#.consumed with despair;
comradekatara · 6 months
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these lines provide some of the most telling insight into azula’s character throughout the whole show. while she claims she “doesn’t actally care” that ursa “always preferred zuko,” that her “own mother thought [she] was a monster,” it’s clear she does care, deeply, that she’s belying a core truth about her psychological landscape that is ultimately revealed by the mirror scene in the finale. these lines are the closest she ever gets to being honest with herself before her breakdown. so let’s actually take the time to unpack them.
my own mother thought I was a monster.
much ink has been spilled on whether or not ursa was a good mother to azula, whether she actually thought azula was a monster or whether ozai simply convinced azula that she did to further isolate her. personally, i think it’s something of both. ozai isolated her and molded azula into an extension of himself; thus, he made both azula and ursa see her that way, until ursa was not only afraid for azula, but also afraid of azula. ursa thought that ozai was a monster, so azula, as a projection of ozai, became regarded as a monster as well, even if logically ursa knew that azula was an abused child and not simply an extension of her husband in any ontological sense. ursa had no choice but to let ozai mold their daughter to his image, as she could not disentangle her daughter from her father without also facing his wrath. she was faced with an impossible situation, and she hurt azula as a fellow victim of ozai’s abuse, regardless of whether or not that was ever her intention.
she was right of course.
however, an aspect of these lines that I think gets overlooked and misunderstood is the fact that azula readily admits that she sees herself as a monster. flippantly, even. “she was right, of course.” most people assume that azula is simply acknowledging that she’s the villain of the story. “of course she must know she’s the villain, she clearly relishes in being evil.” but people neglect to acknowledge that azula truly believes that the fire nation is right. azula has been indoctrinated into this ideology since birth; she has no reason to think that she might be on the wrong side of history. when azula admits that she thinks herself a monster, it is not because she thinks that she was wrong to conquer ba sing se, wrong to capture the kyoshi warriors, wrong to kill the avatar. no, azula thinks that she is a monster for the same reason ursa did: because she is like ozai.
but it still hurt.
let’s say, for argument’s sake, that azula did know that the fire nation was evil, that she did bad things for a bad cause. would that actually change anything? no, azula would continue down her path of imperialist conquest, never entertaining the notion that she even had another choice. like zuko, azula is angry at herself. and as we have just seen, she is not just angry; azula hates herself, despises herself, considers herself loathsome, ghastly, monstrous. because as much as she projects an image of supreme power and confidence, wherein she is at liberty to do whatever she wants at all times, azula is ozai’s obedient servant. and azula is paralyzed by the fear of leaving one hair out of place, of straying even a millimeter from his path.
azula was shaped in ozai’s image, with no iroh or ursa or anyone else for that matter to present her with new paths, with ways of escaping her abuse. even zuko, who did receive support and other options, took years to unlearn ozai’s conditioning. azula had no other options, no real support system, nothing to define her identity besides her abuser’s dictums. she has seen what happened to her mother and brother when ozai perceived their treasonous inclinations (i.e., contradicting his narcissism by expressing loyalty to other human beings besides solely himself) and she is paralyzed by fear that the same could happen to her. she rationalizes ozai’s violence by convincing herself that his victims deserved it for being “weak,” but deep down, she knows that she is also weak, that she is also a victim, even if she cannot fully admit it to herself.
so she sees herself as a monster, for being ozai’s shadow, for being the servant of the man who destroyed her family. her proximity to monstrosity appalls her, even as she tries to convince herself that it is proximity to godhood, that she is not an extension of abject violence but a messenger of the divine. zuko can only recognize ozai’s abuse for what it is once he deconstructs ozai’s imperialist ideology, but azula still buys into that ideology, so she cannot put a name to his abuse. but it’s clear she still fears it, still feels disgusted with herself for being victim to it, still feels like a monster even as she tries to convince herself that she is an angel.
in fact, she has to tell herself that she’s a monster, because if she’s not a monster, then she’s a victim, weak like her mother who got what she deserved. if she’s a victim then that means she and ursa (and zuko) were all destroyed by the senseless cruelty of an egomaniac’s petty whims, that all the love she has ever known was ruined for nothing. so she has to be a monster, because at least then she has power, at least then she has agency. ozai shaped her in his image, and she has to be proud of that fact, because otherwise she’d shatter.
and when that realization overtakes her, she does. when she takes inventory of all the love she’s lost, of all the people who cannot look her in the eye, of all the ways in which she has been perverted by her father’s abuse, she is disgusted by herself, for being both monstrous and weak, feared and afraid, victim and perpetrator. and it hurts.
