#( ocm : rayn wilder / the wolfwalking private eye )
vendettamuses · 1 year
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// Some headshots of some girls! Decided to do some stylization practice with how I draw different canids ft. Delphine and Rayn ❤️
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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Local Wolfwalker PI and vigilante exhausted; in dire need of love, comfort, and stability! More at 11!
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vendettamuses · 1 year
⚔️ @onlyheartaches ⚔️
⚔️ Continued from here ⚔️
A particular whistled pattern is Death's calling card - it can strike fear in the hearts of some, comfort in the hearts of others.
(It all depends on one's exposure to death, and indeed, on the inevitability and closeness of one's own demise.)
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"Does it matter if I'm early?" Death asks, looking over the balcony as he materializes beside Rayn, knowing he won't startle her - not anymore. "I like to think you enjoy my appearances. And besides, if I make the rules, I can break them as I please. So why wait to appear?"
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She doesn't look at him, but she doesn't need to. The distant curl at the edge of her lips says enough: no, she supposes it doesn't matter. Not now anyway. And some part of her does enjoy his company.
But she won't say that out loud.
"Dunno. Maybe I'm a pessimist, but it seems like a waste of energy. You seem like a wolf who values his time and if you can't get anything out of it, why bother showing up sooner?"
She paused, taking one last drag from her smoke as she watched the city go on without them.
"Still, I can appreciate the sense of initiative. Makes you seem like you're eager and ready to work. And we have a lot of work ahead of us. So…" Finally, she turned to face him. The cigarette she'd been nursing for the better part of an hour was charred nearly to its end when she pulled it from her lips to put out on the ashtray nearby. The last puffs of smoke rose from the edges of her jaws, rising up and dissipating in the evening air as she spoke.
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"Are you?"
They had a long night ahead of them indeed.
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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@maximuses​ SAID: How do they compare to each other's exes? Are they the same "type" or an upgrade/something different? // What little things remind them of each other? - For Harry and Rayn
⚔️ Couple Questions // CLOSED ⚔️
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How do they compare to each other's exes? Are they the same "type" or an upgrade/something different?
// In regards to Harry— he is nothing like Rayn’s “ex.” The only thing they share in common is the nickname (and the rampant abuse of substances, but that’s temporary in Mr. Du Bois’ case.) Harrier is nothing like Harrison. Harry is kind. He is sweet. He is gentle, and thoughtful, and considerate. He asks before making any move, doing anything. He listens when Rayn speaks and takes her feelings and worries to heart, making an active attempt to act on them and keep her comfortable. He is a doting partner that offers her unconditional love and acceptance. He respects her autonomy and her boundaries, and still takes every chance he can to bond with her and learn about her. He is not interested in what he can get out of her in the moment— he is utterly in love with her and looking for a future with her. His affections and intentions are pure and completely without caveats. He is a safe, trustworthy, stable, adoring partner. Just what Rayn needs to feel whole.
// Harry remembers very little about his ex-fiancée Dora. But from what little he can recall, he knows this: Rayn is completely different. She’s not small and thin and curvy. She’s not beautifully pale and impossibly blonde. She doesn���t have a soft, warm voice that makes his breath quiver and his chest hurt. She doesn’t write poems about how it hurts her to leave him in the morning. She doesn’t smell like apricot-flavored tutti frutti chewing gum. She doesn’t leave dried blossoms and tickets in his pocket, and phone calls with her don’t leave him feeling hollow or full of regret. She’s not Dora. But that’s okay. Because he loves her for all the opposite reasons. He loves that she’s tall and muscles and built like a tank. She loves that her skin is a deep, richly tanned color. He loves that her voice is deeper and warmly timbered with a constant underlying growl. He loves how she is right beside him when he wakes up. He loves that she smells like green tea with hibiscus and ginger, and leather, a cigarette smoke, and fresh Rayn. He loves that she leaves her fur on his clothes after a night of taking her wolf form. He loves how his heart skips a beat every time they share a call. He loves the callouses on her palms and the freckles on her face. The way she nuzzles into his neck and brushes through his mutton chops makes him feel alive and wanted and assured. She is nothing like Dora and she never will be — and that’s exactly why he loves her. She is safe and secure. She in understanding. She saw him at his worst and decided that, despite it all, he was still worth saving. He deserved a second chance at life. And she saved him. And after all that, she came to love him. She stayed with him despite the setbacks and the struggles. She committed to him. And now, he’s committed to her too.
What little things remind them of each other?
