#1. you're not ashamed to be curious and ask questions when you don't understand something or want to know more
echthr0s · 1 year
making new friends is legitimately just a repeating process of "ok, we're on a roll, now let's see how they handle this statement" *waits intently*
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iviarellereads · 2 months
A Wrinkle In Time, Chapter 2 - Mrs Who
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index for the Time Quintet, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which we meet an even more unexpected misfit.
When Meg woke to the jangling of her alarm clock the wind was still blowing but the sun was shining; the worst of the storm was over. She sat up in bed, shaking her head to clear it. It must have been a dream.(1)
Meg dresses quickly, finding the twins at the table and her mother making French toast by the time she gets downstairs. When she asks where Charles is, Mrs. Murry says he's still asleep, after the night they had. Meg's hope that it was a dream is shattered. Mrs. Murry assures Meg she's not alone in not understanding quite what happened, but she's sure it was real. She adds that she and Mr. Murry had a joke about a tesseract, which would take too long to explain just now, but it caught her off guard.
The twins, for their part, wish they'd been awakened to defend the household in their father's place, and make fun of Meg for taking it so seriously when they say she's lacking in sense, using several terms we'd probably-or-certainly avoid using today. Sandy, in particular, says Meg needs to find a happy medium between taking things too seriously and not seriously enough, like he has.(2)
Meg is tired through school, and frustrated with how pointless some of her classes feel. She mouths off to one of her teachers, and gets called to the principal's office.
"Don't you realize that you just make everything harder for yourself by your attitude?" the principal asked. "Now, Meh, I'm convinced that you can do the work and keep up with your grade if you will apply yourself, but some of your teachers are not. You're going to have to do something about yourself. Nobody can do it for you." Meg was silent. "Well? What about it, Meg?"(3) "I don't know what to do," Meg said.
Mr. Jenkins suggests starting with her homework, and asks if everything is all right at home. Meg gets defensive, and Mr. Jenkins asks if they've had any news from her father. Meg half swears she sees gossipy curiosity in his face as he says it, and recalls that the postmistress is a known gossip and would know that it's been a year since the last letter. A few more questions, and he gets to the point: that Meg should "face facts" that her father's dead.
Meg starts yelling, and when Mr. Jenkins suggests she stop it, she says she's not ashamed of what she's saying. He calls her "the most belligerent, uncooperative child in school", and Meg says her mother's the smartest person around, and if she still believes Mr. Murry can come home, then so does Meg. Mr. Jenkins gives up, and tells Meg to go back to study hall, and perhaps try being less antagonistic.
After school, Charles Wallace suggests that they go see Mrs Whatsit. Meg is reluctant, and asks to take Fortinbras as well. Charles agrees readily, and off they go. On the way, he asks if Meg had some trouble with the principal. Meg asks how Charles knows, but he can't explain it, something about Meg's body language and demeanour, and their mother's, he can just tell what they're thinking.(4) He also knows what people think of him, and wonders if he should delay learning to read so that he's not so far ahead of the other children when he starts school. It might be easier if people think he's less bright than average, than if they think he's a know-it-all.(5)
Before that conversation can go much further, Fort starts barking at something up the road. When they catch up, it's a boy from Meg's school, Calvin O'Keefe, a couple of years ahead of her. He's on the basketball team because he's tall, and he came out here to get away from his family, because they're all sick, and he's a sport. Charles Wallace says he is, too, and Calvin clarifies, he doesn't mean a recreational sport, he means a biological one. Charles quotes a definition, of a sudden mutation in gene that isn't in either parent but can be transmitted to offspring.
Calvin, startled, says he thought Charles Wallace couldn't talk. Charles says thinking he's delayed gives people something to feel smug about, and he's no interest in correcting them. Charles interrogates Calvin a bit further, until Calvin asks if someone asked Charles and Meg to come out to the woods today. Charles asks about this, and Calvin says sometimes he has a funny feeling, like a compulsion, and he knows he has to obey it. Today, he had to go to the haunted house, though he still doesn't know why, perhaps it was to meet the Murrys.
Charles Wallace evaluates Calvin for a moment, then his eyes almost glaze over, as if he were thinking at Calvin. Eventually, he comes back to himself and says he believes Calvin's story, and Calvin should come home with them for dinner after this. Calvin asks what their mother will make of this, and Charles says Mrs Murry will be fine, even though she's not "one of us", and Meg's "not really one thing or the other". Meg protests this, but Charles says he'll explain it to her later. For now, they should go see Mrs Whatsit with Calvin.
