Chapter 28: ‘cause I know I'm always late
“And Quackity can't help but feel sorry for the other.
He doesn’t pity Wilbur, let that be known.
He just feels… sad.
The bustling noise of the precinct pulls him out of his head, when he pushes through the doors from the stairwell; chatter, keyboards clicking, and perps arguing with officers. It’s all a familiar headache inducing mess of noises that rarely lets up.”
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Fanfic Name: Lover, You Should’ve Come Over
Chapter Title (5): Nicotine Kisses
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: Mortal Kombat (Video Games)
Relationship: Johnny Cage/Takahashi Kenshi
Fanfic Summary: Kenshi is absolutely, horrifically - if you ask him anyway - in love with Johnny Cage. There’s a burn each time Johnny touches him, speaks to him - holds him, the burn spreading down to his atoms and filling with a want for Johnny.
He now has to deal with that, and all the implications of being in love with someone you rarely see. Literally, and metaphorically.
(Or, Kenshi just trying to hold himself back from telling Johnny he’s horrendously in love with him over the span of a few months. Its a miracle he’s lasted this long)
Chapter Summary: Olive branches of intimacy are offered through the guise of oranges, and it has Kenshi holding Johnny as if he’s more precious than a burning sun. That sounds too poetic for Kenshi, but theres nothing else that would make him feel like this.
(And or, they finally have a talk with each other while eating oranges, with the old smell of nicotine in the air and Johnny kissing Kenshi)
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Title: Four Walls
Tags: Slow burn, domesticity friends to lovers, smut, pining, post sias/pre am era
Summary: Disillusioned with LA and on the heels of a breakup, Alex goes to stay with Miles in London.
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hannahssimblr · 1 month
Chapter Thirty
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The rain has slowed by the time we reach the shore, but clumps of damp sand still cling to our shoes and droplets of water to our clothes. Jude offered me a rain jacket back at the beach house but I refused. He never got one for himself either, but if he cares about the soaking wet shoulders of his sweatshirt he doesn’t show it. Raindrops form on the ends of his hair and fall down onto his face and it’s like he doesn’t notice that either. I wonder what is going on in his mind. 
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He doesn’t look back at me even as I gaze at him. The side of his face is framed by a grey and blue blur of sky and sea, mist and cloud. Waves crash, seagulls caw, our feet crunch into the wet sand with every step, and I don’t even know where to begin. 
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But he speaks first, “So you want for this to be over? You’re done with me?”
I fill my lungs with cool air, “Don’t say it like that, it sounds harsh.”
“Yeah, it is harsh.”
“I don’t know how to do this the right way.”
“There isn’t a right way, it’s-” he breaks off and presses his fingers into the space between his eyebrows, “Just- why are you doing this?”
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“Because it’s the right thing to do.”
“How could it be the right thing? It’s the wrong thing. It’s the worst thing, and I’m asking you not to do it.”
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“Evie, please,” he whirls around to face me, and I don’t know what I expected his eyes to look like, but it wasn’t this, the level of confusion and pain on his face is enough to make me want to stagger backwards. God, why am I doing this? “Whatever it is, I know that we can work it out together,” He pleads,  “just talk to me about what you’re thinking.”
“I don’t want for us to hold each other back.”
“We’d never do that to each other.”
“We’re already doing it though, all of these conversations we’ve been having these last few weeks, all of this going back and forth about where we want to live and how we might make it work, it’s just becoming really clear to me that there isn’t a perfect solution.”
“Of course there is, we can find a way, I don’t understand why-”
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“It’s simple, Jude,” I cut in,  “you want to go to America, and I want other things for myself. I can’t hold you back from your dreams, so I’m letting you go.”
“What if I don’t want to be let go?”
“I’m not going to be the reason why you don’t find success in your life, I can’t live with that. If you don’t go to America you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, and then you’ll resent me, and-”
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“I want you more than I want some job.”
“That’s not true. That job could give you everything you want.”
