#((but either haven't gotten far or gotten killed when they were tracked down and put up a fight in response!))
theheadlessgroom · 1 year
Well, that wouldn’t hurt, would it? To show her some of his concepts? The notion made him smile, as he got up from his seat and crossed the room, riffling around in his papers to scrounge up some of the sketches he’d done that were scattered hither and yon (to most, it likely looked chaotic, with no system to finding what he was looking for, but actually, he found it quite easy-he liked to do these sketches as a way of relaxing his brain in between composing). He studied them with a careful eye, deciding which ones she might like the best, and was about to bring the few he’d picked back to her...
…when he happened to glance back at his libretto, containing not only his music, but all of his concepts for the opera as well. He paused, momentarily lost in thought as he weighed his options-should he? He wanted it all to be a surprise, wanting her to see everything for the first time once it was all completed, true...
…but a little sneak preview wouldn’t hurt either, would it?
Not in his opinion, as he plucked one of the concepts out to bring to her, along with the more casual ones he’d done for his suits, explaining, “These are just a few I’ve made; I wanted a little variety when it came to my waistcoats-you see, one white, one grey, one black-and the cut of my coats, so I played around with patterns and fabrics and lengths; i-it was actually a very fun little experiment, studying the patrons I saw come and go, and using them as a template, you could say, finding what I liked best!”
And then there were his Don Juan sketches; just a couple, as the briefest of sneak peeks at what was to come: It was the titular Don and his manservant Passarino, both dressed in rich reds and deep blacks, a very predominant color for many of the costumes he had in mind, along with some regal golds and burnt oranges, all invoking a hellish sort of color scheme. Her character, Aminta, would at first be seen as something of an exception; her dress would a soft, rosy pink, but it and the black ruffles and trim would hint at her more daring and seductive side, a side the Don would bring out in her.
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xxavengingangelxx · 1 month
A Brighter Side of Grey 1/?
This is for my lovie @bellgraves. :) This is a continuation of my fic As the Rush Comes.
Summary: A female mercenary got a lot closer to killing Graves than anyone else had. So Graves put her in her place. After leaving her for dead, he was almost certain she was gone. So what happens when he catches her making another attempt on his life?
Warnings: Violence, drugging, kidnapping, all the things that come with writing about dueling mercenaries. If I need to add anything, let me know. Eventual smut, possibly enemies to lovers, I haven't decided :)
I have no idea where this fic could end up so let's all of us take a ride and see where it takes us! I didn't get a chance to proofread so please excuse any mistakes.
The first thing you remember…no the first thing you feel is pain.
Horrible pain.
Not being able to breathe like you should be able to. Instinctively you reach up to what’s blocking your airway.
Tubes that were making you gag.
Your right arm appeared useless so you used your left arm to try and pull the tubes out of your throat.
Someone tried to stop you from doing it but you shoved them away and finally yanked the tube out of your throat.
And you gagged, dry heaved over your hospital bed.
And when you did, you felt fire across your ribs.
More people came into your room and were shoved down, strapped down like a mental patient…
You gasped awake.
Another night, another nightmare.
All thanks to Phillip Graves.
You sat up in bed and grabbed your phone, seeing it was 2 in the morning. These nightmares had been going on every night sometimes multiple times a night since you’d regained consciousness.
You were almost ambidextrous before but now your right arm was at 75-80% mobility thanks to the spiral fracture Graves had inflicted when he broke your arm.
So you used your left arm to toss the covers off. Life had been pure hell since Graves had almost killed you. You might have been medically fragile when you got discharged from the hospital but that didn’t stop your boss from beating the shit out of you for the failed mission.
A year, your boss had said,  you have a year to stop faking this injury shit, find Graves, and kill him. Bring me his dog tags with his blood on ‘em.
You were almost certain that beatdown had take away mobility from your right arm too. You ran your fingers along the scars where the hospital had to cut your arm open and add screws and metal plates.
You had gotten an apartment with a garage because you were told it was going to take you months to recover. You dressed in shorts and a tank top before heading to the garage as you normally slept naked.
You got into your garage and looked upon the masterpiece you had been putting together in the last year. The entire wall of the garage was Phillip Graves. You’d been obsessed with tracking him down so for the last year that was all you had done, track Graves as much as you could.
You’d used string and thumbtacks to track his movements with as much detail as you could but you were still missing some pieces. Luckily paying a highly ranked military officer overlooking PMC contracts was finally able to pin Graves down to your home country.
As far as you knew, he was back in the States which would make killing him easier. You wouldn’t have to worry about a third-world enemy capturing you or a fake passport so you could focus all on Graves.
The map on your garage wall was taller than you, making you need to get a stepladder.
Graves was supposedly taking an R&R with his company in Houston, TX which was perfect because no matter where Graves went in Houston, there were sure to either be empty buildings or some other way your could hide high up and snipe Graves.
Sniping would be the lowest risk but the lowest reward. You wouldn’t get to see him die.
The highest risk highest reward would be to allow yourself to be captured, pray Graves didn’t kill you outright, and lay low, get information, gain his trust, then kill him before leaving with dead Graves’s dog tags and interior information about Shadow company.
