#60 Days In 3x03
spnmarchmadness · 1 year
the official ranks are in. if you want to participate in the bracket contest (its free. the prize will be the valor that comes from a job well done), you can do so here. 
if you just want to make a bracket for funsies, here’s a google sheet with the intial match ups seeded. The full seeding list is below the cut!
1. 5x22: Swan Song 2. 5x08: Changing Channels 3. 6x15: The French Mistake 4. 13x16: ScoobyNatural 5. 3x11: Mystery Spot 6. 2x22: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 7. 4x01: Lazarus Rising 8. 10x05: Fan Fiction 9. 11x04: Baby 10. 11x20: Don't Call Me Shurley 11. 2x20: What Is and What Should Never Be 12. 3x12: Jus in Bello 13. 4x22: Lucifer Rising 14. 8x23: Sacrifice 15. 9x23: Do You Believe in Miracles? 16. 14x13: Lebanon 17. 14x20: Moriah 18. 1x22: Devil's Trap 19. 2x01: In My Time of Dying 20. 3x03: Bad Day at Black Rock 21. 3x16: No Rest for the Wicked 22. 4x18: The Monster at the End of This Book 23. 4x03: In the Beginning 24. 5x10: Abandon All Hope... 25. 5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight 26. 7x10: Death's Door 27. 11x09: O Brother Where Art Thou? 28. 2x15: Tall Tales 29. 2x21: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 30. 4x16: On the Head of a Pin 31. 4x06: Yellow Fever 32. 5x04: The End 33. 6x20: The Man Who Would Be King 34. 8x17: Goodbye Stranger 35. 1x12: Faith 36. 12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets 37. 5x14: My Bloody Valentine 38. 5x03: Free to Be You and Me 39. 4x20: The Rapture 40. 13x06: Tombstone 41. 14x14: Ouroboros 42. 3x13: Ghostfacers 43. 7x17: The Born-Again Identity 44. 8x11: LARP and the Real Girl 45. 7x20: The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 46. 15x09: The Trap 47. 12x11: Regarding Dean 48. 6x04: Weekend at Bobby's 49. 12x06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox 50. 8x08: Hunteri Heroici 51. 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon 52. 13x05: Advanced Thanatology 53. 1x06: Skin 54. 9x18: Meta Fiction 55. 10x22: The Prisoner 56. 15x18: Despair 57. 14x04: Mint Condition 58. 2x13: Houses of the Holy 59. 9x06: Heaven Can't Wait 60. 15x15: Gimme Shelter 61. 3x08: A Very Supernatural Christmas 62. 10x14: The Executioner's Song 63. 14x10: Nihilism 64. 11x14: The Vessel
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Lore’s StackedNatural Masterpost Part 1
What is StackedNatural?
A terrible and excellent idea by @steveyockey to watch every episode of all 15 seasons of supernatural on the anniversary of their original air date. You can find more about it @stackednatural as well.
Who tf are you?
I’m just an anxious stressed millennial coping with life by hyperfocusing on my most loved and most hated television show. Also, I’m incapable of doing anything casually and feel compelled to make excel spreadsheets. So really, this was inevitable.
Please note that I’m going to do my best keeping up with posting but I have a full-time job, life obligations, etc. For example, I’m getting my wisdom teeth pulled on day 1 (Sept 10th) so I’m going to try and watch in advance and schedule a post for that day.
I’m doing this watch with @meg3point0 and @weedsinavacantlot specifically and in general anyone else on this webbed site who is participating.
Rating Scale: Here
Episode Review Links
Seasons 1 - 3
Seasons 4 - 6
Seasons 7 - 9
Seasons 10 - 12
Seasons 13 - 15
Day 1: 5x01
Day 2: 1x01
Day 3: 5x02
Day 4: 4x01
Day 5: 1x02
Day 6: 7x01
Day 7: 5x03, 6x01
Day 8: 4x02
Day 9: 1x03
Day 10: 2x01
Day 11: 7x02
Day 12: 5x04, 6x02
Day 13: 4x03
Day 14: 8x01
Day 15: 1x04, 3x01
Day 16: 2x02
Day 17: 7x03, 10x01, 11x01
Day 18: 5x05, 6x03, 9x01, 15x14
Day 19: 4x04
Day 20: 8x02, 15x01
Day 21: 1x05, 3x02, 14x01
Day 22: 2x03, 13x01
Day 23: 12x01
Day 24: 7x04, 10x02, 11x02
Day 25: 5x06, 6x04, 9x02, 15x15
Day 26: 4x05
Day 27: 8x03, 15x02
Day 28: 1x06, 3x03, 14x02
Day 29: 2x04, 13x02
Day 30: 12x02
Day 31: 7x05, 10x03, 11x03
Day 32: 6x05, 9x03, 15x16
Day 33: 4x06
Day 34: 8x04, 15x03
Day 35: 1x07, 3x04, 14x03
Day 36: 2x05, 13x03
Day 37: 12x03
Day 38: 7x06, 10x04, 11x04
Day 39: 5x07, 6x06, 9x04, 15x17
Day 40: 4x07
Day 41: 8x08
Day 42: 3x05, 14x04
Day 43: 2x06, 13x04
Day 44: 12x04
Day 45: 7x07, 11x05
Day 46: 5x08, 6x07, 9x05, 15x18
Day 47: 4x08
Day 48: 8x06, 15x04
Day 49: 1x08, 3x06, 14x05
Day 50: 2x07, 13x05
Day 51: 12x05
Day 52: 7x08, 10x05, 11x06
Day 53: 5x09, 6x08, 9x06, 15x19
Day 54: 4x09
Day 55: 8x07, 15x05
Day 56: 1x09, 3x07, 14x06
Day 57: 2x08, 13x06
Day 58: 12x06
Day 59: 7x09, 10x06, 11x07
Day 60: 5x10, 6x09, 9x07
Day 60.5: 15x20
Day 61: 4x10
Day 62: 15x06
Day 63: 1x10
Day 64: 13x07
Day 65: 10x07
Day 66: 9x08
Day 67: 8x08
Day 68: 14x07
Day 69 (nice): 13x08
Day 70: 12x07
Day 71: 7x10, 10x08, 11x08
Day 72: 6x10, 9x09
Day 73: 8x09, 15x07
Day 74: 14x08
Day 75: 2x09, 13x09
Day 76: 12x08
Day 77: 10x09, 11x09
Day 78: 6x11
Day 79: 15x08
Day 80: 3x08, 14x09
Day 81: 7x11
Day 82: 1x11
Day 83: 2x10
Day 84: 7x12
Day 85: 9x10
Day 86: 4x11
Day 87: 8x10, 15x09
Day 88: 1x12, 14x10
Day 89: 2x11, 13x10
Day 90: 10x10, 11x10
Day 91: 5x11, 9x11
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neverheardnothing · 4 years
Is billions worth to watch?
man that’s the billion fucking dollar question isn’t it.
well it depends on what you’re trying to get out of it and i’ll break it down into 3 different levels. i am assuming you’re a will fan since you’re sending this to me but i guess you could also be a random person who has seen me posting in the billions tag. anyways here we go.
