#* ⠀ 👽 ⠀ ╱ ⠀ outsider ⠀ 、 ⠀ ❪ ⠀ drabble⠀ ❫
mikrokosmcs · 2 years
Jongguk  recuerda  perfectamente  bien  el  momento  en  que  sucedió,  cuando  por  primera  vez,  conoció  al  rey  de  los  SsangYong-Pa,  cuando  ese  par  de  ojos  carentes  de  vida  se  fijaron  en  el  suyos.  
Jongguk  conocía  bien  a  cada  miembro  de  las  familias  importantes  dentro  de  aquel  nuevo  negocio  donde  sus  padres,  decidieron  meter  la  nariz  e  incrementar  el  dinero  que  entraba  para  los  Sung.  Era  un  negocio  sucio,  turbio,  lleno  de  pérdidas  humanas,  pero  ganancias  monetarias  y  él,  un  fiel  sirvo  del  dinero,  estaba  más  que  dispuesto  a  aprender  a  desenvolverse  en  ese  mundo.  Doce  tiernos  años  tenía  cuando  sus  ojos  almendrados,  buscan  entre  la  multitud  el  rostro  de  su  nuevo  asociado,  de  otro  muchacho  de  edad  parecida  a  la  suya  que  había  conseguido  lo  inimaginable.  Los  cuchicheos  se  escuchan,  debe  haber  personas  que  hablan  sobre  Daero,  rebautizado  como  Jaeseong  cuando  consiguió  su  bien  merecido  trono.  Hay  comentarios  malos,  como  aquellos  donde  hablan  de  su  linaje  por  parte  de  madre,  un  bastardo,  un  cabrón  hijo  de  puta  que  se  le  ocurrió  morder  la  mano  que  le  dio  de  comer  y  matar  a  su  medio  hermano  Daegi  mientras  dormía,  de  la  forma  más  cruel  y  despiadada.  Por  otro  lado,  están  aquellos  que  admiran  al  pequeño  dragón  que  se  pavonea  por  el  salón  como  si  fuese  le  rey  de  mundo,  acompañado  de  su  padre  y  su  media  hermana  Gyeonghye.  No  cualquiera  tenía  la  fuerza  de  voluntad  para  iniciar  una  sangrienta  guerra  entre  hermanos,  no  todos  tenían  la  sangre  tan  helada  como  los  dragones  para  cometer  tales  atrocidades.    
Pero  Jaeseong  la  tenía.    
Jongguk  siente  un  escalofrío  recorrerle  la  espalda  cuando  sus  ojos  conectan  con  los  contrarios,  quince  años  tiene  el  sanguinario  asesino,  la  grasa  de  su  rostro  lo  redondea  y  sus  labios  abultados  le  dan  un  aire  adorable  a  su  semblante.  Jongguk  se  lo  compraría,  si  no  fuese  porque  sus  ojos  están  colmados  de  oscuridad  y  carecen  de  brillo.  La  mirada  de  un  asesino  sangriento  y  frívolo,  la  mirada  de  una  persona  que  parece  tener  los  ojos  puestos  en  su  presa.  
Ya  lo  detesta.
Jongguk  es  un  chiquillo  entrenado  para  ser  un  líder,  una  persona  que  ha  crecido  para  volverse  el  chairman  de  su  empresa  cuando  su  padre  decida  marcharse  y  había  aprendido  mil  trucos  para  manipular,  para  conseguir  lo  que  quería  y  aun  así,  se  siente  pequeño  al  lado  de  otro  niño.  Los  Sang  se  desvían  de  su  primer  objetivo  porque  al  parecer,  Jaeseong  también  lo  había  observado  con  intensidad,  con  interés,  caminando  hasta  él.  Jongguk  tenía  solo  doce  años  cuando  su  primer  encuentro  con  el  dragón  sucedió,  cincelando  una  sonrisa  en  su  faz  mientras  extiende  una  mano  en  dirección  a  este  y  el  mayor  toma  la  extremidad  para  besar  galante  el  anillo  en  su  dedo  anular.  Jongguk  siente  asco  de  inmediato,  odiaba  sentirse  inferior  a  alguien,  y  Jaeseong  era  el  único  sentimiento  que  le  generaba.  Malnacido.    
“Jaeseong,  ¿Cuál  es  tu  nombre?”      
Jongguk  tiene  doce  años  cuando  experimenta  el  primer  deseo  de  estrangular  a  alguien  con  sus  propias  manos,  conseguir  dominar  al  depredador  más  fuerte.
“Jongguk,  bienvenido  a  la  familia”
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gimmethatagustd · 1 month
✨ jai polls ✨
Hi besties,
I've been busy with fic fests, and I've neglected my drabble challenge. I'd love to know what y'all are interested in reading, and I'll probably just write the drabbles in the order of how you all vote in the poll!
I'll put the poll under the cut because it's pretty long (it includes idols outside of BTS 👀).