// Lots of things remind these two of each other. For Rayn, it’s bright clothes and dated-themed items. 70s carpet patterns, 80s disco balls, 90s guitars. Old songs on the radio, the smell of cheap whiskey, and fabric softener. Everything as old as she is reminds her of her Harry and his zest for life. His wild ideas and his love of all things disco and classic rock. There’s not a place she can look where she doesn’t see his smiling face trying to pull off The Expression just to try and woo her.
// Likewise, Harry’s in a similar boat. Her warm leather coats, her soft blankets. The smell of green tea, hibiscus flowers, ginger, cigarette smoke, and the earth after it rains. The sight of noir fashion, classical or jazz or blues music. Jukeboxes and fur items. Anything even vaguely shaped like a wolf. It all comes back to Rayn, and his fingers start twitching and his heart starts pounding as he’s filled with this overwhelming yearning to return to her side. He is so smitten with her— even the most mundane things like puddles and breezes begin to remind him of her.
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vendettamuses · 11 months
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// Some doodles of some muses ❤️
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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bold what applies to your character
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long legs / short legs / average legs / slender thighs / thick thighs / muscular thighs / skinny arms / soft arms / muscular arms / toned stomach / flat stomach / flabby stomach / soft stomach / six pack / beer belly / lean frame / muscular frame / voluptuous frame / petite frame / lanky frame / short nails / long nails / manicured nails / dirty nails / flat ass / toned ass / bubble butt / thick ass / small waist / thick waist / narrow hips / average hips / wide hips / big feet / average feet / small feet / soft feet / slender feet / calloused hands / soft hands / big hands / average hands / small hands / long fingers / short fingers / average fingers / broad shouldered / underweight / average weight / overweight
shorter than 140 cm / 141 cm-150 cm / 151 cm to 160 cm / 161 cm to 170 cm / 171 cm to 180cm / 181 cm to 190 cm / 191 cm to 2m / taller than 2 m.
pale / rosy / olive / dark / tanned / blotchy / smooth / acne (occasional blemish) / dry / greasy / freckled / scarred
small / large / average / grey / brown / blue / green / gold / hazel / red / doe - eyed / almond / close - set / wide - set / squinty / monolid / heavy eyelids / upturned / downturned
thin / thick / fine / normal / greasy / dry / soft / shiny / curly / frizzy / wild / unruly / straight / smooth / wavy / floppy / cropped / pixie - cut / shoulder length / back length / waist length / buzz cut / bald / jaw length / mohawk / grey / platinum blonde / golden blonde / dirty blonde / strawberry blonde / blonde / ombre / light brown / mouse brown / chestnut brown / golden brown / chocolate brown / dark brown / jet black / ginger / auburn / dyed red / dyed an unnatural color / thin eyebrows / average eyebrows / thick eyebrows
no tattoos / one tattoo / a few here and there / multiple / full sleeves / thigh tattoo / neck tattoo / chest tattoo / no piercings / ear piercings / nose piercing / lip piercing / tongue piercing / eyebrow piercing / navel piercing / cheek piercing / nipple piercing / genital piercing
eyeliner / light eyeliner / heavy eyeliner / cat eyes / mascara / fake eyelashes / matte lipstick / regular lipstick / lipgloss / red lips / pink lips / dark lips / bronzer / highlighter / eyeshadow / neutral eyeshadow / smoky eyes / colorful eyeshadow / blush / lipliner / light countouring / heavy contouring / powder / matte foundation / shiny foundation / concealer / wears regularly / occasionally wears / never wears
floral / fruity / perfumes / aftershave / cocoa / moisturizer / shampoo / scented laundry detergent / cigarettes / leather / sweat / food / incense / marijuana / cologne / whiskey / wine / fried food / blood / fire / metal / ice / sulfur /
jeans / tight pants / over knee socks / tights / leggings / yoga pants / pencil skirt / tight skirt / loose skirt / formfitting dress / cardigans / blouse / button up shirt / band t - shirt / sweatpants / tank top / wifebeater / cutoff t - shirt / designer / high street / online stores / thrift / lingerie / long skirt/ miniskirt / maxidress / sundress / overalls / tie / tuxedo / cocktail dress / highslit dress/skirt / t - shirt / loose clothing / tight clothing / jean shorts / sweater / sweater vest / khaki pants / suit / hoodie / harem pants / leather jacket / leather trousers / basketball shorts / boxers / briefs / thong / hotpants / cargo pants / hipster pants / bra / sportsbra / crop top / corset / ballerina skirt / leotard / polka dot / stripes / glitter / silk / lace / leather / velvet / chemise / patterns / florals / neon colors / pastels / black / dark colors / fur / faux fur / gloves / mask
sneakers / high top converse / slip - ons / flats / slippers / sandals / high heels / kitten heels / ankle boots / combat boots / knee - high / platforms / stripper heels / bare feet / loafers / oxfords / gladiator shoes / boots / no idea
Tagged By: @audaciious (thank you my beloved ❤️)
Tagging: @maximuses (Elsa and Marion) @motleysort (Misha) @kitschd @seeasunset @wolfvirago @thxwxlf and anyone else who feels up for it!
