louisupdates · 1 month
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charlielightening One year ago tonight. The London premier in Leicester Square At the IMAX cinema, I’ve attended a few premieres here over the years and always wanted to open a movie here. Great night with family and friends.
Charlie Lightening posted to Instagram about the One Year Anniversary of the All Of Those Voices London Premiere [16.3.2024].
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laglegt · 1 month
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crushedlittlestarx · 1 month
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this and a blunt or wtv!!!
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godsnameisjoy · 1 month
Date: 16 March 2024
Duration: 46 minutes at 10:56 PM
It’s the second half of March. I am a bit confused. I wasn’t confused through June to December of ‘23 though. That’s when I regularly heard percussion like sounds coming from inside my head during my meditations. I heard with an interiorised sense of hearing. As long as freed life energies touched nerve cells that are related to my sense of hearing, my attention was turned to the sounds I heard. It was very clear to me where and why life energy was at.
Then came the new year. The phenomenon of hearing sounds was phased out. By who? Who is my spiritual benefactor? Currently, I meditate in a part of my mind where peace is pure and seamless. I am confused because I have experienced my attention behaving shyly in one meditation or another since the beginning of the new year. That’s a clear sign of my attention becoming aware of one new depth of mind or another.
However, I have no meditational phenomenon like hearing things to describe. I don’t know where exactly life energy is at when I am meditating. Sounds I heard made it very clear about where the energy was at. Now I don’t know. In many ways, it feels like I have regressed as a meditator by months. And I know that regressing isn’t possible. I know from my studies and my experience that spiritual growth is irreversible.
It is almost as if my faith is being tested now. Assuming that this is the darkest hour right before the dawn of a spiritual life strengthens my faith. However, assuming that I am not getting anywhere doesn’t help removing my confusion.
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phototagebuch · 1 month
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16.3.2024: Morgenlicht
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gralto · 1 month
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eeglamourdos · 1 month
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takovanormalnielie · 1 month
Začínám naplno zaučovat kolegu na svojí pozici. Naštěstí je to bystrej a kluk a učí se rychle. Akorát je trochu netahavej a chybí mu tempo. Ono ho to donutí. Já tam denně nachodím 15km a přeházím 2t materiálu po 30 kg. Popravdě to začíná bejt problém s mým podvyživeným BMI. Všechny stopy po svalech mizí a já si poprvý připadám hezká. Pár lidí už má o mě obavy, jestli nemám problémy s jídlem. No asi trochu mám. Jídlo mě nebaví a navíc chci dostat dolu co nejvíc před zahájením HRT, ale já věřím, že se to pak zlomí a budu se snažit zas o opak. Přecejenom nemůže proběhnout redistribuce tuku, když žádnej mít nebudu a ten uloženej už zůstane, kde je. Musím prostě začít na čistým plátně a mám tendence věci trochu přemyslovat. Jakože líbí se mi plný holky, ale budu tak hezká já? Nedovedu si to představit. Celej život se mi lidi akorát smějou, že jsem moc hubená. Teď, když jsem se s tím konečně srovnala, tak mám strach vypadat jinak.
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arojenniferwalters · 1 month
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Irish Wish (2024)[16.3.2024]trailer 1/ 3 Written by Kirsten Hansen Directed by Janeen Damian
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jukti-torko-golpo · 1 month
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A stressful day awaiting training exam and PGDBA.
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emmabraslavsky · 2 months
Am Freitag, 16.3.2024, lese ich um 19 Uhr in der Leporello Buchhandlung in Berlin-Rudow.
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louisupdates · 1 month
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Promotion for Louis Tomlinson playing Live From Fest Istanbul [6 September 2024] seen in Istanbul, via harryspattes
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neilgordon11 · 6 days
The secord part of three Lorca paintings is the Arrest of Lorca. 16.3.2024
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kempostudio · 25 days
360°-Video vom 1. Nahkampf-Lehrgang 2024 (Outdoor-Lehrgang am 16.3.2024 vom KEMPO-STUDIO) in 4K from KEMPO-STUDIO on Vimeo.
Video-Zusammenfassung vom 1. Nahkampf-Lehrgang 2024. Dieser fand am 16.3.2024 in Stuttgart, in nicht allzu großer Entfernung vom KEMPO-STUDIO statt (zum einen im "Travertinpark Stuttgart" und in den Parkanlagen des Tapachtals). Ein weiteres VIDEO von einem Nahkampf-Lehrgang, das komplett im 360°-Panorama-Modus realisiert wurde: Du bestimmst den Blickwinkel selber. Bewege dein Smartphone oder dein Tablet bei Verwendung der YouTube-App hin und her. Schau in die Richtung den Inhalt, den du möchtest! Am PC kannst du durch ziehen mit der Maus den Blickwinkel ebenfalls frei wählen. Auch zoomen ist möglich. Viel Spaß dabei!
Dauer des gesamten Lehrgangs: 8 Stunden.
Herzlichen Dank und beste Glückwünsche an alle Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen: Ihr wart echt super!
Schnitt & Postproduktion: Marcel Ganze
Music: KEINE - Diesmal wurde bewusst auf eine musikalische Untermalung verzichtet, für mehr Authentizität!
Leitung: Sensei Marcel Ganze
Weitere Informationen zum KEMPO-STUDIO auf der Webseite unter: kempo-studio.de
Folge uns auch auf: Facebook: facebook.com/kempo.studio/ Twitter: twitter.com/Kempo_Studio Instagram: instagram.com/kempostudio/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kempo-studio Telegram: t.me/kempostudio Pinterest: pinterest.com/kempostudio Tumblr: kempostudio.tumblr.com Google-Maps: google.de/maps/place/KEMPO-STUDIO+*+Marcel+Ganze/@48.8361233,9.2016238,17z/data=!4m8!1m2!2m1!1shttps:%2F%2Fkempo-studio.business.site%2F!3m4!1s0x4799cffff6e33427:0xc742b6b9423280d!8m2!3d48.8361198!4d9.2038178 VIMEO: vimeo.com/kempostu YouTube: youtube.com/c/KEMPOSTUDIO LBRY: open.lbry.com/@kempo-studio/ Odysee: odysee.com/@kempo-studio/
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16.3.2024 gracias CELESTE MONTERVINO por tanto 🤗 una vez más en el Museo de Arte Decorativo - la acompañe en 4 de las 5 fechas del ciclo de los Museos en Verano en CABA, y sepanlo, Celeste se merece todo el aguante del mundo y más, persona hermosisima y laburante como pocas que deja el alma en cada presentación 💟
Con esta fotaza cerramos el ciclo pero seguro que la cosa sigue 😎😎
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pogled · 1 month
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