tokyo-akb48 · 1 year
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leechan1018 · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Jurina  お誕生日おめでとう松井珠理奈 26歳おめでとうございます✨❤️ あなたの積極性と愛で、他の人々の人生を変え続けることを願っています。 幸福と喜びに満ちた年 . I hope you will continue to change the lives of others with your positiveness and love. happiness and a year filled with joy hope your special day is filled with lots smile . Next is Yudai Chiba/Alata on March 9  ( Tensou Sentai Goseiger )  Megumi Mori/Megumi Misaki on March 10 ( Chojuu Sentai Liveman )  Satomi Hirose/Tsuruhime on March 10 ( Ninja Sentai Kakuranger )  . 2023年03月08日 3 / 8 / 2023 #SKE48 #AKB48 #produce48 #松井珠理奈  #松井珠理奈生誕祭 #松井珠理奈お誕生日おめでとう #誕生日 #おめでとう #HappyJurinaDay2023 #松井珠理奈26歳生誕祭 #アイドル  #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォロー返し100 #フォローバ100 #jurinamatsui #sakae48 #happybirthday #omedetou  #JapaneseIdol #followalways #likeforlikes @jurinamatsui3  https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjHUnkLIFU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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utsuroyihon · 8 months
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(XユーザーのLIVEENエンタメニュースさん: 「「SKE48 リクアワ ベスト100 2023」二日目公演が開催!50位~26位が発表 https://t.co/ydjwHJRXlN #SKE48リクアワ #SKE48リクアワ2023 #北野瑠華 #日高優月 #林美澪 #菅原茉椰 #江籠裕奈 #斉藤真木子 #佐藤佳穂 #菅原茉椰 #井上瑠夏 #末永桜花 #野村実代 #松本慈子 #青木詩織 #岡本彩夏 #熊崎晴香 https://t.co/hM8S3Z9lrf」 / Xから)
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weekly-flash · 2 months
[FLASH] 2024.04.23 No.1728 東雲うみ 石井優希 菅原茉椰 高鶴桃羽 山岡雅弥 他
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東雲うみ(Umi Shinonome) 生年月日 1996年9月26日 出身地 日本の旗 日本・埼玉県 血液型 AB型 身長 / 体重 162 cm / ― kg スリーサイズ 90 - 59 - 100 cm カップサイズ G 菅原茉椰(Maya Sugawara) 愛称 まーやん 生年月日 2000年1月10日 現年齢 24歳 出身地 日本・宮城県仙台市 血液型 O型 身長 165 cm 所属グループ SKE48 高鶴桃羽(Momo Takatsuru) 生年月日 2003年5月23日 出生地 フランスの旗 フランス 出身地 日本 北海道 身長 168 cm 血液型 B型
山岡雅弥(Miyabi Yamaoka) 生年月日 2004年11月29日 出身地 日本・福岡県 血液型 B型 身長 / 体重 161 cm / ― kg スリーサイズ 92 - 60 - 92 cm カップサイズ I
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ayaka0715 · 26 days
#みそきん 〔#ヒカキン さんの監修カップラーメン 〕が発売1周年
My #YouTube 1週間と5/5,6の結果が出ております!
今月は気をつけて https://ameblo.jp/kurushige/entry-12831208362.html
#Godiva #cannelédeBordeaux
#ハバタクガミ〔古代種のムウマ〕 をいただきました。#ポケモン sv
#名探偵コナン は映画の今作で120億円台に。
阪神タイガース はvs広島カープ 〔順延有〕の10勝到達がまだかも。〔もっとがんばって〕
#目黒蓮 さんの最新ドラマ解禁
#八乙女光,#sixtones,#藤ヶ谷太輔,#大森元貴,#杉野遥亮,#中森明菜,立教大在学中の2カ国ハーフ人がアミューズ入りに。,#鬼滅の刃  等
#佐々木蔵之介 💙🐎
#西島秀俊 🖤🍩
#阿部サダヲ 🧡⚾️
#堺雅人 ❤️🦌
#戸次重幸 💜🤖
#片岡愛之助 💖🍓
#kinkikids 💙🎸❤️✝️
インスタの調子が悪い〔#インスタ不具合 の〕時は
もし、よかったらYouTube チャンネルを登録してね。
現在のInstagram は監督委員会 から違反されていますが、期限切れになると送れなくなるからご勘弁を。
これからも見守る。 扇動行為 破壊活動防止法 tictok instagram 謝罪 
#誹謗中傷  拘禁刑 ←#炎上 
旧創業者の事務所であるSmileUP 社の救援,ウクライナ、台湾東部、石川県能登地方の#支援・医療期間 を行っております。
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japan-av-2024 · 8 months
2023년 10월 일본av 여배우 순위
2023년 10월 일본av 여배우 순위 추천 괜찮습니다.
