#(affectionate) zhou ying so much
Love is Written in the Stars...I’m glad I watched it, I surprisingly enjoyed it more than I thought I would.  MangoTV is the god of fucking with my heart strings, that’s for fucking sure.
But anyways.  I originally started watching this just for Patrick and Ian but then as the episodes went on, I got sucked into the plot and the story and the characters.  Did I skip many a kiss/romantic scene?  Yes, because I don’t do romance but again, I still enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
As for the characters, I loved Ian and Patrick’s characters, oh my god they were delightful.  Little shits (affectionate).  I swear, Ning Lan was like if you took Chen Yuzhi’s body and shoved Jiang Yuelou’s feral personality into it.  That’s exactly who Ning Lan is.  As for Pei Yin, he’s the complete opposite of Yu Tangchun but he was delightful and I loved him. 
Wei Qi and Zhou Yuan both grew on me...I had more affection for Zhou Yuan than I did Wei Qi, and that’s mainly because him and his jealousy problem got on my fucking nerves.  Like my guy, chill. 
Li Mian and Xingyue were so fucking cute.  So cute.  And Li Mian’s character growth from being some playboy to being the most loyal fucking husband I have ever seen in my god damn life was just *chef’s kiss*. 
Lin Yan also grew on me.  Her relationship with Ning Lan was cute and her Ink Reading powers were quite interesting.  At first I thought she was going to be just some spoiled rich girl who was going to be the second female lead but then when you find out about her backstory you’re like babygirl, oh my god.  (I’m glad her shitty father is dead, jesus)
And I can’t forget about Xue Deng.  This motherfucker...this motherfucker, I thought he was going to be the fucking villain but I was wrong.  This boy is my poor little murder meow meow.  I love him.  He just wanted love and I’m glad he got to experience it through Wei Qi’s older sister and Wei Lin (and even passed on his powers to Wei Lin so that his death wasn’t for nothing).  This fucker grew on me so god damn fast...ugh.
Cui Ying...I still don’t like her, I’m sorry.  I just don’t.  I don’t have much to say about her other than I don’t like her.  I think I’ve said enough about her in my liveblogs for y’all to know why I don’t like her, so I won’t say it here.
Also, because it’s MangoTV, I thought they were going to pull an ep. 37 and they kind of did...they kind of did and it fucking hurt when we and Wei Qi realized that no one knew who Zhou Yuan was and that they had never heard of her...but I am glad that everyone sort of got their “happy ending” in the “fixed/normal” timeline.  Still hurts tho.  My heart and emotions were played with and I don’t much appreciate that (fucking emotional whiplash).  And it was quite a twist at the end to realize that the whole drama...was pretty much the story of Wei Qi and Zhou Yuan’s meeting and falling and love.  That was clever.
Would I watch it again?  No, probably not because again, I don’t do romance, but I would definitely jump around and rewatch scenes with Ian and Patrick because they were a delight.  If you like romance and comedy, I think you would enjoy this drama.  The angst will come out of left field sometimes though and it will hurt because it’s MangoTV. 
But I did enjoy it.  Surprisingly. 
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idledee · 2 years
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it just occurred to me that i never posted any of my tai sui stuff here-- so here they are! please read it, it tackles the environmental, ethical, and classist implications surrounding the well-known cultivation genre, also about the power of language and naming, also about identity and autonomy, also about the pain of trying to help someone who doesn’t want to be saved :-]
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wastedwastelandme · 2 years
Why I LOVE Legend of Fei
I’ve decided to actually post some things on here, and since I’ve picked a Legend of Fei theme, my first is just going to be me gushing about how much I love the drama Legend of Fei.
Gonna do an under the cut because I’ve never met a topic I couldn’t turn into an overly long word ramble.
