quaintrelle90 · 4 months
كيف تحولت في ثوانٍ من مخبأ آمن إلى فوهة بندقية؟
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bibianxx · 2 years
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Nếu như em chỉ cần một người đón đưa mỗi lúc tan tầm, chạy đến cạnh bên em mỗi lúc ốm đau, một chiếc ôm, cái nắm tay, bờ vai mỗi lúc buồn khổ tiêu cực thì ngay từ khi bắt đầu anh sẽ không là ai, không ở vị trí nào trong cuộc đời em cả. Là em chọn anh, tình yêu mà anh mang đến, những gì mà em có thể cho đi, nếu không phải là anh thì cũng chẳng thể nào là ai khác ở thời điểm ấy, khoảnh khắc ấy.
Nhưng ngày mà anh và em, chúng ta lựa chọn ngừng kết nối thì thời điểm ấy, khoảnh khắc ấy chúng ta đã làm mất đi cái gọi là khoảnh khắc tươi đẹp thuở ban đầu. Chừng ấy ngày không liên lạc, cuộc sống của em trở nên thế nào, tâm trạng anh ra làm sao, chúng ta sẽ không thể nào biết được những gì mà đối phương đang trải qua, xa cách - là từ ấy mà ra.
Mọi người vẫn luôn nói với em rằng, người như em - nhạy cảm hơn những người khác, cứng đầu hơn những người khác, quan trọng là chưa bao giờ may mắn trong chuyện yêu đương - thế thì chỉ nên yêu người gần em một chút.
Người mà có thể bày tỏ bằng hành động khi mà em nhạy cảm vô cùng với việc mà anh ta đang làm. Người mà luôn dịu dàng, bao dung cho những lỗi lầm của em vì chưa một ai nói với em rằng “bình tĩnh, chậm rãi lại, như thế này nó mới là tình yêu, những điều mà em đang làm trong khoảnh khắc ấy nó không đúng”. Người mà sẽ dỗ dành em không phải là trách móc rằng em, em phải trưởng thành.
Anh nhìn xem anh không phải là người duy nhất có thể cho em tình yêu nhưng chỉ có tình yêu từ anh là thứ mà em muốn nhận. Những điều mà em mong mỏi, những gì mà anh từng nói, anh nhìn lại xem người con gái mà anh yêu thương nhất đã nhận được gì ngoài những tổn thương mà em đang chịu.
Từng lời nói lúc còn yêu, luôn nhấn chìm em mỗi khi đêm đến.
Được rồi, không còn gì để hy vọng và trông chờ thêm nữa, em sẽ để anh đi.
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wlove4uw · 8 months
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glimmerofawesome · 1 year
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thrassisfras · 2 years
Please know that when I went to see The Batman with my uncle, he leaned over during the previews and told me he wanted to do a double feature with The Batman and Morbius.
Imagine if we'd done that.
Imagine watching the cinematic masterpiece that is The Batman and then immediately following that up with Morbius.
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kyle1 · 2 years
Nearly all Conservatives/Americans believe in God, or otherwise live amicably under the moral code implicit in God's law. Most moderates are aware of God, and may even practice some degree of humanized spirituality in reverence to His various miracles and magics experienced at some point or another in their lives, or more commonly through the tangential contact on another's first- or even secondhand accounts of highly subjective recollection... Liberals I imagine get their namesake from a faith-devoid living, advancing their days by each progressional step through hard logics and other blunt trial-and-error steering mechanics- a freeway of nothing but bumper cars that moves at a nightmare of a thulian snailface's rushhour-commute of a pace through an already finite and highly limited space *springs* to mind all of a sudden ... but there again still,, God cares for them all the same even if they only really know how to care for themselves. So we all let them be liberal in their own ways, and wile their time away getting to and from work each day on the Malachi two-way, and in the casinos, and plopped and ployed behind various screens... this will keep all things safe and secure as necessary. After all there's far more on the shared plate. -Oh, and there's a Fourth kind too... but we all work behind the scenes. Some are staying busy fixing the brakes... others work to play a profiteer at breaking the 'fixes', but as each of the previous climbs are distinctly ranged and separate but equal, -the fourth kinds are the same as all the others, and there again individuay distinct and separate even from each fourth kindred other. They are often deigned as musicious wild cards, even outcast without just cause or through discriminatory assault towards their speculatively-pondered souls, when in truth they are honed and just highly-specialized individuals like all the others, whom simply devote themselves to their specifically-chosen, and/or more-focused aims.