2023년 10월 일본av 여배우 순위 사이트 <
랭킹 추천 정리 합니다.
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REASURE 총 15만명 동원의 팬미투어 완주 리더 현석 "긴장과는 반대로 즐거웠다!"
10인조 보이그룹 ‘TREASURE(트레저)’가 1일 아리아케 아레나(도쿄 고토구)에서 2023년 10월 일본av 여배우 순위 첫 팬미팅 투어를 완주했다.
합계 15만명을 동원한 이 투어에서는, 「레드 팀」 「청 팀」으로 나뉘어 퀴즈나 미니 게임으로 대전하거나, 미니 라이브에서는 트로코로 회장을 둘러싼 등, 팬과의 거리를 줄이는 장치가 충실 한 내용이 되었다.
투어를 되돌아보고 일본 출신 멤버 요시가 "TREASURE MAKER (트레저 메이커 = 팬의 총칭) 사람들과의 거리가 가까워져 가는 것이 즐거웠습니다!" 긴장하고 있었지만, 긴장과는 반대로 즐거웠다!”라고 말해, 어쨌든 투어 기간은 “엔조이”의 나날이었던 것 같다.
11월 12일에는 추가 공연으로 도쿄돔에서 단독 팬미팅도 결정하고 있다. 일본 출신 멤버 아사히는 “모두 즐겁게 웃고 싶어요.
게다가 이날은 2024년 1월을 시작으로 「2024 TREASURE TOUR【REBOOT】」라고 2023년 10월 일본av 여배우 순위 제목을 붙인 자신 2번째의 일본 투어의 개최를 발표. 팬들에게 최고의 보고를 하며 피날레를 맞이했다. '걸스의 '더비'가 개연――. 신설 GⅠ '제1회 올걸스 클래식'(우승상금 700만엔 ※부상 포함)은 2일 치바현 마쓰도시의 마쓰도 경륜장에서 개막한다. 첫날 12R의 티아라컵에서는 오쿠이 보(41=도쿄)에 주목. 출신지의 홋카이도에 생각을 끼우면서 격주를 보인다.
「꿈에, 생각하고 있었어요… 」
41세의 처녀가 하늘을 올려다본다. 흐린 하늘은 빛을 숨기는 것도, 틈새에서 꽂아 오는 것이--. 「이런 일이 있으면 좋겠다」라고 아슬아슬하게 생각하고 있던 것이, 희미하게는 하지만 가능성을 숨겨 왔다.
「삿포로 돔에서 경륜을 개최할 수 있으면…
삿포로 돔에서 프로야구·일본햄이 떠난 것으로, 사용되는 것이 적어져 큰 위기가 2023년 10월 일본av 여배우 순위 태어났다.
「도쿄 돔에서 경륜을 할 수 있다고 하고, 현대의 기술이라면 삿포로 돔에서도 할 수 있을 것이다. 거기에 지금의 경륜의 매출이 있으면, 플러스로 해 갈 수 있다」
도쿄 소속이지만 태어나는 홋카이도의 삿포로. 그리고 무려 「흰 연인의 사장은 어린 친숙해요. 스스로로부터 생각을 여러 사람에게 전해, 어떻게든 실현할 수 없을까… 」. 현지의 연결도 무기에, 또 경륜 팬의 뒷받침도 얻어 꿈 실현을 바란다.
티아라컵은 「삿포로 경륜 탄생을 위해서!」라고 의욕을 태운다. 도망쳐, 길을 열어내는 결의를 보여준다. 아이돌 그룹 「SKE48」이 1일, 아이치·나고야 국제 회의장에서 「리퀘스트 아워 세트 리스트 베스트 100」의 치아키라쿠를 개최. 이날은 25위에서 1위까지의 곡을 선보였다.
이것은 SKE48의 싱글곡이나 공연곡(투표 대상 악곡은 492곡)으로부터, 팬의 투표로 베스트 100을 결정한다고 하는 인기 콘서트. 2018년 이후 5년 만에 이번에는 9월 29일부터 1일까지 3일간 개최됐다.
