ask-shutter-ghost · 2 years
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ENCOUNTER JOURNAL: 002. Two-Headed Alicorn
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Posts Involving 002 Below
Can You Take a Picture of Us, Please?
Have You Ever Encountered an Ethereal Ghost?
What Do You Like to Do in Your Spare Time?
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ikarust · 2 years
holding you close to me, is my favourite thing to do.
whether you're sleeping in my bed, and i'm gathering you gently into my arms and pulling you in, or if it's the last hug we give eachother in a while, as one of us is about to board a flight to go abroad till the next time we get to see eachother.
whether it's me kissing you and then needing some more comfort, and dragging you into my embrace, or if it's you feeling upset about something and cuddling up to me while i'm reading a book in bed.
whatever the situation or whatever the why, holding you close to me is my favourite thing to do.
i used to wonder why. i wondered what was the science behind it — wanting so badly to have someone close to you. someone specific. someone special, that you see and recognize and your eyes light up and you smile, when you see them.
not just anyone, but that specifc person only.
then, i saw a picture of anatomy of a hug, by luna lu. i saw the two hearts, belonging to two separate people, suspended a little beyond their ribcages. those hearts were pressed together.
i didn't think much of it at that moment, but that night, when you curled up into my arms while you slept, i pulled you closer and let you snuggle your face into my neck. our chests were against eachother.
then, i felt your heart. beating right against mine.
it might not sound so surprising when i say it like that. but when your heart beat, and when mine did the same, it felt right.
it felt right. it felt real.
it felt true. i love you, and you love me. it struck me, when i felt the way our hearts beat in sync together.
and in that same moment, i understood, why holding you close to me is my favourite thing to do.
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wraithstill · 2 years
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@breakbcnes sent 024.   an underground / illegal fighting club & 018.   an otherwise empty parking lot 
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Violence is nothing for the wraith of Hell’s Kitchen; she was raised in violence, in the crime of this city.  It’s why these fights hardly scare her off, rather sparking curiosity as to what is quite so entertaining for these people to stand around roaring as grown men beat each other to a pulp. She stands in a distant corner watching the feral expressions of spectators react to a favorite in the improvised ring, a man known only to most as Breakbones, as he pulls his signature move against his opponent as his own roar seems to vibrate the very floor they’re standing on. Even in the shadow of the venue, she can’t help the quirk of her lips from turning up. Perhaps she understands the appeal of savagery after all… “ Ever consider easing up a bit? ” it’s a comment made in jest only hours after the event, once most of the attendees have made their egress to the nearest dive bar, leaving the lot filtered out for the likes of its stragglers. Unlike earlier in the night, she’s dressed now in her usual dark vestments: her hooded shroud concealing her usual braid beneath, her vast collection of blades and tricks hidden beneath the folds of fabric and armor. He’s familiar enough with The Wraith at this point to not feel the fear of her presence that most others do. If he had ever felt such an emotion at all… she still does not know. Slinking with ease to walk in his shadow, she continues. “ If only for the sake of that face. ”
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flyingstripes · 1 year
@finalslay ( for kate )
Sam has never met this girl, but the whole experience is so fucking familiar he can taste sand in his mouth.
The blood under his hands is warm. The cover of darkness, it seems, does nothing to belie how god damn fucking red it is. Sam supposes that's only to be expected-- he'd pulled the girl off of a hook before getting her here.
He wants to ask her questions and give her orders: can you look at me? Can you hear me? Stay with me, now, eyes on me. But he'd learned about ten seconds in that noise in a world like this is fatal.
Noise was how Sam found this girl at all, and he suspects it's noise that had gotten her on that hook in the first place.
He makes quick work of her; the bandages are in place, tight without restricting her breathing as all practised work is. After that, a bloodied hand cups the girl's face so he can get a good look at her.
Is she conscious at all? Can she walk, or will he have to carry her?
Questions, questions-- all his life he really has taken talking for granted.
