#( gabe; sees marlon x clem / louis x clem )
taughteuchre · 6 years
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scullyy · 5 years
Days With You / Chapter Three
Title: Days With You  Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three
Pairing: Clementine x Louis
Word Count: 1981
Summary: Louis and Clementine try and enjoy their first official date at the movies, a familiar face manages to make things a tad awkward.
A/N: Yay it’s finally out yeyeyeeye enjoy :)
Louis rolled on his heels as he glanced at the confectionary stand. To get popcorn or M&M’s, that is the question philosophers ponder over. “Do you want any snacks?”
Clementine quickly shook her head. “No thanks, I don't have a big sweet tooth.”
“That’s ironic, given how sweet you are. Ba dum tsh!” He banged an invisible drum, his fingers playing the role of the drumsticks.
Clementine rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's quip. Her boyfriend. “I brought my own snacks,” She gently shook her black bag. “I’m warning you now, I did bring some cantaloupe.”
Louis dramatically pushed her away. “How can this be? I've fallen for someone who actually enjoys cantaloupe?” He buried his face in the collar of his coat, concealing fake tears.
Clementine refused to give him the attention that he so craved from her, turning her eyes back to the screen planted on the wall, the movie times glowing green. “So we're seeing Deadpool 2, right?”
“It’s only the greatest cinematic masterpiece of the decade, right after the first one of course. I’ve already seen it twice,” Louis held his head high, even if Clementine didn’t understand the magnitude of how amazing this movie truly was. “You’ll love it.”
Putting all her eggs into one Louis basket probably wasn’t a good idea, but he seemed so giddy about this damn movie, maybe it was worth it. “If you say so, I haven’t watched a superhero movie-”
“-Deadpool isn’t a superhero-”
She glared up at him, not really caring for the details of a (non)superhero who was foreign to her. “-for a while now. I prefer a good mystery movie, something that makes me think.” Zodiac, Evil Under the Sun and Along Came A Spider were some of her favourites.
“My favourite mystery movie is Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” Louis gave her an innocent thumbs up, trying to turn her deadpan expression into one of glee, maybe even infatuation? The sign of a spark?
Louis got his spark. A spark between the two which ignited an argument about who was paying for the tickets. It was a first date rule! At least that’s what Louis thought, Marlon told him to do it!. Clementine got her way in the end - as always - and paid for their tickets, leaving Louis to grab his own snacks.
“Sorry for trying to be a gentleman,” Louis mumbled between mouthfuls of buttery popcorn. “You have won this round m’lady.”
“Don’t eat it all at once, we’re not even in the theatre yet.” 
Their cinema was almost empty, beside a group of young girls in the front row, giggling over something light-hearted. Louis oh-so-conveniently asked for seats in the back, and like the so-called gentleman he is, his arm was already around her shoulder the second they sat down. No fake yawn or anything.
Clementine’s sharp eyebrow raised itself, having been her friend for a long time Louis knew exactly what she was saying. “I’ve been crushing on you for centuries now, I finally have my chance,” He tilted his head to the side, reminding Clem of a little puppy. An adorable one at that. “To be affectionate.” Louis gave a quick peck to her cheek, finding a sense of pride in how she immediately went red.
Clementine hid her face in her sleeves as she leaned onto his shoulder, taking in a small whiff of his cologne. The kind he only wore on special occasions, also the kind she bought for his birthday a year ago. Not that she noticed or anything...
He pulled out a small packet of candy hearts from one of his secret pockets inside his coat, offering one to Clem. “I know they’re cheesy, but last I checked we’re not lactose-intolerant.”
“That was such a bad joke.”
“Not even.”
Clementine grabbed a pastel pink candy heart, laughing at the unique message. “You can die first.”
“Well damn,” Louis’s shoulders fell as he stared at the wall. “So much for a cute moment.”
She threw it into her mouth, her tongue tingling at the fizz. It was an immediate bad decision. “I really don’t like sweets,” Clementine dragged her teeth over her tongue to remove the lingering tang. “Try another one.”