12위에 랭크인한 것은, 7월에 스타트한 팀 E신 공연 「성출해 가자! 이 곡으로부터, 컨디션 2023년 10월 일본av 여배우 순위 불안으로 5월부터 활동 휴지하고 있던 아사이 유카(19)가 활동 복귀해, 팀E 멤버와 격렬한 퍼포먼으로 매료했다.
처음으로 동곡을 춤추는 아사이는 숨을 끊으면서 “처음으로 춤추었습니다만, 이 곡, 위험하네요… ”라고 쓴웃음. 그래도 오랜만의 무대의 감촉을 확인하면서 "오늘부터 서서히 활동을 재개하겠습니다. 감사합니다"라고 감사했다.
팀 E 리더의 사토 카호 (26)로부터 「오랜만의 무대는 어때? 입니다. 정말로 감사합니다.」라고 웃는 2023년 10월 일본av 여배우 순위 얼굴을 띄웠다.
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aramajapan · 2 years
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SKE48, Yumi Matsutoya, and Ado Top the Billboard Japan Charts for the Week of 10/3 – 10/9
This week, SKE48 topped the Hot 100 single chart with their new single “Zettai Inspiration”, with 9,480 points in its first week. Yumi Matsutoya topped the Hot Albums chart with her new best album “Yuming Banzai! Yumi Matsutoya 50 Shunen Kinen ~Best Album~.” Ado topped the Artist 100 chart for the second consecutive week.
Read more on aramajapan.com
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sweetlittlelie48 · 7 years
[Translation] 100% SKE48 vol.1 Shibata Aya
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The last translation of 100%SKE48 vol.1 is Aya-chan!!
Yeah, she graduated longgggggggggg ago lol But still, it’s worth reading. 
I will definitely continue translating with vol.2 but I cant promise when I will post them. *just like this one*
PS. Aya-chan talking about her brother is cute. www
Sister is top idol, brother is batter no.4 of university baseball team.
This kind of siblings only exists in manga!
Due to many feelings that overwhelmed Shibata-san recently,
We changed the atmosphere by taking her to see a baseball match.
But, it became an in-depth talk.
 Baseball field in a sunny day, sister’s cheering sound echoes in the sky.
Watching her brother’s match for the first time
(Aya’s younger brother: Shibata Yoshiki, Hosei university baseball club, no.4, first base)
 Members of Shibata family
 - Today, it’s the first time we interview while watching baseball match.
Aya: And the weather is nice today, this is good.
- That’s right. Anyways, how is your relationship with your brother?
Aya: It’s ordinary. When I come to Tokyo, we would go for a meal sometimes. The last time we met may be around new year. We both quite busy recently, so we don’t see each other much.
- I see. February is the time of training camp for university baseball team, so he doesn’t have time. Are there times you two quarrelling?
Aya: Though our study class is 2 years apart, but we are actually 1 year apart (Shibata Aya was born on 1 Apr.) So, it doesn’t feel another one is older. We weren’t quite close when we were teenagers, but we played Yu-Gi-Oh card game together when we were kids.  
- Now, your brother is no.4 of Hosei. Has he been good at sports since childhood?
Aya: He played football in kindergarten. He also started to play baseball around that time. In primary school, he was tall and ran very fast. He’s a regular in sport events. Shibata house is good at sports. My dad had played baseball until high school. And now he plays golf often. He said his best score is 81. He’s also good at skiing. For my mom, she’s also sportswoman. Looks like she also played some sports when she was in school.
- Sportsman blood passed on to daughter, too.
Aya: For muscle strength, maybe yes. *laugh*
- There must be many fans who like Shibata-san’s calves. *laugh*
Aya: Fufufu Recently, I started to play golf. I started to understand that only practice will make it better but I don’t like sports *laugh* I didn’t get good grades in P.E. Well, I don’t like sweating.
- But when you are in Koen, you sweat like hell *laugh*
Aya: That’s it. I truly sweat for the first time when I entered SKE48.
- Back to your brother a bit, there were times you kept quiet about your brother.
Aya: Yes. I just think that it’s not necessary to tell anyone. He’s ordinary person. I don’t want to cause him any trouble. Anyways, one day it’s revealed.
- Why was that?
Aya: It’s from people at my brother side. When sports reporters knew this, they asked him “SKE48’s Shibata Aya is your sister, isn’t she?” and my brother didn’t refuse. Then, he got on the news *laugh*
- But isn’t it something to be proud of? Sister is an idol who gets to Senbatsu in election, brother is batter no.4 of Hosei.