I don’t care how you fucking do it, you recall your boss telling you after you reeled and almost whimpered from the pain the beatdown he’d given you for failing your mission. Get it done. Be his fuckin’ whore for a year and then kill him. Snipe him. Get it done or go ahead and pick out your headstone.
You’d be able to prove yourself and provide information on Shadow Company. Your boss wouldn’t see you as a failure anymore and you’d get to live.
Weeks of trying to make a decision was interrupted by a text from you boss, simply saying, Two months left.
You’d tracked Graves down to Houston but it was proving difficult to find him in a vulnerable position enough to take him out with a sniper rifle.  He was too heavily guarded to simply approach him and attempt the hit.
That night you fell asleep and finally slept for more than 5 hours straight because you finally had a plan. You’d make a pathetic attempt to hurt Graves and you were certain his boys would jump all over you…but they wouldn’t kill you…not until Graves gave the order.
And if Graves did give them the order at least you’d die quick rather than slowly and painfully at your boss’s hand.
Today was Graves’s last day in Houston or so you’d been told from intel. So you needed to move quick.
It hadn’t been too hard to find the fancy hotel where Graves and his Shadows had been staying. So to make sure you wore a cloth mask similar to the one you wore when COVID had been rampant. You’d died and cut your hair. The only part of you left unchanged by a large margin was your height.
You walked into the lobby and eyed some of his men, each carrying heavy military backpacks or duffels as they loaded their Tahoes and Suburbans in the back parking lot of the hotel.
You were walking down a hallway as you tried to find a way up to the roof when you saw him.
Graves himself. The Shadow himself. Shadow-01. A legendary mercenary and the CEO of his own private military.
Before you new what was happening your breath caught in your throat. Were you panicking? Afraid? He was leaving his own hotel room, military backpack securely on his shoulders. You thought he was alone when you saw what you’d describe as a dumb bimbo whore walking out of his hotel room after him.
And then fear turned into…jealousy?  Why the hell did you care who Graves slept with?
But it was definitely jealousy burning in your chest.
So when she walked away while Graves was getting the last of his belongings from his hotel room, she brushed your side and that was all you needed to shove a knife right into her ribs.
She started to cry out but you delivered a sharp karate shop to her throat to where she couldn’t speak. Next you delivered a blow to her solar plexus, so she’d be quiet for at least the next minute while she gasped for air. You used your gloved hands to shove the knife in her hand, making it seem like she had either done it herself or done it accidentally.
You turned the corner when Graves closed his hotel room door, keycard in his hand.
“You trip, darlin’?” He drawled as he walked closer to his female friend. When he tried to help her up, he noticed she was bleeding heavily from her side. And that she was gasping for air.
“Holy shit,” Graves actually sounded surprised. “What…what happened?”
And you smiled for the first time in a year because you were proud of yourself that you’d managed to startle Graves.
After finding a stairway that led to the roof, you busted the lock on that door and made your way to the top of the building.
It was cold, windy up on the roof and you were glad you’d worn layers. Layers were mandatory anyway because you needed to change the clothes you’d entered that hotel in. But first…
An attempt on Graves’s life. Not a real attempt but you certainly had to make it look real.
It didn’t take long for you to build the short-range sniper rifle you’d brought with you.
You had to wait longer than your would have liked as the police and an ambulance showed up. Then the coroner. Whoops, you thought. You hadn’t meant to kill her.
Good riddance, bitch. He’s mine. And you had no idea where that thought came from.
Graves finally exited the hotel towards the back parking lot.
Through the scope you saw he looked…shaken, unsure of what had just happened.
And that made you smile a second time.
You had counted the number of men Graves had with him as they loaded up in the parking lot.
Three were missing.
You frowned into the scope, trying to see if they were already in the vehicles.
Nope. No one was in the vehicles yet.
So where were they?
Maybe in the hotel?
You were about to take another look through the scope when it suddenly darkened around you. You thought it was nothing. It was a cloudy day so maybe the sun had slipped behind the clouds.
But you were suddenly dragged backwards, away from your rifle and across the rough material of the roof.
You reached for a knife down your shirt and sliced into that motherfucker’s hand hard enough that he hissed and released you.
Shadows. They probably swept every location for threats before their boss made himself visible outside.
You knew another thing that might shock this Shadow enough to where you had more time to react was to remove your mask. You were certain Graves had warned his men about you.
And you were right.
Once you lowered the mask, you saw the Shadows's eyes widen. “You’re dead,” he gasped.
You were about to tell him, Tell your boss to finish the job next time when you heard a footstep behind you. You turned and had no time to react as a Shadow used his rifle to strike you across the left side of your head.
And then…
A sharp, stinging pain followed by falling deeper and deeper into a black hole.
You woke up when the vehicle you were in hit a sharp bump in the dirt road. You tried to take a breath but it was difficult. Your mouth was duct-taped shut and your hands being bound behind you didn’t help.
You felt someone tear the long sleeve of your right arm followed by a muffled, “It’s her,” you guessed they were identifying you based on the scars Graves knew he left on your body.
