bobbie-robron · 7 months
On this day…. 24th of September
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fy-eunwoo · 7 years
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20140924 Fantagio iTeen Twitter Update
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petapeta · 3 years
損害論 ■プロジェクトマネジメント義務違反が生じる前に支払われた費用は損害に含まれず,その後に支払われた費用については損害賠償責任が生じる(東京高判平25.9.26) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20131007/1381072443■プロジェクトのための出張旅費,残業代は相当因果関係ある損害としつつ,要件定義,外部設計費用は開発段階に生じた瑕疵の相当因果関係ある損害としなかった事例(東京高判平26.1.15) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20140621/1403359427■中間検収がなされて代金が支払われた部分も解除による損害に含まれる(東京地判平22.5.21) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20120124/1327334098■分割して納品・検収・支払を行うことが合意された場合において,最終納品ができず解除された場合でも,分割検収済みの部分には解除の効力は及ばない(東京地判平25.7.18) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20140505/1399260492 同旨(東京地判平25.7.19) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20140924/1411540654■元請けが発注者に対して支払った賠償金は下請に対する損害賠償に含まれるが,不具合対応に要した社内コストは損害賠償に含まれない(東京地判平22.1.22) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20111228/1327155107 (同旨 東京地判平16.12.22 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20120211/1328972668)■作業が遅延したことによって元請けが肩代わりした作業工数相当額が損害となる(東京地判平25.5.31) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20140113/1389541907■契約解除された以上,納入されたシステムの改修費用は損害にならない(東京地判平22.9.21) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20110831/1327154433■ユーザの逸失利益は損害に含まれない(東京地判平23.4.6) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20120327/1332859124■プロジェクト・マネジメント責任を果たさなかったベンダは,不法行為に基づく損害賠償責任として,それまでに至るフェーズの支払相当額,他ベンダーへの支払相当額の賠償責任を負う(東京地判平24.3.29) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20120523/1337775069■有効な契約解除があった場合における原状回復請求については過失相殺の適用・類推適用はない(東京地判平21.7.31) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20110419/1327152482■運用保守契約における履行があった期間に相当する報酬は,解除に基づく原状回復義務の範囲には含まれない(東京地判平16.6.23) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20130606/1370530204■要件定義工程はシステム工程全体の9分の1程度であることから,予定金額の9分の1が損害として請求できる(東京地判平20.7.29) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20101119/1327131833■ベンダも正式な契約締結前に着手し,損害を拡大しないような措置をとっていないことからベンダに生じた支出の70%を請求できるにとどまる(東京地判平19.11.30) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20120104/1327155128■見積金額について疑問が呈せられ,信頼が揺らいだのちに発注されたハードウェア代金は契約締結を信頼したために被った損害とはいえず,また,ベンダが正式契約締結に向けた働きかけにおいて落ち度があるため損害の2割を減額した事例(東京地判平24.4.16) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20130104/1357293948■民641に基づく損害として,開発・営業に従事した従業員の時給相当額と,履行利益として当該案件での想定利益の額を認めた事例(東京地判平21.9.29) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20130706/1373123326■ゲームソフトの開発が遅延したことによって,広告費用,社内人件費に加えて,販売機会を逸失した本数に平均利益を乗じた額の損害を認めた事例(東京地判平19.4.25) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20130903/1378194132■保証業務を履行しなかったために第三者に委託した費用については損害として認めつつも,社内の人件費については認めなかった事例(東京地判平25.5.30) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20131225/1387898018■瑕疵修補に代わる損害賠償の額として,発注者のエンジニアの単価×工数に基づいて算定した事例(東京地判平25.9.26) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20140517/1400301097■瑕疵修補に変わる損害賠償の額として,修補費用と修補期間相当の逸失利益を認め,さらにユーザの過失2割5分を過失相殺した事例(東京高判令2.2.26) https://itlaw.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/01/20/000307■民法641条に基づく損害の額は,当初契約の委託料から支払済みの額を控除した残額だとした事例(東京地判平27.3.24) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20151119/1447861157■顧客のお詫び費用,漏えい事故調査費用のほか,機会損失として民訴法248条を適用して損害の一部を認めた事例(東京地判平26.1.23) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20141026/1414327403■本来は8500万円相当のシステムについて500万円で受託したために,賠償額の上限が500万円となるのは公平性を害するとして,出来高相当の額を上限とした事例(東京地判平26.4.26) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20141231/1420000481■プロジェクトの頓挫によって不要となった他システムの導入・改修費用のほか,コスト削減機会の損失をユーザの損害と認めつつ,ベンダの得べかりし利益の一部を損害と認めた事例(旭川地判平28.3.29)※高裁にて変更 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20161103/1478099168■特殊な訴訟であることを理由に,債務不履行に基づく損害賠償責任においても,弁護士費用の請求を認めた事例(東京地判平28.11.30) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20180108/1515421342■マイグレーションの失敗によって旧システムの延長に伴う費用,保守費用を損害として認めた事例(東京地判平28.10.31) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/redips+law/20180209/1518105903■中途解約における契約条項の解釈において「終了部分」とは検収合格した部分のみを指し,「未収部分」も実施中の工程部分に限り,かつ,当該条項は民法641条の特則を定めたものであって,別途の損害賠償請求はできないとした事例(東京高判令元.12.19) https://itlaw.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/08/30/214659
