rbf451 · 1 year
mikkosi two ig stories 13.5.2023
‘You know what...you are the real winner’
Yes he is 😭
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louisupdates · 1 year
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AOTV LA Premiere: hand tattoos [13.5.2023]
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frankarcherhater · 1 year
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godsnameisjoy · 1 year
Date: 13 May 2023
1 Duration: 44 minutes at 7:37 AM
2 Duration: 55 minutes at 12:09 AM of 14th May
There was a fixity of mind while conducting the Hong Sau technique during both sessions. Many years back, I had received a glimpse of such fixity of mind.
All meditation techniques in the universe have a repeating element in them. Even while practicing mindfulness, one has to return repeatedly to the chosen manner of giving attention. All meditation is about ‘concentration despite distractions’.
Meditation is exhausting in the conscious, waking, rational mind space and the desirous, dreamy, sleeping subconscious mind space. It is exhausting because both these mind spaces have elaborate distractions.
The mind space beyond the deepest end of the subconscious is the intuition, as I understand Paramahansa Yogananda. My experience of meditational phenomenon since March of 2020 is that the beginning of Kundalini awakening and the development of intuition occur simultaneously.
Kundalini awakening, from experience, is about the journey of freed life sustaining energies from the spine to the head. One begins the process of freeing energies from body-mind dot-knots long before the spine trembles with surplus energy.
With the very first meditation ever, the process begins. The process is not so subtle when one enters the phase of Kundalini awakening. The awakening process is marked with involuntary body shakes during meditation. It is a slow process and it can begin as late as after two decades of meditation.
Once calmly freed energies began residing in the head, I wasn’t left with much to do. All I have done ever since, is intuit Peace. Having tethered my attention to the feeling of Peace, I have relaxed my hold on my attention. I have done this through many recent months that have gone by.
The two sessions from 13th of May seem to have put the Hong Sau technique in a large groove. The groove felt off centre and slightly towards the left of my head. The point is tucked well within my head. If I deflected my attention even slightly to my right and/or periphery, the groove was lost.
The technique got a momentum of its own during the two sessions yesterday. I didn’t have to make any effort to keep intuiting Peace. I didn’t have to return to the technique having got caught in a Peace soaked image. The technique, having caught a chariot wheel size groove in the head, was taking my attention some place.
I would go along with it again, if I was blessed with the benevolent mind groove again.
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phototagebuch · 1 year
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13.5.2023: Ginkgo biloba
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nataliesnews · 1 year
What you don’t want to know about Gaza
So it seems that on each floor there is a shelter if one can call it that. Last night someone said he had heard an explosion but so far there has been no siren in Jerusalem. I had wondered what one would do if there was one as one cannot use the lift at such a time and in any case how would those who are in wheelchairs get to the shelter. But in any case I would just sit out in the corridor. There are no windows  there so there would not be the danger of glass.And this being Jerusalem and there would be the danger of El Akza being damaged I think we are safe. But if  things go on like this, who knows what anger will bring about .  But wer
But when Nofim was built, no one was really thinking of shelters. 
 By the way , don't relate to the Hebrew which are all the wonderful names given to all the minor "wars" we have had with Gaza, these are the dates below of all the actions. Three times in some of the years. 
....so ask yourselves if this is the roundabout which we will keep on with. These are the children of the south......but sad as the picture is these children have shelters, or they have been taken to a safer place. Yes, they will be traumatized by the sirens and the sound of bombing but the children of Gaza hear and see the constant explosions and know of their friends or family who have been killed. I would say that they are the ones who are more traumatized.
 And when you look at all those dates, then the PDF below says it all. It sounds more and more like here we go round the mulberry bush. 
 And one more detail about the West Bank ...which should also open your eyes to what is happening on the arid West Bank while this summer children in the settlements will swim in their pools.
  This, of course, should give us a feeling of security. I doubt Smotrich ever held a gun in his life and he is going to be defense minister??? There are at least four in the government who never did army service. 
 And then you have this....they will be quite happy to send the sons and husbands of others to fight their wars for them while their men sit in the yeshivot. What  did  one of the mps  suggest?  Half of Israel should study Torah and half should go to the army. If they are so sure that God is protecting us why not all of Israel?
