#(I'm on desktop cuz mobile tumblr is ass)
pastelpendant · 10 months
do people still use this hell site
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whereshadowsthrive · 9 months
Let me tell you how I just almost lost this account forever-
I went to check tumblr only to notice that it had forced logged me out on desktop. So I enter my email to log in...no dice. Then I think to myself "well it's probably my college email then, surprised I hadn't changed it over." No dice again. I then think to check on the mobile app what the email was. Bingo! It was my long dead middle school/high school era email. I tried that email and my password I had written down for tumblr...no dice Again. Now I start to panic. I start trying other passwords, nothing is working. Then Down From The Heavens Descend Into My Mind: the memory of my old universal password for everything when I was kid. Bingo, I'm back into tumblr. I have no earthly idea why I was using *that* password here or why it doesn't match my notes but whatever. Hacker voice, I'm in...
So I go to update the password to what I had written down so this doesn't happen again. I do this on the mobile app for Some Fucking Idiot Reason...and it doesn't ask me to input it a second time to make sure it's right...and then the app force logs me out.............and I try to log back in....I Fucking Mistyped The Password. I could literally start to feel my heart pumping and my ears get really warm with panic at the realization I might've just lost my decade+ old tumblr account because a basic password reset feature apparently doesn't exist on this site. I went to go report this issue to Tumblr Support and ask them to recover my account. However, I need to provide the email this account is attached to... and I don't have access to that, so support is just a worthless route...and then I realized going to submit a fucking support ticket logs you out. So now I was logged out on both app and desktop. Literally beside myself. Broken ass website, deadass wondering if anyone tests this place. I go to recover the email this account is attached to. Then gmail does me so dirty, it says to me "to recover this email, you need a security code sent to your elementary school era email." At this point, I'm ready to just cry. So I go to crack into that email and BECAUSE I HAD REMEMBERED MY OLD UNIVERSAL PASSWORD AND CUZ SHIT LIKE 2 FACTOR JUST WASN'T A THING WHEN I MADE THAT EMAIL, I GOT IN So then I had to fuckin' recover and reinstate the middle school email from my elementary school, recover my tumblr account and reset the password *again* (this time on desktop and not the fucking app) and make sure this account was set to my up to date email and just.....y'all, if my memory didn't just shit out my childhood universal password at me, I deadass would have lost this account forever. All because desktop just randomly decided to log me out. I hate social media.
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maemisnippets · 2 years
New Masterlist!
I've been working on a small project which I'm very proud of, and after more than a week of waiting for Tumblr to approve, I'm happy to show y'all my new masterlist! Yay. Woooo. Hooray... yeah, it's just a masterlist, but I worked my ass off on this one. So now I'm forcing y'all to fucking appreciate it. LOVE IT DAMMIT
For mobile users, you'll find it here:
Tumblr media
For PC users, you'll find it here:
Tumblr media
The masterlist on mobile may look janky af cuz it'll lead you to a desktop version of it, so for that reason, I kept my old masterlist pinned on my profile to keep it mobile friendly.
Please let me know if there's smthn wrong with the masterlist!
Sorry for the long-ish post, so here's Yujin wink to make up for it, or at least an attempt at winking SHE'S SO FUCKING CUTE
Tumblr media
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faz-tastic · 10 months
Rules and guidelines
Mun is very new to the fandom and still learning all the lore, please be patient with me. If I seem behind on something important or new, please try find an audio learning aid for me as I do not do well with reading.
Mun is also very slow to respond, in part due to my issues with reading and in part to my issues with Tumblr in general, it tends to break very often on me and I only use mobile because it breaks less often than desktop, which I know many will disagree with but it doesn't matter because every device and every person is different so don't even try to get me to change my device, it's not happening, and nothing you can say can convince me.
If you cannot be respectful, you will be blocked, I've heard tales of the toxic behavior some fans exhibit and I will not put up with it, I've been on this hellsite since I turned 13 you can't scare me off of it.
I don't care what this site or the games say they're rated for, we are keeping it pg 13 here, and if you don't know what that means you shouldn't be on the internet to begin with. Gratuitous violence will be faded to black the exact same as adult fun times, I don't care if they're different I'm not writing the gore and I'm not reading the gore, robots and weird remnant infused zombies are one thing but the murder of children is another entirely.
If you don't like any of these, kindly fuck right off, I'm not here to please you I'm here to have fun and if I'm too busy trying not to puke cuz you decided to get graphic that's not fun that's torture, watch a slasher to get that kind of entertainment don't ask me to write one for you.
If you send a bunch of questions following the same vien and they get ignored one of two things is happening: I've gone on hiatus without warning or I'm purposely ignoring you and you've filled up my inbox. If I'm purposely ignoring you, there's a high likelihood you didn't read all of this post thoroughly enough, go back to the top and start again.
If I have to add something because of someone specific I will tag them, this does not mean you should go harassing them it means I want them especially to see the new rule they caused so they can't say they didn't know if they do it again.
Cussing is allowed, but slurs and personal insults are not. There's a difference between calling a character an asshole and calling the person playing the character one. If you genuinely feel I am being an asshole and it is not something I've covered in these rules, please dm me and speak to me respectfully about it, if a solution cannot be reached then we may come back to it later after thinking about it a bit, but if you're not being respectful then there will be no coming back to it and I will drop your ass like a hot potato.
Using disabilities as insults are grounds for instant banning, I do not tolerate that shit as someone who has a high rate of disability in my family and is autistic with ADHD and barely passed highschool for a lack of help and accomodations. If you want to insult me, you're better off actually pointing out things you've noticed about me, like the fact I can't spell, it's also not effective but at least it's honest.
I am a very sarcastic and dark humored individual, but even I have lines I will not cross. If you don't like my sarcasm and dark humor or if you cross the lines it will be best for you to just leave.
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allaboutthatvvase · 1 year
No, as in the pinned post does not show up either because of its nature as being pinned. It's no longer a regular post. basically it erased itself lol. You'd have to unpin it to see it normally. https://www.techtricksworld.com/tumblr-blog-only-opens-in-dashboard/ check this link for advice on undoing tumblr's shitty ass new hip idea of making blogs unusable.
((I appreciate the heads up but til I'm at a desktop I don't think I can do anything, cuz on mobile both in app and using a browser it seems fine. The thing the article mentions is already off and the rest of it is like barely parseable
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