is already occupied. Rooster turns his head, giving me an unamused look, before turning back to the front. I pause for the briefest of seconds upon seeing Rooster, but shake myself out of it and take the seat beside him.
Admiral Cain circles around to his side of the desk, taking a seat across from us.
“Alright.” Admiral Cain opens a drawer on the side of his desk, pulling out two files and sliding them across the desk to Rooster and I. “I have a mission for the two of you.
Both of us lean forward, taking the file off the desk and flipping it open.
“Just us?” I ask, glancing over at Rooster with a frown. I’ve gone on missions with him before, but always with a couple other pilots. We can usually put our differences aside for that long, but the two of us alone? It might make for some difficulty in completing our task.
“Yes, this is a highly classified assignment.” Admiral Cain motions to the files. “All the information is in here.”
“Why us?” Rooster asks.
“You two are excellent pilots. Why not you?” Admiral Cain leans back in his chair, folding his hands together.
Rooster side-eyes me.
I exhale, leaning forward. “It’s not exactly a secret that Bradshaw and I don’t get along.”
Admiral Cain frowns. “I would hope that you could put that aside in order to do your jobs.”
“Of course,” Rooster replies, immediately.
“Yes,” I agree.
“Good. Please review the details. You will have four weeks to prepare. Dismissed.”
Rooster and I both rise, leaving his office with our files.
“This is just great,” I mutter.
“You think I’m happy about this?” Rooster asks.
I sigh. “Let’s just agree to stay out of each other’s way.”
“Fine by me.” Rooster turns away from me, leaving down the hallway.
I turn in the opposite direction, going to look over the mission details.
Hours later, I’m finally flipping the file closed, ditching it on my kitchen table.
Surveillance has been done on a foreign terrorist group. They’ve been gathering an array of weapons and Rooster and I are supposed to go in and bomb their base.
Destroy as many weapons as possible according to the papers I just read through.
Intel says that they don’t have any aircraft, which puts us at a huge advantage, but unfortunately their radar will likely see us coming and we’ll have to dodge any ground missiles they try and send at us.
That’s why they’re only sending two of us, less of a chance to be picked up on radar and, although they don’t say it, less casualties.
I’m excited for this mission, it’s the first high profile assignment I’ve had in awhile. I just don’t know why they had to put me and Bradshaw together.
Him and I have always struggled to get along, always competing to be better than each other while we were at Top Gun. All I’d wanted was to come rank next to my brother, Jake, but Bradshaw got in my way. So, at Top Gun graduation, I had to hear my parents gush about how successful their perfect son was at the top of the class, while I stood by at the number three spot-Bradshaw slotted right between us.
Our rivalry had started as a fairly friendly, teasing, competition, but it escalated until it became what it is today- an immense hatred for each other.
The next day, I meet Bradshaw on the tarmac, ready to run some drills.
“We’re going to need to practice some missile drops,” Bradshaw says, as we walk towards our planes. “Your aim is shit.”
“Then we’ll have to clock some races, you’re too slow,” I snap back.
“Fine.” Bradshaw turns to his jet, climbing in without a second glance at me.
“Fine,” I mutter, with a curl of my lip, going off to my own jet.
The second we’re in the air, Bradshaw starts eliciting orders.
“I’m sorry, who put you in charge?” I ask.
I hear him sigh through my headset. “Could you just focus on the task and not disagree with me for once?”
“Could you not be so conceited for once?”
“This is never going to work,” Bradshaw’s jet zooms past me and he rounds in a circle, headed back towards base. “We should just request to be reassigned.”
I flip my jet around, too, headed after Bradshaw. I can’t get reassigned, this is one of the first missions of this much importance I’ve been given in awhile, I’m not going to lose it because of him.
“Wait,” I say. “Just… let’s do the target practice.”
Bradshaw’s plane slowly comes around. I turn mine, too, so we’re both headed back out to the training area.
He doesn't say anything else, both of us flying our planes out, neither of us say much as we start our drills.
I'm starting to think this mission might just work between us, until Bradshaw opens his dumb, pornstache-lined mouth. "You're flying too fast, if you want to increase your accuracy you have to slow down."
"You're flying too slow, if you don't speed up then we're going to get shot down."
"We're focusing on this right now, you increase your accuracy. Then we can work on speeding up."
I groan, but know that he's right, so I land a few more shots, this time at a slower speed, and I hit the target each time.
"Nice," Bradshaw says. Maybe he means it as a compliment, but to me it just sounds condescending.
"Okay, let's race," I say. "Whoever gets back to base first wins."
Both of us spin our jets around. I look over at Bradshaw through the canopy shield. "You ready?" I ask.
