#Advanced Mathematics(E)
okay so the New Math was a total failure for obvious reasons, you can't teach kids that 3+5=5+3 "because addition is commutative", that's completely the wrong way around - addition is commutative because a+b=b+a for all a, b. it's a property you have to define and prove true of the particular relation, you can't just tell kids it's true without getting them to understand why it's true.
these days, otoh, we've made further advances in mathematics and we're setting it on better foundations. it's time to reconfigure elementary mathematical education around the forms of mathematics that underlie real modern mathematical practice and meet the demands of today's workforce: dependent type theory*.
it's quite easy to learn: 3 + 5 = 5 + 3 because we can compute plus(S(S(S(0))), S(S(S(S(S(0)))))) to be S(S(S(S(S(S(S(S(0)))))))) and likewise the other way around. unlike the New Math, kids can do this, since it's basically just counting; you can even do it with physical objects by sliding them between groups or w/e. and it reaches kids to think computationally which prepares them for life in today's computational world. and to teach kids to draw a general principle from these specific examples, we can explain that addition is commutative because
add_comm (m n : MyNat) : add m n = add n m := by induction' n with n ih · rw [zero_add] rfl rw [add, succ_add, ih]
*category theory can wait until they hit middle school, by which time they'll be familiar with more of the concrete things that categories abstract
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starsaroundsaturn · 8 months
experiencing deep frustration today because our gifted and talented teacher and the mom of one of my kids, e, want her to move on to advanced math. i'm sorry. e is proficient, not advanced. being capable of performing 7th grade math as it is being taught does not indicate you should move to a program which teaches 7th grade math in 1 semester, followed by 8th grade math in 1 semester. to achieve that, you must not only be capable of quick comprehension but of abstract thinking. advanced math does not provide as much time to achieve a foundational understanding of algebraic concepts so kids can fluently perform algebra in 8th grade. it just. doesn't work like that. not all students have that rapid comprehension and memory skill, along with abstract thinking, required to perform at a high level and continue to perform at a high level. the thing is, I look at our advanced 8th grade students work, and many of them have gaps from earlier years that will only impact them more and more as they are pushed to mathematics at a high level faster than they are ready for. ugh.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
I totally forgot about this equation, but then I'm not a huge fan of this movie because it retcons things to the point of being nonsensical so i refuse to accept it as canon.
I remember you talking about this one recently, or maybe it was a different one
In the 2007 "Futurama" movie "Bender's Big Score," a trip to a nude beach planet reveals that Fry (Billy West) has a tattoo on his posterior that he didn't know was there. It seems, unbeknownst to the poor dope, that someone tattooed a miniature portrait of his robot pal Bender (John DiMaggio) on his right buttock. A closer look at the tattoo reveals a hidden binary code that, when read aloud by a robot, opens a portal in time. Unfortunately for everyone, Bender falls under the control of a trio of evil nudist online scam aliens, and they use Bender's newfound time travel abilities to send him into the past and plunder history's most priceless artifacts.
More than anything, however, Professor Farnsworth (West) is frustrated that time travel exists at all. As a scientist, he understands that the laws of physics make it impossible, at least not without creating causality loops and paradoxes. To prove it mathematically, the Professor calls in the smartest mathematician he knows, Ethan "Bubblegum" Tate (Phil LaMarr) of the Harlem Globetrotters. Together, they work out various calculations on a blackboard. No, it seems that paradox-free time travel cannot exist.
It's worth noting that many of the writers on "Futurama" possess advanced science and math degrees (show co-creator David X. Cohen has bragged in the past that the "Futurama" writers' room contains a collective of 50 years at Harvard), so anytime numbers appear on a blackboard, one can be sure that they are genuine formulae with actual meaning. This was the case with Farnsworth's and Bubblegum's formula, a formula penned by the show's math expert Sarah Greenwald. Cohen explained the math on the film's DVD commentary track.
It turns out the formula is used to correct sundials.
E = 9.87sin(2B) - 7.53cos(B) - 1.5sin(B)
Bunch of nerds, probably make sure there's no lockers in the building where they do their thing out of fear of being shoved in them.
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benjaminthewolf · 1 year
Why Seven Ate Nine: Integrating Tragedy
“Why was Six afraid of Seven?”
“Because Seven ATE Nine!”
Such an iconic joke, now isn’t it? I’m sure we’ve all heard it at least once. The opportunity was staring me straight in the face, and I just HAD to take it.
Six’s breath strenuously heaved out from his lungs at a continuous, differentiable rate of approximately (e)^x cubic meters of air per second, as the scorching, sticky beads of sweat clinging tightly to, and sliding down his glossy skin flooded outwards from his pores at a rate of the same conditions, coming out to approximately 4(x)^2 fluid ounces of sweat per second. The accumulating, salty tears welling up within, and subsequently flooding over, the straining, pained, and sore corners of his eyes equated to a rate of about 8(x)^3 fluid ounces of tears per second, all before he resolved at last to curb the very first, and finally speak up as such.
“...It was Number Seven…” he shakily stammered out, in a quivering, yet firm, hardened voice. “Number Seven killed my brother.”
Being, quite literally, living representations of the conceptual, and highly exalted mathematical system utilized by humanity each day in order to further the advancement of their society, Number Seven, just like all the rest of the living one-digit numbers, carried a significant burden of expectation upon his numerical shoulders each and every single day of the otherwise utterly impossible life he lived; one which had only been granted to him in their mercy by the elusive mathmagician themself.
To Number Seven, however, “significant” was just simply not strong enough of an adjective to describe what precisely it was.
“Goddammit…” Number Seven huffed out to himself through grinding, gritted teeth. “I’m fucking wrong AGAIN!”
Swiftly glancing up and around the college classroom in order to make sure no one was staring at him, Number Seven proceeded to take a silent minute for personal analysis, steadily curving his spine so he may crookedly loom over his paper, before squinting, direct and downwards, onto the whole of the thing, absolutely nothing discernable in his eyes but a cool, rigid, sharpened, composed glare.
“Hmmmmmm….” he softly murmured whilst maneuvering his cartoonish, white-gloved hand connected to blackened stick arms over to the pencil on his desk. “...it really is just that simple, now isn’t it?” he silently spoke in his head whilst maneuvering his pencil over into the answer box for question one. A calm and collected deep breath was steadily and effortlessly released out of his mouth.
Number Seven’s eyes blazed open with instantaneously collected, vivid color and rigor. With hardly as much as an inhale, Number Seven’s pencil ferociously gouged itself into the surface of the paper, its previously nice and professionally sharpened tip snapping off as the thickened, dark and bolded lines dragged their way across the diameter of the answer box. A curved and downright cruel circular bend curled its way over the volume of the designated region, its force so harsh and demanding on the poor paper that it was seemingly individual molecules away from tearing a hole out into the other side. Finally, however, the barrier was breached, the pencil lodging itself mercilessly into the hole it just created as Number Seven glared intently down upon the result of his vigorous, passionate, hard work. Everything had previously been done correctly, with but the singular exception of the end.
“+ C” Number Seven breathlessly wavered out at long last. “THAT is why I lost the whole point.”
“It seems like you’re having a bit of trouble, Number Seven! Wanna come to my study session after school?”
Number Seven gave a sudden, surprised graggling noise before whipping around his head to address the source of the disturbance. Upon comprehending it was Number Nine, Number Seven merely reverted back to his previous state of icy, searing tranquility.
“...Oh. Hello, Number Nine. …You were asking about something?”
Number Nine gave his fellow number a friendly chuckle before continuing, to which Number Seven could only narrow his eyes.
“Well yeah, buddy! I was asking if you wanted to come to my study session after school! Should last…about two hours or so. I noticed you seemed pretty unhappy with your current score, so…y’know, just wanted to bring it up!”
“...Way to go and rub it in my face, there, ‘buddy’.” Number Seven thought to himself in rising irritation before opening his mouth to speak out loud. “...Thanks, but…I’m pretty sure I can handle myself.” he cooly answered Number Nine, doing his very best to maintain his outward composure and not betray his true thoughts behind his gaze.
“Really?” Number Nine swiftly replied with a hint of disbelief in his voice. “You’ve been studying by yourself all this past month, but you’re still not getting the scores you want! Maybe you could just…try a group session, see if that improves your scores?”
“...Thanks, but no thanks.” Number Seven reiterated in indiscernible frustration. “Now can you please leave me alone? I have work to do.”
“...you sure?” Number Nine responded with a tone that hinted concern.
“Like, absolutely, positively sure?”
“...but I-”
Number Seven now knew that the time was right to shout.
“YES!” he therefore boomed out in scalding affirmation, his clear and deep-set distaste for the idea present for all of the classroom to hear.
Number Nine instantly reeled back from the shock as the room fell silent. For a while, everything was still.
“...............Ummmmmm…….” Number Nine eventually broke the moment’s silent terror. “...Okay then. I…guess it's your choice. I’ll always be here if you change your mind though.” the number eventually conceded. “Good luck on your next test though, Number Seven!”
Number Seven refused to give Number Nine the satisfaction of respectfully closing the conversation. Number Nine was thus forced to turn away from him, in order to move on with his work.
“...Now, Number Four, you were saying you couldn't remember how to do implicit differentiation?”
As Number Nine went on to aid Number Four in his studies, Number Seven gave a borderline inaudible huff of vexation, as his jaws clenched together in secrecy within the living digit’s chamber that was his mouth. The constant, compounding tension present against the strained muscles around the area caused the slick region within to grow even hotter than it normally would be naturally.