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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⚔️ Why are you here? ⚔️
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⚔️ To make things right
You've known for a long time this world is cruel. The fact that life isn't fair might be the first thing you ever learned. You've been hurt deeply, dealt a great injustice that's been engraved time and time again in the scars that litter your existence. Victimhood is a home to you, a familiar place that you always seem to find yourself returning to. Perhaps you've come to believe this is because you're cursed, that it's just your fate to suffer. In your worst moments, you probably think you earned this, because the idea that this is just makes it all hurt a little less. That's not true. Don't ever let yourself think this is your fault or convince yourself it's what you deserved. Remember the very first time you were wounded and recall the child who cried out and screamed it was unfair, who knew that the world should be kind and just and that it is unacceptable that it is not. It hurt so badly then because you were wronged and you understood that. Maybe others have tried to convince you since that what you went through was only natural, that you had to accept this is how things are, that your trauma was just part of growing up. Don't be fooled. There's a reason you've made it this far, that you've persevered in spite of everything. It's because you're the only one who can start to make things right. You deserved better—the child inside you has always known that. That's why you seek to escape into fantasy, to reject the harsh truths you don't feel strong enough to face. It's fine to indulge in these respites, as they are necessary to survive, but don't let them be what you live for. Hang onto your rage, but do not let it make you bitter—instead, dedicate your life to bringing this world a little bit closer to the one you deserved. Give yourself the love and kindness you were denied when you needed it most, and extend that gift to others. Do not ever let yourself grow complacent, becoming the kind of adult you always hated who shrugs their shoulders and says "that's just the way it is." It doesn't have to be. So, be the kind of adult you wished you had, the one who would have gently wrapped you in their arms and protected you from harm. Use your intimate understanding of injustice to live in opposition of it and start to heal yourself along with the world's brokenness. Make recovery what redeems every moment of misery and don't waste another minute of your life regretting that it hasn't been a happier one. Your existence is not worth less because of its struggles or suffering. You deserve to be saved. Don't let yourself be the one who denies you that.
Tagged by: @warpaiint (thank uuuuuu!)
Tagging: @maximuses (Adam) @ineffablemuses (Toni) @fledermuse (Phil) @audaciious @motleysort (Misha) @goblxneyes @fitzjxmes​ @rathalascendant​ @unlikely-valentine​ @unrclypirxte​ (Beth <3) and anyone else who feels up for it!
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vendettamuses · 2 years
⚔️ @unlikely-valentine // Continued from here  ⚔️
It’s been a while since their first case together, and they still visit. A rare occurrence, but it’s always nice to find someone like yourself out in the wastes. Mostly, they quietly enjoy each other’s company. Indulging in much-needed silence after a case, fishing up prewar sudoku puzzles and trying to solve them, sitting out on the dented tin roof of the Valentine Detective Agency.
The latter is the activity tonight. The war didn’t make the stars any less beautiful— If anything, they’re clearer now due to the low light pollution. On occasion, one of them will throw a random thought out into the air, but mostly, they just enjoy the constellations overhead.
Until something significantly larger and closer to the ground than a star rips a hole in the sky, tearing a path through the clouds. It looks to be on fire, but they only get a glimpse of it before it disappears over the huge wall surrounding the city.
And then it erupts into a burst of fire on the horizon. Not quite nuclear, but definitely devastating to anyone nearby that thing.
“…Well, shit.”
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Rayn seems more than just a little stunned at the sight. The glow of the satellite streaking across the sky illuminated everything for a few brief moments, before blazing out like a dying star breathing its laugh breath into the void of space. It was as dread-inducing as it was awe inspiring.  Left her frozen like a deer in headlight.
Until it crashed somewhere, the boom of the impact making her cringe and shrink back a bit. After a moment, she slowly stood and dusted herself off with a sigh. It had been such a nice evening. She’d so been looking forward to wrapping up a long day with a bit of much needed rest. But it looked like that wouldn’t be happening.
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“Come on then,” she patted his shoulder, walking towards the edge of the roof and hopping to land hard on the catwalk below. “We better go see what that was and if anybody’s hurt.”
