#(non canon character)
mewtwoandme · 2 years
Emery 🏳️‍🌈
I identify as a problem and my pronouns are go/f*ck/yourself
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fallen-and-holy · 10 months
Background/Bio post for fictotype/fabling
Cw for GIANT ASS POST (2.5k words) and for traumatic background stuff, abuse, villainous stuff, gore, etc. We’re not glorifying it. 
Tokoyami Eztli, known by people close to him as “Shi”, is a non-canon character from MHA/BNHA. He’s a trans guy, uses he/it pronouns, is pansexual, and is in its early twenties. Its quirk is Khaos, which is similar to Tokoyami Fumikage’s Dark Shadow. A sentient shadow being named Khaos, along with birdlike mutations on the user's body. 
Our life started about 21 years before the events of canon started. Our father was the brother of Tokoyami Fumikage’s father, which is how we’re related. Our parents never wanted a child, and even more so a queer child with a ‘villainous’ quirk. Most of our childhood was spent enduring emotional and physical abuse from our mother, and neglect from our father. We visited Fumikage often, because his parents wanted a relationship, but our parents were always ‘mysteriously busy’. From the moment he was born, we thought of him as our little brother. When we were around 11, we lost control of our quirk and seriously injured a neighborhood kid. We ran, and our parents lost control and tried to kill us. We- m. We killed them, in self defense. The police found us sobbing, and of course assumed that ‘the kid with the villainous quirk finally snapped and killed its poor, innocent parents. The bruises, scars, and blunt force trauma we found on him must have been from his parents' self defense!!!’ and shipped us off to a prison for dangerous, villainous kids. Neither Khaos nor us liked that very much, so we broke out, and started living on the streets. It wasn’t great, but we did what we had to. Khaos and us ended up beating the hell out of a lot of people who tried to hurt us, or the other homeless people we were hanging out with. Eventually, we got such a reputation that other people on the streets would come to us for protection, and offer whatever food, shelter, etc they had. We’d protect them, and take whatever we needed to survive. We ended up being a kinda unofficial vigilante? But we didn’t go after the big, flashy villains, as long as they left us and our people alone. At one point, when Hitoshi was around 11, he ran away from his foster home because of mistreatment due to his quirk. He happened to live in the same city as us, so when we heard of a runaway kid with a ‘villainous quirk’, we were immediately intrigued. We took him under our wing (so to speak) for a few days, but he ended up going back to the foster system. We still met up from time to time, and he basically became a little brother. 
After a few years, we started hearing of a new kid on the streets, with an extremely dangerous and destructive fire quirk. He minded his own business mostly, so we didn’t go looking for him. At one point, though, we found him after a quirk malfunction getting fucked up by some assholes. In a normal situation he could take care of himself, but he was half comatose and delirious from heat damage. We took the guys out, and took Dabi to the place we were staying at the time. When we picked him up, he made some woozy comment about us being an angel, and it's been his nickname for us since. We bandaged him up as best we could, and when he woke up he took off. After that, we ran into each other and saved each other’s lives often enough that we became- allies with benefits was the best word for it. When he joined the League, we did some sniffing around. It had potential, even if it kinda sucked at that point sadfjkahlsfdj. So we joined. The events of our universe split from canon at the training camp. The kids got Bakugo’s marble back somehow, and we made the split second decision to take him instead. We personally thought from the beginning that he would have been a better candidate, but at that point Tomura probably would have killed us for suggesting we had a better plan than him :/ We watched him at the sports festival (we keep tabs on kids with ‘unusual’ quirks, look out for them as much as we can) and we recognized the look in his eyes when he saw his ‘father’ in the stands. So when we uh- when we kidnapped him we convinced Tomura to let us talk to him. And we told him what happened to us. How the whole system, the police, the heroes, just made everything worse. And I told him he didn’t have to be a hero. I told him he didn’t have to join us, either, that I'd make sure he got out safely if he refused. And i told him that if he did join, i would personally make sure he got to exact his vengeance. Also, we knew Dabi was Toya (he told us once while we were high and traumadumping), so we made him go in there and talk to his little brother. They- didn’t make up, not immediately, Dabi still had a lot of shit to work through- but they started. Sho joined the League, but decided to stay at UA and keep his involvement with us a secret. We took him ‘under our wing’, and he became like a little brother to us. Around that point, we also became really close with