#(Unless they are Kazuichi or like her for similar reasons as Kazuichi)
more-than-a-princess · 4 months
your  name: The Supreme Overlord of Ice and Snow, Gundham Tanaka
your age: 17
your perfect date:  I've never been on such a thing, but I imagine a walk in the woods or a hike would be ideal. Somewhere secluded, within nature, where we could find a clearing to break for a feast. Or perhaps, we simply stay inside and watch anime, or read grand tomes together.
make out in private or in public?:  Private. If the mere mortals saw a God do this deed, I'm afraid that it would have dire consequences.
do you like to cuddle?:  I have only done such a thing with a bear and a dog, but I believe I would enjoy it with someone that can withstand my aura.
tell me something about you: My magic skill level is at 420, however, I depleted some mp earlier casting a spell to calm a demon, so now it is at a measly 380.
why do you want to be my valentine?: You are my closest friend, someone that will never judge me. You are full of life and light, someone who is popular and so unlike myself. I admire you, Dark Queen. And am hopelessly in love with you.
//Your reply is in my drafts, coming soon~
Valentine's Day Application - Accepting through February 14!
It was crass to ask for Valentine's Day applications while wishing only for one in particular, wasn't it? Sonia had wanted to be open to celebrating the holiday however it was meant to be done in Japan: sending chocolates to friends, gathering up the courage to send a very specially-crafted chocolate to one person in particular, and simply enjoying the red and pink, heart and chocolate-filled atmosphere.
She didn't want to have expectations that were higher than that: nothing like she'd seen in anime, in their very special Valentine's Day episodes. In romantic slice-of-life shows, they were just as pivotal as the Christmas episodes: confessions that made or broke couples. There were no higher stakes, and Sonia tried not to dwell on those too much each afternoon she sat in Gundham's lab, watching him bathe a bear or feed a snake, or allowing her to groom the puppies and kittens that came into his care.
And wondering if, just maybe, he had it in him to care for another human as deeply as he did for his animals. It had been foolish to wish for it, she thought as she brushed over fuzzy bellies and long tails. He had so much to give to those who needed it, she had no right to ask to be a priority, his priority.
Yet...there it was, black and white, in her hands: a request, a wish, that matched her own.
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"Imagine," She murmured, her smile soft as she reread the words again and again, committing them to memory as if they would disappear the moment she looked away. "Being Gundham Tanaka and never experiencing a date, or cuddles, or kisses. I would not believe it unless he told me."
Sighing, content and relieved and so many other emotions she'd found herself suppressing for so long, Sonia ran her hand over the page and nodded. She wouldn't cry. Even if there was no one around to witness it, she would not shed tears for something so wonderful: it might give him the wrong impression. That his application saddened her, when it was, in fact, the exact opposite.
"Yes, a thousand times yes," Sonia said. "To my closest friend, the one person who sees me for everything I am and will never judge me for it. I would be happy with anything, as long as it is with you."
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Random Danganronpa S musings after having 24 hours to digest the announcement
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— Get a load of that cover art. I’m sort of surprised that they spoil the existence of Toko’s other personality right there on the front, but I guess that’s a pretty early reveal in the very first game and it’s also heavily telegraphed in advance, so no biggie. The real question here is: WHY is Komaru so prominently shown when her starring role is the only game not included in the collection? I would fucking LOVE to later find out that we’re also getting Ultra Despair Girls in this set somehow, but I don’t think there’s any chance of that. And I seriously doubt she’s going to be integral to the events of Danganronpa S: USC. So what gives? Perhaps it’s just another way to mislead newcomers, like the prominence of Kaede and Hifumi. The entire selection of characters here is sort of curious and makes me wonder if this art already existed before now. I don’t believe I’ve previously seen it, though.
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 — I wonder how they’re fusing the turn-based combat into the board game this time? Obviously there shouldn’t be some random “exams” that occur at the end of a board, because the story is no longer centered around completing years of school. So what’ll be the driver behind encountering enemies? Maybe they’ll be on random board spaces? 
— They showed us the screen where you can choose higher-level cards that represent more powerful versions of the game characters just like in Ultimate Talent Development Plan. But the main reason to use those rare-unlock options in UTDP was to get tougher characters for use in the Despair Dungeon. I’m not expecting a dungeon crawler to be included with this one, so what’s the purpose of the S-level cards and such? ........ Unless I really should expect dungeon crawling to be integrated into this somehow! I’m just spitballing now, but maybe we will progress through various boards, and some boards will represent dungeons/combat areas? 
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— Of course I assume Junko is behind the invasion of Monokuma and his army of Mono-bots. I’m quite confident that this is going to be another AU where she has a whole new plot for driving despair just like she did in UTDP/Despair Dungeon. Perhaps the entire resort trip is part of her overarching plan. We’ve already seen Junko (on the title screen) and “Junkuro” (seen above) in the screenshots so far, too, so Mukuro is presumably acting as support for Junko’s plot once more. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Tsumugi is in on the plot again as well... even though I’ve long wanted to see a version of Tsumugi who isn’t just evil. I was actually disappointed when I unlocked the scene in UTDP that revealed she was still putting on a front to hide her true nature. 
— The prescence of “Junkuro” strongly implies that we won’t once AGAIN won’t get to see Mukuro as herself. :( That was one of the big disappointments of UTDP for me, although I realized at the time that UTDP was mostly made out of existing assets. However, now that they’re making a bunch of new sprites and CGs for Danganronpa S, it makes the idea of trapping Mukuro in her disguise just much harder to swallow... I hope I’m wrong and we can unlock some way to play as Mukuro as herself. UTDP at least gave us a retro sprite for her, but it doesn’t seem like it’d be that difficult to give her a proper sprite set.
