#A Decade In The Grave
Six Feet Under - Decomposition of the Human Race
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shrugsinchinese · 5 months
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Older Wulfstrid is a yaoi couple in a yuri kind of way
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shadow0-1 · 2 months
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Adrenaline through your veins
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and hands that fit in mine
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idlesuperstar · 1 year
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- As far back as I can remember, I had a passion for dressing up and playing games of 'Let's Pretend', which are, of course, the basic principles of acting, and if you are lucky enough, you get paid for so doing, hard work though it may be.
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aura-bug · 13 days
I don't think I've ever seen this much hype around just the BLURB of a new wc arc before, all these cool predictions/ideas are exciting!! I can't wait for us all to be inevitably disappointed when moonpaw is a gray cat with blue eyes playing the role of sad anxious medicine cat #4 and the voice haunting her is actually ashfur (back from th water) and its her mission to go find the moonBush and in order to do that we have to go through 400 pages of walking to the tribe
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paramaline · 6 months
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SPEAKING OF FALLOUT i don't think i ever posted this here…terror new vegas au for @terrorscififest back in may…NCR ranger james fitzjames is all too willing to pose for some dodgy propaganda posters
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gwaedhannen · 5 months
!!! celebrian in valinor fic!!! 👀👀👀
It probably won't be out for a while yet, since I still need to figure out what the heck I'm actually doing with it. Right now I just have pure angst. Which is fun! But I'd like to get to some healing eventually.
She cannot bear Gil-Galad, so altered by the release of his long burdens that she hardly recognizes his serenity. She cannot bear Celebrimbor, once her dearest friend, now forever overlaid by his dangling corpse and his accursed shackles binding her husband and her mother to his doom. She cannot bear noble grandmother Eärwen, who has never walked the far shore and known its inundating grief. She cannot bear kind grandfather Arafinwë, always with the correct words and actions to just for a moment, make her forget how marred she is. She cannot bear radiant uncle Finrod, for what are her scars against his? She cannot bear uncle Angaráto, nor aunt Eldalótë, nor cousin Orodreth, nor the absence where uncle Aegnor should be, for her story is of little note next to the tragedies and triumphs of their age. She cannot bear the dozens and hundreds of family, old friends, old acquaintances, well-wishers she has never known. “What a pity. What a pity. What a pity!” She doesn’t want to heal. She can’t heal. The scar tissue is all she is now, layer upon layer, down into the marrow. She should have stayed and persisted in that half-life among her true family. She should have faded into a memory of rain on silver glass. She should have laid herself down in Elladan’s gardens and let grief wash her to the Halls of Awaiting. She had to leave. She couldn’t let them bury her. Couldn’t let them see what she is. Queen of Ruination! Spoilt and turned, not even worth twisting into an orc. A footnote in a story nobody will ever read.
So it goes. Moping and wallowing in her deserved misery as the scars heal and start to fade. Until one day she looks up from the embroidery she is mangling and sees another footnote has seated herself across from her. “Hello, cousin,” says the once-Princess of Minas Tirith, of Nargothrond, of a sunken grave. “Gwindor and I have a third ticket to the Flinnrysc concert tonight. You’re coming along.”
Yes I know Celeborn has family too but shh, I'll think of how to integrate them later (and I'd need to come up with names for Galadhon and Galathil's wives).
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oldvintageglamour · 5 days
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Policemen measuring Peggy Graves' swimsuit to check whether it meets minimum clothing requirements, 1933 ❤️👙❤️👙❤️
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ghoulhusband · 1 month
i’m obviously incredibly biased but i do think it’s kinda more interesting if the courier isn’t mad that benny shot them. for whatever reason! but especially if they come from similar backgrounds where it’s like “well it was respectful. he clearly didn’t want to kill me specifically it was business. and he basically threw me a funeral while i was still alive” and then their bigger issue is figuring out what to do now that they’re not dead. do they get revenge out of principle, do they try to solve the mystery of it all, do they hunt him down just to ask him to apologize, do they get roped into it by victor, or just general events? idk i obviously understand the revenge angle is very motivating, i just think a courier who doesn’t hate benny is really interesting and fun to play with. and not just because he’s my favorite guy and i could never hold it against him
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mxtxfanatic · 10 months
Chu Wanning calls himself “old” so often and early in the narrative, and with the fact that he’s also entitled an “immortal,” you just assume he’s at some age past the average human lifespan. Which is fair enough, fine really. But then you find out his actual age at the start of the story and he’s… 26.
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Six Feet Under - Hacked to Pieces
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rosepompadour · 4 months
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THE GIRL IN THE SONG, round one: marianne faithfull (team jagger) vs. hermione farthingale (team bowie)
IN FAVOR OF MARIANNE: - She's Marianne Faithfull! - "Graceless lady, you know who I am / You know I can't let you slide through my hands." IN FAVOR OF HERMIONE: - "They say you sparkle like a different girl / But something tells me that you hide / When all the world is warm and tired / You cry a little in the dark / Well, so do I." - "It was long, long ago, long ago / And I still can't touch your name."
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ohmyoverland · 1 year
It’s crazy how by the end of The Empty Grave, skullyle is nearly as valid a canon interpretation as locklyle and no one seems to be talking about it
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gobbluthbutagirl · 12 hours
packing for my trip this week and i’m like when was the last time i actually went on a vacation that involved a flight…well it was 19 years ago. and 19 years ago i was 7 so i’m sure i was only minimally involved in the packing process
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theygender · 2 months
Fucking forgot how locks work today for some reason and dragged a maintenance guy all the way over to my apartment only for him to have to look me in the eye and tell me I was turning my key the wrong way. Fuck my stupid baka life
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ripplestitchskein · 2 years
So mad a dude he was expecting to rile him up insulted Kacchan he unlocked a secret power up that ALL OF THE LIFE THREATENING SITUATIONS HES BEEN IN didn’t unlock. Super straight behavior.
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