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andersonfilms · 2 years
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# minors are not permitted to follow + interact w me or my nsfw content under any circumstances.
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001. ABBY ANDERSON. 002. DIN DJARIN more to come !
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001. ABBY ANDERSON. 002. DIN DJARIN more to come !
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property of angolore do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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ahealinghand · 1 month
OF COURSE, HOW DEVILISH, he thinks, that Miranda has a waiting list. It was as if he'd found out new ways she turned the profession into something DIABOLICAL every day. The nature of healing was powered by the unconditional mandate that you help whenever, however, whoever. But these patients were not just people who needed their help to feel better; they needed his help to be freed from the Miracle Doctor's trance. Urgency is something rarely in her vocabulary, it seemed.
Urgency drove Michael to grab the hand of one of her subordinates, moving past them and into the Doctor's makeshift quarters. Michael knew she wouldn't have a problem with his arrival, if she saw him dealing with her security, she would easily have let him go through. That's the special nature of them. Brushing past the drapes, Michael slams his hand on Miranda's desk, knowing full well it'd startle her. "You cannot keep this up," he says, short of breath. "You cannot. This is not what we are meant for. This — " he motions to the makeshift lecture, "Is not medicine. This is...poison, and we both know it."
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godf1les · 5 months
escribe petunia ( ella / suya ) , 26 años . cst. . ningún tw cuenta multimuse para > @genvfm
personajes ( 2 ) : # 001
memes / juegos ( fines de semana ) : #002
pinterest & discord ( ufoparty.9019 )
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cordelia-stclaire · 9 months
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·⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝟎𝟎𝟐. murder case. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀red circle bar ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Eric Northman
⠀⠀⠀En las sombrías calles de la ciudad se encontraba Cordelia, una mujer cuya soberbia y misterio eran casi palpables en su aura. Vestida con elegancia y rodeada de un aire de enigma, se dirigió con pasos decididos hacia Red Circle, un bar que la noche anterior había sido escenario de un misterioso asesinato. Como editora en jefe del periódico local, SHH Times, Cordelia tenía la intención de crear un artículo que capturara la esencia del incidente y arrojara luz sobre los oscuros acontecimientos.
⠀⠀⠀A pesar de la naturaleza reservada de Cordelia, su curiosidad y pasión por desentrañar enigmas la habían llevado hasta este punto. La brisa llevaba consigo un aura de suspenso, y las hojas caídas crujían bajo sus pies mientras se acercaba al oscuro edificio. La fachada del bar presentaba un aspecto descuidado, con las ventanas opacas y la pintura desgastada, como si el lugar mismo quisiera mantener sus secretos ocultos en su interior. Sin embargo, Cordelia no parecía intimidada por la atmósfera siniestra que rodeaba el lugar.
⠀⠀⠀Cordelia cruzó la entrada con la confianza de quien sabe que tiene un propósito definido. El ambiente estaba cargado de tensión, como si los muros mismos guardaran los secretos del pasado. Los murmullos cesaron momentáneamente al notar su presencia, pero pronto volvieron a sus conversaciones, incapaces de ignorar la enigmática figura que desentonaba un poco en el lugar. Acomodándose en uno de los taburetes, miró alrededor, tomando nota de cada detalle, cada rincón oscuro que parecía ocultar secretos inconfesables.
⠀⠀⠀Con una pluma y un pequeño bloc de notas en mano, Cordelia comenzó a escribir, cautivando la esencia del lugar en palabras meticulosamente escogidas. Mientras Cordelia se sumergía en sus pensamientos, un hombre de apariencia seria apareció detrás de la barra mientras limpiaba un vaso. Era uno de los empleados del bar y, tras reconocer la existencia de Cordelia, asintió cortésmente. —¿Puedo ayudarla en algo?—, preguntó con voz suave pero firme.