Himiko. She was a little sister to us. (are you starting to notice a pattern??) Tomura was pissed at the time that he didn’t know what we said to convince Sho to join, but having Endeavor's son in his league was big enough for him to let it go. Things passed like that for a bit, but we started to get more concrete Feelings for Dabi, no longer just a fuckbuddies thing. We also started getting closer to Tomura by gaming with him (and getting fuckin destroyed lol) and getting him high with us. He chilled out a bit over time, we think being treated like An Actual Human Being was all he needed. We kinda assumed Dabi and I were already dating, bc we said ‘ily’ all the time during aftercare and when we were alone, but apparently he thought it was just a sex thing?? God he’s so stupid we love him so much- anyway eventually we had A Discussion and started actually dating. Around that time we both realized we had a massive and hopeless crush on Tomura so we commiserated about that a lot- it all came to a head when Tomura and i just snapped and kissed him- he kissed back, but then broke it and was all worried like “i thought u and Dabi were together” and we were like- “yea and he has a Fat Crush on u too” (not verbatim) and so then i ran and got him and we all ended up making out. We made both of them go to therapy <3 
We kept tabs on Fumikage. After we- after our parents died, we never saw him again. But we watched him, tried to make sure he was okay. When he got into UA, we were proud but worried. We know what the hero system can do to kids like us. We saw him a couple of times in battles, but he never recognised us, which was understandable. At one point though, we were in a battle together. (HEROES SHOULD NOT LET FUCKING CHILDREN BE ON THEIR BATTLEFIELDS!!!!) the League was retreating, Giri’s portal was about to close, when something started to collapse on top of Fumi. We didn’t even think, just launched ourself at him and pushed him out of the way. Khaos managed to keep the thing (dont remember exactly what it was, it was person-sized and made of concrete) from killing us, but we got knocked the fuck out. We woke up in a hero holding cell, with Eraserhead and Fumikage on the other side of the glass. We didn’t- we didn’t do well with the quirk suppressant cuffs. Khaos is- xey’re a sentient being, and a part of us. You can’t just- take xem away. We had a breakdown and nearly managed to get through the glass. Eraserhead- understood, though. Fumi helped convince him because- well, he knew. They got the cuffs off us, and we behaved very well after that. They wanted to know why I saved Fumi, and I decided to tell them the truth. That i would save the life of any child on the battlefield, but that Fumi was my brother (cousin, whatever. He’s our brother). I told them what my ‘parents’ did to me, and what I had to do to them. I told them what the police, what the heroes, what the system did to me. And I told Fumi I loved him. And then the League broke into my cell <33 they knocked out Eraserhead, but we wouldn’t let them touch Fumi. And we told him where to find us if he wanted. The others were Pissed that we risked our life, but it was worth it to us. A few weeks later, Fumi showed up at the ‘neutral ground’ coffee shop we frequented. We restarted our relationship, and became close again. We love our collection of little siblings <33 oh! Speaking of that- in our canon, the overhaul arc was basically: overhaul murdered Big Sis and took Atushiro’s arm. Not Allowed, obviously. Tomura had a genius moment, and pretended to be ‘impressed by his show of strength’ and sent me and Dabi to play nice with him to find somewhere to stab him in his back. When i found out what he was doing to Eri, i lost it. I made Dabi hide her eyes, and i destroyed that fucker. Took his arm, for Atushiro, and his eyes, for Big Sis. Left him alive though, dumped him on Endeavor’s doorstep with a “You’re welcome” and something ominous about ‘consequences that abusers will face’ note.  We took Eri home with us, and she immediately became the League’s kid, and my next little sister. We couldn’t keep her, though. A villains lair is no place for a kid. I heard how well Eraserhead treated his kids from Toshi, Fumi, and Sho, so i brought her to him.  It was a pretty awkward moment tbh- he came downstairs in his flat and i was. just Sitting There. At his table. With a small child. I explained the situation to him, and managed to get out w/out being arrested. After that, me and Eraserhead had an understanding.
Uhhhh that’s all i can think abt that doesn’t happen in canon/isn’t too new/isn’t still developing, so have some random fun facts!
Himiko was the first to ever groom my wings. She was a little sister to me, preening like it was natural to her.  She was excited to do it. That was new to me, any intimacy was. Her preening was quick, exuberant, and she’d wriggle happily in her seat the whole time.
Dabi was the second. He saw my grooming sessions with Himi, and he was curious. I sat down with him, and taught him how to do it. It became a regular thing, even before we started dating. His preening was a little rough, a little clumsy, but it was him, he was trying. And that meant everything to me. 