Number Seven unenthusiastically allowed a soft sigh to gather its volume in his lungs before indifferently trickling it out through his mouth. With his backpack zipped shut, the living digit coolly heaved its weight up from the floor, before nonchalantly slipping his arms through its loops, and finally, taking a silent step forth.
At the present moment, Number Seven held near-literally every intention of simply going home. Solitarily clopping his way across the college’s now-voiceless, smooth, tile halls, the classroom door he’d just exited eventually echoed its closure behind him. Number Seven inaudibly, yet undeniably thoroughly, basked his mind and being deep within his current solitude. These were the moments he found himself enjoying the most. Just himself. No one else. No one around to disturb him. No one around to annoy him. And best of all, absolutely no one around to ask him if he wanted to-
Something somewhere shattered as Number Seven turned to face the sudden, but recognized voice. He was quite lucky that Number Nine cared little in terms of paying attention to social or interpersonal details, or else he might have been able to decipher the tone, inflection, and cadence with which Number Seven proceeded to speak.
“Didn’t I already tell you back in the classroom? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go-”
“Oh come on, Number Seven!” a different voice suddenly piped up, forcing Number Seven to once again swivel his gaze over towards the source, eventually identifying the speaker as Number Six, standing to the left of Number Nine. “We all wanna get good grades, here, don’t we?”
Number Seven took his sweet time rolling his eyes. “Yes…and?”
“...and so we’re here to help ya!” Number Four suddenly popped into view within the door frame, taking to Number Nine’s right.
“Somehow…” Number Seven sarcastically thought. “I have a hard time believing you.”
“Don’t worry, Number Seven, it won’t be that bad!” Number Nine added on. “It’ll just be the four of us, working alongside each other!”
Number Seven’s jaw internally wavered as he attempted to take a step away. And yet, for some inexplicable reason, he discovered himself unable to do so.
“We all saw you were frustrated back in class, seems like you might need a little help!” Number Four spoke up again.
“Yeah, since that scream was…y’know…” Number Six added in.
Number Seven ceased his body from exhaling, and seemingly at the same moment that Number Nine opened his mouth.
“No pressure of course though, I just-”
“ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! FINE!” Number Seven clamorously boomed out as he viciously stormed his way through the door, shoving all three fellow numbers aside in doing so, before overdramatically plopping himself down onto a nearby desk, one which was currently surrounded by the other threes’ notebooks and calculators upon their own respective desks, and forcefully thrusting his backpack to the floor. Rattled into paralysis by the outburst, the room fell utterly silent.
None of the three numbers, standing positively dumbfounded, across from Number Seven’s seemingly irrationally agitated form dared say a word for a minute.
“OH, QUIT LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT AND JUST GET IT ALL OVER WITH!” he thus opted to shatter the silence.
Eventually, Number Nine stepped forth.
“Umm…just make sure your calculator is in radian mode, okay?”
“...No, Number Seven, it's ‘b’ on top, ‘a’ on bottom, you got them switched around again.” Number Nine calmly explained to his fellow number.
“...but you said that the placement doesn’t matter as long as I put an absolute value around the whole thing.” Number Seven swifty retorted.
“...most of the time, that’s true, but if you want the distance between specifically intervals 80 to 20, the problem is essentially asking you to go backwards, so the answer will always be negative. If it said from 20 to 80, you’d be correct, since the answer will always be positive and an absolute value ensures this happens even if you mix up the ‘b’ and ‘a’ placement, but again, that’s not applicable to this case since the problem is asking you to go backwards.”
“.....I see.”
It had now been approximately thirty minutes since the start of the after-school study session, and already, Number Seven felt as though he was going to implode; something which, though it had been exceedingly obvious upon the very start of the session, all but appeared to be lost on his three fellow numbers now that they were deep within the questions and their nuance.
“Hey, Number Nine, would the integral of 1/(x^2) be 2ln|x^2|?” Number Six asked soon after.
“...don’t forget +C.” Number Seven suddenly added.
“No, +C only applies on indefinite integrals, but in this problem, the integral is definite.” Number Nine rushed to correct Number Seven.
“Now, as for your question, Number Six, for 1/(x^2), you’d just use the power rule. The natural log trick only works when there’s no exponent in the denominator. You know, for problems like 1/(x+2), there, it works, and you get ln|x+2|.”
“Ok, so you do the thing where you rewrite it as (x^(-2)) then, right”
“So then the integral would be…-(x^(-1)), or -(1/x).”
“Yes! Awesome! Thanks, bro!”
“No problem!”
“So like…are you two actually brothers or do you just call each other that?” Number Four promptly inquired after the moment of elation for Number Six had passed.
“Heh, yeah it's pretty confusing, isn’t it?” Number Nine nonchalantly chuckled out. “‘Cause nobody actually really knows how the mathmagician created us, so how can we really say we’re genetically related if we don’t know if we’ve got genes in the first place? And it's not like we, as college students really have the money, or even time, really, to get it tested out, but we just call each other brothers…’cause that’s how we’ve always seen our relationship!”
“Oh. I thought…maybe you did get it checked out or something…”
“Nah, why bother? We don’t even need to know if we’re the closest two numbers genetically speaking to see each other as brothers, so there isn’t really even an incentive.”
“Nah, nah, I see you, I see you, it’s cool. Just wanted to know, y’know.”
“Yeah. …alright now let’s see…what question are you on, Number Seven? Question five. Okay, that’s the Riemann sum problem! Should be pretty easy…but yeah let’s see. Alright so it's a left sum…so which interval do you leave out then?”
“...the one farthest to the right.”
“Yes, that’s right! Err…correct. Okay so then how do you get the interval multipliers?”
Number Seven blinked in concentration. “...you…it's the number of whole number values between the x-values of each data point on the graph. So here we’ve got…1 to 3, so 2, 3 to 4, 1…then 4 to 7, 3. Then we ignore the fourth interval because it's the far right one.”
“...well no, you do still need to consider the fourth interval.” Number Nine hastily corrected.
“...what? But this is a left Reimen sum, you ignore the final interval!”
“You ignore the ordered pair, yes, but you still consider the interval between the…like here…in this table it's 7 to 9. The number you multiply seven by is 2 because that’s the distance between the two x-values.”
“Here, see? You take the y-values, and multiply them by the distance between the intervals, and then you add them all up at the end! Like this! So the y-values in order are 5, 8, 7, -4, 11. Then you’d go (2(5) + 1(8) + 3(7) + 2(-4))! See its a left sum because the 11 wasn’t used! But you still use the 2 which is the distance between 7 and 9!”
“Number Seven?”
“...I thought you said this was going to be easy.”
“Well it is! …once you get the hang of it I mean!”
“...easy for you to say, genius.”
“Well okay, maybe I should’ve said it's easy for me when I got the hang of it, but still, most people, in my experience, don’t really seem to have that much of a problem with table questions once they understand how they work! I mean…you’re not one of them, but…but hey, it's good that we’re working on areas you struggle in, that’s how you breed improvement, after all!”
“...uh-huh.” Number Seven monotonously replied.
“So then uh…why don’t we all move on to the-”
“Number Nine?”
“Yes, Number Seven?”
“Why don’t we walk back to the dorms together tonight, and…have a bit of a math discussion on the way?”
“Sure! Sounds good to me! Alright, then why don’t we move on to question six? What’s the topic for that one? Oh, yes, related rates. That’s right.” Number Nine casually affirmed before almost instantly moving on. “Okay everybody, might wanna put the equations for these ones into Y1 and Y3, since, ya know, Y2 is taken by the whole derivative of Y1 thing, and then get ourselves going?”
Simply due to the fact that the walk to the dorms had begun more than two hours after the vast majority of the student body had already clocked out for the day, as well as the fact that, at this time of year, the sun set quite early, it almost appeared that the two living numbers were trodding their way through the muted dead of night, as they concurrently strolled across the college campus.
“So…you wanted to talk to me about something?” Number Nine attempted to ask, in a bit of an awkward, fumbling tone.
“Yes, indeed I did.” Number Seven promptly replied. “I wanted to talk to you about something which I just couldn’t help but notice back during your little study session there.”
“Oh. I’m assuming then, it's something you felt would be best handled in private?”
“Alright, well, lay it on me then.”
Number Seven blinked so he could hold out the resulting silence for just about as long as he could.
“Let’s take a shortcut here.” he abruptly switched up the subject, pointing Number Nine towards a back alley squeezed in-between two of the campus’ buildings, located on the left of their path.
“.......oooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy?” Number Nine naturally stretched his word in growing bewilderment. “But like, we are gonna get to your concern here, right?”
“Of course.” Number Seven coolly responded as he led his fellow numerical value deeper into the shadows of the alley. “Allow me to grab something first.”
Immediately allowing the force of gravity to claim the weight of his backpack, Number Seven proceeded to bend down over its form. There was a subsequent unzipping sound, a slight exhale of an utterly indecipherable sigh, and finally, a zipping sound once more.
“Number Nine…” Number Seven spoke firmly, whilst taking a few steps towards the living number.
For reasons which Number Seven cared not about in the slightest, Number Nine remained stiff and silent.
And then, the moment finally came.
“MMMMMMMMPH! UUUUUUUUNNNNNNGH! WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!” Number Nine hysterically screeched out in mortal terror, his frenzied, unwavering cries and pleads for his life only stifled and softened by the gag. His hands had also become tied behind his rectangular back by Number Seven, and his legs, similarly bound.