⠀⠀⠀Cordelia levantó la vista de su libreta y sonrió con elegancia. —Sí, estoy buscando al dueño de este establecimiento.—Respondió y notó que había una expresión inquieta en sus ojos, como si llevara consigo alguna especie de peso inexplicable. Y sin más, el empleado se retiró hacia la parte trasera del bar, dejando a Cordelia sola con sus pensamientos. Mientras esperaba, Cordelia continuó tomando notas y observando detenidamente su entorno. La atmósfera cargada de secretos y la promesa de respuestas la mantenían intrigada, lista para desentrañar la verdad detrás del asesinato en Red Circle.
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featwayne · 11 months
Garantindo que tudo estava conforme o que ela já estava acostumada, com uma dor de cabeça terrível como sua única companhia para aquele dia monótono, Maisie não se preocupava com um possível ataque de um vilão desconhecido por ela. De cabeça baixa, a mera existência de suas anotações espalhadas pela mesa, junto da voz grossa do professor em frente ao restante da sala, apenas somava ao que ela já estava certa de que, eventualmente, aconteceria. Com o tédio acumulado em seu nível mais alto, ela se distraia com qualquer coisa que passasse diante de seus olhos, resmungando ao pegar o celular e ver que, para sua infelicidade, precisava esperar meia hora para se encontrar com Gale e seus amigos na entrada da universidade.
Maisie não estava preparada o suficiente para uma possível luta, quando os olhos pesavam pela sonolência já previsível pelas poucas horas de sono; a cena dela despertando com um pulo, se não estivessem na situação atual, seria engraçada. O sinal ecoava de forma estridente pelos corredores, somado ao estrondo do lado de fora e a voz do diretor nos alto-falantes, implorando para que seus alunos mantivessem a calma mediante uma situação catastrófica. A tranquilidade tornava-se inexistente diante dos barulhos altos que se seguiram depois disso, enquanto seus colegas tentavam, de alguma maneira, alcançar a saída sem qualquer ferimento.
Ser uma velocista vinha a calhar como a explicação perfeita para que Maisie estivesse do outro lado do campus em poucos segundos, olhando atentamente ao redor em busca de qualquer rosto conhecido por ela. Confiava cegamente em sua equipe para saber que, apesar das circunstâncias, estavam bem, embora não fosse motivo o suficiente para conter sua inquietação e preocupação em encontrá-los o quanto antes. Ao menos, necessitava saber se Gale estava bem e seguro. O suspiro aliviado ao encontrá-lo fora alto o suficiente para que até mesmo ela se surpreendesse, sendo resultado da tensão que sentia com a situação nada programada; estando apenas acostumada com casos de rua, ela não sabia como deveria se portar e o que deveria fazer naquela situação. Definitivamente, não estava preparada para lidar com um vilão causando um atentado em plena luz do dia. — Eu espero que você tenha um bom plano até que aquele velho levante a bunda da cadeira e venha ajudar. Você tá bem? Se machucou? — As mãos tocavam os ombros e os braços do outro, na tentativa de garantir que ele estava, de fato, sem qualquer ferimento. A preocupação no tom de voz era perceptível. — Precisamos achar o resto da equipe e fazer alguma coisa.
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mayandnala · 11 months
Não que isso fosse uma ocorrência rara, mas Nicholas estava de mau humor. Até mesmo coisas que geralmente não o incomodavam pareciam especialmente inconvenientes naquela noite, como as luzes estroboscópicas e a cacofonia de conversas paralelas que se entremeavam com a música alta. Em seu usual, estava habituado com esse tipo de ambiente caótico, mas dessa vez o jovem encontrava-se estranhamente irritadiço sem muita razão. Na verdade, se Nicholas conseguisse parar de mentir para si mesmo, seria capaz de identificar que existia, sim, motivo para estar se sentindo tão antagonista naquela noite em especial. O xis da questão tinha nome, sobrenome e estava atualmente do outro lado do bar, entretida em uma conversa que já durava detestáveis vinte minutos sem sequer dar sinais de interrupção. Ele e Beatrice haviam se desentendido de novo na noite anterior – o que também não era raro, dado que ambos eram imaturos e passionais demais para o próprio bem –, mas ainda assim Nicholas não conseguia fazer paz com o fato de que ela estava ali, se divertindo com outro ao invés de fazer como ele e alimentar desgosto com a situação. Detestava pensar em si mesmo como uma pessoa egoísta, mas aquela era para ser uma ocasião deles dois e agora Nicholas estava ali, tentando se distrair para dar a impressão de que não se importava, mas observando a garota com olhos semicerrados sempre que o magnetismo ficava forte demais para ignorar. Além de tudo, o outro cara era um completo idiota, extremamente inconveniente quando bebia, que Nicholas já conhecia de outros muitos carnavais. 