Louis popped another candy onto his palm. “Kiss me,” His eyes lit up immediately. His head was inching closer to Clementine, that wide smile was very, very alluring. “May I?” With a playful glimmer in her eyes, Clementine shrugged. “Pretty please?” Louis continued his conquest until he got his kiss...on the cheek.
“There, now you have nothing to complain about.” She giggled at how quickly the light within his eyes faded like a candle in the wind.
“You...you absolute devil,” He mocked, biting his lip slowly. “Thank you for the kiss, Clementine.”
“You’re welcome Be-lou-ga.”
“For fuck's sake-”
“-I’m never dropping that nickname,” Clementine bit her tongue to hold back her roaring laugh. She reached into her bag and scrounged up a small blue container. “There is cantaloupe in here, you cool with me eating it?” 
Louis stared at the box as if it would jump out of her hands and eat his face off. “I came here to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
Clementine unlocked the box and threw a small piece of cantaloupe in her mouth, now this was her ideal snack. She quickly jumped in her seat as the large screen sprung to life with advertisement after advertisement playing before them.
“Let’s go buy a car. That nice man is making a good point.” Louis pointed to the young scrappy man on screen, his smile glowing like the red car beside him. Apparently, this car was somehow different from the other cars being displayed in similar advertisements.
“Louis, I already have a car.” Clementine’s truck was stable, it had been with her for years. Lee bought it for her when she went off to university.
 “Another one can’t hurt right?”
“No, it actually will hurt me and my bank account.”
Louis quickly brushed her off, she was such a sceptic. “You gotta believe Clemster. Tell you what, for your birthday I’ll buy you that car.” 
“Wait no, no-”
“The movie’s starting!”
Clementine never got her chance to change Louis’s mind, his eyes were glued to the screen ahead as the film began to roll. She buried herself into his shoulder, preparing herself for the non-superhero movie ahead.
“So what’s your final verdict?” Louis still had his arm draped over Clementine’s shoulders, holding her close to him. The man couldn’t help it, her jacket was so fluffy and warm. 
She hummed it over, weighing the pros and cons. “It was a good time, no alcohol required.”
Louis couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “That’s it? Just a good time,” He spat. “We were watching the same movie right?”
“It was fun, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t have the same attachment to superheroes that you do.” She reached into the box of popcorn and threw one into her mouth, surprised at how she enjoyed the salty taste.
Louis and Clem both lifted their heads to the sound, she looked past his shoulder and her eyes widened. Louis couldn’t tell if it was shock, fear or both. “Oh my god,” She quickly laughed to break the tension that was already developing. “Gabe?”
The pipsqueak scratched his signature orange beanie, his eyes scanning the crumbs on the floor. “H-hi Clem.”
Clementine noticed Louis’s - she wanted to say concerned - expression. “Gabe and I went to Richmond High together, before I changed to Ericson. This is Louis-”
“-Her boyfriend,” Louis chimed in with a wide grin. “Nice to meet you.”
Oh if only he had his phone out to capture the look on Gabe’s face. Poor kid looked like he had been slapped in the face with a fish.
“How’s Mariana?” Clem cut the tension growing between the two boys. It was about to turn into a battle of testosterone. “Is she still taking those singing lessons?”
“Yeah she still does, she complains about her teacher all the time though,” Gabe chuckled. “What about you? Still playing baseball?”
“Yeah, I am. I have a game coming up in a couple weeks actually, tell Javi I’ve been practising,” He somehow hadn’t changed a bit, it was a little concerning. “I haven’t seen you at any of our games in a while.”
Gabe felt exposed, there was a reason why he stopped going, that reason was standing by beside her. “I just found something else to do, I guess.”
“You guess?” Gabe was never that good at lying and Clementine could tell, his cheeks had grown a pink tinge. “Well, we have a game coming up in a couple weeks. I’m sure Javi would like to see you there.”
“Javi hasn’t been talking to me as much lately since I’ve joined the army.”