【争点別】システム開発をめぐる紛争インデックス - IT・システム判例メモ
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ah-chun6002 · 7 years
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whit-thechick · 6 years
David Koch
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Political Involvements:
-In the 2016 elections Koch planned to spend 889 million dollars. He is a conservative. He partnered  with other conservatives and created  philanthropic entities that enable them to aggressively pursue a libertarian agenda of lower taxes, deregulation of business and the denial of climate change
-David Koch ran as the Libertarian Party's vice presidential candidate in 1980 on a ticket with Ed Clark; they won 1% of the vote
National contributions
-Koch's contribution include charities like Sloan Kettering, which is a fertility clinic aiding sterile parents, American Museum of Natural History's David H. Koch Dinosaur Wing and the Lincoln Center
-Koch even funded his alma mater Deerfield Academy, with $68 million for Center for mathematics, and a separate center for science and technology
Global Contribution/involvement
-globally the Koch brothers company ranks among the top 30 polluters of American air. it ranks number 13  in the nation
- The company controls at least four oil refineries, six ethanol plants, a natural-gas-fired power plant and 4,000 miles of pipeline
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hdtrenkl-blog · 5 years
Theme five:
This article is about humans and cyborgs coming together, which has become a widely conversed topic. This is key to theme five and the connection between human and technology. 
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tanzanitezyx · 7 years
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#1000DaysWithYixuan 20140924-20170620
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Bio Art 4
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rondelion · 10 years
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00petersnyder-blog · 5 years
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jmkielian-blog · 5 years
Part 5: The Future of Cyborgs and BioArt
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Rebranding the Cyborg
2 October 2018
At the Cork Tech Summit (1) 2018 last May, I was amazed as one of the presenters created a cybernetic organism live on stage. His presentation was on the potential of RFID implants to replace keys, credit cards, travel tickets, access fobs. A volunteer from the audience was implanted with an RFID chip, to incredulous gasps, and shakes of the heads from the audience. The definition of a cyborg defined in that presentation, is a person who has a piece of smart technology implanted, inserted, permanently made part of the body. It blew my mind. The presenter was Dr. Patrick Kramer (2) from Vivokey, you can see a similar presentation on YouTube (3) here: 
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzZHFqliyQ
Amber Case (4) uses a looser definition, you only need to carry the smart device, not have it embedded, to qualify as being a cyborg. Taking either definition, it’s revolutionary, the stuff of 1970s prime television. Or is it?
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Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/51764518@N02/14722189969
Part of my recent work has been project-managing the introduction of RFID self-service kiosks in our city’s public libraries. And we are playing catch up, one of the city’s university libraries had this technology fifteen or twenty years ago, our Dublin library counterparts, ten years ago. By and large, customers (and staff) have taken to it. I think the customers would be very surprised to know that the same technology created a cyborg one kilometer away at the Tech Summit.