The three enter the haunted house, and eventually find Mrs Who, who mostly speaks in quotations, many of them in non-English languages. Charles says they shouldn't have stolen the sheets without consulting him, and in a longwinded way, Mrs Who explains that they needed the sheets in case they had to play ghosts, since this is a haunted house.(6)
Charles asks Mrs Who if she knows Calvin, who introduces himself. Mrs Who says he wasn't her idea, but he's "a good one". Charles asks where Mrs Whatsit is, and Mrs Who says it's nearing time, and Mr. Murry needs their help. Instead of explaining any of this, she tells them all to go back to the Murry house and feed Calvin up, and pushes them out the door.
Outside, Meg bemoans that she doesn't understand anything that's just happened. Charles admits he doesn't either, but Fort didn't growl or shake at all, he detected nothing dangerous about it, so maybe Mrs Who was right, and they should go home to supper. Calvin, using another ableist slur for Charles's public persona, suggests they lead on, because he has the oddest feeling he's going home for the first time in his life.(7)
(1) Must it? (2) What a curious phrase to have appeared at least twice already in this book, three times if you count the Table of Contents… (3) I didn't ever get this from a principal, I don't think, but a vice principal once in middle school or so, and one of my senior year high school teachers several times. It is perhaps becoming obvious why these books were my Formative Reading Experience. (4) The whole "indigo child" phenomenon had yet to develop when this was written, wouldn't really emerge for another decade or more, but obviously tapped into the same sort of philosophy and observation: that some children just seem gifted. Of course, a lot of this can be explained with modern observations like "neurodivergent kids can often put together patterns other kids don't, and behave differently" and also "a number of kids get unconsciously trained into acting more mature than they are" with a hefty dash of "kids love to pretend to be special and have secret powers all the time". But, let's assume for the purposes of the book that Charles Wallace's abilities are on the more legit end of things. (5) Wish I'd had that kind of forethought as a kid, I tell ya. (6) It might seem silly, but also, what better camouflage than people's expectations? Exactly what Charles has just been talking about. (7) What an odd duck this boy is. But, the story's authorities tell us he's on the level, and a good idea.
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vreexy · 2 years
All of my works are gender neutral, but if you're requesting for a specific gender or so feel free to request! - Author Vee
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Will the class president be annoyed or amused by seeing a student sleeping in class but still managed to rank on higher rank 2?
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A class president only do what's the best for their classroom.
- Mr. President saw you sleeping on class, he's always been so curious of you. Why are you sleeping when it's time for learning? Aren't you ashamed to sleep when it's lesson time and having a project to do? Welp! Guess what? It's time for him to wake you up.
but before that...
He's been admiring you for a while, you do look admirable after all. You're smart despite being lazy all day. He's kind of dumbstruck to the fact he do likes you...
He do had an ideal type for love
A person who...
Read books
Smart and Energetic
Friendly and Extrovert
Good at communicating
A sympathetic person
Well let's just say he's burnt out and wants someone to understand him of what's he's been going through.
All of the traits he likes for his crush or lover was so different when it comes to you, you're nothing like what he wants, but he still falls for you.
Yes, you do read books. Novels. Not about school.
You're not smart or energetic, that's what you think. You're smart on your own way, stock knowledge still works after all this years of hard work, and being energetic? We don't talk about that.
Good at Communication? Oh, no. You're blunt.
Friendly and Extrovert? Hell no.
Confidence is a lot, you need to stop shaking when someone ask you to pose for a picture or to walk to the road while wearing something fashionable.
Sympathy was new for you. You don't feel bad when someone cry at all, you just don't care at all.
- despite all of that he thinks of you as a crush, while staring at you for minutes nothing will be comparable to your beauty and manliness.
End of admiring, it's time to slap back to reality!
- It's the end of the classes that time. It's you and him on the classroom all alone. When he does wake you up, you do feel annoyed. Well, you can't blame him for doing his duty or whatever it's called. You do are awake but still half asleep. You looked at the classroom. Your friend left you with him... but who cares let's just go back to sleep.
- but before you sleep again, of course, Mr. Class president will interrupt. He asked you a question about science, all of the other subjects why is it the one you hated the most?