Tomura was the last to learn. It wasn’t until we started dating that he let himself touch me, let himself be gentle. He was careful and quiet, learning the way my feathers fit together, the way to coax them into place. He was terrified of hurting me, but he never did. I was never afraid of him.
Every human has a scent, but only people with animal mutant or scenting quirks can smell them. A tiny bit of the world only a few people could see (so to speak). 
Dabi smelled of fire. Burning. Cigarettes and gasoline. Acrid smoke. Beneath all that though, was a hint of what his scent must have been before. Palo Santo, a sweet woody scent. He’d probably be insufferable if he found out it was a sacred wood. 
Himi smelled of blood and citrus, bright and metallic. 
Tomura smelled of hibiscus and honey, sweet and regal. 
I smelled of sandalwood and vanilla, earthy and sharp. Khaos smelled of fog and jasmine. 
Fumikage was sandalwood and rose, with Dark Shadow being fog and blueberry. 
Sho was a funky lil combination of floral and mossy wood scents, rose and amber. 
Dabi and I knew each other before the league. We were homeless teens on the streets at the same time. I saved his life once or twice, he returned the favor. (and gave me my nickname of ‘angel’ while delirious from blood loss)
We’d sit on rooftops, smoking and trauma dumping, just holding each other through the pain. Sometimes we’d look at the stars, just… being together. Against all the odds.
Tomura and I weren’t as close in the beginning, but he respected me. And when I learned he liked the same games as me, I started playing with him. Through that, and through missions, we got closer. And once we started dating, the late night playing sessions always ended with us tangled together, luxuriating in each other's presence. 
Dabi sometimes joined us, although his version of ‘joining’ us involved not playing and begging for attention the entire time. 
Dabi and I would share cigarettes and joints, and usually ended up making out by the end of the session.
For most of my life, I fought with knives and my claws close up, while Khaos did long range attacks around me. After the fight with Re Destro, Tomura got me a new weapon. Strengthened metal claws that retract into rings at will. He didn’t say out loud that he was proud of us, but I know he meant it.
Dabi and I share a nickname. “Phoenix”. It's surprisingly not the hero's fault this time, but the reporters. I was doing ‘villainous stuff’ (we thought it counted as vigilante work because of how terrible the people we hunted were but I guess you’re only doing good for the world if you’re taking down flashy villains) and Dabi was coincidentally doing a lot of arson in that same area, and the media ‘connected the dots’ and called us a ‘dangerous new villain’ with ‘some sort of bird-mutant quirk and a penchant for arson’ which… i mean isn’t wrong- but anyway they dubbed this ‘new villain’ Phoenix.
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Dabi and I thought it was fucking hilarious and now Tomura calls us his ‘Pheonix princes’ which is just aaaaaa /vpos
..I didn’t actually know how to read when I joined the league. I could recognize important stuff, like ‘danger’ ‘do not enter’ etc, but I couldn't read. Giri and/or Kumo started to teach me sometime after we broke them out of Tartarus. 
I’d fluff up my feathers when angry or scared; my pupils, while usually slit like a cats, would dilate when I was happy/excited/loving
Mirko and I had a kinda frenemies thing going on? We’d chat, gossip, and play flirt while fighting each other, it was pretty fun. 
Our tail!!! Our tail was so cool!! It was a thin whiplike tail, with a fan of feathers at the end that could fold up. It didn’t take up much space, and we could fold it back when not using it, but it was useful for balance/steering in flight. Also, we could smack ppl with it!! :D 
Although our wings had blackbird coloration, they were shaped like a falcons', and so were our talons. 
Uhhh there u go!! Ty for reading this monstrosity of a post- if anyone wants to rant abt their OCs/non-canon characters in my asks PLEASE do- i want to hear about them sm <3
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My take on prunsel 👁👅👁
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jaybirddragon06 · 2 years
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I made this reboot of Venus De Milo for ROTTMNT because the show is awesome and I haven’t seen a lot of reboots about Venus, but now I got you! This is her current look, but she does have another look I’ll upload after the ROTTMNT Movie comes out and I’ve watched it. Venus was created by Draxum at the same time as the turtle brothers, so she is technically Splinters kid. Traumatized, trust issues, daddy issues and some regrets, Venus learns what it’s like to be loved and cared for. Even if she is technically 17, she still does everything she can to hang out with her brothers, friends and other family! 