Clementine almost dropped her phone. “You actually went and did it?” Gabe would spend countless lunchtimes talking about how he was going to be like his dad, be “like a man”. It usually ended with Ava telling him to shut the fuck up.
Gabe straightened his shoulders, no matter how much he tried to add some inches to his height, Louis still towered over him. “I’m excited, I feel like I’ll actually be able to do something, to prove myself.” 
The urge to roll her eyes was growing stronger. “Yikes,” Clem whispered.
Louis could sense she was growing tired of this boy, she wasn’t the only one. He glanced down at his wrist, pretending to look shocked.  
“Well would you look at the time. We best skedaddle Clemster!” There wasn’t even a watch on his wrist. 
Gabe pressed his back against the wall, giving up on his power stance. “Right, it was nice to see you, Clem.”
“You too Gabe. I’ll catch you later,” Clementine gave him a single wave and quickly backed out of the conversation. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful to you for anything.” She gave a loud sigh of relief as soon as they stepped outside.
“He seems…”
“Boring? Yeah, he always has been.” She grabbed her car keys from the bottom of her bag, trying to remember where she had parked. 
Louis pointed the car out for her, his position as the tall boyfriend made it easy to see over the cars. “I was going to say interesting, but if you want to be blunt,” Together they marched over to the deep brown truck, Louis still called shotgun even though there was no one to compete with. “He also doesn’t seem like a very subtle person.”
Clementine slammed her door shut, contemplating what Louis had just said. “What do you mean?”
“Seriously? The guy obviously had a crush on you, I’d argue it’s still there.”
“He does not! We were just friends.” Her and Gabe? Not in a million years. Sure when they first met he was sweet, someone who seemed to understand her struggles. But he was never able to abandon the dark cloud that always hung over his head.
“He never made serious eye contact with you? Never tried to find some excuse to be alone with you, or innocently touch you-”
“Oh fuck…”
Clementine slid her clammy hand through her tight curls, her heart sinking into her chest as Louis laughed at her long-awaited realisation. How could she have been so clueless?
“That’s adorable,” He wiped a tear from his eye. “This poor man was pining after you and you had no idea. I almost feel sorry for him.” Almost.
She wanted to punch so many things right now; Gabe, Louis and herself. “Shut up! I will leave you on the side of the road.”
“I’m sorry my darling. You have to admit though, it’s kinda funny?” Louis managed to wiggle a meek smirk out of her, her shimmering eyes burning into his own.
“Okay, it is a little funny.”
“Atta girl! Always look on the bright side Clem.”
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yellowsugarwords · 6 years
Your headcanons are always so nice, so here's a rarepair, Gabe x Louis headcanons
Ooooo this IS a rare one!! I’m down
Louis had to admit that when Gabe first showed up at Ericson’s gates, he was wary.
He was only okay with him because Clem vouched for him.
He seemed weak, and Louis didn’t know if he liked that.
“I think you guys will get along,” Clem said, spotting Gabe passing Louis a faint wave. “You guys have a lot in common.”
Louis waved back. “Like what?”
Clem smirked. “It’s not fun if I tell you.”
She left and the two stood, nervously staring at eachother.
They were curious.
“Do you always wear the hat?” Louis asked, squinting across the dinner table at Gabe.
“Yeah,” he said casually.
“Why?” Louis asked, scrunching his nose.
“Because I like the hat? And because my hair’s gross.” He claimed, shrugging.
Louis stuck out his lower lip and nodded.
“You’ve never asked Clem that question.” Violet claimed.
Louis scoffed. “Yeah, because Clem’s hat is cool.”
“Louis!” Clem gawked. Louis turned, waiting to see if Gabe was hurt by the comment.
Gabe shrugged. “It’s kinda lame. Doesn’t have blood splatters.”
Louis smirked.
“Hey,” Louis said after dinner, approaching Gabe. He leaned in, as if he was about to tell a secret. “Marlon has gross hair and he doesn’t wear a hat.”