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— What can we glean about the gameplay from the above screenshot? What drove the player to wander into a dead end of the board? Will such dead ends potentially hide some special items, rare events, or secret pathways? Is the player’s choice to venture down there somehow connected to the “Mission” stated at the bottom? Are these “missions” going to be side objectives or the main requirements to progress? It’s also noteworthy that every image/video of the board we’ve been given shows the same section of the same board. Is there only going to be one massive board for each runthrough, or will we still see different board options/”courses”? I hope for the latter, but I could do without the Despair Course...
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— Dude, I was shocked to see that Togami is ripped on the title screen. Still, I guess it’s believable enough that he’d take the time to sculpt his body as much as possible. I was much MORE shocked to see Kazuichi looking fucking CUT in the swimsuit scene. What the hell?! How many abs can you develop from mechanic work? Because I am assuming none. I guess he must work a lot of crunches into his days. 
— Remember the “Future Course” in UTDP? It took a ton of time to unlock it, but I loved that there was a way to bring in the Danganronpa 3 anime-only characters, even if it was just for simplistic retro-style sprite interactions. I wonder if we’ll see anything similar with those characters in this release? They already have the retro sprites, after all! So here’s hoping for more time with the Future Foundation crew. 
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— Really digging the fact that you now unlock story/interaction scenes on a menu where you can rewatch them. That’s going to make the scenes I’ve experienced so much easier to track! I’d really like to see them provide some hints for any spaces on the menu that are unfilled, but I won’t hold my breath.
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— The selection of characters featured in the Collector’s Edition art print is sort of random, isn’t it? When you take all three together, is there any commonality they share? This feels like the result of some Japanese fan poll that determined these to be the most beloved/marketable options or somesuch.
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honeybomb4thebear · 4 years
Hi! So idk if you're doing a limit on the number of NSFW alphabet letters for each character, but if not, can I get a-z with teruteru? And if that's too many, B,D,F,H, and T? Thank you so much! I love your writing!
Warning: N//F*W!! (i don’t know how should I write it!!)
A=Aftercare - What they do/act like after sex. ⦁ You know he will act all tough and smug, but he'll be VERY tired. He will try to tease you about how he "worn you out", but you both know who is the tired one here...
B=Bondage - Are they into BDSM, and how far they’ll go if they have a green light. ⦁ C'mon, it's Teru. Of course he is into BDSM. But as cliche as it sounds, he is definetly afraid of getting hurt/hurting you. Like extreme stuff, knifeplay or sumth. Aside from that, he will tie you up, and is a rope bunny himself, probably not a fan of degrading/getting degraded. Expect lots of dirty talk, though.
C=Cum - pretty self explanatory. ⦁ It's decently thick, probably tastes sweet too because as a chef he has a good diet himself.
D=Dom - Are they dominant, submissive, a switch? ⦁ Oh my god he is such a switch. I feel like the more perverted you are, the more of a switch you become. Look at Miu, Kazuichi and Teru for example. Chef boi is definetly a switch.
E=Edgeplay - Similar to ‘Kinks’ except it’s a lot riskier than usual kinks (knifeplay, breathplay, etc.). ⦁ No it's too risky lol. He really isn't a fan of hurting you, no matter how big of a pervert he is. Does exhibitionism count though? If so, he is an exhibitionist.
F=Fantasy - A fantasy of theirs (ex: a teacher/student fantasy). ⦁ Okay, it's kinda specific but probably something like this: After a busy day as a professional chef, he arrives to his huge mansion, and you are waiting for him in an erotic costume. Instant nosebleed. You massage his stiff shoulders as he tells you about his day and how you look even more delicious than the food he prepares all day long, and then it quickly escalates from there. ⦁ Or so he thinks- actually the thing he REALLY fantasies about you two in his hometown, in your own cosy house making out on the couch as the snow falls outside and the crackling from the fireplace fills your ears, along with the cute whimpering and moaning of yours. Then you "make love". After the session, you two cuddle and declare each other your love- it's romantic, it's warm and it's sweet.
G=Got Caught - How they react when they get caught having sex. ⦁ HE IS DEFINETLY SMUG AF. WATCH HIM SMIRK AS HE TALKS ABOUT HOW THE PERSON WHO CAUGHT YOU "could watch you as you make love". Scold him after that, because even though the person left he really shouldn't have done that... But well, you know that he did it because he was proud of having sex with you- and he is quite an exhibitionist. Still not an okay thing to do, though.
H=Hot Spots - A place that drives them crazy when stimulated (EX: neck). ⦁ Between her thighs. Not quite his cock, just his inner thighs. Watch him go crazy after that.
I=Intimacy - How romantic they are, or can be, before, during, or after sex. ⦁ He is definetly smug- like, super duper cocky. But when you act all soft, expect him to turn into a softie in an instant. If you talk about how much you love him, he will blush real quick and handle you with care. Or will let you handle him with care...
J=Journey - Their ideal way of leading up to sex. ⦁ After you keep complimenting the food he made for you, he will act all suave and kiss your hand. You blush but let him kiss you more, until he reaches your lips. Then, yeah- he is fine with anything.
K=Kinks - I’ll list a few of their kinks, be they the normalized ones or kinkier kinks. ⦁ Uhhh foodplay maybe? And praise, definetly praise.
L=Location -  Where they like to have sex at, do they like risky locations, etc. ⦁ He is fine with anywhere y'all- aside from somewhere near his mother.
M=Masturbation - How they are when they get themselves off, what they get themselves off to. ⦁ He moans and giggles quite a bit, if you are near he will ESPECIALLY moan out your name, and will be louder in general. He wants to get caught usually- but if he doesn't he will just giggle and let out some breathy moans. He used to get himself off to porn, but now it's just you.
