#*rolling my eyes*
perfectlyfinelove · 7 months
Listen i don’t think cate was in the wrong entirely for killing shetty but people (cough her stans) defending her supe lives matter attitude because she has trauma everyone in this show got TRAUMA it actually makes me laugh you could say the same about shetty who had her whole family killed her CHILD AND HUSBAND because of a lazy supe so yea now she wants to set the world on fire but you don’t defend THAT because the narrative did not give shetty the same grace as it did with cate. Again. What cate did wasn’t entirely bad but please stop treating her like katniss everdeen or whatever
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chaoticfandomgirly · 22 days
Harvey getting Mike to drop a case because he feels that his position as managing partner is threatened when two episodes ago he was willing to run the firm into the ground, get disbarred and do about anything to have Mike become a lawyer is crazy to me.
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iwaasfairy · 21 days
If men have nothin they still have the fucking audacity istfg,,, my sweet beloved girls ur gonna get a kick out of this
This one classmate started showering me in gifts when I said I liked gift giving as a romantic gesture. He gave me flowers multiple times when I said I liked flowers.
Told me that his first impression of me was I was one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen and when I called bs he named what I was wearing that first day to prove it.
And then when it ended up coming out that he wasn’t really my type, he slipped in that he “wasn’t actually into me” and the gifts were “just no big deal, didn’t mean nothing”…..
Then asked “but what if I would’ve asked tho haha” and when I said “I usually always try to say yes to a first date” bc I’m too honest and a fucking idiot— after which he proceeds to aSK ME OUT AFTER ALL???
the prettiest girl >>> not into me tho I swear >>> ask out happened all within half an hour
I. Literally have no fucking words. Actually I do have some,,, but they’re not nice so. I can’t be the only one who finds this so much more unattractive than just straight up asking and perhaps getting rejected
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Look at that judgey stare
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kyliafanfiction · 5 months
I say this like it's super common, and it's not, except in a very narrow space of fandom, but I am so fucking tired of BtVS/Stargate crossover fics that act like the US government would just give Buffy & Co. carte blanche no matter what.
"If they show up where you are, just go whatever they tell you, treat them like a five star general who controls your budget" and like...
Especially since the Scoobie would never give SG-1 the same treatment, even though SG-1 has saved the world just as many fucking times, or close enough?
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remylebeaugambit · 22 days
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X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #130 (2024)
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ladyinthebluebox · 14 days
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hey! person reblogging that one (1) bg3 post of mine or anyone crossing this blog for that matter since the thing broke containment of this place. if you consider Astarion gay... i'm sad to inform you, he's not. he's not straight either. he and the rest of the tadfool gang are in fact what we call pansexual. thanks for listening. if that's too much to handle please consider leaving. thanks again!
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laismoura-art · 5 months
This post.
Wow, imagine coming back from the dead and creating an account just to start a witch hunt on a person you had a beef with 5 MONTHS AGO!
That's what I call holding a grudge!
And for much as this person complains about Dina and how much she was mean to them (to Bi-Han actually). Why didn't they just... block her?
Dina never came to them directly and never even mentioned their name on her posts. They could just have blocked her and never see her posts ever again, and vice versa!
Instead, they decided to come back months later and hunt her off the site? (Doing the exact same they accused me and her of doing, mind you)
Also, I loved that they say I was one of the reasons they left the fandom because... oh!
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They didn’t screenshot cause it was awful, huh?
Orrrrr, they don't want to show the screenshot cause my words weren't NEARLY as harsh as they claim?
I mean, they were ok with screenshot everything Dina said, but my "disgusting, patronising, and victim-blamey" aks was... too much?
Odd. For someone trying for an exposed.
I literally just said, "If you don't want trouble with the Kuai stans, perhaps don't post tons of Kuai hate on the Kuai Liang tag, where the Kuai Liang stans are. Otherwise, you're literally asking for trouble"
And please, if "mind your tagging to avoid trouble" was enough to scare someone off a fandom, I wouldn't have to weekly deal with people posting incest on the SubScorp tag.
I think the oddest part of it all is that this person had the chance to a fresh start, creating a new account and posting what they love again. But instead, they decided to restart a random beef from 5 months ago?? I mean. Whaaaa?
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adulting-sucks · 11 months
I love the blogs who say to enjoy the quiet while simultaneously stirring the pot. “We can’t post because you accuse us of gaslighting. We got false information and posted about it cryptically but just know it’s your fault we can’t say anything”.
We say you’re gaslighting because you are. Please stop blaming the fandom for what you all say and do. It’s old.
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im-diseased-but-cool · 15 hours
If any of you retarded fucks infantilize Ralph from dbh I'm gonna get you personally
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birdiesflying · 1 year
When I see a post about Byler or some (it’s always gay) ship where the characters are teenagers and it’s about them kissing. And it’s so cute and then I see a comment that’s like “aren’t they kids?” Like yeah. They are. And what about it
“Teenagers can kiss!!! Oh my god 😨😨😱 Whaaat?!” Calm down. I’ve kissed people when I was like 12 what is wrong with u people
So dramatic. Like people are seriously implying people are sexualising teenagers over saying they should kiss… why don’t we focus on actual times people are sexualising them instead of saying this about normal teenage things
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kyliaquilor · 11 months
Hating Atheism isn't actually progressive
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0rb0t · 5 months
Thinking about an exchange I had yesterday but... your obsession with "good people" is bananas. most people are just people. Go watch The Good Place or something.
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kyliafanfiction · 3 months
Seriously, Lindsey's motivation is nonexistence, and her return for this was an ass pull of the highest order.
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remylebeaugambit · 27 days
I agree about the huge and disgusting age difference between magneto and rogue, the easy manipulation and all that; but rogue is no fool and not as much of a victim as they always make her out to be. she also chose to be with him when she was an adult, and she also chose to be with his clone….
I’m talking about the show where Rogue is pretty dumb and indecisive. Yeah, sure, because of fantasies and self insert. Pretty good reasons. Did you even read the comics? For fucks sake.
I shouldn’t even be answering this kind of comments cause I don’t like being rude for no reason but I’m bitter and not giving fucks right now.
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marrow-minded · 1 year
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so have things been planned out since the very beginning or are things comepletely made up as they go along
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