#(Tundra REALLY hates Burner Man)
How did tundra and torch become friends?
“You wish to know the origin of our friendship, dear Anon?” Tundra Man asked before spooning around and striking a pose. “Of course I would be more than willing to tell you!”
“I agree. We met at the maintenance checkup, I was doing meditation when Tundra-Kun came in.” Torch Man said, starting off the story.
“When I saw Torch, I was curious to see what he was doing so I sat down next to him to try and stike up a conversation with him.” Tundra Man continued.
“I was surprised to see someone taking an interest to my meditation so I informed him of what it is and why I do it. I was taken aback when he suddenly took ahold of my hands. I nearly sparked my flames.” Torch Man said, a bit embarrassed over how he almost lost his cool back then.
“I never would have guessed that he was a fire themed robot master so I was more than ecstatic to finally found a fire themed robot who was considerate of the environment and global warming! He worked hard to control his flames!” Tundra Man said happily before muttering in suppressed anger. “Unlike that Burner Man who deserves to lay as useless scrap rusting away in the bottom of the sea-“
“Tundra-Kun, please calm yourself.” Torch Man said, he doesn’t want his friend to be after Burner Man’s cognitive circuit again.
“Alright then.” Tundra Man gave in, much to Torch Man’s relief before he continued the story. “As for me, I was impressed by Tundra-Kun’s passion for ice skating the more I learned about him. We soon became friends at that point of time, which to as I heard later on, was the first time Tundra-Kun ever befriended someone like me.”
“I don’t like fire themed robots. They would harm the environment, contribute to global warming and endanger the animals at the artic!” Tundra Man said angrily, optics full of rage.
“Not all of them are like that, I can vouch for that.” Torch Man refuted.
“If you say so....” Tundra Man said in a pouty voice, backing down. It was a relief to the Camp Advisor. He’s grateful that his ice-skating friend would listen to him and consider what he says.
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