N=NO - A few things that they will absolutely, under no circumstances, ever do. ⦁ Yeah for real, don't hurt him. Overstimulation is okay, though. Also seeing you in tears because of the pleasure and pain is hot, but nothing too extreme pls. And also he would definetly not want to get caught by his mother, so no sex near her too-
O=On’s - Their top turn on’s that they have (things that’ll get them super horny super quickly). ⦁ Basically anything you do with the intention of turning him on. Also, idk if that counts but pat his hair. His hair is important for him, he takes good care of it and for you to acknowledge it will make him happy and even turned on if you do it well enough. Which is, knowing Teru, not much effort is needed lol
P=Position -  Their favourite position to have sex in. ⦁ G-Whiz, the position where you lie back with your legs resting on your partner's shoulders. Both roles are okay with him, however with a femdom he'd prefer cowgirl's helper.
Q=Quickie - Do they like it, do they prefer quickies over actual sex, etc. ⦁ Yeah he likes it! It doesn't mean he prefers it over actual sex, though. He gets horny quite often so thought of fucking you right after is nice for him. Or getting fucked by you, that is-
R=Rough - How rough they are, or get, when in bed. ⦁ He is rough lol. That's why he gets tired. And the other reason being...
S=Stamina - How long they can go before they tap out. ⦁ ...his stamina. No, it isn't like he doesn't have much, he is full of energy y'know-. It's just that he pushes himself too hard, he gets very tired after it ends.
T=Toys - Do use toys, do they own them, what kind, etc. ⦁ Of course he does. Vibrators, gags, ropes (if they count), dildos, strap-ons... He is a frequent at the erotic shops. Watch out for the kokeshi dynamo though lol
U=Unfair - How much they tease you, how they tease you, etc. ⦁ TEASES YOU AND CALLS YOU A PERVERT FOR WANTING TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM AFTERWARDS. THAT FUCKER ISTG- ⦁ Also he will insert a vibrator and make you go on with your day as he randomly pushes its switch with a perverted grin. He will enjoy seeing your embarrassed face so, so much-
V=Volume - How loud they get when having sex, things they might say, etc. ⦁ He screams "AVRIL LAVINGEEEEEEEEE" or some random American popstar as he cums, not because he thinks of them instead of you but because that's just how he is- he will apologize afterwards. But you know him so it'll be okay, hopefully. Oh, he also moans a lot. And giggles seductively.
W=Wild Card - a random letter for the character of your choice. ⦁ The favorite body part of his... Is his hair, but aside from that, it's his voice. I mean, c'mon. His voice is so hot.
X=X-Ray - How they look with their clothes off. ⦁ Chubby boy with strechmarks at the end of his stomach. The tanlines are visible as well! His cock is... 10 cm erect. It's thick, though.
Y=Yearning - How often they need to have sex. ⦁ Very rarely! You know how he is- just kidding, he'd be down to fuck 7/24, unless he is sad or sumth.
Z=ZZZ - How quickly they fall asleep after having sex. ⦁ Like I said, he'll be super tired afterwards so watch him pass out after he tries to do your aftercare lol.
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
Danganronpa shorts: Luck in a mansion
It was a rather cloudy day when Kazuichi had an idea. A rather strange and disastrous idea, if I, Hajime Hinata, were being honest.
"So, let's go to this mansion! I heard it was scientifically interesting!"
Kazuichi Soda was a rather cowardly man and his defining characteristic was crushing over a woman (and making her uncomfortable with his advances) who would never return his feelings. He was truly hopeless in that regard and prone to fits of jealousy towards anyone who got close to her.
However, he had another side to him. He was also the Ultimate Mechanic and had been accepted by Hope's Peak for that reason. Thus, whenever he came upon a machine, his first instinct was to attempt to open it up and see how it worked. I suppose his fascination with machines in this manner is somewhat similar to Nagito's fascination with hope.
Speaking of which—
"What a hopeful idea, Kazuichi! I am sure the scientific mysteries of the mansion would give rise to hope when solved by someone as great as you!" Nagito Komaeda said, a little starry eyed. Well, that wasn't unexpected since he appeared to try and find hope....virtually everywhere.
However, it was an unspoken thing in our class that we are likelier to be less confident in things after Nagito's over blown praises than more confident unless it benefited the person being praised.
Now, it benefitted Kazuichi.
"Yeah, we all might find something for ourselves too!!! Besides it would be a fun outing!!!"
"Your hope for this outing is so beautiful, Kazuichi, I am sure it will turn out as the Ultimate Outing!" Nagito went on, ecstatic.
"Errr, yeah," Kazuichi looked mildly uncomfortable at that and I swallowed a retort of, "A taste of your own medicine, huh?" and instead said,
"Well, happy outing, you too, then."
"Wait no, you are coming with us as well," Kazuichi said, "No way in hell am I going with this weirdo alone."
I wonder what made him think that I wanted to go alone with two weirdos who were drunk on their respective obsessions. Atleast Kazuichi was less likelier to murder people due to said obsession but still.
"So Hajime is in," Kazuichi said, not waiting for my answer.
"Wait, I never said—"
"—however it appears that you need four people according to the ticket, Kazuichi, so it appears that you need to invite another person," Nagito said, completely ignoring me and looking over the paper Kazuichi was clutching in his hand.
"I do, yes," Kazuichi said, "Miss Sonia would you—"
She pretended as if he did not exist.
Downtrodden Kazuichi went on, "I can kick out Nagito if you want—"
Still no response.
Utterly crushed, Kazuichi turned back to us.
"So.....," his enthusiasm was noticeably less than before, "I...."
"Don't give up hope, Kazuichi! I am sure something would turn up for you at the mansion!"
This caused me to feel like Nagito just wanted to go to that super mysterious mansion. Well, I suppose my own curiosity had been spiked as well due to the ambiguous way Kazuichi framed it.
"You think?" Kazuichi said, looking slightly more hopeful.
"Absolutely! There's hope in that mansion!"
Slightly uncomfortable, Kazuichi scratched his neck.
"Well, I suppose I can't turn this down......but we need another person."
He looked around the place and I sent a silent prayer to the unfortunate person who would grab his eye.
"Hey, Fuyuhiko—!"
Now I felt sorry for Kazuichi.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu was the Ultimate Yakuza and rather foul mouthed and brash despite his small stature. He was also the last person who would get dragged into such a thing.