Both of us speed up, I push as fast as I can, the force pressing me against my seat.
Bradshaw falls behind.
"You're going to have to go faster."
He speeds up a little, but still hasn't caught up to me. "Come on!" I shout.
"Any faster and I'll lose control."
"No, you won't. We have the same jet, Bradshaw. It's not the plane, it's the pilot." I push my jet even faster, feeling the whole thing vibrate around me and just to prove my point even further, I direct the plane into a barrel roll. The time it takes me to complete the maneuver, allows Bradshaw to catch up to me.
I can tell he's nervous, but he's going fast enough to keep up with me now.
"That's more like it!" I push faster, but this time Bradshaw matches my speed. We zoom over the base, almost neck and neck, before slowing down and circling back around to land.
It's not until after we've landed that I talk to him again. I've finished up with my own jet and am walking over to find him just getting out of his, looking a little shaken.
"You alright?" I ask with a chuckle.
Bradshaw gives me a glare and I laugh harder.
"I'm fine," he grumbles. "Let's meet back here tomorrow, we're going to need more practice."
"I'll say." I look down at his shaky legs.
He scowls. "8 a.m.," he says, walking away.
So, Bradshaw and I practice, and practice, and practice.
The four weeks before our mission starts go by fast, but I feel confident that Bradshaw and I have it covered. We've gone over the details and the plan a thousand times with Admiral Cain and there's nothing left to do, but run it for real.
The night before we're scheduled to leave, we meet up at The Hard Deck with our friends.
"Can't believe Shadow and Rooster are actually going to work together," Phoenix says, looking at the two of us.
I shrug. "We've done it before."
Phoenix gives me a look and everyone else looks like they're having trouble buying it.
"Good luck tomorrow, y/n." Jake wraps his arms around me, normally we refrain from affection in front of everyone else, but tonight I decide to wrap my arms around him, squeezing him tight.
Despite my parents always forcing me to try and be more like him, I hold no hatred for Jake. I think even without the influence of my parents I would've idolized him anyway, there's a reason my callsign is "Shadow", everyone said I was always following him around.
"Watch out for her, man." Jake lets me go and clasps Bradshaw's hand, patting him on the back.
I roll my eyes. "I can look out for myself."
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Jake smiles at me. "You guys should probably get out of here. Big day tomorrow."
I hug Jake one more time and steal a hug from each of the rest of our friends, going to get some rest before the big assignment.
"Remember," Admiral Cain says, as we head off to our planes. "Destroy as many weapons as possible."
Bradshaw and I both nod. "Yes, sir," we say.
Minutes later we're in the air, headed towards the target.
"We got this," Bradshaw says over the comms.
"Obviously," I say, rolling my plane to the right and flipping it around.
"Would you quit fooling around," Bradshaw says. "Stupid jokes like that are going to put the mission at risk and if it comes down to it I'm not risking my life for you."
"I never asked you to."
"Just stick to the plan."
"Aye, aye."
"Status update?" Admiral Cain's voice cuts in.
"Approaching target, less than a mile out," Bradshaw reports back. He pulls his plane up next to mine, looking over at me. "They definitely know we're coming, now."
I nod, he's right their radar would've picked up on us. "In and out," I say.
He gives me an affirmative nod and we both speed up our jets.
The base is within our sights, when my radar starts beeping.
"What's that?" I ask.
"There's three more jets in the sky, approaching you fast." The report comes from the operations specialist back on the ship.
"I thought intel said this group didn't have any aircraft."
"We don't know if these are hostiles," Admiral Cain says. "Continue with the plan."
I look over at Bradshaw and even from this distance I can tell he's nervous, too.
I look into the distance, seeing the planes approaching. Then, one of them opens fires, bullets ricocheting over the shield.
"Shit!" I shout, veering to the side and diving lower to avoid them.
"Hostiles!" Bradshaw shouts. "Definitely hostiles." I see his plane to my left, spinning around to avoid being shot.
"Retreat," Admiral Cain says. "We'll return another time with reinforcements."
I look down, seeing the base full of weapons up ahead. I turn back to Bradshaw and find that he's also looking at me, neither of us have turned around, yet. We're so close, nearly over the base, if we turn back now and come back later then they'll have plenty of time to move the weapons.
I speed up, zooming forward, coming closer to the base. Bradshaw does the same, neither of us having to say anything to understand what the other is thinking.
"What are they doing?" I hear Cain say over the comms. "I said come back."
I grip my joystick tighter, trying to keep my hands from shaking.
