imperfectercell · 7 months
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Finally finished this poster parody sketch I did forever ago!
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amelheth · 5 months
Imma gonna hate tagging this...
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krello-png · 3 months
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Took a shot at my own look for an Aeos Bunny Suit
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glitchy-boii · 8 months
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mikaseidukas · 1 year
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Some more sketches of Aeos, trying some dynamic poses and understanding the design more :>
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suygarcaine · 1 year
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omggg ms aeos (cryinn)
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here’s the full image
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duhragonball · 11 months
Super Dragon Ball Heroes 37-40
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Take a good look, because Cell doesn’t move from this spot for the rest of this arc. :(
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Last time, Goku got some help from Hearts, a dead bad guy from earlier in this web anime.  They then went to rescue Vegeta from an alternate version of Goku Black, and then they got rescued by Cell, of all people.  They take shelter in a cave, where they discuss the situation, along with additional allies that were revealed but not identified in the previous episode: Gohan, Krillin, 17, and 18. 
To clarify, this planet is Earth, but not the Earth of Universe 7.  We’re in a new universe, the one created by Fu’s Universe Tree in Episode 32.  This new universe is an incomplete copy of Universe 7, so it has all the same planets and buildings, but no people.  Apparently there’s senzu beans, Dragon Balls and Dragon Radars just lying around, but I don’t understand how the Dragon Balls even work when there’s no Namekian present to sustain them. 
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This group is joined by three demons: Putine, Salsa, and Shroom, who calls himself a “former” demon.  Hearts and Cell already explained that it was Demigra who brought them out of Hell and into this universe to help resist Fu.  I don’t think they know who Demigra is by name, but that’s the idea.  I think Shroom, Putine, and Salsa are all working for Demigra too? And they probably brought Krillin’s group from Universe 7? 
The main thing about all the Demon characters is that there’s two main factions.  One, the Dark Empire/Time Breakers, are usually led by Towa, who often seeks to elevate a Dark King to power, like when she restored Mechikabura, and then later empowered her own son, Fu.  
The other faction, Demgira-gun, is led by Demigra, a self-styled “Demon God”, whose primary goal is to seize control of Tokitoki, the Divine Bird of Time, which will allow him to become a time-god or something.  He and his minions keep popping up to sabotage the Time Breakers’ plans, presumably because Demigra sees a Dark King as a threat to his own agenda.
Now, at the moment, Shroom, Salsa, and Putine appear to be working for Demigra-gun, but I’m not sure how deep their loyalty runs.  Some of these demons switch sides a lot, and I think some of them are double-agents.  Or maybe they’re only helping Demigra for the same reasons Cell and Hearts are working with him.  They share a common enemy in Fu, but that might be all it is. I suspect that if Demigra were the one threatening the status quo, Putine might be teaming up with Towa.
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Anyway, Shroom “explains” that in this new universe, Black has been “using” Fu to carry out the Zero Mortals Plan.  From here, he’s been killing mortals in this universe and the original multiverse.  I put “explain” in quotes because I don’t understand how or when this happened. 
Okay, so Fu created the new universe in Episode 32.  We’re up to like 37 right now, and barely any time has passed.  And yet, the idea here seems to be that Fu somehow retrieved a Goku Black from an alternate timeline, and told him what would happen to him in his future.  Goku Black then resolved to fight Gokus from other timelines, defeating 100 of them so that he could gain better mastery over his own body.  Then he set up shop in this new universe, where he’s supposed to be killing the mortals who live there.  Except... there aren’t any?  The Time Patrol said in Episode 32 that the New Universe is uninhabited.  
Maybe the idea here is that Goku Black is the reason that it’s uninhabited, but if he killed the entire population of the new universe, then why does its West City look so pristine?  You’d think there would have been a battle.  Or maybe the idea is that Goku Black is just using the new universe as a way to safely attack the original multiverse.  We saw that damage to buildings in the new universe would cause similar destruction in the original, except there might be people in those buildings in the original world, so Goku Black could use that to his advantage, destroying major population centers that are empty in the new universe but full of filthy mortals in their counterpart.  Except... again, we don’t see any destroyed buildings.  He blew up a planet in Episode 36, so maybe he just hasn’t gotten to Earth yet, but I’m still confused.
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So the situation is grim, and Black needs to be stopped, so Vegeta is arguing in favor of accepting Cell’s assistance.  It disgusts him, and it must disgust the others even more, since he’s having to talk them into it, but he doesn’t see that they have a choice.  Cell agrees that he doesn’t want to work with them either, so their alliance will only be temporary.  Then he thinks to himself that he’ll fight the good guys later, but...
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... Hearts can read Cell’s mind, and he suggests that Cell set aside his future plans for now.
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Okay, so that’s settled, but Goku doesn’t think they have enough power to win this thing.  So Putine, Shroom, and Salsa open up a portal to a dimension like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, where Goku and Vegeta can train for the battle while the others keep Black occupied.  Goku can use this chance to refine his Ultra Instinct, while Vegeta can master that “evil aura” power up he gained from fighting Cumber and Turles. 