1. you are legitimately interested in watching a show
regardless of who is in it. basic rundown is that billions is a show about a cat and mouse game between a hedge fund ceo and a government attorney. every single character in this show is a terrible person who does terrible things to get what they want (with a few exceptions). what they want might be for “good” like stopping other shit people from doing their terrible things, but they do shit things to try to get there. that’s part of the fun and drama. there are a few characters who feel Bad when they do shit things and the moral quandary they go is another added level of fun to watch.
i, personally, do not have a fun time watching this, but have heard that the appeal of watching the show is that you get to see terrible people be terrible to each other. expect character to go out the window for insane plot reasons. don’t try to think too hard about anything that happens because the answer is almost always simply just because. since this show is on showtime, they get to say and do some very Explicit rated stuff. the opening scene of the show is a guy getting pissed on by a dominatrix. the characters get to say fuck. a lot.
basically if you want to turn your brain off and watch a ridiculous, unrealistic drama going at 100 mph, rich people flaunting their wealth, and characters saying absolutely buckshit wild things like it’s normal then go for it. it’s not a show to be in the fandom for. it’s a show to binge watch as fast as you can and think back on in several months with slight fondness like “oh yeah, billions. i watched that show in two weeks and havent thought about it since, but it was absolutely fucking insane. good times.” that’s how people should enjoy this show if they want to imo.
2. you are here for will roland but you also want to understand what happens in the plot/interested in taylor mason
then i can direct you to this VERY handy link called the taylist (made by yours truly) named after one of the deuteragonists of the show, taylor mason (asia kate dillon), who is winston’s (will roland) boss. this playlist contains (my best attempt at getting) every scene taylor is in.
taylor is one of those characters who does bad things and feels bad about it mentioned earlier and for me it’s agonizing to watch since I Care Them. asia kate dillon is a ridiculously good actor so it’s hard not to feel for taylor. they come into the show in season 2.
you don’t miss much in season 1. chuck (government attorney) tries to get well liked billionaire axe (hedge fund ceo) in trouble by proving he is trading on inside information (illegal). the drama comes in when wendy, chuck’s wife, is also the performance coach at axe capital. the season progresses. axe tells wendy something that if revealed could get him in trouble. chuck breaks into wendy’s computer and uses it as evidence. wendy and chuck separate for the time being and wendy quits working for axe. chuck and axe have a confrontation in the axe cap offices where they end up in a giant screaming match. and that’s about it.
other worthwhile characters introduced in season 1 are ben kim and dudley mafee, both analysts at axe cap. ben is your stereotypical nice and meek asian math guy but over the course of the show he starts growing a backbone. mafee is a dudebro and kinda himboish and in season 2 he is the one who hires taylor as an intern.
3. you are here for will roland
no. it is absolutely not worth the watch, at least right now, but i kind of doubt it’ll ever be. most of us here for will roland have not seen the entire show (with a few exceptions) and we’re doing just fine in our winstannery lol. if you want to be extra and go for it, that’s fine, but it’s definitely not required.
will appears in 13/60 episodes and has about half an hour of screen time. his first appearance is in 3x03 and was intended to be a one-off character (quant kid #2), but apparently wrol Killed It and hit it off with asia kate dillon so much that the writers invited him back to become a recurring character. his next scenes were written while he was on set for his initial one day shoot, and you can really tell because at least for the rest of season 3, they really continue to deliver on that good asia kate dillon and will roland acting together content.
he was in 6/7 of the episodes that have aired so far in season 5 and we’re pretty sure that he will be in the rest of the episodes, as apparently the reason he wasn’t in more of season 4 was because he was busy with be more chill. chances are pretty high for him being in a lot of season 6 as it stands now.
here’s every bit of content he’s been in.
season 3-4
season 5 episode 1
season 5 episode 2
season 5 episode 3
season 5 episode 5
season 5 episode 6
season 5 episode 7
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holden-norgorov · 5 years
Ranking Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes.
A+ [100]
1.     5x16: “The Body” – 100/100. 2.     4x22: “Restless” – 100/100. 3.     6x07: “Once More, with Feeling” – 100/100. 4.     5x22: “The Gift” – 100/100. 5.     2x22: “Becoming, pt. 02” – 100/100. 6.     4x10: “Hush” – 100/100. 7.     5x07: “Fool for Love” – 100/100. 8.     2x17: “Passion” – 100/100. 9.     7x07: “Conversations with Dead People” – 100/100. 10.   7x05: “Selfless” – 100/100. 11.   2x14: “Innocence” – 100/100. 12.   4x16: “Who Are You?” – 100/100.
A [95-99]
13.   3x22: “Graduation Day, pt. 02” – 99/100. 14.   6x17: “Normal Again” – 98/100. 15.   2x19: “I Only Have Eyes for You” – 97/100. 16.   6x13: “Dead Things” – 97/100. 17.   3x09: “The Wish” – 97/100. 18.   7x17: “Lies My Parents Told Me” – 97/100. 19.   6x03: “After Life” – 96/100. 20.   5x05: “No Place Like Home” – 96/100. 21.   3x21: “Graduation Day, pt. 01” – 95/100. 22.   2x13: “Surprise” – 95/100.
A- [90-94]
23.   6x20: “Villains” – 94/100. 24.   3x15: “Consequences” – 94/100. 25.   3x07: “Revelations” – 94/100. 26.   3x08: “Lover’s Walk” – 94/100. 27.   7x22: “Chosen” – 93/100. 28.   6x01: “Bargaining, pt. 01” – 93/100. 29.   2x06: “Halloween” – 93/100. 30.   3x12: “Helpless” – 93/100. 31.   6x22: “Grave” – 92/100. 32.   3x16: “Doppelgangland” – 92/100. 33.   4x09: “Something Blue” – 92/100. 34.   3x06: “Band Candy” – 92/100. 35.   7x16: “Storyteller” – 92/100. 36.   6x19: “Seeing Red” – 91/100. 37.   2x21: “Becoming, pt. 01” – 91/100. 38.   4x20: “The Yoko Factor” – 91/100. 39.   2x03: “School Hard” – 91/100. 40.   6x08: “Tabula Rasa” – 90/100. 41.   5x12: “Checkpoint” – 90/100. 42.   3x03: “Faith, Hope and Trick” – 90/100. 43.   4x08: “Pangs” – 90/100. 44.   2x01: “When She Was Bad” – 90/100. 45.   7x20: “Touched” – 90/100. 46.   5x21: “The Weight of the World” – 90/100.
B+ [85-89]
47.   6x21: “Two to Go” – 89/100. 48.   7x15: “Get It Done” – 89/100. 49.   4x04: “Fear, Itself” – 89/100. 50.   5x17: “Forever” – 89/100. 51.   3x18: “Earshot” – 88/100. 52.   5x18: “Intervention” – 88/100. 53.   6x18: “Entropy” – 88/100. 54.   5x19: “Tough Love” – 87/100. 55.   4x15: “This Year’s Girl” – 87/100. 56.   3x19: “Choices” – 87/100. 57.   5x13: “Blood Ties” – 87/100. 58.   6x09: “Smashed” – 87/100. 59.   2x07: “Lie to Me” – 87/100. 60.   1x12: “Prophecy Girl” – 86/100. 61.   7x18: “Dirty Girls” – 86/100. 62.   6x02: “Bargaining, pt. 02” – 86/100. 63.   4x19: “New Moon Rising” – 86/100. 64.   5x10: “Into the Woods” – 86/100. 65.   3x20: “The Prom” – 85/100. 66.   1x07: “Angel” – 85/100. 67.   4x03: “The Harsh Light of Day” – 85/100. 68.   7x09: “Never Leave Me” – 85/100. 69.   5x03: “The Replacement” – 85/100. 70.   2x15: “Phases” – 85/100.