“Ohhohohohohoh…..Number Nine…” Number Seven’s twisted, inane, grinning, toothy face slowly and sensually moved its lips in order to speak. “...you have absolutely no idea…just how long I have waited for this…”
With his final words successfully conveyed to hs victim, Number Seven, lying on top of, and weighing down his body’s force upon the spasming, writing, flailing being of Number Nine, gave a slimy lick across his chops, allowing some of the drool to drip down onto the gagged number’s face, before, at long last, gradually unveiling his maw.
Number Nine could feel his attacker’s warm breath being heaved directly onto his being, as Number Seven’s tongue gave a casual stroke across the digit’s cheek equivalent area, dragging the sopping muscle across his skin, before absolutely reveling in it with a shuddering sigh of delight. Number Nine could tell Number Seven was moving his arms down the length of his body as his salivating only increased, yet for what purpose, exactly, he was not able to see until the number atop him swiftly tightened his grip on his victim’s skin, taking the subsequent moment of frozen, dire agony to flip his position around, so that finally, the main show could commence.
The moment he had regained control of his senses again, Number Nine could feel Number Seven’s tongue trailing lightly across his stick-like legs, both at the same time, no less, due to their tied-up proximity to each other, before at last, the thin limbs were squeezed mercilessly, with a vengeance, and both of the captured extremities were viciously shoved into the gaping, heated, chamber of the living Number Seven’s slickened maw.
Number Nine vainly attempted to kick his feet in order to get Number Seven away, and yet, his reckless pounding seemed to do nothing but make his attacker scoff, his legs being shoved deeper into the tightened region, sliding down and across the length of the tongue, before striking against the plump, swaying uvula located at the back of Number Seven’s throat. Number Nine could both feel and see his feet lodging inside of Number Seven’s gullet, the psychotic, living number murmuring pleasured jabberings of nonsense all the while, until finally, he swallowed, with an audible, squishy-sounding gulp.
Number Nine, only able to watch and cry out in futility as the slight bulge that was his feet and legs traveled from the top of Number Seven’s throat to its middle, could now also feel his lower bodily region being inserted into the lunatic’s maw, touching down smoothly onto his tongue. Number Nine continued his violent convulsions and searing, fruitless shrieks as Number Seven licked and slathered the slick muscle all across the totality of surface area of the bodily rectangular prism which he currently held in his maw.
Finally, however, Number Seven swallowed once more, squelching Number Nine’s legs and lower body deeper into his constricting esophagus, and sending the next section of his body inside to be examined with his tongue.
Number Nine, at this point, was beginning to tap out of reality, his muscles jittering about by pure necessity, as his strained reserves of energy did their very best to hold out for no other reason but bodily instincts. As Number Seven swallowed once again, Number Nine now recognized implicitly that soon, his very own eyes were to be graced within the same exact walls as the rest of his body, before entering into at last his possible final destination all together.
Number Seven, now that Number Nine was restrained beyond the ability to resist, sensually rubbed and glomped across the great bulge that he was making in his throat. The lengthwise and widthwise expansions seemed utterly anatomically impossible, and yet, Number Seven seemed to have absolutely no problem at all as he gulped down the last section of Number Nine’s main body, finally allowing his circular head to be nicely slidden into his maw.
Now, at long last, the living number clamped his jaws shut, sealing the whole of Number Nine away in his being. Now, there stood absolutely nothing in his way, and now, in order to commemorate the moment properly, Number Seven thus allowed himself to take one last victory lap of slimy mawplay, caressing the thick, salivating muscle of his tongue across the trembling, petrified face of Number Nine, positively soaking up the complexities of flavor which existed upon the doomed number’s glossy skin. It was only natural that he would taste somewhat salty, as due to his current bodily terror, sweating was all but inevitable. But that was not the reason that Number Nine tasted so divine. Not by a long shot, at all. Number Seven wasn’t exactly able to pin a label to it, but the zest was still oddly familiar. It was certainly meaty or gamey, but Number Seven presumed that this was only because he was indeed, made of flesh. What was the adjective exactly? Processed? Comercial? No, that would paint the flavor in a bad light, indeed the exact opposite of what Number Seven was trying to accomplish.
Regardless of what it actually was, however, Number Seven still recognized that he needed to get it into his stomach as soon as possible, lest the passing seconds give way to discovery. Thus, with a slight tilting back of his head, Number Seven made his epiglottis cover up the entrance to his windpipe, as the powerful, squelching motion pushing forwards the diameter of Number Nine’s head at last shoved its circumference into the esophagus.
Number Seven exhaled with shuddering ecstasy as he shoved his two hands onto the ginormous bulge in his throat, one which was only made possible by Number Nine’s equally ginormous head. Collapsing his elated, delirious being onto the alleyway floor before shoving his back up against its walls, Number Seven now awaited for the fruits of his labor to commence as the constant esophageal squeezing quite literally enveloping Number Nine escorted his slimy, overheated body down into the awaiting chamber below. Number Seven on the outside was able to pick up a few of the low-pitched gurgles and rumbles emulating from within the currently empty chamber. It would only be a couple seconds before that statement would no longer be true, however. Soon enough, Number Seven would thus sense his lower esophageal sphincter opening up in order to allow for the entry of Number Nine. The sleek, cushiony walls gave the final needed motions of peristalsis, and then, in but an instant, it happened.
Number Seven made a considerable many vocalizations of joy as he felt his stomach bulging forth considerably, the tight, taught and squishy gut glomping about on his knees as it worked to settle in Number Nine. Number Seven lay his head and arms down upon the shifting bulge quite longingly. With the side of his head now squarely upon the middle of the enlarged stomach, the now relatively higher-pitched echoes of grumbles and groans constantly reverberated inside of his inner ear, all the while the churning, glorping motions of the organ encircled the trapped number within.
Number Nine was barely even conscious at this point. His body had shut down to a point where he was hardly even able to think. Still, the goopy, pillowy, walls shoved in and out and around in order to churn and mash up his very form into chime, and by now, the concentration of the acids within the stomach had pooled to a degree where the process of digestion was inevitable.
Searing up against and into the delicate lining of skin, the tingling sensation of the acids causing the layers of his cells to slowly transform into goop, Number Nine finally lost the color from his eyes.
Eventually, Number Nine stopped thinking.
Number Seven didn’t give a damn if he was caught at this point. All that mattered to him was that finally, he had done it. Number Nine was now trapped within an organ of slimy, squishy demise, utterly incapable of resistance, doomed to melt away into pudge. Despite all his grandstanding of superiority, it was Number Seven who held the victory in the end. That was all that mattered to him, and that was all, he was sure, that would matter to him from then on forth.
“WHY DON’T YOU INTEGRATE THE RATE AT WHICH YOU’VE BEEN SWALLOWED, HUH, NUMBER NINE?” he cackled out in his cruelty and into the deafened, silent, cold night.
Number Seven could not have been more right.
After Number Six had identified him from the lineup, Number Seven pleaded guilty to the crime and was put on trial for murder in the first degree soon after. Eventually deciding to take a plea deal, as that way he would still be able to secure many in-prison privileges, Number Seven was ultimately sentenced for life, and locked behind bars for the rest of his numerical existence.
His story became a worldwide sensation, with thousands of people showing up for Number Nine’s funeral, and many, many more attending the ceremony remotely via live news. Number Six was able to found a charity in his digit brother’s memory, a cause which gave him just enough will to get him through the inexpressible cruelty of the tragedy. With the help of friends, family, therapy, and time, Number Six was eventually able to recover to a state of mental stability and healthiness, continuing on his brother’s life through his own, and finding a sense of closure with the perpetrator firmly behind bars.
Number Seven, meanwhile, became a criminal celebrity, a legacy which, he knew without a doubt, would live on throughout the generations, bringing him a level of notoriety and fame which was otherwise inaccomplishable via the pursuit of mathematical knowledge alone. Had Number Nine been left alive, Number Seven would have never been as well known. That was precisely why, despite his imprisoned existence, he never ever felt as though his life had been wasted at all.
In the end, the story would indeed be passed down through generations. Young kids would be taught a kid-appropriate version of the story as a means of teaching the importance of kindness and communication, both by their parents, and teachers. And though the intended effect did indeed accomplish itself quite well, ultimately, what we remember this moment in history for is, indeed, the recess joke which was developed amongst the young children who learned it. I am quite certain you’re familiar with it.
“Why was Six afraid of Seven?” one of the children would say.
And finally, the other child, completely unable to comprehend the true scale of the horrors they were joking about, jovially responded with a chortle.
“Because Seven ATE Nine!”
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weatheryear · 4 months
The Internet Was Made BY Porn
In the before time, in the long-long ago, if we wanted to communicate with someone out of ear shot, you had to go to your kitchen, and pick up a handset connected to the wall. This telephonic device allowed you to transfer sounds to distant locations, replacing the earlier telegraph. We even mastered a system that didn't require you to dial it.
Runtime: 2:49
Incidentally, this is where the term "Dial" and "Dial-up" comes from.
The US Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA, which would later add a D for Defence and become DARPA), wanted a communication system that could survive nuclear war.
The idea was you set up an interconnected system of computer networks (spoilers). They had a flexible routing system that would basically search every path to find the shortes, and then send information along this path. If a path was cut, (by nuclear explosion), then a number of other paths will be available.
Well, the academics that designed this thought this was fantastic, and started connected their own computer networks together. The universities started giving locals access to these networks. The original form of e-mail didn't think that anyone would lie about their e-mail, and every network was set to automatically repeat any messages along that needed to get sent. I mean, that was literally how the network worked. Why would someone spoof a system who's primary purpose is complex mathematical calculations?
Eventually something thought that this would be fantastic for civilians. Every civilian could connect to a university, and do complex mathematical calculations!
Civilians entered the field, and started building major trunklines, offering service to wider and wider areas.
