#..... alright i'll indulge 🙃
lunarlegend ¡ 1 year
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metalsprinkles ¡ 6 months
Bad Days - Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 
Warnings: semi-detailed descriptions of depression. this is purely a self-indulgent work cause i've been having a very tough time recently, but thinking about the 141 makes it better! Also not beta read cause I refuse to reread my work🙃Enjoy!!!
You'd had a shitty day at work, and all you wanted was to come home and wallow in your feelings. Johnny had been deployed for months, and he didn’t have the slightest clue on when he'd be back home. He hadn't been able to communicate with you regularly either, due to him having very spotty reception. 
Walking up to your door, you pull your keys out, when all of a sudden, the door swings open. And standing there you see your boyfriend. Your Johnny. 
He expected you to be excited. Thrilled, even, at his return. What he hadn't expected was your face crumbling and sobs falling from your lips. Immediately, he takes you into his arms and starts to comfort you. 
"It's okay, sweet boy, everything's alright. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. 'M gonna take real good care of ye, I promise." 
Rubbing his hands along your arms, he ushers you inside. "It's too cold bun, need tae get you inside"
He sits you down on the couch gently and wraps a blanket around you. "You stay right here, I’ll be right back, my love. Going tae make you some tea and bring a snack for you"
Keeping true to his word, Johnny's back in less than 5 minutes, immediately taking his place next to you on the couch. Once again taking you into his arms, he lets you fall apart in his embrace. His face fixes into a grimace at seeing and hearing the sobs rack your body. It feels like someone's reached into his chest and pulled out his heart. He hates seeing you like this. The only thing he can think is that he needs to fix it. He can’t have his baby being sad especially when he’s there in person.
"Shhh, yer face is much too handsome for these tears, dove," he whispers to you. "Need ye tae talk tae me 'bout what's going on"
"Just a bad day," you respond.
He scoffs. "Seems like more than just a bad day, love."
"Missed you. It started with a bad day, then it was a bad week, and before I knew it, I'd felt bad for a whole month," you sighed.
"Why didn't you tell me bonnie?"
Hiding your face in his chest you reply, "Didn't wanna bother you. You were working. Don't wanna distract you with my whining. It's not even about anything important."
He tilts your head up with his index finger, "If it's enough to upset you this much, it's important. Anything that upsets you is important to me. My job is tae keep you safe and happy. How am I supposed tae do that if you don't tell me what's going on, sweet boy?"
"I dunno," you mumble while once again burying your face, but in his neck this time. 
His chuckle reverberates throughout your body. "Silly boy, I can't see your pretty face when you hide from me like that."
"I've been crying all day Johnny, I look horrible."
Johnny raises his eyebrows and gives you a stare that makes you second guess whether or not you just insulted his mohawk. "Don't say shite like that, bonnie. 'S the furthest thing from the truth. Yer the most beautiful boy I've ever seen in my life. Don't care how you think you look, I'll always see you for what you are, and you truly are beautiful. Inside and out. That being said, you look gorgeous even in this moment"
"You're gonna make me start crying again babe"
His gaze softens and he takes your face in his hands again. With a soft peck to your temple, he says, "Well let's avoid that, why don't we, hmm? Do you wanna talk about what's bothering you anymore?"
"Mmm not right now. Just wanna snuggle with you for a bit. But we can talk about it later, maybe?"
He nods, "Whenever you're up to it, bun. I'm always here to listen to you. I'm sorry I'm not always here physically, though."
"It's your job, Johnny. I get it. I mean it's hard sometimes, but we make it work. Nothing about the way I feel is your fault. I just get sad sometimes yknow?"
"I know bonnie. Just wish you didn't have tae deal with it at all. Shouldn't have to have any thoughts in that pretty head if you don't want 'em."
You giggle. "I love you Johnny. That's always gonna be true, no matter what. Regardless of how sad I am, I'll always be yours and you'll always be mine."
"Always, my beauty. My love for you is infinite. Never ending."
“Promise?” you whisper. 
“Swear to ye baby. Let's get you feeling better, hmm? Turn on one of your shows and I'll go make some soup for you, hen,” he says, standing up.
“Does that mean we can watch gossip girl?” You ask shyly
“‘Course we can. Go ahead and put it on. I'll be back in a minute darling. Actually, do me just one favor, bon”
Cocking your head to the side you ask, “What's that Johnny?”