The planes in front of us continue to send bullets our way. I swing left, towards Bradshaw and come over the base, dropping the first bomb on it. Bradshaw drops his right behind me, the explosions below us rocking through the air.
I don't have time to look and check how much damage we did, before the planes are on us and we're trapped in a dogfight.
I spin my plane right, climbing higher, to avoid the enemy jets.
"Do you have eyes on them?" I ask, trying to spin around to see where they are.
"There's two on you, one on me."
I climb higher and then let my engine stall, one of the planes flying past me. I line up my missile and slam the release button the second I hear tone.
The plane in front of me explodes, but, unfortunately, the one behind me is still hot on my tail.
Another array of bullets attacks my plane and a warning starts blaring that my left engine is out.
"One down," I inform Bradshaw. I look around and see him struggling to shake the jet on his tail. "Wanna trade?" I ask, zooming towards him and trying to lock in on the guy attacking him.
"What?" Bradshaw asks.
"You go after my guy, I'll go after yours." I push the trigger down, shooting at the jet on Bradshaw's tail.
Bradshaw's plane turns towards mine, trying to loop around and hit the guy behind me.
I try to line up the shot on the other guy, blasting off my other missile the second I hear tone.
The plane in front of me, zooms upwards, dodging the projectile.
"Fuck," I shout, immediately switching to bullets.
Bradshaw still hasn't gotten the guy behind me and I'm getting hit by bullets on two sides.
It's not long before I've used up all my weaponry and the guy in front of me hasn't gone down.
"I'm out of ammo," I announce.
"Dammit, Shadow. I told you your aim was shit." Bradshaw has managed to pull the other guy off my tail and I'm left with one plane in front of me.
Bullets continue to knock my plane and I doubt it will be long until my right engine is out, too. It will be a miracle if I can get this thing back home.
I look at the plane plowing towards me and I have an idea.
"Destroy as many weapons as possible," I mutter, gripping the control stick and speeding up.
"What?" Bradshaw asks over the speakers, but I ignore him.
Instead, I continue to push my plane straight towards the enemy jet, moving my other hand towards the eject button.
"Shadow, what are you doing?"
As the other plane nears me, it starts to pull right, trying to dodge me. I follow it with my plane, pushing the control stick forward as hard as I can and ejecting.
I fly out of the plane, my parachute pulling me through the air as the explosion from the collision, warms my face.
The blast sends shrapnel flying everywhere.
Pain shoots through my side, as I drift down through the air. I wince, looking down and finding a large piece of metal piercing my side.
"Shit," I mumble.
I look around, searching for Bradshaw's plane and find him still stuck in a dogfight with the other jet. I fall below the tree-line and his plane disappears from view.
I land on the ground with minimal impact, but I still let out a grunt, when it jostles the wound in my side.
I pull myself up, leaning against a nearby tree trunk, as I start rolling up my parachute.
I look to the sky, searching for any signs of Rooster. I see his jet overhead and relax a little, especially when I watch him knock down the last enemy plane.
I continue rolling up my parachute, moving slowly from the pain in my side, but my attention jerks back to the sky when I hear the sound of a missile.
My gaze rips back to the sky, seeing a cloud of smoke chase down Bradshaw’s plane. He manages to dodge it, but circles back around as another missile is sent off.
“What are you doing?” I shout, as Rooster tries to dodge the second one, but fails. The projectile takes out his tail and he starts falling fast. I don’t see where he lands, I don’t even know if he would’ve survived a crash like that.
However, I’m out here alone, and if there’s a chance he’s alive I’m not going to leave him. I finish packing up my parachute and shove it into my pack, pulling it on and standing up.
I cry out when the metal in my side shifts, but push forward, ignoring the blood dripping from my side.
I briefly wonder if I should stop to pull out the shrapnel and wrap up my waist, but I don’t want to waste anytime. Not to mention it'll be difficult for me to reach.
Luckily, it didn’t look like Rooster’s plane was far.
“Rooster,” I call out, hoping he responds soon, praying he isn’t dead. “Rooster!”
I lean against a tree, to catch my breath, panting through the pain in my side.
I’m close to considering sitting down for a minute when I see smoke up ahead.
I break into a limping jog, approaching the wreckage in front of me. Rooster’s jet lies in a smoking heap on the ground, but there’s no sign of him anywhere.
“Rooster,” I shout, looking around the plane. It steams and creaks from burning metal. I’m terrified of what I’ll find in the cockpit, but when I finally work up the courage, it’s empty.
I breathe a sigh of relief, but I still don’t see him anywhere.
“Rooster,” I call, looking around.
No response, certainly isn’t a good sign and the wound in my side is really draining my energy.