Smotrich, Strock say Israel will have 'no choice' but to eventually retake Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/smotrich-strock-say-israel-will-have-no-choice-but-to-retake-gaza-in-future/
Next time I will try to write a less negative letter
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episims · 2 years
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Gifts by Color Traits
A mod that changes gifts' (seen during Seasons give gift social) appearance if either the receiver or the giver has a favorite color trait in their inventory.
The gift box appears in the favorite color of the receiver and the ribbon in the favorite color of the giver. That makes the gift's appearance semi-unique between two sims, giving 66 possible color combinations with 12 recolors.
Replaces the default gift texture with a white/silver one. My color traits are needed for the other colors to show up. If the sim has more than one favorite color in their inventory, only the alphabetically highest will be taken into account.
Download (SFS) (alternate) - the file is compressed.
Update (13.5.2023): There are now two versions to choose from, the original with solid gift boxes and the new one with dotted gifts. The difference is only in appearance, the mod works the same with both. Swatches are included, only use one version at a time!
Easy Inventory Check is required and Seasons EP is too. Conflicts with other gift replacements.
Technical info: I edited the gift mesh slightly for the subsets to make sense. I also added a very subtle shine to the box to make the texture a bit less dull.
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haahka · 1 year
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Käärijä Instastory 13.5.2023
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khloud-youssri · 1 year
‏مع كل صدمة من شخص قريب؛ أتذكر محمود طه لما قال: "انا كنت بحكيلك عن هزايمي مش من باب الفضفضة، انا كان قصدي متهزمنيش."
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rbf451 · 1 year
gregorzalokar ig story 13.5.2023
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louisupdates · 1 year
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AOTV LA Premiere [13.5.2023]
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frankarcherhater · 1 year
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odsouzena · 1 year
Stalo se to zase. Stalo se to po sakra dlouhý době a nechápu jak je to možné, myslela jsem si, že je to za mnou, že už jsem se z toho dostala, ale opak je pravdou.
Ráno začalo úplně normálně, jela jsem na závody, které byli úspěšné a neřešila jsem nic.
Přijela jsem domů a měla jsem se chytat na svatbu svých kamarádů, po chvíli to začalo přicházet.
Nevěděla jsem co se to zase děje a hlavně proč, nebyl nejmenší důvod k tomu abych se sesypala, ale stalo se. Nešlo to zastavit, třásla jsem se, potřebovala se vybrečet a vlastně nevím ani proč. Jediný k čemu jsem se zmohla bylo jít si lehnout do postele a zkusit to zaspat.
8 nepřijatých hovorů, několik zpráv od segry, jestli už jsem na cestě… nešlo to, nedokázala jsem otevřít oči natož se zvednout z postele a někam jet… strašně moc mě to mrzí, mrzí mě, že jsem tam nemohla být s nimi, ale vím, že dojet tam, tak nevylezu z auta a bylo by to ještě horší.
Na otázku ,,co se stalo?” Jsem nedokázala ani odpovědět protože nevím co se vlastně stalo, jenom vím, že v tu chvíli jsem proste nemohla nic. A tak jsem se vykašlala na svatbu kamarádů a prospala vlastně skoro asi 14h…
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#Repost @tarjaofficial via social medias
Finland! See you in May with a special tour with Pentti Hietanen!
Tickets on sale from January 30th.
M&G Upgrades will be available too for this tour! Stay tuned for more infos coming soon.
Tarja Turusen ja Pentti Hietasen yhteinen
Kaunotar ja Kulkuri -konserttikiertue toukokuussa
Tarja Turusen ja Pentti Hietasen odotettu Kaunotar ja Kulkuri -kiertue järjestetään toukokuussa. Kaikkiaan yhdeksän konserttia ja kaupunkia sisältävän kiertueen ohjelmisto sisältää kummankin unohtumattomimpia sävelmiä. Luvassa on myös kaksikon yhteisiä numeroita, joissa Turusen kirkas sopraano ja Hietasen upea tenoriääni soivat duettona.
Kaksi viikkoa kestävä kiertue alkaa 2. toukokuuta Helsingin Kulttuuritalolta ja matkaa halki Suomen päätyen lopulta Lappeenrantaan.
