tjalexandernyc · 22 days
I'm watching season 2 of MASH, an episode of television that's like 50 YEARS OLD, and the two main guys, our heroes, our special lads, are out here stating without any kind of reservation or vagueness that they think homosexuals are fine actually and the people who hate them are weird losers.
MEANWHILE over on Supernatural in the year of our lord 2020...........................................................
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sneez · 1 month
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some gwynplaines and deas because they are all i have been thinking about
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finncakes · 1 year
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missing my wife hours...
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n1ghtwarden · 2 months
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i need you all to hear me out on this again.
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remythologise · 6 months
bestie… what’s the 600k incomplete merlin fic please drop the title
SO glad you asked and also I misspoke. It is actually 871k. THE HANDS OF A HUNDRED WINTERS by FOURLEGGEDFISH. It is in four parts and you both can and should read it despite being incomplete, I have only read 3/4 parts because I am loathe to part with the reading experience of writing this good. This is both my favourite Merlin fic I've ever read and potentially my favourite longfic I've ever read (though hard to assess when it's incomplete and I haven't read it all as yet). It's AMAZING to me that the author has managed to sustain and even increase my interest over this many words, a feat managed by no other fanfiction I've read longer than 400k words ever (and I read a lot of those!). Don't get me wrong it's not perfect, and I do have minor scruples with some things*! I also don't think it's for everyone, my dear friend didn't like it and found it too dark for her personal tastes. But for ME? SPECIFICALLY FOR ME? To quote something I said to my friends 'wells for boys, lads, wells for fucking boys.' I also think it's so immaculately beautifully written that even if it's not your personal cup of tea you should read it anyway. ALSO the sheer dazzling breadth of research that went into this fic is REMARKABLE. I am not joking when I say this author has achieved everything I want to achieve as a writer in this fic. In many ways this is Ur Merlin Fic. The Once and Future Fic. To Me!
*I have minor scruples with almost every fic I've ever read and frankly remarkable how few scruples occur with a fic on this size. There are also scruples I had with things like tone, characterisation or even sex scenes that were then resolved with plot explanations that made sense a mere half a million words later in a quite satisfying way. This fic is a masterpiece in how it threads things like that through and pays them off very handsomely. I know how much blood sweat and tears goes into creating fanfic and I am overwhelmed by the skill, love and zillions of hours that must have gone into crafting this. Nothing but respect for such an incredible piece of art.
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corgiteatime · 13 days
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"Why is Astarion covered in blood?" you might ask.
The still smouldering orge corpse behind him might cue viewers in on what happened offscreen.
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tanadrin · 1 year
put it this way: when donald trump raises an army and the midwest forms its own de facto government of which he is the head, the federal government’s control is restricted to california, the east coast, and scattered urban enclaves, and florida declares its independence (but isn’t recognized by any UN member states), and the army doesn’t have the ability to force it back into the union, and the US gdp collapses because the dollar lost all its value and is no longer the world’s reserve currency, then we can talk about the US being a failed state. 30% of federal government employees being forced to take a monthlong unpaid vacation is shitty and embarrassing as hell for the US government, but it’s not collapse of the central government.
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lunearobservatory · 10 months
Chronic pain colorado. Thank u
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zadien · 2 months
Upside, if things don’t get resolved nicely or if the writers mess up, the fandom has loads of amazing fanfic writers to do justice to the characters and the story and I’m excited to see how that goes.