Tears prick at the corner of my eyes, but I push them back. Hangman would never cry in a situation like this, but all I can think is that I’m alone, my wingman might be dead and I could be next.
“Rooster,” I shout one last time, the words coming out choked. I walk over to the other side of the plane wreckage and collapse against a tree.
I let some tears stream down my face, closing my eyes and leaning my head back. I’m so tired.
“Shadow?” It’s so distant I think I must have imagined it.
“Shadow!” I hear again.
“Rooster!” I push myself back to my feet, groaning as I do so.
I head in the direction of the shouts, stumbling along to search for him.
“Over here.” I catch sight of him through the trees and start waving.
He starts running to meet me and I do my best to speed up towards him.
"What the hell were you thinking?" I ask, as I get closer.
"Me?" Rooster asks.
"You should've headed back the second you knocked down the other plane," I shout, but my words are drowned out by his argument.
"You're the one who fucking crashed right into another plane. I was circling back to try and find you. Are you okay?" He reaches out for me, clutching my arms in his hands and looking me up and down.
“Yeah, are you?” I lie, not wanting to seem dramatic, especially if he ends up having an injury, too.
Rooster pauses his scan, eyes snapping to mine, narrowing slightly.
“Where?” he asks, a level of concern that I’ve never seen from him before flooding his gaze.
“What?” I ask.
Rooster sighs. “I know you’re hurt, Shadow.”
I exhale, moving stiffly to take my pack off and show him the shrapnel in my side.
“It’s not that bad,” I say, even though I haven’t checked on it in awhile, I can barely see it, and it hurts like a bitch.
“Here, sit down.” Rooster guides me to the ground and starts opening his pack.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“We’re not going to get very fair with that sticking out of your side. You’re going to need stitches.”
Rooster clicks open his first aid kit.
I tug at my vest, undoing the buttons.
Rooster places his hands on my shoulder, helping me slide it off.
I unzip my jumper next and Rooster has to help me with that, too.
He gets to my t-shirt underneath and cuts off the fabric around the wound.
“Alright, are you ready?” Rooster asks.
“Yup.” I grip my hands into the pants of my suit, so tightly that my knuckles turn white.
Rooster’s hand wraps around the metal and I can’t stop the whimper that slips past my lips. I lift one of my hands and press it tightly against my mouth.
“You sure?” Rooster asks.
“Mmmm, hmmm.” I hum an agreement and Rooster yanks the metal out.
I scream into my hand, hot tears slipping out of the corner of my eyes.
“Good?” Rooster asks.
I hum again, not able to form words.
Rooster starts cleaning the wound and I manage to keep my whimpers to a minimum the whole time. I turn my head away to hide my tears.
"It's okay to cry," Rooster says.
I let out a wry chuckle. "Yeah, right," I reply. "I'm sure you'd love that."
"I'm serious." Rooster reaches into the kit, pulling out a needle and sterilizing it. "I won't make fun of you."
"Jake would never cry," I mumble, trying to steel myself against the pain.
"God, you really have to be just like him."
"You'd understand if you met my parents," I reply.
"At least your parents are alive."
A sense of guilt sweeps over me, immediately. "I'm sorry."
Rooster flashes a sad smile. "It's fine. I got all the love I could ever hope for from my parents while they were alive." Rooster starts on the stitches in my side and I grit my teeth. "I get it, you know, why you were always trying your hardest to best me while we were at Top Gun. I saw the way your parents were all over Hangman at graduation."
If he saw that, then that means he might have also seen me walking off to the bathroom, brushing tears from my face. I don't want to ask him, though, in case he didn't, but he glances up at me from where he's working on my stitches and one look in his eyes and I know that he did.
"Your parents are assholes." Rooster goes back to working on my stitches and a silence falls over us.
Finally, Rooster finishes up my stitches, wrapping a bandage around my stomach and helping me pull my jumper back on.
"There, it's not perfect, but it should hold long enough for us to get back home."
"Right, how are we going to do that?" I ask, looking around at the unfamiliar trees on each side of us. We can't exactly send off a distress flare in enemy territory.
"The helicopter should come by to pick us up, soon." Rooster digs through his pack.
"They're not going to send a rescue helicopter into active enemy territory. We may have taken out most of their weapons, but they still have missiles."
Rooster pulls out his radio, turning it on and calling back to base. "This is Rooster and Shadow, checking in to base, over," he says.
Static buzzes on the other side and a broken voice comes through on the other side. "...ba... ort... er"
"Shit, no service." Rooster stands up, walking around to try and get better signal. "Shadow's injured, we're requesting an emergency airlift, over."