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Meanwhile, Goku Black reflects on his plan.  Okay, I think I get it now. He says that “soon” mortals will be born into this new universe.  He calls them “fake mortals”, so I guess they would be copies of the real mortals that live in Universe 7.  Black’s plan is to kill the copies, which will automatically kill the real things.  So it’s not that he’s already wiped out a bunch of people, it’s that he’s preparing to do that later on, as the new universe matures into being. 
I’m still not sure what his connection to Fu is, since Fu’s the one that brought him here. I think this means Fu wants all the mortals to die from all of this?  Or maybe Goku Black is going into business for himself, but Fu surely would have expected the guy behind the “Zero Mortals Plan” to try something like this, right? It’s not like Goku Black never talks about it.
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Then the mysterious stranger shows up to attack him, and....
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... It’s another Goku.  Fuck dammit.  I don’t know if this is some edgelord AU version of Goku, or this is some other clown who stole a Goku’s body.  I guess it could be another character who just happens to look like Goku, such as Turles, Bardock, or Goten.  Maybe it’s Goku Junior from the GT TV Special? That’d be a weird twist.
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Krillin and Gohan’s squad try to jump in to help the mysterious Brown Goku.  That’s what I’m calling him now.  I will not be accepting critiques.  But before they can help, three more assholes show up: Dr. W, Bojack with bigger hair, and Super 17 with a mask on.  Okay, let me unpack this, because I don’t understand Fu’s side of this at all.
During the Universe Creatuon Arc, Fu had a team of guys to help him: Bojack, Turles, Cooler, Dr. W., and Super 17.  Okay, fair enough.  Cooler and Super 17 never actually did anything in that arc.  The next time we see Cooler was in this arc, where he and Frieza chase Goku, and then Goku Black tries to use them for his own ends.  So I have no idea whose side Cooler is supposed to be on, or how Frieza got involved.
Super 17 still hasn’t done anything, but he’s got a mask now, so I don’t know what to make of that.  We won’t see him again during this arc, so I guess we’ll never know what he was supposed to do.  Turles was fighting Vegeta in this arc, and then he turned on Goku Black, so I guess he’s off Fu’s team.  Bojack and Dr. W are still on board.
Then we have Janemba and Broly, who seemed to help Fu, but I don’t know if they were even aware of what side they were on at the time. 
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So I think that’s Fu’s whole group, but it’s pretty fluid.  Speaking of Fluid, Dr. W starts melting as he transforms into Dr. W’s... no, Dr. Wheelo’s true form!  Why would they treat this like some big reveal? Gohan and Krillin are the only ones here would would even know who Dr. Wheelo is, and the audience either figured out he was Wheelo from the start, or they never cared.
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Wheelo’s true form is basically a more humanoid-shaped redesign of his robot body from DBZ Movie 2.  Not bad, although I really wish they would have picked a brighter color scheme so we could see it better.  But that’s Wheelo’s whole aesthetic, so fair play to Toei, I guess.
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Meanwhile, Goku Black turns into a Super Saiyan Rose 3?  Or something?  He defeats the Brown Goku this way.
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Then he rips off the Vengeance Cannon again.  Up yours, Goku Black!  I ripped that idea off of the Special Beam Cannon fair and square.
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Then Goku and Vegeta show up and Brown Goku just buggers off, saying he has other things to do.  Fuck you, Brown Goku.  You look ridiculous.
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Look at this nonsense.  Why is he wearing a mask when the whole point is that he looks like Goku?  It’s dumb as fuck.
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They work over Goku Black for a bit, but he can absorb energy from all the other fights that have been going on, which makes him strong enough to handle their combined assault.  Also, he whips out a corrupted Scroll of Eternity from the Xenoverse games, and it produces...
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Majin Omega Shenron!  Sure, Okay.  I guess this sort of adds up, since Goku Black was using Dark Dragon Balls to control Frieza and Cooler earlier, so maybe if you use them all together you get an Omega Shenron.  Not sure where the Majin business comes in. 
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But Cumber takes Omega Shenron on, and Hearts explains that he’s a villain who once fought the other version of Goku, presumably meaning Xeno Goku from the Time Patrol.  So Hearts and Cumber handle Omega...
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While Goku and Vegeta use fusion to deal with Goku Black.  Okay, so this is like the fifth time we’ve seen fusion, right?  We saw Vegito Blue take on Cumber, then Vegito 4 fought Cumber, then Gogeta Blue took on Hearts, then Vegito Blue and Vegito 4 vs. Fu.  Oh shit, I was wrong, this is the sixth fusion in this series!  Wild.
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The good guys win and their enemies vanish.  Then Brown Goku comes back with seven Dragon Balls and wishes everyone out of the New Universe.  Okay...
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Goku finds himself at the Universe Tree, and Fu now looks like a child with one wing.  He reveals that he merged with Dogidogi, the Bird of Catastrophe who also intervened to save him from Demigra’s Time Labyrinth.
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Oh, right, I forgot that Fu and Xeno Vegito were trapped inside of this thing, which is why we haven’t seen Xeno Goku or Xeno Vegito this whole time.
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Also, SSJ4 Broly is here, because why not?
