#100% sure lilith got in and argument with darius somewhere in there but that's besides the point
kapuchino357 · 2 years
(this one got a little longer than expected, sorry about that)
but, wow, can you imagine being Steve
you work your whole life to get in The most prestigious magic coven known to witch kind. to be considered one of the best.
you have an itty bitty little brother to make proud.
you get in. it was hell to get in, you have to give up your palisman when you do, but you Get. In.
it feels good to be seen as a terrifying monster.
you somehow make actual friends with your boss, known no-nonsense ice queen Lilith Clawthorne.
(she allows far more nonsense than anyone realizes)
your boss deserts after revealing that she cursed her own sister.
(you have some feelings about that)
you get antagonized and bullied by the emperor's aide now that Lilith is gone.
the Golden Guard takes over as your acting Head Witch in Lilith's place, since we apparently have no time to find a different replacement.
the Golden Guard is a teenager.
(you gave him a ride on your motorcycle one time because it was his day off and he was so excited to spend it learning about how you made your motorcycle)(it was very cute)
you haven't really seen your little brother in years because of your job.
(he switched schools at some point? what was so wrong with Glandus?)
(last time you saw Mattholomule, he stole a valuable map from you, and you definitely got punished for it) (Adrian Graye Vernworth is a [REDACTED])
you get your lights punched out by a 14-year-old bard.
your teenage boss is trying to recruit fellow teenagers into one of the most grueling jobs you can imagine.
(you know because you're working it)
he doesn't think taking them away from their friends and families is a big deal.
you start questioning your life choices.
at some point you start seeing a shrink.
probably a little after Lilith left?
[you're still friends with Lilith, she invited you to celebrate her new job promotion! the Owl Lady's house demon was civil and didn't murder you because "Lulu" asked (all hail Lulu.)]
some things stop making sense and some other things start making sense.
you have not been the man you wanted to be.
you repeatedly get assigned to work with that bitch (forgive me gran gran) Adrian Graye Vernworth.
you get sent to forcefully brand the children in your little brother's school with mismatched coven sigils.
the kids kick your team's butts.
your little brother is there, kicking butt.
(this new school has been good for him. you're starting to understand what was wrong with Glandus)
your teenage boss is there, also kicking your team's butts. (go boss.)
you have not been the man you wanted to be. you can still change that.
you're going to quit your job.
you run into Lilith's furry little nephew outside of town, on the day you're planning to pack all your shit and bail.
he's going through his own crisis so, you figure you'll help him.
you take him on a road trip, it's very relaxing.
the entire way you can feel something following you, but you try not to focus on that.
finding yourself is tougher than it sounds, and he's just a little guy.
(the kid is a Titan. you took the Son of God on a road trip. you jot that down to have a crisis over for later.)
(you wish you could've helped the Golden Guard. you hope he's doing alright.)
Lilith and the Tube from Hell have been following you.
Lilith seems to be going through some things, so you offer to hook her up with your therapist.
the Tube from Hell attacks you for it.
[i saw a post talking about how Steve might've been working for the Rebellion already when he 'randomly' found King and took him for a road trip, but i don't believe that.
Steve spent the past week stewing in an existential crisis and figuring himself out, after that it was just rolling with the punches for him]
Lilith's sister calls her to meet in Latissa.
Lilith's sister is apparently allied with a rebellion now.
Lilith and her nephew ask you to join the rebellion.
how can you say no to them? you can't. them's the breaks.
you also want to help.
you give them a ride to Latissa to join the rebellion.
one third of the most celebrated witches of your time, your (former?) bosses, are there.
you recognize a couple of bards you may have been a bit more of an asshole to than necessary as well. (you hope they don't recognise you)
Lilith & King convince them to let you stay.
you get to help with planning.
it turns out the Day of Unity is actually going to be a Day of Painfully Lose Your Magic if You Have A Coven Sigil.
(you are very glad Matty didn't get branded during the Hexside raid.)
the plan is to put a sigil on the Owl Lady. (there's something ironic about that.)
the Owl Lady's kids get sent on a different mission for their safety. (you're glad to hear Hunter is with them.)
luckily your brand lets you do all types of magic, because they kinda need that now.
the plan goes okay all the way up until the Owl Lady gets found out and everything starts going South.
(you like how they don't seem to have had a backup plan (that's sarcasm))
The Day of Unity is upon you.
(oh, by the way, Lilith also turns into a horrifying bird monster now! fun!)
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