The voice comes through again, broken and incomprehensible.
"We have to find better service." Rooster comes back over, closing up his pack and swinging it onto his back.
I start to push myself up, grabbing my own pack off the ground, but pausing when Rooster puts a hand on my shoulder.
"You should stay here." He looks down at my side.
"Like hell," I snap, pushing myself the rest of the way up.
"You're injured and my poor patch-up job did little to help that. You need to stay here and rest.”
“Rooster, you are not leaving me here.” I pull my backpack on.
His gaze is still focused on my side, uncertain.
“Please, Bradley,” I beg. “Do not leave me here alone.”
Rooster’s jaw hardens and he finally makes eye contact. “Okay, come on.” He grabs my arm, pulling it over his shoulder to help me walk and without another word we start to make our way through the woods in the direction of the base.
Rooster tests the radio every few minutes and while it’s getting slightly better, it’s not enough to make out a full sentence.
The two of us are still limping along when the sound of shouts and heavy footsteps cuts through the silence of the forest.
Rooster and I both pause, turning as one unit in the direction of the sound, since I’m still relying heavily on him for support.
The sound gets closer, accompanied by the breaking of branches.
I pull my arm off Rooster's shoulder, freeing both our hands and pull out my flare gun.
Rooster does the same, both of us moving away from the sound.
"You don't think it's the evac team, do you?" I whisper, knowing there's no way they'd come on foot.
Rooster just swallows heavily.
The first man comes from our right, armed with a pistol. Lucky for us, we heard him coming and are prepared. I immediately, fire the flare gun at his chest, it knocks him off his feet and Rooster jumps on him, punching him across the face and stealing his gun.
"We need to go, now.” Rooster looks around, searching for another attacker, as he runs back over to me.
We both take off through the woods, Rooster passing the radio to me.
I continue to try and call back to base, while Rooster wields the gun, eyeing for attackers.
A gunshot sounds to our right and Rooster's arm slams into my back, forcing us both into a crouch. Pain shoots up my side from my injury, but I do my best to ignore it.
We continue to run past trees, dodging the bullets.
Another man reveals himself from behind the trees, his gun aimed right at me.
Rooster steps between us, blocking me from the man's shot and shooting him down before either of us get hit.
I test the radio again and this time an almost clear message comes back.
"...base requesting coordinates..."
I check our coordinates and report them back, but the response is choppy.
"I can't tell if they heard me," I tell Rooster, as we drop down behind a tree for cover.
"Try going up ahead and sending it again." Rooster peeks around the tree, scanning the area.
"What about you?" I ask.
"Just go," he says. "Don't worry, I got your six." He rises up, turning his back to me and holding up the gun.
I continue to run and Rooster follows behind at a slower pace, walking backwards, ready to shoot.
I repeat the coordinates and eventually I get a clear response from base, “Stand by for evacuation, over.”
I pause my running, smiling down at the radio.
“Rooster, we got a response!” I turn to him with a wide grin on my face.
He glances back at me, a smile growing on his face as well. At the same time, I see a woman break through the woods, her gun raised in his direction.
I open my mouth to shout a word of warning, but all I can do is scream when the loud echo of the gun going off shakes the air.
Rooster’s body jerks as the bullet rips into his shoulder.
I sprint towards him while the woman cocks the gun for another shot. I snatch the gun from Rooster’s hand, firing twice at the woman and sending her to the ground.
“Are you okay?” I ask, snatching at Rooster’s chest to help hold him up.
“Yeah,” he grunts, reaching for the wound.
I grab his hand, wrapping it in mine. “Don’t touch it,” I tell him. "C'mon, we need to find a place to hide out until the chopper gets here."
The two of us slip into a particularly thick area of brush, hunkering down behind a couple of boulders.
"Let me see." It's not until I go to help him take his jumpsuit off that the red stain on my own jumpsuit has grown. I guess Rooster's stitches didn't hold. I do my best to ignore it, as I help Rooster wrap his own wound. I bind it tightly, hoping that our evac will be here soon with doctors who can do a better job than me.
Rooster's eyes are on me the whole time I help him, tracking my every movement. He must be trying to find something to focus on to block out the pain. It's what I'm doing right now, patching up Rooster to ignore the pain from my own injury.
Once I'm done, I lean back against the rocks beside him.
"Hopefully you did a better job on me than I did on you," Rooster pants.
I chuckle a little, leaning my head back against the rocks.
"We should radio back with our updated coordinates." Rooster takes the radio from my hands, calling to base.
I let my eyes fall closed, fighting to get breaths in, each one disrupting the pain in my side.
