#70 bucks for the whole shebang!
tchotchkez · 29 days
damn y'all work really does got me Tired About Eyeballs
#living the optician in training life#I am literally so tired#human interaction at a new job is especially draining#I know I'll get used to it soon but GODDAMN man#some folks are just so skeezy#no you cannot have free trial contacts when your prescription expired 4 years ago and you haven't even been in for an exam#why not? because you are Stupid and if you fuck something up while wearing the expired prescription and we gave it to you#then your dumb ass will blame us and we will be sued#it may be a prescription for your eyes but IT IS STILL A MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION THAT YOU MUST RECEIVE FROM A DOCTOR#you can't go to your doctor and ask for medicine for an illness you had 4 years ago#so why would you expect different from us?#shit changes in 4 years#the audacity of some if these ignorant entitled fuckos#and we have a really affordable basic deal on an exam and two pairs of eyeglasses!#70 bucks for the whole shebang!#it's almost always better than what insurance covers!#and then people want to get all the add ons and special materials and go full on surprised pikachu face when it's not the same price anymore#they're called add ons because they ADD ON#they are not usually necessary unless you live a certain lifestyle that makes them worth the investment#but if you need something affordable in order to see and function and not end up killing yourself driving#then the basic plan is an insanely good and affordable deal!#i used the very same deal prior to being hired!#i have my main glasses and a whole ass backup pair#and some people just#do not get it#they think they can get something ~special~ or that their insurance just HAS to be better bc it's insurance#please you guys learn to think freely and critically#okay rant over#tate talks#work tales
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bitchfitch · 1 year
a lot of the comments on that stained glass post are really funny because they assume the horse was like, a serious attempt and not me going "ok I've never used these tools before, I'm going in with no plan and just fucking up half sqft of glass while i learn how the cutter and pliers work" and then assembling the resulting shards into something vaguely resembling a horse to get the rest of the process down in my pre research fuck around and find out phase of learning a new skill.
Also the soldering looks like shit because the articles i found in the 20 minutes i was buying the stuff to start all said "flux makes the soldering better" in really vague terms without actually like, explaining that it lowers the flow point of the solder and makes the copper foil more receptive to it. so i assumed it wasn't necessary and was just used for vague betterness reasons and didn't buy any until a few days later when I started properly researching how to do things and found out it's actual job and that it's absolutely vital to the process.
So the solder isn't actually fully bound to the tape on the horse and is just like, melted overtop it following the lines of the tape. there's a distinct oval shape where the sides of the bead are up and off the tape instead of the domed shape it's actually supposed to be.
I also hadn't bought a grinder at that point bc I'm cheap and wanted to find one lightly used on ebay and also i wanted to wait for my pay check so I'd have a Little extra wiggle room with the whole shebang before i dropped 70 bucks on a tool i might not enjoy using too much.
which is to say, the whale is the first actual attempt and not the horse.
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jrubalcaba · 7 years
Precious Cargo Ch. 18 - The Compromise
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Precious Cargo Chapter 18 - The Compromise
author: jrubalcaba
featuring: OFC Guinevere “Gwen” Adams x Bucky Barnes
word count: 1180 words
rating: G
warnings: More Fluff with allusions to sexy times
A/N: I cannot thank @avenger-nerd-mom enough for everything she’s done with this story!
It's been three weeks since our gender reveal and Bucky is still elated that we're having a boy. He's also been pushing me to plan a wedding before our little guy gets here. He doesn't want to have to hyphenate the baby’s last name, but trying to plan a full on wedding and reception is stressing me out on top of being pregnant. I have come up with a compromise however, so it's time to get him on board. 
“Hey babe, can you come here for a minute? I need to talk to you about something,” I called from our room, putting my What to Expect book down on the bedside table. I waited for him, but he wasn't coming. As I swung my legs out of bed, he popped around the corner, scaring me. “Jesus Bucky, you walk like a cat,” I admonished him, slapping a hand to my chest.
“Miss Adams, I'm detecting an elevated heart rate. Are you alright? Do I need to alert anyone?” F.R.I.D.A.Y. asked over the intercom. I scowled at Bucky before I looked up at the ceiling. 
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y., but I'm alright. Sergeant Barnes startled me is all,” I assured her before rounding on him. “Bucky, you can't do that. What if next time you do that, I go into labor?” He balked, suddenly realizing that scaring me was no longer funny. 
“Sorry Gwen. It's the, Soldier, in me. I can't help 70 years of training. I'll do my best to not scare you anymore. At least until the baby is born,” he winked at me. “What is it that you wanted to talk about?” He asked, sweeping me into his arms and carrying me back to bed. He laid me down and covered me before sliding in next to me. 