B [80-84]
71.   4x21: “Primeval” – 84/100. 72.   5x01: “Buffy vs. Dracula” – 84/100. 73.   2x10: “What’s My Line? pt. 02” – 84/100. 74.   4x06: “Wild at Heart” – 84/100. 75.   5x14: “Crush” – 84/100. 76.   7x08: “Sleeper” – 84/100. 77.   6x05: “Life Serial” – 83/100. 78.   1x01: “Welcome to the Hellmouth” – 83/100. 79.   7x02: “Beneath You” – 82/100. 80.   4x01: “The Freshman” – 82/100. 81.   7x10: “Bring on the Night” – 82/100. 82.   4x13: “The I in Team” – 82/100. 83.   3x10: “Amends” – 81/100. 84.   7x01: “Lessons” – 81/100. 85.   3x01: “Anne” – 80/100. 86.   7x14: “First Date” – 80/100. 87.   5x08: “Shadow” – 80/100. 88.   7x03: “Same Time, Same Place” – 80/100. 89.   4x07: “The Initiative” – 80/100.
B- [75-79]
90.   6x16: “Hell’s Bells” – 79/100. 91.   3x13: “The Zeppo” – 79/100. 92.   5x15: “I Was Made to Love You” – 79/100. 93.   2x09: “What’s My Line? pt. 01” – 79/100. 94.   5x20: “Spiral” – 78/100. 95.   3x05: “Homecoming” – 78/100. 96.   5x04: “Out of My Mind” – 78/100. 97.   1x11: “Out of Mind, Out of Sight” – 78/100. 98.   5x06: “Family” – 77/100. 99.   7x04: “Help” – 77/100. 100. 1x05: “Never Kill a Boy on the First Date” – 77/100. 101. 6x04: “Flooded” – 77/100. 102. 3x14: “Bad Girls” – 76/100. 103. 5x09: “Listening to Fear” – 76/100. 104. 2x08: “The Dark Age” – 76/100. 105. 4x12: “A New Man” – 76/100. 106. 7x21: “End of Days” – 75/100. 107. 7x12: “Potential” – 75/100. 108. 5x02: “Real Me” – 75/100. 109. 2x16: “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered” – 75/100. 110. 3x04: “The Beauty and the Beasts” – 75/100.
C+ [70-74]
111. 2x18: “Killed by Death” – 74/100. 112. 1x03: “Witch” – 74/100. 113. 6x06: “All the Way” – 74/100. 114. 6x15: “As You Were” – 73/100. 115. 4x14: “Goodbye Iowa” – 73/100. 116. 3x17: “Enemies” – 72/100. 117. 5x11: “Triangle” – 72/100. 118. 1x10: “Nightmares” – 72/100. 119. 6x14: “Older and Far Away” – 72/100. 120. 7x06: “Him” – 71/100. 121. 2x11: “Ted” – 71/100. 122. 6x11: “Gone” – 71/100. 123. 7x19: “Empty Places” – 70/100. 124. 3x11: “Gingerbread” – 70/100. 125. 4x02: “Living Conditions” – 70/100.
C [65-69]
126. 7x11: “Showtime” – 69/100. 127. 2x12: “Bad Eggs” – 69/100. 128. 4x17: “Superstar” – 68/100. 129. 2x02: “Some Assembly Required” – 67/100. 130. 6x10: “Wrecked” – 67/100. 131. 1x02: “The Harvest” – 66/100. 132. 6x12: “The Doublemeat Palace” – 66/100. 133. 3x02: “Dead Men’s Party” – 65/100.
C- [60-64]
134. 4x11: “Doomed” – 64/100. 135. 2x04: “Inca Mummy Girl” – 64/100. 136. 2x05: “Reptile Boy” – 62/100.
D [50-60]
137. 2x20: “Go Fish” – 59/100. 138. 7x13: “The Killer in Me” – 56/100. 139. 1x09: “The Puppet Show” – 55/100. 140. 4x05: “Beer Bad” – 53/100. 141. 1x06: “The Pack” – 51/100.
F [<50]
142. 1x08: “I, Robot… you, Jane” – 47/100. 143. 1x04: “Teacher’s Pet” – 39/100. 144. 4x18: “Where the Wild Things Are” – 35/100.
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
Feelings: This Is Us 3x03 Review (Katie Girls)
Sorry this is a little late! I fell behind on reviews this week, but I’ll get caught up. Unfortunately, This Is Us did very little to quell my anger toward Kate. In fact, they compounded it. Luckily, Rebecca and Jack continue to define perfection, so the episode wasn’t a total loss.
 Let’s dig in...
Kate and Randall
Lord have mercy. Where do I begin? Randall approaches Kate after the screening and confronts her about her comment to Rebecca. For those who need a refresher, Kate told their mother (with Kevin in the room) that she’s the only one who can pass on a piece of Jack. Randall understandably is hurt and upset. I was mad and still am.
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The conversation focuses on Kate’s insensitive remark in the beginning then it swerves. I’m talking a hard swerve off a mountain with no guard rail. 
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Randall goes completely off topic and starts needling Kate about her decision to have in vitro instead of adopting. 
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Then, Katie starts crying about how insensitive Randall is being about her miscarriage and her desire to have biological children. 
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She walks off in a huff and Randall just stands like a deer in headlights.
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Dude same. I don’t how Randall & Kate's discussion became a fight about adoption. The point was to discuss Kate's insensitivity. How did she turn it into Randall's insensitivity about her miscarriage? How did this become all Randall’s fault? Why are we only focusing on Kate’s feelings?
I'm trying to hang with my girl Kate here. I've had a miscarriage and it's devastating, but your personal pain is not an excuse to be hurtful to others. Understanding where Randall is coming from is not a long bridge to cross. I feel like some A+ emotional manipulation happened here, which is something Kate excels at. She always makes everything all about her.
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I’m not sure why the writers felt the need to make Randall’s perfectly warranted anger over Kate’s comment into Randall’s completely inappropriate and judgement opinions about Kate’s chosen fertility treatment. These are two wildly different and separate issues children!!! The only reason I can come up with is the writers wanted to make Randall look bad, so Kate looked better. However, this is not effective character conflict resolution.
Randall, because he’s Randall, decides to fly to wherever Kate is having her in vitro. Toby’s non reaction to Randall’s arrival is hilarious. He’s so used to Pearsons showing up at inappropriate times it doesn’t even faze him anymore.
Of course, Randall’s gesture is sweet and something Jack Pearson would have done, which is exactly what Kate says to him when she wakes up. HELLO KATE. NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN. This was always my point. If Kate is looking for Jack 2.0 she needn’t look any further than her brother Randall.
Even though Randal is adorably terrible at apologizing, I could stop thinking, “Why is Randall apologizing?” And no, he did not get any type of an apology from Kate. The “you’re just like Dad” comment is supposed to suffice, I guess.
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I don’t want the Pearsons to be fighting with each other all the time, but I’d like the resolutions to their issues to be earned. I was genuinely disappointed with how the argument morphed into something else entirely, all so Kate would look better without actually having to be better.  I expect more from you This Is Us.
Kate and Jack
Kate spends some time in the “in between” when she’s unable to come out of anesthesia. She spends a little quality time with Jack eating sundaes. However, the two characters barely interact. Kate is too busy arguing with sullen Teen Kate and filling in optimistic Little Kate in on her life. I’ve had my fill of Kate as of late, so all three of her personas is a bit much. Particularly since Teen Kate is such a Debbie Downer and inhabits so much of Adult Kate.
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I guess the point of the dream sequence is so Kate says goodbye to her pessimistic attitude (Please Lord let it be true) by telling Teen Kate off and embracing Little Kate’s optimism. Hopefully, this all leads to a less narcissistic Kate, but I’m skeptical.
The bigger disappointment is there’s very little said between Kate and Jack. I think Jack could have given Kate a much more effective talking to than Teen and Little Kate, or at least a more entertaining one, but that’s me. I did tear up when Kate told her father she had to go and he said, “I know Katie girl.” Milo Ventimiglia can wreck me with one line.