Aya: Yeah. When the news said about him, he didn’t seem to be bothered or anything.
- Have you ever come to cheer your brother at stadium?
Aya: Never, this is the first time in my life to watch him play.
- First time!?
Aya: When Yoshiki was crazy about baseball, I was busy with study that I almost never go out. I basically don’t like going out. Only when Yoshiki was competing for Koshien (national high school baseball tournament), I watched him on TV a bit.
- I did some research. When he was 3rd year high school at Toho, his team went to play-off round in Summer. But they were narrowly defeated by Aiko Daimeden 3:2, they even cried. However, going to play-off round of Aichi prefecture was great already!
Aya: I had practice on that day, so I only watched half way. Seemed like he cried real hard.
- Getting eliminated from play-off in summer of 3rd year high school, anyone would cry *laugh* What about sister being an idol, has he ever said anything about it?
Aya: At first, he kept it quiet. It’s a pity that it got revealed so fast *laugh* After that, it seemed that his friend told him “(Your sister) She’s on TV today” Come to talk about it, he also voted and had my election poster hanged in his room. It’s funny *laugh*  
- He’s a good brother.
Aya: But he always tells me “You can’t do anything at home, people must be shocked” because I can’t do housework. So, celebrities he likes are all the type that’s opposite to me.
- Maybe, you are a bad example *laugh* In Koen, you once said that “my brother’s oshi is Saito Makiko” right?
Aya: He said that her appearance is his favorite. He also said “that’s cutest! So beautiful!”
- One more question, how do you call each other?
Aya: “Aya” and “Yoshiki”. I never have the feeling of being older sister and he always behave like he’s older son. Anyways, he’s different from me. He’s friendly type.
- But sister conversely is isolated type.
Aya: Everyone in Shibata house is friendly, good at sports. Only me who is timid and always study *laugh*
- Has he ever gone to Koen or concert?
Aya: In concert “Minogashita Kimitachi e” (at TDC hall in 2011), I invited him. In fact, he also came to theater in Nagoya *laugh* it was “Saga Akari” stage (Team E period). I felt a bit guilty for leaving him watch in standing area.
- If there’s someone looks that similar, fans would notice.
Aya: Really?
- You both really look similar.
Aya: Do we? I’m more like my dad, Yoshiki’s more like my mom. But maybe, both our parents’ eyes are distinctive.
 Drinking companion
  (Now players are warming up)
Aya: Here they come!! Whoa, people look tiny from here. He was a catcher, so his shoulder is big.
- Since he got shoulder pain, he changed to play base instead, right?
Aya: That’s right. But this is not the first time I watch baseball. In the past, I went to watch Chunichi Dragons match with dad many times. Around the time of Gomez.
- The time of Gomez!
Aya: No.1 Lee, No.2 Fukutome, No.3 Kazuyoshi, No.4 Gomez, I was still in primary school. That time Hoshino (Senichi) was head coach. I also got his autograph! It’s still hanging in my house.
(5th inning, Hosei offense, Keio is 7 points lead)
- …Never thought it would come out like this.
Aya: Even though I came to watch…let’s get a drink!
- Then, I’ll order now! Excuse me, beer please!
Aya: *gulp* Ha! This is angel of victory!
- How much can you drink?
Aya: That’s not the point. I can drink but I restrain myself.
- What if you get drunk?
Aya: I would keep smiling.
- There must be people invite you to drink often.
Aya: Fufu However, I won’t go with men. *gulp* Ha!
(Now, batter hit the ball to the left)
Aya: Yossha!! They hit!! But I like drinking while listening to other people stories.
- What about drinking with members?
Aya: That’s right. Who should I go with…
(the next batter hit the ball but too light)
Aya: Whaaa!! Ah! It’s Gettsu!
(Gettsu is “double play” in baseball term means defense side eliminate 2 offense side in a row)
- Hearing “Gettsu” from Shibata-san feel weird *laugh*
Aya: Oh right! Going for a drink with Kato Rumi-san would be good. Her stories are very funny. I also would like to know how she thinks about me. And she might teach me about delicious fish. *laugh*
- True fisherwoman.
Aya: And Saito Makiko-san. She seems to endure burden too much as a captain. So, I want to tell her “wouldn’t it be better to enjoy with it more?” even though it may not work…
(Now, first base hit a foul ball. Her brother missed it.)
- Eh! This is bad!
Aya: Ah…it doesn’t look good today.