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞
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I've hit writer's block and I wanna overcome it somehow. Send in an emoji + a random sentence + a member and I'll write a small drabble about it! (you can send in 3 emoji's for one drabble maximum)
🐕 (Hybrid AU)
🖤 (Yandere AU)
🐉 (Fantasy AU)
🤖 (Android AU)
👽 (Alien AU)
☁ (Angst)
💗 (Fluff)
🔞 (Smut)
🥀 (Vampire AU)
🧟‍♂️ (Zombie AU)
💎 (Mafia AU)
👑 (Royality AU)
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧:
🧸💎🐕 + “are you gonna come back?” + Yoongi
🧟‍♀️ + yoongi + "that's banana milk, My favorite."
🖤💗🧸+ Jungkook + "Aren't you supposed to hate me? I kinda kidnapped you"
👽+ jungkook+ "She's mine"
🤖+yoongi+”I think I love you”
💎 🐕 + Yoongi + "Could I sleep here for tonight, sir? It's raining outside."
🖤+Jimin + “is this not enough for you baby girl?”
🐕💗+taehyung+”can you just..hold me for a little bit”
💎💗☁️ + taehyung +"are you sure you're okay?"
🧸 + 💗 + 🐕 jungkook “you cant chew on that, doll”
🐕 + Yoongi + "here we go, the 3am zoomies..."
🐕 + 💎 + Jimin + "Is she better than me?
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unholyhelbig · 2 years
I'm begging you for the x-files AU
[A/N: Okay, you talked me into it. Here's a little drabble. Let me know if you guys want more!]
Dt 👽: @ani-bester @el-fandom-phantom @aringofsalt
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Faint Silver light barely made it through the sheets of rain that fell in Northwest Oregon. Nancy had never seen this much rain in her career, not in Hawkins, not in her travels all over the United States. She had been soaked to the bone, the water worming its way into her skin.
The raincoat she had stripped and hung on the back of the motel room door had been little protection. She had laid her clothes strategically on the room’s heater, letting the dry air remedy her blazer, her shirt, and her pants. A red robe clung to Nancy now, nose icy, as she typed her report to the bureau.
Agent Wheeler had always done as she was told, she was sure that hard work and diligence had gotten her this far in the agency and would continue to propel her. The report she was working on had to be detailed, it had to relay everything she and Robin Buckley had found in the Collum National Forest.  
She had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn’t stuck on this case of killed teenagers because of short staffing. She was smart, too smart for her own good, perhaps. And there had been rumors about who they called Spooky Buckley.
When Nancy had been assigned to the X-File unit located in the damp basement amongst cases yet to be solved, covered up, she had expected some big hulking agent, covered in scars and dressed in black. She had knocked tentatively despite her training. She had been pleasantly shocked.
Buckley had been hunched over a case file; her nose scrunched in concentration. Messy, short hair had fallen into her gaze, a buttoned flannel rolled up to her elbows. She hardly looked spooky under her smattering of freckles, and her crystal blue eyes. But the rumors of her work ethic proceeded her.
She had an unhinged method about her, and had arranged for the body of Ray Soames. She had gotten them access to a mental institution where two victims were still alive but in no state to discuss what they had encountered.
Nancy was in the middle of relaying this, relaying the fact that there were two pink marks at the base of every victim’s spine, the mind has suffered from something much more than trauma. The fact that their watches had both malfunctioned, and the radios in town emitted a high-pitched screech.
These were all things that Nancy Wheeler couldn’t logically explain. But Buckley’s proclamation of alien abduction and life in this universe other than their own was far out of her realm of belief, and she intended to say so.
Nancy adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose just as the power flickered out from the storm. Thunder shook the room, Nancy’s heart in her throat for just a moment of shock. “Great.”
She lit a candle, the cold beginning to creep in. Nancy made her way to the bathroom, guided by the flickering yellow color. She pulled back the shower curtain in the bathroom, the water running hot, steam filling the room.
Nancy pulled the robe from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Her fingers reached her lower back, brushing the elastic band of her underwear. She was familiar with the feel of her skin, the pads of her fingers brushing over two small, raised bumps. Something that shouldn't have been there.
The fear was back, she angled herself in the mirror, trying to get a better look at it in the candlelight. She remembered hours earlier, the panic of Peggy O’Dell, marked like the others with the two pink abrasions.
Nancy found the red robe again, sinching it at the waist. She forwent shoes, and her candle, only grabbing her room key in the darkness from memory. Her mind was searching for reassurance. It led her outside, into the cold rain, the bleary night.
Without hesitation, she knocked on Agent Buckley’s door. It opened in three seconds flat; she knew because she counted the methodic drops that landed on her shoulder. Nancy tried to ignore the tender look on Robin’s face, the way her gray t-shirt hugged her in the low candlelight.
Her eyebrows lifted “Hi,”
“I want you to look at something.”
“Come on in.”
Nancy didn’t have to be told twice. She pushed her way into the warmth of Robin’s room. It smelled like mint and sandalwood. Part of her registered it as vaguely comforting. The other part was too frazzled to think of anything but markings on her skin.