"I was wondering if you like science because I have had my ion you for some time"
Huh? The class president is acting really weird today.
- I hold his neck to see if he's sick, he's starting to go a little red! He might have a fever dream.
- Huh? He's holding my hands now, and he's smirking? That looks pretty weird to me.
"You never get it don't you? I wonder why you rank on Top 2 when you're sleeping in class like you got nothing to do? I do not mind it, but if the teacher saw you what would you think? You'll get in trouble and risk your reputation. Do not worry about the pick up line, I only did used it for my interest of what your reaction will be"
Maybe he's jelly, but why would be the class president become jelly when he's the top 1?
"You done now?" I pick up my bag and leave the classroom, heh let's just sleep again after we go home.
- but in the classroom a class president was left alone. In the back of his mind he's happy that he did finally touched your hands and see your face up close...
- he do hopes you can be friends or maybe even more... He's just a hopeless romantic, like you.
- for the picrew
- for the header ♡
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Marcus Alvarez x Reader
Anon asked: Hey, could you do an imagine with Alvarez where the reader is a very close friend of Chucky and once she brought peach pie to the club and he's there for a meeting with Bishop, and she ask him if he wants some and she's overall really kind with him and his boys that he's surprised to see someone so nice to them even if it's the first time they met?
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford ✨
Word Count: 2.5k
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Chuckie and you have been friends since four months ago, when you move from San Diego to Santo Padre. There was no reason to do it, you just feel tired of being you whole life living at your hometown, and you were looking for a change of scenery. You opened a bakery store in the center of the small city and he was your first customer. You thought he was a somewhat weird, until you met him a little more. Chuckie was kind and pretty gentle, so that made easy to turn you two from strangers into good friends. So, when he asked you to go to his birthday party, you didn't surprise. He also wanted to introduce you to his friends, even if you already met one called Happy, who was strangely kind when he tasted your pancakes. The biker with rough look told you they reminded him of what his mother used to prepare for him. At that point, you really stopped judging people by their looks.
Chuckie didn't ask you for a birthday cake, but you thought it would be a good gift cook his favourite one. Peach and cream. 
Parking at the entrance of the car scrapping, you hold the big cardboard box between your arms with a extreme care as if it was a bomb, following the rows made by scrap and the latin music sounding somewhere. You reach a crowded yard with a blue house in the middle of it and a lot of motorbikes around. You have already heard about the Mayans, but it's the first time you're there feeling somewhat small and lost.
“Yo! Man, who's that piece of art?” Angel says, among Coco and Gilly on the porch, watching you looking for Chukie.
“I don' know, let's see, hermano”. Gilly smirks at him, hitting his chest with a soft gesture.
“Can we help you, mami?” With a strong mexican accent, a skinny and tall man comes closer to you, pulling away the long strands of hair from the roots to the back of his head.
“Yeah… Ahm… Chukie?” You reply in a shy mood consuming you. “I'm (Y/N)”.
“He's insi—”.
“Hey, love!” A familiar voice interrupts him behind you.
“Happy! You're here too!” The man places an arm on your shoulders, taking the toothpick from his mouth to leave a kiss on your left cheek.
“Cake, uh?”
“Yeah. It's a present for Chukie”.
“You know her, brotha'?” Gilly asks then, a little bit curious.
“She has a bakery store here. Chuckie's friend, and also mine. Don' mess with her”. Happy's scratchy voice doing that warning makes you feel somewhat safe, even if they don't look as bad as you heard. “Come with me, love”.
Raising your chin like a farewell, for the moment, you let the man guides your steps inside the clubhouse where the music is a little low than outside. The men there are older than the other, sharing beers and laughs surrounded by a lot of girls. Girls that, by the way they have to caress and treat every one, you know what they are. But you don't even care.
“(Y/N)! You came!” Chuckie's excited voice claim for your attention, walking somewhat faster towards him when Happy lets you go, leaving the cake on the wooden bar so you can hug him tightly.
“Happy birthday!” You say before giving him a kiss, pointing after that the cake.
“Smells like peach! I accept that!” He looks like a five years old super excited, holding your hand to accompany you to a large room with a huge table in the middle of.
The men inside looks at you with curiosity, getting up from their chairs.
“That's my good friend, (Y/N)”.
“Nice to meet you, kid. I'm Tranq”. A big and tall one comes closer, narrowing your hand as you show him your best and dearly smile.