Or so had I thought, woefully underestimating Kazuichi's persuasion skills.
"What is it?" Fuyuhiko snapped, "What do you want?"
"Hey, want to go with us to this mansion?" Kazuichi said, walking over and sitting down in front of him with a wide shark like grin.
"...who's us?" Fuyuhiko said.
"Hajime, me and Nagito."
"....I am not going."
"Why, do you want to make out with Peko or something?"
"No, what the fuck."
"Come on, please, we just need another member and you are perfect for that."
"I said I am not going—"
Kazuichi proceeded to whine and annoy the living hell out of Fuyuhiko for the next one hour, causing him to give in. Evidently, his dedication to machines was more than his personal pride.
A day later, we were all standing in front of the mansion.
The weather was still cloudy. The weather forecast hadn't informed us about any rain, but considering that Nagito was tagging along.....well anything was possible. Already he was sporting bandaged arms when he had arrived today and seemed apprehensive to go with us. However Kazuichi had dragged him along anyways, with a, "No backsies."
I had asked him about the bandaged arms and his reply had been,
"Ahaha, it's the bad luck for the good luck that an Ultimate would invite such a worthless person like me........all I would do is bring along bad luck, however I am sure the Ultimates can overcome that."
If just going on a fun trip punished him in this manner, I suppose I can see why he is the way he is. In a way. I don't think I will ever come close to understanding Nagito Komaeda.
"So, we are staying here for a week, okay?" Kazuichi said, bringing out the keys. They were huge and fit for such an ancient mansion like this.
He unlocked the door. We pushed it together, causing it to swing back with a groan.
That was the first thing I noted about this place. How absolutely silent it was.
The next thing I noticed was how dark it was.
Fuyuhiko took out a lighter to light the torches, looking creeped out himself.
"Oi, Kazuichi, I thought this was a scientific mystery, not a test of courage in a haunted house," he said, grumbling.
"...a scientific mystery is what they called it," Kazuichi said, looking confused himself.
"Ah, I am sure we can use science to investigate a paranormal mystery! If it can be solved using science, then it makes it a scientific mystery!" Nagito pointed out.
"I suppose so."
"I still have a bad feeling about this place.....," I muttered, going to help Fuyuhiko with the lights, "Besides, do we have a map?"
"Right in front of you, Hajime," Nagito chirped and I turned around to see that indeed, there was a map right in front of me.
"It looks like your hidden Talent could be Ultimate Map Summoner," he joked next, going to check the map in question.
"Lay off that already."
I might have forgotten my Ultimate Talent but that didn't give him the permission to rub it into my face at every turn.
Kazuichi used the light of the torches to check the keys.
"The numbers inscribed on the keys correspond to that on the map," Nagito spoke. This guy had some seriously good skills of observation. For a brief moment, I wondered why he isn't the Ultimate Detective instead.
"I see," Kazuichi went to check the map as well and began matching the keys to the map, "The map is incomplete....it looks too small for such a huge place.....wait, it's burnt off at the end."
Having finished lighting the torches, Fuyuhiko and I went to check the map in question as well. To allow Fuyuhiko to see it, Nagito moved back.
"Well, I am sure Ultimates such as yourselves would be able to figure out the rest of the map."
"Dude, we none of us are the Ultimate Mansion Map Imaginer over here," Kazuichi said, rolling his eyes.
Nagito looked at me.
"Definitely not," I said, "The map is extremely weird."
"I wonder which dumbass thought it would be a great idea to burn this map off," Fuyuhiko grumbled, "This better not be a prank Kazuichi."
"Why don't the lot of you believe me," Kazuichi spoke, "I saw this place at the same time as you all did. I originally got the ticket from my uncle who asked me to visit this place with three other people."
"Highly suspicious uncle, I see," Fuyuhiko said, "Well it would be the best to explore what areas we can explore and keep our stuff in the bedrooms."
"There are two bedrooms," I said squinting at the map, "Or that's what I can get from this map anyways."
"Well then we have to share it!" Kazuichi said, most cheerfully.
".....what," the rest of us chorused.
None of us had ever heard such a suggestion before.
".....share one bedroom between us, isn't that the most obvious conclusion?" Kazuichi tried again.
"I am too worthless to—," Nagito started up.
"We aren't that chummy—," Fuyuhiko spoke up.
"...sounds rather embarassing," I said.
Faced with our combined refusal, Kazuichi took a step back in exasperation.
"Then do you all geniuses have a better idea????"
"Yes," Fuyuhiko spoke before any of us could, "Explore the mansion and find atleast two more bedrooms."
".......you guys are so dedicated to being tsundere that it's honestly really sad," Kazuichi said, checking the keys again.
"Hey, what was that for—," I started.
"How fucking dare you," Fuyuhiko growled.
".....Uh, since none of us want to share rooms, I suppose we should split up and search? After all, it would be troublesome if we got lost," Nagito said, trying to quell us. It worked, apparently since Kazuichi nodded appreciatively.
"Nagito and Hajime can go together," he said, giving half the keys to me, "And Fuyuhiko can come with me."
Suffice to say, neither Fuyuhiko nor I were too happy about our respective partners, however we chose not to argue.
Kazuichi pushed open the door to the entrance hall which had electric lights on for some reason.
"Let's go."
"It would be rather interesting if your hidden Talent could come into play here," Nagito said while we searched the kitchen. It was, shockingly enough, filled with modern amenities, which caused me to wonder what the hell was up with the first corridor. It was probably for show, though. And Nagito was still hung over my Talent since we started walking together, making me wish I had brought a duct tape to seal his mouth with.
"I don't see why you are so obsessed with my Talent," I said, searching the microwave. It had a single roasted chicken. It looked rather appetizing.
"What, don't you want to know what Talent got you into Hope's Peak? Maybe your hidden Talent is Ultimate Amnesia for all we know...."