Wasn’t often Rayn went off to investigate a scene like that. But she supposed it was better to make sure it was safe for the people of the Commonwealth before they inevitably went poking around the site for themselves.
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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@maximuses SAID: 3. “This laundry detergent smells like kindergarten.” -> From Harry to Rayn
⚔️ Foxes In Love Sentence Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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It's far from the strangest thing Harry's said. No, he's said far stranger over far more trivial things. But no matter how many times Rayn tells herself she should be used to his quirks and mannerisms, he always manages to catch her by surprise. Not that she minds. It's not an entirely unpleasant experience. Harry's passionate, rambling tangents, his silly little comments, his strange way of connecting things and verbalizing his thoughts - she finds it all so endearing. She finds him so endearing. A huffing a little laugh through her nostrils escapes her as she moves to lean against his side. Her chin rests on his shoulder, head briefly turning to press a soft kiss to his cheek just above his bushy mutton chop. A brow arches up as she looks at him.
"Oh? I wasn't aware kindergarten has a smell, dear."
"Well, yeah--" he starts, lowering the shirt and freeing one hand from its grasp to wave about absentmindedly while he talks. "You've never smelled something and it brought you back to your kindergarten days? Like- Like grease for example! You've never smelled a really distinct greasy smell and been reminded of long lunch lines, and those crappy styrofoam trays you'd drag along the metal surface while you picked up a slice of square pizza? Or you've never smelled rubbery asphalt on a hot day and been reminded up a playground with a metal slide that scorches you when you try to use it?"
He pouts as Rayn laughs, the sound so soft and airy and sweet, he can't possibly be mad about it. She shakes her head, smiling warmly at him. "I can't say that I have, baby." She laughs again at his guttural groan. Mock frustration from him amuses her. Even so, he leans into her touch as he stares up at the ceiling. When he looks back, it's to see her staring at him. That warm, smitten look in her eyes pulls the corners of his lips up into a lopsided grin.
"What?" He asks, tilting his head like a precious puppy dog.
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"Nothing, just..." she leans closer, her eyes lidding as she admires him in the morning's light. "You are such a wonder, Harry."
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vendettamuses · 2 years
// Latest concept that has me chuckling is the idea of Rayn seeing something so shocking that she deadass faints and then her wolf self comes out and has to slap her back awake
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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@maximuses SAID: ❝  i thought you went home after i went to bed.  you didn’t have to do that— you could’ve at least joined me in bed that couch is shit for sleeping on.  ❞ -> kim and rayn 👀
⚔️ Staying The Night Prompts // CLOSED ⚔️
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"I told you once that I don’t sleep at night.” Yes, and that answer was no less cryptic now as it was the first time she’d given it. “Besides, I didn’t wanna invade your personal space.”
Over the years, the personal bubbles of others was something that Rayn had gone to great lengths to always maintain awareness of. She disliked the thought of someone getting too close to her and making her uncomfortable, and so she made sure to never overstep and do the same to others. Call it hypervigilance. Call it guilt. Call it a sense of justice and awareness for others. Call it common courtesy. Call it anything. But she made sure to always be aware of that distance between her and other people and maintain it.
“It wasn’t that bad anyway. My back hurts less from sleeping on that couch than it does in my office chair at least. ” She shrugged, taking a long sip from her green tea. “Don’t worry about it. We have more important stuff to worry about than whether or not your couch is a comfortable place for visitors to crash. Though if you’re really that concerned, maybe you should consider getting a new couch then. Or at least, new company.”
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Rayn cracked a small smile, winking at Kim. Did that joke land? She hoped so. It would be really awkward if it didn’t. Then again, Rayn couldn’t be bothered to care too much whether her jokes were smooth and amusing. She wasn’t a fucking comedian after all. She was a PI. And she was about to make a serious breakthrough in her current case. “Anyways, let me know when you’re ready to sit down and talk. I’m gonna head outside for a quick smoke.”
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vendettamuses · 11 months
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"Part of living is understanding that things will happen that are beyond our control. It's inevitable. The way to deal with it is to remember the things that we can control. Our own perceptions and our own choices in how we respond to those circumstances are the keys to surviving the things we think aren't survivable."
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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"Well, shit... That isn't good."
Rayn's nose twitches as she sniffs at the surface, catching a familiar scent lingering around the disturbed and messy scene. Suddenly her ear twitches and she lifts her head, turning it towards the source of the sound she'd picked up on. A pause, and she speaks.
