#6th Dalai Lama 第六世達賴喇嘛 (ཚངས་དབྱངས་རྒྱ་མཚོ)
beyourselfchulanmaria · 6 months
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movie -The Assassin 2015 (Ci ke Nie Yin Niang) '刺客聶隱娘' 劇照 /Shu Qi 舒淇 (b. 1974 Taiwanese)
一生牽絆皆是緣,你我珍惜眼前人。(All our life-long ties are fate then may you and I will cherish the people in front of us. - Lan~*)
作詞:倉央嘉措《十誡詩》poem by tsangyang gyatso/6th Dalai Lama 第六世達賴喇嘛 (ཚངས་དབྱངས་རྒྱ་མཚོ)
作曲:欒樹 原唱:李漠 演唱:李健
最好不相見 便可不相戀 最好不相知 便可不相思 最好不相伴 便可不相欠 最好不相惜 便可不相憶 最好不相愛 便可不相棄 最好不相對 便可不相會 最好不相誤 便可不相負 最好不相許 便可不相續 但曾相見便相知 相見何如不見時 安得與君相訣絕 免教生死作相思 最好不相見 便可不相戀 最好不相知 便可不相思 最好不相伴 便可不相欠 最好不相惜 便可不相憶 最好不相依 便可不相偎 最好不相遇 便可不相聚 便可不相聚
If we were not to meet, we would not fall in love; If we were not in acquaintance, we would not be drowned in lovesickness; If we were not in company, we would not mutually owe; If we were not to cherish, we would not recall; If we were not to fall in love, we would not mutually abandon; If we were not face to face, we would not meet; If we were not to hurt, we would not fail to be loyal; If we were not to promise, our love would not continue; Albeit, ever to meet is to know! If ever is assuch, better not to meet. Alas! How could I part with you eternally, thus not in the gyre of endless lovesickness?
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