- When they did engine, he might have said “Today, my sister comes” so everyone’s spacing out.
Aya: I don’t think he said!
- When the team’s in tough situation like this, what would Shibata-san do?
Aya: I’m the type of person “I am me” *laugh* Although we helped each other during Team E, but I was changed for real only after moving to KII.
- Spirit “For the Team” of KII changed you?
Aya: That’s right! In the past, I only thought of my own result. But after that, I started to think of team’s victory.
- Comparing to a baseball game, right?
Aya: My result wasn’t really good. In KII, team’s atmosphere was great. When the team got more attention, people also started to pay more attention to me. So, that shuffle was a success for me.
- Was there anyone told you “you look changed”?
Aya: Many! Before that, I’ve never gone out with other team members. That was the first time that I, myself, would like to invite everyone to a dinner.
- Revolution!
Aya: The present Team E is also full of energy and very steady. Now, we are performing shuffle Koen with other team’s members. It’s fun to know the other side that I’ve never known, just like CE-PA league.
(CE-PA league is a cross-region league: central league and pacific league)
- It’s nice, comparing with baseball.
Aya: Feels like WBA, maybe?
- It’s WBC *laugh* (WBC = World Baseball Classic)
Aya: Ah it’s wrong! That’s basketball.
- Basketball is NBA! Maybe, you are drunk *laugh*
Aya: No, I’m not!
- Then, let’s have one more.
Aya: …alright *smile* Excuse me, beer please. *gulp* Ha!
- It’s great to have a drink like this. Now, let’s talk about the group. Are there young members that look interesting?
Aya: Yes! The ones who perform Koen together recently and I think they’re interesting are Hidaka Yuzuki and Asai Yuka-chan. Yuzuki can show facial expression like a grown-up, very impressive. As for Asai-chan, I feel that she has potential. Saying like this may seem overpraising though *laugh* In cheerful songs, she can do better than expected, just as good as regular members.
(T/N: Yukatan was still a Kenkyuusei at the time of this interview)
- Saying like this, Shibata-san’s votes may go to Asai Yuka-san. (T/N: Aya didn’t run for election in 2016)
Aya: That’s okay. My votes can go to any members as long as they’re SKE48. But of course, I want them to vote NonMei (Kimoto Kanon and Sakai Mei) the most. I want 4th gen to get higher. There are lots of children in SKE48, of all these high schoolers, I want both of them to be outstanding. They are children who will carry on SKE48 hereafter.
- For example, Ego-chan?
Aya: That’s right! Just a little bit more for Ego-chan, she really has potential.
- Shibata-san doesn’t run for election this year…
Aya: That’s because I had already decided.
  “propriety” and “talent”
 - Next is the same question that we ask other members in this issue. There are times when the atmosphere in the group doesn’t look good, now it seems to be better, what do you think?
Aya: After Mae no Meri, the atmosphere wasn’t quite good. Both fans and members all got “Rena Loss” effect. However, another important event just has passed, it’s (Miyazawa) Sae-san’s graduation concert. There was also “Sae-san Loss” before and after the concert.
- This is interesting.
Aya: Because of Sae-san’s word, everyone becomes united. Everyone’s so ready to fight. We keep the memories in that day and continue to do our best.
- Sae-san was the center of everyone. Seems like she gave solidarity as graduation present.
Aya: It might be. It was a huge thing that Sae-san joined us…um…
(Now, another double play happens)
Aya: Wahh!! Gettsu again, how many times now!?
- 3rd time today.
Aya: Eh, where we left off?
- Sae-san *laugh*
Aya: Ah, that’s right *laugh*
- Come to talk about it, in graduation concert, after Sae-san left the stage, there was announcement about new system, right? There was captain and vice-leader appointment which let us see the next chapter of SKE48. That was great.
Aya: Yeah!
- Anyways, there was nothing like this when Rena-san graduated. That’s why, there’s sadness left inside.
Aya: That’s true. Now, atmosphere in the group is much relieved.
- One more thing we would like to ask. For SKE, the period of WMatsui is the longest period. But not only those 2, there was also the period that Shibata Aya, Takayanagi Akane, Suda Akari competing for “A”
(T/N: “A” is their initial, these 3 have the same. After JR, they compete for A. However, I think most people comprehend that A belongs to Akane.)
Aya: Including me? Thank you. *laugh*
- I think you are all can reach to WMatsui level. To be like that, what do you think is needed?