He stares at me, and I say, “You don’t want to be here, in Ireland, I mean, and I know that you wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for me. You hate it, it’s not your home, do you think I don’t know how miserable it makes you to be here, how out of place you feel? You can’t make big life decisions based on your girlfriend, especially when you’re twenty two, that just doesn’t make-”
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“Evie you don’t get it,” he implores, “What we have, you and I, this isn’t a normal thing. It never feels this way. Of all the relationships I’ve ever been in you’re the only person who’s made me feel this way, it’s like, cosmic, it’s crazy, the way I’m in love with you and the things I feel about you make me wonder if I ever truly loved another person before you came along.”
I fold my arms, “I do know this isn’t normal.”
“I don’t think you do, because if you did you wouldn’t be giving up on it. We could go our whole lives looking for something like this again and we’d never find it, in fact we will go our whole-”
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“Jude,” I say as my chin begins to tremble, “I’m not saying this is forever, okay? I’m saying that it isn’t going to work now. Where we are in our lives and what we want for ourselves means that we will torture ourselves doing long distance, and then one day we’ll realise that it’s not worth it and we’ll resent each other for ever putting ourselves through it. Maybe one day in the future-”
“Well I don’t want one day in the future, I don’t want to waste any more time being apart from you, I wasted years like that already. I want now.”
“But now isn’t right.”
“Why isn’t it?”
“Because you want to be home. You want to be in America.”
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He puts his hands on my arms and stares intently into my eyes, “But why can’t you come, Evie? Why can’t you come home with me? It will all work out if you do, I don’t understand-”
“Because I can’t just pack my things and go!” I cry, “I’ve researched it, okay? It’s easy for you but it’s not easy for me. They don’t just let anyone in. I’m not a citizen, I don’t have a visa, the process of trying to get myself there is so overwhelming and stressful, I can’t do it.”
“I’d wait for you. Even if it took months, I swear. You could come and visit whenever you could until it’s sorted out.”
There he is, I think. Jude the idealist, the romantic, the passionate and the unrealistic. The Jude that wishes his life was a movie or a novel with a neat ending where everything is tied up, and everything works out the way that you want it to.
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“And I get it sorted and then what?” I say tensely, “I’m trying to get a job doing something artistic in LA, where every single person is trying to do the same thing, and they all have the advantage of being born there and not needing visas to work, and all of them have been to university and have degrees, which I won’t have because I’ll have dropped out to make the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life.”
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He reels back and blinks hard like I’ve slapped him, “Being with me would be the worst decision you’ve ever made?”
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And predictably, this, the pain on his face makes me cry, “No,” I sniffle, “No, that isn’t what I meant, it’s just when I think of all I’ll have to do to survive there, and the possible misery that waits for me, it just makes my chest feel tight and my heart beat so quickly that I think I’ll die. I can’t do something like that, it feels wrong in every part of my body. It’s not what I want.” I try to force back a sob, “I don’t even know what I want either, whether it’s to go back to college or try something new, I just don’t know. I’m going to have to work it out and really think long and hard about everything, but my gut tells me that it’s not LA, you know? LA is not the place, and I know that it’s what you want. You can’t possibly say no to it, it’d be ridiculous if you did. So that’s it. There’s nowhere we can go from here.”
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“God, Evie,” His hand comes to gently cradle my face, and the gesture makes me want to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him until I’m breathless, but I don’t move a muscle. “What if I could take all of that stress away, you know? Make it so that visas don’t matter. Would that change anything?”
I look up at him through teary eyes, “What does that mean? How would you do a thing like that?”
“Well there are ways, you know, if you’re an American citizen, to extend that citizenship to your partner so that they can come and live with you in the states.”
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My breath catches, “You mean marriage.” 
“Well we wouldn’t have to think of it like that, we could just sign the papers and go on like we always have, and then do it for real later, and really, what would it matter because the way I see it’s more like fast tracking the inevitable, right? I figured that we might do it someday anyway so-”
I step back from him and he lets his hand drop, suddenly furious at what he’s offering. His promise of this wild, romantic future bears no resemblance to rational reality. “God, stop, Jude that’s ridiculous.”