This show is a historical wuxia c-drama that is a super fun adventure-romance story that isn’t that deep and can just be enjoyed for the straightforward action romp it is. It follows Zhou Fei in her rise as a hero in the martial arts world with help from her mysterious and flirty travel companion Xie Yun and a lot of her family, as well as allies found in old masters that help her level up her skills to defeat the mini-boss of the arc. The actions scenes are really engaging and well-choreographed, and there are a plethora of badass female characters in here. The characters are endearing and the villains are delightfully over-the-top. When a bunch of them have to interact and work together it gave me Kim Possible vibes of them barely maintaining their alliance with their disdain for each other (my fave was Hu Tian Ying, the most deadly woman alive. Girl could’ve won the game if she had just stayed retired!). Also if it interests anyone, this is based on a book written by the same author who wrote the book for Word of Honor. I haven’t read them, but I’ve seen both shows, and it can be really funny seeing all the plot elements that overlap in them.
This connection might also be why it is one of the most bi vibes shows I have ever seen. A’Fei spends a hot second admiring how gorgeous Madam Ni Chang is and gets adorably flustered around her, Xie Yun flirts with everybody, Chu Chu might as well be flipping coins trying to decide which pure of heart mountain hero to travel with, Li Yan has her triad going on, Madam Ni Chang has her all-women spy troupe, everybody was in love with A’Fei’s grandpa back in the day. Even Li Sheng leans a little with how pretty he thought Chu Chu was in men’s clothes (which is understandable Chu Chu looks pretty in everything). And don’t even get me started on Phoenix Master Mu Xiao Qiao, the coolest character in the whole show. Is anything explicit? No, I won’t lead you on like that. But are the vibes strong enough anyway? Hell yes.
My favorite aspect of this show is absolutely the family dynamic. A’Fei parents have such different personalities but their relationship is built with such love and respect (her father being known as the only one who can make her mother smile, Li Jin Rong picking vegetables for when Zhou Yin Tang is sick, her sewing clothes that she sends to him that he exclusively wears even though she is terrible at sewing (which is a act of love that A’Fei copies making a drawstring bag for Xie Yun)). And even if A’Fei’s relationship with her mom is rocky at the beginning, it is still obvious that Li Jin Rong cares for her and is so proud of her daughter (reflecting the pride her own father showed her when training her to take over as leader), and A’Fei obviously loves her parents and has a very family-centric way of thinking. Her relationship with her cousins is cute too, Li Sheng developing into a concerned and teasingly affectionate older brother type, and them both dealing with Li Yan as one deals with the youngest. It is also hilarious that after spending their entire lives exclusively interacting with family and clan members, they all manage to find life partners within like a month of leaving their mountain for the first time. Truly making their heartthrob grandpa proud. The in-laws add even more to this dynamic, and I lost track of how many times I said “I love this family” out loud while watching.
The romance in the show is wonderful on all counts for me. Our main leads Zhou Fei and Xie Yun work so well because their romance is built on them becoming best friends first. Xie Yun is definitely flirty from the start, but they genuinely become friends first before any romance starts happening, and it makes their bond both more believable and that much sweeter. Li Sheng and Chu Chu are adorable, and I mainly found delight in how relatable I found Li Sheng’s heart eyes because I was always like “Me too, buddy!!” The Poly Poison Pack of Li Yan, Yang Jin and Ying He Cong was as cute as it was hilarious from how stupid all 3 of them are.
A low point is definitely the whole Yin Pei situation, which is strange because all the stuff around it is really interesting and cool. Li Sheng coming into his own as a leader. Madam Ni Chang fight scene with her troupe. The parallel to Chu Chu and her steady training of martial arts that will never reach the heights of her friends after starting so late but still being indispensable in keeping the knowledge of several masters from being lost, compared to Yin Pei’s meteoric rise in skill from ill-gotten gains that will inevitably lead to his downfall. Everything with Yin Pei himself however was such a drag, couldn’t wait until he was gone.
Also we never got to see the flashback of Ninth Madam Duan storming the Disha Manor when every detail they gave about it was the coolest ever. It was as revenge for the death of Zhou Fei’s grandpa, she had the mini-boss of the arc’s head held under her foot at one point, it was a team-up between her and a young Li Jin Rong, Ninth Madam Duan did the whole thing on her wedding day while wearing her wedding dress?!? Absolutely criminal we never got to see it.
I love this show, if you want a fun time give it a shot. I’m planning a rewatch very soon :)
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