Aya: What is it…I am the rebel type, kind of like “there’s no way she gets into Senbatsu” That time, I was only competing with myself because I wanted to get into Senbatsu. I tried with all my might both in Koen and handshake event. But, you can’t just focus on handshake event. It’s completely different from being a survivor in entertainment industry.
- That’s right.
Aya: It’s very important to have many fans. But to be better, you need to have your own talent. In this past year, I didn’t care much whether my handshake ticket sold out or not. But of course, as long as I’m here in the group, I dedicate myself into it more than anything. However, I also need to think about the future, both “propriety” and “talent”. I also have to learn to broaden my perspective.
- Talking about “talent”, are there any members who seem interesting?
Aya: It’s (Goto) Rara! She’s good at English and golf. And she’s trying her best earnestly. She’s very talented. (Furuhata) Nao-chan’s also good at singing and acting. (Azuma) Rion’s also like that, she has so many charm points. I’m so jealous of them.  
- So right now, there are many juniors that could make seniors jealous.
Aya: That’s right! But we also need to have someone, whom fans infatuate with, like Yunana. There are children who are different from Jurina-san and Rena-san competing. Isn’t it what we would like to see?
(match ended, Hosei lost 1-11)
Aya: Ah!! They’re lost!
- You missed an opportunity to be “Angel of Victory”…
Aya: Um…we should have a rematch. I will come again in Fall season! I promise!
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marx48 · 3 years
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loadedakb48 · 4 years
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leechan1018 · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Mio  お誕生日おめでとう竹内実生!! . 38歳おめでとうございます🤍🐯 . からの俳優 百獣戦隊ガオレンジャー . ガオホワイト/大河冴 . Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger: Sae Taiga  GaoWhite  . SKE48 Jurina Matsui Birthday  Both Birthdays . 2023年03月08日 3 / 8 / 2023 #百獣戦隊ガオレンジャー #ガオホワイト #大河冴 #竹内実生 #誕生日 #おめでとう #スーパー戦隊シリーズ #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォロー返し100 #フォローバ100 #hyakujuusentaigaoranger #gaowhite #saetaiga #miotakeuchi #happybirthday #omedetou #SuperSentai #powerrangerswildforce #japaneseactress #followalways  https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfvfjxrLuK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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utsuroyihon · 8 months
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(Xユーザーの石黒 友月さん: 「#SKE48リクアワ2023 1日目 100位~76位 ありがとうございました!! チームSとして初めてのリクアワ 最高に楽しかったです✌🏻🧡🧡 明日も一緒に楽しもうね🧏🏻‍♀️ https://t.co/VL78woH515」 / Xから)
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worstlovesong · 5 years
omg another 48 family fan?? Amazing!! Tbh i still wonder what might've happened if Jurina had stayed in Produce rather than backing out?? She was a massive fan favorite, and also one of the ones who did the best in terms of rankings by judges. She's also the BIGGEST charming gay disaster and would've made for great appeal. lol She'd be like Sana or Amber or Moonbyul! I feel like she would've been a member of Izone at the end.
God I love 48G so much okay and Jurina is my kamioshi for sure and has been since I got into akb48.
I 100% believe jurina would have gotten into izone. She was a really popular trainee (and of course already is super popular in ske/akb) and she’s so charming. We love our disaster lesbian who disregarded the no skinship rule every chance she got lmao. However, I know her leaving the show was in her best interest amd for health reasons. I’m glad she took that hiatus tbh because she came back looking so much happier and healthier (and she avoided Mnet Msnake’s bullshit).
Ngl I don’t know if she would suit iz*one’s concept? Idk but either way I’m just happy she’s back i missed her sunshine smile uwu and she looks so good (seriously her short hair is such a concept what a beautiful woman)
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jyurineko · 5 years
This thread updates with new episodes of Jurina’s Instagram challenge in Bangkok! Be sure to check regularly for when new episodes are out!
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jurinalovervn · 6 years
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We are waiting for your coming back….
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meganer · 3 years
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100%SKE48編集部さんはTwitterを使っています 「🌟#BUBKA 10月号 #SKE48 ver.発売中🌟 なんとAmazonでも完売! ご利用いただいた皆さまありがとうございます😭 本日は感謝のオフショットを公開👓 アザーグラビアでは泣く泣く封印したメガネ姿の #江籠裕奈 さんです……✨ 感想ツイート、チェキが当たるアンケートも まだまだお待ちしております📚 https://t.co/l6q0N912RV」 / Twitter
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