A smile cracks on his face, “Go grab us some blankets and stuffies from the bedroom, eh? Don't want your cold little toes touching me while I'm trying to watch the show”
“I do not have cold toes Johnny MacTavish! It's not my fault you're a human furnace,” you scoff at him. 
He just looks over at you and chuckles again. “I know bonnie, I love yer cold feet,” He lets out a full belly laugh as he catches one of the throw pillows you chucked at his head. “Just fucking with ye sweet boy. But please, can you bring some extra blankets? And pillows too? If you're up for it, I'll make you a pillow fort to watch our show in. 
Your eyes light up at the prospect of a pillow fort. Thinking about one of the last times you had made one, you realize that you hadn't since you were a child. With a nod, you head to your shared bedroom picking out your favorite pillows and blankets, along with your favorite stuffies. 
Johnny raises his eyebrows when he sees everything you're bringing to the living room, already seeing himself in the future having to lug everything back to the bedroom himself because you'll be too tired to do it yourself. 
“Don't look at me like that Johnny,” you pout. “I needed all of them so the vibes could be perfect! You can't have a pillow fort without a minimum of 4 blankets, that's like basic pillow fort knowledge.” 
“You're right, dove, how silly of me to forget that. Get yourself warmed up on the couch and I'll finish up the food. I'll be with you in just a minute, handsome.”
With a blush dusting your cheeks, you nod and let out a hum of contentment. You head toward the couch, getting yourself settled in and wrapping yourself and your favorite stuffie up in a blanket. Your smile to yourself thinking about how well Johnny takes care of you. You don’t even have to ask him to care for you. He can always just sense when something is wrong and he drops whatever he’s doing to be able to take care of you. It’s one of the things you love most about him. You’re so lost in thought, you jump a little when he plops down next to you on the couch.
“You okay there, tiger?” He asks while running his hands through your hair.
“Was just thinking about you. ‘Bout how you take care of me.”
“I’ll always take care of you, bonnie. That’s my job. You know that. It’s the greatest privilege I’ve been given aside from the pleasure of being your boyfriend.”
“You’re too sweet to me Johnny. I don’t know what I’d ever do without you.”
He cups your cheek in his hand, “You’ll never have to figure that out, dove. Why don’t you tell me about what made you so upset?
“I just got stressed at work one day. Then I came home and decided to rest a bit. I ended up falling asleep and slept through the night, but then I just couldn’t get back into my routine. I couldn’t eat, could barely take care of myself, really. I would just wake up, go to work, come back home and go to bed. Today was just an absolute shit show at work and it just sent me over the edge. I obviously felt terrible, but I mean, I guess it was a little bit better than just feeling nothing at all.” You sigh as you sit back against the couch, feeling like a weight was lifted off of your shoulders. 
Johnny sighs as he just wraps his arms around you and holds you against his chest. “I know it’s hard to understand this, but yer never a burden tae me, sweet boy. Like I said it’s my job to take care of you. Even when I’m not here, I want you to know that I’m always here for you. Whether you need to scream, cry, be distracted, or even just sit in silence, I will always be here when you need it. And when I’m away I’ll do everything I can tae make sure I’m checking up on my lovely boy because he deserves the best and that’s exactly what I’m gonnae do.”
“Thank you Johnny. I just feel like my issues are nowhere near as important as the things you deal with at work. I feel bad taking up your time on something so silly when there’s much bigger issues you have to solve.”
“Bonnie you dinnae fash yerself about my job. You’ve got your own tae worry about. I can manage my job and taking care of you just fine. You’re never a burden on me, sweet boy.”
“Thank you Johnny. Thank you for taking care of me and getting me out of my own head,” you say manhandling him into the perfect position so that you could wrap your arms around his waist and lie your head on his chest. The thrum of his heartbeat keeping you grounded. 
“What else are boyfriends for, eh? Tonight’s gonnae be all about you, lovely. Let’s eat and watch some of that silly show you’re obsessed with and then we’ll get you a nice warm bath and tuck you into bed, yeah?”
“That sounds great, Johnny. I love you so, so much,” you say as he pulls you into his side and wraps another blanket around the two of you. You feel him kiss the crown of your head while he runs his hands up and down your back comfortingly. The day was bad, but the night would be so much better. Everything is better when Johnny’s home.
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