lettersfromgod · 11 months
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"I AM COME![1] Says The Lord. Therefore arise and give answer, O peoples of the earth! Who is the face and image of The Invisible God?! Who?! It is He I have sent, The One who is and was and is to come! Behold, He shall wait no longer, for the Day of The Lord is at hand and the time appointed draws near! For The Son of Man shall enter in and gather them together, He shall surely pass through and prepare the harvest - HE SHALL REAP!
Therefore hear the Word of The Lord, for thus says The Lord: My spirit is poured out. My watchmen are called, My prophets sent; they prepare My way before Me. And if you are willing to receive it, they are John and Elijah, My witnesses, even 144,000; and behold, they shall surely baptize with My Word and fire. Who else shall I send?! Who will go for Me?! Who will noise in the four corners and shout from the rooftops?
WATCHMEN, stand up and blow the Trumpet! For the Great and Terrible Day of The Lord draws near…
PEOPLES OF THE EARTH, repent and be spared! For The Thief is about to enter the house and take His spoil; Behold, He has entered the hearts of the penitent already, And has but to call out, and they shall be snatched away…
CHURCHES OF MEN, let My people go! For The Master is coming quickly, and He shall surely Purge every temple and tear down every house, Which pollutes My name and desecrates The glory of My majesty…
Therefore do not wait, beloved ones, COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM! For the Day of Judgment is at hand."
[1]↑ https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/I_AM_COME
📖 Excerpt from: "The Last Trump" - https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Last_Trump
▶ Video: https://youtu.be/QwBwcB1o1IE
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on-going · 11 months
From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️
REVOKED - Thus Says The Lord Regarding the United States and the 4th of July (Independence Day)
"Thus says The Lord: From the beginning I had written to you by the pen of My prophets, even to the showing of great signs and wonders. Behold, I came down in the flesh, and spoke with My people face to face. And in one day the sins of My people were purged, in one moment the pain of death was overcome. For I am The Lord. I have declared the end from the beginning, I have spoken of things to come, many wondrous and terrible things. I have set up great kings, and I have cast them down. I have called forth armies to conquer, and I Myself have conquered great armies. I have humbled whole nations and scattered their peoples, and behold, I have also brought them back again. For I am The Lord, and there is no other; there is none like Me.
And thus I speak to you now, little flock, even as I have spoken it to My servant already: All of you have stumbled. Yet some of you have departed, returning to the world and the ways of men... A world which hates Me and blasphemes My name at every turn, a world which pollutes My name without ceasing, a world which loathes its Creator! A world which loves abomination and from righteousness is far removed, a great multitude of dying people who hate LIFE! A world which destroys MY EARTH AND MY CHILDREN, a most wicked generation who MURDERS WITHOUT REMORSE!... A world which even now breathes its last... Beloved, I weep! My heart is rent inside Me! And what of your country and people, little flock? What of this mighty nation? Prepare your hearts, beloved, prepare your hearts for death. For the end of all things is at hand. For the Day of The Lord shall declare it; in the Day of The Lord’s Anger, it shall surely be made plain! Therefore, I have commanded My servant that he not celebrate this holiday[1] with his peers, nor with his community, for he must remain separate. For if he were to join them in their celebration, I tell you the truth, it would be death he celebrates and captivity he honors. For this nation’s independence is lost, its freedom REVOKED!
Beloved, your nation has come to its end; I give it over!  No more shall I defend its people  And protect its borders!...
For they have utterly forsaken Me,  And now must I also forsake them!...
Therefore cry bitter tears, little flock,  And weep, be overcome with sorrow,  For the end of a nation is a terrible thing...
It is wrought with much betrayal  And falls with a mighty crash,  Bringing forth death and great mourning;  The sound of which shall shake every land  And every people, and they too shall fall!
Yet from ruin they shall arise and band together. And in desperation, they shall make a covenant and sign an agreement. And once again they shall blaspheme the name of The Lord Most High, and walk proudly. Thus upon the heels of desolation shall their final destruction be written, in the blood of the slain.
Thus I shall send forth My witnesses, 144,000! They shall run as one mighty in battle, breaking through the lines, tearing down the walls, leaping over every barrier! From city to city they shall declare The Lord’s Rebuke, pronouncing My judgment upon the multitudes!
And thus shall I bring great calamity  Upon the cities and high places of men, Until My wrath is satisfied  And My fierce anger has abated...
Until the feet of The Holy One of Israel  Stand upon the Mount, bringing forth  Judgment unto victory absolute...
[1]↑ The 4th of July - Independence Day (U.S.A.)