"That's a mental disorder, not something to excel at," I grumbled, taking the chicken out.
"Hm...?" Nagito appeared to have caught smell of the roasted chicken and came over, ".......how odd."
"Well—," my sentence remained incomplete as a light came out of the open microwave and sucked Nagito to God knows where like something out of a sci fi movie.
The chicken dropped from my hand in shock.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu with anyone who wasn't Peko Pekoyama happened to make a rather caustic pair.
Especially right now, when he was searching a bedroom that resembled that of a hospital with Kazuichi Souda. Kazuichi had been needling him on tips to get a girl (Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess) to like him, because apparently he was supposed to be an expert on that somehow since he had Peko. He tried to explain that they had just been raised from birth and that they were best friends for that reason. Kazuichi looked downtrodden at that, prompting him to ask whether he had brought him along just to question that.
"Well," he said rather shamelessly, "I can't ask Hajime or Nagito for that, can I?"
Fuyuhiko felt the beginnings of a severe migraine in his head.
He would have to use all his patience in the following week to not murder this guy on spot.
"GUYS—," a rather shrill voice rang out, causing the both of them to jump and bump their heads against one another.
Hajime had come and he was looking extremely frightened and entirely out of his element. Hajime was someone who was extremely likely to faint at shocking events and tended to react strongly to abnormal things, so it was not a shock to see him freaked out. However, what was a shock was the absence of the cotton candy haired guy running after him in attempts of placating him.
Which led Fuyuhiko to assume that the reason was definitely Nagito.
"What happened?" he asked.
"Nagito got sucked inside a microwave and disappeared," Hajime said, panting.
".....pardon the fuck?"
".....This must be the scientific mystery they talked about in the brochure," Kazuichi said, eyes wide in excitement and slight fear, "Nagito's luck caused him to find it."
It was a bland tasteless white room, whiter than even his own hair. Equipment was scattered around on the metal tables. Cupboards overflowed with bundles of paper and files. There was a projector at the far corner of the room.
Nagito Komaeda groggily rubbed at his face with his hands.
Ultimate Luck was truly something.
He turned his throbbing head around to check behind him. There was a gramaphone's trumpet there, sitting innocently. However, he was perfectly aware of exactly how innocent it was.
He looked at the room again. It was huge and there were no doors nor windows. It was, to say, an entirely sealed room apart from the gramaphone record that he assumed served as the pathway from the kitchen's microwave to this room.
He closed his eyes and exhaled.
Kazuichi is hopeless beyond sjjsjwjwjw
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mythgirlimagines · 5 years
Au where (probably b/c of souda, miu, & chihiro), the entire 78th class turns into children ranging from 1-to-5 & everyone has to take care of them.
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I hope you guys don’t mind that I combined these
Makoto Naegi and Toko Fukawa:
Komaru picked them up and immediately started cooing over how adorable they were as small children.
Makoto, for once, was like the little brother instead of the big brother, and he was kind of clumsy, so Komaru had to keep a close eye on him.
At least Toko was somewhat quiet, and kept to herself and whatever book she was reading, usually a picture book since she was, in fact, four.
Kyoko Kirigiri:
It would’ve been easiest for Kyoko to stay with her father. However, she kept crying in his presence until Yui picked her up.
Now more than ever, Kyoko reminded Yui of a little sister, and she couldn’t stop herself from taking a few pictures.
Kyoko was definitely naturally curious, and wanted to examine everything around her- with Yui’s help, of course.
Celeste Ludenberg:
Celeste was perfectly content just staying and playing with her cat. She didn’t really need anything else.
Her cat, though, was a bit confused. This child smelled like Celeste, but was not nearly as tall or vocal as Celeste.
But she was nice to him, gently petting him. He figured that she must be the same, and snuggled up to her.
Hifumi Yamada:
Hifumi’s sister would not stop cooing over him and taking pictures. It was like his childhood all over again!
In all seriousness, he probably spent the entire time watching kiddie cartoons and drawing.
He wasn’t too much of a handful to take care of, thank goodness.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
Chihiro’s dad was so confused when he came in, especially when he was presented with the machine that did this.
Luckily, he was an expert at multitasking with a child in one arm and work in the other.
Chihiro was mostly asleep during the entire thing, his fluffy hair acting as a pillow.
Leon Kuwata:
Leon was a little overwhelmed that three people came to pick him up: Kanon, Ibuki, and Nekomaru.
Really, though, they just played with him the entire time. For once, he didn’t escape practice!
Ibuki also tried to jam out with him, given their slightly similar tastes in music, but Kanon and Nekomaru shut that down fast.
Sayaka Maizono:
None of the girls in Sayaka’s idol group had younger siblings. They didn’t have much of an idea of what to do.
Luckily for them, Sayaka seemed perfectly content babbling out songs and attempting to dance.
It was actually kind of adorable, and they caught a little of it on video that was definitely going to be played at Sayaka’s wedding years later.
Byakuya Togami:
Byakuya was not necessarily a badly behaved child. He was fairly compliant when his butler picked him up.
Mostly he just wanted to sit and read one of those little fact books for kids about the economy.
He also had a little stuffed bear, but that was not to be spoken of. Ever.
Mondo Owada:
The Crazy Diamonds obviously were not happy with Kazuichi and Miu for this occurrence, given the way they glared.
To see their leader like this was such a shock that they weren’t entirely sure what to do.
Mondo mostly just ate a lot and marveled at his all of the bikes while the Crazy Diamonds tried to figure something out.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
Taka started crying the moment Mondo left. Who else was he supposed to play with now?
His father ended up picking him up, but Taka just wouldn’t stop crying.
Eventually he took a nap, and his father prayed that it would last until the machine was fixed.
Aoi Asahina:
Yuta was in the same boat as Komaru, being the newly older sibling instead of the younger one.
All he really had to do was watch Hina play in the kiddie pool they still had for whatever reason.