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Gradually, everyone starts showing up to back Goku up.  Cumber and Hearts appear and Cumber insists on fighting Broly, which works for me.
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Vegeta and Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta also show up and they fuse into their respective Gogetas.  Eight fusions.  We’ve seen fusion eight times in this web series.  It’s only like 5 hours long.
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Not to be outdone, Fu reveals he has TWO wings.  You thought he was at his limit before?  With just one wing?  You fool! 
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So in this form, Fu has some attack that de-fuses the Gogetas immediately, and he also removes the Vegeta from the battle by teleporting them away or something. 
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Before he can destroy the remaining Gokus, the Supreme Kai of Time shows up and gives them some sort of huge power up.  They fire Kamehamehas at Fu...
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And it doesn’t fucking work.  Well, why would it?  This asshole just beat TWO GOGETAS IN ONE SHOT.  Toei broke their own broken power scaling nonsense.  Where do you go from here?
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Then Fu draws power from the Universe Tree itself.  Uh, why?  You were already winning, dummy!
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But not so fast, Goku accidentally taps into the Universe Tree’s power as well, and he manages to control it for himself, which evens up the odds.
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They have a standard-issue beam struggle, Goku prevails, and Fu vanishes.  Tokitoki brings back the Vegetas, and Hearts explains that Broly and Cumber ran off togehter to make out continue fighting.  Hearts asks Goku if he defeated Fu, and Goku replies with a definitive “probably”.  Fuck you, Super Dragon Ball Heroes.
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The Universe Tree has been completely drained of its energy, so now all that’s left is for Chronoa and Tokitoki to restore the original universes to normal.  There’s a short musical montage during this, but all we see are the same good guys just floating around watching Chronoa. 
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Meanwhile, Brown Goku reports to some new lady and says that he successfully destroyed Fu’s new universe.  She asks if he saved his son, and he did, apparently.  I guess he’s one of those other brown guys in the back of this shot.  The lady says that it’s now time for her to reveal herself.  As I recall, this is Aeos, another Supreme Kai of Time, but we’ll see about her next time. 
And that’s the New Spacetime War Arc.  Kind of a hot mess, as we’ve come to expect from this series.  It’s still pretty good for what it is.  Some of the fights in this seem to have a marked improvement in choreography and animation, and There’s a lot fewer randos just standing around not contributing to the plot.  I like that Cell got to be in this thing, but I’m also very irritated that he didn’t actually get to do anything.  Maybe he’ll be in the next arc, but I doubt it. 
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crimerhyme · 1 year
aeos x chronoa?
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shorties unite, together they might actually find out whats exactly on the top shelf
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writeintrees · 1 year
Call for a paid sensitivity reader!
I am writing two bedbound characters, one of whom has a terminal illness. I am looking for someone who shares one or two of these identities and is familiar with reading/writing. I would like to either talk through my plot (pay by amount of time) or have you read through my work (pay by the word).
Please message me or comment if you’re interested!
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doctorofmagic · 1 year
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Stephen suffered A LOT in this story (as usual) but at least he was hugged so I see this as a win.
Rest, beloved. You earned it (and fuck you Sophia!!)
Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise #4 (2023)
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dhampyr-darling · 1 year
Was trying to make another Fall Sunrise cover and i ended up not liking this while i was inking so i decided that maybe slapping some color mid way would help. It didn't really but i worked too hard and long on it to just delete so have this silly wip. I liked her face the most out of it all.
Anyways, i love Yalda!!! 💖💖💖
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laladbzland · 2 years
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise #004, “Shape and Nothing More”
Art by Tradd Moore and Heather Moore
Written by Tradd Moore
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krello-png · 2 years
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Now for my main trade, sketches I so very much wish that Aeos actually had an entourage of alt timeline Gokus, Turles’ and Bardocks like I thought intially but I guess she’s still cool.
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snowboyclarkov · 11 months
Parody Death Battle Match-Ups - 2
Some point ago, I made various templates of battles I want to see made one day. They included a Beyblade Main Antagonist Battle Royale, Luka vs Byakuren Hijiri, Origami Tobiichi vs. Rashad Goodman vs. The Darkest Lord and Gwyn Reynolds vs. Lisa Loud among others.
This one is my next addition to that list. A battle between rulers and keepers of time. Imagine a scenario if you will.
I also came up with an ice-themed battle, which comes at next to no surprise given that ice, and the cold in general, is my entire thing. There's a reason I'm named "Snow Boy Clarkov" on this site.
Match-up 1:
Faust/Tempo - Metal Fight Beyblade
Sakuya Izayoi - Touhou Project
Aeos - Dragon Ball
Vector Prime - Transformers
Match-up 2:
Zane - Ninjago
Yuki-Onna - Monster Girl Encyclopedia
Lui Shirosagi - Beyblade Burst
Flurious - Power Rangers
Mizore Shirayuki - Rosario + Vampire
Fuusuke Suzuno - Inazuma Eleven
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mikaseidukas · 2 months
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One of the cooler designs from Super Dragon Ball Heroes I still like! Maybe I should do more pose studies with Aeos again :D
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