kaywillruns 7 years
I finally finished my 26th book if 2016 (just two days late!). Over 8,000 pages. Even though that's largely a useless measurement since the pages were far from consistent, it still sounds impressive. I started 2016 with a list of 10 books. I finished those and many more. I'm quite proud.
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airwreckyha 8 years
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Shaking the Tree 馃尦鉁ㄢ湂馃従馃懜馃従馃 #NowReading #RecommendedReading #2016ReadingList Also by Danquah: Willow Weep For Me 馃憖馃摉
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kevinflavin-blog 8 years
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talietoxic 8 years
I started reading the first book in The Infernal Devices trilogy and it seems like everyone else loves Will...What about Jem!? I love Jem!
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airwreckyha 8 years
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How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer 馃挕馃崷 (sn: my niece calls it The IceCream Book) #book #currentlyreading #bookworm #2016readinglist #jonahlehrer #bookstagram #recommendbook
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kaywillruns 8 years
Also, I finished my 3rd book for November so at least I hit that goal! It was a short one, but a good one. It was Tolstoy's The Life and Death of Ivan Ilyich. I'm also now almost half way through the 900 page Outlander I'm reading. I'd like to finish that and two others in December.
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kaywillruns 8 years
2016 Reading List
Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon Voyager by Diana Gabaldon This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis American Spy by E. Howard Hunt Children of Monsters by Jay Nordlinger Without Vodka by Aleksander Topolski Ordinary Men by Christoper Browning Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxes Understanding the Times by Jeff Myers Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan On Tocqueville by Alan Ryan The Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler
Last night I finished American Spy聽by E. Howard Hunt. My husband picked this up at a used bookstore a few years ago without really knowing much about it aside from it being an account of a guy in the CIA. As it turns out, Hunt was one of the guys who did Watergate. I鈥檓 not sure how accurate his autobiography is and I鈥檓 sure a ton of people have problems with it, but I enjoyed the story of it.
The reality is, the man had a fascinating life. After serving in WW2, he joined the precursor to the CIA and eventually the CIA working in Mexican, Japan, and elsewhere. He did a lot with covert propaganda, which was interesting to learn about. The CIA does (or has done) a lot of things you may not think about like publishing books, making movies, etc. Hunt was also one of the leads of the botched Bay of Pigs invasion and I don鈥檛 think he ever forgave himself or JFK for the way JFK ensured its failure.聽
The pre-watergate sections of the book were the most interesting to me because of what it revealed of the interworking of some of the CIA and other intelligence organizations. The rest of the book is the Watergate operation and the aftermath. The story of the Watergate operation was interesting to read. Some of the aftermath such as the trials, congressional hearings, and jail time was interesting to but I feel like it dragged a bit. The last chapter was the one I liked the least. I was really not interested in learning about what Hunt thought about Bush and Iraq.聽
I enjoyed this as a story, but it also made me angry at Nixon. Nixon was pardoned for his crimes. The people he ordered to do his crimes were not. They served jail time. Hunt served over 30 months (thankfully was released early), but in those months left his children parentless (his wife died in a tragic plane crash just before his trial began) and accumulated over $800,000 in legal fees. That鈥檚 insane.聽
I didn鈥檛 take a bunch of life lessons from this book; I don鈥檛 think that was the intention. I enjoyed it for what it was: an old man telling his story. It was a good one.
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kaywillruns 8 years
2016 Reading List
Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon
Voyager by Diana Gabaldon
This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz
The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
American Spy by E. Howard Hunt
Children of Monsters by Jay Nordlinger
Without Vodka by Aleksander Topolskh
Ordinary Men by Christoper Browning
Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxes
Understanding the Times by Jeff Myers
Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner
The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan
On Tocqueville by Alan Ryan
The Mingling of Souls by Matt Chandler
Woohoo! Finished another book. I had completely fallen behind on my reading list, both because I was reading less and because I鈥檓 reading books that aren鈥檛 on the list, but I鈥檓 sort of back on track.
Last night I finished Voyager聽by Diana Gabaldon, which is the 3rd book in the Outlander series. Holy crap. SO MUCH HAPPENED. This one pulled me in so much faster than the second one did. There was also a lot less unnecessary sex, which I kind of appreciated. And it was nice to have actors in my head since I鈥檝e seen the first season of the Starz show. I was able to hear the Scottish accents in my head more, which was fun. I can really see how this show is going to continue to be successful.聽
I can鈥檛 really say much more than this without giving a ton of spoilers, but I鈥檓 excited for the next book. There are eight currently i believe. Sadly I鈥檓 not going to run out buy the next book. I need to finish the two books I鈥檓 currently on (which aren鈥檛 on this list) and then some books on this list before I buy anything else!聽
This wasn鈥檛 much of a review, but such is life. I really enjoyed this giant book!
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kaywillruns 8 years
If you鈥檙e bored, care about reading a lot, or want some suggestions, I just added a page that includes my reading list, links to reviews, and additional books off my reading list that I鈥檝e been reading so feel free to check that out! Link on my page.聽
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