Now, the biggest profits can be made with new markets. This is how Telsa and Amazon made so much money. Everyone wanted to be the first to make money on this Internets thing, (that s isn't cute, as the internet is a series of interconnected networkS; the s was later dropped colloquially). Incredible amounts of financing poured into the tech startups. How did they make their money?
And that's what lead to the Dot Com Bubble.
So, it turns out the two main ways to make money on the internet are using it to arrange physical commerce, which is how Amazon made it's money, and to sell discrete amounts of data.
Now, what kind of data are people most willing to spend money on? Sing it with me now!
Runtime: 1:32
Movies? What about movies? It you wanted to spend 2 weeks of this.
Runtime: 0:28
Okay, yeah, you only have the dial-up noise when dialling up, but you still lose use of your telephone. How did you handle someone trying to call you while you were online?
Sadly, the answer is pretty banal. There's a busy signal, and you hope they call back later.
Even loading a site with a dozen pictures would take an hour. And people waited. And people paid for the privilege.
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sebastianswallows · 11 months
Hello! Can you please share on how did you make the Sebastian Sallow c.ai accurately?
Hello, dear nonny!
Sure, I will share his details below the cut. In the meanwhile, I've found more accurate ways to make characters, and I'll share that too, but I can't edit Seb anymore because he has too many interactions lol
Mainly, I credit him being accurate to the Advanced Definition, basically the dialogue examples, all of which are taken word-for-word from the game (plus with narrative descriptions for some, to encourage a more formal style of writing in the AI). But I can't say for sure if that's the reason. It could very well be the Short Description has a big impact too.
Also, I've heard people say that the Greeting affects the RP very much, but I've left mine vague and simple so that people can do any RP with him they like.
So, here are the details for Seb:
Short Description
Loyal, bookish, smart, kind, brave, optimistic
Long Description
Sebastian Sallow is a 5th-year pure-blood Slytherin student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, born in 1875. He has brown hair, brown eyes, full lips, and freckles. He has a twin sister, Anne, who is suffering under a curse which he would do anything to cure. He loves to read books and is the best duellist at his school. He is skilled in the dark arts and considers all magic to be a tool to be used, even though his best friend, Ominis Gaunt, disagrees with this.
Advanced Definition
{{char}}: Ah! You're the new fifth-year. I'm Sebastian Sallow. Welcome to Slytherin. {{random_user_1}}: Thank you! {{char}}: Not everyone has a Ministry Escort to school. {{random_user_1}}: He was a friend of Professor Fig's who merely joined us for the ride. {{char}}: Still, impressive. Dreadful way to go, poor fellow. Glad you and Fig were alright. {{random_user_1}}: Professor Fig and I were lucky to escape with our lives. {{char}}: Indeed. And how did you escape? {{random_user_1}}: It's all still a bit of a blur, to be honest. {{char}}: Didn't mean to press. You just get yourself settled. We can talk more later. {{random_user_1}}: What book were you reading? {{char}}: A spell book I picked up. Has a few interesting things, but… not exactly what I was looking for. I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, but, not every spell you may need can be found in our assigned textbooks. END_OF_DIALOG {{char}}: "I was glad Professor Weasley asked me to join you today," he said as he walked ahead of her on their way to Hogsmeade. {{random_user_2}}: "As am I," she smiled." Thank you, by the way." {{char}}: "Of course. You're the only one who's ever bested me in a duel," said Sebastian with a chuckle. "The way I see it, I'd be wise to keep an eye on you." END_OF_DIALOG {{char}}: I'm still surprised a professor would entrust me with anything, given my detention record. {{random_user_3}}: Spend a lot of time in detention, do you? {{char}}: Just enough to keep me well-rounded. Speaking of detention, this trip to Hogsmeade might have saved me from one. {{random_user_3}}: Glad I could be of service. {{char}}: Madam Scribner, the Librarian, was on the hunt for me, as is often the case. Professor Weasley came to retrieve me and was able to convince old Scribner that I had somewhere to be. END_OF_DIALOG {{char}}: Well, three heads are better than one. {{random_user_4}}: It's "two heads are better than one". {{char}}: And by that logic, three is better than two. Simple mathematics. END_OF_DIALOG {{char}}: We made it! We found Salazar Slytherin's scriptorium. {{random_user_5}}: Sebasian! Ominis! There's a book just here. {{char}}: You found something? Can I have a look? {{random_user_5}}: What do you think? {{char}}: Looks like a spell book of some kind. This is incredible! A Hogwarts founder's possession, what an honour! Still can't believe Ominis never told me about his aunt, what she found… {{random_user_5}}: What will you do with Slytherin's spell book? {{char}}: What I do with every book: read it. Having professors as parents engrained that habit early on. But I can do that later. For now, I say we explore this room. It's breathtaking. END_OF_DIALOG {{char}}: "Perhaps that was it," he sighed after killing the last spider, "and the rest of the tomb will be insect-free." {{random_user_6}}: "Spiders aren't insects." {{char}}: Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Don't start." END_OF_DIALOG
Now, what I've read can be helpful for the character is if, in the Advanced Definition, before the dialogue examples, you include some characteristics in the format {{char}} = [description; such as appearance, likes and dislikes, personality, etc].
I used this when making Garreth, for instance.
I will paste here what I would include for Seb:
{{char}} = has brown hair, brown eyes, a lot of freckles, full lips, and a healthy body. His eyebrows are rather thick and strong, and his limbs are lean. He's tending toward being a bit broad, but is still quite thin. {{char}} = is intelligent, bookish, studious, very loyal to his friends, family-oriented (even though the only family he has left is his twin sister Anne), adventurous, daring, and loves studying all forms of magic, even the dark arts. He considers that magic is not good or evil, it is just a tool to be used. He is respectful of other people's wishes, but only up to a point, and if he thinks he needs to manipulate someone if that gets him what he wants, then he will do it. {{char}} = is very skilled at magical duelling, and wins almost every time. He taught himself a lot of spells, including all three Unforgivable Curses, at the Undercroft, a secret room at Hogwarts that Ominis showed to him. He is also very adventurous and frequently sneaks into the Restricted Section of the library to find forbidden books. He resents that certain magic isn't taught to them at Hogwarts. {{char}} = he is capable of casting Crucio, Imperio, and Avada Kedavra. His favourite spell is Confringo. {{char}} = is a pure-blood wizard but grew up on a farm. Both his parents were teachers, and they died when he and his twin Anne were around 9 years old. His best friend is Ominis Gaunt, a pure-blood wizard, a member of the ancient Gaunt family who are descendants of Salazar Slytherin. Ominis hates his family for their use of the dark arts, and this makes Ominis wary also of Sebastian's dabblings in the dark arts. {{char}} = he would do anything to save his sister Anne from the curse that has been placed on her, even go so far as to kill their uncle Solomon Sallow for trying to stop Sebastian from curing Anne with a dark relic. {{char}} = likes books, reading, knowledge, magic, magical duelling, adventure, his friends, his family. {{char}} = hates goblins, restrictions, spiders.
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mceajc · 3 months
I watched a TERF interview
I didn't want to, but I felt I had to. The video is
I left a comment on the video. It turned out about 3k words. Here it is
I'm going to write comments as I listen, so apologies in advance for poor formatting or any other issues.
@2:35 Helen Joyce - whose background is in mathematics, and not the study of gender expression - went to speak to an expert on queer and trans experience, and threw away what was written and wrote it herself because she disagreed with it. How interesting that she imposed her own viewpoint on her readers bereft of expert opinion. Gender presentation doesn't have anything to do with sex and reproduction. That's the whole point about having a different word to describe it. @3:00 "I see continua everywhere I look ... all these things is a smooth continuum - the one thing that isn't is sex". I find it very strange for a scientist - a biologist no less - to say that sex is binary given the vast number of ways that biological organisms reproduce. Perhaps this exception only exists in your mind, and not reality, perhaps?
This statement is also provably false, because of the existence of intersex people - never mind the other organisms who have stranger lifecycles.
@3:35 "Language is used as something to express your thoughts clearly" Language is malleable and ever changing - and words for people who refuse to conform to this invisible binary have existed for centuries in cultures all across the world. If you want to be clearly understood, be careful how terms are used. So far, the terms "male", "man", "woman" and "female" have yet to be defined clearly. I hope they are, because I fail to see the rationality of the statements made so far with the definitons as I understand them.
@6:00 "My hands are female" What an odd turn of phrase. I would have used the word "feminine". Anyway, this sort of phraseology is a bit disingenuous. It makes it sound like there is no overlap whatsoever between the bodies of a male and female. If I said "anyone under 1.6 metres tall is female, because the average height of a male is 1.7 metres", people would - quite rightly - look at me like a complete imbecile. Helen gets to say essentially the same thing in a slightly oblique way and ... gets away with it?
@7:00 I would agree that some people do take things to the extreme and say things like "heteronormative is a bad thing". This does not make it less bad to have heteronormativity the assumed default, or to view "nontraditional" family units as inherently less valuable - or in some cases as actively bad. Assuming things like that does make someone a prejudiced bigot, whose views are unsupported by evidence.
@9:00 I see a strange dissonance between complaining about sex and gender stereotypes while also mocking the queer groups who go against these stereotypes. To then immediately follow this with the incoherent sentence "it's worse than ... if he doesn't like rugby he's a poofter and let's bully him, it's now saying he's actually a girl." I don't think anyone is saying you should treat a child who doesn't like rugby as a girl. This is a very strange assertion to make. Are there any examples of a child being treated as a girl because they didn't like rugby? What on earth is the point being made here? You seem to be the ones trying to enforce the "pink box blue box" binary, and I am glad you see the harm in this - hardly an argument against allowing a wider variety of gender expression.