I vaguely hear Rooster say something about fifteen minutes, but I can't be sure.
My arm jerks and I wince, squeezing my eyes shut.
"Y/n? Wake up."
A hand tilts my head up and I manage to force my eyes open, my gaze finding Rooster's face.
"You good? We need to stay awake."
I shake my head a few times, nodding to reassure him. "You worried about me, Bradshaw?" I ask, teasingly.
"More worried about what your brother will do to me if I make it back and you don't."
"Nah," I say. "I think you care about me." I smile up at him, nudging him slightly against his good shoulder.
Rooster laughs. "Oh, okay. You were the one who was crying out my name when you thought I was dead."
I laugh, too, realizing that I don't have an argument for that.
When our giggles finally die down, I lean my head on Rooster's shoulder, finding the muscle of his bicep more comfortable than the stone.
Rooster breathes deeply and I almost pull away, but freeze when he speaks.
"You know that was the first time you didn't just call me 'Bradshaw'."
I hum. "Today was the first day you called me 'y/n'," I reply, referring to moments ago when he shook me awake.
Rooster rests his head on top of mine, the two of us sitting in a peaceful silence while we wait.
The strangeness of it all washes over me. I remember how less than a year ago, we had been ready to tear each other apart.
"You need to calm down." I brush past Rooster, ready to hit the locker rooms.
Rooster snatches my bicep, shoving me back in front of him. "You could have gotten someone killed."
I straighten up, staring him right in the eye. "If it weren't for me Coyote could have died."
"You nearly hit him with that bogus shot."
"But I didn't, I saved his life by taking out that enemy plane."
"It was reckless and stupid."
I step closer, adding in a lower voice. "You're just mad that you failed to do your job. You're Coyote's wingman and you should've been there."
I barely get a chance to finish, before Rooster is pushing me back into the wall, his forearm pressed against my throat pinning me down.
Rage is flaring behind his eyes, but all I do is smile back at him.
"Stay in your fucking place, Seresin," Rooster seethes.
"Do your job, Bradshaw," I spit back. I shove my hands against his chest, pushing him off of me.
That moment solidified Rooster and I's hatred towards each other, but now we're cuddling up to each other like some lovesick teens.
We hear the helicopter before we see it and I grab my flare gun, sending off a flare so they can find us quicker.
Within the next few minutes, they're within sight.
Rooster and I climb to our feet. However, I stumble immediately, my head spinning and my vision darkening.
Rooster catches me by my forearms and I feel guilty when I hear him grunt from the bullet wound in his shoulder.
"I'm good," I say, gripping my side and straightening myself.
"Shit," Rooster says, looking down at my hands.
I pull them away to see what he's looking at and find them covered in blood.
"You weren't kidding about that shit patch up job," I joke, looking up at the ladder being dropped down from the helicopter that's nearly reached us.
I look back at Rooster and find him staring at me. "I'm sorry," he says.
"It's no big deal, the doctors will fix it."
"Not just for that, everything. Criticizing your flying, trying to take control, requesting a new partner for this mission."
"What?" I ask. "You requested a new partner?"
"Yeah, but I'm apologizing for it." Rooster flashes a smile.
The ladder comes down between us and both of us grab on, clipping ourselves to it by our vest. The ladder starts to lift us into the air.
"I'm sorry, too. For everything," I say.
We both smile at each other.
“I can’t believe you requested a new partner for this mission.”
Rooster laughs. “We hated each other, but you know what? I’m really glad they didn’t grant my request.”
“Me, too.”
I wake up in a hospital bed, the last thing I remember is the doctors on the helicopter, taking care of me and Rooster.
Jake rises from his spot in his chair as soon as he notices I’m awake.
“Hey,” he says. “How are you feeling?”
“Alright,” I say, wincing as I sit up.
Jake immediately protests, telling me to sit back down, but I ignore him.
“Is Rooster okay?” I ask.
Jake's brow furrows a little. “He’s fine. The doctors put him in the next room over.”
I nod, settling back against the pillows.
“What happened to you two out there?”
“Long story.”
Jake nods. “You can tell me later.”
“How bad is it?” I ask, lifting up my sheets to see underneath, a large bandage is wrapped around my middle.
“Some internal bleeding and a wicked scar. You’ll be grounded for at least 8 weeks.”
I throw my head back with a groan. “8 weeks?”
Hangman smiles. “Yeah, but don’t worry. You’ll have your new friend Rooster to keep you company.”
I scowl at him. "We're hardly friends."
Jake shakes his head. "That's not what I heard. The medics said it was impossible for them to do their jobs because you two kept freaking out asking if the other was okay. In fact, Rooster woke up an hour ago and has been asking to see you ever since."