Gabe raised an eyebrow. “His hair looks fine.”
“It’s a mullet.” Louis scoffed. “It’s not fine, it’s a tragedy.”
Gabe smirked and headed inside.
“So you don’t need to worry about wearing a hat as to not gross us out!” Louis called after him.
Gabe liked him.
“Gabe, go hunting with Aasim and Louis.” Marlon said the next morning, assigning chores.
Gabe frowned, wishing he could’ve stayed at the school with the one person he knew.
Also because hunting work wasn’t his forte.
Louis slapped his back. “Let’s get moving!”
Louis used a trapped walker as a pinata.
Gabe scrunched his nose. “Are you not worried about being bitten?”
Louis scoffed. “It’s trapped! Who cares! We can’t give these things power over us by being afraid of them.”
Gabe thought the perspective was interesting.
“The best way to take away something’s power is to laugh at it. So,” he held out Chairles. “Wanna join me?”
Gabe did.
Gabe was terrified of walkers.
He wanted to see if this would make him not be.
Louis was impressed that Gabe played along.
He was one of few.
He thought it was cute.
Louis and Gabe chuckled the entire walk home.
Aasim hated it.
They loved it.
Clementine smirked watching them return, happy together.
She called it.
“Gabe, how did you find your way here?” Louis asked that night at dinner.
Gabe gave a sad smile and hesitated.
Clem felt a pang of worry.
“The place where I was staying, Richmond, was attacked by raiders.” He said. “Me and my family got split up. They were safe, but raiders were still after them.”
Louis felt guilty for asking.
“They knew it would be safer for me to leave the, so they gave me some food and told me to run. And I did.” He looked up from his meal to meet Louis’ stare. “That was a few months ago.”
The group went quiet for the rest of dinner.
After dinner was done, Louis saw Clem and Gabe hugging.
Gabe opened his eyes and spotted him watching.
Louis frowned and left them in peace.
Gabe appreciated it.
“Hey,” Louis said softly, catching Gabe before he went into his room for the night. “I wanted to say sorry.”
Gabe shook his head. “Everyone was curious. You only asked what everyone wanted to know.”
Louis wavered. “I just feel bad for putting you on the spot.”
Gabe shrugged. “It’s nice to know that someone wants to know my story.”
Louis smiled. “I really do.”
They both smiled.
“Bring Gabe hunting with us again.” Louis said to Marlon the next day. “He’s a great addition.”
“He’s fun for you to goof off with.” Aasim claimed, rolling his eyes.
Louis just smiled and nodded. “He’s a great addition.”
Marlon rolled his eyes and smirked. “He can go.”
Louis and Gabe chatted the whole way out.
Aasim walked ahead and said nothing.
“Louis?” Gabe asked, adjusting his axe. “Something sounds off out here.”
“It’s fine” Louis claimed passively. “If it’s not an animal, it doesn’t matter.”
Gabe was hesitant, but agreed.
Gabe, a few moments later, gasped seeing a walker sneak out from a bush. It was on all fours. It’s legs were missing.
“Louis!” He yelled, jumping forward.
He slammed his axe into the walker’s skull, instantly killing it.
Louis jumped, spinning around wide-eyed.
“Are you okay?” Gabe asked, rushing and holding Louis’ shoulders desperately.
They froze in their spot, staring at each other.
“Yeah,” Louis finally managed, breathless by the raw worry in Gabe’s stare.
Nervously, Gabe let him go.
He wish he didn’t.
Louis wished he didn’t either.
“Wait,” Clem held up her hands pausing Louis’ story. “Gabe saved you from a walker?”
Louis nodded, confused by her reaction.
She smirked. “Huh,”
“What?” Louis demanded.
Clem shrugged. “Gabe’s always been terrified of walkers. Never gets near them.” She smirked. “Must’ve rid himself of that fear for you.”
Louis’ eyes widened.
“I just think it’s sweet, that’s all,” Clem said, leaving.
