#2007 Sashatello
vdragon-creations · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day
Each of the versions of Sashatello would like to wish you a Happy (late) Valentine’s Day! And the only reason it is so late, is that they spent their days with each other. Let’s take a peek at what they were up to, shall we? 👀
First up~ 🐆💜🐢
87 Sashatello: Cat Kisses
Little pecks on the cheek are nothing strange to this couple!
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2003 Sashatello: Flowers
This is kinda a spoiler for something in the next part of my Fic, Spring Stars. Regardless, I love drawing these two just being cutesy together. Especially when they both get all blushy and Shy while interacting!
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2007 Sashatello: Proposition
07 Sasha is a bit blunt with her way of thinking, and especially when she wants something. So when asking if Donnie would “Be her mate.”, it was quite a lot for the turtle to take in all at once. He was down, of course, but it didn’t erase the intense embarrassment he felt from her wording.
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IDW Sashatello: You’re so cute
Get you a lady that looks at you the way Sasha does Donnie. To her, he is the cutest thing she’s ever encountered. and this is coming from a God! Someone who has met many souls, seen countless lovers, and traveled the world many times over! So…who is Donnie to argue with her when she calls him Cute?
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2012 Sashatello: Be My Valentine
Ah yes, these two. Honestly, a romance between these two is so hard to write, it’s painful! But, I’ll keep trying damn it! 2012 Sasha is just so smitten with this moron that it’s almost a meme in my head at this point that canonically, I don’t see them becoming an item until the Mutagen Bomb ending where Donnie becomes a robot! (I’ll draw that one day…) For now, I’ll just keep trying till it makes sense to me!
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Bayverse Sashatello: Hold Me
You know, if it weren’t for how detailed their designs are, I’d draw them way more than I do now. I mean, LOOK AT THEM! Cute af, and the part of me that has a size kink can’t help but drool at just how TALL Bayverse Donnie is! I really need to do more art of these two, but for now, here we are! And I’m not complaining.
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Batman VS TMNT Sashatello: Kiss Me, Sugershell
Not gunna lie to you folks on this one, I was very tame compared to what I originally wanted to draw for them. But I still thought that what I came up with was still pretty hot! The whole Bad girl & Good boy dynamic they have is just….so DAMN good! I love it! (And I adore the Pet Name Sasha calls Donnie in this version so much!) I can’t wait to draw more of them together. I have a rather cute/humorous idea in the works for them in the future.
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Mutant Mayhem Sashatello: Young Love
Ah, young love! MM Donnie has got that Rizz going, but I could still see him sweating a bit when talking about having a crush on Sasha. (Especially since he was a fan of her’s to begin with before they met!) And MM Sasha is a shy mess to begin with, but would try her hardest to toughen up, if it meant she could somehow impress Donnie. I could see them making gifts for one another on Valentine’s Day, becoming two blushing messes trying to come up with things to say.
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And that’s a wrap! Hope you all had a good Valentine’s Day! 💜
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vdragon-creations · 3 months
It's almost 12 at night, my tooth hurts like hell and I can't sleep. So I'm just gunna go ahead and ramble about some of the different versions of Sasha! Enjoy!
2003 Sasha: So this Sasha is a Pescatarian. Most of the time, if she's eating meat, it's strictly fish or even eggs. But the sight of eating meat makes her very uncomfortable.
2012 Sasha: While not being the most tech savvy version, still knows the in's and out's of her Kraang Gauntlets and Scythe.
IDW Sasha: She has a very weird way of speaking. I really have to be careful with how I write her dialog. She has moments where her God side is speaking, and times where SHE is speaking. It makes for an interesting character if you're not 100% sure if it's truly one or the other you're dealing with.
Bayverse Sasha: She's a bit of a freak....if you catch my drift. A real wild cat if you will.
87 Sasha: She and Erma HATE each other. 87 Sasha is not above being a petty jealous bitch if she gets too close to Donnie.