“Che Romero to serve you, but you can call me ‘Taza’”. Another man, the oldest one but with a kind smirk on his face does the same gesture.
“Bishop Losa, querida. A pleasure to meet you finally. Chukie talks a lot about you”. El Presidente hold your right hand gentle, leaving a paternal caress on the back of it.
“Yeah, they talk about you all too. I'm sorry it took me so long to finally come”. 
“We know about your bakery store, and that box you brought… smells pretty good from here, sweetheart”. Tranq says supporting his forearms on the top of a chair, making you chuckle.
“Is it yours?” An unknown man, with mexican accent and a light whistle pronouncing every ‘s’, appears at your back.
“Yes, sir”. You nod turning above your sneakers, feeling a soft jump shaking your heart when you focus your gaze on him.
“Marcus Álvarez”. He raises a hand on air, taking you some seconds to react, narrowing it when you start to feel stupid.
“(Y/N). Nice to meet you”. You just say.
“C'mon! I want to introduce you to my north Cali friends!” Chuckie sound so excited that makes you laugh, saying goodbye with a hand to the men smiling at you somewhat warm. 
You can't help but being so obliging with everything. Helping the prospect to take more beer from the warehouse, helping with the barbecue and the music. You just want to contribute at Chuckie's party because he's your friend and you want to make him feel the most special man on earth, at a day like this. You're having a lot of fun going from a side to the other, sneaking with other Mayans, mostly with Angel who looks so interested in dancing with you, in the way to help someone else. They're like a big family around California and some nearby states. And you felt like part of it since you put a foot there.
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“Hey, kid, have a rest!”
Tranq has a hand raised, making a gesture to come closer. Leaving the box of Jose Cuervo over the bar, you nod walking towards the men you met at the main room a couple hours ago. Taza makes you some space by his side at the sofa, falling down there actually feeling somewhat tired. Bishop opens a beer for you, offering it before sitting in front of the sofa.
“Are you having fun?” He asks.
“Yes! I've never been in a… party like that. I like it. Reminds me to my family”.
“All drunk and a little high?” Tranq laughs, exactly like you do.
“Yeah, more or less. I'm from San Diego, but my family are from Guadalajara”.
“So you're used to this kind of celebration, but without the bikers part”. Taza jokes a little, making you nod again.
“What about Chuckie and you? Just friends?” Seems like Bishop wanted to ask that a while ago.
“Just friends. He was my first customer. He's cool and smart. And knows a lot of things. But, just friends”. You say then, understanding that they want to endorse their friend.
“Chuckie is a good man. Somewhat weird. But he's loyal”. Tranq ads then, drinking from his beer with pursed lips.
“I assume you're single”. Bishop says leaning forwards somewhat above the table. 
You laugh a little bit nervous and ashamed, covering your mouth slightly with a hand.
“I'm just asking to protect your ass from my dogs”. He assure infecting his laughter to the others, knowing well that he's referring to the first men you met before finding Happy. But you also know there's something else hiding behind that question.
You're not stupid. You have seen sideways Marcus looking at you at four times. And even if you didn't asked him about his gazes, looks like he wants to talk with you and doesn't know how to do it without scare you. Guns, long rides, a lot of risks… Sounds like it's not easy to live with. And, because of their behavior, family is the most important thing for them. Put something like that into a danger it's not an option. But even if it's just your thoughts not being sure if he's interested, you could try. You hear him talking with other women there in a gentle way, taking care about them as only a good man, and also a good father, could do. The work he does, doesn't determine how he is. And you like it. You like him since you heard his voice, feeling that good energy around as soon as he was close to you.
The night passed by, between more beers, tequila shots and pieces of the cake you made. It's been a long time since you had some fun. Everyone is delighted with it and you're more happy than other days because of the alcohol. And because of that, you decide to take a first step, knowing that you probably are going to regret it. So getting up, and pretending you're okay, your steps follow Marcus direction to the room they called Templo. 
“Hey!” You say, sounding more excited than you should. “Did you taste the cake?”
The mexican turns at you, surprised at first because he didn't expect you. Smiling at you, he just simply nods wearing the black leather kutte after clean it with a wet rag, looking shiny than a while ago.
“Good!” You reply feeling truly stupid, not knowing what you can say to continue the talk. But he's staring at you like if he was waiting for something else. Like you leaving, for example. “Well, I just… I'm goin' home and I was asking myself if you liked it, 'cause you don' look seem very talkative”.