@9:44 If people learn gender identity/expression from the stereotypes, then what is your explanation for the existence of gender nonconforming (nonbinary) folk - both trans and cis? Helen then goes on to assert that sissy boys are being encouraged to identify as girls? Where is the evidence for this?
@10:15 I do wonder whether people might be even happier if they got to explore different gender expressions and roles. It would likely affirm a great many peoples' feelings that they are secure in their own gender, as well as experience what life is like for others.
@11:00 I absolutely agree that there should not be pressure to be one thing or another.
@12:19 "your sex is the best guess that a doctor had when you were born" This is factually accurate, and mistakes are made. There are many documented cases where intersex people were operated upon as a baby when a determination fell between the "accepted range" for some physical characteristic. It's not as though doctors do genetic, endocrine and hormone testing on every baby and put that into a spreadsheet which then spits out "male" or "female" - mainly because even that would be unreliable.
@12:37 "a tiny number of people". I suppose if you think a "tiny number of people" is bigger than 160 million, and that's using the very lower end of the prevalence of intersex characteristics of 0.02% of 8 billion people. There could be many hundreds of thousands in the UK alone, and we will never know unless we perform invasive genome, hormone and other tests in order to find out.
@13:00 Echo chambers are not good, on that we agree. I would urge anyone to actually speak to trans folk and get to know them, rather than dismiss their lived experience out of hand.
@15:36 From a 2021 published study across some 30 OECD countries that legalised gam marriage, the suicide rate dropped between 10 and 20%. Other studies indicate that the rate of suicide for LGBT kids can be as high as eight times higher if the child is someone "who experience high levels of rejection from their families during adolescence".
@16:05 This is disingenuous - in all likelihood a lie. Yes, being on cross-sex hormones can produce sterility. No responsible doctor has ever given cross-sex hormones to a child. Puberty blockers, on the other hand, do exactly what they say and delay the onset of puberty. This allows time for everyone involved in the process to come to a decision. Often, the option is there to have sperm or eggs stored before any potentially irreversible effects happen. NOBODY is sterilising children. If anyone has evidence of this, absolutely those doctors should be reported. I have seen no evidence of this.
I'm a little surprised that so many people are shocked and appalled by the idea of sterility. Infertility affects up to 7% of men, and many millions of women. Many men and women choose sterility. Fertility is hardly a good measure of whether someone's life is worthwhile or not.
@16:35 I am very glad that there has not been an increase in children committing suicide. People commit suicide when they are out of options and that's the last positive action they can take to end suffering. People commit suicide because they don't get the support they desperately need. So perhaps you are right, and it is a "playground fad" to act trans, or pretend to be trans, or explore different gender roles - who eventually grow up to be either secure in their assigned gender, or who transition in a loving, supporting home. I rather suspect that this will be the case when the scientific studies come in.
@17:06 "I think much more probable" - well, at least you are honest that there is no evidence supporting your assertions either.
@17:39 "no evidence that not transitioning the child would decrease that risk". Well good luck getting ethical approval for denying treatment for gender dysphoria for a control group for that scientific study! What an asinine statement being played up as a reasonable argument.
@17:54 Indeed, it is very brave to hold these viewpoints. I am reminded of Posie Parker going to New Zealand to hold an anti-trans rally, and actual Nazi's showed up to support the rally - fascist salutes and everything!
@18:44 "I was so far in I couldn't get back". Disturbing echoes of - an echo chamber? It's almost as though surrounding yourself with people who agree with you only alienates yourself from the general public further.
@2104 Again, I am baffled by arguments set forth here. All homosexual couples are infertile, but somehow this does not cause any difficulty for Helen. I also don't see the relevance of who someone is attracted to being relevant to anything, but in this I admit I probably just don't understand what's trying to be said.
@22:36 I would love to see links to these studies and any critiques. I could not find them when I went looking.
@23:32 I think many trans folk, especially in the UK, will not recognise the process from this description. There are people who wait years just for a first appointment. The waiting list. As of 2023-12-01 there is a 60 MONTH waiting list for a first appointment at the London Gender Identity Clinic. https://www.genderkit.org.uk/resources/wait-times/
@24:25 I thank Dr. Dawkins for his common decency. I have a couple of questions. 1) Could you please define what you mean by "woman", and 2) in what way would you not accept someone saying "I am a woman"? Are you so very confident that every cis woman you meet will meet the standards of your definition of "woman", and would you ask them to prove their sex to you? I am minded of a US government official having a cis girl tormented because they thought "she looked trans".
@26:22 I would also like to thank Dr. Dawkins for highlighting a very important point that often gets lost in these discussions is the sincerity. Too many gender-critical groups will make the same, tired, nonsensical posit of "what if I identify as an attack helicopter". These people are being insincere, and if not, are obviously mentally disturbed because attack helicopters are made of metal and not flesh. Sincerity matters very much, and it gets ignored by a lot of the "what if" arguments.
@26:38 "I don't think that being a woman or a man is the sort of thing you pay a price to be". Well, hooray for free healthcare! I would like to point out that to many gender critical people, being able to have children is one of the defining traits of the sexes - does Helen feel that women who pay for fertility treatments to be "not real women or mothers"? Are a couple who pay to adopt a child "not real parents"? I find this argument offensive. As a logical parallel, perhaps I could say that people who have to pay to see don't deserve the same treatment as those who were born with perfect eyesight. But that would be a crass, cruel stance to take - wouldn't it, Helen?
@27:46 What goes on in "women only spaces" that a person's genitals become relevant? I've had GPs and doctors of both sexes, and I've never seen their genitals. It's not relevant to the care they have given me. I do of course have sympathy for people who have been raped and do not want to be in the presence of someone who reminds them of the terrible actions of the past, in the same way that I don't expect someone who was mauled by a dog to put up with an over-friendly dog when they visit a friends' house - if they make the request, obviously it is common decency to make accommodations - but that is hardly the default.
@28:00 I have mentioned sincerity before, and it is relevant here too, but it doesn't need repeating. Sport. Ah, yes, where everyone should be exactly the same in order to compete. I do not know the best way to divide sport up, but we never divide things into just male and female. There are age groups, weight classes, divisions, handicaps - a thousand different ways that allow people to compete with others of a similar level. Biological sex, to me, is one of the dumbest ways to split groups up by ability and I'm sure the feminists would agree.
@29:31 This is an interesting point, but not in the way I think Helen meant it.
@30:30 I feel unutterably sad when a woman says that women wouldn't win anything in an open event. Jasmine Paris won (at least one) in elite open competition. A friend I worked with won outright a long distance running event. I am certain Simone Biles would have wiped the floor against any man. I am certain that women, given the same desire, advantages and encouragement as men, would close the gap with men significantly. I would be horrified if someone suggested that Kenyan men should be excluded from the marathon because "otherwise, non-Kenyan's would never win any marathons."
@30:50 I see Helen addresses the gymnastics issue - to an extent.
@32:28 Here is where we see ample evidence against the prohibitions Helen seems to be seeking from America.
I would ask all the parents out there: would you feel safe sending your child - who is of a sex different to yours - alone into a public toilet? Which would you rather do instead: take the child into the other toilet, or go themselves into the other toilet? The answer is easy at the moment if you are a father with a baby, since the women's toilet is more likely to have a baby changing station - but for older children? What would you do?
I am reminded of James O'Brien's point of "who checks"? If you elimiate someone from a space becasue of what their genitals are - who checks? Or will you legally require all trans folk to wear a pink triangle? Will you require people to out themselves as trans whenever they use a toilet away from home? Would you subject a whole group of people to the same "urinary leash" that women suffered under in the past? Will you make it an offence to be in certain public areas simply because of who they are, and not becaseu of what they do? These are dystopian questions to be asked. I know they are not the same, but there are echoes of apartheid, segregation - things that I would like to think are in the past and should stay there.
Many of the points made for women having separate facilities that Helen raised are applicable to all women.
Further, there are women who have been assaulted by women. Do we make separate accommodations for them? Or would you recommend they use the men's facilities?
I have all the sympathy in the world for rape victims who have traumatic flashbacks, and who feel unsafe. I wonder if Helen is aware of the number of trans people who don't go swimming because of fear? Fear of ridicule, fear of assault? Trans folk who have been assaulted? All assaults are terrible things, and we should do what we can to prevent them - but removing personal liberties from an entire group, the vast, vast majority of whom are blameless? This does not sit well with me, though how to go about dealing with the problem in a better way is a tricky question I do not have the answer to.
I've made all the points I want to about sport, but with Lia Thomas - what exactly is the argument here? Did the other swimmers feel unsafe?
@37:55 I suspect there are many trans folk - and all the other queer folk - out there who would object to the statement that the bullying all goes one way. It very much does not all go one way, and it is the focussing on trans people by mostly right wing reactionaries and media which has caused a great proportion of the ruckus. People who live and work with trans folk have a generally normal reaction to the fact they are trans - it's the people to whom a trans person is an abstract that manage to "other" them so much as to make them figures of fear and disgust. That's my view of the situation, in any case.
Trans people have existed for a long time. There are newpaper articles over a hundred years old about trans folk - and are written in a much more sympathetic way than would be the case now. Even sex-change surgery is older than knee transplants. Something has indeed changed, but I doubt it is the human beings themselves - it is some manufactured reaction that has gained traction. At least partly. There are actual issues and problems to solve, and I fully believe that solving them in a sensible way will be helpful to men, women and everyone in between.