She took a deep breath as Robin closed the door, undoing the band around her midsection. This was vulnerable, her hair damp and stringy from the rain. Nancy had met Agent Buckley less than 48 hours ago, had followed her lead during this investigation, and now she stood here in her bra and underwear, letting the robe drop to her feet.
Nancy took a breath and turned, down casting her eyes. Agent Buckley got the message, she moved closer, kneeling behind her. Goosebumps raised against her skin from the heat of the candle, the way Robin’s fingers pressed against the small of her back.
“What are they?” She asked, greeted by silence. “Buckley, what are they?”
Nancy caught a glimpse of a charming smile. “Mosquito bites.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I got eaten alive myself out there.”
Robin stood now, the same grin on her face. Nancy had pulled the robe back over her shoulders in a quick, familiar motion. Relief rushed through her as she fell into Robin, nose pressed into the crook of the girls neck. She felt a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“You okay?”
Nancy composed herself, taking a small step back from Agent Buckley. It was a moment of weakness. She could handle the physical things, had nearly been shot at a number of times, made it through the academy. It was the things that made your mind slip that scared her the most, made her shake uncontrollably.
“You’re shaking.”
“I need to sit down.”
Robin helped her get to the bed, let her sit down on the edge of the floral duvet. Her legs were shaking, and the agent sat close to her. Nancy realized it wasn’t the candle that smelled of mint, it was Robin. “Can I tell you a story?”
Nancy merely nodded; her mouth dry. She liked the closeness, the quiet of the room as rain swam against the windowpanes. Agent Buckley blinked a few times, steadying herself.
 “I was twelve when it happened, my sister, she was eight. She just disappeared out of her bed one night. Just gone, vanished. No note, no phone calls, no evidence of anything.”
Nancy placed her hand on Robin’s knee, giving it a slight squeeze. She hadn’t expected the vulnerability, the same type she had shown as she crashed into an embrace with someone she barely knew.
“You never found her?”
Robin shook her head “Tore the family apart. No one would talk about it. There were no facts to confirm, nothing to offer any hope.”
“What did you do?”
“Eventually, I went off to school in England, I came back, got recruited by the bureau. Seems I had a natural aptitude for applying behavioral models to criminal cases.”  Robin swallowed hard, blinking away the wetness in her eyes “My success allowed me a certain freedom to pursue my own interests. And that’s when I came across the X-files.”
“It was an accident?”
She wouldn’t’ have discovered them if she hadn’t been pulled into the office two days ago. They were hidden, so far beyond the reach of an agent that no one could work out the knots to get to it. To her it seemed like cases no one could solve, ones that no one wanted to.
“At first, it looked like a garbage dump for UFO sightings, alien abductions, the kind of stuff that most people laugh at for being ridiculous. But it was fascinating, I was fascinated. At this point, I think I’ve read through every case I can get my hands on.”
Nancy could understand that, had to after the childhood that she had. There were some things in this world that couldn’t be explained. Her kid brothers’ best friend had vanished in the middle of the night and came back as something else.
The chime of a clock and flickering of lights for communication sent her into a spiral. Yet, the thought of aliens were far out of reach. The emotion in Robin’s stance, in her eyes, made her regret some of the things she had written into her report.
Robin turned her head, the pale moonlight catching the slope of her features, the beauty of her expression. “There’s classified government information I’ve been trying to access but someone has been blocking my attempts to get at it.”
“I don’t understand. Who?”
“Someone at a higher level of power. The only reason I’ve been allowed to continue my work is because I’ve got connections. Connections in congress.”
“And they’re afraid that you’d leak information? Is that it?”
“You’re part of their agenda, you know that.”
“I’m not a part of any agenda,” She said, dismayed, angered “You’ve got to trust me, Buckley. I’m here just like you, to solve this.”
Nancy struggled to swamp places with Robin, to see things from her view. She had put so much faith in science, in the agency that swooped her off the street right out of med school, much to the disappointment of her father. But it seemed as far fetched as the idea of extraterrestrials.
“I’m telling you this, Wheeler, because you need to know. Because of what you’ve seen.” Robin takes a gentle hand and guides Nancy’s eyes away from the floor and to hers, thumb brushing against her cheek. “Listen to me, Wheeler, this thing exists.”
“But how do you know…”
“The government knows about it, and I got to know what they’re protecting. Nothing else matters to me, and this is as close as I’ve ever gotten to it.”
Nancy fought the urge to lean into Robin’s touch. Her eyes flicked to the girls’ lips and then back up, holding her gaze. They were close, warm and entangled in a vulnerable moment. She wanted to embrace Robin ‘Spooky’ Buckley. The big bad of the X-files.
Robin swiped the pad of her thumb comfortingly over the redness of Nancy’s cheek. A loud chirp of the phone pulled them both apart, Nancy startling, swallowing hard and focusing on the pattern of the carpet once more. Robin stood, picking up the phone.
“Hello? What? Who is this?” There was a beat of silence before she hung up, eyes hardening as she looked at Nancy. “That was some woman… she just said that Peggy O’Dell is dead.”
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