Louis silently agreed.
Louis sat with Gabe at dinner. “Thanks again,” he said as everyone else began to disperse. “For today.”
Gabe smiled. “I just can’t see you get hurt,”
Louis hesitated. “Can’t?”
“Yeah,” Gabe confessed sheepishly. “You’re too good for me.”
Louis smiled.
Gabe caught Louis staring as he was heading outside one day. He felt flustered “What?”
“The hat.” Louis said. “You’re still wearing it.”
Gabe glanced around to see if anyone else around—if he was joking. “Yeah?”
“Why?” Louis asked. “We don’t care if your hair’s gross and you clearly don’t like it.”
Gabe furrowed his brows, confused. “It’s just habit.”
“Lemme see you without the hat.”
Gabe slowly took it off and Louis swallowed hard.
He looked adorable.
All Louis could do was nod. “Yeah, yup, you look better with it off.”
Awkwardly, he scurried away.
Gabe didn’t understand what just happened.
Gabe come to dinner without his hat.
Louis thought it was cute.
Gabe caught him staring and smiled.
He thought that was cute.
Gabe didn’t wear his hat for the rest of the week.
He didn’t really think about it.
Louis was grateful.
Getting ready to go hunting, Gabe went outside and spotted Louis wearing a hat.
His hat.
Louis jumped hearing Gabe’s voice and flipped around. Gabe raised an eyebrow.
Louis could feel his face go red. “I only got you to ditch the hat because I wanted it.”
They were both silent, at first.
Until they both started laughing.
“You know,” Louis began, already off to start their hunting. “It was just a bonus that you look really good without the hat on.”
Gabe smirked. “Really?”
Louis nodded.
Gabe beamed, his ears red. “I guess it’s also a bonus that you look really good in my hat.”
Louis smiled too. His red ears were hidden.
Louis went to give Gabe’s hat back once they returned.
Gabe gently pushed his hand away, letting his fingers linger. “Keep it.”
Louis blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Keep it,” Gabe said, smiling. “I did say you looked good in it.”
Louis’ jaw dropped.
“It looks the best knowing that it was mine.”
His hand never left Louis’.
They both just smiled.
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What do you think of other Clementine ships? Do you only like Louis x Clementine?
Louisentine is my OTP and i'll die for that ship.But in all seriousness, i'm honestly accepting of most Clementine pairings :) I find ship wars to be childish and I encourage supporting fans of different ships even if you personally don't ship it.^ with that said though, I think the only ships I'm iffy about are the ones that ship 11 year old Clem with people like Luke. The boarding school group are different because Clem is 17 and they are all of a similar age, so it's more acceptable.I like Marlon x Clem and I'll be okay if the game decides to go down that route (because Marlon is awesome).Violet x Clem I am cool with, but I wouldn't say that I know much about her to the point where I love it as much as the other 2.Gabe x Clem I never personally shipped, though I do like Gabe. It just never clicked with me tbh but I can see why people would ship it and I'll always defend the Gabentine fans that get shit from people because of it.(Hope that answered everything, and apologies that my answers for these things are always really long ^_^;;)
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What do you think of oter ships like Marlon x Clementine or Gabentine? I know you like Louis.
Hey Anon!
I’m completely fine with either! Louis is just my personal preference :) but if Marlon x Clem was the only option in the final season, it wouldn’t bother me too much tbh.
As for Gabentine - I personally have never shipped it, but I do like Gabe as a character and have always thought that both he and “Gabentine” get so much unwarranted hate from fans outside of Tumblr. Like I’m pretty sure 80% of those haters are just jumping on the hate bandwagon for “cool points” with their friends at this point (I’ve always wanted to address that tbh). I think it’s pretty pathetic when I see people bullying fans of the character because; “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” and god forbid Clem actually likes someone!
Ok but for real, I don’t mind who Clem ends up with so long as they aren’t a prick and she is happy. Hell, I’m not even bothered if she just stays single tbh.
Thanks for the question.
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