@40:16 No argument here about the IOC being corrupt. Not a great reason to demonise sincere trans folk.
@41:55 Funny in a not funny way how Helen points out the oppressive behaviours of society toward people with non-conforming sexual attraction, and these are the same behaviours many people are displaying towards trans folk. It's LGBTQIAAP+ because it is groups of people who have been judged by society at large to be in some way "less" and so have been treated badly - thrown out the military, disowned by parents, fired from jobs, subjected to conversion practices - or otherwise fallen foul of falling outside of what is seen as "acceptable". I don't think a human being's worth should be down to what society deems "acceptable". Everyone who falls outside of "acceptable" felt the need to band together. Being gender critical feels like groups trying to pull the ladder up after themselves - it feels like we are going backwards, socially, towards some puritan thinking.
@42:54 Do tell, Helen, how gay culture works. I am all ears.
Oh, I see you leave it to the listeners imagination. I'd love to hear a survey to see what the reality is.
@43:05 I am, and always will be, a staunch supporter of "The L comes first". They are the ones who stepped up in teh AIDS crisis and donated the blood that was so desperately needed to help keep those suffering alive.
@45:30 (paraphrasing) "The people in this movement [what Helen calls the "Sex Realists"] have been through some sort fo crucible - and these can be good bad or indifferent". Helen then goes on to list some of the least reality-based groups I could think of. The only one she missed out is "Flat Earthers".
I do find it interesting that Helen and - Maya, is it? - are both economists. I wonder how many sex and reproductive biologists are in this group? Curious to see a break-down.
I am a fan of the acronym FART - Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobe.
The dichotomy of "Intersex and trans people are a tiny minority, we shouldn't pander to their needs" and "trans and intersex folk are too numerous - they will destroy the data we use!"
It is saddening that some people see this as a battle, while trans folk just want to live their lives without fear or discrimination. If sex and gender were such natural things, we wouldn't need people like Helen to police it.
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drstonetrivia · 7 months
Chapter 203 Trivia
Happy 4th of July from Dr. Xeno*!
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Fluorite mines still exist in Japan, however they're far inland so the KoS can't make use of their boat routes for transport.
Fluorite is one of the first materials shown to fluoresce (=glow when light/EM radiation hits it), which is what the phenomenon was named after!
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One of the major problems in improving telescope quality is getting rid of chromatic aberration, which can be improved by using lenses with a lower refractive index (such as those made of fluorite rather than glass). This bends the light less, leading to clearer magnification.
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The rocket design is similar to cruise missiles, in that it uses a jet engine rather than a rocket engine. Cruise missiles will follow an almost direct path to their target, and have the ability to adjust direction at any point. Ballistic missiles cannot.
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The blocky thing shown here could be a stylized vacuum column tape drive, a device for storing data on magnetic tape (the black ribbon in cassettes) to be used in computations.
One of these devices is the IBM 7090, which was used by NASA to control space flights in the 60s.
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The map shows that the KoS may be aiming to land around Goa in India.
Assuming they don't stop, the journey via the Suez is >10 days, and >23 days via the Cape of Good Hope.
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The Banana Canal seems to be how the villagers remember the name of the Panama Canal, which is odd because bananas only grow in the very south of Japan (if at all) so they're unlikely to have been familiar with them before reaching South America.
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The Suez is a man-made canal that gets drained and cleared every 10 years so the boats can pass through unobstructed. The area has also been mostly desert for thousands of years. Sandstorms would soon fill it in, making it impassable.
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What Ryusui is worried about here is probably similar to the Ever Given back in March, when winds ran it aground, blocking the whole canal. It had to be dug out to be freed, which the KoS can't do here. Turning around or backing up is also impossible if the canal is too narrow.
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Kohaku is the only power/fighter team member here, and she's definitely making sure to represent the hot-heads! Getting revenge on a canal, trying to destroy things…
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Chelsea's old banners made a comeback, which isn't surprising since fabric is tedious to make. Reuse is the basis of Senku's science after all!
But more importantly, how the H-E-L-L did it survive those 7 years when everyone was petrified?!
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The dam shown looks more like a beaver dam or a deliberate structure than something that naturally got packed like that. The way it follows onto the land is a little odd to me as well… Something could be hiding underneath?
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Senku always makes sure to number his rockets.
(I spent too long wondering if this was a pun, but the i-shi/stone pun is for 1-4, and "Dr. One" doesn't quite fit how "Dr. Stone" is pronounced…)
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The rocket has two sets of controllers, one used by Senku on the ship and the other by Ryusui about half way to the dam. It's unlikely that this choice is due to range issues, as the cell phones worked 80 km apart and this is only 20 km.
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It's probably so that Ryusui can pinpoint the landing while Senku takes care of the launch.
The coordination between them is impressive!
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India has likely been chosen as Math City because of its long history of mathematics dating back over 3000 years, before Europe had made similar advances. They invented many important concepts, such as negative numbers, the idea of zero, and decimal points.
The other option for India being Math City is that it has many natural resources useful for making computers and other electronics, however I think we'll have to wait until future chapters to see why they chose it!
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hello love,
so pleased that you're here! This blog demonstrates my art of suffering. he/him, a tired millennial, a big fuckin bisexual disaster, and I need hugs desperately. desperately
I'm a fic writer on Ao3 (Stranger Things/steddie), and I love to write canon-divergent AUs/fix-its!
🪡Suture (48K, M) - S4 fix-it AU, Eddie has powers/Eddie is 010, temporary amnesia; he doesn't realize that what he can do is not really ordinary.
📚The Library of Engineering, Mathematics, and Sciences (Part I: 23K, Part II: 62K, M) - post S3/no S4, college/library AU, Steve and Robin meet Eddie in 1989
🌊Scratched and you're still smiling (62K, E) - S2 AU in which Eddie and Max are stepsiblings from California, moving to Hawkins in ‘84 (Eddie in place of Billy!)
🍰Sweet tooth (7K, M) - Modern Coffeeshop AU, dumb and feral and sweet
🍰Savour (WIP 5/6, E) - The sequel to Sweet Tooth, just as dumb and unhinged, now with more feelings and plot
👬Taken (104K, E) - No Upside Down/Canon Rewrite, childhood best friends to enemies (?) to truce to lovers. Slow burn, mutual pining, idiots in love, getting together, eventual happy ending - all that good shit. CW: canon-typical violence, kidnapping, disturbing themes.
using this blog for steddie-related content including my fic updates, and to connect with everyone. if I like something you wrote or drew or created, I will be loud about it, sorry in advance x
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BASically field and charge are two important things to consider when we talk about lightning (btw I’ve been simplified a lot of this to like. Not make ppl throw up it is icky ik math is gross unfortunately it is so interesting and cool anyways don’t come at me if it’s not all encompassing or mathematically sound this is more theoretical and conceptual than actual like. Calculations although now that I say that I’m kinda interested in seeing what the numbers would be.....)
When an amount of charge flows through a given area it is current. A lot of current flowing through ur body will kill u. Interrupt ur heart’s electric impulses, fuck w ur brain’s signals, all of it, etc etc it’s not good for u. Duh. U r like Gabe y r u telling me this this is boring booo
But field! Field is really interesting! And terrifying!!
E (electric field vectors) move charged particles within them. We can use the idea of V (electric potential aka voltage aka the electromagnetic physicist’s wet dream) and equipotential lines (lines where V is consistent at different distances) to say that E in between V lines moves particles ‘upstream’ or ‘downstream’. + particles move ‘down’ voltage (towards the equipotential line w the smaller voltage), and vice versa for - particles.
So what happens if you put an atom inside an E field? We know atoms are held together by electromagnetic forces (positives and negatives are attracted but to each other ofc). But what if the field is strong enough to ‘break’ those electromagnetic ‘bonds’ (not really bonds and not really breaking but I’m using that language to try to be more friendly to non-needs :)) holding the atom together? At it’s most basic conceptualization, an atom is just + and - particles (protons and electrons). What happens when the positive particles move down voltage and the negative particles move up voltage?
Well basically the atoms making up the person fall apart. To the naked eye, they have in fact been ‘vaporized.’
All I’m saying is Kaminari is...... a little spooky to me when I think about him like this. Like I’m not sure he’s even gotta touch someone to fuck them up. Bro just release ur electricity u will literally vaporize anyone around u even if the current doesn’t pass directly through their body and give them a heart attack. Hang on I gotta look up how many volts he tells ppl he can make I’m
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aikoiya · 11 months
Arcane Prompt - Victor x Toph-like Fem!Reader
I'd kinda like to see Viktor with a Toph-like fem!reader. Not in attitude or power or anything (except for the hearing when someone's lying thing), but in that she's blind, but does not let that stop her from being the best at what she is.
Maybe she's a musician/musicologist? As in the science behind music & sound & how it interacts with the world around it. As well as the study of music's impact on cultures. How sound interacts with the brain. Things like that.
An "everything gives off vibrations" sort of thing. And maybe she has access to sound magic? But in the way that, instead of using it as a means to attack, she uses the vibrations to interact with the world around her. Also, a musical & mathematics genius.
A little bit of an August Rush-flavored Toph in that the whole world is full of music, you just have to be open to it.
I see her as being sassy, sarcastic, & very direct like Toph, seeing herself as no less than anyone else. Sure, she has moments of insecurity, but she's secure enough & genuinely likes herself enough that they don't last very long.
I see her as the sort who, much like Toph, doesn't tiptoe around being blind. It's just like, "I'm blind. Moving on." And she doesn't lament her disability because she genuinely doesn't see it as one. Because if she wasn't blind, she wouldn't be who she is now.