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Randall and Toby
Randall and Toby spend some quality time together in the hospital waiting room. Toby and Randall look like they have nothing in common. Each man has something the other envies, which only leads to a wider divide between them. Randall has the perfect body and always seems in control. Toby can walk into any room, knows the say the right thing, and is instantly liked.  
But then they begin to share their mutual experiences with anxiety and depression. Their symptoms may manifest in different ways, but Toby and Randall share the same struggle with mental health. There’s a quiet moment where each man realizes they do share something in common.
This is always where This Is Us shines. The writers find commonality in their characters in ways you never thought of before. Randall and Toby sharing their struggles with depression and anxiety was such a beautiful way to bond these characters.
Jack and Rebecca
Rebecca is considering moving to New York with her ex Blondie (I am not going to learn his name), but runs into Jack at the grocery store. Jack recently offered his mother an ultimatum: move out of the house or he will kill his father. There’s no love lost between Jack’s father and me, so I am completely okay with either option.
His mother chooses Option A. For some reason I can’t remember, she needs to buy a coffee cake, so they go to the grocery store where Jack bumps into Rebecca. They hash out the awkward “I stood you up because you were kissing some other dude” conversation and then segue into talking about their dreams. Or rather Rebecca is talking about her dreams of moving to New York with this dude.
Jack is remarkably patient listening to his dream girl discussing this other life that will have nothing to do with him. Really Rebecca? Where’s the sensitivity chip? I’m starting to see where Kevin and Kate get it from. Okay, maybe that’s a little harsh. She didn’t technically say Blondie was going with her, but Jack easily could have assumed.
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Then, Kate asks Jack what his dream is and he says, “You.”  Just kidding, but it’s what he meant. What he really says is, “Descent job, wife, family, a house that feels nothing like the one I grew up in. Is that a stupid answer?” 
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NO THIS IS NOT A STUPID ANSWER. THAT IS THE PERFECT ANSWER BECAUSE YOU ARE PERFECTION JACK PEARSON. Listen, your dreams are your dreams. Don’t let anyone tell you they are too grand or not grand enough. Your dreams are YOURS.
Of course this gets Rebecca thinking because how do you walk away from a man who looks like this and says things like that? You can’t, so she tells Blondie’s mother about the man she knows almost nothing about except for, “I have a feeling.”
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Trust the feeling my friends. I had a feeling sitting in the hallway of my dorm while talking to this really cute guy. We’ve been married 13 years.
She stops by Jack’s home and is mesmerized when he begins washing dishes. Rebecca grew up in a home where her mother waited all day for her father to come home. Then, her mother would wait on him hand and foot. Jack is the first man Rebecca has ever seen who washes the dishes. She invites Jack to come to Los Angeles with her and he immediately says yes.  
Yup, marry the man who does dishes. This Is Us nailed it.
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Stray Thoughts
Beth lost her job! NOOOOO!!!! I see trouble ahead for Beth and Randall. I think for much of their relationship it’s been Beth being the supportive partner. No marriage is 50/50, but I think Beth and Randall have been stuck at 90/10 or 60/40 for a long time. That needs to shift.
Rebecca pulls a Jack Pearson on Jack Pearson. EPIC.
Kate wanted to marry Mark Paul Gosselar. Same girl.
Do you get emotional when you think about the fact that Jack’s dreams came true before he died? Cause I do.
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Shake and Bake
who hogs the duvet
daisy, definitely daisy. she always runs cold so she’s got her own blankets, but somehow she ends up stealing lincoln’s too.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
lincoln for sure. although they work on the same base so he can just go to wherever she is rather than text or ring. daisy gets super caught up working, so asking her how her day has been is his way of making sure she takes a break once in a while
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
i feel like they’d be super competitive about who’s the most creative with their gifts, so they’re pretty equal
who gets up first in the morning
daisy usually does since she gets up to do tai chi with may in the morning. 
who suggests new things in bed
daisy, definitely. it’s not that lincoln doesn’t want to try new stuff, it’s that he doesn’t want to push her into anything she doesn’t want to do. plus, daisy’s creative/adventurous enough for both of them.
who cries at movies
both are big old saps that will cry at the drop of a dime during movies
who gives unprompted massages
lincoln probably. daisy’s shoulders are always tense from long days training/out in the field and from her powers, so eventually it just becomes a habit for him to massage her back when they’re lounging around
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
lincoln for sure. i mean he is a doctor.
who gets jealous easiest
neither. they’re both very trusting in each other and are secure in their relationship. there’s no need for jealousy between them. (i feel rather strongly on this one for all couples lmao)
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
lmfao lincoln probably listens to really embarrassing music from the 60s-80s and daisy’s just constantly wishing there was some magical way to turn her hearing on and off.
who collects something unusual
neither, their lives don’t really allow for that what with bases getting invaded constantly and their busy lives.
who takes the longest to get ready
lincoln. i mean have you seen his hair???
who is the most tidy and organised
definitely not daisy. her bunk is canonically a mess. lincoln’s better but he’s not exactly a neat freak.
who gets most excited about the holidays
daisy does! she never had anyone to celebrate holidays with, so christmas, thanksgiving and other holidays are really important to her.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
lincoln is the big spoon, always (mostly because he’s always the one seeking warmth after daisy steals all the blankets)
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
they both do which is why monopoly, and chutes and ladders have been banned from base
who starts the most arguments
daisy. she gets riled up by stuff easily.
who suggests that they buy a pet
suggests??? more like daisy arrives on base one day with an armful of golden retriever puppy
what couple traditions they have
netflix and chilling. but like actually chilling. no sex during netflix. that’s a no no in both their books. they’re like the base grandparents. their dates are just staying in and watching netflix. 
what tv shows they watch together
i feel like they’d probably dig shows that have a found family aspect to it so timeless, blindspot, supergirl, arrow, the flash, the 100 etc
what other couple they hang out with
they hang out with all the couples on base (philinda, fitzsimmons, mackelena)
how they spend time together as a couple
netflix and chill, usually while bickering over snacks
who made the first move
pls review 3x03 and 3x12 for an answer on this one XD
who brings flowers home
they both do. daisy loves flowers so she buys them all the time, and lincoln knows she loves flowers so he brings them for her too.