Debateu por vários instantes sobre o que poderia ser feito sem ferir o próprio orgulho ou sujar ainda mais sua imagem com Beatrice, mas por fim perdeu a batalha consigo mesmo e cruzou o bar em direção à garota e sua desagradável companhia. Impulsivo até o último fio de cabelo, sequer ensaiou o que diria quando finalmente a alcançasse. “Ei, posso falar com você um minuto?” Tinha os olhos fixos somente na imagem dela, sem poupar nem um mero olhar de desdém em direção ao outro. “Não aqui, não consigo ouvir nem meus próprios pensamentos com essa barulheira.” 
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lifefcrged · 11 months
@rubiesintherough​​ sent a meme / victor
“ don’t get in my way. ”
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                   “I think you might have that the wrong way ‘round, honestly.”  She didn’t know who he was, what he was - what he wanted with the young mutant that was now cowering behind the exam table, and the truth was, it didn’t matter any to her one bit.  The image that she presented might not be one that struck fear in the hearts of men, with her stethoscope slung around her neck, her white lab coat and her black slacks and cheery blue button down shirt, all of a hundred and twenty five pounds soaking wet -- sure she might have some height to her advantage, but no real muscles to speak of, at least not that you’d think, to see her -- but be that as it may, she was standing her ground between him, and the teen.   “You would do well to leave now, before this turns into a mess --”  
     She paused briefly, glancing to the door that was almost off its hinges, slightly askew in the hallway.  “More of a mess.”  Delicate fingers twitched where they rested at her side, the only outward display of agitation.  Anger, actually.  “This is a place where those in need come for help, and since I’m guessing you’re not here for a Band-Aid and lollipop?”  Mickey could only assume he was the one that had caused the injuries she’d been in the process of assessing when he had burst into the after hours clinic office.    “You’re not welcome here.”
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chaiwrote · 11 months
* verses for dahlia crane.
stranger things verse : details can be found here.
dc verse : basically, a lot of the main lore attached and adapted into this setting. dahlia's an embodiment of death gone rogue. as a vigilante, she exacts her own form of justice, killing whoever she feels has wronged her or needs to be removed from the world. this is borne from the tragic injustice she faces when her best friend is murdered and the justice system fails her, incriminating the wrong person. with her morality growing skewed, she is often classified as a rogue.
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trixtersurvs · 1 year
Do you have mean comments that replay in your head and haunt you? Not really. I think a lot about embarrassing stuff I've done that people probably said mean stuff about later though!
Did you go Black Friday shopping this past Black Friday? I did actually. Briefly, but we still went out
^If so, what was the best deal you got? They had a great deal on 3 wick candles at Bath & Body Works... it was like 5 for $25!