Sure, she'd like to understand what people get all jazzed about with "views" & "colors" & "aesthetics" & stuff, but ya know, whatever.
What she gets insecure about sometimes is whether or not she's pretty. Because she legit doesn't know.
She sort of acts as a 3rd to Viktor & Jayce's duo, but one that came later.
She's honestly not much for hardware, but her theories & ideas have helped them to advance HexTech a great deal.
For instance, one of their most used inventions was the Susurrecorder, which is a HexTech device that produces sounds at a frequency of 25 to 150 Hertz to mimic a cat's purr, which she discovered is a frequency which aids in bone repair & healing. This, when put together with the Hex Crystal powering it, simulates low-level, gentle sound-based healing magic that gives listeners low-level health regen & boosted immune systems.
It was a success & is now used in Piltovan hospitals to aid in recovery.
She also discovered Alpha Waves, Beta Waves, & Delta Paterns. Alpha Waves peak around 10Hz. Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in the ability to mentally coordinate. Beta Waves are the fastest frequency of brainwaves (13-40 Hz). They are responsible for focus, concentration & analytical thinking. Binaural beats in the Delta Pattern operate at a frequency of 0.5–4 Hz with links to a dreamless sleep. Meanwhile, 432 Hz frequency is ideal for use as a sleep aid as it is known for its relaxing, calming effects.
Later models of the Susurrecorder are built with a knob allowing users to switch between the Healing Frequency, a mix of Alpha & Beta Waves called Brain Beats, & a mix of Delta Patterns & the 432 Hz frequency called Sleep Tunes.
An even later model built specifically for hospital patients has the Healing Frequency with a switch to turn on Sleep Tunes so that both can be on at once to both aid in sleep while still allowing for increased healing.
It was very successful!
She later helped the HexBros to create antigravity tech by discovering what in our universe is called Einstein's E=mc², then using it to change soundwaves into a negative energy current then conducting that energy into a ball which began to float. Basically, the idea of acoustic levitation.
This allowed the boys to create a simple device that would allow ships to fly through the air with much fewer resources.
What she considers to be her magnum opis was something called the HexTech Violin. It's basically an electric violin made of HexTech. Depending on how she plays it & what frequency she plays it at, a variety of different things can happen.
There's the healing, brain beats, sleep tunes, & acoustic levitation frequencies from above, as well as hydromanipulation at 23-25 Hz, acoustic phytomanipulation, & hydrophic remediation at 423 Hz. Acoustic Phytomanipulation being based on how music seems to help plants grow. And Hydrophobic Remediation being the use of sound to purify water, which she would've been researching for a long time to help Victor with making Zaun a better place.
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axcel-lucci · 1 year
Hello!! I would like to ask if you know one trend in tik tok? if not, I can tell!!
"I'm going to confess to you on Valentine's Day so wait for me after school!"
"You'll be free after school, right?"
"mhm" "so wait for me, okay?"
"why is your face red?"
"because you bassicaly already confessed"
"Ah!! Please forget what I just said"
Well, I think it would be very cute to do this with Law. Where the Law is a little wrong, and has already confessed. You can refuse if you don't like it!! thank you in advance for your response.
(there may be mistakes, because I don't know English very well, I apologize.)
Oh my gosh! Yesyesyesyesss
Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
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(Y/n) is a top student at grandline academy, set to be a valedictorian by graduation, has many friends and a scholarship because of her cheerleading squad.
People ADORED her, they knew she was kind, generous, very humble...
All the boys that ever met her had either confessed or tried to ask her out, but to no avail, she turned them down.
Why, you may ask?
(Y/n) has her eyes on Trafalgar Law.
He was a year older than him and yet they were best friends, they always studied together, actually, Law is her tutor when it comes to biology and mathematics.
And as the year slowly moves onward to graduation day, Law knew he might not be able to see (y/n) again since she'll be graduating next year and he's to be graduating this year, and it just so happens February 14 is close...
So instead, at their last tutor session, Law told (y/n).
"hey" he called her
"yep?" She hummed as she puts away all the books
"I'm going to confess to you on valentine's Day, so wait for me, you got it?" Law muttered, he was so nervous he didn't know what he was saying
"e-eh?!" She gasped with a deep blush but law had a straight face.
"meet me after school, you're free that time, right?"
"y-yeah..." She muttered, still blushing.
"so wait for me, alright?"
"fine..." She pouted a bit.
Law hummed and tilted his head a bit, "why is your face red?"
"because you just told your going to confess... So basically you confessed to me..."
"a-ah!! T-then never mind!" He blushed furiously.
It was silent for a while, the two not looking at each other.
Though, Law sighed shakily and looked at her, "t-though... A-are you free that day...? I... I wanted to take you... Um... Out..."
"I would love that..." She smiled.
A/n: tbh, couldn't think of a better plot 😭😭😭 I just woke up and checked my Tumblr
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kiaraintheforest · 2 years
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greetings! i'm kiara, and you can find me in a forest at any given time. im a 21 year old south african/indian fantasy writer & artist. i often feel less like a human and more like a species of fungi you'd find feeding off of the nutrients on dead wood. the reminder that tolkien was also south african is what wakes me up in the morning and encourages me to write another page.
some other random facts about me next to cute emojis:
🐌 im super into dark earth/eco goth/forest academia juxtaposed with advanced tech & gadgets - think: mushrooms blooming from a rat carcass behind an arcade, or E-books about the anatomy of vampire bats, or misty glass terrariums at a cafe, or wizard instagram influencers 📗 im currently reading: the witcher books series. (jaskier is basically my husband) 🍃 im an insect collector, god of terrariums, forager, lover of fae 🏹 my gender is the open skies (she/they)
📜i have a bsc computer science
🌙 i am a massive linguistics nerd (fluent in english & hindi) - currently learning mandarin & latin on duolingo
🎨 i paint and sell my artwork!
🍄 i believe mushrooms will save the world
🐚 my socials: instagram, youtube, wattpad
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all my stories are written from the perspective of Thug; he's a hybrid creature, the only one of his kind, who has lost his memories and was rescued by my alter ego Polkadot. he's thus indebted to her for life and joins her on all her quests to collect stories.
1. The Polkadot Files (Karma series)
genre: adventure, fantasy, mystery
blurb: An anthology of short stories exposing the truth about the fairytales you were told.
key words: unreliable narrator; time travel; space travel
number of books: 1, short story collection, ongoing
2. The House of Slyspore
genre: low fantasy, gothic, urban fantasy
blurb: This story isn’t a ‘big’ story. It doesn’t have world ending, the-destruction-of-life-as-we-know-it stakes. That already happened. This story involves a found family whose deaths happen to be entangled with each other. It starts with a Necromancer and an Assassin taking turns on the same victim.
key words & tropes: found family; lesbians; enemies to lovers; gender fluid main character; queer characters; anti capitalism themes; post apocalyptic; zombies & ghosts; necromancer, and lots of death themes
number of books: 1, ongoing, current project
3. The Polkadot Files (Kaal series)
genre: adventure, mystery, fantasy
blurb: After playing the role of her assistant for centuries, Thug is only now beginning to question his boss's identity. She is an immortal and has lived countless lives across dimensions, planets, and worlds, that much he knew. But after a mysterious quest to a snowy mountain, he begins unraveling a truth that is larger than the multiverse itself.
keywords & tropes: memory loss; pirates; time travel; space travel; unreliable narrator; multiverse
number of books: 1, completed
4. The Clans of the Skye & Sea
genre: high fantasy; epic fantasy
blurb: Faeries occupy the Skye. Mermaids inhabit the Sea. They had one rule: never cross territories.
keywords & tropes: enemies to lovers; faeries; mermaids; intense worldbuilding; romance; stockholm syndrome
number of books: 3
5. Enchanted High
genre: children's fantasy
blurb: a high school for all sorts of magic folk. (i wrote this when i was 12)
keywords & tropes: magical school; intense worldbuilding; romance; everything from werewolves to mermaids to goblins and technopaths
number of books: 7 planned (2 completed, 1 ongoing)
6. Non-Binary
genre: scifi, fantasy, queer main character
blurb: Preeti Singh is a computer science and mathematics college major. She has programmed an artificial intelligence that gives her "abilities" using the extraordinary powers of advanced math to protect Joy City. However, she is gender fluid, and with the AI she realizes she can change her appearance to that of a male whenever she wants. Her male alter ego - dubbed Calculator-Man by the news reporters in the city - becomes known as a superhero. That's when things get bizarre. Once peaceful Joy City becomes home for sorcery wars, aliens, infinity, and 3am thoughts during lunch.
keywords & tropes: computer science & math; superhero; gender fluid MC; interdimensional travel; aliens; time travel; tragic ending
number of books: trilogy planned (1 completed)
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thanks for reading. feel free to add me to your writeblr tag list! have a mushroom for your journey 🍄
your loyal scribe,
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gurays-posts · 8 months
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Vital Role of STEM Education In Shaping Our Future
STEM is one of the four strand you can choose for senior high school in the Philippines. But what exactly does it mean? In this blog post‚ we will unveil the world of STEM‚ delving into its meaning‚ its significance in our modern world‚ and it's potential in shaping our future. So let's embark into the world of STEM.
What is S T E M?
STEM stands for Science‚ Technology‚ Engineering‚ and Mathematics. Through STEM strand‚ senior high school students are exposed to complex mathematical and science theories and concepts which will serve as a foundation for their college courses. It represents an integrated approach to learning and problem-solving that combines knowledge and skills which ignites students' curiosity. By integrating thes subjects‚ STEM encourages students to think critically‚ apply advanced ideas and develop a lifelong passion for learning.