"He has?" I ask.
Jake nods. “Mavs over there with him right now… what are you doing?”
I’ve pushed off my blankets and am trying to get out of bed, when Jake is gently grabbing my shoulders to stop me.
“I want to see him.”
“No, get back in bed. I’ll go get him.” Jake guides me back into bed, holding his hands up towards me for a moment and continuously glancing over his shoulder as he leaves like he’s making sure I don’t go anywhere. 
I roll my eyes and he leaves. I drink the glass sitting on the nightside table while I wait and a few minutes later, Jake returns. Rooster is following close behind him, shirtless with his arm bandaged and resting in a sling. 
An involuntary smile spreads across my face, as soon as I see him. 
“Hey,” I say. 
“Hi.” Rooster smiles back at me and sits down on the edge of my bed. 
I glance up at Jake, finding his presence in the room uncomfortable. His eyes are flicking between us at a rapid pace.
"I'll be right back," he says, turning and exiting the room.
Rooster and I look back at each other and chuckle.
"You're okay?" I ask, it sounds like a mix between a question and an optimistic fact.
Rooster nods. "You?"
"All good." I push myself up in the bed, determined to sit up next to Rooster. Rooster has a worried look on his face, but doesn't say anything, just resting his arm behind my back to help hold me up.
I’m a little out of breath form the effort and Rooster rubs my back in reassuring circles, while I catch hold of it again.
"Thanks," I murmur, looking up at him.
His brown eyes meet mine and I feel myself sinking into them. I reach my one hand up, brushing my fingers against his cheek.
Rooster's lips part slightly and all of a sudden I can't stop staring at them. They look so soft. I lean forward and Rooster does the same, I close my eyes as our lips brush. I inhale, reopening my eyes to look at him.
I realize what we're about to do and from the look in Rooster's eyes he does, too.
His hand comes up to brush the hair out of my face, his hand moving to cup the back of my neck.
Rooster pulls my face closer, our lips colliding together in a heated kiss.
I reach up with my own hands, one of them sliding around his waist and the other slips itself into the hair on the nape of his neck.
"What the fuck?"
Rooster and I pull away so quickly that it sends a spark of pain up my side.
I look to the doorway and see Jake standing there, Phoenix, Bob, and Coyote write behind him.
"I swear to god if you hadn't just gotten shot I would beat the shit out of you right now." Jake comes storming towards Rooster and I put a hand out to stop him. "Is that what this is? You seduced my sister the second you got a moment alone with her?"
I scoff. "Jake, he did not seduce me."
"I didn't?" Rooster asks.
I turn to him, smacking him in his good arm to knock the cocky grin off his face.
"Jake, please. I'm an adult, I can handle my own relationships."
Jake sighs, but nods.
"I brought the others in. They wanted to see how you were doing."
I turn to the others smiling.
Phoenix comes forward to give me a hug. “Your brothers full of shit,” she says. “He ran down to us in the waiting room saying that you and Rooster were gonna get together and we had to come see.”
I turn to Jake with a glare. “Then why were you so mad?"
Jake throws his hands up in defence. "l thought I was just going to walk in on you guys making heart eyes at each other, not full on making out.”
A phone buzzes and Jake pulls his out of his pocket, his expression falling.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “It’s just a text from mom and dad, they said they hope you feel better soon.”
I feel tears prick the back of my eyes but am able to hold them back. “They’re not coming?”
Jake shakes his head.
I nod and Rooster’s palm rests on my thigh while Phoenix’s grabs my hand in hers.
I hear a collection of apologies from everyone, but shrug.
“It’s fine, at least you guys are here.”
“That’s right,” Bob says. “And we’re not going anywhere.”
A nurse pokes his head in from the hallway. “Visiting hours end in forty-five minutes.”
“We’re not going anywhere for another forty five minutes,” Bob corrects.
We all let out a laugh.
“C’mon,” Coyote says. “Let’s go raid the vending machines for the good candy. Any special requests?” He points at me and Rooster in particular.
Rooster shrugs. “Anything with chocolate.”
I nod. “I’m good with anything.”
Coyote grabs Bob on his way out. “I’m going to need some cash,” he says to him.
Phoenix chuckles. “Come on, Hangman.” She stands up and grabs my brother by the arm.
“Hold on, you better keep your hands to yourself while I’m gone.” Jake points at us, but Phoenix is already shoving him out the door.
I mouth a "Thank you" to her and she smiles, before shutting it behind her.
“Sorry about Jake,” I say to Rooster.