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Image source: Ann Riordan
It’s all in the integration. We already have a public services card. Is it that much of a stretch to imagine one smart citizen card - think public services card, plus medical card, plus library card, plus student card, plus passport, plus driving license? Now replace that card with a chip.
It is not hard to anticipate the arguments. Do we have the right to body privacy? Can I say no? What if the chip breaks or leaks? What about the security implications? Can we trust all that personal sensitive data onto one chip, and who controls it? And what about the darker side? Instead of trade in stolen passports, will there be trade in stolen chipped body parts? Now that is truly the stuff of television. Judging by the whispers in the audience at the Tech Summit, these were the very real fears. With all our digital advancements and the speed at which new devices and integrated platforms are thrown at us, will the public ever accept cyborg technology?
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Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/publik15/3904952978
But cyborgs are already among us. Think hearing aids, think timed medicinal implants. Deep Brain Stimulation implants in patients with Parkinson's Disease have shown life changing improvements to their condition (5). Consider the developments in prosthetics and augmented reality, and imagine the lives they can transform. Maybe it's time to rebrand the cyborg.
(1) Tech Summit 2018. Accessed 2 October 2018. http://www.techsummit.ie/
(2) Patrick Kramer Twitter page. Accessed 2 October 2018. https://twitter.com/doccyborg
(3) Patrick Kramer, “ Super-humans: interconnected cyborgs”, YouTube video, 20.41 mins, 31 May 2017, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pzZHFqliyQ
(4) Amber Case, “We are all cyborgs now”, Ted video, 7.46 mins, January 2011, https://www.ted.com/talks/amber_case_we_are_all_cyborgs_now
(5) Wonders, Carl P, “Self-tuning brain implant could help treat patients with Parkinson’s disease”, National Institutes of Health, (29 May 2018), https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/self-tuning-brain-implant-could-help-treat-patients-parkinsons-disease
Cyborg Anthropology. “Defining Cyborg Anthropology”. Accessed October 2, 2018. http://cyborganthropology.com/Defining_Cyborg_Anthropology .
Murray, Niall. "Late-opening self-service libraries to add members" , Irish Examiner, (14 June 2018), https://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland/late-opening-self-service-libraries-to-add-members-471842.html.
Swain, Frank. “Cyborgs: the truth about human augmentation”, BBC Future, (24 September 2014), http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20140924-the-greatest-myths-about-cyborgs .
Taylor, Charlie, “Humans 2.0: building a better being with smart implants”, Irish Times, (17 May 2018): 38.
Weiss, Haley, “Why You’re Probably Getting a Microchip Implant Someday”, The Atlantic, (21 September 2018), https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2018/09/how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-microchip/570946/ .
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geesystems-blog · 6 years
Speculative/HCI Robot +Child Game
Research Links: 
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Sources from Project 4
Swain, Frank. “Future - Cyborgs: The truth about human augmentation.” BBC, BBC, 24 Sept. 2014, www.bbc.com/future/story/20140924-the-greatest-myths-about-cyborgs.
Herr, Hugh. “Robotics for Human Augmentation.” Science | AAAS, MIT, 29 Sept. 2016, www.sciencemag.org/robotics-human-augmentation.
Masci, David. “Human Enhancement.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 26 July 2016, www.pewinternet.org/essay/human-enhancement-the-scientific-and-ethical-dimensions-of-striving-for-perfection/.
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Final Work and 700 word statement
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Brettley, A https://www.mnn.com/leaderboard/stories/7-real-life-human-cyborgs accessed 15th of September 2017
‘Born this way’- Lady Gaga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV1FrqwZyKw
Cudmore, W http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20140924-the-greatest-myths-about-cyborgs 10th of September 2017
Davis, H, https://xenlife.com.au/are-we-being-too-dependent-on-technology/ 14th of September 2017
Hamperton, T, https://www.wsj.com/articles/is-technology-making-people-less-sociable-1431093491 accessed 21st of September 2017  
Pepperberg. J, https://www.edge.org/response-detail/10632 accessed 20th of September 2017
‘Push it’- Salt n’ Pepper, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCadcBR95oU
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