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bangcakes · 5 months
#personal#..... im just gonna have to be patient NDNDNDNNDD#and tbh im lucky to even be feeling this way. like i never in a million years would think this would happen to me#like JDJDJDJDJJDJD god. idk idk#we defs like. were buds at that dinner. like he was near me the whole time. like i left a lil earlier and he was right behind me NDJDJDJJDJ#got to sit next to each other.... and like. god.... idk this was like movie shit#when i got there...... it was super early okay. i get anxious about being late (and ok i also know he has a tendency to be early)#so i pull into a spot n im waiting there#this car that looked like his pulled into the spot almost in front of me#n im like is that him ????? like wouldnt that be so fucjin funny#then the light in the car goes on and im like OH IT LOOKS LIKE HIM???? but then i was like eh it could be anyone#so im like okay whatever. if its him. he'll get out eventually#so the guy gets out if the car right and LMAO IT WAS HIM AHAHAHAHAHHAHA#so i get out of my car and like theres so many cars going past us so i walk a lil ahead#and then i look back and meet eyes with him n im like#OH SO IT WAS YOU#and he was like. YA. I WAVED AT YOU#and i was like I DIDN'T SEE IT. then we talked about something else#and then i was like..... was the light on when you waved tho#and he was like... i think so???? GOD. LMAO. THIS IS WHY ITS GONNA TAKE US 800000 YEARS#so anyway. its only us two there and we're walking toward the restaurant and im like oh should we go in. n hes like ya#so we do.... and god lmao being there with him... going up to ask for our reservation. i was like WHAT KIND OF DATE SITUATION?????#LIKE IT WASNT. BUT I WAS LIKE DJDJJDJDJDJD OH THIS IS. WHAT ITD FEEL LIKE HUH. GOD.#n e way we had to wait forever for the table n for other ppl to show up.#then when we were finally sat... he was right near me. like not the chair directly in front of me. but tge one adjacent#so i got to talk to him all night !!!@ and like there were some awkward times of silence but JDJDJJD IDK. WE WERE EATING.#and like there were other people at the table too and i didnt wanna just be asking him questions NDJDNDJJDJDJ#n e way. he was cuter and taller than i remembered. he had me dying laughing at some points. i still like him so much NDJDJDJDNJDJD#im in so much trouble......... like will i ever be okay again
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selftrepanning · 7 months
i’m genuinely making myself sick over this beautiful old house i was showing my bf on zillow trying to convince him somehow we could totally not only buy a house but that one specifically
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bokatan · 7 months
Mercy 🔮
[ future scene ask ] @fuzzydreamin
I keep playing around with this post-game idea for Mercy where she stays in the Commonwealth, rather than wandering off like she normally does after a few months, & having her set up some sort of clinic for specialized services. She'd obviously offer standard medical care(albeit more ghoul-centric than other Commonwealth medical providers), medical supplies, chems, and she'd get into medical implants and probably some induced mutations as well.
I also think it'd be fun to let her play around with syringers at some point, and letting her make new experimental darts and maybe even offering those for sale when she decides they're consistent enough. She'd drag Reed, and potentially a few others, into doing field trials for those since her vision and long distance aim aren't the greatest.
I'm including a few screenshots here since I've been exploring potential locations where she could set up shop like this, and of course she's going to have all kinds of herbs and whatnot growing in the surrounding area/greenhouse/etc so she has a reliable source of supplies. These are from the Coastal Cottage build where I made this sick ass fungi cave under the house
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Poor Yuuta 😆
What's he gonna do when someone tells him Todo punched His Boy™️ through a wall
And really, what's with every person ripping of their shirt or being shirtless while fighting Megumi. Sukuna is the worst offender of course, and their's also Todo, even Mahoraga didn't have a shirt. We're obviously excluding Toji.
Also, being offended at a low bounty is so Sukuna 🤣 That entire post was hilarious, especially the tags.
The other second years decide that they need to shield Yuuta from the knowledge that this ever happened because if he did he’d kill todo and then feel bad about killing him and it’s just be enormously inconvenient to maki specifically who would have to hear about it.
They also decide that this is immediately a mission doomed for failure because Inumaki’s a spineless simp who will absolutely spill the beans to his boy (his boy being Yuuta).
So they tell Todo that if he values his life (doubtful—maki has sincere doubts as to its value and feels even todo must know that) he’ll find a border and get over it because Yuuta will break his fucking spine if he finds out someone beat the shit out of Megumi specifically as a way to goad Yuuta himself. Fuck around, find out. Yuuta’s not letting anyone use megumi against him and he’s willing to make an example to ensure future safety.
Sukuna feels the Zenin were on point with the brat’s valuation (if not too generous) but he’s in here too and he’s a fucking gold standard of targets. What the fuck why is the bounty so low. He’s the king of curses and he’s getting the valuation of an idiot high schooler with a crush. There’s no respect nowadays.
Yuuji has to hear a lot about how the price on his head is not good enough for Sukuna.