He came out of that soaking wet, but at least Hina was happy and not crying nonstop.
Sakura Ogami:
Sakura, as Kenshiro noticed quickly, was a very quiet child. She didn’t speak much at all.
She did like going over basic martial arts moves with him, though, which was simple for him to do.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t steal a couple cute pictures to show her later.
Mukuro Ikusaba and Junko Enoshima:
Komaru would’ve taken them, but she had her hands full already. So instead, Yasuke took care of them, albeit reluctantly.
Mukuro was alright to take care of. She was mostly well-behaved, unless Junko pushed her.
Junko was much more of a handful, and basically tried to destroy everything in sight. He wasn’t sure why he was surprised about this.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
Hiro wasn’t too much of a difficult child, and his mother navigated this already. She knew what she was doing.
She plopped him down in front of his favorite old coloring book with a few crayons and he was perfectly happy.
That was one good thing about him; he was easy to please as a child.
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ninatranslates · 7 years
Just thoughts about some of the official NDRV3 translations.
I just wanna discuss a few of the things I’ve seen talked about here and there. As a couple of side notes, (1) these are just my opinions. You’re free to disagree, but don’t lose your mind over it. 
(2) There is no one true way to translate a language. Give the same text to a bunch of different translators and they will all come back with different results. Therefore, there can be multiple “correct” translations of a single text. And in the end, fans are allowed to use whichever they like best. 
(3) Literal meaning isn’t all that makes up a language. Keep in mind that translating is a balancing act between meaning, nuance, and feeling. Sometimes you need to choose one over the other. Translators will try their best to minimize this, but some things are bound to get lost in translation. This applies to any language.
And (4) what counts as an acceptable English equivalent for a fan translation may not be appropriate for an official localization, and vice-versa. This is because they target different audiences, and naturally, the same text is perceived differently by different people. NDRV3 fan translators will assume their audience is familiar with Japanese media, know a bit of the language and culture, and have played the past DR games. On the other hand, the official localization is targeting a general English-speaking audience to sell their game as much as possible. This includes those who are new to DR and Japanese media, and the localization team needs to take care not to alienate them, since they make up the bulk of the western audience. 
Anyways, if you’re interested about my thoughts so far or are curious about a few of the localization choices, keep reading for more. But note that I’m not a professional or veteran translator, I’m a young Japanese-American who likes anime and translates for fun. Don’t take my opinions as the word of God. 
There are no spoilers. 
Here are some things about the localization that I agree and disagree with:
STRONGLY AGREE (I wish I thought of that):
Luminary of the Stars, Kaito Momota - This is great, they managed to make it sound both cool/epic and short/sweet, while capturing the nuances of his catchphrase 宇宙に轟く百田解斗, uchuu ni todoroku Momota Kaito “I am Kaito Momota, who will become well-known/famous throughout space”, but in a “they will speak of me in legends” or “my legends will spread throughout the galaxy” sort of way. I’m jealous. 
Nyeeeeeh - Cute, funny, and lazy! Admittedly I have trouble translating unusual onomatopoeias, and Himiko’s habitual んなー was no exception. Literally spelled as nnaa, I tried to translate it as “uhnaa”, but I still wasn’t quite happy with it. “Nyeeeh” is so much better gaaaah.
K1-B0/Keebo - Probably the most controversial, and I’m probably offending people by saying this, but there’s actually more to Kiibo’s name than you’d think. Before they released his name, I was wondering how they would translate it, since there are just so many elements in his name that a simple “Kiibo” or “Kibo” can’t carry over. I think this deserves a longer explanation, but basically, K1-B0 and nickname Keebo preserve most of the nuances and intentions that were in the original Japanese. From the obvious and stupid humor, to the cuteness, to emphasizing his robotness and humanness at the same time, to giving off the right first impressions, and to setting up some of the intended expectations... The only thing that’s missing is the “hope” wordplay. But hey, unless you can think of a feasible way to overlap “Kiibo” with “hope”, it’s just one of those things that’s gonna get lost in translation. Also, whether “K1-B0″ and “Keebo” will work still depends on the execution of the dialogue. However, both キーボ and K1-B0/Keebo gave me the same “wow that’s so stupid, I love it” reaction as both a Japanese and American fan, and I was just really impressed by how they were able to replicate it so perfectly. Anyways, I can still understand why people would hate it, since it is just such a jarring non-name. But as long as you don’t work for NISA, you’re still allowed to call him whatever you want. In case you haven’t noticed, the Japanese language doesn’t use alphabets, and there’s no one true way to romanize his name. So K1-B0, Keebo, Kiibo, Kibo, Ki-bo, and Kībo are all acceptable ways to spell キーボ. However, “Kibou” is incorrect, since that’s just “hope”. It’s the difference between キーボ and キボウ. But I won’t hunt you down for it, it’s not that big a deal.