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general-sleepy · 1 year
Fic writers, put in the tags what the difference in hits is between your most and least viewed fics. Mine is 7,720 (7,779-59).
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blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
The narrator and the ugly ahh protagonist [Blank Scripts AU/non-canonical]
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cyanwyrmy · 4 months
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Oh dear… (cw: needle and syringe)
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(Fan Art!)
I think Eddie is afraid of needles and dreads doing his T-shot each week. It’s not that he doesn’t want the T, but he’d prefer it didn’t come from a nasty poke every Monday. Thank the stars Frank always remembers. Now that I’m thinking about it, Eddie would genuinely forget sometimes if he’d done it. Poor sap.
If it’s not obvious, this is based purely on my experience with T-shots 😅 it might be silly, but it’s a comforting thought to me that Eddie might share my struggle haha. I’m very blessed to have people in my life willing to help me 🩷
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canisalbus · 1 year
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wild-magic-oops · 6 months
It's a crime that pulling Gale out of the portal doesn't land him right on top of the player character, accidentally pinning them to the ground, with their faces just oh so close together
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fuumiku · 7 months
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ACNH AU but it’s just Chil as Tom Nook giving out lax loans to people in need with his half-foot guild, and his close friend Isabelle Marcille helping out and hanging around. Been playing ACNH and came to the realization that Tom Nook & Isabelle give Chil & Marcille energy, and immediately had to draw it…
Man wanted to retire early but still hasn’t stopped. What I want for post-canon Chilchuck is just for him to have Tom Nook energy fr fr
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evol-astraea · 1 month
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Riveder le stelle.
Inspired by Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto XXXIV, line 139.
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moo9395 · 5 months
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It came to me in the shower
Edit: this went a lot further than I expected so I feel like I should reinforce the fact that I firmly believe they’re all autistic (or have ADHD). It’s not just these three. They’re all my little ND babies.
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fallen-and-holy · 10 months
Would anyone be interested in an indepth post about the background/life of our fictotype? It's a non-canon character from MHA/BNHA. (mostly bc we want to post memes we made abt ourself but they wont make sense w/out context '^^)
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evasive-anon · 5 months
Jason was having a pretty OK time with the league of assassins, sure getting dunked in a lazarus pit sucked and Bruce turned out to be a scumbag who didn't care about him, but at least he isn't dead. He even liked most of the new skills he was learning there so on the whole being with the league seemed like a pretty good deal to him until Talia woke him up in the middle of the night and left him alone with two child assassins.
Or, a demon twins AU where when Talia realizes her father intends to have her boys fight to the death takes action first by deciding to take all her kids and leave the league. Talia either dies or is separated from them in the initial escape and now Jason just has a bag of supplies and a letter from Talia explaining the plan to get to Gotham. Jason has to get himself and two 7 year olds out of the Himalayas, across a desert, and over 12k miles to Gotham. Only now the league members hunting them down want them dead or worse and Jason isn't too confident that B will accept them given their kill counts.
Good Mom Talia. she loves her kids. Did she teach them to kill? Sure, but that's an important life skill.
Single Teen Mom Jason. He's the oldest and in charge but he also will not answer any questions about The Plan™ given he isn't committed to Talia's but also doesn't have a set alternative. Oscillates between looking forward to just dumping his new little brothers with Bruce so they'll be his problem and thinking of just moving somewhere random in the US and keeping them based entirely on how cute vs annoying they are at that time. Didn't realize how much he relied on Talia to help him with things until she is gone. He's really trying his best but he wasn't all that emotionally stable before this so hang in there.
Angry Smol Dami. He's still drinking the LoS punch and really dislikes that he is now considered a traitor. Can't stand that Jason won't answer any of his very relevant questions. Is actually very scared but will not show it. Misses his mom. Didn't even know he had siblings until his mom yoinked him out of bed that night and brought him to Jason and Danny and started all this. Physically the stronger twin. Thinks Danny is dragging them down in fights and also may blame him a bit because clearly his mother only did all this to spare him.
Danny, reincarnated with limited access to his memories and powers. Has been trying to keep his powers a secret. Talia knew about them but never told anyone but she may have hinted at it in her letter to Jason. Not the strongest physically but very good at stealth and social interactions. Didn't know he had and older brother or twin before Jason woke him up at Talia's instruction that night. Thinks Damian is mean and has faith Jason knows what he's doing even if that is very much untrue.
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rogueolight · 1 month
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lilowoof · 9 months
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splatoon 3 and those they/them octo pussies, eh?
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