Have you ever seen a spirit? Yes
Are you happy that the year is coming to an end? It's not ending now, it just started, but I wager I'll be pretty happy when it ends based on how the first month and a half has been going
Have you ever bought a designer purse? No. I don't carry a purse
What color was your senior prom outfit? I wore red at senior prom
Would you ever consider a career in writing? Yes, it's literally what I want to do
Have you ever purchased a YouTuber’s merch? If so, what did you buy? I don't think so
Are you better at spelling or writing? Both
If someone signed you up for karate lessons, would you take them? Yes! I loved karate when I did it in college and would love to get back into it
What was the last movie you watched? Would you recommend it to people? I truly could not tell you anything recent. I watched My Policeman before the holidays and it was a great film that I would highly recommend
Do you update your Facebook relationship status when it changes? I mean, yeah, but I don't rush to do it. I'm rarely on Facebook
Do you want your own house someday? Of course. I just need to find the right place to settle down. I'm not set on staying where I am right now forever
Are you superstitious? Not at all
When you go to McDonalds, what drink do you usually get? Either Coke or Dr. Pepper, though sometimes I absolutely fucking crave McDonald's OJ
Have you ever thought about your wedding? Yes... I get in my daydreams sometimes about it
Would you rather see Taylor Swift or Carrie Underwood in concert? Taylor Swift for sure
Growing up, did you see your cousins often? Yes
Where was your first job at? CVS
Ever seen your parents make out? Unfortunately
What’s your dream height and weight? I would love to be a little taller, like 5' 9". I don't worry too much about my weight, I'm pretty comfortable with where I am with that
What do you do when your house loses power? Get the candles out, baby!
What piercing do you hate? Cheek piercings but not being of how they look. I actually think they're cute but they're terrible for you and really shouldn't even be done
Were you raised in a religious house? Not really
Do your parents get mad when your on the computer for hours? They used to when I was still a kid
Have you ever been asked for a nude picture? Yes
What’s your favorite thing about your crush/bf/gf? His smile and his eyes, physically. Personality wise, I love his sense of humor and how kind he is
What’s the worst thing? His snoring
What song can bring you down? Lately, it's been "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron
What would you do if your parent hit you? Depending on which parent it was... I'd have a different reaction. If it was my mom, I'd be very concerned about her mental wellbeing. If it was my dad, I'd sock him right back
Ever see yourself going to jail? No
Last song you sang? I was singing "Growing Sideways" by Noah Kahan in the car earler
Has the last person you kissed slept with more then 3 girls? Without a doubt 😂
Ever been tested for any STDs? Yes, I get tested once a year when I have a long-term partner just for the sake of doing it
Do you think it’s weird when girls change in front of their bf/gf? No?
Get a new camera or new phone? New phone, I guess. I don't really need either
Last person that saw you naked (can’t be yourself): My partner
Ever kissed someone half-naked? Yes
Is being sweaty nasty? It's not nasty. It's natural but yeah, it feels icky when you're the sweaty one
Are your parents embarrassing? My dad is. My mom can be sometimes
Do you prefer dating a virgin? Or a guy who’s been around? I don't have a preference and what a weird thing to have a preference about anyway...
Are you blond? No
Do you like bacon? Yes, it's the only pork I'll eat usually
Do you have an annoying dog? I don't have a dog at all
What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? Hmm... I got really into Adventure Time comics for a while but I couldn't say for sure that that was the very first one
What is your favorite thing to do on your phone? Talk to people on it
What color was your first phone? I believe it was blue and silver
Was your first phone a flip phone? No, it was one of those Nokia brick phones
If you’re a girl, have you ever had an embarrassing period story? I'm not a girl, but I do own a vagina and the worst story I can think of was in 7th grade math class. I had put on a pad that day and it leaked all over my seat. We had to wear uniforms in middle school and I was wearing khakis, so the blood was really visible. I tied my hoodie around my waist and was leaving class hoping no one would notice but then the person who was supposed to sit in my seat next was talking about how there was blood in the chair. I had to evacuate quickly after that
What was your worst experience in high school? Hm... honestly, my parents grounding me for like 6 months for getting a bad grade in a class. I'm traumatized from how often they did that to me
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andersonfilms · 2 years
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HAZME MALVADO ENOTCES SOY UN ANGEL EN SU LAGAR. maud. early twenties. they/she. mexicana. harrington whore.
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masterlist. dni ! spotify. fic recs.
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# when maud writes
honey i adore you, anthony bridgerton.
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© angolore - do not copy, repost, or modify my works.
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kimsuyeon · 4 months
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dyoungs · 9 days
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