Then you heard Graves’s familiar drawl say, “Drug ‘her. She can’t know where she’s going,”
You tried to move but your body felt heavy and wasn’t responding to your brain’s commands. The sensation reminded you of how you felt coming out of another surgery to repair your arm. Whatever they were using to drug you was strong. And no matter how hard you fought it, you lost consciousness faster than you would have liked.
You woke up on a cement floor. The duct tape had been removed from your face but your hands were still bound behind you. It was causing significant pain in your right arm.
“What’d I say would happen to you if I got ahold of you?”
And when you opened your eyes you saw him standing in front of you, larger than life, in the same uniform and vest he’d had on the night he almost killed you.
Phillip Graves.
And that was when your breath caught in your throat again and your heart started skipping beats.
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loverlylight · 5 months
Sometimes it's just... I dunno, odd trying to build up to being a functioning human again. And I have made a lot of progress, but sometimes it's odd what I still haven't got back, if that makes sense? Putting a read more because this got long and talks about suicidal ideation and all that.
Like, eight months ago, I was just blank. I could respond physically to stuff, but I was in so much emotional pain my mind was just not really there, I couldn't speak much and from what I've been told when I did speak it was very dull and unemotional. I couldn't force myself to do anything I did not have to do, and my body was also barely functioning because of all the breathing issues and weakness and the fact that I was somehow hoping I could starve myself to death without anyone noticing which yeah is stupid but I wasn't in the best state of mind, and anyway that resulted in me several times just sitting motionless for hours doing nothing. There were multiple times where I'd go days without eating, or forcing myself to eat but being unable to keep from crying because I knew eating was keeping me alive which I did not want, and I obviously wasn't keeping track but mom estimated that days when I would eat I'd have like 500 calories a day. And I either wanted to die or was thinking about how I could follow through on that desire in a way that would cause the least amount of trouble for people. (I remember one time, since I live on the second floor, I was weighing jumping out the window but decided that not only would that likely not flat out kill me but that we live right near this tiny playground our complex has and I was like okay I don't want to risk a kid coming across me and getting traumatized or anything. Also had a serious discussion with my sister about whether it would be better for her & the family if I died for my body to be found or not.) There were a lot of times when I got up to the edge of taking action, sometimes I would have tried if my body had more energy, and then when I finally did try but stopped myself in time, and... I dunno. Basically, for the longest time I was completely unable to do pretty much anything.
And now, like, I'm getting better at stuff. I can't be anywhere too crowded or without having a way to leave if things get to be too much, but I'm able to drive again, and more than just down the street. I'm able to interact with the world and other people, even though it's still kinda shaky and different. I consistently eat two meals a day, I still fall down multiple times a day but I'm able to go on a full walk around the block, but I'm just... I just find it kinda weird what my brain's doing, like I'm able to take some initiative to connect with other people but it's a lot... shallower on my end, for lack of a better term. I still care about people very much, but the ability to do something about that care is not very strong. Like, gifts, in past years I've put a lot of thought into not just the gift but also like how I'd wrap it and the type of tag and all that, but this year while I still got people gifts, I didn't have the mental energy to put in the thought I'd have liked to. Anyway, I have gotten this far and lack of sleep is catching up to me so, uh, bye.
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costellos · 4 years
HI i LOVE ur "____ realizing they fell in love" series thing AND idk if you've done stardust crusaders but if you haven't i'd love to request that pretty pls luv u Aaa c:
I haven’t done the Crusaders yet!! today is your lucky day. 🥰 ty for supporting this series and I hope you enjoy this one!
tw: general violence, stabbing
❥ ┋ ❝ stardust crusaders realizing that they’re in love!
joseph joestar.
Joseph falls in love with you after you put yourself in danger.
the first thing you need to know about Joseph Joestar is that there’s always something up his sleeve. the second, that he prizes his family above all else. only one of those applied when you sacrificed yourself for his sake.
it happens during a stand battle. Hermit Purple is more of a defensive stand, with its ability to disarm and capture enemies. your stand works best offensively. as such, you make quite the pair when you encounter two of DIO’s subordinates in India.
but while Joseph was distracted, using Hermit Purple to wrap one of the goons in its violet vines, the other came barreling behind Joseph. he sees a glint in the henchwoman’s eyes, a look that tells him that she’s ready to kill. he knows you see it too. and that’s why he’s crying at you to get away.
it only took a moment. yet in that moment did you save Joseph, push the henchwoman back, and find a kukri in your side. it’s the one time that Joseph didn’t have anything up his sleeve, and one of many that he could feel his heart drop.
you didn’t have to defend him. he had already lived his life, and at that point, he had accepted he could die at any moment. he knew exactly what he was getting into when it came to DIO. and he was starting to wish that he hadn’t gotten you involved, too.
he knocks both of the goons out, leaving them in the alley. you’re not quite sure what happens next. all you can feel is Joseph holding you in his arms, frantically looking for help in the streets of Kolkata. he’s screaming. crying maybe? you lose consciousness soon after.