who is the best cook
lincoln. daisy probably takes after may in the cooking skills department. it’s not like a van comes with a kitchen installed so she could hone her skills and life at shield isn’t exactly what you’d call domestic
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lightwood-alec · 7 years
TV Episodes 2017
13 Reasons Why (13) 1x01 - Tape 1, Side A 1x02 - Tape 1, Side B 1x03 - Tape 2, Side A 1x04 - Tape 2, Side B 1x05 - Tape 3, Side A 1x06 - Tape 3, Side B 1x07 - Tape 4, Side A 1x08 - Tape 4, Side B 1x09 - Tape 5, Side A 1x10 - Tape 5, Side B 1x11 - Tape 6, Side A 1x12 - Tape 6, Side B 1x13 - Tape 7, Side A 8 Out of 10 Cats (1) 20x08 - Jamali Maddix, Rick Edwards, Kate Humble & Joe Lycett (New Year’s Special) 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (1) 12x01- Stephen Mangan, Noel Fielding, Fay Ripley & the Brett Domino Trio A League of Their Own (9) 11x11 - Christmas Special 11x12 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part One 11x13 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Two 11x14 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Three 11x15 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Four 11x16 - U.S. Road Trip 2, Part Five 12x01 - Rob Beckett, Dele Ali & Stephen Mangan 12x02 - Emma Bunton, Mo Farah & Anthony Joshua 12x04 - Charlotte Dujardin, Cesc Fabregas & Romesh Ranganathan American Gods (1) 1x01 - The Bone Orchard American Horror Story: Cult (11) American Horror Story: Hotel (4) 5x07 - Flicker 5x08 - Ten Commandments Killer 5x09 - She Wants Revenge 5x10 - She Gets Revenge An Unfortunate Series of Events (1) 1x01 - The Bad Beginning: Part One And Then There Were None (1) 1x01 - Episode One Animal Kingdom (14) 1x08 - Man In 1x09 - Judas Kiss 1x10 - What Have You Done 2x01 - Eat What You Kill 2x02 - Karma 2x03 - Bleed for It 2x04 - Broken Boards 2x05 - Forgive Us Our Trespasses 2x06 - Cry Havoc 2x07 - Dig 2x08 - Grace 2x09 - Custody 2x10 - Treasure 2x11 - The Leopard Archer (2) 8x01 - Archer Dreamland: No Good Deed 8x02 - Archer Dreamland: Berenice Arrow (1) 6x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2 Atlanta (10) 1x01 - The Big Bang 1x02 - Streets on Lock 1x03 - Go for Broke 1x04 - The Streisand Effect 1x05 - Nobody Beats the Biebs 1x06 - Value 1x07 - B.A.N. 1x08 - The Club 1x09 - Juneteenth 1x10 - The Jacket Ballers (8) 1x02 - Raise Up 1x03 - Move the Chains 1x04 - Heads Will Roll 1x05 - Machete Charge 1x06 - Everything Is Everything 1x07 - Ends 1x08 - Gaslighting 1x09 - Head-On Bates Motel (3) 5x05 - Dreams Die First 5x06 - Marion 5x07 - Inseparable Big Fat Quiz of the Year (2) 1x24 - Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2016 1x25 - Big Fat Quiz of Everything 2017 Big Little Lies (7) Big Time Rush (1) 2x15 - Big Time Reality Bill Nye Saves the World (2) 1x01 - Earth Is a Hot Mess 1x02 - Tune Your Quack-o-Meter Billy on the Street (18) 1x01 - And Away We Go... 1x02 - Television is the Greatest Thing to Ever Happen to Me! 1x03 - Drunk Rich 1x04 - Can Rachel Dratch Name 20 White People in 30 Seconds? 1x05 - The Meryl Streep Showdown 1x06 - Where in the World is Scarlett Johansson’s Vagina? 1x07 - Ask an Asian! 1x08 - Are You Smarter Than a Gay Fifth Grader? 1x09 - Did You Hear Madonna Died? 1x10 - Joan Rivers Gets Quizzed in the Face 2x01 - Billy Meets Mr. Singh! 2x02 - The Lesbian Lightning Round, with Andy Cohen 2x03 - Scream for an American Girl Doll, with Will Ferrell 2x04 - It’s Spock - Do You Care?, with Zachary Quinto 2x05 - Whistleblow that Jew!, with Rashida Jones and Maya Rudolph 2x06 - It’s Debra Messing, You Gays!, with Debra Messing and Christian Borle 2x07 - Do You Think Gisele Bundchen Understands the Jokes on Portlandia?, with Nas and Ashley Benson 5x08 - Curbside Conga Line with James Corden The Blacklist (4) 4x03 - Miles McGrath (No. 65) 4x04 - Gaia (No. 81) 4x05 - The Lindquist Concern (No. 105) 4x06 - The Thrushes (No. 53) Black Sails (10) 4x01 - XXIX 4x02 - XXX 4x03 - XXXI 4x04 - XXXII 4x05 - XXXIII 4x06 - XXXIV 4x07 - XXXV 4x08 - XXXVI 4x09 - XXXVII 4x10 - XXVIII Boardwalk Empire (2) 1x04 - Anastasia 1x05 - Nights in Ballygran The Bold Type (10) Brooklyn Nine-Nine (23) 4x11 - The Fugitive, Part One 4x12 - The Fugitive, Part Two 4x13 - The Audit 4x14 - Serve & Protect 4x15 - The Last Ride 4x16 - Moo Moo 4x17 - Cop Con 4x18 - Chasing Amy 4x19 - Your Honor 4x20 - The Slaughterhouse 4x21 - The Bank Job 4x22 - Crime & Punishment 5x01 - The Big House, Pt. 1 5x02 - The Big House, Pt. 2 5x03 - Kicks 5x04 - HalloVeen 5x05 - Bad Beat 5x06 - The Venue 5x07 - Two Turkeys 5x08 - Return to Skyfire 5x09 - 99 5x10 - Game Night 5x11 - The Favor Castlevania (4) 1x01 - Witchbottle 1x02 - Necropolis 1x03 - Labyrinth 1x04 - Monument Dear White People (10) 1x01 - Chapter I 1x02 - Chapter II 1x03 - Chapter III 1x04 - Chapter IV 1x05 - Chapter V 1x06 - Chapter VI 1x07 - Chapter VII 1x08 - Chapter VIII 1x09 - Chapter IX 1x10 - Chapter X The Defenders (8) Difficult People (28) Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (4) 1x01 - Horizons 1x02 - Lost & Found 1x03 - Rogue Wall Enthusiasts 1x04 - Watkin The Exorcist (9) 1x08 - Chapter Eight: The Griefbearers 1x09 - Chapter Nine: 162 1x10 - Chapter Ten: Three Rooms 2x01 - Janus 2x02 - Safe as Houses 2x03 - Unclean 2x04 - One for Sorrow 2x05 - There But for the Grace of God, Go I 2x06 - Darling Nikki The Flash (3) 2x04 - The Fury of Firestorm 3x17 - Duet 4x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 Freedom Fighters: The Ray (3) 1x01 - Episode One 1x02 - Episode Two 1x03 - Episode Three Future Man (13) Game of Thrones (2) 7x06 - Beyond the Wall 7x07 - The Dragon and the Wolf The Get Down (11) 1x01 - Where There Is Ruin, There Is Hope for a Treasure 1x02 - Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames 1x03 - Darkness Is Your Candle 1x04 - Forget Safety, Be Notorious 1x05 - You Have Wings, Learn to Fly 1x06 - Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice 1x07 - Unfold Your Own Myth 1x08 - The Beat Says, This Is The Way 1x09 - One by One, Into the Dark 1x10 - Gamble Everything 1x11 - Only From Exile Can We Come Home Girl Meets World (1) 3x21 - Girl Meets Goodbye Glue (6) 1x01 - Everyone 1x02 - James/Janine 1x03 - Eli/Rob 1x04 - Tina/Dominic 1x05 - James/Rob/Cal 1x06 - Rob/Tina The Good Place (21) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - Flying 