#* as In I am afraid of accidentally claiming a closed subculture out of ignorance
aepson · 4 months
im always scared to label myself with a religion, mostly of the fear of Somehow not doing it right Or not being welcome to it. But I think religionIs something to be interpreted because religion exists beacause sapient beings need something to believe in, or they will become hopeless or lose their minds. Even those who say they Do not believe in a higher power bla bla “so believe in science” Still believe in something , science . Understanding the world you live in is something sapient species want to have or we’ll Need to have, in some sort of way and whether that is believing that everything can be explained by science, that Christian god created the world , that all human beings are divine and existence is unified , having something to explain how the world works is a basic “human” need and that is why everyone will always be curious and need to know how everything works . I am religious in the way that I need the world explained and a way to parse it too
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