Ti 2.5.2023, Helsinki, Kulttuuritalo (Lippu.fi)
Ke 3.5.2023, Lahti, Sibeliustalo (Lippu.fi)
La 6.5.2023, Kouvola, Kuusankoskitalo (Ticketmaster)
Su 7.5.2023, Hämeenlinna, Verkatehdas (Ticketmaster)
Ti 9.5.2023, Tampere, Tampere-talo (Lippu.fi)
To 11.5.2023, Turku, Logomo (Lippu.fi)
Pe 12.5.2023, Porvoo, Taidetehdas (Lippu.fi)
La 13.5.2023, Kuopio, Musiikkikeskus (Lippu.fi)
Su 14.5.2023, Lappeenranta, Lappeenranta-sali (Ticketmaster)
59 euron hintaiset ennakkoliput kaikkiin konsertteihin tulevat myyntiin ensi viikon maanantaina 30. tammikuuta kello 9.00.
Paikkakunnasta riippuen liput ovat saatavilla joko Ticketmasterissa tai Lippu.fi:ssä.
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higee293 · 4 months
Bình Dương, 13.5.2023
Đặt chân đến Sài Gòn lúc trời nhập nhoạng tối, còn cả một chuyến đi dài về hướng Dĩ An. Trong đầu chẳng nghĩ được nhiều, chỉ thấy à thì ra cũng chỉ có thế. Nơi cần đến, cuối cùng cũng đã đến rồi.
Lúc nhắn tin thông báo cho Diệu Tâm, chị khoe những vết tích chị để lại trên đất này, có tình ái, chiến công, tuổi trẻ, những điều tiếc nuối và cũng có cả con người, ... 3,4 list danh sách những việc phải làm 1 lần ở Sài Gòn được gửi đến, sến rện, không thích, không cần.
"Non như mày, thôi chúc khóc nhiều ở nơi xa xứ."
Chuỗi ngày lắc lư trên xe 3,4 tiếng Bình Dương - Sài Gòn kết thúc ngay khi chọn xong nơi trú thân và chốt lịch on board ở công ty mới. 6 ngày, nhanh hơn 1 ngày so với dự tính. Vừa lúc túi tiền cũng không còn dư dả.
"Em chuyển vào quận 7 luôn rồi, khi nào em về Dĩ An, nhất định sẽ lại book chú đấy ạ".
"Chú Grab BD" - Một trong những người đầu tiên gặp ở đất này, mưu sinh, vất vả, da thịt nắng cháy như thể không còn cảm nhận được chút bỏng rát nào từ hòn lửa trời, giống hệt người lớn ở quê, dấu vết thời gian và cuộc sống chật vật ghì chặt trên từng nếp chân chim nơi khoé mắt, xởi lởi và thật thà, đưa đi từ cổng sân bay đến Dĩ An, rồi sớm hôm lại từ Dĩ An đưa đi khắp nơi trong thành phố, không nhớ nổi mặt nhưng số điện thoại hẳn sẽ luôn còn lưu trong danh bạ.
Những ngày đó, vừa bận vừa vội, chả nhớ đã làm gì, sáng ngược xuôi, tối về sẽ ngồi nghe H nói chuyện, H dễ thương quá thể, đã không nói với nhau câu nào từ hồi cấp 3, những mấy năm còn gì, H nói tao giận mày lắm, vụ gì không nhớ, giận sôi mà mày chả biết, người gì không ai thèm thân, L nghe nói mày mai vào đây nó ở Củ Chi mà cũng lo sốt vó, người gì cà lơ phất phơ mà sao đi đâu cũng được người thương. Con gái lúc nào cũng thế, đáng yêu, lúc vui vẻ khi hờn giận, không đoán được, cũng chả biết đâu mà lần. Nhưng thấy vui, thấy lạ, dù sao chút thân quen ít ỏi ở nơi xa lại là một lời chào hỏi dè dặt nhưng rất ân cần của thành phố.
Mới mẻ. Không ai biết mình, mình chả biết ai, không biết làm gì tiếp theo nhưng vẫn cứ vững vàng bước tiếp, không có gì ràng buộc, không gì neo giữ, tự do như cơn gió mát lành. Những hình ảnh vẽ lại bằng con tim và quá khứ, lúc nào cũng mờ nhạt & không rõ ràng. Nhắm mắt lại, mở mắt ra, mọi thứ đều đã khác. Mọi sự xoay vần, lâu lâu mới dám thả lòng để hồn bay thơ thẩn.
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zawergcca · 8 months
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