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"I know you're there. Come on out. This is a crime scene. I can't have you in this area."
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vendettamuses · 1 year
// Late night thoughts with V: Rayn and Death
// hi my name’s v and I frequently stew half-formed ideas within the confines of my mind until I they are soft and ripe enough to be served as a fully formed thought. Tonight’s second course consists of an idea I had after the first time I watched Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. I rewatched it recently and the thought has come back to me in full force, and I’ve been rotating it around in my head for hour, and now it is finally ready to be presented as a coherent thought-
// Rayn is one of my more tragic characters. The common themes of her story are death, injustice, vengeance, and lack of closure. From a young age, she developed this idea that death and tragedy follow her around like a shadow. In reality, none of the things that happened were never a result of her or anything she did, but she saw a pattern in it all and thought she could utilize that as a tool for justice. The main driver of her character is based on the fact that the she blames herself for the death of her partner, and the lack of action on the part of authorities led to her realizing that if people were going to keep dying around her, she’d at least make herself the one to do the killing.
// Naturally, being both a lone wolf and a vigilante in a city full of enemies means that Rayn frequently puts herself in danger all the time and has probably had multiple close brushes with Death. Unlike Puss though, Rayn doesn’t fear Death. (Her soul creature does though.) If anything, she welcomes him with how reckless she is sometimes. Just, not yet. I have this thought that perhaps after one investigation gone really wrong, Rayn is left mortally wounded and one foot in the grave, and when Death arrives to take her, she tells him not yet. She says she can’t go just yet- she still has a murderer to catch and a partner to avenge. She cuts a deal with him: help her finish this case and when it’s all over, she will walk willingly with him. She will gladly give him her last breath just as long as she’s able to make good on her promise to Kennedy. That’s all she asks. And surprisingly, he agrees. One, bc she’s not scared so where’s the fun in just killing, and two- because she’s already resigned to it. She knows she’s not immortal and life is fleeting and impermanent. He’s already seen her come close to dying so many times, he figures he can wait a little longer. And she’ll be giving him a steady supply of other souls to undertake.
// And so begins their partnership. Just two wolves walking the city, playing judge, jury, and executioner, dealing damnation to those deemed unworthy of remaining alive, taking the cases that no one else seems worthy of their time. They start off with something of a rocky relationship but they find ways of getting along in the end.
// Maybe throw in a slow-burn romance plot bc I’m a sucker for those-
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vendettamuses · 1 year
“I can’t say for certain what death will be like. In all likelihood, mine will be violent, bloody, and painful. Completely without poetry. That’s just how it goes for people like me.”
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“Still, someone once described it in way that made me feel hopeful: I hope that when it comes for me, it’s quiet and peaceful. I hope it’s like when I fell asleep on the couch as a child, and my mother or my father or my grandmothers or my grandfather had to carry me back to my room. I hope that when it’s finally my time to go, that Amoressa will get to say goodbye before she disappears, and my friends will be okay. That they’re taken care of and safe at last. And that I’ll still hear their laughter from the next room over.”
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vendettamuses · 2 years
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Beasts of These Bloody Streets
⚔️ For @olliesmultimuse ‘s Gouhin! ⚔️
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Rayn had always felt a particular sense of difficulty when it came to operating in the Black Market. She knew that it was necessity - someone had to maintain some kind of order and try to help the poor herbivores that ended up getting dragged into it against their will. But that didn’t make her job anymore uncomfortable. It wasn’t the sight of blood and gore that turned her stomach. That had long stopped bothering her ever since she became a PI. No, it was the smell. Her greatest strength as a wolf was also her greatest enemy here. The ability to track any scent she caught a whiff of through the fog of roasting meat and steaming flesh.
It utterly revolted her. 
Once, the smell of meat made her salivate. Her jaws ached with a tingling need to bite down, to taste that which her instincts told her she craved most. But now... now all it made her feel was disgust. A lingering sense of utter disdain. The burning, roiling urge to gag. She supposed in some way, that was good. It meant she’d never have the urge to hurt an herbivore. It made it easier to disconnect with the sick fucks that pedaled them like they were nothing but products in a shipping line. It was certainly making this job easier.
Stalking along the shrubbery, following the moving van loaded with herbivores, blending into the shadows with sleek, swift moves so characteristic of a wolf. She was a silent, graceful shadow, pausing only when the vehicle came to a stop to peer over the edge of the bush. She counted a number of carnivores coming down to unload the truck. But her nose caught something else... She sniffed the air a bit, ears perking, eyes squinting at a shape in the bushes across the road from her.
Was that... a panda?
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