Joseph would visit you in your hospital room once you came to. he makes quite the scene, pushing doctors aside and slamming your door open. at first glance you think that he's mad, with his gritted teeth and clasped fists. he stops for a moment, studying your face. and it’s here that you realize he isn’t mad — no, his face quickly melts to concern, his lip quivering as he wraps you into a tight hug. ↳ “come here.” his voice is shaky. he sounds breathless, as if he ran here as soon as he got word that you woke up. “what the hell were you thinking? don’t go throwing yourself at anyone for my sake! you talk to me in battle, okay?”  alright, maybe he’s a little mad. he’s trying to say his words as gently as he can, though. “we need you, [Name].” and it’s true: the team does need you. but he of all people needs you most. he’s already losing one child. he can’t bear the thought of losing another.
muhammad avdol.
Avdol falls in love with you when he sees how patient you are.
he's a mentor above all else. Avdol’s career depends on guiding others to their destinies, leading them to something that he cannot posses. he’s never particularly minded. like all things, he just thinks that is his own destiny. he knows that fate can’t be changed.
it’s part of the reason why Avdol’s given up on Iggy. the dog is hopeless, fighting for his own wants and needs. he doesn’t care about the team or DIO or why he’s in Egypt. hence, aside from giving him coffee gum when Avdol needs him, the fortune teller leaves him alone.
then he sees you interacting with Iggy. “it’s hopeless,” Avdol tells you. but you look up at him and shake your head, asking him to just give you some time. Iggy will come around, you promise.
Avdol chuckles. “if you say so.”
despite his doubts, he keeps a close eye on you. you keep at it. you’re trying to get the dog’s trust, offering pets and belly rubs during moments of peace. Iggy seems disinterested.
in time, Avdol watches as you realize that Iggy hates being treated like a dog. you share your food with him and talk with him, even if he can’t understand what you have to say. one day, while driving through Egypt, Avdol peers into the rear view mirror and sees you asleep with Iggy on your lap.
the Boston terrier follows you everywhere now. he trots beside you and barks at whoever gets too close to you (much to Polnareff’s chagrin). Avdol can’t help but find this amusing.
well he’d be damned. you really did it. Avdol always thought of him as a good judge of character, and you proved him wrong. not that he minds; Iggy’s cooperation will make this mission much less difficult. it’s just that your unyielding patience and dedication is... well. it’s quite nice with all the other interesting characters on this trip.
Avdol approaches you while you’re reading in the hotel lobby. as always, Iggy is at your feet. he’s fast asleep, thankfully. the fortune teller tries to be quiet so as not to wake him. ↳ “I apologize.” he takes the armchair across from yours, resting his cheek on his fist, an amused smile on his lips. “you’re a lot more patient than I gave you credit for.” maybe Avdol had unknowingly guided you to Iggy. maybe it was fate that Iggy would be brought here, only to be loved by you. “I admire that of you. though I suppose there’s a lot I admire about you, hm?” fate can’t be changed. he knew that. but maybe it was fate that like Iggy, Avdol was brought here to be with you.
jotaro kujo.
Jotaro falls in love with you after you call him out.
he hates showing his true colors. that kind of vulnerability is something that he’s never gotten accustomed to, nor does he think that he ever will. it’s part of the reason why he dislikes displaying more emotion than what’s necessary. a slight twinge of his lip or brow can show enough of what he’s thinking. any more than that is a waste of energy. they get the gist, he tells himself.
you proved him wrong when you lost a game of checkers. it’s a humid day in Cairo and during a rare moment of peace, you and Jotaro opt to play a friendly game of checkers with some locals. though the word “friendly” is subjective. if either of you won, 2500 Egyptian pounds would be yours.
it’s your turn. the game is a close call. although it can be over within the next two turns, you can’t tell what your opponent’s next move would be. thankfully, Jotaro is standing behind him, giving you cues for your next move.
...yet because you misunderstand his cue, you watch as you promptly lose any pieces that you had left. your opponent takes your pieces and the 2500 Egyptian pounds with it.
“what the hell was that?” Jotaro is angry. you are too. after losing the game, you collected your things and began to head back to the hotel, with Jotaro at your heels. “I was nodding my head! that was your cue to move left.” 
you stop in your tracks. “that wasn’t you nodding! you just moved your head down! how was I supposed to know?”
he clicks his tongue in response. a beat, and then finally, “you’re really damn annoying, you know that?” 
“yeah, and you’re an asshole.”
Jotaro’s been called many things. sweetie, honey, the hottest guy at school, but asshole? that’s a first. while he won’t admit it, the name stings. it sounds foreign coming from you. he didn’t think he had upset you that much.
he lets the day pass, partly for you, mostly for him. he needs to gather his thoughts. it’s the first time anyone had called him out for his behavior. moreover, Jotaro hates the fact that you may know him better than he does himself. what else do you know about him? did you know that you could upset him this much? ...when did you start to occupy this much space in his head?
so at sundown the next day, you get a knock on your hotel room from Jotaro Kujo himself. you try to close it, but he sticks his foot between the door and the frame before you can. ↳ “look, I’m sorry, alright?” he’s refusing to look at you. “I just... really wanted to win. I pushed that on you. and...” he sighs. "I’m sorry.” he’s apologizing through gritted teeth, yet apologizing nonetheless. it’s the right thing to do and he doesn’t want to lose a friend to his pride. especially one who calls him out on his bullshit. despite everything, you just smile and unfold your arms, telling him that you forgive him. and for a brief moment, he feels a weight lift off his shoulders. although Jotaro Kujo hates being vulnerable, he would hate losing you more.
noriaki kakyoin.