He frowns, “Why is it ridiculous?”
“Because we’re too young to do something like that.”
“We’re adults-”
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“Yeah but we’re still stupid. I can’t sign a contract like that, I can’t even think about that. I feel like I don’t even know who I am yet, you know? I have so many things to work out, and I’m doing so well at therapy and I’m only beginning to figure myself out and get comfortable in my own skin and-”
“But it might be a way to make everything work, make everything alright, and we won’t have to break up over this, Evie, seriously, think about it, it might be the only way.”
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I shake my head, “But even if it was, it still isn’t the right choice. Do you remember what you said to me in Tullamore, when I showed you my application form for the Berlin Fine Arts Academy? You said that you would have felt guilty if chasing you was the sole reason I chose to move there.”
He bites his lip and nods. 
“And if I moved to America, it’d be the same.”
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He swallows convulsively, “So you don’t want to go, you have no interest in any of it, even if I could promise to take care of you and support you while you looked for work-”
“No, I don’t want to go there, it’s as simple as that.”
“But I’ll stay then.”
“Jude,” I touch his face and I’m surprised by how eagerly he leans into me like he is starved of my touch, “imagine if I got my dream job, say, in London like I’ve told you, and I gave it up because of you. How would that make you feel?”
I take in his tense jawline, the sharp movement of his shoulders with each shallow breath. He doesn’t answer me.  
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“I know it’d make you feel guilty,” I say softly, “at least I hope it would. I hope you would never ask me to give up on the thing I want most. And you know what else I know? I know that I’d never forget it, and I’d grow to loathe it, resent you and be bitter and angry and I couldn’t handle it if you felt that way about me because I made you stay here, I really couldn’t.”
“Evie, I just don’t want to do this on my own.”
“But if it wasn’t for me, like, if you and I never met and you never knew me, would you take this job and move to LA?”
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His eyes zig zag over my face wildly as though he can’t figure out what I’m asking, or perhaps he’s never thought of it before. 
I plant my other hand on his face and hold his head captive, “Jude,” I say again, “Would you take that job if I didn’t exist?”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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timeofjuly · 6 months
Are you sick of the miscommunication and angst in Resisting the Current? Ready for the author to stop messing around and get to the big happy poly? If so, you’re in luck; I’m feeling some holiday-themed fluff and didn’t want to miss out on writing it, even if we’re not quite there in the main fic yet.
I'm planning on writing a series of connected oneshots each focusing on a different member of the harem doing holiday stuff with the reader and though we’re skipping ahead to an established relationship, there won't be any spoilers for the main fic. Except that we're getting an eventual happy ending, I guess. Each oneshot will be roughly 2k words (july keep it succinct challenge level: impossible) and it's gonna be cute and teeth-rottingly sweet.
I've worked out all the different activities I want each chapter to focus on but I have no idea what to name the fic! What do y'all think?
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chapter 2 is officially up!!
Chapter title: i don't wanna hear you Fandom: Last Shadow Puppets, Arctic Monkeys Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Miles Kane/Alex Turner Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, pre-TAOTU, it's 2005 babyyyyy, miles has insomnia, Slow Burn, Lots of denial, Light Angst, Fluff, Eventual Smut, too many song references, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, both want eachother but too oblivious, WPSIATWIN, Drunkenness, Bars and Pubs, Drug Use, Smoking, lotssss of smoking
chapter summary:
"Take a shot every time the lad up there sings any location in America."
"Aw Miles, if you wanted to get absolutely plastered, why didn't you just say so," Alex plays into the joke, throwing his hands into the air.
"Honestly though, I don't get it. It's class here, why would you wanna go off mouthin' about- about..." Miles downs the end of his drink and places it back firmly onto the sticky table, fighting back a laugh. The alcohol is definitely starting to have its way with him. "Al, if I'm being dead centre here: I've not got the slightest clue to what this lad is talkin' about."
They both erupt into tipsy laughter.