I, myself am one of these 4ths. My conservative self is pious, grateful, and diligent. My moderate soph is something of a workaholic and quite enjoys the HP universe of magical fictions, along with so many other fandoms and folklores. My Liberal soul is a beastly horndog I never let off its leash- for everyone's protection, including its own. That being said I am definitely a specialist of sorts... but to be quite frankly honest, I still can't quite put it clearly into comprehensive strings of written words... but it's a good one for sure. And let's just say~ I'm in it to win it however I can, for everyone, just like Jesus did, even as they drove those stakes, and upended his cross... no matter how it might hurt, in my end.. I will do as I am called to, I will do as I must, and always do my best as is truly requested of me.. to more or less, tune up the mandolins and lutes along the way to my own temporary grave 😇
It's funny.... what bubbles up and out if me when I literally have so much to say and share from my own unique perspective on this world and all the things in it, yet . . . no one to presently, let alone audibly voice it with...
This left index and right thumb of mine really like to ramble on in tandem, don't they? 😉
. . . Anyways!
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witchykuma · 13 hours
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🔥 ♡ 🔥
-divine feminine collective is surrendering to the infinite potential of this connection. gone are the days you wish to know exactly how and when things will happen. there is so much peace and love in having faith you are headed towards your highest timeline.
-divine masculine collective is coming into the embodiment of authentic expression of their true self. instead of trying to fit their divine square peg in a round hole of karma, they are taking small steps towards what makes them tick. they feel deep in their hearts what is aligned for them and everything else is losing it’s appeal.. they wish to leave behind everyone who doesn’t appreciate them in their authenticity. those who want their mask to stay tightly on for their selfish agendas.
connecting energies: both know now is not the right time for this connection to ground once more in the physical. to truly be free and open to the connection, the counterparts have more karma clean up in their individual lives to take care of first.
over the past month the energy has picked up significantly, it feels like miracles are being made over night. the path has never been clearer and both are more than willing to put up a fight for their individual happiness. knowing that when this is achieved, all signs point to this love materializing.
extra channeled message: love yourself today and every day. you are a divine being capable of changing the world from the inside, out. your gifts are precious and you should always value what you bring to the table. not all who walk this path will see the end of it, but you are well on your way. you never gave up and the universe will reward you heavily. prepare for all your dreams to come true. you deserve this.
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stirlingmoss · 1 year
44 Then it was said, ‘Earth, swallow up your water, and sky, hold back,’ and the water subsided, the command was fulfilled. 
The Ark settled on Mount Judi, 
and it was said, ‘Gone are those evildoing people!’
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systems-thinking · 1 year
Q: keep on seeing numbers like 11:11 11:14 14:41 22:22. I feel like my brain thoughts are responsible for what i sees before me. whenever I deeply think about something I end up seeing it sometimes on TV, on my phone, on Billboard sometimes within 5 or 10 or 10 minutes after I have thought of it but sometimes it takes hours for me to see it. could this be something that has to do with my spiritual being, Is it a coincidence or my overthinking?
A: soundssounds like you A strong advertising and technology( with clocks and counters on them) presents in your life. our lifestyles are not curated by us at first therefore the things we think about seem to appear coincidentally but we are actually experiencing is part of a loop the things placed in front us inform our thinking and our thinking allow us to recognize those things before us. Almost like how functional magic works but it's just targeted advertisement not spirituality but could be actually be good news still. if you can recognize the loop you can break it!
maybe it's spiritual in that you are self aware that your life (things before you) and thoughts( if you are aware you are thinking then you can think of something different) are not one and the same but two Separate elements looping into each other. but there is nothing spiritual as in super natural happening. Perhaps you are over thinking this phenomenon but only because you're seeking something which is good, its even better if you know what you are seeking. do you know?
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quaintrelle90 · 4 months
نَحنُ نُرَمِّمُ في اللّيل ما هُدِمَ في النَّهار، لكلّ روحٍ مِعراجُها، ولكلّ قلبٍ حكايته.
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i went to this indoor trampoline thing and had the absolute time of my life. it satisfied something in me like i dont even think i experienced that as a child
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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You’re a dead man Hawkface.
Episode 44 Part 11
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Pearl: Cleo- Cleo made the child!
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nynehells · 5 months
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A new light rises, what tragedies will ensue?
(we regret to inform you that they fucked that old man)
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thrassisfras · 4 months
My classes making me watch YouTube videos has completely fucked up my recommendations but I least I get cool videos about Romanesque architecture
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jtl-fics · 13 days
also, miss u, sorry for being mia lmao 🧡🧡🪿
5/22/24 WIP Wednesday (Open) | TBD
Andrew rolls his eyes at Josten's snipe against his brother. "Aren't they identical?" The man who drove in with Josten asks with a tilted head.
Josten bumps his shoulder against the other man, "Doesn't mean I'm not right. If he ever drags Aaron around you'll see what I mean Smith."
The other man, blank faced and bland merely shrugs before the two of them headed to their respective lockers which seemed to be right next to one another. Andrew let their ongoing conversation slide in one ear and out the other.
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