Kakyoin falls in love with you while eating breakfast together.
he’s never had any real friends. any attempts to share facts about himself, whether about his stand or his interests, would be met with scorn. it wasn’t until he had breakfast with you — one tiny moment in a trip filled with wacky happenings — that led him to believe that maybe the world wasn’t so lonely.
it’s 7 AM. normally at this time Mr. Joestar and Avdol are off running errands or planning something privately. Kakyoin turns beside him to find Jotaro and Polnareff fast asleep. he wonders where you’d be at this hour, yet when he enters the dining room, he quickly finds the answer to his question.
"good morning,” he says, taking the seat from across you. his voice is gentle though far more awake than you’d expect for seven in the morning. you greet him as enthusiastically as you can muster, flashing a toothy grin. but upon realizing that you were still chewing your food, you quickly turn away and wave your hand, apologizing for the scene. Kakyoin laughs in return.
the conversation itself is rather tame. you ask about his life, what Japan is like, if he misses his parents. Kakyoin answers all of this truthfully, because... well. no one else has ever taken the time to ask. it feels odd to be interviewed. though not uncomfortable.
and you take genuine interest in what he has to say, too. you ask follow up questions and give real, emotional responses. while you sympathize with him, you don’t pretend to know what he’s gone through.
you didn’t have to engage with him. sure, you’re the only ones awake right now, but he didn’t expect you to be so real with him. Polnareff never takes anything Kakyoin says seriously. Jotaro doesn’t even pretend to care. Mr. Joestar and Avdol have their own things to worry about. it feels... nice to be considered.
needless to say, Kakyoin feels his heart sink when the others wake up. is that too selfish? should he be disappointed in himself for wanting to spend more time with you?
yet even with them there, with Polnareff hogging the conversation and Jotaro being his usual cool self, you try to keep Kakyoin involved. you refuse to let him fade in the background.
he stops you as everyone starts to clean up and go on with their days. ↳ “we should do this more often.” he’s trying to keep it casual. “ah, if you’re up this early again, I mean. I really enjoyed our conversation. it’s a lot more productive when Polnareff’s not awake.” now it’s your turn to laugh in response. you agree, saying that you enjoyed your time with him, too. at this, Kakyoin could feel his cheeks start to burn. right here, right at this moment with you, did Noriaki Kakyoin feel that he wasn’t so alone. 
jean pierre polnareff.
Polnareff falls in love with you when he hears you humming to yourself.
although he would never admit it, he’s lost. what he’s looking for he’s not quite sure. vengeance? honor? it’s something he’s constantly asking himself. behind those dumb jokes and loud laughs is someone who just wants to find himself.
to be honest, he’s always fancied you. it was pretty obvious from the start. the way he looked at you, how his hands were always at your hip, guiding you away from the others. he just thought it was another crush until he heard you humming to yourself.
it’s such a simple happenstance. he didn’t mean to walk in on you. yet there you are, standing on the roof of their hotel, hanging everyone’s laundry to dry. you look so at peace here, with your eyelids low and your fingers at work with one of Polnareff’s shirts. you’re handling it so gently despite it not being your own laundry.
it’s in that moment that he realizes what he wants to do. Sherry’s murderer is dead. she can finally be at peace. Avdol has been found, affirming that he didn’t die for Polnareff’s sake. and here you are, humming a song that he doesn’t know but appearing so content.
while he may not know who he is, he does know that he wants to make you that happy everyday.
Polnareff takes this as his cue to approach you. you bend down to reach into your laundry basket, and when you come back up, the Frenchman is there. he’s not pulling any dumb moves, though. he’s much quieter here.
he follows your lead, reaching into the basket for one of his pants, then comes back up to hang them. you return his actions with a smile, a wordless indication of thanks, and continue to work. that song you were humming returns once more, and Polnareff swears that he can feel his heartbeat pounding in his fingertips.
you and Polnareff continue to work like this until the laundry basket is empty. it’s the first time he doesn’t say anything for 10 minutes, at least that you’ve noticed. what you don’t notice that he’s trying to avoid staring, sneaking quick glances as you focus on the task at hand.
when all is said and done, you stretch your arms far above your head, cuing a satisfying pop from your back. you thank Polnareff for helping you and begin heading back to your room. however, he’s quick to stop you. ↳ “hey, wait!” yikes. did that sound too much? “err- let me know if you need any help. I’m always here for you, [Name].” he sounds defeated in that last sentence. he can tell. he wonders if you can, too. but when you grin and tuck your hair behind your ear, telling him that you’d keep him in your thoughts, Polnareff can’t help but feel his heart swell. did he make you happy here?