A Testament Against The World: THE LORD'S REBUKE
▶ MODERN PROPHECY Regarding the United States - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRR7Btavp1s&list=PL3847CD0376814760&index=5
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"Therefore fall down, all you wicked! Be cast down, all you high-minded! Grovel at the feet of your Creator, you double-minded hypocrites! For the sow knows her place and wallows in it, yet this generation knows no bounds! Your sin proliferates as the pestilence and spreads forth as the plague, and oh how you, O modern peoples of this wicked age, love to have it so! Shall I not repay?! Did you think it was hidden from My eyes?! Did you think I, even I, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, would not come down and make a swift end?!"
Says The Lord
Excerpt From: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/REPENT
#TheVolumesofTruth #AWarningfromGod #DayofTheLord #antichrist #TheWordofGod #WordofGod #Bible #LettersfromGod #ThussaysTheLord #NewScriptures #Sodom #Gomorrah #murder #oppression #TheWrathofGod #Recompense #punishment #manofperdition #wicked #judgment #Revelation #Heaven #Earth #Truth #TheLord #God #YAHUWAH #YahuShua
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lettersfromgod · 9 months
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"…Therefore the earth shall rise up against the sons of men, and nature shall break forth in its fury and fight against them, until all in the earth grow weary and the heart of this people is torn! - A rent which is deep, a rent made wide. Behold, the earth shall shake and rumble from beneath, the cities shall break apart and the towers shall be toppled, and the glory of man shall be utterly devastated!…" Declares The Lord
[✉ Source: 5/14/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior, for All Those Who Have Ears to Hear - "The Lord Gives; Behold, The Lord Also Takes Away" - The Volumes of Truth, Volume 7]
💡 For more on this topic, click here >> https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Nature_Shall_Rise_Up_and_Fight_Against_This_Generation
📖 Answers Only God Can Give (Main Page) - The Lord Sets the Record Straight Concerning a Variety of Topics, Doctrines and Traditions: https://answersonlygodcangive.com/Main_Page
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delightintheway · 1 year
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*Video!* ABORTION: MURDER OF THE INNOCENT - "WOE TO THOSE WHO HARM THE LITTLE ONES!" -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntxLXO4hlnU&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkM99Siv2xPqHtuLS9gEQ6FA&index=17 <- <- "WOE TO THOSE WHO HARM THE LITTLE ONES! WOE TO THOSE WHO SLAUGHTER MY GIFTS! AND WOE TO ALL WHO STAND IN AGREEMENT! Says The Lord. For they are and were created, sculpted delicately in fragile flesh, attached to The Vine before their very conception. For it is the fool who says in her heart, “There is no God,” believing she answers only to herself, as she testifies aloud, saying, “It is my body, my choice.” YOU CHOOSE DEATH! Says The Lord. For the child within you is Mine, even as you are Mine also; your body is not your own! ALL BELONG TO THE LORD, ALL ANSWER TO ME!"
~ Says The Lord
Excerpt from "Abortion: Murder of the Innocent": https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Abortion:_Murder_of_the_Innocent
*Strong Video! (excerpt with sound): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k_itT2KBg0&list=PLSVchFJ22QYKZW4CHtZ43YBxdHUTgS9rv&index=6
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on-going · 2 years
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From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️
“...Thus says The Lord: And do I now also lack justice in your eyes?! Have My ways become unfair in your sight?! Shall you continue to cast off My servants as madmen, because they have forsaken everything to follow Me?! Yet day and night you watch over your precious idols and secure all your cherished possessions, that you might sit at ease upon your thrones of vanity! Your goals are foolishness and your words wind, selfish desires and vain pursuits pleasing only to men, plans and aspirations which shall shortly come to nothing, passing from many of you even before the time. For all these things which you love shall be taken from you, and that which you hold most dear shall be snatched from your arms in one day.
Behold, I shall purge your hearts by calamity, And empty your minds by astonishment, And you shall break on account of all these Things coming to pass before your eyes!...
For I have come to purify and to take away, And to destroy, that the defiant may be broken And the high-minded bent backward, That the evil of heart may be cast face down In the midst of great calamity!...
Multitudes of dead bodies strewn about In the waste places of every city, The streets and alleyways stained red with blood!
For the defiant stand proud; they shall be humbled. And the high-minded speak foolishly with their mouths wide open, leading many astray; they shall be severely abased. Yet the evil of heart shall have no place. For they shall be brought down into the silence of death, for this is their due reward. Yet the stench of their rotting corpses shall testify on their behalf, and the sight of their broken bodies shall speak loudly in one accord. And The Lord, alone, shall be exalted in that day! Yet The Lord is not without mercy. Therefore those in whom I see of Myself, in whom I am shown to be foremost, shall escape; and after, those who willingly bow down and call upon My name in truth shall be delivered. Yet My people remain foolish. For they think themselves wise in their own eyes, and in their arrogance they rest upon their own doctrine while embracing every tradition I hate. Look how they love their idols and prize their great statues! They seek renown from among their own, that they might receive praise from men. And oh how they love their churches, and revere this false image in which they have recreated Me. Brood of vipers, congregations of sly and deceitful snakes, all you soothsayers and smooth-talkers who lull My people to sleep and seduce My children to commit fornication with the harlot, with your speech you woo My people to follow you into death! Your counsel brings them down to the pit! You provide My people with security in false hope, and put forth divinations of peace and safety, preaching prosperity in monologues of false praise and fake passion, abusing My name and misusing My Word, twisting it to uphold your own corrupt foundation, all in the name of unrighteous gain!... SHALL I NOT REPAY?! SHALL NOT MY DISCIPLINE BE MOST SEVERE?! Says The Lord....”