Mirage Sasha: She and Donnie have a very complicated relationship. While Sasha would 100% kill him or his brothers at any opportunity, she never does, and more often then not will assist them if they're in deep shit. This is mostly due to a "jealousy/Territorial" trait of her's for Donnie in particular. Sort of a "He's my pray! And if you want him dead, you'll have to kill me first!" In reality, i feel like if she was a canon character for the turtle lore, this is the trait that would've led to the Shipping her with Donnie thing.
2003 Sasha: She's one of those introverts that seems chill around a bunch of folks so long as she knows them a bit. But stick her in a situation where she knows absolutely nothing and can't use her current knowledge to navigate it, she becomes a very reserved and shy individual.
Batman Sasha: While this is canon for all of her versions, it's especially relevant for this lady. Sasha is a MASSIVE Batman fangirl. (Hint's the cape and over all esthetic of her Assassin's uniform.)
2007 Sasha: While she's is nowhere the most commanding version of herself, she is however VERY combative with her brother. And she's the only version that don't have the most loving relationship with her brother.
Rise Sasha: I've talked about it before, but Rise Sasha is a lot like Rise Donnie, and uses a mostly over the top confident mask to hide her insecurities. When she was human, she wasn't in anyway the strongest or most sociable kid. After being mutated, see saw it as an opportunity to be better then her human self. But this had led to her hating her old self. She HATES talking about it and keeps it a secret. (The only ones to know are April, Donnie, and Mikey. April was the only one she outright told, Donnie just happened to overhear it. And April later told Mikey.)
Rise Sasha: Canonically, I have a storyline that involves she and Donnie getting "Married". Though it's mostly just him giving her a handmade Promise Ring. (In the Krang Apocalypse Future though, this never happens. Instead, it's replaced with one night of "Physical Intimacy" *Wink wonk*. The next day Donnie ends up losing his life while on a mission with Leo. A missions Sasha had told him not to go on. Sasha later finds the ring along with a note that explains how much he loves her, and wanted to be with her once the world was safe again.)
Bayverse Sasha: She was developing a serum to make herself and her pack mates human. as each of them had dreams that supposedly couldn't be made true without being human. (Sasha's being using her knowledge of science to make things better for the world. And also to find love like she'd seen in movies and TV.) Turns out you really don't need to be human for that last one. ;3
Mutant Mayhem Sasha: She may or may not have written a fanfic or two about Donnie before meeting him IRL after seeing him and his brothers fighting Superfly. She never posted it of course and will more then likely have this secret die with her!
And now for a special entry! A little peak into what's to come for Fortnite Sasha!
Fortnite Sasha: She's from another planet inhabited by other cat people who use a mixture of Technology and Magic! They're at war with a race of reptilian people. So when she first met the Turtles, she wasn't very friendly. Not helped by the fact her Lingua was damaged when she crashed on earth, so now she can't understand or speck to them. Her native language sounds a lot like Swahili on earth. While she's no warrior, she's no slouch in a fight. She's a hunter by trade, and her weapon has five modes: Spear, Sword, Bow, Dagger, and Whip. Only the females of her race are hunters, and while they aren't allowed to marry and start families, they aren't restricted from having romantic relationships. Especially if it's with another hunter. In otherwards, a lot of the hunters are either Pan, Bi, or Lesbian. Sasha herself, being Bi, not realizing so until meeting Donnie and getting to know him more. He's the one who actually fixes her Lingua so she can finally communicate with them. (While writing, i was debating on making her species a lot like The Tamaraneans from Teen Titans, where they learn languages through lip contact. But eh, don't really think Sasha would wanna get in that close with a stranger right off the bat just to learn how to talk to them. Much less if they look like a race they're currently at war with.)
And finally, I'll share a little WIP of her design. I may add or take a few things, but I love her so much already!
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vdragon-creations · 4 months
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