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pionoplayer · 3 years
I keep having this really dumb idea in my head of like... overly long undertale style genocide run? But in a setting specifically constructed in such a way to keep the serial escalation of it going without derailing/diluting the thematics. I dunno if it's a particularly good idea but since one of Everhood's songs put another fight concept into my head for it I decided I might as well post the original idea that came with it here to tumblr.
Steps echo down a ruined corridor, worn down by calamity and time both. At the far end, a figure slouches against a pillar, notices the newcomer, and stands up straighter to face them.
"Hey there. Didn't expect someone to make it this far.
Let alone for that someone to be you, of all people.
Guess this is the part where I give my little speech, yeah? That's usually how these things go.
There's a line I've heard said, quite a few times in fact. It goes something like…
'Do you believe that even the worst person, no matter how horrible, can change if they just try?'
I've always considered it a tacky line but in the end, I believe it. The answer was 'yes' for me after all…
But here's the thing, buddy.
After a certain point, the question stops being "can this person change" and starts being "how many people will they hurt if we give them that chance again".
Because a person can change, no matter how horrible… but only if they decide to.
And you've been given more chances than anyone could possibly earn at this point.
Some people would draw a line in the sand and dare you to cross it.
Not me. You've already crossed every line that mattered.
Some people would give you one last chance to drop your weapon and surrender.
But you already killed them all while their guards were down.
And some people are like you. Ruthless, cold, downright psychotic.
I'd say it turns out they were right but uh, you didn't really leave any of them lying around either did you?
So I'm gonna ask this question one, final time. Just for nostalgia's sake. Back when there were beautiful days outside, when there were flowers left to bloom and birds left to sing.
Are you ready to have a bad time?
Because you don't get a choice anymore, as far as you've come down your path the only thing left waiting for you is the worst time of your life.
The newcomer - no, the challenger - steps forwards instead, sending an attack towards the figure at the end of the hall. The strike is rendered harmless.
"Yeah, I figured that would be your response. Let's get started then, shall we?"
The defender begins his own assault, attempting a pace to keep the challenger from launching their retort.
"You know, it's kinda funny. Looking at you, you don't look like the kind of person that would be responsible for everything happening."
A gap in the onslaught, another quick and precise strike, followed by the defender resuming his barrage.
"Hey now, that's not a jab at your height. I don't waste jokes on an audience like you. Just a statement of fact, ya know?"
Another opportunity, another missed shot.
"If it weren't for all the bloodstains and equipment stolen from the corpses of people better than you, I'd think you were just some poor sod looking for their way back home."
A gap, a strike. The pattern is established.
"Wherever your home was, it's probably not there anymore. A lot of homes aren't there anymore, thanks to you.
Doesn't that bother you? That wherever you started you can't go back? That everyone you might have ever cared about in whatever times and places you could've been…
Are just gone? Vanished? Obliterated so thoroughly that even we can't bring them back?
Look, kid. I don't know what your deal is. I know you by reputation alone, and even if my job is dealing with 'problems', I was really hoping I wouldn't wind up here. With you.
But every single one of them, even the psychopaths bent on breaking everything over their knee…
They still had something they wanted to see through. Something they wanted to protect, even if it was just their own sorry hides.
I look in your eyes, in your past, I see nothing. Oh, I see a house, and parents, maybe friends. But I don't see anything real. Real to you. It's like you've erased it, severed all your own ties on a conceptual level.
It's almost like you're just as gone as everything you've taken away."
Something changes. The strike lands a little closer, shaving off something small, insignificant. The constant barrage of destruction falters.
"...That fast huh? Go on, do it again. I dare you, kid."
Another strike. Another impossibly near miss.
"I didn't think you'd actually be dumb enough to do it. Guess my little ramble actually paid off yeah? Now I know exactly what you are. Approximately."
Another strike. This time the sound of it hitting the far wall seems to shake the very foundation of the world itself. And then the room fills with death.
"Let's see how you deal with phase two, buster."
The pattern resumes, just with more noise and violence.
"You know, I really don't know why I'm still talking to you. A friend of mine would tell me to stop wasting my energy…
But, you know, it calms my nerves. Pretending I'm talking to a real person.
Now, I'm sure you know the whole catastrophe, inside and out. You were right at the heart of it after all.
To get things straight though? You got lucky. We were busy, other problems were cropping up, and it didn't look like you were the threat you are until suddenly everything was collapsing.
And with what you are… do you think maybe in another branch of causality we could've maybe been coworkers? Maybe friends?
You've got the moxie to be one of us, I'll tell you what. A bit lacking on the 'morals' side of things though.
Guess it doesn't matter anymore. Even if I, if we, stop you dead in your tracks, in a way you've already won.
Can't go back from where we are now after all…
Speaking of 'not being able to go back', I'm getting a little bit tired of this endless back and forth. What do you say I… speed things up a little?"
Abruptly the pace picks up, what was already an assault leaving so little untargeted space it was frankly unreasonable that the challenger had gotten this far - and gotten this far unscathed no less - becomes an unrivaled, personally targeted cataclysm.