“It was a long day”. He says walking closer to your position. “You're not going to drive, aren't you?”
“No, ahm… Chuckie told me I could leave my car here, so I'm gonna call an Uber”. You shake your head, making a gesture with your left hand to take away its importance. 
“Where do you live, ah?”
“Second avenue, next to the post office. It's ten minutes walking, but Angel make me dance too much”.
That's the point. That's the hook ready to fish, and you don't know how the hell you have thrown it in such an amazing move. Marcus doesn't say anything about it, erasing the relaxed gesture from his face.
“It was a pleasure…” Focusing on the vest, you read one of the patches. “Padrino. I hope you enjoy the party”.
He nods in silence before seeing you turn over your steps to walk outside of the room. You say goodbye faster than you would like, promising that you will come back soon, looking for Chukie after that. He's with Happy next to the Mayans bikes sharing some drinks and old memories.
“Hey, guys!” With both hands into the pockets of the jacket, you smile at them. 
“Are you leaving, love?” The taller one asks, giving you back two kisses.
“Yeah, I'm kinda tired and I should work tomorrow”. You say before hugging Chukie tightly. “Thanks for inviting me, it was pretty fun”.
“I'll visit you tomorrow anyway!” He says blissful as always.
“Cool! Good night, guys”.
“Rest, love”.
At least you can walk straight through the hallway of the scrapping, right to the street. Rubbing your face with both hands, you feel like an idiot about the idea of Marcus having some interest, hoping he thinks you drunk too much. By the way, the fresh and cold air of the dawn helps you a little, crossing your arms before reach your car. You look at it, ready to drive it, but doesn't look like a good idea. So you finally leave it there, continuing with slow steps to the outside of the place, until the roar of an engine calls your attention. Turning aside, you find him stopping at your position.
“C'mon, I will take you home”. The mexican is giving you a black helmet, turning off the bike.
“Oh, no, no. Don't worry”. You say with pursed lips, feeling the shame running through your body, pretending you're waiting for the Uber car with your phone in a hand.
“C'mon, chamaca”. He insists moving his arm again, knowing that he'll not take ‘no’ for an answer.
Biting your lower lip, you nod holding it to sit behind him. Wrapping his waist with both arms, you try to relax yourself on your way back home, noticing that he's driving slower than normal. But you're not going to complain about it, resting your chest on his back getting somewhat comfy until he reaches your avenue. Then, the nerves return again when you have to point the building where you live at. Marcus parks there, letting you get up first.
“Thank you”. You just say pretending that everything is okay, while you return him the helmet. 
“The cake was delicious”. 
Raising your gaze from the keys you were looking for, your eyes go straight to the darkest. Now, he is who wants to talk, although he doesn't sound insecure as you did. You smile like an idiot, playing with the key chain and the nose bridge slightly wrinkled.
“I don't know if you are into the date game, bu—”.
“Yeah, tell Angel I would like it”. You're teasing him for making you wait and making you feel stupid for some minutes. And by the way his steps towards you stop dead and the look on his, you know it worked.
“I will”. He just replies back, tightening the gloves around his wrists.
“Sure, chamaca”.
You laugh somewhat funny, taking another step closer.
“You should see the look on your face”.
“I don't know what are you talking about”. He gives you his back somewhat prideful, keeping the helmet you used into a bag hanging by a side of the motorbike.
“You were looking at me”. You finally say licking your lips, after clicking your tongue slightly.
“Looked like you were part of the fam'”. He answers automatically, sitting on the bike with both hands catching the handlebar.
“Was it bad?”
“No. I actually liked seeing you taking care of my boys, when no one asked you to do it”. Even if that sounded a little passive-aggressive at the end, doesn't stop you to come closer enough to face him.
“I would really like to have a date with you, if that it… was you were to ask”.
“What if it wasn't?” Now, Marcus is playing your same game, at least, you hope it.
“Me sentiré aún más pendeja”. (I'll feel more stupid). You chuckle rubbing your nose in a nervous gesture.
The man laughs because of your words, shaking his head for a while. Then, he nods.
“I want it. Maybe I asked mi primo if he could find out what was going on between you and Chuckie”.
“Just ‘maybe’?”
“I'll pick you up tomorrow night. At seven?”
You lean towards him, leaving a soft kiss on his right cheek as a way to accept it.
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