*ALL SECTIONS Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCYImxBCfW4&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=30
A Testament Against The World: THE LORD'S REBUKE 📖
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delightintheway · 2 years
"Behold, I shall purge your hearts by calamity, and empty your minds by astonishment, and you shall break on account of all these things coming to pass before your eyes! SPIRIT AND BODY SHALL BE BROKEN TOGETHER! For I have come to purify and to take away, and to destroy, that the defiant may be broken and the high-minded bent backward, that the evil of heart may be cast face down in the midst of great calamity! - Multitudes of dead bodies strewn about in the waste places of every city, the streets and alleyways stained red with blood!
For the defiant stand proud; they shall be humbled. And the high-minded speak foolishly with their mouths wide open, leading many astray; they shall be severely abased. Yet the evil of heart shall have no place. For they shall be brought down into the silence of death, for this is their due reward. Yet the stench of their rotting corpses shall testify on their behalf, and the sight of their broken bodies shall speak loudly in one accord. And The Lord, alone, shall be exalted in that day!"
~ Says Yahuwah Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/THE_CUP_OF_THE_WRATH_OF_MY_FURY_IS_COME_TO_THE_FULL
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delightintheway · 2 years
"Woe to all who forget God and parade their whoredoms openly in the streets! You shall by no means escape the Day of Wrath when it comes! For I shall deal with you swiftly, even recompense in full, according to the example![2]" Says The Lord
[2]↑ "the example" -> 2 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7 Please click the video below to see the WHOLE Section Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Woe_to_the_Captives_of_This_World
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delightintheway · 2 years
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**NEW** VIDEO!! Hear The Word of The Lord! - Are you listening? Section 1 of 3: "THE MOUTH OF THE LIVING GOD HAS SPOKEN!" (From: Woe to the Captives of This World) -> ->  -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFeOa9_3-rI&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkOki3y3XQqS8Nx49EwLuRld&index=9 <- <- <- Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Woe_to_the_Captives_of_This_World “Woe to the Captives of This World” - The Volumes of Truth https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com
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delightintheway · 2 years
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**NEW** STRONG VIDEO!!! “THE GOD OF ISRAEL HAS SET HIS FACE TO POUR OUT JUDGMENT - Hear the Word of The Lord!...” -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcLQOi9mD7E&list=PL6D1BC949E9840878&index=8&fbclid=IwAR0lN4jXUzk4aGn3mHLO0iDqNb0CWDHYT_hUlvzeS9hH5IxQeqgIj0vzajg <- <-
3/15/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior  For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_God_of_Israel_Has_Set_His_Face_To_Pour_Out_Judgment
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delightintheway · 2 years
Section 1 of 3: "THE MOUTH OF THE LIVING GOD HAS SPOKEN!" (From: Woe to the Captives of This World)
2/24/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Woe_to_the_Captives_of_This_World
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delightintheway · 2 years
THE GOD OF ISRAEL HAS SET HIS FACE TO POUR OUT JUDGMENT - Hear the Word of The Lord!... 3/15/11 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_God_of_Israel_Has_Set_His_Face_To_Pour_Out_Judgment
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delightintheway · 2 years
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**NEW** VIDEO THE WIDE PATH - "Peoples of the earth, why do you corrupt and pollute My garden?!" --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nnw1FjVWC0&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkM99Siv2xPqHtuLS9gEQ6FA&index=1
Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Wide_Path
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delightintheway · 2 years
THE WIDE PATH - "Peoples of the earth, why do you corrupt and pollute My garden?!" 3/28/05 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Wide_Path
(Addendum to “Embrace The Cornerstone, Wherein Flows Springs of Living Water" - https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Embrace_The_Cornerstone,_Wherein_Flows_Springs_of_Living_Water)
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delightintheway · 2 years
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**NEW** STRONG VIDEO!!! HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD --> "THE MOUTH OF THE LION": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9Fg4cFShFo&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkOki3y3XQqS8Nx49EwLuRld&index=19
4/17/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Stricken
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delightintheway · 2 years
Section 2 of 2: "THE MOUTH OF THE LION" (From: Stricken - Volume 3) 4/17/06 From The Lord, Our God and Savior For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Stricken
*ALL SECTIONS - Video Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpvTkyfsgZc&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkOki3y3XQqS8Nx49EwLuRld
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