"...You know, even knowing what your deal is... watching you brush off one of my best tricks like it's a laser pointer is infuriating."
The challenger lashes out, a set of frantic, angry strikes that are abruptly cut short by a resumption of hostilities from the defender.
"So you know what? I'll take a turn at your game. Go ahead, hit me with your best shot before I can charge up something better. Let's see how this goes for you."
The hall is silent for the briefest of moments, before the challenger lets loose the first noise they've made throughout the entire confrontation; an infernal, blood-curdling shriek. Power ripples through the hallway, searing away pieces of it in a barrage of strikes meant to bring gods to their knees.
Everything freezes. The challenger, the collapsing hall, everything but the defender.
"Wow, you're really ready to have this be over with, aren't you? I'm sure you almost got me, try harder next time and I'm sure you'll get to see what comes after."
There's a crunch and a soft cry of pain. The challenger is forced to their knees.
"I've got a little piece of advice for you though, assuming you haven't gotten it from me already."
Another crunch, a steady pace of dripping liquid can be heard.
"Your little 'quest' doesn't end with me. I'm just the wake-up call. If you get past me somehow, things are gonna get a whole lot worse for you than you realize. You might wanna turn back now before things actually get ugly."
There's no sound besides the slow drip of blood to the floor of the ruined hall. Or something approximating blood at least.
"Now get lost."
...You aren't getting rid of me that easily.
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Safe Haven 4/?
Rating: E
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair, Mandy Rose/Trent Seven, Jordan Devlin/Millie McKenzie, Ruby Riott/Liv Morgan
Warnings for this Chapter: mentions of violence
Chapter Summary: Drew and Becky get to know their new mate better while meeting members of his unorthodox family, Plans are made to rescue Roman from Heyman's evil clutches.
@hitory--chan @sethsevolution @finnsauroraborealis @the-beastslayers-queen @pikapuff316 @writinglionqueen @writtingrose
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"SETHIE!" Seth hadn't even made it back to town before being tackled by a overly hyperactive blonde girl.
"I missed you too Liv" Seth groaned, slightly out of breath.
"You're lucky I'm here and not Rubes, she's very mad at ya"
Seth grimaced at the thought of seeing his older sister.
"Hey! Redhead!" Liv yelled at Becky. "Is this too basic" she gestured at her hair.
"You're right, too boring" Liv pulled out a compact mirror and smiled at it, Becky and Drew staring in shock as her hair turned bubblegum pink.
"How?" Drew asked Seth.
"Liv's a chaos fairy. Hyper 24/7, pranks everybody. C'mon brat" Liv squealed and hopped onto his back..
"Hey Livvie, Mom conjured my clothes..would you mind?" Seth asked his sister's girlfriend
Drew and Becky watched curiously as the unremarkable clothes Seth's mother had put on him morphed into dark-grey skinny jeans and a blood-red t-shirt.
"Hair too?" the fairy asked
"Yes please."
Seth shook his head and a quarter of it immediately went blond "There ya go Sethie! You look like you again, only bigger!" Liv giggles, patting the wolf on the head.
"Thanks Livvy" Seth grinned. "You're still small though"
"I'm still bigger than Millie!" Liv managed to kick Seth in the hip. "Good luck apologizing to everyone. Trent's mad because you made Tyler cry!"
"Tyler always cries!"
"Okay true, but you also made Mandy upset!"
"How long have you been away from home?" Becky asks
"I haven't lived in Haven in 8 years. I lost contact with everyone 18 months ago." Seth explained
"Dude the only reason we didn't completely lose it was because we still felt you through the pack bond" Liv tells him "We knew you weren't dead but...it was hard, anyway so why are you with the newbies?" Liv asked as they made their way to the main house.
"They're my mates." Seth said simply.
"Oooooh, Sethie's got two mates!" Liv said excitedly. Becky looking at her with caution. "I need to see Sarah, you are making me coffee later!" Liv hugged him and skipped off, Becky and Drew watching her.
"I've only heard of chaos fairies, she was...unique" Becky said.
"I need to remind Ceasero she's not allowed any caffeine" Seth said shaking his head
The three mates walked along the path back to the town in silence after Liv left. None of them really knowing what to say.
"So you guys have had this town for a long time?" Becky finally broke the increasingly uncomfortable tension
"My grandparents founded Haven. Grandfather...used to run a circus and all of the acts were different beings. When he retired, everyone just settled here. Haven was these old fairgrounds and some of the woods surrounding it."
"A Circus?" Drew exclaimed
"Grandfather was a warlock, especially skilled in persuasion and he figured it would be a way for him and his friends to not only use their abilities for profit, but to not have to hide as much. Normies will ignore most Supe shit if they think its a trick"
"Absolutely true, they're dense as hell" Becky replied.
"So, you knew Finn?" Seth asked.
"Sort of, his name was Prince back then, always wondered what happened, not surprised that vampires had something to do with it...when they helped save you. I can't believe I just said that" Becky facepalmed, remembering what Mox and Stephanie had said.