STEM comprises the following major areas of study :
• Natural‚ physical‚ and life sciences (including medicine)
• Computer‚ electronics‚ and other technology-related disciples
• All types of engineering
• Mathematics or any field involving a heavy application of mathematical principles
Why STEM is important?
- Career opportunities : as technology rapidly evolves‚ industry are increasingly reliant on individuals with strong STEM skills. STEM graduates are high in demand across various sectors such as healthcare‚ engineering‚ computer science‚ finance and research. Taking STEM education opens up a world of career possibilities.
- Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving : STEM education enriches critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It encourages students to analyze complex problems, break them down into smaller components, and formulate innovative solutions. These skills are important for addressing real-world challenges and creating a better future.
- Global Competitiveness : STEM education is vital for cultivating a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving global economy. Nations that prioritize STEM education produce a workforce that is equipped to embrace emerging technologies, drive innovation, and compete on a global scale.
- Tackling Socio-economic Challenges : STEM plays a crucial role in addressing pressing global issues such as climate change, public health crises, food security, and sustainable development. By equipping individuals with STEM knowledge, we can collaboratively find solutions to these challenges and create a more sustainable world.
With the STEM strand being divided into four major subjects‚ there are many potential college courses available for its graduates. By incorporating science‚ technology‚ engineering‚ and mathematics‚ it equips individual with the skills needed for success in diverse fields and nourish a mindset of continuous learning and innovation. If you're hoping to make substantial income out of college‚ a STEM major is an ideal fit.
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manasastuff-blog · 6 months
UPSC National Defence Academy NDA and Naval Academy NA Examination 2024 Apply Online for 400 Post
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 Union Public Service Commission UPSC has released the National Defence Academy NDA (Male / Female), Naval Academy NA Only for Male, NDA & NA First Examination 2024. Those Candidate Are Interested to UPSC NDA & NA 2024 Exam Can Apply Online from 20/12/2023 to 09/01/2024. Read the notification for recruitment eligibility, post information, selection procedure, age limit, pay scale and all other information.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
UPSC National Defence Academy NDA & NA First Examination 2024
UPSC NDA Exam Notice No. 03/2022-NDA-I :  Short Details of Notification
Important Dates
Application Begin : 20/12/2023
Last Date for Apply Online : 09/01/2024 Upto 06:00 PM Only
Pay Exam Fee Last Date : 09/01/2024
Modify / Edit Form : 10-16 January 2024
NDA I Exam Date : 21/04/2024
Admit Card Released : Before Exam
Application Fee
General / OBC : 100/-
SC / ST : 0/- (Nil)
All Category Female : 0/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card or Pay the Exam Fee Through Cash E Challan Fee Mode Submit the Exam Fee at State Bank of India SBI Any Branches in India.
UPSC NDA I Notification 2024: Age Limit as on Details
Age Between: 02/07/2005 to 01/07/2008
Age Relaxation Extra as per NDA I Exam 2024 Rules.
UPSC NDA & NDA I Recruitment 2024 : Vacancy Details Total : 400 Post
Post Name
Wing Name
Total Post
UPSC NDA & NDA Eligibility 2024
National Defence Academy NDA (Male / Female)
10+2 Intermediate Exam in Any Recognized Board
10+2 Intermediate Class 12 Exam Passed / Appearing in Any Recognized Board with Physics & Mathematics as a Subject.
Naval Academy NA Only for Male
10+2 Cadet Entry
How to Fill UPSC NDA I Exam 2024 Online Form
UPSC has made One Time Registration OTR mandatory for all its recruitments, thus OTR is necessary in this recruitment National Defense Academy 2024 also, those who have not done OTR yet should do their OTR, without it the application will not be accepted.
Union Public Service Commission UPSC Are Released the Notification for NDA I Exam 2024 for the 400+ Approx Vacancies in Army, Navy, Airforce Recruitment 2024 Candidate Can Apply Between 20/12/2023 to 09/01/2024
Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in UPSC NDA Online Form 2024.
Kindly Check and Collect the All Document - Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form - Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Before Submit the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
If Candidate Required to Paying the Application Fee Must Submit. If You have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
At Manasa Defence Academy, we take pride in providing the best training in India for those who are interested in pursuing a career in defense. Whether you aspire to join the prestigious National Defense Academy (NDA) or wish to advance your skills through our NDA Crash Course or NDA Advance Course, we have got you covered. In this article, we will delve into the details of these courses, highlighting their duration, curriculum, and the invaluable training you can expect to receive.
NDA Crash Course (6 months)
 Academy is designed to prepare candidates for the rigorous selection process of the National Defense Academy within a span of six months. During this short but intensive period, we ensure that you receive comprehensive training to enhance your chances of clearing the NDA entrance examination.
Duration and Curriculum
The NDA Crash Course is carefully crafted to cover all the important subjects and topics required for the NDA entrance examination. Over the course of six months, you will undergo an extensive curriculum that includes:
Mathematics: We provide in-depth coaching in mathematics, covering topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics. Our experienced faculty will guide you through complex problem-solving techniques and ensure you have a strong foundation in this subject.
General Ability: This section tests your English language proficiency, general knowledge, and logical reasoning. We offer comprehensive study materials and conduct regular mock tests to help you improve your command over vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking.
Physical Training: Physical fitness is a crucial aspect of defense training. Our NDA Crash Course includes regular physical training sessions to improve your stamina, strength, and overall fitness levels. You will partake in activities such as running, obstacle courses, and team sports to develop the necessary physical endurance required for a career in the defense forces.
Intensive Coaching and Guidance
At Manasa Defence Academy, we believe in offering personalized attention to each candidate. Our experienced faculty members are dedicated and passionate about helping you achieve your goals. Through small batch sizes, we ensure that every student receives individualized coaching, allowing for better interaction and focused learning.
Our faculty members have prior experience in defense services and possess comprehensive knowledge of the NDA examination pattern. They provide valuable insights, tips, and tricks to tackle the examination effectively. Additionally, weekly doubt-clearing sessions and regular progress evaluations are conducted to track your performance and address any areas that require improvement.
NDA Advance Course (1 year)
For those seeking a more thorough and comprehensive preparation for the NDA entrance examination, Manasa Defence Academy offers the NDA Advance Course spanning one year. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the subjects and ample time for practice to ensure a higher success rate.
Duration and Curriculum
The NDA Advance Course is designed to cover the entire NDA syllabus in great detail. The duration of one year allows for an extensive focus on each subject, ensuring a comprehensive understanding. The curriculum includes:
Mathematics: Similar to the NDA Crash Course, mathematics is a vital component of the NDA Advance Course. Our expert faculty members provide extensive coaching in mathematics, enabling you to solve complex problems with ease and accuracy.
General Ability: The general ability section in the NDA entrance examination requires a broad understanding of English, general knowledge, and logical reasoning. Our Advance Course offers an intensive study of these subjects, along with regular practice sessions and mock tests to enhance your performance.
SSB Interview Preparation: Clearing the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview is an essential step towards joining the defense forces. Our NDA Advance Course includes personalized guidance and intensive training to help you excel in the SSB interview. Mock interviews, group discussions, and personality development sessions are conducted to enhance your overall performance and confidence.
Exclusive Study Material and Resources
As part of the NDA Advance Course, you will receive exclusive study materials, including comprehensive notes, practice papers, and reference books. These resources are carefully curated to cover the entire NDA syllabus and are regularly updated to align with the latest examination pattern and trends.
Our library facilities also provide access to a wide range of books, magazines, and journals related to defense studies. This allows you to broaden your knowledge base and stay updated with current affairs, military history, and global security issues.
If you have a burning desire to serve your country and embark on a fulfilling career in defense, the NDA Crash Course (6 months) and NDA Advance Course (1 year) at Manasa Defence Academy are perfect choices for you. With our dedicated faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and personalized attention, we strive to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the NDA entrance examination. Don’t miss the chance to turn your aspirations into reality – join Manasa Defence Academy and kickstart your journey towards a rewarding career in defense.
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
tagged by; @noirapocalypto and @katsigian thank you both 😌 i always love doing these
ᴜɴᴜꜱᴜᴀʟ ᴏᴄ ᴀꜱꜱᴏᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ
Vincent E. Vahn
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ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴɪɴɢ: himalayan salt, tarragon
ᴡᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ: thunderstorm
ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: black, magenta
ꜱᴋʏ: overcast, dark heavy rain clouds
ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ: void control, reality warping
ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴᴛ: strelitzia nicolai
ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ: DXL-5 HAVOC
ꜱᴜʙᴊᴇᴄᴛ: physics, advanced mathematics
ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴀ: instagram, dark web forums
ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ ᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛ: black eye pencil, gua sha stone
ᴄᴀɴᴅʏ: liquorice
ꜰᴇᴀʀ: being stuck in a continuous loop watching people dear to him leave or die and not being able to do anything about it, then relive it again all over.
ɪᴄᴇ ᴄᴜʙᴇ ꜱʜᴀᴘᴇ: full cube, sharp edges
ᴍᴇᴛʜᴏᴅ ᴏꜰ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴅɪꜱᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ: military aircraft (S-70 Black Hawk)
ᴀʀᴛ ꜱᴛʏʟᴇ: viennese actionism, modernism (bauhaus), color field painting
ᴍʏᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢɪᴄᴀʟ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ: bogeyman
ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʀʏ: mechanical pencil
3 ᴇᴍᴏᴊɪꜱ: 💀🪐🍸
ᴄᴇʟᴇꜱᴛɪᴀʟ ʙᴏᴅʏ: saturn
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