(p.s tysm @uhbasicallyjustmilex for literally everything - i am forever grateful <3)
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esmeralda-juniper · 2 months
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shadowofdarkness22 · 1 year
Omg I just finished reading your No Touch Cafe fic! Loved it so much thank you for writing it!
Thank you so much for reading it! 💜💜💜
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I'm very glad you're enjoying it so far and hopefully don't mind the long wait for the next chapter. 😅😅 I swear I'm working on it!
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ssreeder · 1 year
Chapters: 23/23 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), The Gaang & Zuko (Avatar), Sokka & The Gaang (Avatar), Jet & Zuko (Avatar), Jet & The Gaang (Avatar), Jet & Sokka (Avatar), OCs & Everyone, OCs & OCs, Order of the White Lotus & The Gaang (Avatar) Characters: The Gaang (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Jet (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), OCs, A bunch of OCs, The Rough Rhinos, General Fong (Avatar), Kyoshi Warriors (Avatar), Suki (Avatar) Additional Tags: War, Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, Serious Injuries, Dubious Consent, Death, Murder, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Dark, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Healing, Im trying to tag everything that might happen, ill add tags as we go, Animal Death, Hurt Zuko (Avatar), Hurt Sokka (Avatar), Protective Sokka (Avatar), Protective Zuko (Avatar), Fire bending teacher Sokka, Sifu Hot Pants to be exact, Baby Komodo-rhino, throwing up, Injury Recovery, Mutual Pining, Sharing a Bed, Mental Instability, Panic Attacks, Accepting your gay, and for that, More tags to be added, but y’all get the point, .... hopefully Series: Part 2 of Leaving It All Behind Summary:
This is the direct continuation of the series Leaving It All Behind, if you did not read the first book I promise that you will be really confused reading this. (go read that first and then come back to this)
If you have already read LIAB, welcome back!
Zuko and Sokka have successfully escaped Zhao’s prison camp and have begun their journey across the Earth Kingdom in search of Aang or Chief Hakoda, whoever they find first. Still recovering from their experiences in captivity, both Zuko and Sokka struggle to heal from their past trauma while facing new enemies in an unfamiliar territory. Lucky for them, Sokka is full of good ideas and Zuko never gives up without a fight.
The Gaang (plus Jet) are continuing their journey to help Aang master all the elements and are faced with a few unexpected surprises.
A group of escaped prisoners tries their best to fix past mistakes and find their place in the war torn world, it doesn’t come as easy as they would have hoped.
-Please read all the tags and just know that this story will have dark themes throughout-
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mcalhenwrites · 10 months
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Vivian angst has carried my word count far today!
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mustlovesteve · 10 months
oh boy
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 10 months
Title: Four Walls
Tags: slow burn, domesticity, friends to lovers, smut, pining post sias/pre am era
Summary: Disillusioned with LA and on the heels of a breakup, Alex goes to stay with Miles in London.
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ethereal-feline · 16 days
did I have the urge to write? yes.
did I write? no.
why? because rest day.
will I write tomorrow?
define 'writing'
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watchyourdigits · 8 months
"It really has been a while, huh?"
"Mhmm. Other than finding the cure, what were you up to all this time?"
"Mercenary work. Drinking. The usual," MacCready replied.
Alice didn't say anything, as if she was waiting for more. He coughed a little, almost hoping she wouldn't hear him continue.
"I, uh, met this woman..."
"She nice?"
He swallowed hard against the lump forming in his throat, "Yeah. Wouldn't want to get on her bad side, though."
"You sure have a thing for the fiery ones, eh?"
He tended to remember Lucy in her gentler moments, but he couldn't forget that she'd been a firecracker too. Smart as a whip, and not scared of a damn thing. Hell, they'd met while fighting off a deathclaw together.
"I guess I have something of a track record."
raise hell - chapter twelve
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daddy-socrates · 1 year
yahoo i have written 3 pages and some for chapter 3
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cinnabeat · 1 year
god i remember reading the reiko origin chapters and the utter devastation i felt
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