Seth smiled and shook his head "I know Haven is an odd case. Weird even amongst the weird. I mean, I'm the Wolf/Warlock hybrid that claims a Lion, a Witch, a Vampire Queen and a Vampire thats the vessel for a literal demon king for parents. Weird is kinda my thing"
"Do you remember that night?" Becky asked. Seth looked down, toying with his amulet before sitting down.
"A little. I remember being in a car with my mommy and daddy" Seth said in a faraway voice "The was a big flash of light and loud noise, and then I was flying through the woods. I had bite marks on the back of my neck. Knowing now what I know about my bio parents, I think my Mom shifted and was carrying me through the woods by the scruff of my neck."
Becky hesitantly reached over and touched the top of Seth's bowed head. Drew looking on silently. It seemed like his spitfire was already growing attached to the younger man, while Drew himself was more hesitant. Seth lived...by Drew's upbringing, an unnatural life. Haven was a lot to get used to and he'd had Becky to himself for so long.
"Do you think it's possible that your mom changed you?" Drew asked. "To protect you?"
"Could be I don't know" Seth pulled his hair. "I don't like thinking about it"
"Hey brat" A girl said, materializing next to the three. She was holding a coffee cup and had red lowlights and was so pale, Drew thought she could be a vampire.
"Hey, Ruby." Seth said quietly, "Guys this is one of my sisters."
"Yo." The girl greeted them easily and handed her brother the Chicago Bears to-go mug "One Double Chocolate Cappuccino, courtesy of Cesaro. Figured you could use it, heard you haven't had coffee in a year or so."
"No espresso?" Seth groaned.
"You know he puts too much in" Ruby said, "Besides I want to be able to sleep tonight. Your howling was obnoxious" she turned to Drew and Becky. "If either of you hurt my little brother, I will rip out your eyes and shove them down your throats"
"What it's true. We lost you once, brat. Never again" She replied with a smile
"Did anyone mention that Seth is the baby?" Ruby asked
"Millie is younger then me thank you very much" Seth said rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his drink
"Millie hasn't been missing for 18 months, and gone for 7 and a half years before that. So excuse us if we're all a bit concerned about all this" she says waving a hand at Drew and Becky.
"Excuse me, who's Millie?" Becky asked.
"My baby cousin" Seth replied fondly. "She's my Uncle Shawn's kid"
"She's a fire siren, sneezes out fire like crazy" Ruby added, drinking her coffee.
"She doesn't have much in the way of control yet. So she sets shit on fire a lot...luckily her mate is a water sprite. Jordan is really great st putting out flare-ups" Seth explains "Please don't threaten my mates. Honestly, I'm a hot mess. I doubt they even want to be with me anyway"
"Nonsense" Ruby waved her hand. "Mates are mates always. Do you think I would have gotten with Liv by choice?" Seth chuckled and blushed when Becky smiled at him. " Does anyone know about Ro?" He asked.
Ruby's face fell. "Mom is working on a tracking spell, since you don't remember exactly where Heyman's compound is located. Dad is making her rest before she casts it though so that won't be done until tomorrow, the good this is that Heyman can only do his enslaving curse during the full moon...so we have 6 days to find Ro."
"Fuck" Seth pulled at his hair. "None of this would have happened if I hadn't ran away"
"Stop it" Drew said, gently pulling Seth's hands down.
Drew had sat there quietly listening to the exchange between Seth and his sister, trying to learn more about the odd man the fates had bound him and his firecracker to. From what he'd gathered so far Seth was well-loved by his mismatched pack and had been sorely missed while on his journey of self-discovery.
"Don't beat yourself up. You couldn't have known any of this would happen" Drew says softly, still holding Seth's hands in his larger ones. Seth's brother had been right. Seth did look amazingly...like a slightly smaller version of himself, less so now that part of his hair was platinum blonde.
"He's my big brother" Seth whimpered. "He doesn't even know I'm not mad at him anymore, if Paul's spell works on him, he'll be gone for good" Drew unknowingly wiped away a tear that had trailed down Seth's face.
Becky wrapped her arms around Seth's waist "That isn't going to happen, sweetheart. We are going to get your brother back and Heyman will pay for everything he's done to both of you." She says fiercely. To which Seth nodded but said nothing.
"Forgive me for asking but are you his sister from the witch side or vampire side?" Drew asked Ruby.
"Stephanie and Hunter, can't be around Finn and Violet, my blood is toxic and Bálor hates me" Ruby answered
"I only have one sibling from Finn and Violet and that's Jordan. He's the last of Finn's pre vampiric bloodline. His parents died when he was a baby, and an old woman from his clan brought him to Haven shortly after" Seth tells them.
"Is this the same Jordan that's your cousin's mate?" Becky asked. "Yeah, thought my uncle was gonna kill him, then Finn was gonna kill him" Seth shook his head.
"Haven is completely integrated? " Drew asked, he and Becky hadn't realized just how many different species of Supernatural inhabited the small town.
"Unless they can't be around each other for a physiological reason, yep" Ruby answered "One of our cousins is a sun sprite, and she glows with actual sunlight. So she can't be around Finn and Violet."
"No one gets turned away unless you give our father a reason to" Seth said, "The pack is a family"
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