1x03 - Tahani Al-Jamil 1x04 - Jason Mendoza 1x05 - Category 55 Doomsday Crisis 1x06 - What We Owe to Each Other 1x07 - The Eternal Shriek 1x08 - Most Improved Player 1x09 - ...Someone Like Me as a Member 1x10 - Chidi’s Choice 1x11 - What’s My Motivation 1x12 - Mindy St. Claire 1x13 - Michael’s Gambit 2x01 - Everything Is Great! (Part 1) 2x02 - Everything Is Great! (Part 2) 2x03 - Dance Dance Resolution 2x04 - Team Cockroach 2x05 - Existential Crisis 2x06 - The Trolley Problem 2x07 - Janet and Michael 2x08 - Derek Gotham (22) 3x12 - Ghosts 3x13 - Smile Like You Mean It 3x14 - The Gentle Art of Making Enemies 3x15 - How the Riddler Got His Name 3x16 - These Delicate and Dark Obsessions 3x17 - The Primal Riddle 3x18 - Light the Wick 3x19 - All Will Be Judged 3x20 - Pretty Hate Machine 3x21 - Destiny Calling 3x22 - Heavydirtysoul 4x01 - Pax Penguina 4x02 - The Fear Reaper 4x03 - They Who Hide Behind Masks 4x04 - The Demon’s Head 4x05 - The Blade’s Path 4x06 - Hog Day Afternoon 4x07 - A Day in the Narrows 4x08 - Stop Hitting Yourself 4x09 - Let Them Eat Pie 4x10 - Things That Go Boom 4x11 - Queen Takes Knight Halt and Catch Fire (1) 3x01 - Valley of the Heart’s Delight House of Cards (13) 5x01 - Chapter 53 5x02 - Chapter 54 5x03 - Chapter 55 5x04 - Chapter 56 5x05 - Chapter 57 5x06 - Chapter 58 5x07 - Chapter 59 5x08 - Chapter 60 5x09 - Chapter 61 5x10 - Chapter 62 5x11 - Chapter 63 5x12 - Chapter 64 5x13 - Chapter 65 How to Get Away with Murder (2) 3x10 - We’re Bad People 3x11 - Not Everything's About Annalise Iron Fist (13) 1x01 - Snow Gives Way 1x02 - Shadow Hawk Takes Flight 1x03 - Rolling Thunder Cannon Punch 1x04 - Eight Diagram Dragon Palm 1x05 - Under Leaf Pluck Lotus 1x06 - Immortal Emerges From Cave 1x07 - Felling Tree With Roots 1x08 - The Blessing of Many Fractures 1x09 - The Mistress of All Agonies 1x10 - Black Tiger Steals Heart 1x11 - Lead Horse Back to Stable 1x12 - Bar the Big Boss 1x13 - Dragon Plays With Fire The IT Crowd (5) 4x03 - Something Happened 4x04 - Italian For Beginners 4x05 - Bad Boys 4x06 - Reynholm vs. Reynholm 5x01 - The Final Episode It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (10) 12x01 - The Gang Turns Black 12x02 - The Gang Goes to a Waterpark 12x03 - Old Lady House: A Situation Comedy 12x04 - Wolf Cola: A Public Relations Nightmare 12x05 - Making Dennis Reynolds a Murderer 12x06 - Hero or Hate Crime? 12x07 - PSTDee 12x08 - The Gang Tends Bar 12x09 - A Cricket’s Tale 12x10 - Dennis’ Double Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (30) 4x01 - February 12, 2017 (Trump vs. Truth) 4x02 - February 19, 2017 (Russia) 4x03 - February 26, 2017 (Affordable Care Act) 4x04 - March 5, 2017 (Tibet) 4x05 - March 12, 2017 (American Health Care Act) 4x06 - March 19, 2017 (United States Federal Budget) 4x07 - April 2, 2017 (Cannabis) 4x08 - April 9, 2017 (Gerrymandering) 4x09 - April 16, 2017 (2017 French Presidential Election) 4x10 - April 23, 2017 (Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner) 4x11 - May 7, 2017 (Net Neutrality) 4x12 - May 14, 2017 (Dialysis) 4x13 - May 21, 2017 (Stupid Watergate) 4x14 - June 4, 2017 (Paris Agreement) 4x15 - June 11, 2017 (UK General Elections and Brexit Negotiations) 4x16 - June 18, 2017 (Coal Mining and Bob Murray) 4x17 - June 25, 2017 (Vaccine Safety) 4x18 - July 2, 2017 (Local News and Sinclair Broadcast Group) 4x19 - July 30, 2017 (Alex Jones and InfoWars) 4x20 - August 6, 2017 (United States Border Patrol) 4x21 - August 13, 2017 (North Korea Crisis) 4x22 - August 20, 2017 (Nuclear Waste) 4x23 - September 10, 2017 (Joe Arpaio) 4x24 - September 24, 2017 (Corporate Consolidation) 4x25 - October 1, 2017 (Forensic Evidence) 4x26 - October 8, 2017 (Confederate Monuments) 4x27 - October 15, 2017 (Equifax Security Breach) 4x28 - October 29, 2017 (National Flood Insurance Program) 4x29 - November 5, 2017 (Economic Development Incentives) 4x30 - November 12, 2017 (Donald Trump’s Presidency) Legends of Tomorrow (18) 2x09 - Raiders of the Lost Art 2x10 - The Legion of Doom 2x11 - Turncoat 2x12 - Camelot/3000 2x13 - Land of the Lost 2x14 - Moonshot 2x15 - Fellowship of the Spear 2x16 - Doomworld 2x17 - Aruba 3x01 - Aruba-Con 3x02 - Freakshow 3x03 - Zari 3x04 - Phone Home 3x05 - Return of the Mack 3x06 - Helen Hunt 3x07 - Welcome to the Jungle 3x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4 3x09 - Beebo the God of War Legion (8) 1x01 - Chapter 1 1x02 - Chapter 2 1x03 - Chapter 3 1x04 - Chapter 4 1x05 - Chapter 5 1x06 - Chapter 6 1x07 - Chapter 7 1x08 - Chapter 8 The Lodge (3) 1x01 - The New Girl 1x02 - Reality Check 1x03 - Opportunities Luke Cage (6) 1x08 - Blowin’ Up the Spot 1x09 - DWYCK 1x10 - Take It Personal 1x11 - Now You’re Mine 1x12 - Soliloquy of Chaos 1x13 - You Know My Steez Master of None (5) 2x01 - The Thief 2x02 - Le Nozze 2x03 - Religion 2x04 - First Date 2x05 - The Dinner Party Making History (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - The Shot Heard Round the World Me, Myself & I (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - The First Step The Mindy Project (17) 5x08 - Hot Mess Time Machine 5x09 - Bat Mitzvah 5x10 - Take My Ex-Wife Please 5x11 - Dibs 5x12 - Mindy Lahiri Is A White Man 5x13 - Mindy’s Best Friend 5x14 - A Decent Proposal 6x01 - Is That All There Is 6x02 - A Romantical Decouplement 6x03 - May Divorce Be With You 6x04 - Leo’s Girlfriend 6x05 - Jeremy and Anna’s Meryl Streep Costume Party 6x06 - The Midwife’s Tale 6x07 - Girl Gone Wild 6x08 - Doctors Without Boundaries 6x09 - Danny in Real Life 6x10 - It Had to Be You Mr. Mercedes (3) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - On Your Mark 1x03 - Cloudy, With a Chance of Mayhem Mr. Robot (10) 3x01 - eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h 3x02 - eps3.1_undo.gz 3x03 - eps3.2_legacy.so 3x04 - eps3.3_metadata.par2 3x05 - eps3.4_runtime-error.r00 3x06 - eps3.5_kill-process.inc 3x07 - eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk 3x08 - eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko 3x09 - eps3.8_stage3.torrent 3x10 - shutdown -r Narcos (4) 1x01 - Descenso 1x02 - The Sword of Simon Bolivar 1x03 - The Men of Always 1x04 - The Palace in Flames New Girl (1) 6x04 - Homecoming The Night Of (7) 1x02 - Part Two: Subtle Beast 1x03 - Part Three: A Dark Crate 1x04 - Part Four: The Art of War 1x05 - Part