#sukuna at three am the night before a mission: i am nightmare incarnate they could BANKRUPT themselves to kill me and it would not be enough#what the fuck is wrong with sorcerers these days. brat you want to fix the in-law problem and you let me out on the Zenin compound. ten#minutes. they’ll see who’s worth a mere /800000 yen/. fucking unprofessional is what it is.#yuuji is somewhat tempted he cannot lie#the Zenin stress his boyfriend out a lot okay#he sees how much they can get to him. and also like. he doesn’t know the details. but he can read between the lines enough to know they’ve#hurt him. how bad WOULD it be to let Sukuna raze a few buildings to the ground#yuuji has a very pretty boyfriend who will let him /hold his hand/ and /kiss him/ and legitimately life could not be better were it not for#the active attempts on his life. those. those are a downer.#very pretty boyfriend. who’s smarter than him. can summon dogs at will. literally the gold standard cannot imagine how lucky he is but there#HAS to be a fly in the ointment and it HAS to be his lunatic family#the thing is yuuji overwhelmingly feels murder is wrong EXCEPT when you trigger him in which case he’ll kill you with his bare hands#re: mahito#and like. he’s getting there with the Zenin. he’s getting there.#the issue is that makis a fucking vault and Yuuta this impossibly beautiful and perfect son of a bitch in Africa who they’ve never met so#they can’t interrogate him. and inumaki is. challenging. to interrogate#pandas the fucking weak link tho and nobara and yuuji have figured out that the Zenin did something seriously fucked not too long ago#they don’t want to invade Megumi’s privacy but he’s Their Boy and they’ll cut bitches over him#yuuji shares a wall with megumi and sometimes it’s really obviously he had a bad nightmare he won’t talk about#but he will tell him when it wasn’t about sukuna ripping out Yuuji’s heart so he won’t feel guilty#and eventually yuuji just sort of pieced it together that it was about the Zenin#not to be dramatic but Yuuji and nobara will kill people for megumi#why does OKKOTSU YUUTA get to know about their boy but not YUUJI who’s LITERALLY DATING HIM#panda: well Yuuta was right in the middle of everything what with how he— *horrified silence* I’ve said too much#todos no help because he also thinks Yuuta is an impossibly beautiful and perfect bastard and it does not help yuujis morale#he’s on yuujis side of course#but if there is anyone who COULD come even close to his brother who is the sparkling pinnacle of existence it would be Okkotsu Yuuta#no one can tell if todos in love with Yuuta#like obviously his heart and soul belong to takada but it gets hella gay sometimes when he talks about Yuuta#he doesn’t know what this assless boy has done to bewitch such beautiful men and it torments him
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nomsfaultau · 9 months
If I had a nickel for every time Fault!Tubbo was presumed dead, I'd have 35 cents. Which isn't a lot but it's like really weird that it's happened seven times.
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thesadboy · 1 year
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@duskdragonxiii's Throckmorton saga is something I have become a bit unhealthily fixated on, so I made my own takes on two Houndour line hybrids based on Throckmorton's puppydaddies lol
Details below the cut
Houndour + Eevee
-This crossbreed has longer ears and a shorter snout, having inherited the traits from its father's pre-evolution. As a result, while it has better hearing, it also has some breathing problems
-The bone around its neck is slightly reminiscent of Eevee's neck fluff and it protects it from fatal attacks
-Its tail has a similar shape to Eevee's but is smaller and shorter, likely helping avoid some accidents when the young pup practices its fire type moves (bigger tail=bigger target for flames)
-The pup is attracted to places with a moss rock, often taking the chance to sleep on or near one or even pee on it. There's also its fixation on Leaf Stones, usually sniffing it curiously and carrying it around or peeing on it. It's believed to either be a case of genetic memory from its Leafeon father or mistaking it as a way for it evolve.
-A bit hardier than purebred Houndour
Houndour + Sprigatito
-Its ears are more perked up than its purebred kin, likely owing to its father's pre-evolution
-The shape of its back bones and the marking on its outer skull slightly resemble Sprigatito's fur in shape and these have made this crossbreed a popular pet.
-Its tail that is considered quite unique from the combination of Houndour and Sprigatito's tail shape, making it another trait contributing to the crossbreed's popularity as a pet.
-Aside from Houndour's snout marking, it also has face markings similar to Floragato and Meowscarda
-Like its father, its body produces a pleasing aroma, albeit a more "burnt" or earthy one like burnt pine or incense.
-While it also retains Sprigatito's habit of washing its face, it's been shown to prefer warm or even steaming water over cold water because of its fire typing.
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cipher-fresh · 9 months
today was barely eventful but i managed to write a thousand words about it somehow?
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