Oma - Similar to Kiibo, except not nearly as complicated or as big a deal as fans make it out to be. Ouma, Oma, and Ōma are all acceptable ways to romanize 王馬. But since they already used the “Oma” method of spelling for every other character in every other game, making an exception just for “Ouma” for no real reason would be inconsistent and unprofessional. The “Oma” spelling is also the most common way to localize Japanese names (ex. Pikachu from ピカチュウ pikachuu and Goku from 悟空 gokuu). Even among real-life Japanese people living in America, they are more likely to spell their name the “Oma” way, though the “Ouma” way isn’t uncommon either. The fact “Oma” means “grandma” in another language is irrelevant, since last I checked, this is an English localization. As an example, did you know Japanese people find the French phrase “qu'est-ce que c'est” really funny? It’s cuz it sounds like ケツクセ... as in, “Your butt stinks”. But I’m not gonna tell the French to stop saying “What’s up?” because they’re implying someone farted in Japanese. Or hey, even my own first name means “newly-bloomed na flower” in Japanese (新菜 nina), but it basically means “fresh vegetable” (xīncài) in Chinese. Or an even better, real-life localization example would be Miyazaki’s Laputa: The Castle in the Sky. The fact that la puta means “the whore” in Spanish didn’t force the English localization to change the name of the castle, though they did understandably drop it from the title. “Laputa” is something the Spanish dub needs to worry about, which they did, they changed the name to “Lapuntu”. Anyways getting side-tracked. As you can see, a normal word in one language can mean something silly or inappropriate in another language. This literally happens all the time. And if you don’t like “Oma”, you’re still free to call him “Ouma”. Just because it’s unofficial, doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. Really. It just. Does not. Matter. Also here’s every other main series DR character who got the same treatment: Kyoko (Kyouko) Kirigiri, Mondo Owada (Oowada), Sakura Ogami (Oogami), Toko (Touko) Fukawa, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu (Kuzuryuu), Kazuichi Soda (Souda) Rantaro (Rantarou) Amami, Ryoma (Ryouma) Hoshi, Shuichi (Shuuichi) Saihara, Korekiyo Shinguji (Shinguuji), Kirumi Tojo (Toujou), Monotaro (Monotarou)
Piano freak - Not quite sure why people were upset about this other than excessive nitpicking. In Japanese, you could call nerds “(obsession) idiot” in the way that all they care and think about is their obsession and nothing else. But this isn’t how “idiot” is used in English, so the best equivalent is actually “(obsession) freak”. However, “idiot” is acceptable for a fan translation, since many anime fans are familiar with the meaning and connotations of バカ (baka). 
Monokuma Kubs/MonoKubs - Pronounced Monokumaazu, the direct translation is “Monokumarz” or “Monokumaz”, which works just fine for a fan translation, but doesn’t quite carry over the connotations for a general English-speaking audience. It’s like the huge gap in feeling between “The Doraemons” in English and “The Doraemons” (ザ・ドラエモンズ) in Japanese. (How many of you are actually familiar with The Doraemons btw lmao.) Using “the”, the plural “s”, and “ers” (like workers and singers) is normal in English, but using them in Japanese gives off squad or team vibes with a dash of silly humor. “MonoKubs” does just that while sounding nice and simple. “MonoKubz” would’ve been great too, and fans can still use whatever they like best.
Voice recasting - One word. Budget. 
Dub quality - I think the quality is pretty expected since the voice acting industry in America isn’t nearly as big as in Japan. But I also have zero interest in dubs, so I’m pretty biased on this one oops. My assumption is they’re doing the best they can. Also English speakers mispronouncing foreign names is nothing new. Even though I do find the memes funny, I don’t expect people who don’t speak Japanese to get it perfect, just like I don’t expect Japanese voice actors to get their English perfect.
Mastermind - The most literal translation of 首謀者 (shubousha) would’ve been “ringleader”, except “ringleader” doesn’t sound nearly as cool or memorable as “mastermind”. So they chose impact and rule-of-cool over literalness and subtlety. Which is understandable. Besides, if they wanted to be literal, they should’ve gone with “puppetmaster” (黒幕 kuromaku) in the first game. I think both “ringleader” and “mastermind” are acceptable here. 
First-name basis/no honorifics - I personally prefer when translations preserve honorifics. It just says a lot about the character and their relationships. However, just like there are no perfect English equivalents for all the Japanese ways to say “I” and “you”, there’s just no exact English equivalent for all these honorifics, so using them risks alienating the general audience. Also, this is what they went with for the other two games, so it’d be a little bit awkward changing it now. This decision doesn’t match my personal preference, but it’s a completely understandable and common one. 
Male delinquents - Tenko uses the term 男死 (danshi) for men, which is a pun on “men” and “death” to show her disgust for them. However, there’s a big difference in meaning and implication between “I hate male delinquents” and “I hate males”. Also not as punny as “menace” (credit to @oumakokichi for the pun). I worry they did this to avoid offending guys... but there’s no way to know for sure. My opinion of "male delinquents” could also change depending on its execution.
Kiyo - I can understand that English-speakers might have trouble pronouncing Japanese names that are more than three syllables... but this feels like they’re dumbing down the audience a bit. Come on, let the boy keep his name!
Gonta’s Tarzan speak - Gonta has the intellect of a child, and speaks like one, sure... But he doesn’t speak like a caveman. He’s perfectly fluent and literate in Japanese, so this seems like inappropriate stereotyping to me. My guess is someone really misinterpreted Gonta’s character and dialogue, or wanted to treat feral children “realistically”. Not a fan of this at all.
Atua - Honestly not sure what to think of this, since I know nothing of Polynesian mythology. I don’t know if naming Angie’s god after a real-life term for Polynesian gods and spirits is appropriate, since we don’t know if Angie’s god is actually an atua, and especially because her religion is depicted as shady and cultish. I think depicting her religion this way would’ve been (arguably borderline) acceptable as long as her god remained unspecific and made-up. And considering that most Japanese people are agnostic, possessing a general, unspecific belief in a god or infinite gods/spirits, I did assume this was the intent of the original context. But I just don’t know enough about Polynesian culture to form a concrete opinion. Like, does the Japanese text make references to Angie’s god being an atua? Are there any atua that fit the description? Or is it like Shinto where there are an infinite amount of all kinds of kami? How much care is being put into accuracy and respect for the culture in the English localization? My gut reaction is “strongly disagree”, but until I hear some thoughts from Polynesian DR fans, I’m going to remain undecided. 
Anyways, just wanted to get my thoughts out there. In general it seems the localization is trying their best, but there are a few glaring decisions. Again, you’re welcome to disagree. Just remember your human decency and don’t be rude. Everyone lives a different life and perceives things differently, and just because something is imperfect or unpopular doesn’t mean you can’t like it or you have to hate it.
Thanks for reading, I welcome any friendly comments and additions!
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drshslocreviews · 7 years
OC Review Submission 1: Toru Rinji - SHSL Broadway Performer (Mod Izuru)
Ayyy! Mod Izuru here! 