Five: The Season of the Witch 1x06 - Part Six: Samson and Delilah 1x07 - Part Seven: Ordinary Death 1x08 - Part Eight: The Call of the Wild NTSF:SD:SUV:: (22) 1x01 - One Cabeza, Two Cabeza, Three Cabeza...DEAD! 1x02 - The Birthday Party That Was Neither 1x03 - Exes and Oh-No’s! 1x04 - The Risky Business of Being Alone in Your Home 1x05 - Dolphinnegan's Wake 1x06 - Tijuana, We've Got a Problem 1x07 - Full Hauser 1x08 - Up Periscope, Down with San Diego 1x09 - Cause for ConCERN 1x10 - Piper Doesn't Live Here Anymore 1x11 - Twistin’ the Night Away 1x12 - I Left My Heart In Someone's Cooler 2x01 - 16 Hop Street 2x02 - The Real Bicycle Thief 2x03 - Sabbath-tage 2x04 - Lights, Camera, Assassination 2x05 - Time Angels 2x06 - Whack-A-Mole 2x07 - Robot Town 2x08 - Comic-Con-Flict 2x09 - The Return of Dragon Shumway 2x10 - Family Dies Powerless (9) 1x01 - Wayne or Lose 1x02 - Wayne Dream Team 1x03 - Sinking Day 1x04 - Emily Dates a Henchman 1x05 - Cold Season 1x06 - I’ma Friend You 1x07 - Van vs. Emily: Dawn of Justice 1x08 - Green Furious 1x09 - Emergency Punch-Up Preacher (8) 2x01 - On The Road 2x02 - Mumbai Sky Tower 2x03 - Damsels 2x04 - Viktor 2x05 - Dallas 2x06 - Sokosha 2x07 - Pig 2x08 - Holes Prison Break (10) 4x01 - Scylla 5x01 - Ogygia 5x02 - Kaniel Outis 5x03 - The Liar 5x04 - The Prisoner’s Dilemma 5x05 - Contingency 5x06 - Phaeacia 5x07 - Wine Dark Sea 5x08 - Progeny 5x09 - Behind the Eyes The Punisher (1) 1x01 - 3AM Queer as Folk (UK) (1) 1x01 - Episode 1 Riverdale (7) 1x01 - The River’s Edge 1x02 - A Touch of Evil 1x03 - Body Double 1x04 - The Last Picture Show 1x05 - Heart of Darkness 1x06 - Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! 1x07 - In a Lonely Place Saturday Night Live (2) 42x19 - Chris Pine / LCD Soundsystem 43x03 - Kumail Nanjiani / P!nk Scream Queens (4) 2x07 - The Hand 2x08 - Rapunzel, Rapunzel 2x09 - Lovin’ the D 2x10 - Drain the Swamp Sense8 (11) 2x01 - Happy F*cking New Year 2x02 - Who Am I? 2x03 - Obligate Mutualisms 2x04 - Polyphony 2x05 - Fear Never Fixed Anything 2x06 - Isolated Above, Connected Below 2x07 - I Have No Room in My Heart for Hate 2x08 - All I Want Right Now Is One More Bullet 2x09 - What Family Actually Means 2x10 - If All the World’s a Stage, Identity Is Nothing But a Costume 2x11 - You Want a War? Shadowhunters (20) 2x01 - This Guilty Blood 2x02 - A Door Into the Dark 2x03 - Parabatai Lost 2x04 - Day of Wrath 2x05 - Dust and Shadows 2x06 - Iron Sisters 2x07 - How Are Thou Fallen 2x08 - Love Is a Devil 2x09 - Bound by Blood 2x10 - By the Light of Dawn 2x11 - Mea Maxima Culpa 2x12 - You Are Not Your Own 2x13 - Those of Demon Blood 2x14 - The Fair Folk 2x15 - A Problem of Memory 2x16 - Day of Atonement 2x17 - A Dark Reflection 2x18 - Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen 2x19 - Hail and Farewell 2x20 - Beside Still Water Sherlock (3) 4x01 - The Six Thatchers 4x02 - The Lying Detective 4x03 - The Final Problem Silicon Valley (10) 4x01 - Success Failure 4x02 - Terms of Service 4x03 - Intellectual Property 4x04 - Teambuilding Exercise 4x05 - The Blood Boy 4x06 - Customer Service 4x07 - The Patent Troll 4x08 - The Keenan Vortex 4x09 - Hooli-Con 4x10 - Server Error Smallville (1) 9x06 - Crossfire Stranger Things (9) Supergirl (1) 3x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1 Superstore (3) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - Magazine Profile 1x03 - Shots and Salsa Teen Wolf (6) 6x11 - Said the Spider to the Fly 6x12 - Raw Talent 6x13 - After Images 6x17 - Werewolves of London 6x19 - Broken Glass 6x20 - The Wolves of War Time After Time (2) 1x01 - Pilot 1x02 - I Will Catch You Trial & Error (13) 1x01 - Chapter 1: A Big Crime in a Small Town 1x02 - Chapter 2: A Wrench in the Case 1x03 - Chapter 3: The Other Man 1x04 - Chapter 4: An Unwelcome Distraction 1x05 - Chapter 5: Right-Hand Man 1x06 - Chapter 6: Secrets & Lies 1x07 - Chapter 7: The Case Gets Big 1x08 - Chapter 8: A Change in Defense 1x09 - Chapter 9: Opening Statements 1x10 - Chapter 10: A Hostile Jury 1x11 - Chapter 11: Unusual Suspect 1x12 - Chapter 12: The Defense Rests 1x13 - Chapter 13: The Verdict The Twilight Zone (1) 3x08 - It’s A Good Life Twin Peaks (9) 2x11 - Masked Ball 2x12 - The Black Widow 2x13 - Checkmate 2x14 - Double Play 2x22 - Beyond Life and Death 3x01 - The Return, Part 1 3x02 - The Return, Part 2 3x03 - The Return, Part 3 3x04 - The Return, Part 4 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (13) 3x01 - Kimmy Gets Divorced?! 3x02 - Kimmy’s Roommate Lemonades! 3x03 - Kimmy Can’t Help You! 3x04 - Kimmy Goes to College! 3x05 - Kimmy Steps on a Crack! 3x06 - Kimmy Is a Feminist! 3x07 - Kimmy Learns About the Weather! 3x08 - Kimmy Does a Puzzle! 3x09 - Kimmy Goes to Church! 3x10 - Kimmy Pulls Off a Heist! 3x11 - Kimmy Googles the Internet! 3x12 - Kimmy and the Trolley Problem! 3x13 - Kimmy Bites an Onion! The Vampire Diaries (2) 8x00 - Forever Yours (Retrospective Special) 8x16 - I Was Feeling Epic Veep (10) 6x01 - Omaha 6x02 - Library 6x03 - Georgia 6x04 - Justice 6x05 - Chicklet 6x06 - Qatar 6x07 - Blurb 6x08 - Judge 6x09 - A Woman First 6x10 - Groundbreaking Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later (8) When We Rise (8) 1x01 - Part I 1x02 - Part II 1x03 - Part III 1x04 - Part IV 1x05 - Part V 1x06 - Part VI 1x07 - Part VII 1x08 - Part VIII Will (7) 1x01 - The Play’s the Thing 1x02 - Cowards Die Many Times 1x03 - The Two Gentlemen 1x04 - Brave New World 1x05 - The Marriage of True Minds 1x06 - Something Wicked This Way Comes 1x07 - What Dreams May Come The Young Pope (10) 1x01 - First Episode 1x02 - Second Episode 1x03 - Third Episode 1x04 - Fourth Episode 1x05 - Fifth Episode 1x06 - Sixth Episode 1x07 - Seventh Episode 1x08 - Eighth Episode 1x09 - Ninth Episode 1x10 - Tenth Episode Total: 675 TV 2016 TV 2015 TV 2014 TV 2013 TV 2012
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erfigh · 4 years
Leipzig. Foto: Pixabay
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Platos típicos y restaurantes tradicionales de Frankfurt | Meraviglia
Ruta para viajar y visitar los Pueblos de la Selva Negra en Navidad | ClickTrip
Mainz y Wiesbaden – El Viajero en el Tiempo
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Como Organizar un viaje a la Selva Negra
Diario Selva Negra, Alsacia y Luxemburgo - Abril 2019: Día 1: Heidelberg | Pinchando el globo