“I wanted to talk about getting married. I know you're set on getting married before he gets here, and I'm totally for it, but trying to plan a wedding in such a small time frame is stressing me to the max,” I started. “So, I was thinking, and hear me out before you object. What if we make a trip to the courthouse before he arrives, make it so I’m officially yours. Then, after I've had him and we all settle into a routine, we can have the whole shebang.” I let him digest my idea for a moment before continuing. “The only difference between the courthouse and a wedding is that a wedding is a full blown ceremony. Steve can still be your best man and Wanda can still be my maid of honor. What do you think?” I held my breath, waiting for his answer. 
“The last thing I want is to stress you out even more, and I'm sorry I put all of that on you. As much as I would love to have a full on wedding, your health and our son’s safety means more. So, yes, let's go to the courthouse. It's also quicker that way, cause doll, I've waited long enough,” he vowed, leaning in to kiss me. I smiled in triumph as I kissed him back. 
“Thanks Buck. You know, I don't go back to work for another couple of days. Why wait?” I teased. Bucky’s eyes got wide and he broke into a megawatt grin. 
“You mean it? Tomorrow? Really?” he asked, excitement evident in his tone. I nodded and he tackled me to the bed, covering me in kisses. Bucky pulled out his phone and dialed a number, holding it to his ear as he waited for the call to connect. “Hello Steve? Hey, you have any plans for tomorrow? Good, cause I need my best man.” I couldn't hear the other end of the conversation, but judging by his grin, Bucky was going to get what he wanted; his best friend by his side as we got married. 
Bucky and I were walking to our apartment as he pulled out his keys to unlock and open the door. I wanted nothing more than to get off my feet, since I had been on them all day. After we had met up with Steve and Wanda, the four of us had gone to the courthouse. Steve and Bucky were so excited, I had to ask Wanda more than once who was actually getting married. Once Bucky and I had said ‘I Do’, Steve and Wanda dutifully signed the license stating they had witnessed our union. 
Then, we went by the Tower and told the team. They weren’t too happy that they had missed it, but after telling them of our plans for a big ceremony after the baby had arrived, they were satisfied. Tony insisted that we all go out for dinner, and we were just now getting home. “Uh-uh.  I don't think so, Mrs. Barnes,” he chastised me, throwing his arm out to keep me from entering. I watched him quizzically as he stooped down to lift me bridal style and carry me over the threshold. “I'm nothing, if not, thorough. It's traditional that the husband carries his wife into their home for the first time.” I grinned at him, chuckling at his antics. 
“Whatever you say, Mr. Barnes. I'm not too heavy for you, am I?” I asked in all honesty, as he seemed to be struggling to hold me up. He shot me his best ‘really?’ look before setting me down gently.
“Babe, I can punch a hole through metal and concrete without breaking a sweat. I think I can handle my pregnant wife. I was trying to figure out the best way to hold you without hurting you or the baby.” Oh. Well that makes sense. “God I love that. I can officially call you my wife now. Tell me, how does it feel to be Mrs. James Buchanan Barnes?” he asked joyfully, grabbing my left hand in his and holding them up to gaze at our rings. 
I beamed up at him, leaning forward to kiss him before answering. “It feels pretty damn good. A dream come true.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. His hands slid down my sides and around my back, holding me as close as he could without squishing the baby. “You know, it's considered bad luck if you don't consummate the marriage right away,” I breathed into his ear and nipped at his earlobe. He pulled back and looked at me in shock. 
“Gwen, I don't want to risk hurting you or the baby. Remember the shower?” he cautioned, stiffening as I pressed my lips to the hollow at the base of his throat. “Gwen….babe please,” he begged, torn. 
“Shhh. Just follow my lead and we'll all end up happy. C’mon, let's go to the bedroom,” I instructed, grabbing his hand and leading the way down the hall. I wanted to relax, but these damn hormones. I’m sure Bucky hates that this will make our total for this week in the double digits.
Chapter 19
@avenger-nerd-mom​ @bad-wolf87 @bolontiku​ @brighterlights​ @buckyappreciationsociety​ @buckyywiththegoodhair​ @caplanbuckybarnes​ @delicatecapnerd​ @disappointedwithchrisevans-post​ @donnaintx​ @etts21​ @ghostssss​ @handshugging​ @imsecretlyromanburki​ @jhangelface0523​ @just-call-me-mrs-captain​ @kimistry27​, @liz-pbnz​ @magellan-88​ @marvel-trash07​ @melodyhiddleston​, @papi-chulo-bucky​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @ryverpenrad​ @sketchbookthingz​ @suz-123​
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