So here’s our first submission, Toru Rinji, Super High School Level Broadway Performer!
The submission will be left as it is, any comments I have made will be in bold!
Name: Toru Rinji (Toru means Sea, which is reminiscent of his blue hair, Rinji means special, mostly given due to his strange nature)
The name sounds great! Toru is another form of the name Tooru, which for males means “avenue, commute, pass through, traffic“. But yes, it does also mean sea. An interpretation of the name is someone who’s persistent, which could contribute to how he kept acting on his obsession and perfecting it until he was accepted into Hope’s Peak!
Hmm, as for his surname, Rinji means “peaceful forest”.  林 (rin) means "woods; grove; forest" and 二 (ji) means "two".
Problem is, both names tend to be used as first names! Toru is used as a surname in rare cases however!
Talent: Broadway Performer
Oooo, kudos for an original talent! Vague information on Google suggests that Broadway performances aren’t exactly very popular in Japan, but that’s fine! It only means that his talent perhaps brings more recognition to Broadway performances!
If I’m correct, I don’t know much about Broadway, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but apparently there’s two types of Broadway performances. Both are performed on stage, one being a stage play and the other being musicals. I’m assuming he takes part in stage plays from looking at his backstory? In that case, perhaps “Broadway Actor” is a more suitable title?
Age: 17
Age seems fine to me! 
However, when’s his birthday? If I were you, I’d base his birthday on a zodiac, then figure out the date after! He seems like an Aquarius to me, but I’m sure you can choose whichever zodiac you like, as long as there’s a few similarities between his personality and the norm for the chosen zodiac!
Strengths: Impersonation , and performance, he can play any role he likes, or he sees fit, not really caring for the consequences.
So, kinda similar to Ultimate Imposter? That’s fine! Something I’m worried about though, is if it could be seen as op. Perhaps limit his talent in that he can’t play the role of an actual human? I’m assuming he does this, as you haven’t mentioned him doing so, but it’d be great if you could make that clearer!
It’d also be interesting when and if he becomes a killer! But it would probably give him away if he could only play the role of fictional characters and tried to point the blame at perhaps a fictional serial killer. I kinda contradicted myself earlier, but the decision ultimately, is up to you!
Weaknesses: Stubborn, and physically weak, he relies on mental ability and skill more than anything.
Nice! He has his flaws which fit nicely with his talent! They also help a killer if he was going to be a victim, especially if the killer is heavy-handed and aggressive! Honestly, I’d like to know how that plays out! :0
Personality: when out of character, Toru is a cold hearted shell of a human, his only personality comes from the chapters he plays, however, prior to the game he was practicing for the role of a detective, so he acts Calm, cool, and logical in the present.
Ooo, nice! His personality really does fit his talent! Something I’m again worried about, is if he’s a bit op, or similar to the Ultimate Imposter. I’m assuming he doesn’t have the talent of a Detective, just acts the same way as one? But in that case, I’m not sure how he could help in class trials unless he naturally had a logical way of thinking.
Likes: Jazz, Mirrors, and separation.
That’s fine! Separation links well to his personality disorder. However, I wouldn’t say Schizoid’s (if that is his disorder) choose to not interact with others, it’s more like they can’t!
Dislikes: The rain, Loud sounds, Spicy foods.
Sounds good to me! Is there a reason he doesn’t like any of them? 
Backstory: Toru’s parents were completely appalled by his lack of emotion, concerned for the health of their child the quickly sent him to a nearby group home for immediate therapy. While there, Toru was constantly questioned, and “helped” to the best of the facilities abilities. In his lonely 1 roomed cell, they left a single Television, which would constantly play reruns of plays and other stage preformed media. Surprisingly, this was the only thing that made Toru “ feel” it was powerful, moving, it was exactly what he needed. At the age of 12, he began to act on his new obsession, receiving scripts, after script where he mastered the art of character, and vocal talent. One of the plays was about a damaged mental patient, in which in the end, the character leaves the Asylum. Taking to this regards, Toru became that character, thought as they did, breathed as they did, everything he need too. Soon after, at 14 he was Released, Cured apparently, all thanks to his revival of the character. His parents now his reofficial guardians took a liking to this new “talent” Of his throwing him in Broadway after Broadway, but he didn’t mind, he finally found his will to live, his passion. This lead to his recognition from Hopes Peak.
That’s pretty good! The fact he displays no emotion is a positive to his talent as he can mould his personality pretty easily! 
His backstory is moderately similar to Maizono, but with a lot of difference, which leads me to wonder if he acts the same way as her when presented with a motive? Remember that anyone in the acting or singing industry would most likely be willing to kill to get out, for fear that they’ll be forgotten and no longer be able to possess their talent. How would he have felt if he realised that if he was forgotten by the industry, and lost his talent? He most likely would probably be back in therapy as he lost the only way he could act ‘normal’! <That’s just something to think about, you don’t necessarily have t follow it!
Looking it up, it seems he suffers from a personality disorder known as Schizoid. Something that doesn’t make sense is that group therapy is meant to be in a group setting in which you can interact with others who are also under group therapy. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense for him to be lonely and shut away if the therapy is meant to keep him in an area filled with other individuals?
If you could please elaborate on what his personality disorder is, then that’d be great!
However, I do like how he took on the personality of his character to help him get ‘cured’, that’s pretty interesting! 
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His appearance is pretty unique! The colours aren’t bright, and there aren’t too many of them either!
Something I’d like to question is why his hair’s blue. I know that there are some people who were born with strange hair colours (Kirigiri, for example), but her’s is toned down. Kazuichi dyed his hair due to people bullying him beforehand. I’d really like to hear the story behind his hair! Did he dye it for his role as a detective? Does that explain his clothes as well?
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Overall, I’d probably give him a 7.5/10! His backstory is very interesting, and I really, really like the way his talent is used! Given more time and some extra thought, he has the potential to be a very interesting character!
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