Diario Selva Negra, Alsacia y Luxemburgo - Abril 2019: Día 2: Heidelberg, Sasbachwalden, Gegenbach, Schiltach | Pinchando el globo
Diario Selva Negra, Alsacia y Luxemburgo - Abril 2019: Día 3: Schonachbach, Schonach, Triberg, Lago Titisee, Friburgo | Pinchando el globo
Ruta de 5 días por La Selva Negra y Alsacia (Parte I: Selva Negra) | Lugares y Hoteles
Munich en Navidad | Viajar Engancha
Qué ver en Gengenbach, el pueblo más bonito de la Selva Negra | ClickTrip
Mercados navideños de Núremberg | Viajar Engancha
Qué hacer en Nuremberg en dos días | Amar Viajar
Qué ver en Stuttgart en 1 día | La mochila al hombro
Las 25 mejores cosas que ver y hacer en Alemania | Mochileando por el mundo
Todo, todito, todo sobre tu viaje a Baviera y Tirol en el Puente de diciembre | Blog de Different Roads
Que ver en Nuremberg en Navidad en 2 días: lugares imprescindibles | Una vida de viaje
10 consejos para viajar a Baviera imprescindibles | Viajeros Callejeros
Exploring Lake Constance: How to visit three countries in just one day! Bodensee | Nomadic Chica
Feast on the Best Nuremberg Food – [Where to Eat in Nuremberg] | Borders of Adventure
Mercatini di Natale di Stoccarda (Stuttgart), tra installazioni e giochi di luce | Viagging
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https://pop-corn.ro/ - Mă uit la - 60 Days In 3x03 "Trust Issues"
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jvlewis77 · 7 years
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I'm watching 60 Days In 3x03 "Trust Issues"
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erfigh · 4 years
Leipzig. Foto: Pixabay
Qué ver en la Costa Norte de Alemania » Sinohasviajado
Cerveza de Bamberg ¿la mejor cerveza de Alemania? | Kris por el mundo
La cárcel de estudiantes de Heidelberg: la prisión deseada | Meraviglia
Qué ver en Bamberg, la ciudad de Alemania vestida de barroco | Kris por el mundo
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Organizar un Viaje por la Ruta de los Cuentos de Hadas, Alemania
Aeropuerto de Núremberg: como llegar al centro de la ciudad | Kris por el mundo
Qué ver en Hamburgo: enamórate de sus 15 visitas obligadas | Está en tu mundo
City Breaks With Kids | Things to do in Munich With Kids | Flying With A Baby
10 sitios de Frankfurt que son gratis: museos, edificios e iglesias | Meraviglia
Bamberg. La ciudad UNESCO más grande de Alemania | Turisteando el mundo
Viaje al norte de Baviera (Alemania). Información práctica | Turisteando el mundo
Las mejores visitas guiadas por Munich | Kolaboo.com
Tiempo en Núremberg. Cuándo viajar a la ciudad de Durero | Kris por el mundo
Qué ver y qué visitar en Nüremberg (Baviera), Alemania | Turisteando el mundo
Guía útil para visitar Legoland Alemania | Maleta para tres
Baviera en Alemania: ruta en coche por Franconia | Kris por el mundo
Dónde dormir en Bamberg, la ciudad de Alemania con siete colinas | Kris por el mundo
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Día 1 y 2. Hanau, Steinau. Ruta de los Cuentos
Two Days in Munich Itinerary: Things to do in Munich in 2 Days | Tales of a Backpacker
Cómo ir del Aeropuerto de Núremberg al centro de la ciudad | Viajablog
Qué ver en Bonn | Casa del viajero
Lübeck (Alemania) | Ser Viajero
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Día 2. Visita a Alsfeld y la Fortaleza de Sababurg
Las mejores excursiones desde Múnich | Pasaporte para Viajar
Los viajes de David y Neus: ALEMANIA: ruta por Frankfurt y Franconia, y presupuesto
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Día 4. Recorrido por Bremen, Alemania
Cosas que ver en Aquisgrán, turismo y datos prácticos | Un blog de Palo
3 de las ciudades más bonitas de Alemania. ¡Descubre cuáles son! | Europeos Viajeros
Imprescindibles en Múnich | POR POCO VIAJO
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Visita a Hamelin, la Ciudad del Flautista
El maravilloso lago de Konigssee en los Alpes | SOMOS viajeros
Navidad en Friburgo 2019: qué mercados visitar, alojamiento | Mochileros de viaje
Qué ver en Lübeck en uno o dos días (norte Alemania) | Trazando ruta
Herrenchiemsee: el Versalles de Luis II de Baviera | Muniqueando
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Día 4. Polle y Trendelbur, tras los pasos de Cenicienta y Rapunzel
Qué ver en COLONIA: 11 lugares IMPRESCINDIBLES | Viajando con Nael
Qué ver en Múnich en 4 días | Alemania | Crónicas de una Argonauta
Mi itinerario por Alemania, Francia, Suiza e Italia con un bebé: Ruta Romántica, Selva Negra y Alsacia | Amar Viajar
Modo Traveller 3x03 - Alemania Roadtrip - Día 3 - Recorriendo el Valle del Mosela » Radio Viajera
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Kassel, Región de Blancanieves y Marburg
Platos típicos y restaurantes tradicionales de Frankfurt | Meraviglia
Ruta para viajar y visitar los Pueblos de la Selva Negra en Navidad | ClickTrip
Mainz y Wiesbaden – El Viajero en el Tiempo
MISZAPATOSVIAJEROS: Como Organizar un viaje a la Selva Negra
Diario Selva Negra, Alsacia y Luxemburgo - Abril 2019: Día 1: Heidelberg | Pinchando el globo
Diario Selva Negra, Alsacia y Luxemburgo - Abril 2019: Día 2: Heidelberg, Sasbachwalden, Gegenbach, Schiltach | Pinchando el globo
Diario Selva Negra, Alsacia y Luxemburgo - Abril 2019: Día 3: Schonachbach, Schonach, Triberg, Lago Titisee, Friburgo | Pinchando el globo
Ruta de 5 días por La Selva Negra y Alsacia (Parte I: Selva Negra) | Lugares y Hoteles
Munich en Navidad | Viajar Engancha
Qué ver en Gengenbach, el pueblo más bonito de la Selva Negra | ClickTrip
Mercados navideños de Núremberg | Viajar Engancha
Qué hacer en Nuremberg en dos días | Amar Viajar
Qué ver en Stuttgart en 1 día | La mochila al hombro
Las 25 mejores cosas que ver y hacer en Alemania | Mochileando por el mundo
Todo, todito, todo sobre tu viaje a Baviera y Tirol en el Puente de diciembre | Blog de Different Roads
Que ver en Nuremberg en Navidad en 2 días: lugares imprescindibles | Una vida de viaje
10 consejos para viajar a Baviera imprescindibles | Viajeros Callejeros
Exploring Lake Constance: How to visit three countries in just one day! Bodensee | Nomadic Chica
Feast on the Best Nuremberg Food – [Where to Eat in Nuremberg] | Borders of Adventure
Mercatini di Natale di Stoccarda (Stuttgart), tra installazioni e giochi di luce | Viagging
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