“No worries.” His hand goes to cup my cheek. “Where were we?” he asks.
I grin, leaning in to kiss him again.
“So is this like a thing, now?” I ask.
“Only if you want it to be.”
“I do.”
“Good. I do, too.”
Rooster and I kiss again, taking our time with it this time. We only pull away when the door clicks open, but apparently it’s not fast enough, because I hear Jake’s voice yell out an exasperated, “Oh, c’mon!”
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defensenow · 20 hours
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reality-detective · 1 year
Military aircraft flying extremely low and slow. Drills? I think not. Reports are coming from areas that have never seen the military doing anything in their areas. 🤔
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
🔅Mon morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
🔻ALERTS.. (none since last night)
Senior Egyptian official: The delegations will return to Cairo in two days to conclude the terms of the final deal.  A Hamas delegation has arrived in Cairo and met with the Egyptian intelligence chief. 
(Amit Segal comments..) If the report is true, dramatic days are ahead of us - Rafah now or a deal now.
(The Arab Desk comments..) The IDF forces left the strip, only one brigade remained there, basically there is no fighting, no forces. Quite suitable for the demands of Hamas, Eid al-Fitr will start tomorrow or Wednesday depending on where you live, a race against the clock has begun to reach an agreement under constant American pressure to drive the move that seems to be the last chance.
(United States State Dept told N12) "We understand that more framework lines for the deal are being formed from the talks, including the number of Palestinian prisoners who will be released in exchange for the abductees - but there is nothing that can be declared at this stage."
(Egyptian Intelligence) "Hamas emphasized its adherence to its natural national demands and its desire to reach an agreement that would achieve a complete cessation of hostilities, the withdrawal of IDF forces from the Gaza Strip, and the free return of the displaced to their regions and places of residence.
Hamas demands "assistance, the beginning of the rehabilitation of the Strip and the 'completion of a mutual prisoner exchange deal' - of the release of Palestinian prisoners, in exchange for the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas and the 'resistance' in Gaza."
(OUR commentary) The “return of the displaced” is about Hamas fighters being able to re-distribute across Gaza and re-control the population.  And second, “rehabilitate”, they are literally demanding Gaza be rebuilt for them (before returning all the hostages) - meaning NO COST FOR THEM FOR THE WAR.
(Senior Israeli Officials) “We still don’t see a deal on the horizon,” an official tells Ynet. “The distance [between the sides] is still great and there has been nothing dramatic so far.”
▪️MILITARY EXERCISE IN THE NORTH.. a military exercise will take place in the northern coastal strip and in the western Galilee area, in which a lively movement of vessels, aircraft and security forces will be felt in the area.  IT’S A DRILL.
▪️JENIN - SAMARIA.. heavy gunfire towards the Dotan checkpoint and Salem crossing west of Jenin.
▪️SHIA MILITIAS OF IRAQ.. claim to have attacked the Golan via suicide drone.
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Something else about Semblances I find interesting:
Qrow Branwen's Semblance manifests in ways that bring misfortune to the people around him, but basically always works out to his advantage. As such, he came to believe his Semblance was a Bad Luck Charm, blaming himself for every horrible thing that happens to the people around him.
Clover Ebi's Semblance brings him good fortune, sometimes at the expense of the people around him. But he instead let himself get careless, because his Semblance would basically ensure that every roll of the dice would be in his favor. So he thinks his Semblance is a Good Luck Charm that will always make the odds turn up in his favor.
They both have the same basic superpower, but interpreted it in WILDLY different ways due to Qrow growing up in an abusive environment (where his Semblance would've hurt his abusers enough for them to drill it into his skull that he's nothing but trouble) while Clover grew up in a position of privilege (where his Semblance would mostly just hurt people he views as beneath him in his climb to the top).
This ultimately gets Clover KILLED when he puts himself in a situation where luck can't save him (ordered to arrest Qrow by Ironwood, ignoring the escaped serial killer to focus on that order, and also threatening to deny an unconscious ally medical care if Qrow doesn't surrender, resulting in Qrow being FORCED to accept the serial killer's offer of an alliance if he wants to survive), whereas Qrow ends up discovering his Semblance isn't a curse when his Semblance saves the day (stopping an armed nuke from falling out of an aircraft a spiteful police officer had hijacked as part of the world's second deadliest temper tantrum).
First off, love the phrase "The world's second deadliest temper tantrum"
Secondly, I actually fucking adore this because just fuckin. Yeah the. The entire thing of same power different perspective.
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judgemark45 · 3 months
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The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) conducts high-speed turn drills in the Atlantic Ocean during sea trials on 11 May 2017.
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