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bittersweetresilience · 9 months
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the great gatsby / kentucky route zero / koe no katachi / disco elysium / omori / night in the woods / homestuck / koe no katachi / l'étranger / disco elysium / firewatch / john dies at the end / everything everywhere all at once / the subtle art of not giving a f*ck
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microwave-core · 5 months
Something I love about the Zelda series is how Link and Zelda's relationship can change drastically in between games. Like, in Twilight Princess, the two don't really interact much outside of their first meeting. They have a mutual friend in Midna and that's it. There's not much there platonically, much less romantically. At most it's a "this is my girlfriend Midna and this is Midna's girlfriend Zelda" type of situation.
Then you have the next major release, Skyward Sword, where the two are most definitely in love with each other. They're so super into each other and almost everyone knows that. Unless I'm forgetting an entry, it's the closest zelink has come to being canon without them explicitly stating it's canon. And this dynamic comes after the game where they barely know each other. Love that for them.
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So, I'm still unclear on what "level" of Hell Edwin is in with the doll spider, but the title card calls it The Doll House.
Makes sense, what with the doll parts spider.
But you know what else that means?
Edwin is a doll. A toy. Him being consumed over, and over, and over is a game. It's play. It was always just play.
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Why do you hate mayonnaise? How do you feel about relish?
Okay, so @somer-writes and I have determined that the argument boils down to whether or not you want the liquid part of your sandwich to be flavored, and whether or not you've grown up used to your sandwich being flavored. There's a whole map that exists on different states' reported preference, and I don't know how true it is, but it matches with my state's preference so I'm sticking with it. (credit to @wanderlustmagician for re-finding this image for me)
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I think that miracle whip is superior. I think that your sandwich should always have a little bit of sweetness to it, a little bit of love. Mayonnaise is tasteless sandwich grease that doesn't actually add to the enjoyment of the sandwich. Somer and I will fight about this until the heat death of the universe.
I do not like relish, but I also do not think that it is a food crime like mayonnaise is. Because do not get me wrong, mayonnaise is a crime. This is a hill upon which I will fight until my last breath.
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itsflappletimeyippee · 7 months
happy belated birthday to our least favourite horse boy
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Does anyone have any theories about Nico's arm bandages ?
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I've been thinking sm about it and I cannot for the life of me come up with anything.
- probably not an animal attack, it's in a region of the body that wouldn't normally be exposed, it's also on the same place on both arms so it's a little too perfect for an animal. Also they're pretty experienced in animal behaviours so they would know when to not approach one that is upset.
-its legit tripping me up so much that it's in the same place on both arms like what how what is that about???
-its also fairly recent since they still have to put bandages on it, it hasn't completely healed
-also meaning they might've gotten it in that period of time they don't remember (similar to Xander's eye) so it's possible even they don't know what's with the wounds
-they're pretty covered by their cape most of the time (except in the sprites where they're freaking out with their hand in their hair) I didn't even notice them until recently
So yeah any thoughts?
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devoutlywished · 6 days
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far safer of a midnight– meeting
external ghost.
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gigglemite · 1 year
I read in a fic that Hajime magnetized Nagito's wedding band so he wouldn't have to worry about it being on his mechanical hand and I-
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devilatelier · 4 months
i was wondering why my emotional state is fluctuating it's That Time of The Month again.
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supersoftly · 2 months
Our dystopian future looks less like atomic bombs and 1000 foot tidal waves, and more like dead-end part time jobs with no benefits that people feel lucky to have, all while housing, healthcare, and having children become unaffordable. It looks like corporations privatizing all music and culture behind paywalls, governments rewriting history based on the trends of today, human interaction being limited to 10 second electronic videos of strangers, and artists being replaced by robots. And floods.
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lrdvyke · 3 months
in going with the hivemind idea for the frenzied flame, that would mean vyke's thoughts, feelings, and dreams are all shared with those who have the frenzy flame in them and vice versa. anger will come to him when he's not angry, only to make him think it's now his anger, etc ( example from kale ). dreaming / possibility of having a difficult time sleeping. will say, joining that with my idea of the evergaol's cutting off people from outer god influences ( reason why vyke uses dragon incants in there and not frenzied flame ) then he may have felt at least some kind of small peace in there because, if cut off from the outer god of chaos, he would then be cut off from everyone else afflicted with the frenzied flame. so escaped vyke, upon leaving, all that would be slammed back into him the moment he leaves the evergaol. however, if going with a specific ending that is more neutral ( like ranni's ending ) then there is a chance that effect would dwindle as the afflicted die off.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
I don't think anything has shown media bias more strongly than the time a few years back when Women's March people got upset at the pro-lifers, because, "How dare you host your pro-life rally on the same day as our Women's March?" only to be told, "We've been doing this on this date since the '70s, with turnouts several times larger than your Women's March ever had, yet you've never heard of ours while yours dominates every cable news station for days."
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ratgirrrl · 9 months
i think termina characters should be put in danganronpa adjacent situations and by that i mean they should kill each other more cause it would be funny
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 11 months
i think 2012 was on drugs ngl
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finfalls · 1 year
i never see any whit art. that is a crime. make more whit art. give it to me. i want more whit art.
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